406 lines
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406 lines
12 KiB
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Callable
from sympy.core import S, Add, Expr, Basic, Mul, Pow, Rational
from sympy.core.logic import fuzzy_not
from sympy.logic.boolalg import Boolean
from sympy.assumptions import ask, Q # type: ignore
def refine(expr, assumptions=True):
Simplify an expression using assumptions.
Unlike :func:`~.simplify()` which performs structural simplification
without any assumption, this function transforms the expression into
the form which is only valid under certain assumptions. Note that
``simplify()`` is generally not done in refining process.
Refining boolean expression involves reducing it to ``S.true`` or
``S.false``. Unlike :func:`~.ask()`, the expression will not be reduced
if the truth value cannot be determined.
>>> from sympy import refine, sqrt, Q
>>> from sympy.abc import x
>>> refine(sqrt(x**2), Q.real(x))
>>> refine(sqrt(x**2), Q.positive(x))
>>> refine(Q.real(x), Q.positive(x))
>>> refine(Q.positive(x), Q.real(x))
See Also
sympy.simplify.simplify.simplify : Structural simplification without assumptions.
sympy.assumptions.ask.ask : Query for boolean expressions using assumptions.
if not isinstance(expr, Basic):
return expr
if not expr.is_Atom:
args = [refine(arg, assumptions) for arg in expr.args]
# TODO: this will probably not work with Integral or Polynomial
expr = expr.func(*args)
if hasattr(expr, '_eval_refine'):
ref_expr = expr._eval_refine(assumptions)
if ref_expr is not None:
return ref_expr
name = expr.__class__.__name__
handler = handlers_dict.get(name, None)
if handler is None:
return expr
new_expr = handler(expr, assumptions)
if (new_expr is None) or (expr == new_expr):
return expr
if not isinstance(new_expr, Expr):
return new_expr
return refine(new_expr, assumptions)
def refine_abs(expr, assumptions):
Handler for the absolute value.
>>> from sympy import Q, Abs
>>> from sympy.assumptions.refine import refine_abs
>>> from sympy.abc import x
>>> refine_abs(Abs(x), Q.real(x))
>>> refine_abs(Abs(x), Q.positive(x))
>>> refine_abs(Abs(x), Q.negative(x))
from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import Abs
arg = expr.args[0]
if ask(Q.real(arg), assumptions) and \
fuzzy_not(ask(Q.negative(arg), assumptions)):
# if it's nonnegative
return arg
if ask(Q.negative(arg), assumptions):
return -arg
# arg is Mul
if isinstance(arg, Mul):
r = [refine(abs(a), assumptions) for a in arg.args]
non_abs = []
in_abs = []
for i in r:
if isinstance(i, Abs):
return Mul(*non_abs) * Abs(Mul(*in_abs))
def refine_Pow(expr, assumptions):
Handler for instances of Pow.
>>> from sympy import Q
>>> from sympy.assumptions.refine import refine_Pow
>>> from sympy.abc import x,y,z
>>> refine_Pow((-1)**x, Q.real(x))
>>> refine_Pow((-1)**x, Q.even(x))
>>> refine_Pow((-1)**x, Q.odd(x))
For powers of -1, even parts of the exponent can be simplified:
>>> refine_Pow((-1)**(x+y), Q.even(x))
>>> refine_Pow((-1)**(x+y+z), Q.odd(x) & Q.odd(z))
>>> refine_Pow((-1)**(x+y+2), Q.odd(x))
(-1)**(y + 1)
>>> refine_Pow((-1)**(x+3), True)
(-1)**(x + 1)
from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import Abs
from sympy.functions import sign
if isinstance(expr.base, Abs):
if ask(Q.real(expr.base.args[0]), assumptions) and \
ask(Q.even(expr.exp), assumptions):
return expr.base.args[0] ** expr.exp
if ask(Q.real(expr.base), assumptions):
if expr.base.is_number:
if ask(Q.even(expr.exp), assumptions):
return abs(expr.base) ** expr.exp
if ask(Q.odd(expr.exp), assumptions):
return sign(expr.base) * abs(expr.base) ** expr.exp
if isinstance(expr.exp, Rational):
if isinstance(expr.base, Pow):
return abs(expr.base.base) ** (expr.base.exp * expr.exp)
if expr.base is S.NegativeOne:
if expr.exp.is_Add:
old = expr
# For powers of (-1) we can remove
# - even terms
# - pairs of odd terms
# - a single odd term + 1
# - A numerical constant N can be replaced with mod(N,2)
coeff, terms = expr.exp.as_coeff_add()
terms = set(terms)
even_terms = set()
odd_terms = set()
initial_number_of_terms = len(terms)
for t in terms:
if ask(Q.even(t), assumptions):
elif ask(Q.odd(t), assumptions):
terms -= even_terms
if len(odd_terms) % 2:
terms -= odd_terms
new_coeff = (coeff + S.One) % 2
terms -= odd_terms
new_coeff = coeff % 2
if new_coeff != coeff or len(terms) < initial_number_of_terms:
expr = expr.base**(Add(*terms))
# Handle (-1)**((-1)**n/2 + m/2)
e2 = 2*expr.exp
if ask(Q.even(e2), assumptions):
if e2.could_extract_minus_sign():
e2 *= expr.base
if e2.is_Add:
i, p = e2.as_two_terms()
if p.is_Pow and p.base is S.NegativeOne:
if ask(Q.integer(p.exp), assumptions):
i = (i + 1)/2
if ask(Q.even(i), assumptions):
return expr.base**p.exp
elif ask(Q.odd(i), assumptions):
return expr.base**(p.exp + 1)
return expr.base**(p.exp + i)
if old != expr:
return expr
def refine_atan2(expr, assumptions):
Handler for the atan2 function.
