Testowanie A*

This commit is contained in:
s481832 2024-04-27 19:50:18 +02:00
parent 404e8783cb
commit 7f74fcf2fa
4 changed files with 174 additions and 88 deletions

animals.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
from elephant import Elephant
from giraffe import Giraffe
from penguin import Penguin
from parrot import Parrot
from bear import Bear
def create_animals():
giraffe1 = Giraffe(0, 0, adult=True)
giraffe2 = Giraffe(0, 0, adult=True)
giraffe3 = Giraffe(0, 0, adult=True)
giraffe4 = Giraffe(0, 0)
giraffe5 = Giraffe(0, 0)
bear1 = Bear(0, 0, adult=True)
bear2 = Bear(0, 0, adult=True)
bear3 = Bear(0, 0)
bear4 = Bear(0, 0)
bear5 = Bear(0, 0)
penguin1 = Penguin(0, 0)
penguin2 = Penguin(0, 0)
penguin3 = Penguin(0, 0)
penguin4 = Penguin(0, 0)
elephant1 = Elephant(0, 0, adult=True)
elephant2 = Elephant(0, 0, adult=True)
elephant3 = Elephant(0, 0)
elephant4 = Elephant(0, 0)
elephant5 = Elephant(0, 0)
parrot1 = Parrot(0, 0)
parrot2 = Parrot(0, 0)
parrot3 = Parrot(0, 0)
parrot4 = Parrot(0, 0)
parrot5 = Parrot(0, 0)
Animals = [giraffe1, giraffe2, giraffe3, giraffe4, giraffe5,
bear1, bear2, bear3, bear4, bear5,
elephant1, elephant2, elephant3, elephant4, elephant5,
penguin1, penguin2, penguin3, penguin4,
parrot1, parrot2, parrot3, parrot4, parrot5]
return Animals

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@ -17,17 +17,17 @@ class Enclosure:
def gatebuild(self, screen, grid_size):
self.imageGate = pygame.transform.scale(self.imageGate, (grid_size, grid_size))
gate_x, gate_y = self.gate
gate_x -= 1
gate_y -= 1
rect = pygame.Rect(gate_x * grid_size, gate_y * grid_size, grid_size, grid_size)
screen.blit(self.imageGate, (gate_x * grid_size, gate_y * grid_size))
def draw(self,screen, grid_size):
def draw(self, screen, grid_size):
self.imageH = pygame.transform.scale(self.imageH, (grid_size, grid_size))
self.imageV = pygame.transform.scale(self.imageV, (grid_size, grid_size))
gate_x, gate_y = self.gate
gate_x -= 1
gate_y -= 1
if self.x1 < self.x2:
for i in range(self.x1, self.x2+1):
if (i, self.y1) != (gate_x, gate_y):
@ -38,4 +38,19 @@ class Enclosure:
if (self.x1, j) != (gate_x, gate_y):
screen.blit(self.imageV, (self.x1 * grid_size, j * grid_size))
if (self.x2, j) != (gate_x, gate_y):
screen.blit(self.imageV, (self.x2 * grid_size, j * grid_size))
screen.blit(self.imageV, (self.x2 * grid_size, j * grid_size))
def create_enclosures():
fenceH = pygame.image.load('images/fenceHor.png')
fenceV = pygame.image.load('images/fenceVer.png')
gate = pygame.image.load('images/gate.png')
en1 = Enclosure(0,5, 9,11, (9,6),"hot", fenceH, fenceV, gate) # Lewa klatka
en2 = Enclosure(13,0, 29,3, (16,3), 'medium', fenceH, fenceV, gate) # Górna klatka
en3 = Enclosure(11,5, 16,11, (12,5),'cold', fenceH, fenceV, gate) # Środkowa klatka
en4 = Enclosure(19,5, 31,11, (25,5),'hot', fenceH, fenceV, gate) # Prawa klatka
en5 = Enclosure(4,13, 28,16, (16,13),'cold', fenceH, fenceV, gate) # Dolna klatka
Enclosures = [en1, en2, en3, en4, en5]
return Enclosures

