import os import time import unittest import pygame import pygame.key # keys that are not tested for const-name match SKIPPED_KEYS = {"K_UNKNOWN"} # This is the expected compat output KEY_NAME_COMPAT = { "K_0": "0", "K_1": "1", "K_2": "2", "K_3": "3", "K_4": "4", "K_5": "5", "K_6": "6", "K_7": "7", "K_8": "8", "K_9": "9", "K_AC_BACK": "AC Back", "K_AMPERSAND": "&", "K_ASTERISK": "*", "K_AT": "@", "K_BACKQUOTE": "`", "K_BACKSLASH": "\\", "K_BACKSPACE": "backspace", "K_BREAK": "break", "K_CAPSLOCK": "caps lock", "K_CARET": "^", "K_CLEAR": "clear", "K_COLON": ":", "K_COMMA": ",", "K_CURRENCYSUBUNIT": "CurrencySubUnit", "K_CURRENCYUNIT": "euro", "K_DELETE": "delete", "K_DOLLAR": "$", "K_DOWN": "down", "K_END": "end", "K_EQUALS": "=", "K_ESCAPE": "escape", "K_EURO": "euro", "K_EXCLAIM": "!", "K_F1": "f1", "K_F10": "f10", "K_F11": "f11", "K_F12": "f12", "K_F13": "f13", "K_F14": "f14", "K_F15": "f15", "K_F2": "f2", "K_F3": "f3", "K_F4": "f4", "K_F5": "f5", "K_F6": "f6", "K_F7": "f7", "K_F8": "f8", "K_F9": "f9", "K_GREATER": ">", "K_HASH": "#", "K_HELP": "help", "K_HOME": "home", "K_INSERT": "insert", "K_KP0": "[0]", "K_KP1": "[1]", "K_KP2": "[2]", "K_KP3": "[3]", "K_KP4": "[4]", "K_KP5": "[5]", "K_KP6": "[6]", "K_KP7": "[7]", "K_KP8": "[8]", "K_KP9": "[9]", "K_KP_0": "[0]", "K_KP_1": "[1]", "K_KP_2": "[2]", "K_KP_3": "[3]", "K_KP_4": "[4]", "K_KP_5": "[5]", "K_KP_6": "[6]", "K_KP_7": "[7]", "K_KP_8": "[8]", "K_KP_9": "[9]", "K_KP_DIVIDE": "[/]", "K_KP_ENTER": "enter", "K_KP_EQUALS": "equals", "K_KP_MINUS": "[-]", "K_KP_MULTIPLY": "[*]", "K_KP_PERIOD": "[.]", "K_KP_PLUS": "[+]", "K_LALT": "left alt", "K_LCTRL": "left ctrl", "K_LEFT": "left", "K_LEFTBRACKET": "[", "K_LEFTPAREN": "(", "K_LESS": "<", "K_LGUI": "left meta", "K_LMETA": "left meta", "K_LSHIFT": "left shift", "K_LSUPER": "left meta", "K_MENU": "menu", "K_MINUS": "-", "K_MODE": "alt gr", "K_NUMLOCK": "numlock", "K_NUMLOCKCLEAR": "numlock", "K_PAGEDOWN": "page down", "K_PAGEUP": "page up", "K_PAUSE": "break", "K_PERCENT": "%", "K_PERIOD": ".", "K_PLUS": "+", "K_POWER": "power", "K_PRINT": "print screen", "K_PRINTSCREEN": "print screen", "K_QUESTION": "?", "K_QUOTE": "'", "K_QUOTEDBL": '"', "K_RALT": "right alt", "K_RCTRL": "right ctrl", "K_RETURN": "return", "K_RGUI": "right meta", "K_RIGHT": "right", "K_RIGHTBRACKET": "]", "K_RIGHTPAREN": ")", "K_RMETA": "right meta", "K_RSHIFT": "right shift", "K_RSUPER": "right meta", "K_SCROLLLOCK": "scroll lock", "K_SCROLLOCK": "scroll lock", "K_SEMICOLON": ";", "K_SLASH": "/", "K_SPACE": "space", "K_SYSREQ": "sys req", "K_TAB": "tab", "K_UNDERSCORE": "_", "K_UP": "up", "K_a": "a", "K_b": "b", "K_c": "c", "K_d": "d", "K_e": "e", "K_f": "f", "K_g": "g", "K_h": "h", "K_i": "i", "K_j": "j", "K_k": "k", "K_l": "l", "K_m": "m", "K_n": "n", "K_o": "o", "K_p": "p", "K_q": "q", "K_r": "r", "K_s": "s", "K_t": "t", "K_u": "u", "K_v": "v", "K_w": "w", "K_x": "x", "K_y": "y", "K_z": "z", } class KeyModuleTest(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): pygame.init() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): pygame.quit() def setUp(self): # This makes sure pygame is always initialized before each test (in # case a test calls pygame.quit()). if not pygame.get_init(): pygame.init() if not pygame.display.get_init(): pygame.display.init() def test_import(self): """does it import?""" import pygame.key # fixme: test_get_focused failing systematically in some linux # fixme: test_get_focused failing on SDL 2.0.18 on Windows @unittest.skip("flaky test, and broken on 2.0.18 windows") def test_get_focused(self): # This test fails in SDL2 in some linux # This