710 lines
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710 lines
23 KiB
import inspect
import copy
import pickle
from sympy.physics.units import meter
from sympy.testing.pytest import XFAIL, raises
from sympy.core.basic import Atom, Basic
from sympy.core.singleton import SingletonRegistry
from sympy.core.symbol import Str, Dummy, Symbol, Wild
from sympy.core.numbers import (E, I, pi, oo, zoo, nan, Integer,
Rational, Float, AlgebraicNumber)
from sympy.core.relational import (Equality, GreaterThan, LessThan, Relational,
StrictGreaterThan, StrictLessThan, Unequality)
from sympy.core.add import Add
from sympy.core.mul import Mul
from sympy.core.power import Pow
from sympy.core.function import Derivative, Function, FunctionClass, Lambda, \
from sympy.sets.sets import Interval
from sympy.core.multidimensional import vectorize
from sympy.external.gmpy import HAS_GMPY
from sympy.utilities.exceptions import SymPyDeprecationWarning
from sympy.core.singleton import S
from sympy.core.symbol import symbols
from sympy.external import import_module
cloudpickle = import_module('cloudpickle')
excluded_attrs = {
'_assumptions', # This is a local cache that isn't automatically filled on creation
'_mhash', # Cached after __hash__ is called but set to None after creation
'is_EmptySet', # Deprecated from SymPy 1.5. This can be removed when is_EmptySet is removed.
'expr_free_symbols', # Deprecated from SymPy 1.9. This can be removed when exr_free_symbols is removed.
'_mat', # Deprecated from SymPy 1.9. This can be removed when Matrix._mat is removed
'_smat', # Deprecated from SymPy 1.9. This can be removed when SparseMatrix._smat is removed
def check(a, exclude=[], check_attr=True):
""" Check that pickling and copying round-trips.
# Pickling with protocols 0 and 1 is disabled for Basic instances:
if isinstance(a, Basic):
for protocol in [0, 1]:
raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: pickle.dumps(a, protocol))
protocols = [2, copy.copy, copy.deepcopy, 3, 4]
if cloudpickle:
for protocol in protocols:
if protocol in exclude:
if callable(protocol):
if isinstance(a, type):
# Classes can't be copied, but that's okay.
b = protocol(a)
elif inspect.ismodule(protocol):
b = protocol.loads(protocol.dumps(a))
b = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(a, protocol))
d1 = dir(a)
d2 = dir(b)
assert set(d1) == set(d2)
if not check_attr:
def c(a, b, d):
for i in d:
if i in excluded_attrs:
if not hasattr(a, i):
attr = getattr(a, i)
if not hasattr(attr, "__call__"):
assert hasattr(b, i), i
assert getattr(b, i) == attr, "%s != %s, protocol: %s" % (getattr(b, i), attr, protocol)
c(a, b, d1)
c(b, a, d2)
#================== core =========================
def test_core_basic():
for c in (Atom, Atom(), Basic, Basic(), SingletonRegistry, S):
def test_core_Str():
def test_core_symbol():
# make the Symbol a unique name that doesn't class with any other
# testing variable in this file since after this test the symbol
# having the same name will be cached as noncommutative
for c in (Dummy, Dummy("x", commutative=False), Symbol,
Symbol("_issue_3130", commutative=False), Wild, Wild("x")):
def test_core_numbers():
for c in (Integer(2), Rational(2, 3), Float("1.2")):
for c in (AlgebraicNumber, AlgebraicNumber(sqrt(3))):
check(c, check_attr=False)
def test_core_float_copy():
# See gh-7457
y = Symbol("x") + 1.0
check(y) # does not raise TypeError ("argument is not an mpz")
def test_core_relational():
x = Symbol("x")
y = Symbol("y")
for c in (Equality, Equality(x, y), GreaterThan, GreaterThan(x, y),
LessThan, LessThan(x, y), Relational, Relational(x, y),
StrictGreaterThan, StrictGreaterThan(x, y), StrictLessThan,
StrictLessThan(x, y), Unequality, Unequality(x, y)):
def test_core_add():
x = Symbol("x")
for c in (Add, Add(x, 4)):
def test_core_mul():
x = Symbol("x")
for c in (Mul, Mul(x, 4)):
def test_core_power():
x = Symbol("x")