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@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
from enum import Enum
import random
import pygame
import sys
from elephant import Elephant
from giraffe import Giraffe
from penguin import Penguin
from parrot import Parrot
from bear import Bear
from animals import create_animals
from agent import Agent
from enclosure import Enclosure
from enclosure import Enclosure, create_enclosures
from spawner import Spawner
from state_space_search import graphsearch
from terrain_obstacle import Terrain_Obstacle
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
@ -37,45 +35,9 @@ obstacles = set()
animals_position = set()
terrain_obstacles_position = set()
# region Define the animals
giraffe1 = Giraffe(0, 0, adult=True)
giraffe2 = Giraffe(0, 0, adult=True)
giraffe3 = Giraffe(0, 0, adult=True)
giraffe4 = Giraffe(0, 0)
giraffe5 = Giraffe(0, 0)
bear1 = Bear(0, 0, adult=True)
bear2 = Bear(0, 0, adult=True)
bear3 = Bear(0, 0)
bear4 = Bear(0, 0)
bear5 = Bear(0, 0)
penguin1 = Penguin(0, 0)
penguin2 = Penguin(0, 0)
penguin3 = Penguin(0, 0)
penguin4 = Penguin(0, 0)
elephant1 = Elephant(0, 0, adult=True)
elephant2 = Elephant(0, 0, adult=True)
elephant3 = Elephant(0, 0)
elephant4 = Elephant(0, 0)
elephant5 = Elephant(0, 0)
parrot1 = Parrot(0, 0)
parrot2 = Parrot(0, 0)
parrot3 = Parrot(0, 0)
parrot4 = Parrot(0, 0)
parrot5 = Parrot(0, 0)
Animals = create_animals()
Enclosures = create_enclosures()
Animals = [giraffe1, giraffe2, giraffe3, giraffe4, giraffe5, bear1, bear2, bear3, bear4, bear5, elephant1, elephant2, elephant3, elephant4, elephant5, penguin1, penguin2, penguin3, penguin4, parrot1, parrot2, parrot3, parrot4, parrot5]
# endregion
# region Define Enclosures
# Enclosure (lewy_górny_x, lewy_górny_y, prawy_dolny_x, prawy_dolny_y, brama, klimat, fenceH, fenceV, gate_obrazek)
en1 = Enclosure(0,5, 9,11, (9,6),"hot", fenceH, fenceV, gate) # Lewa klatka
en2 = Enclosure(13,0, 29,3, (16,3), 'medium', fenceH, fenceV, gate) # Górna klatka
en3 = Enclosure(11,5, 16,11, (12,5),'cold', fenceH, fenceV, gate) # Środkowa klatka
en4 = Enclosure(19,5, 31,11, (25,5),'hot', fenceH, fenceV, gate) # Prawa klatka
en5 = Enclosure(4,13, 28,16, (16,13),'cold', fenceH, fenceV, gate) # Dolna klatka
Enclosures = [en1, en2, en3, en4, en5]
# endregion
puddle1 = Terrain_Obstacle(0,0,'puddle', puddle_image)
puddle2 = Terrain_Obstacle(0,0,'puddle', puddle_image)
puddle3 = Terrain_Obstacle(0,0,'puddle', puddle_image)
@ -158,8 +120,42 @@ def generate_obstacles():
return obstacles
cost_map = {}
def generate_cost_map():
adult_animal_cost = 10
baby_animal_cost = 5
puddle_cost = 50
bush_cost = 20
wall_cost = 1000
for animal in Animals:
if animal.adult:
cost_map[(animal.x + 1, animal.y + 1)] = baby_animal_cost
cost_map[(animal.x + 1, animal.y)] = baby_animal_cost
cost_map[(animal.x, animal.y + 1)] = baby_animal_cost
cost_map[(animal.x, animal.y)] = adult_animal_cost
cost_map[(animal.x, animal.y)] = baby_animal_cost
for terrain_obstacle in Terrain_Obstacles:
if terrain_obstacle.type == 'puddle':
cost_map[(terrain_obstacle.x , terrain_obstacle.y )] = puddle_cost
cost_map[(terrain_obstacle.x , terrain_obstacle.y )] = bush_cost
for wall in Walls:
cost_map[wall[0], wall[1]] = wall_cost
# Inne pola z różnym kosztem
# cost_map[(x, y)] = cost_value
# region Fields Tests
available_fields_small = set()
available_fields_large = set()
WHITE = (255,255,255)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
YELLOW = (255, 255, 0)
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
def generate_available_fields():
for enclosure in Enclosures:
for x in range(enclosure.x1 + 1, enclosure.x2):
@ -170,21 +166,14 @@ def generate_available_fields():
if x < enclosure.x2 - 1 and y < enclosure.y2 - 1:
# region Fields Tests
WHITE = (255,255,255)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
YELLOW = (255, 255, 0)
