from sympy.unify.core import Compound, Variable, CondVariable, allcombinations from sympy.unify import core a,b,c = 'a', 'b', 'c' w,x,y,z = map(Variable, 'wxyz') C = Compound def is_associative(x): return isinstance(x, Compound) and (x.op in ('Add', 'Mul', 'CAdd', 'CMul')) def is_commutative(x): return isinstance(x, Compound) and (x.op in ('CAdd', 'CMul')) def unify(a, b, s={}): return core.unify(a, b, s=s, is_associative=is_associative, is_commutative=is_commutative) def test_basic(): assert list(unify(a, x, {})) == [{x: a}] assert list(unify(a, x, {x: 10})) == [] assert list(unify(1, x, {})) == [{x: 1}] assert list(unify(a, a, {})) == [{}] assert list(unify((w, x), (y, z), {})) == [{w: y, x: z}] assert list(unify(x, (a, b), {})) == [{x: (a, b)}] assert list(unify((a, b), (x, x), {})) == [] assert list(unify((y, z), (x, x), {}))!= [] assert list(unify((a, (b, c)), (a, (x, y)), {})) == [{x: b, y: c}] def test_ops(): assert list(unify(C('Add', (a,b,c)), C('Add', (a,x,y)), {})) == \ [{x:b, y:c}] assert list(unify(C('Add', (C('Mul', (1,2)), b,c)), C('Add', (x,y,c)), {})) == \ [{x: C('Mul', (1,2)), y:b}] def test_associative(): c1 = C('Add', (1,2,3)) c2 = C('Add', (x,y)) assert tuple(unify(c1, c2, {})) == ({x: 1, y: C('Add', (2, 3))}, {x: C('Add', (1, 2)), y: 3}) def test_commutative(): c1 = C('CAdd', (1,2,3)) c2 = C('CAdd', (x,y)) result = list(unify(c1, c2, {})) assert {x: 1, y: C('CAdd', (2, 3))} in result assert ({x: 2, y: C('CAdd', (1, 3))} in result or {x: 2, y: C('CAdd', (3, 1))} in result) def _test_combinations_assoc(): assert set(allcombinations((1,2,3), (a,b), True)) == \ {(((1, 2), (3,)), (a, b)), (((1,), (2, 3)), (a, b))} def _test_combinations_comm(): assert set(allcombinations((1,2,3), (a,b), None)) == \ {(((1,), (2, 3)), ('a', 'b')), (((2,), (3, 1)), ('a', 'b')), (((3,), (1, 2)), ('a', 'b')), (((1, 2), (3,)), ('a', 'b')), (((2, 3), (1,)), ('a', 'b')), (((3, 1), (2,)), ('a', 'b'))} def test_allcombinations(): assert set(allcombinations((1,2), (1,2), 'commutative')) ==\ {(((1,),(2,)), ((1,),(2,))), (((1,),(2,)), ((2,),(1,)))} def test_commutativity(): c1 = Compound('CAdd', (a, b)) c2 = Compound('CAdd', (x, y)) assert is_commutative(c1) and is_commutative(c2) assert len(list(unify(c1, c2, {}))) == 2 def test_CondVariable(): expr = C('CAdd', (1, 2)) x = Variable('x') y = CondVariable('y', lambda a: a % 2 == 0) z = CondVariable('z', lambda a: a > 3) pattern = C('CAdd', (x, y)) assert list(unify(expr, pattern, {})) == \ [{x: 1, y: 2}] z = CondVariable('z', lambda a: a > 3) pattern = C('CAdd', (z, y)) assert list(unify(expr, pattern, {})) == [] def test_defaultdict(): assert next(unify(Variable('x'), 'foo')) == {Variable('x'): 'foo'}