for c in (Pow, Pow(x, 4)):
def test_core_function():
x = Symbol("x")
for f in (Derivative, Derivative(x), Function, FunctionClass, Lambda,
def test_core_undefinedfunctions():
f = Function("f")
# Full XFAILed test below
exclude = list(range(5))
# https://github.com/cloudpipe/cloudpickle/issues/65
# https://github.com/cloudpipe/cloudpickle/issues/190
check(f, exclude=exclude)
def test_core_undefinedfunctions_fail():
# This fails because f is assumed to be a class at sympy.basic.function.f
f = Function("f")
def test_core_interval():
for c in (Interval, Interval(0, 2)):
def test_core_multidimensional():
for c in (vectorize, vectorize(0)):
def test_Singletons():
protocols = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
copiers = [copy.copy, copy.deepcopy]
copiers += [lambda x: pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(x, proto))
for proto in protocols]
if cloudpickle:
copiers += [lambda x: cloudpickle.loads(cloudpickle.dumps(x))]
for obj in (Integer(-1), Integer(0), Integer(1), Rational(1, 2), pi, E, I,
oo, -oo, zoo, nan, S.GoldenRatio, S.TribonacciConstant,
S.EulerGamma, S.Catalan, S.EmptySet, S.IdentityFunction):
for func in copiers:
assert func(obj) is obj
#================== functions ===================
from sympy.functions import (Piecewise, lowergamma, acosh, chebyshevu,
chebyshevt, ln, chebyshevt_root, legendre, Heaviside, bernoulli, coth,
tanh, assoc_legendre, sign, arg, asin, DiracDelta, re, rf, Abs,
uppergamma, binomial, sinh, cos, cot, acos, acot, gamma, bell,
hermite, harmonic, LambertW, zeta, log, factorial, asinh, acoth, cosh,
dirichlet_eta, Eijk, loggamma, erf, ceiling, im, fibonacci,
tribonacci, conjugate, tan, chebyshevu_root, floor, atanh, sqrt, sin,
atan, ff, lucas, atan2, polygamma, exp)
def test_functions():
one_var = (acosh, ln, Heaviside, factorial, bernoulli, coth, tanh,
sign, arg, asin, DiracDelta, re, Abs, sinh, cos, cot, acos, acot,
gamma, bell, harmonic, LambertW, zeta, log, factorial, asinh,
acoth, cosh, dirichlet_eta, loggamma, erf, ceiling, im, fibonacci,
tribonacci, conjugate, tan, floor, atanh, sin, atan, lucas, exp)
two_var = (rf, ff, lowergamma, chebyshevu, chebyshevt, binomial,
atan2, polygamma, hermite, legendre, uppergamma)
x, y, z = symbols("x,y,z")
others = (chebyshevt_root, chebyshevu_root, Eijk(x, y, z),
Piecewise( (0, x < -1), (x**2, x <= 1), (x**3, True)),
for cls in one_var:
c = cls(x)
for cls in two_var:
c = cls(x, y)
for cls in others:
#================== geometry ====================
from sympy.geometry.entity import GeometryEntity
from sympy.geometry.point import Point
from sympy.geometry.ellipse import Circle, Ellipse
from sympy.geometry.line import Line, LinearEntity, Ray, Segment
from sympy.geometry.polygon import Polygon, RegularPolygon, Triangle
def test_geometry():
p1 = Point(1, 2)
p2 = Point(2, 3)
p3 = Point(0, 0)
p4 = Point(0, 1)
for c in (
GeometryEntity, GeometryEntity(), Point, p1, Circle, Circle(p1, 2),
Ellipse, Ellipse(p1, 3, 4), Line, Line(p1, p2), LinearEntity,
LinearEntity(p1, p2), Ray, Ray(p1, p2), Segment, Segment(p1, p2),
Polygon, Polygon(p1, p2, p3, p4), RegularPolygon,
RegularPolygon(p1, 4, 5), Triangle, Triangle(p1, p2, p3)):
check(c, check_attr=False)
#================== integrals ====================
from sympy.integrals.integrals import Integral
def test_integrals():
x = Symbol("x")
for c in (Integral, Integral(x)):
#==================== logic =====================
from sympy.core.logic import Logic
def test_logic():
for c in (Logic, Logic(1)):
#================== matrices ====================
from sympy.matrices import Matrix, SparseMatrix
def test_matrices():
for c in (Matrix, Matrix([1, 2, 3]), SparseMatrix, SparseMatrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])):
#================== ntheory =====================
from sympy.ntheory.generate import Sieve
def test_ntheory():
for c in (Sieve, Sieve()):
#================== physics =====================
from sympy.physics.paulialgebra import Pauli
from sympy.physics.units import Unit
def test_physics():
for c in (Unit, meter, Pauli, Pauli(1)):
#================== plotting ====================
# XXX: These tests are not complete, so XFAIL them
def test_plotting():
from sympy.plotting.pygletplot.color_scheme import ColorGradient, ColorScheme
from sympy.plotting.pygletplot.managed_window import ManagedWindow
from sympy.plotting.plot import Plot, ScreenShot
from sympy.plotting.pygletplot.plot_axes import PlotAxes, PlotAxesBase, PlotAxesFrame, PlotAxesOrdinate
from sympy.plotting.pygletplot.plot_camera import PlotCamera
from sympy.plotting.pygletplot.plot_controller import PlotController
from sympy.plotting.pygletplot.plot_curve import PlotCurve
from sympy.plotting.pygletplot.plot_interval import PlotInterval
from sympy.plotting.pygletplot.plot_mode import PlotMode
from sympy.plotting.pygletplot.plot_modes import Cartesian2D, Cartesian3D, Cylindrical, \
ParametricCurve2D, ParametricCurve3D, ParametricSurface, Polar, Spherical
from sympy.plotting.pygletplot.plot_object import PlotObject
from sympy.plotting.pygletplot.plot_surface import PlotSurface
from sympy.plotting.pygletplot.plot_window import PlotWindow
for c in (
ColorGradient, ColorGradient(0.2, 0.4), ColorScheme, ManagedWindow,
ManagedWindow, Plot, ScreenShot, PlotAxes, PlotAxesBase,
PlotAxesFrame, PlotAxesOrdinate, PlotCamera, PlotController,
PlotCurve, PlotInterval, PlotMode, Cartesian2D, Cartesian3D,
Cylindrical, ParametricCurve2D, ParametricCurve3D,
ParametricSurface, Polar, Spherical, PlotObject, PlotSurface,
def test_plotting2():
#from sympy.plotting.color_scheme import ColorGradient
from sympy.plotting.pygletplot.color_scheme import ColorScheme
#from sympy.plotting.managed_window import ManagedWindow
from sympy.plotting.plot import Plot
#from sympy.plotting.plot import ScreenShot
from sympy.plotting.pygletplot.plot_axes import PlotAxes
#from sympy.plotting.plot_axes import PlotAxesBase, PlotAxesFrame, PlotAxesOrdinate
#from sympy.plotting.plot_camera import PlotCamera
#from sympy.plotting.plot_controller import PlotController
#from sympy.plotting.plot_curve import PlotCurve
#from sympy.plotting.plot_interval import PlotInterval
#from sympy.plotting.plot_mode import PlotMode
#from sympy.plotting.plot_modes import Cartesian2D, Cartesian3D, Cylindrical, \
# ParametricCurve2D, ParametricCurve3D, ParametricSurface, Polar, Spherical
#from sympy.plotting.plot_object import PlotObject
#from sympy.plotting.plot_surface import PlotSurface
# from sympy.plotting.plot_window import PlotWindow
check(Plot(1, visible=False))
#================== polys =======================
from sympy.polys.domains.integerring import ZZ
from sympy.polys.domains.rationalfield import QQ
from sympy.polys.orderings import lex
from sympy.polys.polytools import Poly
def test_pickling_polys_polytools():
from sympy.polys.polytools import PurePoly
# from sympy.polys.polytools import GroebnerBasis
x = Symbol('x')
for c in (Poly, Poly(x, x)):
for c in (PurePoly, PurePoly(x)):
# TODO: fix pickling of Options class (see GroebnerBasis._options)
# for c in (GroebnerBasis, GroebnerBasis([x**2 - 1], x, order=lex)):
# check(c)
def test_pickling_polys_polyclasses():
from sympy.polys.polyclasses import DMP, DMF, ANP
for c in (DMP, DMP([[ZZ(1)], [ZZ(2)], [ZZ(3)]], ZZ)):
for c in (DMF, DMF(([ZZ(1), ZZ(2)], [ZZ(1), ZZ(3)]), ZZ)):
for c in (ANP, ANP([QQ(1), QQ(2)], [QQ(1), QQ(2), QQ(3)], QQ)):
def test_pickling_polys_rings():
# NOTE: can't use protocols < 2 because we have to execute __new__ to
# make sure caching of rings works properly.
from sympy.polys.rings import PolyRing
ring = PolyRing("x,y,z", ZZ, lex)
for c in (PolyRing, ring):
check(c, exclude=[0, 1])
for c in (ring.dtype, ring.one):
check(c, exclude=[0, 1], check_attr=False) # TODO: Py3k
def test_pickling_polys_fields():