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
def draw_fields(fields, color):
for field in fields:
x, y = field
pygame.draw.rect(screen, color, (x * GRID_SIZE, y * GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE))
def main_fields_tests():
def available_fields_tests():
obstacles = generate_obstacles()
while True:
@ -200,29 +189,6 @@ def main_fields_tests():
# endregion
cost_map = {}
def generate_cost_map():
adult_animal_cost = 10
baby_animal_cost = 5
puddle_cost = 1000
bush_cost = 20
for animal in Animals:
if animal.adult:
cost_map[(animal.x + 1, animal.y + 1)] = baby_animal_cost
cost_map[(animal.x + 1, animal.y)] = baby_animal_cost
cost_map[(animal.x, animal.y + 1)] = baby_animal_cost
cost_map[(animal.x, animal.y)] = adult_animal_cost
cost_map[(animal.x, animal.y)] = baby_animal_cost
for terrain_obstacle in Terrain_Obstacles:
if terrain_obstacle.type == 'puddle':
cost_map[(terrain_obstacle.x , terrain_obstacle.y )] = puddle_cost
cost_map[(terrain_obstacle.x , terrain_obstacle.y )] = bush_cost
# Inne pola z różnym kosztem
# cost_map[(x, y)] = cost_value
# region Main Code
def main():
initial_state = (0,0,'S')
@ -267,7 +233,7 @@ def main():
goal = (animal.x, animal.y)
# --- Zaznaczenie celu ---
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255, 0, 0), (animal.x * GRID_SIZE, animal.y * GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE))
pygame.draw.rect(screen, RED, (animal.x * GRID_SIZE, animal.y * GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE))
# ------------------------
@ -275,10 +241,75 @@ def main():
actions = graphsearch(agent.istate, goal, GRID_WIDTH, GRID_HEIGHT, obstacles, cost_map)
# endregion
if __name__ == "__main__":
DEBUG_MODE = False # Jeśli True to pokazuje dostępne pola
Walls = []
# region A* Test
from elephant import Elephant
puddle1 = Terrain_Obstacle(15,8,'puddle', puddle_image)
bush1 = Terrain_Obstacle(15,6,'bush', bush_image)
animal = Elephant(15, 10)
animal1 = Elephant(14, 10)
animal2 = Elephant(13, 10)
animal3 = Elephant(12, 10)
animal4 = Elephant(11, 10)
Animals = [animal, animal1, animal2, animal3, animal4]
Terrain_Obstacles = [puddle1, bush1]
empty_rows = [5, 7, 9]
def generate_test_walls():
for x in range(4,26):
for y in range(0, 15):
if y not in empty_rows:
Walls.append((x, y))
return Walls
def draw_test_walls():
for wall in generate_test_walls():
pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLACK, (wall[0] * GRID_SIZE, wall[1] * GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE))
def a_star_testing():
initial_state = (0, 7, 'E')
agent = Agent(initial_state, 'images/agent1.png', GRID_SIZE)
goal = (29, 7)
actions = []
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
generated = False
while True:
if not generated:
agent.draw(screen, GRID_SIZE)
pygame.draw.rect(screen, RED, (goal[0] * GRID_SIZE, goal[1] * GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE))
if actions:
action = actions.pop(0)
agent.move(action, GRID_WIDTH, GRID_HEIGHT, obstacles, Animals, goal)
actions = graphsearch(agent.istate, goal, GRID_WIDTH, GRID_HEIGHT, obstacles, cost_map)
# endregion
class DebugMode(Enum):
MAIN = 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
debug_mode = DebugMode.A_STAR_TESTING
if debug_mode == DebugMode.MAIN:
elif debug_mode == DebugMode.AVAILABLE_FIELDS:
elif debug_mode == DebugMode.A_STAR_TESTING:

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@ -88,7 +88,8 @@ def current_cost(node, cost_map):
while node[1] is not None: # Dopóki nie dojdziemy do korzenia
_, parent, action = node
# Dodaj koszt pola z mapy kosztów tylko jeśli akcja to "Forward"
if action == 'Go Forward':
# if action == 'Go Forward':
if True:
state, _, _ = node
cost += cost_map.get(state[:2], DEFAULT_COST_VALUE) # Pobiera koszt przejścia przez dane pole, a jeśli koszt nie jest zdefiniowany to bierze wartość domyślną
node = parent # Przejdź do rodzica