# Flask API To create conda env just run: `conda env create conda_env.yml` And then select newly created env in your IDE. ### To run API in project folder run this command: `export FLASK_APP=main.py` ### After that you are ready to deploy API: `flask run --without-threads` Supported requests: - `API_address/detectRobot1?img=...` - response model: ``` { "0": ["color", int(width), int(x)] } ``` - when no objects were detected response is: ``` { "0": [] } ``` - `API_address/detectRat1?img=...` - response model: ``` { "0": [int(width), int(x)] } ``` - when no objects were detected response is: ``` { "0": [] } ``` # Przed uruchomieniem ###### Skopiuj pliki z folderu ``dependencies`` do folderu ``/CoppeliaRobotics/CoppeliaSimEdu/lua``