import pygame from classes.cell import Cell import prefs import random import heapq from collections import deque class Klient: def __init__(self,x,y,cells): self.sprite = pygame.image.load("sprites/klient.png").convert_alpha() self.sprite = pygame.transform.scale(self.sprite, (prefs.CELL_SIZE, prefs.CELL_SIZE)) self.current_cell = cells[x][y] self.current_x = x self.current_y = y # self.imie = imie # self.nazwisko = nazwisko # self.wiek = wiek przyStoliku = False self.stolik = None # self.rachunek = Rachunek(random.randint(1,1000)) # self.ulubiony_posilek = ulubiony_posilek # self.restrykcje_dietowe = restrykcje_dietowe self.cells = cells self.X = x self.Y = y self.last_move_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() self.last_interact_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() self.last_update_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() self.direction = 0 self.directionPOM = 0 self.xPOM = x self.yPOM = y self.g_scores = {} self.textures = [ pygame.image.load("sprites/klient.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("sprites/klient.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("sprites/klient.png").convert_alpha(), pygame.image.load("sprites/klient.png").convert_alpha() ] def update(self, surface): surface.blit(self.sprite, (self.current_cell.X * prefs.CELL_SIZE, self.current_cell.Y * prefs.CELL_SIZE)) def moveto(self,x,y): if not self.cells[x][y].blocking_movement: self.current_cell = self.cells[x][y] self.moved=True self.last_move_time=pygame.time.get_ticks() print("Agent moved to x,y: ",x,y) else: print("Agent cannot move to this direction") def move_direction(self): if self.direction == 0 and pygame.time.get_ticks()-self.last_move_time > 125 and self.current_cell.Y < prefs.GRID_SIZE-1 and not self.cells[self.current_cell.X][self.current_cell.Y+1].blocking_movement: self.current_cell = self.cells[self.current_cell.X][self.current_cell.Y+1] self.moved=True self.last_move_time=pygame.time.get_ticks() if self.direction == 1 and pygame.time.get_ticks()-self.last_move_time > 125 and self.current_cell.X > 0 and not self.cells[self.current_cell.X-1][self.current_cell.Y].blocking_movement: self.current_cell = self.cells[self.current_cell.X-1][self.current_cell.Y] self.moved=True self.last_move_time=pygame.time.get_ticks() if self.direction == 2 and pygame.time.get_ticks()-self.last_move_time > 125 and self.current_cell.Y > 0 and not self.cells[self.current_cell.X][self.current_cell.Y-1].blocking_movement: self.current_cell = self.cells[self.current_cell.X][self.current_cell.Y-1] self.moved=True self.last_move_time=pygame.time.get_ticks() if self.direction == 3 and pygame.time.get_ticks()-self.last_move_time > 125 and self.current_cell.X < prefs.GRID_SIZE-1 and not self.cells[self.current_cell.X+1][self.current_cell.Y].blocking_movement: self.current_cell = self.cells[self.current_cell.X+1][self.current_cell.Y] self.moved=True self.last_move_time=pygame.time.get_ticks() def rotate_left(self): if pygame.time.get_ticks()-self.last_move_time > 125: self.direction +=1 if self.direction==4: self.direction=0 self.sprite = self.textures[self.direction] self.sprite = pygame.transform.scale(self.sprite, (prefs.CELL_SIZE, prefs.CELL_SIZE)) self.last_move_time=pygame.time.get_ticks() print(self.direction) def rotate_right(self): if pygame.time.get_ticks()-self.last_move_time > 125: self.direction-=1 if self.direction==-1: self.direction=3 self.sprite = self.textures[self.direction] self.sprite = pygame.transform.scale(self.sprite, (prefs.CELL_SIZE, prefs.CELL_SIZE)) self.last_move_time=pygame.time.get_ticks() print(self.direction) def zloz_zamowienie(self,zamowienie,stolik): if self.stolik is None: self.stolik = stolik stolik.przypisz_kelner(stolik.kelner) self.rachunek.dodaj_zamowienie(zamowienie) print(f"Klinet {self.imie} {self.nazwisko} zlozyl zamowienie przy stoliku {stolik.numer_stolika} i przyjal je kelner {stolik.kelner.numer_pracowniczy}.") else: print("Klient ma juz przypisany stolik.") def __str__(self): return f"Klient: {self.imie} {self.nazwisko} {self.wiek}, ulubione Danie: {self.ulubiony_posilek}, restrykcje diet: {self.restrykcje_dietowe}" def get_possible_moves(self): possible_moves = [] if self.directionPOM == 0: # Patrzy w dół possible_moves.append((0, 'left')) possible_moves.append((0, 'right')) if self.yPOM < prefs.GRID_SIZE - 1 and not self.cells[self.xPOM][self.yPOM + 1].blocking_movement: possible_moves.append((self.directionPOM, 'forward')) elif self.directionPOM == 1: # Patrzy w lewo possible_moves.append((1, 'left')) possible_moves.append((1, 'right')) if self.xPOM > 0 and not self.cells[self.xPOM - 1][self.yPOM].blocking_movement: possible_moves.append((self.directionPOM, 'forward')) elif self.directionPOM == 2: # Patrzy w górę possible_moves.append((2, 'left')) possible_moves.append((2, 'right')) if self.yPOM > 0 and not self.cells[self.xPOM][self.yPOM - 1].blocking_movement: possible_moves.append((self.directionPOM, 'forward')) elif self.directionPOM == 3: # Patrzy w prawo possible_moves.append((3, 'left')) possible_moves.append((3, 'right')) if self.xPOM < prefs.GRID_SIZE - 1 and not self.cells[self.xPOM + 1][self.yPOM].blocking_movement: possible_moves.append((self.directionPOM, 'forward')) return possible_moves def calculate_priority(self, el): return el[0] def bfs2(self, target_x, target_y): visited = set() self.directionPOM = self.direction start_state = (self.current_cell.X, self.current_cell.Y, self.directionPOM) #print(start_state) queue = [] heapq.heappush(queue, (0,(start_state, [], 0))) while queue: _, que = heapq.heappop(queue) state, actions, gscore = que self.xPOM, self.yPOM, self.directionPOM = state if self.xPOM == target_x and self.yPOM == target_y: return actions if (self.xPOM, self.yPOM, self.directionPOM) in visited: continue visited.add((self.xPOM, self.yPOM, self.directionPOM)) possible_moves = self.get_possible_moves() for new_direction, action in possible_moves: new_x, new_y = self.xPOM, self.yPOM new_actions = actions + [action] if action == 'left': new_direction = (self.directionPOM + 1) % 4 elif action == 'right': new_direction = (self.directionPOM - 1) % 4 else: # forward if self.directionPOM == 0: new_y += 1 elif self.directionPOM == 1: new_x -= 1 elif self.directionPOM == 2: new_y -= 1 else: # direction == 3 new_x += 1 if 0 <= new_x < prefs.GRID_SIZE and 0 <= new_y < prefs.GRID_SIZE \ and not self.cells[new_x][new_y].blocking_movement: new_state = (new_x, new_y, new_direction) if (action == 'left' or action == 'right') : gscore = gscore + 1 else: gscore = gscore + self.cells[new_x][new_y].waga f_score = gscore + self.heuristic((new_x,new_y), (target_x,target_y)) heapq.heappush(queue, (f_score, (new_state, new_actions, gscore))) return [] def heuristic(self, current, target): # Manhattan distance heuristic dx = abs(current[0] - target[0]) dy = abs(current[1] - target[1]) return dx + dy