263 lines
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263 lines
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from sympy.core.singleton import S
from sympy.sets.sets import Set
from sympy.calculus.singularities import singularities
from sympy.core import Expr, Add
from sympy.core.function import Lambda, FunctionClass, diff, expand_mul
from sympy.core.numbers import Float, oo
from sympy.core.symbol import Dummy, symbols, Wild
from sympy.functions.elementary.exponential import exp, log
from sympy.functions.elementary.miscellaneous import Min, Max
from sympy.logic.boolalg import true
from sympy.multipledispatch import Dispatcher
from sympy.sets import (imageset, Interval, FiniteSet, Union, ImageSet,
Intersection, Range, Complement)
from sympy.sets.sets import EmptySet, is_function_invertible_in_set
from sympy.sets.fancysets import Integers, Naturals, Reals
from sympy.functions.elementary.exponential import match_real_imag
_x, _y = symbols("x y")
FunctionUnion = (FunctionClass, Lambda)
_set_function = Dispatcher('_set_function')
@_set_function.register(FunctionClass, Set)
def _(f, x):
return None
@_set_function.register(FunctionUnion, FiniteSet)
def _(f, x):
return FiniteSet(*map(f, x))
@_set_function.register(Lambda, Interval)
def _(f, x):
from sympy.solvers.solveset import solveset
from sympy.series import limit
# TODO: handle functions with infinitely many solutions (eg, sin, tan)
# TODO: handle multivariate functions
expr = f.expr
if len(expr.free_symbols) > 1 or len(f.variables) != 1:
var = f.variables[0]
if not var.is_real:
if expr.subs(var, Dummy(real=True)).is_real is False:
if expr.is_Piecewise:
result = S.EmptySet
domain_set = x
for (p_expr, p_cond) in expr.args:
if p_cond is true:
intrvl = domain_set
intrvl = p_cond.as_set()
intrvl = Intersection(domain_set, intrvl)
if p_expr.is_Number:
image = FiniteSet(p_expr)
image = imageset(Lambda(var, p_expr), intrvl)
result = Union(result, image)
# remove the part which has been `imaged`
domain_set = Complement(domain_set, intrvl)
if domain_set is S.EmptySet:
return result
if not x.start.is_comparable or not x.end.is_comparable:
from sympy.polys.polyutils import _nsort
sing = list(singularities(expr, var, x))
if len(sing) > 1:
sing = _nsort(sing)
except NotImplementedError:
if x.left_open:
_start = limit(expr, var, x.start, dir="+")
elif x.start not in sing:
_start = f(x.start)
if x.right_open:
_end = limit(expr, var, x.end, dir="-")
elif x.end not in sing:
_end = f(x.end)
if len(sing) == 0:
soln_expr = solveset(diff(expr, var), var)
if not (isinstance(soln_expr, FiniteSet)
or soln_expr is S.EmptySet):
solns = list(soln_expr)
extr = [_start, _end] + [f(i) for i in solns
if i.is_real and i in x]
start, end = Min(*extr), Max(*extr)
left_open, right_open = False, False
if _start <= _end:
# the minimum or maximum value can occur simultaneously
# on both the edge of the interval and in some interior
# point
if start == _start and start not in solns:
left_open = x.left_open
if end == _end and end not in solns:
right_open = x.right_open
if start == _end and start not in solns:
left_open = x.right_open
if end == _start and end not in solns:
right_open = x.left_open
return Interval(start, end, left_open, right_open)
return imageset(f, Interval(x.start, sing[0],
x.left_open, True)) + \
Union(*[imageset(f, Interval(sing[i], sing[i + 1], True, True))
for i in range(0, len(sing) - 1)]) + \
imageset(f, Interval(sing[-1], x.end, True, x.right_open))
@_set_function.register(FunctionClass, Interval)
def _(f, x):
if f == exp:
return Interval(exp(x.start), exp(x.end), x.left_open, x.right_open)
elif f == log:
return Interval(log(x.start), log(x.end), x.left_open, x.right_open)
return ImageSet(Lambda(_x, f(_x)), x)
@_set_function.register(FunctionUnion, Union)
def _(f, x):
return Union(*(imageset(f, arg) for arg in x.args))
@_set_function.register(FunctionUnion, Intersection)
def _(f, x):
# If the function is invertible, intersect the maps of the sets.
if is_function_invertible_in_set(f, x):
return Intersection(*(imageset(f, arg) for arg in x.args))
return ImageSet(Lambda(_x, f(_x)), x)
@_set_function.register(FunctionUnion, EmptySet)
def _(f, x):
return x
@_set_function.register(FunctionUnion, Set)
def _(f, x):
return ImageSet(Lambda(_x, f(_x)), x)
@_set_function.register(FunctionUnion, Range)
def _(f, self):
if not self:
return S.EmptySet
if not isinstance(f.expr, Expr):
if self.size == 1:
return FiniteSet(f(self[0]))
if f is S.IdentityFunction:
return self
x = f.variables[0]
expr = f.expr
# handle f that is linear in f's variable
if x not in expr.free_symbols or x in expr.diff(x).free_symbols:
if self.start.is_finite:
F = f(self.step*x + self.start) # for i in range(len(self))
F = f(-self.step*x + self[-1])
F = expand_mul(F)
if F != expr:
return imageset(x, F, Range(self.size))
@_set_function.register(FunctionUnion, Integers)
def _(f, self):
expr = f.expr
if not isinstance(expr, Expr):
n = f.variables[0]
if expr == abs(n):
return S.Naturals0
# f(x) + c and f(-x) + c cover the same integers
# so choose the form that has the fewest negatives
c = f(0)
fx = f(n) - c
f_x = f(-n) - c
neg_count = lambda e: sum(_.could_extract_minus_sign()
for _ in Add.make_args(e))
if neg_count(f_x) < neg_count(fx):
expr = f_x + c
a = Wild('a', exclude=[n])
b = Wild('b', exclude=[n])
match = expr.match(a*n + b)
if match and match[a] and (
not match[a].atoms(Float) and
not match[b].atoms(Float)):
# canonical shift
a, b = match[a], match[b]
if a in [1, -1]:
# drop integer addends in b
nonint = []
for bi in Add.make_args(b):
if not bi.is_integer:
b = Add(*nonint)
if b.is_number and a.is_real:
# avoid Mod for complex numbers, #11391
br, bi = match_real_imag(b)
if br and br.is_comparable and a.is_comparable:
br %= a
b = br + S.ImaginaryUnit*bi
elif b.is_number and a.is_imaginary:
br, bi = match_real_imag(b)
ai = a/S.ImaginaryUnit
if bi and bi.is_comparable and ai.is_comparable:
bi %= ai
b = br + S.ImaginaryUnit*bi
expr = a*n + b
if expr != f.expr:
return ImageSet(Lambda(n, expr), S.Integers)
@_set_function.register(FunctionUnion, Naturals)
def _(f, self):
expr = f.expr
if not isinstance(expr, Expr):
x = f.variables[0]
if not expr.free_symbols - {x}:
if expr == abs(x):
if self is S.Naturals:
return self
return S.Naturals0
step = expr.coeff(x)
c = expr.subs(x, 0)
if c.is_Integer and step.is_Integer and expr == step*x + c:
if self is S.Naturals:
c += step
if step > 0:
if step == 1:
if c == 0:
return S.Naturals0
elif c == 1:
return S.Naturals
return Range(c, oo, step)
return Range(c, -oo, step)
@_set_function.register(FunctionUnion, Reals)
def _(f, self):
expr = f.expr
if not isinstance(expr, Expr):
return _set_function(f, Interval(-oo, oo))