# NOTE: can't use protocols < 2 because we have to execute __new__ to
# make sure caching of fields works properly.
# from sympy.polys.fields import FracField
# field = FracField("x,y,z", ZZ, lex)
# TODO: AssertionError: assert id(obj) not in self.memo
# for c in (FracField, field):
# check(c, exclude=[0, 1])
# TODO: AssertionError: assert id(obj) not in self.memo
# for c in (field.dtype, field.one):
# check(c, exclude=[0, 1])
def test_pickling_polys_elements():
from sympy.polys.domains.pythonrational import PythonRational
#from sympy.polys.domains.pythonfinitefield import PythonFiniteField
#from sympy.polys.domains.mpelements import MPContext
for c in (PythonRational, PythonRational(1, 7)):
#gf = PythonFiniteField(17)
# TODO: fix pickling of ModularInteger
# for c in (gf.dtype, gf(5)):
# check(c)
#mp = MPContext()
# TODO: fix pickling of RealElement
# for c in (mp.mpf, mp.mpf(1.0)):
# check(c)
# TODO: fix pickling of ComplexElement
# for c in (mp.mpc, mp.mpc(1.0, -1.5)):
# check(c)
def test_pickling_polys_domains():
# from sympy.polys.domains.pythonfinitefield import PythonFiniteField
from sympy.polys.domains.pythonintegerring import PythonIntegerRing
from sympy.polys.domains.pythonrationalfield import PythonRationalField
# TODO: fix pickling of ModularInteger
# for c in (PythonFiniteField, PythonFiniteField(17)):
# check(c)
for c in (PythonIntegerRing, PythonIntegerRing()):
check(c, check_attr=False)
for c in (PythonRationalField, PythonRationalField()):
check(c, check_attr=False)
# from sympy.polys.domains.gmpyfinitefield import GMPYFiniteField
from sympy.polys.domains.gmpyintegerring import GMPYIntegerRing
from sympy.polys.domains.gmpyrationalfield import GMPYRationalField
# TODO: fix pickling of ModularInteger
# for c in (GMPYFiniteField, GMPYFiniteField(17)):
# check(c)
for c in (GMPYIntegerRing, GMPYIntegerRing()):
check(c, check_attr=False)
for c in (GMPYRationalField, GMPYRationalField()):
check(c, check_attr=False)
#from sympy.polys.domains.realfield import RealField
#from sympy.polys.domains.complexfield import ComplexField
from sympy.polys.domains.algebraicfield import AlgebraicField
#from sympy.polys.domains.polynomialring import PolynomialRing
#from sympy.polys.domains.fractionfield import FractionField
from sympy.polys.domains.expressiondomain import ExpressionDomain
# TODO: fix pickling of RealElement
# for c in (RealField, RealField(100)):
# check(c)
# TODO: fix pickling of ComplexElement
# for c in (ComplexField, ComplexField(100)):
# check(c)
for c in (AlgebraicField, AlgebraicField(QQ, sqrt(3))):
check(c, check_attr=False)
# TODO: AssertionError
# for c in (PolynomialRing, PolynomialRing(ZZ, "x,y,z")):
# check(c)
# TODO: AttributeError: 'PolyElement' object has no attribute 'ring'
# for c in (FractionField, FractionField(ZZ, "x,y,z")):
# check(c)
for c in (ExpressionDomain, ExpressionDomain()):
check(c, check_attr=False)
def test_pickling_polys_orderings():
from sympy.polys.orderings import (LexOrder, GradedLexOrder,
ReversedGradedLexOrder, InverseOrder)
# from sympy.polys.orderings import ProductOrder
for c in (LexOrder, LexOrder()):
for c in (GradedLexOrder, GradedLexOrder()):
for c in (ReversedGradedLexOrder, ReversedGradedLexOrder()):
