2022-03-21 11:22:38 +01:00

21 lines
702 B

String repoUrl = "https://git.wmi.amu.edu.pl/s478841/ium_478841.git"
node {
stage('checkout: Check out from version control') {
echo "Cloning the repository from ${repoUrl}..."
git clone repoUrl
echo "Repository cloned"
stage('sh: Shell Script') {
//Wywołaj w konsoli komendę "figlet", która generuje ASCI-art
//sh "figlet \"${INPUT_TEXT}\" | tee output.txt"
echo "Running the data loading script..."
sh "./load_data.sh | tee output.txt"
echo "Data loaded"
stage('archive artifacts') {
//Zarchiwizuj wynik
echo "Saving results to the output.txt..."
archiveArtifacts 'output.txt'