import pygame import prefs from classes.beerKeg import BeerKeg from classes.coffeMachine import CoffeMachine from classes.table import Table from pygame.locals import K_w, K_s, K_a, K_d, K_q, K_e, K_r, K_b from classes.cell import Cell from classes.agent import Agent from collections import deque import threading import time pygame.init() window = pygame.display.set_mode((prefs.WIDTH, prefs.HEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption("Game Window") def initBoard(): global cells cells = [] for i in range(prefs.GRID_SIZE): row = [] for j in range(prefs.GRID_SIZE): cell = Cell(i, j, 1) row.append(cell) cells.append(row) #test # Na potrzeby prezentacji tworzę sobie prostokatne sciany na które nie da się wejść x1 = 3 y1 = 6 for i in range(x1, x1+4): for j in range(y1, y1+2): cells[i][j].prepareTexture("sprites/wall.png") cells[i][j].blocking_movement = True cells[6][4].interactableItem = BeerKeg(cells[6][4], "Beer Keg") cells[4][10].interactableItem = CoffeMachine(cells[4][10], "Coffe Machine") cells[9][10].interactableItem = Table(cells[9][10], "Table") cells[8][2].interactableItem = Table(cells[8][2], "Table") cells[6][2].interactableItem = Table(cells[6][2], "Table") cells[4][2].interactableItem = Table(cells[4][2], "Table") cells[9][9].waga = 2 cells[9][8].waga = 2 cells[9][7].waga = 2 cells[10][6].waga = 2 cells[7][7].waga = 2 def draw_grid(window, cells, agent): for i in range(prefs.GRID_SIZE): for j in range(prefs.GRID_SIZE): cells[i][j].update(window) if(cells[i][j].interactableItem): cells[i][j].interactableItem.update(window) cells[i][j].blit_text(cells[i][j].waga, i*50+6, j*52+6, 12,window) font = pygame.font.SysFont('Comic Sans MS', 30) scoreText = font.render("Score: {}".format(str(round(agent.score,2))), 1, (0, 0, 0)) multiplierText = font.render("Multiplier: {}".format(str(round(agent.multiplier,2))), 1, (0, 0, 0)) window.blit(scoreText, (0, 0)) window.blit(multiplierText, (0, 50)) initBoard() agent = Agent(prefs.SPAWN_POINT[0], prefs.SPAWN_POINT[1], cells) target_x, target_y = 9,11 #WYWOLUJEMY FUNKCJE SZUKAJACA LISTY AKCJI path = agent.bfs2(target_x, target_y) print("Najkrótsza ścieżka:", path) def watekDlaSciezkiAgenta(): time.sleep(3) while True: if len(path) > 0: element = path.pop(0) print(element) if element =="left": agent.rotate_left() if element =="right": agent.rotate_right() if element =="forward": agent.move_direction() time.sleep(1) watek = threading.Thread(target=watekDlaSciezkiAgenta) watek.daemon = True watek.start() running = True while running: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False # takie głupie kontrolki do usunięcia potem, tylko do preznetacji keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[K_w] and not agent.moved: agent.move_up() if keys[K_s] and not agent.moved: agent.move_down() if keys[K_a] and not agent.moved: agent.move_left() if keys[K_d] and not agent.moved: agent.move_right() if not any([keys[K_w], keys[K_s], keys[K_a], keys[K_d]]): agent.moved = False if keys[K_q]: agent.rotate_left() if keys[K_e]: agent.rotate_right() if keys[K_r]: agent.move_direction() if keys[K_b]: path = agent.bfs2(target_x, target_y) if pygame.key.get_pressed()[pygame.K_e]: if agent.current_cell.interactableItem and pygame.time.get_ticks() - agent.last_interact_time > 500: agent.last_interact_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() agent.current_cell.interactableItem.interact(agent) window.fill((255, 0, 0)) draw_grid(window, cells, agent) agent.update(window) pygame.display.update() time.sleep(0.1) pygame.quit()