#!/usr/bin/env python """ python runtests.py -py Use py.test to run tests (more useful for debugging) python runtests.py -coverage Generate test coverage report. Statistics are written to /tmp python runtests.py -profile Generate profile stats (this is much slower) python runtests.py -nogmpy Run tests without using GMPY even if it exists python runtests.py -strict Enforce extra tests in normalize() python runtests.py -local Insert '../..' at the beginning of sys.path to use local mpmath python runtests.py -skip ... Skip tests from the listed modules Additional arguments are used to filter the tests to run. Only files that have one of the arguments in their name are executed. """ import sys, os, traceback profile = False if "-profile" in sys.argv: sys.argv.remove('-profile') profile = True coverage = False if "-coverage" in sys.argv: sys.argv.remove('-coverage') coverage = True if "-nogmpy" in sys.argv: sys.argv.remove('-nogmpy') os.environ['MPMATH_NOGMPY'] = 'Y' if "-strict" in sys.argv: sys.argv.remove('-strict') os.environ['MPMATH_STRICT'] = 'Y' if "-local" in sys.argv: sys.argv.remove('-local') importdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), '../..')) else: importdir = '' # TODO: add a flag for this testdir = '' def testit(importdir='', testdir='', exit_on_fail=False): """Run all tests in testdir while importing from importdir.""" if importdir: sys.path.insert(1, importdir) if testdir: sys.path.insert(1, testdir) import os.path import mpmath print("mpmath imported from %s" % os.path.dirname(mpmath.__file__)) print("mpmath backend: %s" % mpmath.libmp.backend.BACKEND) print("mpmath mp class: %s" % repr(mpmath.mp)) print("mpmath version: %s" % mpmath.__version__) print("Python version: %s" % sys.version) print("") if "-py" in sys.argv: sys.argv.remove('-py') import py py.test.cmdline.main() else: import glob from timeit import default_timer as clock modules = [] args = sys.argv[1:] excluded = [] if '-skip' in args: excluded = args[args.index('-skip')+1:] args = args[:args.index('-skip')] # search for tests in directory of this file if not otherwise specified if not testdir: pattern = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) else: pattern = testdir if pattern: pattern += '/' pattern += 'test*.py' # look for tests (respecting specified filter) for f in glob.glob(pattern): name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0] # If run as a script, only run tests given as args, if any are given if args and __name__ == "__main__": ok = False for arg in args: if arg in name: ok = True break if not ok: continue elif name in excluded: continue module = __import__(name) priority = module.__dict__.get('priority', 100) if priority == 666: modules = [[priority, name, module]] break modules.append([priority, name, module]) # execute tests modules.sort() tstart = clock() for priority, name, module in modules: print(name) for f in sorted(module.__dict__.keys()): if f.startswith('test_'): if coverage and ('numpy' in f): continue sys.stdout.write(" " + f[5:].ljust(25) + " ") t1 = clock() try: module.__dict__[f]() except: etype, evalue, trb = sys.exc_info() if etype in (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise print("") print("TEST FAILED!") print("") traceback.print_exc() if exit_on_fail: return t2 = clock() print("ok " + " " + ("%.7f" % (t2-t1)) + " s") tend = clock() print("") print("finished tests in " + ("%.2f" % (tend-tstart)) + " seconds") # clean sys.path if importdir: sys.path.remove(importdir) if testdir: sys.path.remove(testdir) if __name__ == '__main__': if profile: import cProfile cProfile.run("testit('%s', '%s')" % (importdir, testdir), sort=1) elif coverage: import trace tracer = trace.Trace(ignoredirs=[sys.prefix, sys.exec_prefix], trace=0, count=1) tracer.run('testit(importdir, testdir)') r = tracer.results() r.write_results(show_missing=True, summary=True, coverdir="/tmp") else: testit(importdir, testdir)