import math from typing import List, Optional, Tuple import torch __all__ = ["Emformer"] def _lengths_to_padding_mask(lengths: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: batch_size = lengths.shape[0] max_length = int(torch.max(lengths).item()) padding_mask = torch.arange(max_length, device=lengths.device, dtype=lengths.dtype).expand( batch_size, max_length ) >= lengths.unsqueeze(1) return padding_mask def _gen_padding_mask( utterance: torch.Tensor, right_context: torch.Tensor, summary: torch.Tensor, lengths: torch.Tensor, mems: torch.Tensor, left_context_key: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> Optional[torch.Tensor]: T = right_context.size(0) + utterance.size(0) + summary.size(0) B = right_context.size(1) if B == 1: padding_mask = None else: right_context_blocks_length = T - torch.max(lengths).int() - summary.size(0) left_context_blocks_length = left_context_key.size(0) if left_context_key is not None else 0 klengths = lengths + mems.size(0) + right_context_blocks_length + left_context_blocks_length padding_mask = _lengths_to_padding_mask(lengths=klengths) return padding_mask def _get_activation_module(activation: str) -> torch.nn.Module: if activation == "relu": return torch.nn.ReLU() elif activation == "gelu": return torch.nn.GELU() elif activation == "silu": return torch.nn.SiLU() else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported activation {activation}") def _get_weight_init_gains(weight_init_scale_strategy: Optional[str], num_layers: int) -> List[Optional[float]]: if weight_init_scale_strategy is None: return [None for _ in range(num_layers)] elif weight_init_scale_strategy == "depthwise": return [1.0 / math.sqrt(layer_idx + 1) for layer_idx in range(num_layers)] elif weight_init_scale_strategy == "constant": return [1.0 / math.sqrt(2) for layer_idx in range(num_layers)] else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported weight_init_scale_strategy value {weight_init_scale_strategy}") def _gen_attention_mask_block( col_widths: List[int], col_mask: List[bool], num_rows: int, device: torch.device ) -> torch.Tensor: if len(col_widths) != len(col_mask): raise ValueError("Length of col_widths must match that of col_mask") mask_block = [ torch.ones(num_rows, col_width, device=device) if is_ones_col else torch.zeros(num_rows, col_width, device=device) for col_width, is_ones_col in zip(col_widths, col_mask) ] return, dim=1) class _EmformerAttention(torch.nn.Module): r"""Emformer layer attention module. Args: input_dim (int): input dimension. num_heads (int): number of attention heads in each Emformer layer. dropout (float, optional): dropout probability. (Default: 0.0) weight_init_gain (float or None, optional): scale factor to apply when initializing attention module parameters. (Default: ``None``) tanh_on_mem (bool, optional): if ``True``, applies tanh to memory elements. (Default: ``False``) negative_inf (float, optional): value to use for negative infinity in attention weights. (Default: -1e8) """ def __init__( self, input_dim: int, num_heads: int, dropout: float = 0.0, weight_init_gain: Optional[float] = None, tanh_on_mem: bool = False, negative_inf: float = -1e8, ): super().__init__() if input_dim % num_heads != 0: raise ValueError(f"input_dim ({input_dim}) is not a multiple of num_heads ({num_heads}).") self.input_dim = input_dim self.num_heads = num_heads self.dropout = dropout self.tanh_on_mem = tanh_on_mem self.negative_inf = negative_inf self.scaling = (self.input_dim // self.num_heads) ** -0.5 self.emb_to_key_value = torch.nn.Linear(input_dim, 2 * input_dim, bias=True) self.emb_to_query = torch.nn.Linear(input_dim, input_dim, bias=True) self.out_proj = torch.nn.Linear(input_dim, input_dim, bias=True) if weight_init_gain: torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.emb_to_key_value.weight, gain=weight_init_gain) torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.emb_to_query.weight, gain=weight_init_gain) def _gen_key_value(self, input: torch.Tensor, mems: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: T, _, _ = input.shape summary_length = mems.size(0) + 1 right_ctx_utterance_block = input[: T - summary_length] mems_right_ctx_utterance_block =[mems, right_ctx_utterance_block]) key, value = self.emb_to_key_value(mems_right_ctx_utterance_block).chunk(chunks=2, dim=2) return key, value def _gen_attention_probs( self, attention_weights: torch.Tensor, attention_mask: torch.Tensor, padding_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor], ) -> torch.Tensor: attention_weights_float = attention_weights.float() attention_weights_float = attention_weights_float.masked_fill(attention_mask.unsqueeze(0), self.negative_inf) T = attention_weights.size(1) B = attention_weights.size(0) // self.num_heads if padding_mask is not None: attention_weights_float = attention_weights_float.view(B, self.num_heads, T, -1) attention_weights_float = attention_weights_float.masked_fill( padding_mask.