-- Problem: Program si? wiesza przy zapisywaniu zdj?? i wysy?aniu requesta do API http = require('socket.http') json = require('json') COLOR_WHITE = {255, 255, 255} COLOR_RED = {255, 0, 0} COLOR_GREEN = {0, 255, 0} COLOR_BLUE = {0, 0, 255} OBSTACLE_AVOID_DISTANCE = 3 MOVING_VELOCITY = 20 TURNING_VELOCITY = 15 PROXIMITY_STOP_DISTANCE = 1 CONFIDENCE = 0 IMAGE_COUNTER = 0 CAMERA_FIELD_OF_VIEW = 60 PHOTO_WIDTH = 1920 BATERY_VALUE = 10 function sysCall_init() os.execute("rm -r robot") os.execute("mkdir robot") ModelHandle = sim.getObject(".") ModelName = sim.getObjectAlias(ModelHandle) RatHandles = {} -- List of rats on the scene local i = 0 while true do local rat_handle = sim.getObject("/Rat*", {index=i, noError=true}) if rat_handle < 0 then break end table.insert(RatHandles, rat_handle) i = i + 1 end DuckHandles = {} -- List of ducks on the scene local i = 0 while true do local duck_handle = sim.getObject("/Duck*", {index=i, noError=true}) if duck_handle < 0 then break end table.insert(DuckHandles, duck_handle) i = i + 1 end RightWheel = sim.getObject("./RightWheel") LeftWheel = sim.getObject("./LeftWheel") Camera = sim.getObject("./Camera") VisionSensor = sim.getObject("./Vision_sensor") SonarRight = sim.getObject("./Proximity_sensor_right") SonarLeft = sim.getObject("./Proximity_sensor_left") Diodes = { -- LED_strip has to be ungrouped D2 = sim.getObject("./diode_2"), D3 = sim.getObject("./diode_3"), D4 = sim.getObject("./diode_4"), D5 = sim.getObject("./diode_5"), D6 = sim.getObject("./diode_6"), D7 = sim.getObject("./diode_7") } sim.setShapeColor(sim.getObject("./diode_1"), nil, 0, COLOR_WHITE) sim.setShapeColor(sim.getObject("./diode_8"), nil, 0, COLOR_WHITE) sim.setObjectInt32Param(RightWheel,2000, 1) -- Enable velocity control sim.setObjectInt32Param(LeftWheel,2000, 1) sim.setObjectInt32Param(Camera,2000, 1) Set_wheel_velocity(5, 5) sim.setJointTargetVelocity(Camera, 0) sim.setJointTargetForce(LeftWheel, 5) sim.setJointTargetForce(RightWheel, 5) Last_Color_Change_Time = sim.getSimulationTime() Last_Camera_Rotation_Time = sim.getSimulationTime() Last_Photo_Time = sim.getSimulationTime() Last_Turn_Time=sim.getSimulationTime() Turning = false Seeing_Another_Rat = 0 Close_To_Rat = false CameraAngle = Get_angle(VisionSensor) ModelAngle = Get_angle(ModelHandle) Rat_Degrees_Offset_From_Photo_Center = 0 DEBUG_Sensor_Time = sim.getSimulationTime() --sim.addBanner("Bateria = 100", 2, sim_banner_fullyfacingcamera, nil, ModelHandle, nil, nil) Camera_Rotate_Counter = 0 --IMAGE_COUNTER = 0 end function sysCall_actuation() -------------------- photo test -------------------- if (sim.getSimulationTime() - Last_Photo_Time) > 0.5 then if BATERY_VALUE > 0 then BATERY_VALUE = BATERY_VALUE - 1 UpdateBatery(BATERY_VALUE) end if not Close_To_Rat then Take_photo() end Last_Photo_Time = sim.getSimulationTime() end -------------------- camera test ------------------- if (sim.getSimulationTime() - Last_Camera_Rotation_Time) > 1.7 then if Camera_Rotate_Counter == 0 then sim.setJointTargetVelocity(Camera, 2) Camera_Rotate_Counter = 1 else sim.setJointTargetVelocity(Camera, -2) Camera_Rotate_Counter = 0 end Last_Camera_Rotation_Time = sim.getSimulationTime() end -------------------- moving test ------------------- if Turning == true and Angle_difference(Get_angle(ModelHandle), Desired_angle) < 10 then Finish_turning() Stop_if_close(RatHandles) end end function sysCall_sensing() local _, _, _, detected_handle_left, _ = sim.readProximitySensor(SonarLeft) local _, _, _, detected_handle_right, _ = sim.readProximitySensor(SonarRight) if Has_Value(RatHandles, detected_handle_left) or Has_Value(RatHandles, detected_handle_right) then if detected_handle_left > 0 and Has_Value(RatHandles, detected_handle_left) then Handle = detected_handle_left else Handle = detected_handle_right end Close_To_Rat = true Change_strip_color(COLOR_RED) SensorMovement(Handle) elseif BATERY_VALUE > 0 then Close_To_Rat = false VisionMovement() else Set_wheel_velocity(0, 0) end end function sysCall_cleanup() -- do some clean-up here end ------------------------------ non-sysCall functions below ------------------------------ function VisionMovement() if Seeing_Another_Rat == 1 then local adjusted_angle = Calculate_desired_angle(CameraAngle, Rat_Degrees_Offset_From_Photo_Center) local angle_diff = Angle_difference(ModelAngle, adjusted_angle) if angle_diff > 5 then if math.abs(ModelAngle - adjusted_angle) < 180 then if ModelAngle < adjusted_angle then print(string.format("[%s] Rat detected on the left", ModelName)) else print(string.format("[%s] Rat detected on the right", ModelName)) angle_diff = -angle_diff end else if ModelAngle > adjusted_angle then print(string.format("[%s] Rat detected on the left", ModelName)) else print(string.format("[%s] Rat detected on the right", ModelName)) angle_diff = -angle_diff end end DEGREES_TO_TURN = angle_diff Start_turning(angle_diff) ModelAngle = 0 CameraAngle = 0 Rat_Degrees_Offset_From_Photo_Center = 0 end if not Turning then Go_Forward() end elseif not Turning then Random_Walk() end if not Turning then Stop_if_close(RatHandles) end end function SensorMovement(handle) Follow(handle) end function RatCallPredictionAPI(filename) local response = http.request(string.format("", filename)) return json.decode(response) end function RobotCallPredictionAPI(filename) local response = http.request(string.format("", filename)) return json.decode(response) end function UpdateBatery(batery_value) sim.addBanner(batery_value, 0.4, sim_banner_fullyfacingcamera, {1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, ModelHandle, nil, {1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}) end function Has_Value (tab, val) for index, value in ipairs(tab) do if value == val then return true end end return false end function Change_strip_color(rgb_vals) for _, v in pairs(Diodes) do sim.setShapeColor(v, nil, 0, rgb_vals) end end function Set_wheel_velocity(left_vel, right_vel) sim.setJointTargetVelocity(LeftWheel, left_vel) sim.setJointTargetVelocity(RightWheel, right_vel) end function Take_photo() CameraAngle = Get_angle(VisionSensor) ModelAngle = Get_angle(ModelHandle) local img = sim.getVisionSensorImg(VisionSensor) local filename = "img"..IMAGE_COUNTER..".png" local path = "robot1/"..filename sim.saveImage(img, {1920,1080}, 0, path, -1) print(string.format("[%s] Photo taken 1", ModelName)) local res = RatCallPredictionAPI(filename) local res_robot = RobotCallPredictionAPI(filename) print(CONFIDENCE) if BATERY_VALUE > 0 then if table.concat(res['0']) == 'None' then --print(CONFIDENCE) if CONFIDENCE > 0 then CONFIDENCE = CONFIDENCE - 1 end Seeing_Another_Rat = 0 if not Close_To_Rat and CONFIDENCE == 0 then Change_strip_color(COLOR_GREEN) print(string.format("[%s] No rats detected!", ModelName)) else print(string.format("[%s] Chase the rat!", ModelName)) end else local frame_width = res['0'][1] local rat_pos = res['0'][2] + frame_width / 2 Rat_Degrees_Offset_From_Photo_Center = (rat_pos - (PHOTO_WIDTH / 2)) / (PHOTO_WIDTH/CAMERA_FIELD_OF_VIEW) if table.concat(res_robot['0']) == 'None' then Seeing_Another_Rat = 1 Change_strip_color(COLOR_RED) CONFIDENCE = 3 print(string.format("[%s] Another rat detected on camera", ModelName)) elseif res_robot['0'][1] == 'red' then Seeing_Another_Rat = 0 print(string.format("[%s] I'm looking for another rat. This robot doesn't need my help", ModelName)) if CONFIDENCE == 0 then Change_strip_color(COLOR_GREEN) end elseif res_robot['0'][1] == 'white' then Seeing_Another_Rat = 1 print(string.format("[%s] Robot need my help. I'm on my way!", ModelName)) Change_strip_color(COLOR_RED) CONFIDENCE = 3 end end IMAGE_COUNTER = IMAGE_COUNTER + 1 else Change_strip_color(COLOR_WHITE) print(string.format("[%s] I have to charge my battery", ModelName)) end end function Orientation_to_angle(orientation) -- returns a value between [0, 360] local angle = math.deg(orientation[2]) + 90 if orientation[1] < 0 then angle = 360 - angle end return angle end function Get_angle(handle) local orientation = sim.getObjectOrientation(handle, sim.handle_world) return Orientation_to_angle(orientation) end function Calculate_desired_angle(old_angle, angle_delta) local desired = old_angle + angle_delta if desired > 360 then return desired % 360 elseif desired < 0 then return desired + 360 else return desired end end function Angle_difference(actual_angle, desired_angle) -- returns a value between [0, 180] local diff = math.abs(desired_angle - actual_angle) return diff < 180 and diff or 360 - diff end function Turn_Left() Set_wheel_velocity(0, TURNING_VELOCITY) end function Turn_Right() Set_wheel_velocity(TURNING_VELOCITY,0) end function Go_Forward() Set_wheel_velocity(MOVING_VELOCITY, MOVING_VELOCITY) end function Stop_Moving() Set_wheel_velocity(0, 0) end function Start_turning(degrees) FULL_CIRCLE_PERIOD = 2.8 -- at 2.5 speed print(string.format("[%s] Starting to turn %.2f degrees", ModelName, degrees)) Turning = true Desired_angle = Calculate_desired_angle(Get_angle(ModelHandle), degrees) if degrees > 0 then Turn_Left() else Turn_Right() end Last_Turn_Time = sim.getSimulationTime() end function Finish_turning() Go_Forward() Last_Turn_Time = sim.getSimulationTime() Turning = false After_turning = Get_angle(ModelHandle) print(string.format("[%s] Finished turning; Angle deviation from desired: %.2f (Desired: %.2f vs Actual: %.2f)", ModelName, Angle_difference(After_turning, Desired_angle), Desired_angle, After_turning)) end function Random_Walk() local _, obstacle_left_distance, _, _, _ = sim.readProximitySensor(SonarLeft) if obstacle_left_distance == 0 then obstacle_left_distance = math.huge end local _, obstacle_right_distance, _, _, _ = sim.readProximitySensor(SonarRight) if obstacle_right_distance == 0 then obstacle_right_distance = math.huge end if obstacle_right_distance < obstacle_left_distance and obstacle_right_distance < OBSTACLE_AVOID_DISTANCE then Turn_Left() elseif obstacle_left_distance < obstacle_right_distance and obstacle_left_distance < OBSTACLE_AVOID_DISTANCE then Turn_Right() else Go_Forward() end end function Follow(object_handle) -- Use with flat sensors with no blind zone in the middle local left_detected, left_distance, _, _, _ = sim.checkProximitySensor(SonarLeft, object_handle) local right_detected, right_distance, _, _, _ = sim.checkProximitySensor(SonarRight, object_handle) if (sim.getSimulationTime() - Last_Photo_Time) > 0.5 then if not Close_To_Rat then local img = sim.getVisionSensorImg(VisionSensor) local filename = "img"..IMAGE_COUNTER..".png" local path = "robot1/"..filename sim.saveImage(img, {1920,1080}, 0, path, -1) end Last_Photo_Time = sim.getSimulationTime() IMAGE_COUNTER = IMAGE_COUNTER + 1 end if left_detected == 1 and right_detected == 1 then Go_Forward() elseif left_detected == 1 then Turn_Left() elseif right_detected == 1 then Turn_Right() else Go_Forward() end if (left_distance > 0 and left_distance < PROXIMITY_STOP_DISTANCE) or (right_distance > 0 and right_distance < PROXIMITY_STOP_DISTANCE) then Stop_Moving() end end function Stop_if_close(handle_table) -- Przy szczurach jest ok przy robotach z jakiegos powodu nie wykrywa jesli patrzy na kolo zamiast chassisa (kolo pewnie ma inny objecthandle?) local left_detected, left_distance, _, left_detected_object_handle, _ = sim.readProximitySensor(SonarLeft) local right_detected, right_distance, _, right_detected_object_handle, _ = sim.readProximitySensor(SonarRight) if Has_Value(handle_table, left_detected_object_handle) or Has_Value(handle_table, right_detected_object_handle) then if (left_distance > 0 and left_distance < PROXIMITY_STOP_DISTANCE) or (right_distance > 0 and right_distance < PROXIMITY_STOP_DISTANCE) then Stop_Moving() end end end ------------------------------ DEBUG functions below ------------------------------ function DEBUG_What_Do_I_See(sensor_handle) local detected, distance, detected_point, detected_object_handle, detected_surface_normal_vector = sim.readProximitySensor(sensor_handle) if detected == 1 then print(string.format("[%s] Object detected by %s; Handle: %d, Name: %s, Distance: %.2f", ModelName, sim.getObjectAlias(sensor_handle), detected_object_handle, sim.getObjectAlias(detected_object_handle, 1), distance)) end end