""" The objects in this module allow the usage of the MatchPy pattern matching library on SymPy expressions. """ import re from typing import List, Callable from sympy.core.sympify import _sympify from sympy.external import import_module from sympy.functions import (log, sin, cos, tan, cot, csc, sec, erf, gamma, uppergamma) from sympy.functions.elementary.hyperbolic import acosh, asinh, atanh, acoth, acsch, asech, cosh, sinh, tanh, coth, sech, csch from sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric import atan, acsc, asin, acot, acos, asec from sympy.functions.special.error_functions import fresnelc, fresnels, erfc, erfi, Ei from sympy.core.add import Add from sympy.core.basic import Basic from sympy.core.expr import Expr from sympy.core.mul import Mul from sympy.core.power import Pow from sympy.core.relational import (Equality, Unequality) from sympy.core.symbol import Symbol from sympy.functions.elementary.exponential import exp from sympy.integrals.integrals import Integral from sympy.printing.repr import srepr from sympy.utilities.decorator import doctest_depends_on matchpy = import_module("matchpy") if matchpy: from matchpy import Operation, CommutativeOperation, AssociativeOperation, OneIdentityOperation from matchpy.expressions.functions import op_iter, create_operation_expression, op_len Operation.register(Integral) Operation.register(Pow) OneIdentityOperation.register(Pow) Operation.register(Add) OneIdentityOperation.register(Add) CommutativeOperation.register(Add) AssociativeOperation.register(Add) Operation.register(Mul) OneIdentityOperation.register(Mul) CommutativeOperation.register(Mul) AssociativeOperation.register(Mul) Operation.register(Equality) CommutativeOperation.register(Equality) Operation.register(Unequality) CommutativeOperation.register(Unequality) Operation.register(exp) Operation.register(log) Operation.register(gamma) Operation.register(uppergamma) Operation.register(fresnels) Operation.register(fresnelc) Operation.register(erf) Operation.register(Ei) Operation.register(erfc) Operation.register(erfi) Operation.register(sin) Operation.register(cos) Operation.register(tan) Operation.register(cot) Operation.register(csc) Operation.register(sec) Operation.register(sinh) Operation.register(cosh) Operation.register(tanh) Operation.register(coth) Operation.register(csch) Operation.register(sech) Operation.register(asin) Operation.register(acos) Operation.register(atan) Operation.register(acot) Operation.register(acsc) Operation.register(asec) Operation.register(asinh) Operation.register(acosh) Operation.register(atanh) Operation.register(acoth) Operation.register(acsch) Operation.register(asech) @op_iter.register(Integral) # type: ignore def _(operation): return iter((operation._args[0],) + operation._args[1]) @op_iter.register(Basic) # type: ignore def _(operation): return iter(operation._args) @op_len.register(Integral) # type: ignore def _(operation): return 1 + len(operation._args[1]) @op_len.register(Basic) # type: ignore def _(operation): return len(operation._args) @create_operation_expression.register(Basic) def sympy_op_factory(old_operation, new_operands, variable_name=True): return type(old_operation)(*new_operands) if matchpy: from matchpy import Wildcard else: class Wildcard: # type: ignore def __init__(self, min_length, fixed_size, variable_name, optional): self.min_count = min_length self.fixed_size = fixed_size self.variable_name = variable_name self.optional = optional @doctest_depends_on(modules=('matchpy',)) class _WildAbstract(Wildcard, Symbol): min_length: int # abstract field required in subclasses fixed_size: bool # abstract field required in subclasses def __init__(self, variable_name=None, optional=None, **assumptions): min_length = self.min_length fixed_size = self.fixed_size if optional is not None: optional = _sympify(optional) Wildcard.__init__(self, min_length, fixed_size, str(variable_name), optional) def __getstate__(self): return { "min_length": self.min_length, "fixed_size": self.fixed_size, "min_count": self.min_count, "variable_name": self.variable_name, "optional": self.optional, } def __new__(cls, variable_name=None, optional=None, **assumptions): cls._sanitize(assumptions, cls) return _WildAbstract.__xnew__(cls, variable_name, optional, **assumptions) def __getnewargs__(self): return self.variable_name, self.optional @staticmethod def __xnew__(cls, variable_name=None, optional=None, **assumptions): obj = Symbol.