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2).to(torch.bool), self.negative_inf ) attention_weights_float = attention_weights_float.view(B * self.num_heads, T, -1) attention_probs = torch.nn.functional.softmax(attention_weights_float, dim=-1).type_as(attention_weights) return torch.nn.functional.dropout(attention_probs, p=float(self.dropout), def _forward_impl( self, utterance: torch.Tensor, lengths: torch.Tensor, right_context: torch.Tensor, summary: torch.Tensor, mems: torch.Tensor, attention_mask: torch.Tensor, left_context_key: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, left_context_val: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: B = utterance.size(1) T = right_context.size(0) + utterance.size(0) + summary.size(0) # Compute query with [right context, utterance, summary]. query = self.emb_to_query([right_context, utterance, summary])) # Compute key and value with [mems, right context, utterance]. key, value = self.emb_to_key_value([mems, right_context, utterance])).chunk(chunks=2, dim=2) if left_context_key is not None and left_context_val is not None: right_context_blocks_length = T - torch.max(lengths).int() - summary.size(0) key = [ key[: mems.size(0) + right_context_blocks_length], left_context_key, key[mems.size(0) + right_context_blocks_length :], ], ) value = [ value[: mems.size(0) + right_context_blocks_length], left_context_val, value[mems.size(0) + right_context_blocks_length :], ], ) # Compute attention weights from query, key, and value. reshaped_query, reshaped_key, reshaped_value = [ tensor.contiguous().view(-1, B * self.num_heads, self.input_dim // self.num_heads).transpose(0, 1) for tensor in [query, key, value] ] attention_weights = torch.bmm(reshaped_query * self.scaling, reshaped_key.transpose(1, 2)) # Compute padding mask. padding_mask = _gen_padding_mask(utterance, right_context, summary, lengths, mems, left_context_key) # Compute attention probabilities. attention_probs = self._gen_attention_probs(attention_weights, attention_mask, padding_mask) # Compute attention. attention = torch.bmm(attention_probs, reshaped_value) if attention.shape != ( B * self.num_heads, T, self.input_dim // self.num_heads, ): raise AssertionError("Computed attention has incorrect dimensions") attention = attention.transpose(0, 1).contiguous().view(T, B, self.input_dim) # Apply output projection. output_right_context_mems = self.out_proj(attention) summary_length = summary.size(0) output_right_context = output_right_context_mems[: T - summary_length] output_mems = output_right_context_mems[T - summary_length :] if self.tanh_on_mem: output_mems = torch.tanh(output_mems) else: output_mems = torch.clamp(output_mems, min=-10, max=10) return output_right_context, output_mems, key, value def forward( self, utterance: torch.Tensor, lengths: torch.Tensor, right_context: torch.Tensor, summary: torch.Tensor, mems: torch.Tensor, attention_mask: torch.Tensor, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: r"""Forward pass for training. B: batch size; D: feature dimension of each frame; T: number of utterance frames; R: number of right context frames; S: number of summary elements; M: number of memory elements. Args: utterance (torch.Tensor): utterance frames, with shape `(T, B, D)`. lengths (torch.Tensor): with shape `(B,)` and i-th element representing number of valid frames for i-th batch element in ``utterance``. right_context (torch.Tensor): right context frames, with shape `(R, B, D)`. summary (torch.Tensor): summary elements, with shape `(S, B, D)`. mems (torch.Tensor): memory elements, with shape `(M, B, D)`. attention_mask (torch.Tensor): attention mask for underlying attention module. Returns: (Tensor, Tensor): Tensor output frames corresponding to utterance and right_context, with shape `(T + R, B, D)`. Tensor updated memory elements, with shape `(M, B, D)`. """ output, output_mems, _, _ = self._forward_impl(utterance, lengths, right_context, summary, mems, attention_mask) return output, output_mems[:-1] @torch.jit.export def infer( self, utterance: torch.Tensor, lengths: torch.Tensor, right_context: torch.Tensor, summary: torch.Tensor, mems: torch.Tensor, left_context_key: torch.Tensor, left_context_val: torch.Tensor, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: r"""Forward pass for inference. B: batch size; D: feature dimension of each frame; T: number of utterance frames; R: number of right context frames; S: number of summary elements; M: number of memory elements. Args: utterance (torch.Tensor): utterance frames, with shape `(T, B, D)`. lengths (torch.Tensor): with shape `(B,)` and i-th element representing number of valid frames for i-th batch element in ``utterance``. right_context (torch.Tensor): right context frames, with shape `(R, B, D)`. summary (torch.Tensor): summary elements, with shape `(S, B, D)`. mems (torch.Tensor): memory elements, with shape `(M, B, D)`. left_context_key (torch.Tensor): left context attention key computed from preceding invocation. left_context_val (torch.Tensor): left context attention value computed from preceding invocation. Returns: (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, and Tensor): Tensor output frames corresponding to utterance and right_context, with shape `(T + R, B, D)`. Tensor updated memory elements, with shape `(M, B, D)`. Tensor attention key computed for left context and utterance. Tensor attention value computed for left context and utterance. """ query_dim = right_context.size(0) + utterance.size(0) + summary.size(0) key_dim = right_context.size(0) + utterance.size(0) + mems.size(0) + left_context_key.size(0) attention_mask = torch.zeros(query_dim, key_dim).to(dtype=torch.bool, device=utterance.device) attention_mask[-1, : mems.size(0)] = True output, output_mems, key, value = self._forward_impl( utterance, lengths, right_context, summary, mems, attention_mask, left_context_key=left_context_key, left_context_val=left_context_val, ) return ( output, output_mems, key[mems.size(0) + right_context.size(0) :], value[mems.size(0) + right_context.size(0) :], ) class _EmformerLayer(torch.nn.Module): r"""Emformer layer that constitutes Emformer. Args: input_dim (int): input dimension. num_heads (int): number of attention heads. ffn_dim: (int): hidden layer dimension of feedforward network. segment_length (int): length of each input segment. dropout (float, optional): dropout probability. (Default: 0.0) activation (str, optional): activation function to use in feedforward network. Must be one of ("relu", "gelu", "silu"). (Default: "relu") left_context_length (int, optional): length of left context. (Default: 0) max_memory_size (int, optional): maximum number of memory elements to use. (Default: 0) weight_init_gain (float or None, optional): scale factor to apply when initializing attention module parameters. (Default: ``None``) tanh_on_mem (bool, optional): if ``True``, applies tanh to memory elements. (Default: ``False``) negative_inf (float, optional): value to use for negative infinity in attention weights. (Default: -1e8) """ def __init__( self, input_dim: int, num_heads: int, ffn_dim: int, segment_length: int, dropout: float = 0.0, activation: str = "relu", left_context_length: int = 0, max_memory_size: int = 0, weight_init_gain: Optional[float] = None, tanh_on_mem: bool = False, negative_inf: float = -1e8, ): super().__init__() self.attention = _EmformerAttention( input_dim=input_dim, num_heads=num_heads, dropout=dropout, weight_init_gain=weight_init_gain, tanh_on_mem=tanh_on_mem, negative_inf=negative_inf, ) self.dropout = torch.nn.Dropout(dropout) self.memory_op = torch.nn.AvgPool1d(kernel_size=segment_length, stride=segment_length, ceil_mode=True) activation_module = _get_activation_module(activation) self.pos_ff = torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.LayerNorm(input_dim), torch.nn.Linear(input_dim, ffn_dim), activation_module, torch.nn.Dropout(dropout), torch.nn.Linear(ffn_dim, input_dim), torch.nn.Dropout(dropout), ) self.layer_norm_input = torch.nn.LayerNorm(input_dim) self.layer_norm_output = torch.nn.LayerNorm(input_dim) self.left_context_length = left_context_length self.segment_length = segment_length self.max_memory_size = max_memory_size self.input_dim = input_dim self.use_mem = max_memory_size > 0 def _init_state(self, batch_size: int, device: Optional[torch.device]) -> List[torch.Tensor]: empty_memory = torch.zeros(self.max_memory_size, batch_size, self.input_dim, device=device) left_context_key = torch.zeros(self.left_context_length, batch_size, self.input_dim, device=device) left_context_val = torch.zeros(self.left_context_length, batch_size, self.input_dim, device=device) past_length = torch.zeros(1, batch_size, dtype=torch.int32, device=device) return [empty_memory, left_context_key, left_context_val, past_length] def _unpack_state(self, state: List[torch.Tensor]) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: past_length = state[3][0][0].item() past_left_context_length = min(self.left_context_length, past_length) past_mem_length = min(self.max_memory_size, math.ceil(past_length / self.segment_length)) pre_mems = state[0][self.max_memory_size - past_mem_length :] lc_key = state[1][self.left_context_length - past_left_context_length :] lc_val = state[2][self.left_context_length - past_left_context_length :] return pre_mems, lc_key, lc_val def _pack_state( self, next_k: torch.Tensor, next_v: torch.Tensor, update_length: int, mems: torch.Tensor, state: List[torch.Tensor], ) -> List[torch.Tensor]: new_k =[state[1], next_k]) new_v =[state[2], next_v]) state[0] =[state[0], mems])[-self.max_memory_size :] state[1] = new_k[new_k.shape[0] - self.left_context_length :] state[2] = new_v[new_v.shape[0] - self.left_context_length :] state[3] = state[3] + update_length return state def _process_attention_output( self, rc_output: torch.Tensor, utterance: torch.Tensor, right_context: torch.Tensor, ) -> torch.Tensor: result = self.dropout(rc_output) +[right_context, utterance]) result = self.pos_ff(result) + result result = self.layer_norm_output(result) return result def _apply_pre_attention_layer_norm( self, utterance: torch.Tensor, right_context: torch.Tensor ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: layer_norm_input = self.layer_norm_input([right_context, utterance])) return ( layer_norm_input[right_context.size(0) :], layer_norm_input[: right_context.size(0)], ) def _apply_post_attention_ffn( self, rc_output: torch.Tensor, utterance: torch.Tensor, right_context: torch.Tensor ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: rc_output = self._process_attention_output(rc_output, utterance, right_context) return rc_output[right_context.size(0) :], rc_output[: right_context.size(0)] def _apply_attention_forward( self, utterance: torch.Tensor, lengths: torch.Tensor, right_context: torch.Tensor, mems: torch.Tensor, attention_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor], ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: if attention_mask is None: raise ValueError("attention_mask must be not None when for_inference is False") if self.use_mem: summary = self.memory_op(utterance.permute(1, 2, 0)).permute(2, 0, 1) else: summary = torch.empty(0).to(dtype=utterance.dtype, device=utterance.device) rc_output, next_m = self.attention( utterance=utterance, lengths=lengths, right_context=right_context, summary=summary, mems=mems, attention_mask=attention_mask, ) return rc_output, next_m def _apply_attention_infer( self, utterance: torch.Tensor, lengths: torch.Tensor, right_context: torch.Tensor, mems: torch.Tensor, state: Optional[List[torch.Tensor]], ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, List[torch.Tensor]]: if state is None: state = self._init_state(utterance.size(1), device=utterance.device) pre_mems, lc_key, lc_val = self._unpack_state(state) if self.use_mem: summary = self.memory_op(utterance.permute(1, 2, 0)).permute(2, 0, 1) summary = summary[:1] else: summary = torch.empty(0).to(dtype=utterance.dtype, device=utterance.device) rc_output, next_m, next_k, next_v = self.attention.infer( utterance=utterance, lengths=lengths, right_context=right_context, summary=summary, mems=pre_mems, left_context_key=lc_key, left_context_val=lc_val, ) state = self._pack_state(next_k, next_v, utterance.size(0), mems, state) return rc_output, next_m, state def forward( self, utterance: torch.Tensor, lengths: torch.Tensor, right_context: torch.Tensor, mems: torch.Tensor, attention_mask: torch.Tensor, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: r"""Forward pass for training. B: batch size; D: feature dimension of each frame; T: number of utterance frames; R: number of right context frames; M: number of memory elements. Args: utterance (torch.Tensor): utterance frames, with shape `(T, B, D)`. lengths (torch.Tensor): with shape `(B,)` and i-th element representing number of valid frames for i-th batch element in ``utterance``. right_context (torch.Tensor): right context frames, with shape `(R, B, D)`. mems (torch.Tensor): memory elements, with shape `(M, B, D)`. attention_mask (torch.Tensor): attention mask for underlying attention module. Returns: (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor): Tensor encoded utterance frames, with shape `(T, B, D)`. Tensor updated right context frames, with shape `(R, B, D)`. Tensor updated memory elements, with shape `(M, B, D)`. """ ( layer_norm_utterance, layer_norm_right_context, ) = self._apply_pre_attention_layer_norm(utterance, right_context) rc_output, output_mems = self._apply_attention_forward( layer_norm_utterance, lengths, layer_norm_right_context, mems, attention_mask, ) output_utterance, output_right_context = self._apply_post_attention_ffn(rc_output, utterance, right_context) return output_utterance, output_right_context, output_mems @torch.jit.export def infer( self, utterance: torch.Tensor, lengths: torch.Tensor, right_context: torch.Tensor, state: Optional[List[torch.Tensor]], mems: torch.Tensor, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, List[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]: r"""Forward pass for inference. B: batch size; D: feature dimension of each frame; T: number of utterance frames; R: number of right context frames; M: number of memory elements. Args: utterance (torch.Tensor): utterance frames, with shape `(T, B, D)`. lengths (torch.Tensor): with shape `(B,)` and i-th element representing number of valid frames for i-th batch element in ``utterance``. right_context (torch.Tensor): right context frames, with shape `(R, B, D)`. state (List[torch.Tensor] or None): list of tensors representing layer internal state generated in preceding invocation of ``infer``. mems (torch.Tensor): memory elements, with shape `(M, B, D)`. Returns: (Tensor, Tensor, List[torch.Tensor], Tensor): Tensor encoded utterance frames, with shape `(T, B, D)`. Tensor updated right context frames, with shape `(R, B, D)`. List[Tensor] list of tensors representing layer internal state generated in current invocation of ``infer``. Tensor updated memory elements, with shape `(M, B, D)`. """ ( layer_norm_utterance, layer_norm_right_context, ) = self._apply_pre_attention_layer_norm(utterance, right_context) rc_output, output_mems, output_state = self._apply_attention_infer( layer_norm_utterance, lengths, layer_norm_right_context, mems, state ) output_utterance, output_right_context = self._apply_post_attention_ffn(rc_output, utterance, right_context) return output_utterance, output_right_context, output_state, output_mems class _EmformerImpl(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, emformer_layers: torch.nn.ModuleList, segment_length: int, left_context_length: int = 0, right_context_length: int = 0, max_memory_size: int = 0, ): super().__init__() self.use_mem = max_memory_size > 0 self.memory_op = torch.nn.AvgPool1d( kernel_size=segment_length, stride=segment_length, ceil_mode=True, ) self.emformer_layers = emformer_layers self.left_context_length = left_context_length self.right_context_length = right_context_length self.segment_length = segment_length self.max_memory_size = max_memory_size def _gen_right_context(self, input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: T = input.shape[0] num_segs = math.ceil((T - self.right_context_length) / self.segment_length) right_context_blocks = [] for seg_idx in range(num_segs - 1): start = (seg_idx + 1) * self.segment_length end = start + self.right_context_length right_context_blocks.append(input[start:end]) right_context_blocks.append(input[T - self.right_context_length :]) return def _gen_attention_mask_col_widths(self, seg_idx: int, utterance_length: int) -> List[int]: num_segs = math.ceil(utterance_length / self.segment_length) rc = self.right_context_length