
129 lines
4.4 KiB

from queue import PriorityQueue
def is_border(x, y, max_x, max_y):
return 0 <= x < max_x and 0 <= y < max_y
def is_obstacle(x, y, obstacles):
return (x, y) in obstacles
def succ(current_state, max_x, max_y, obstacles):
successors = []
x, y, direction = current_state
# Akcja: Do przodu
direction_x, direction_y = {'N': (0, -1), 'E': (1, 0), 'S': (0, 1), 'W': (-1, 0)}[direction] # Słownik przesunięć w zależności od kierunku
new_x, new_y = x + direction_x, y + direction_y
if is_border(new_x, new_y, max_x, max_y) and not(is_obstacle(new_x, new_y, obstacles)):
successors.append(((new_x, new_y, direction), 'Go Forward'))
# Akcja: Obrót w lewo
left_turns = {'N': 'W', 'W': 'S', 'S': 'E', 'E': 'N'} # Słownik kierunków po obrocie w lewo
successors.append(((x, y, left_turns[direction]), 'Turn Left'))
# Akcja: Obrót w prawo
right_turns = {'N': 'E', 'E': 'S', 'S': 'W', 'W': 'N'} # Słownik kierunków po obrocie w prawo
successors.append(((x, y, right_turns[direction]), 'Turn Right'))
return successors
def graphsearch(istate, goal, max_x, max_y, obstacles, cost_map):
fringe = PriorityQueue()
explored = set()
fringe.put((0, (istate, None , None)))
while not fringe.empty():
_, node = fringe.get()
state, _, _ = node
if goaltest(state, goal):
return build_action_sequence(node), current_cost(node, cost_map)
successors = succ(state, max_x, max_y, obstacles)
for new_state, action in successors:
new_node = (new_state, node, action)
p_new_state = current_cost(node, cost_map) + heuristic(state, goal)
if not is_state_in_queue(new_state, fringe) and new_state not in explored:
fringe.put((p_new_state, new_node))
elif is_state_in_queue(new_state, fringe):
for i, (p_existing_state, (existing_state, _, _)) in enumerate(fringe.queue):
if existing_state == new_state and p_existing_state > p_new_state:
fringe.queue[i] = (p_new_state, new_node)
return False, float('inf')
def is_state_in_queue(state, queue):
for _, (s, _, _) in queue.queue:
if s == state:
return True
return False
def build_action_sequence(node):
actions = []
while node[1] is not None: # Dopóki nie dojdziemy do korzenia
_, parent, action = node
node = parent
return actions
def goaltest(state, goal):
x, y, _ = state
goal_x, goal_y = goal
return (x,y) == (goal_x, goal_y)
def current_cost(node, cost_map):
cost = 0
while node[1] is not None: # Dopóki nie dojdziemy do korzenia
_, parent, action = node
# Dodaj koszt pola z mapy kosztów tylko jeśli akcja to "Forward"
if action == 'Go Forward':
state, _, _ = node
cost += cost_map.get(state[:2], DEFAULT_COST_VALUE) # Pobiera koszt przejścia przez dane pole, a jeśli koszt nie jest zdefiniowany to bierze wartość domyślną
if action == 'Turn Right' or action == 'Turn Left':
node = parent # Przejdź do rodzica
return cost
def heuristic(state, goal):
x, y, _ = state
goal_x, goal_y = goal
return abs(x - goal_x) + abs(y - goal_y) # Odległość Manhattana do celu
def generate_cost_map(Animals, Terrain_Obstacles, cost_map={}):
adult_animal_cost = 15 # Default : 15
baby_animal_cost = 10 # Default : 10
puddle_cost = 50 # Default : 50
bush_cost = 20 # Default : 20
for animal in Animals:
# cost_map[(animal.x + 1, animal.y + 1)] = adult_animal_cost
# cost_map[(animal.x + 1, animal.y)] = adult_animal_cost
# cost_map[(animal.x, animal.y + 1)] = adult_animal_cost
cost_map[(animal.x, animal.y)] = adult_animal_cost
cost_map[(animal.x, animal.y)] = baby_animal_cost
for terrain_obstacle in Terrain_Obstacles:
if terrain_obstacle.type == 'puddle':
cost_map[(terrain_obstacle.x , terrain_obstacle.y )] = puddle_cost
cost_map[(terrain_obstacle.x , terrain_obstacle.y )] = bush_cost
return cost_map