Note [ONNX operators that are added/updated from opset 7 to opset 8]
New operators:

Updated operators:
  Min, Max, Sum, Mean: supports multidirectional broadcasting.
  MaxPool: added optional indices output.

import functools
import warnings

from torch.onnx import symbolic_helper, symbolic_opset9 as opset9
from torch.onnx._internal import jit_utils, registration

_onnx_symbolic = functools.partial(registration.onnx_symbolic, opset=7)

block_listed_operators = (

# NOTE: max, min, sum, mean: broadcasting is not supported in opset 7.
# torch.max (same for torch.min) actually has two interfaces smashed together:
# torch.max(x, dim, keepdim) and torch.max(x, y)
def max(g: jit_utils.GraphContext, self, dim_or_y=None, keepdim=None):
    # torch.max(input, other)
    if keepdim is None and dim_or_y is not None:
            "Multidirectional broadcasting is not supported in opset 7. "
            "This might cause the onnx model to be incorrect, if inputs to max operators "
            "have different shapes"
    return opset9.max(g, self, dim_or_y, keepdim)

def min(g: jit_utils.GraphContext, self, dim_or_y=None, keepdim=None):
    # torch.min(input, other)
    if keepdim is None and dim_or_y is not None:
            "Multidirectional broadcasting is not supported in opset 7. "
            "This might cause the onnx model to be incorrect, if inputs to min operators "
            "have different shapes"
    return opset9.min(g, self, dim_or_y, keepdim)

for block_listed_op in block_listed_operators: