import pygame import time import random import pandas as pd import joblib from area.constants import WIDTH, HEIGHT, TILE_SIZE from area.field import drawWindow from area.tractor import Tractor, do_actions from area.field import tiles, fieldX, fieldY from area.field import get_tile_coordinates, get_tile_index from ground import Dirt from plant import Plant from bfs import graphsearch, Istate, succ from astar import a_star from NN.neural_network import load_model, load_image, guess_image from PIL import Image WIN = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption('Intelligent tractor') def main(): run = True window = drawWindow(WIN) pygame.display.update() #getting coordinates of our "goal tile": tile_index = get_tile_index() tile_x, tile_y = get_tile_coordinates(tile_index) if tile_x is not None and tile_y is not None: print(f"Coordinates of tile {tile_index} are: ({tile_x}, {tile_y})") else: print("Such tile does not exist") #mark the goal tile: tiles[tile_index].image = "resources/images/sampling_goal.png" image = pygame.image.load(tiles[tile_index].image).convert() image = pygame.transform.scale(image, (TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE)) WIN.blit(image, (tiles[tile_index].x, tiles[tile_index].y)) pygame.display.flip() #graphsearch activation: istate = Istate(170, 100, 2) #initial state goaltest = [] goaltest.append(tile_x) #final state (consists of x and y because direction doesnt matter) goaltest.append(tile_y) tractor = Tractor(0*TILE_SIZE, 0*TILE_SIZE, 2, None, None) tractor.rect.x += fieldX tractor.rect.y += fieldY tractor.tractor_start = ((istate.get_x(), istate.get_y())) #tractor.tractor_start = ((istate.get_x(), istate.get_y(), istate.get_direction)) tractor.tractor_end = ((goaltest[0], goaltest[1])) #moves = (graphsearch(istate, succ, goaltest, tractor)) moves = (a_star(istate, succ, goaltest, tractor)) print(moves) #main loop: while run: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False time.sleep(1) # movement based on route-planning (test): tractor.draw_tractor(WIN) time.sleep(1) if moves != False: do_actions(tractor, WIN, moves) #guessing the image under the tile: goalTile = tiles[tile_index] goalTile.display_photo() image_path = image_tensor = load_image(image_path) prediction = guess_image(load_model(), image_tensor) print(f"The predicted image is: {prediction}") p1 = Plant('wheat', 'cereal', random.randint(1,100), random.randint(1,100), random.randint(1,100)) goalTile.plant = p1 d1 = Dirt(random.randint(1, 100), random.randint(1,100)) d1.pests_and_weeds() goalTile.ground=d1 #getting the name and type of the recognized plant: p1.update_name(prediction) #decission tree test: if d1.pest: pe = 1 else: pe = 0 if d1.weed: we = 1 else: we = 0 if p1.plant_type == 'cereal': t1 = True t2 = False t3 = False t4 = False else: t1 = False if p1.plant_type == 'fruit': t2 = True t3 = False t4 = False else: t2 = False if p1.plant_type == 'vegetable': t4 = True t3 = False else: t3 = True t4 = False dane = { 'anomalies': [True], 'temp': [17], 'water': [d1.water_level], 'nutri': [d1.nutrients_level], 'pests': [pe], 'weeds': [we], 'ripeness': [p1.growth_level], 'season_autumn': [True], 'season_spring': [False], 'season_summer': [False], 'season_winter': [False], 'weather_heavyCloudy': [False], 'weather_partCloudy': [False], 'weather_precipitation': [False], 'weather_sunny': [True], 'type_cereal': [t1], 'type_fruit': [t2], 'type_none': [t3], 'type_vegetable': [t4] } df = pd.DataFrame(dane) df.to_csv('model_data.csv', index=False) model = joblib.load('model.pkl') nowe_dane = pd.read_csv('model_data.csv') predykcje = model.predict(nowe_dane) print(predykcje) #work on field: if predykcje == 'work': tractor.work_on_field(goalTile, d1, p1) time.sleep(30) print("\n") main()