from animal import Animal import pygame from datetime import datetime class Bear(Animal): def __init__(self, x, y, adult=False): name = 'bear' Bear_image = pygame.image.load(self.choose_picture(name)) environment = "cold" activity = 'nocturnal' ill = self.is_ill() bear_food = 'meat' food_image = 'images/meat.png' super().__init__(x, y,name, Bear_image, food_image,bear_food,environment, activity, ill, adult) self._starttime = def getting_hungry(self, const): checktime = delta = checktime - self._starttime minutes_passed = delta.total_seconds() / (45) self._starttime = checktime if const.IS_NIGHT and self._feed < 10 and const.season != "winter": self._feed += minutes_passed self._feed = min(self._feed, 10) return self._feed