pipeline { agent any parameters { choice( name: 'BUILD_SELECTOR', choices: ['lastSuccessful', 'specificBuild'], description: 'Select build' ) string( name: 'SPECIFIC_BUILD', defaultValue: '', description: 'Specific build to copy artifacts from', trim: true ) } stages { stage('Copy Artifacts') { steps { script { def buildSelector if (params.BUILD_SELECTOR == 'lastSuccessful') { buildSelector = lastSuccessful() } else if (params.BUILD_SELECTOR == 'specificBuild') { buildSelector = build(params.SPECIFIC_BUILD) } else { error('Invalid build selector') } def copyArtifactParams = [ projectName: 's487177-create-dataset', selector: buildSelector, filter: 'output.txt.gz', flatten: true ] copyArtifacts(copyArtifactParams) } } } stage('Calculate Dataset Statistics') { steps { sh ''' #!/bin/bash set -e # Count the number of lines in the input file zcat output.txt.gz | wc -l > stats # Archive the stats file tar czvf stats.tar.gz stats ''' } post { always { archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'stats.tar.gz', fingerprint: true } } } } }