396 lines
12 KiB
396 lines
12 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" pygame.examples.aliens
Shows a mini game where you have to defend against aliens.
What does it show you about pygame?
* pg.sprite, the difference between Sprite and Group.
* dirty rectangle optimization for processing for speed.
* music with pg.mixer.music, including fadeout
* sound effects with pg.Sound
* event processing, keyboard handling, QUIT handling.
* a main loop frame limited with a game clock from pg.time.Clock
* fullscreen switching.
* Left and right arrows to move.
* Space bar to shoot
* f key to toggle between fullscreen.
import os
import random
from typing import List
# import basic pygame modules
import pygame as pg
# see if we can load more than standard BMP
if not pg.image.get_extended():
raise SystemExit("Sorry, extended image module required")
# game constants
MAX_SHOTS = 2 # most player bullets onscreen
ALIEN_ODDS = 22 # chances a new alien appears
BOMB_ODDS = 60 # chances a new bomb will drop
ALIEN_RELOAD = 12 # frames between new aliens
SCREENRECT = pg.Rect(0, 0, 640, 480)
main_dir = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]
def load_image(file):
"""loads an image, prepares it for play"""
file = os.path.join(main_dir, "data", file)
surface = pg.image.load(file)
except pg.error:
raise SystemExit(f'Could not load image "{file}" {pg.get_error()}')
return surface.convert()
def load_sound(file):
"""because pygame can be compiled without mixer."""
if not pg.mixer:
return None
file = os.path.join(main_dir, "data", file)
sound = pg.mixer.Sound(file)
return sound
except pg.error:
print(f"Warning, unable to load, {file}")
return None
# Each type of game object gets an init and an update function.
# The update function is called once per frame, and it is when each object should
# change its current position and state.
# The Player object actually gets a "move" function instead of update,
# since it is passed extra information about the keyboard.
class Player(pg.sprite.Sprite):
"""Representing the player as a moon buggy type car."""
speed = 10
bounce = 24
gun_offset = -11
images: List[pg.Surface] = []
def __init__(self, *groups):
pg.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self, *groups)
self.image = self.images[0]
self.rect = self.image.get_rect(midbottom=SCREENRECT.midbottom)
self.reloading = 0
self.origtop = self.rect.top
self.facing = -1
def move(self, direction):
if direction:
self.facing = direction
self.rect.move_ip(direction * self.speed, 0)
self.rect = self.rect.clamp(SCREENRECT)
if direction < 0:
self.image = self.images[0]
elif direction > 0:
self.image = self.images[1]
self.rect.top = self.origtop - (self.rect.left // self.bounce % 2)
def gunpos(self):
pos = self.facing * self.gun_offset + self.rect.centerx
return pos, self.rect.top
class Alien(pg.sprite.Sprite):
"""An alien space ship. That slowly moves down the screen."""
speed = 13
animcycle = 12
images: List[pg.Surface] = []
def __init__(self, *groups):
pg.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self, *groups)
self.image = self.images[0]
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.facing = random.choice((-1, 1)) * Alien.speed
self.frame = 0
if self.facing < 0:
self.rect.right = SCREENRECT.right
def update(self):
self.rect.move_ip(self.facing, 0)
if not SCREENRECT.contains(self.rect):
self.facing = -self.facing
self.rect.top = self.rect.bottom + 1
self.rect = self.rect.clamp(SCREENRECT)
self.frame = self.frame + 1
self.image = self.images[self.frame // self.animcycle % 3]
class Explosion(pg.sprite.Sprite):
"""An explosion. Hopefully the Alien and not the player!"""
defaultlife = 12
animcycle = 3
images: List[pg.Surface] = []
def __init__(self, actor, *groups):
pg.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self, *groups)
self.image = self.images[0]
self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center=actor.rect.center)
self.life = self.defaultlife
def update(self):
"""called every time around the game loop.
Show the explosion surface for 'defaultlife'.
Every game tick(update), we decrease the 'life'.
Also we animate the explosion.
self.life = self.life - 1
self.image = self.images[self.life // self.animcycle % 2]
if self.life <= 0:
class Shot(pg.sprite.Sprite):
"""a bullet the Player sprite fires."""
speed = -11
images: List[pg.Surface] = []
def __init__(self, pos, *groups):
pg.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self, *groups)
self.image = self.images[0]
self.rect = self.image.get_rect(midbottom=pos)
def update(self):
"""called every time around the game loop.
Every tick we move the shot upwards.
self.rect.move_ip(0, self.speed)
if self.rect.top <= 0:
class Bomb(pg.sprite.Sprite):
"""A bomb the aliens drop."""
speed = 9
images: List[pg.Surface] = []
def __init__(self, alien, explosion_group, *groups):
pg.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self, *groups)
self.image = self.images[0]
self.rect = self.image.get_rect(midbottom=alien.rect.move(0, 5).midbottom)
self.explosion_group = explosion_group
def update(self):
"""called every time around the game loop.
Every frame we move the sprite 'rect' down.
When it reaches the bottom we:
- make an explosion.
- remove the Bomb.
self.rect.move_ip(0, self.speed)
if self.rect.bottom >= 470:
Explosion(self, self.explosion_group)
class Score(pg.sprite.Sprite):
"""to keep track of the score."""
def __init__(self, *groups):
pg.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self, *groups)
self.font = pg.font.Font(None, 20)
self.color = "white"
self.lastscore = -1
self.rect = self.image.get_rect().move(10, 450)
def update(self):
"""We only update the score in update() when it has changed."""
if SCORE != self.lastscore:
self.lastscore = SCORE
msg = f"Score: {SCORE}"
self.image = self.font.render(msg, 0, self.color)
def main(winstyle=0):
# Initialize pygame
if pg.get_sdl_version()[0] == 2:
pg.mixer.pre_init(44100, 32, 2, 1024)
if pg.mixer and not pg.mixer.get_init():
print("Warning, no sound")
pg.mixer = None
fullscreen = False
# Set the display mode
winstyle = 0 # |FULLSCREEN
bestdepth = pg.display.mode_ok(SCREENRECT.size, winstyle, 32)
screen = pg.display.set_mode(SCREENRECT.size, winstyle, bestdepth)
# Load images, assign to sprite classes
# (do this before the classes are used, after screen setup)
img = load_image("player1.gif")
Player.images = [img, pg.transform.flip(img, 1, 0)]
img = load_image("explosion1.gif")
Explosion.images = [img, pg.transform.flip(img, 1, 1)]
Alien.images = [load_image(im) for im in ("alien1.gif", "alien2.gif", "alien3.gif")]
Bomb.images = [load_image("bomb.gif")]
Shot.images = [load_image("shot.gif")]
# decorate the game window
icon = pg.transform.scale(Alien.images[0], (32, 32))
pg.display.set_caption("Pygame Aliens")
# create the background, tile the bgd image
bgdtile = load_image("background.gif")
background = pg.Surface(SCREENRECT.size)
for x in range(0, SCREENRECT.width, bgdtile.get_width()):
background.blit(bgdtile, (x, 0))
screen.blit(background, (0, 0))
# load the sound effects
boom_sound = load_sound("boom.wav")
shoot_sound = load_sound("car_door.wav")
if pg.mixer:
music = os.path.join(main_dir, "data", "house_lo.wav")
# Initialize Game Groups
aliens = pg.sprite.Group()
shots = pg.sprite.Group()
bombs = pg.sprite.Group()
all = pg.sprite.RenderUpdates()
lastalien = pg.sprite.GroupSingle()
# Create Some Starting Values
alienreload = ALIEN_RELOAD
clock = pg.time.Clock()
# initialize our starting sprites
global SCORE
player = Player(all)
aliens, all, lastalien
) # note, this 'lives' because it goes into a sprite group
if pg.font:
# Run our main loop whilst the player is alive.
while player.alive():
# get input
for event in pg.event.get():
if event.type == pg.QUIT:
if event.type == pg.KEYDOWN and event.key == pg.K_ESCAPE:
if event.type == pg.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pg.K_f:
if not fullscreen:
print("Changing to FULLSCREEN")
screen_backup = screen.copy()
screen = pg.display.set_mode(
SCREENRECT.size, winstyle | pg.FULLSCREEN, bestdepth
screen.blit(screen_backup, (0, 0))
print("Changing to windowed mode")
screen_backup = screen.copy()
screen = pg.display.set_mode(
SCREENRECT.size, winstyle, bestdepth
screen.blit(screen_backup, (0, 0))
fullscreen = not fullscreen
keystate = pg.key.get_pressed()
# clear/erase the last drawn sprites
all.clear(screen, background)
# update all the sprites
# handle player input
direction = keystate[pg.K_RIGHT] - keystate[pg.K_LEFT]
firing = keystate[pg.K_SPACE]
if not player.reloading and firing and len(shots) < MAX_SHOTS:
Shot(player.gunpos(), shots, all)
if pg.mixer and shoot_sound is not None:
player.reloading = firing
# Create new alien
if alienreload:
alienreload = alienreload - 1
elif not int(random.random() * ALIEN_ODDS):
Alien(aliens, all, lastalien)
alienreload = ALIEN_RELOAD
# Drop bombs
if lastalien and not int(random.random() * BOMB_ODDS):
Bomb(lastalien.sprite, all, bombs, all)
# Detect collisions between aliens and players.
for alien in pg.sprite.spritecollide(player, aliens, 1):
if pg.mixer and boom_sound is not None:
Explosion(alien, all)
Explosion(player, all)
# See if shots hit the aliens.
for alien in pg.sprite.groupcollide(aliens, shots, 1, 1).keys():
if pg.mixer and boom_sound is not None:
Explosion(alien, all)
# See if alien bombs hit the player.
for bomb in pg.sprite.spritecollide(player, bombs, 1):
if pg.mixer and boom_sound is not None:
Explosion(player, all)
Explosion(bomb, all)
# draw the scene
dirty = all.draw(screen)
# cap the framerate at 40fps. Also called 40HZ or 40 times per second.
if pg.mixer:
# call the "main" function if running this script
if __name__ == "__main__":