lc = self.left_context_length rc_start = seg_idx * rc rc_end = rc_start + rc seg_start = max(seg_idx * self.segment_length - lc, 0) seg_end = min((seg_idx + 1) * self.segment_length, utterance_length) rc_length = self.right_context_length * num_segs if self.use_mem: m_start = max(seg_idx - self.max_memory_size, 0) mem_length = num_segs - 1 col_widths = [ m_start, # before memory seg_idx - m_start, # memory mem_length - seg_idx, # after memory rc_start, # before right context rc, # right context rc_length - rc_end, # after right context seg_start, # before query segment seg_end - seg_start, # query segment utterance_length - seg_end, # after query segment ] else: col_widths = [ rc_start, # before right context rc, # right context rc_length - rc_end, # after right context seg_start, # before query segment seg_end - seg_start, # query segment utterance_length - seg_end, # after query segment ] return col_widths def _gen_attention_mask(self, input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: utterance_length = input.size(0) num_segs = math.ceil(utterance_length / self.segment_length) rc_mask = [] query_mask = [] summary_mask = [] if self.use_mem: num_cols = 9 # memory, right context, query segment rc_q_cols_mask = [idx in [1, 4, 7] for idx in range(num_cols)] # right context, query segment s_cols_mask = [idx in [4, 7] for idx in range(num_cols)] masks_to_concat = [rc_mask, query_mask, summary_mask] else: num_cols = 6 # right context, query segment rc_q_cols_mask = [idx in [1, 4] for idx in range(num_cols)] s_cols_mask = None masks_to_concat = [rc_mask, query_mask] for seg_idx in range(num_segs): col_widths = self._gen_attention_mask_col_widths(seg_idx, utterance_length) rc_mask_block = _gen_attention_mask_block( col_widths, rc_q_cols_mask, self.right_context_length, input.device ) rc_mask.append(rc_mask_block) query_mask_block = _gen_attention_mask_block( col_widths, rc_q_cols_mask, min( self.segment_length, utterance_length - seg_idx * self.segment_length, ), input.device, ) query_mask.append(query_mask_block) if s_cols_mask is not None: summary_mask_block = _gen_attention_mask_block(col_widths, s_cols_mask, 1, input.device) summary_mask.append(summary_mask_block) attention_mask = (1 -[ for mask in masks_to_concat])).to(torch.bool) return attention_mask def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor, lengths: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: r"""Forward pass for training and non-streaming inference. B: batch size; T: max number of input frames in batch; D: feature dimension of each frame. Args: input (torch.Tensor): utterance frames right-padded with right context frames, with shape `(B, T + right_context_length, D)`. lengths (torch.Tensor): with shape `(B,)` and i-th element representing number of valid utterance frames for i-th batch element in ``input``. Returns: (Tensor, Tensor): Tensor output frames, with shape `(B, T, D)`. Tensor output lengths, with shape `(B,)` and i-th element representing number of valid frames for i-th batch element in output frames. """ input = input.permute(1, 0, 2) right_context = self._gen_right_context(input) utterance = input[: input.size(0) - self.right_context_length] attention_mask = self._gen_attention_mask(utterance) mems = ( self.memory_op(utterance.permute(1, 2, 0)).permute(2, 0, 1)[:-1] if self.use_mem else torch.empty(0).to(dtype=input.dtype, device=input.device) ) output = utterance for layer in self.emformer_layers: output, right_context, mems = layer(output, lengths, right_context, mems, attention_mask) return output.permute(1, 0, 2), lengths @torch.jit.export def infer( self, input: torch.Tensor, lengths: torch.Tensor, states: Optional[List[List[torch.Tensor]]] = None, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, List[List[torch.Tensor]]]: r"""Forward pass for streaming inference. B: batch size; D: feature dimension of each frame. Args: input (torch.Tensor): utterance frames right-padded with right context frames, with shape `(B, segment_length + right_context_length, D)`. lengths (torch.Tensor): with shape `(B,)` and i-th element representing number of valid frames for i-th batch element in ``input``. states (List[List[torch.Tensor]] or None, optional): list of lists of tensors representing internal state generated in preceding invocation of ``infer``. (Default: ``None``) Returns: (Tensor, Tensor, List[List[Tensor]]): Tensor output frames, with shape `(B, segment_length, D)`. Tensor output lengths, with shape `(B,)` and i-th element representing number of valid frames for i-th batch element in output frames. List[List[Tensor]] output states; list of lists of tensors representing internal state generated in current invocation of ``infer``. """ if input.size(1) != self.segment_length + self.right_context_length: raise ValueError( "Per configured segment_length and right_context_length" f", expected size of {self.segment_length + self.right_context_length} for dimension 1 of input" f", but got {input.size(1)}." ) input = input.permute(1, 0, 2) right_context_start_idx = input.size(0) - self.right_context_length right_context = input[right_context_start_idx:] utterance = input[:right_context_start_idx] output_lengths = torch.clamp(lengths - self.right_context_length, min=0) mems = ( self.memory_op(utterance.permute(1, 2, 0)).permute(2, 0, 1) if self.use_mem else torch.empty(0).to(dtype=input.dtype, device=input.device) ) output = utterance output_states: List[List[torch.Tensor]] = [] for layer_idx, layer in enumerate(self.emformer_layers): output, right_context, output_state, mems = layer.infer( output, output_lengths, right_context, None if states is None else states[layer_idx], mems, ) output_states.append(output_state) return output.permute(1, 0, 2), output_lengths, output_states class Emformer(_EmformerImpl): r"""Emformer architecture introduced in *Emformer: Efficient Memory Transformer Based Acoustic Model for Low Latency Streaming Speech Recognition* :cite:`shi2021emformer`. See Also: * :func:`~torchaudio.models.emformer_rnnt_model`, :func:`~torchaudio.models.emformer_rnnt_base`: factory functions. * :class:`torchaudio.pipelines.RNNTBundle`: ASR pipelines with pretrained model. Args: input_dim (int): input dimension. num_heads (int): number of attention heads in each Emformer layer. ffn_dim (int): hidden layer dimension of each Emformer layer's feedforward network. num_layers (int): number of Emformer layers to instantiate. segment_length (int): length of each input segment. dropout (float, optional): dropout probability. (Default: 0.0) activation (str, optional): activation function to use in each Emformer layer's feedforward network. Must be one of ("relu", "gelu", "silu"). (Default: "relu") left_context_length (int, optional): length of left context. (Default: 0) right_context_length (int, optional): length of right context. (Default: 0) max_memory_size (int, optional): maximum number of memory elements to use. (Default: 0) weight_init_scale_strategy (str or None, optional): per-layer weight initialization scaling strategy. Must be one of ("depthwise", "constant", ``None``). (Default: "depthwise") tanh_on_mem (bool, optional): if ``True``, applies tanh to memory elements. (Default: ``False``) negative_inf (float, optional): value to use for negative infinity in attention weights. (Default: -1e8) Examples: >>> emformer = Emformer(512, 8, 2048, 20, 4, right_context_length=1) >>> input = torch.rand(128, 400, 512) # batch, num_frames, feature_dim >>> lengths = torch.randint(1, 200, (128,)) # batch >>> output, lengths = emformer(input, lengths) >>> input = torch.rand(128, 5, 512) >>> lengths = torch.ones(128) * 5 >>> output, lengths, states = emformer.infer(input, lengths, None) """ def __init__( self, input_dim: int, num_heads: int, ffn_dim: int, num_layers: int, segment_length: int, dropout: float = 0.0, activation: str = "relu", left_context_length: int = 0, right_context_length: int = 0, max_memory_size: int = 0, weight_init_scale_strategy: Optional[str] = "depthwise", tanh_on_mem: bool = False, negative_inf: float = -1e8, ): weight_init_gains = _get_weight_init_gains(weight_init_scale_strategy, num_layers) emformer_layers = torch.nn.ModuleList( [ _EmformerLayer( input_dim, num_heads, ffn_dim, segment_length, dropout=dropout, activation=activation, left_context_length=left_context_length, max_memory_size=max_memory_size, weight_init_gain=weight_init_gains[layer_idx], tanh_on_mem=tanh_on_mem, negative_inf=negative_inf, ) for layer_idx in range(num_layers) ] ) super().__init__( emformer_layers, segment_length, left_context_length=left_context_length, right_context_length=right_context_length, max_memory_size=max_memory_size, )