test was skipped in SDL1. focused = pygame.key.get_focused() self.assertFalse(focused) # No window to focus self.assertIsInstance(focused, int) # Dummy video driver never gets keyboard focus. if os.environ.get("SDL_VIDEODRIVER") != "dummy": # Positive test, fullscreen with events grabbed display_sizes = pygame.display.list_modes() if display_sizes == -1: display_sizes = [(500, 500)] pygame.display.set_mode(size=display_sizes[-1], flags=pygame.FULLSCREEN) pygame.event.set_grab(True) # Pump event queue to get window focus on macos pygame.event.pump() focused = pygame.key.get_focused() self.assertIsInstance(focused, int) self.assertTrue(focused) # Now test negative, iconify takes away focus pygame.event.clear() # TODO: iconify test fails in windows if != "nt": pygame.display.iconify() # Apparent need to pump event queue in order to make sure iconify # happens. See's test_get_active_iconify for _ in range(50): time.sleep(0.01) pygame.event.pump() self.assertFalse(pygame.key.get_focused()) # Test if focus is returned when iconify is gone pygame.display.set_mode(size=display_sizes[-1], flags=pygame.FULLSCREEN) for i in range(50): time.sleep(0.01) pygame.event.pump() self.assertTrue(pygame.key.get_focused()) # Test if a quit display raises an error: pygame.display.quit() with self.assertRaises(pygame.error) as cm: pygame.key.get_focused() def test_get_pressed(self): states = pygame.key.get_pressed() self.assertEqual(states[pygame.K_RIGHT], 0) # def test_get_pressed_not_iter(self): # states = pygame.key.get_pressed() # with self.assertRaises(TypeError): # next(states) # with self.assertRaises(TypeError): # for k in states: # pass def test_name_and_key_code(self): for const_name in dir(pygame): if not const_name.startswith("K_") or const_name in SKIPPED_KEYS: continue try: expected_str_name = KEY_NAME_COMPAT[const_name] except KeyError: "If you are seeing this error in a test run, you probably added a " "new pygame key constant, but forgot to update key_test unitests" ) const_val = getattr(pygame, const_name) # with these tests below, we also make sure that and key.key_code # can work together and handle each others outputs # test positional args self.assertEqual(, expected_str_name) # test kwarg self.assertEqual(, expected_str_name) # test positional args self.assertEqual(pygame.key.key_code(expected_str_name), const_val) # test kwarg self.assertEqual(pygame.key.key_code(name=expected_str_name), const_val) alt_name =, use_compat=False) self.assertIsInstance(alt_name, str) # This is a test for an implementation detail of name with use_compat=False # If this test breaks in the future for any key, it is safe to put skips on # failing keys (the implementation detail is documented as being unreliable) self.assertEqual(pygame.key.key_code(alt_name), const_val) self.assertRaises(TypeError,, "fizzbuzz") self.assertRaises(TypeError, pygame.key.key_code, pygame.K_a) self.assertRaises(ValueError, pygame.key.key_code, "fizzbuzz") def test_set_and_get_mods(self): pygame.key.set_mods(pygame.KMOD_CTRL) self.assertEqual(pygame.key.get_mods(), pygame.KMOD_CTRL) pygame.key.set_mods(pygame.KMOD_ALT) self.assertEqual(pygame.key.get_mods(), pygame.KMOD_ALT) pygame.key.set_mods(pygame.KMOD_CTRL | pygame.KMOD_ALT) self.assertEqual(pygame.key.get_mods(), pygame.KMOD_CTRL | pygame.KMOD_ALT) def test_set_and_get_repeat(self): self.assertEqual(pygame.key.get_repeat(), (0, 0)) pygame.key.set_repeat(10, 15) self.assertEqual(pygame.key.get_repeat(), (10, 15)) pygame.key.set_repeat() self.assertEqual(pygame.key.get_repeat(), (0, 0)) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()