>>> from sympy import Q, atan2
>>> from sympy.assumptions.refine import refine_atan2
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y
>>> refine_atan2(atan2(y,x), Q.real(y) & Q.positive(x))
>>> refine_atan2(atan2(y,x), Q.negative(y) & Q.negative(x))
atan(y/x) - pi
>>> refine_atan2(atan2(y,x), Q.positive(y) & Q.negative(x))
atan(y/x) + pi
>>> refine_atan2(atan2(y,x), Q.zero(y) & Q.negative(x))
>>> refine_atan2(atan2(y,x), Q.positive(y) & Q.zero(x))
>>> refine_atan2(atan2(y,x), Q.negative(y) & Q.zero(x))
>>> refine_atan2(atan2(y,x), Q.zero(y) & Q.zero(x))
from sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric import atan
y, x = expr.args
if ask(Q.real(y) & Q.positive(x), assumptions):
return atan(y / x)
elif ask(Q.negative(y) & Q.negative(x), assumptions):
return atan(y / x) - S.Pi
elif ask(Q.positive(y) & Q.negative(x), assumptions):
return atan(y / x) + S.Pi
elif ask(Q.zero(y) & Q.negative(x), assumptions):
return S.Pi
elif ask(Q.positive(y) & Q.zero(x), assumptions):
return S.Pi/2
elif ask(Q.negative(y) & Q.zero(x), assumptions):
return -S.Pi/2
elif ask(Q.zero(y) & Q.zero(x), assumptions):
return S.NaN
return expr
def refine_re(expr, assumptions):
Handler for real part.
>>> from sympy.assumptions.refine import refine_re
>>> from sympy import Q, re
>>> from sympy.abc import x
>>> refine_re(re(x), Q.real(x))
>>> refine_re(re(x), Q.imaginary(x))
arg = expr.args[0]
if ask(Q.real(arg), assumptions):
return arg
if ask(Q.imaginary(arg), assumptions):
return S.Zero
return _refine_reim(expr, assumptions)
def refine_im(expr, assumptions):
Handler for imaginary part.
>>> from sympy.assumptions.refine import refine_im
>>> from sympy import Q, im
>>> from sympy.abc import x
>>> refine_im(im(x), Q.real(x))
>>> refine_im(im(x), Q.imaginary(x))
arg = expr.args[0]
if ask(Q.real(arg), assumptions):
return S.Zero
if ask(Q.imaginary(arg), assumptions):
return - S.ImaginaryUnit * arg
return _refine_reim(expr, assumptions)
def refine_arg(expr, assumptions):
Handler for complex argument
>>> from sympy.assumptions.refine import refine_arg
>>> from sympy import Q, arg
>>> from sympy.abc import x
>>> refine_arg(arg(x), Q.positive(x))
>>> refine_arg(arg(x), Q.negative(x))
rg = expr.args[0]
if ask(Q.positive(rg), assumptions):
return S.Zero
if ask(Q.negative(rg), assumptions):
return S.Pi
return None
def _refine_reim(expr, assumptions):
# Helper function for refine_re & refine_im
expanded = expr.expand(complex = True)
if expanded != expr:
refined = refine(expanded, assumptions)
if refined != expanded:
return refined
# Best to leave the expression as is
return None
def refine_sign(expr, assumptions):
Handler for sign.
>>> from sympy.assumptions.refine import refine_sign
>>> from sympy import Symbol, Q, sign, im
>>> x = Symbol('x', real = True)
>>> expr = sign(x)
>>> refine_sign(expr, Q.positive(x) & Q.nonzero(x))
>>> refine_sign(expr, Q.negative(x) & Q.nonzero(x))
>>> refine_sign(expr, Q.zero(x))
>>> y = Symbol('y', imaginary = True)
>>> expr = sign(y)
>>> refine_sign(expr, Q.positive(im(y)))
>>> refine_sign(expr, Q.negative(im(y)))
arg = expr.args[0]
if ask(Q.zero(arg), assumptions):
return S.Zero
if ask(Q.real(arg)):
if ask(Q.positive(arg), assumptions):
return S.One
if ask(Q.negative(arg), assumptions):
return S.NegativeOne
if ask(Q.imaginary(arg)):
arg_re, arg_im = arg.as_real_imag()
if ask(Q.positive(arg_im), assumptions):
return S.ImaginaryUnit
if ask(Q.negative(arg_im), assumptions):
return -S.ImaginaryUnit
return expr
def refine_matrixelement(expr, assumptions):
Handler for symmetric part.
>>> from sympy.assumptions.refine import refine_matrixelement
>>> from sympy import MatrixSymbol, Q
>>> X = MatrixSymbol('X', 3, 3)
>>> refine_matrixelement(X[0, 1], Q.symmetric(X))
X[0, 1]
>>> refine_matrixelement(X[1, 0], Q.symmetric(X))
X[0, 1]
from sympy.matrices.expressions.matexpr import MatrixElement
matrix, i, j = expr.args
if ask(Q.symmetric(matrix), assumptions):
if (i - j).could_extract_minus_sign():
return expr
return MatrixElement(matrix, j, i)
handlers_dict: dict[str, Callable[[Expr, Boolean], Expr]] = {
'Abs': refine_abs,
'Pow': refine_Pow,
'atan2': refine_atan2,
're': refine_re,
'im': refine_im,
'arg': refine_arg,
'sign': refine_sign,
'MatrixElement': refine_matrixelement