# TODO: Argh, Python is so naive. No lambdas nor inner function support in
# pickling module. Maybe someone could figure out what to do with this.
# for c in (ProductOrder, ProductOrder((LexOrder(), lambda m: m[:2]),
# (GradedLexOrder(), lambda m: m[2:]))):
# check(c)
for c in (InverseOrder, InverseOrder(LexOrder())):
def test_pickling_polys_monomials():
from sympy.polys.monomials import MonomialOps, Monomial
x, y, z = symbols("x,y,z")
for c in (MonomialOps, MonomialOps(3)):
for c in (Monomial, Monomial((1, 2, 3), (x, y, z))):
def test_pickling_polys_errors():
from sympy.polys.polyerrors import (HeuristicGCDFailed,
HomomorphismFailed, IsomorphismFailed, ExtraneousFactors,
EvaluationFailed, RefinementFailed, CoercionFailed, NotInvertible,
NotReversible, NotAlgebraic, DomainError, PolynomialError,
UnificationFailed, GeneratorsError, GeneratorsNeeded,
UnivariatePolynomialError, MultivariatePolynomialError, OptionError,
# from sympy.polys.polyerrors import (ExactQuotientFailed,
# OperationNotSupported, ComputationFailed, PolificationFailed)
# x = Symbol('x')
# TODO: TypeError: __init__() takes at least 3 arguments (1 given)
# for c in (ExactQuotientFailed, ExactQuotientFailed(x, 3*x, ZZ)):
# check(c)
# TODO: TypeError: can't pickle instancemethod objects
# for c in (OperationNotSupported, OperationNotSupported(Poly(x), Poly.gcd)):
# check(c)
for c in (HeuristicGCDFailed, HeuristicGCDFailed()):
for c in (HomomorphismFailed, HomomorphismFailed()):
for c in (IsomorphismFailed, IsomorphismFailed()):
for c in (ExtraneousFactors, ExtraneousFactors()):
for c in (EvaluationFailed, EvaluationFailed()):
for c in (RefinementFailed, RefinementFailed()):
for c in (CoercionFailed, CoercionFailed()):
for c in (NotInvertible, NotInvertible()):
for c in (NotReversible, NotReversible()):
for c in (NotAlgebraic, NotAlgebraic()):
for c in (DomainError, DomainError()):
for c in (PolynomialError, PolynomialError()):
for c in (UnificationFailed, UnificationFailed()):
for c in (GeneratorsError, GeneratorsError()):
for c in (GeneratorsNeeded, GeneratorsNeeded()):
# TODO: PicklingError: Can't pickle <function <lambda> at 0x38578c0>: it's not found as __main__.<lambda>
# for c in (ComputationFailed, ComputationFailed(lambda t: t, 3, None)):
# check(c)
for c in (UnivariatePolynomialError, UnivariatePolynomialError()):
for c in (MultivariatePolynomialError, MultivariatePolynomialError()):
# TODO: TypeError: __init__() takes at least 3 arguments (1 given)
# for c in (PolificationFailed, PolificationFailed({}, x, x, False)):
# check(c)
for c in (OptionError, OptionError()):
for c in (FlagError, FlagError()):
#def test_pickling_polys_options():
#from sympy.polys.polyoptions import Options
# TODO: fix pickling of `symbols' flag
# for c in (Options, Options((), dict(domain='ZZ', polys=False))):
# check(c)
# TODO: def test_pickling_polys_rootisolation():
# RealInterval
# ComplexInterval
def test_pickling_polys_rootoftools():
from sympy.polys.rootoftools import CRootOf, RootSum
x = Symbol('x')
f = x**3 + x + 3
for c in (CRootOf, CRootOf(f, 0)):
for c in (RootSum, RootSum(f, exp)):
#================== printing ====================
from sympy.printing.latex import LatexPrinter
from sympy.printing.mathml import MathMLContentPrinter, MathMLPresentationPrinter
from sympy.printing.pretty.pretty import PrettyPrinter
from sympy.printing.pretty.stringpict import prettyForm, stringPict
from sympy.printing.printer import Printer
from sympy.printing.python import PythonPrinter
def test_printing():
for c in (LatexPrinter, LatexPrinter(), MathMLContentPrinter,
MathMLPresentationPrinter, PrettyPrinter, prettyForm, stringPict,
stringPict("a"), Printer, Printer(), PythonPrinter,
def test_printing1():
def test_printing2():
def test_printing3():
#================== series ======================
from sympy.series.limits import Limit
from sympy.series.order import Order
def test_series():
e = Symbol("e")
x = Symbol("x")
for c in (Limit, Limit(e, x, 1), Order, Order(e)):
#================== concrete ==================
from sympy.concrete.products import Product
from sympy.concrete.summations import Sum
def test_concrete():
x = Symbol("x")
for c in (Product, Product(x, (x, 2, 4)), Sum, Sum(x, (x, 2, 4))):
def test_deprecation_warning():
w = SymPyDeprecationWarning("message", deprecated_since_version='1.0', active_deprecations_target="active-deprecations")
def test_issue_18438():
assert pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(S.Half)) == S.Half
#================= old pickles =================
def test_unpickle_from_older_versions():
data = (
assert pickle.loads(data) == sqrt(2)