__xnew__(cls, variable_name, **assumptions) return obj def _hashable_content(self): if self.optional: return super()._hashable_content() + (self.min_count, self.fixed_size, self.variable_name, self.optional) else: return super()._hashable_content() + (self.min_count, self.fixed_size, self.variable_name) def __copy__(self) -> '_WildAbstract': return type(self)(variable_name=self.variable_name, optional=self.optional) def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): return self.name @doctest_depends_on(modules=('matchpy',)) class WildDot(_WildAbstract): min_length = 1 fixed_size = True @doctest_depends_on(modules=('matchpy',)) class WildPlus(_WildAbstract): min_length = 1 fixed_size = False @doctest_depends_on(modules=('matchpy',)) class WildStar(_WildAbstract): min_length = 0 fixed_size = False def _get_srepr(expr): s = srepr(expr) s = re.sub(r"WildDot\('(\w+)'\)", r"\1", s) s = re.sub(r"WildPlus\('(\w+)'\)", r"*\1", s) s = re.sub(r"WildStar\('(\w+)'\)", r"*\1", s) return s @doctest_depends_on(modules=('matchpy',)) class Replacer: """ Replacer object to perform multiple pattern matching and subexpression replacements in SymPy expressions. Examples ======== Example to construct a simple first degree equation solver: >>> from sympy.utilities.matchpy_connector import WildDot, Replacer >>> from sympy import Equality, Symbol >>> x = Symbol("x") >>> a_ = WildDot("a_", optional=1) >>> b_ = WildDot("b_", optional=0) The lines above have defined two wildcards, ``a_`` and ``b_``, the coefficients of the equation `a x + b = 0`. The optional values specified indicate which expression to return in case no match is found, they are necessary in equations like `a x = 0` and `x + b = 0`. Create two constraints to make sure that ``a_`` and ``b_`` will not match any expression containing ``x``: >>> from matchpy import CustomConstraint >>> free_x_a = CustomConstraint(lambda a_: not a_.has(x)) >>> free_x_b = CustomConstraint(lambda b_: not b_.has(x)) Now create the rule replacer with the constraints: >>> replacer = Replacer(common_constraints=[free_x_a, free_x_b]) Add the matching rule: >>> replacer.add(Equality(a_*x + b_, 0), -b_/a_) Let's try it: >>> replacer.replace(Equality(3*x + 4, 0)) -4/3 Notice that it will not match equations expressed with other patterns: >>> eq = Equality(3*x, 4) >>> replacer.replace(eq) Eq(3*x, 4) In order to extend the matching patterns, define another one (we also need to clear the cache, because the previous result has already been memorized and the pattern matcher will not iterate again if given the same expression) >>> replacer.add(Equality(a_*x, b_), b_/a_) >>> replacer._replacer.matcher.clear() >>> replacer.replace(eq) 4/3 """ def __init__(self, common_constraints: list = []): self._replacer = matchpy.ManyToOneReplacer() self._common_constraint = common_constraints def _get_lambda(self, lambda_str: str) -> Callable[..., Expr]: exec("from sympy import *") return eval(lambda_str, locals()) def _get_custom_constraint(self, constraint_expr: Expr, condition_template: str) -> Callable[..., Expr]: wilds = [x.name for x in constraint_expr.atoms(_WildAbstract)] lambdaargs = ', '.join(wilds) fullexpr = _get_srepr(constraint_expr) condition = condition_template.format(fullexpr) return matchpy.CustomConstraint( self._get_lambda(f"lambda {lambdaargs}: ({condition})")) def _get_custom_constraint_nonfalse(self, constraint_expr: Expr) -> Callable[..., Expr]: return self._get_custom_constraint(constraint_expr, "({}) != False") def _get_custom_constraint_true(self, constraint_expr: Expr) -> Callable[..., Expr]: return self._get_custom_constraint(constraint_expr, "({}) == True") def add(self, expr: Expr, result: Expr, conditions_true: List[Expr] = [], conditions_nonfalse: List[Expr] = []) -> None: expr = _sympify(expr) result = _sympify(result) lambda_str = f"lambda {', '.join((x.name for x in expr.atoms(_WildAbstract)))}: {_get_srepr(result)}" lambda_expr = self._get_lambda(lambda_str) constraints = self._common_constraint[:] constraint_conditions_true = [ self._get_custom_constraint_true(cond) for cond in conditions_true] constraint_conditions_nonfalse = [ self._get_custom_constraint_nonfalse(cond) for cond in conditions_nonfalse] constraints.extend(constraint_conditions_true) constraints.extend(constraint_conditions_nonfalse) self._replacer.add( matchpy.ReplacementRule(matchpy.Pattern(expr, *constraints), lambda_expr)) def replace(self, expr: Expr) -> Expr: return self._replacer.replace(expr)