pipeline { agent { dockerfile { filename 'Lab4.dockerfile' reuseNode true } } parameters { string( defaultValue: '1000', description: 'Amount of values to be used from dataset', name: 'CUTOFF', trim: false ) string( defaultValue: 'wleczny', description: 'Kaggle username', name: 'KAGGLE_USERNAME', trim: false ) password( defaultValue: '2e89e20ceb0a48d9df01a01bad744776', description: 'Kaggle token', name: 'KAGGLE_KEY' ) } stages { stage('Checkout') { steps { checkout scmGit( branches: [[name: '*/master']], extensions: [cleanBeforeCheckout()], userRemoteConfigs: [[url: 'https://git.wmi.amu.edu.pl/s487183/ium_z487183.git']] ) } } stage('Prepare data') { steps { withEnv(["KAGGLE_USERNAME=${params.KAGGLE_USERNAME}", "KAGGLE_KEY=${params.KAGGLE_KEY}"]) { sh 'echo "{\"username\":\"$KAGGLE_USERNAME\",\"key\":\"$KAGGLE_KEY\"}" > /.kaggle/kaggle.json' sh './get-data.sh' sh 'python3 prepare_dataset.py' } } } stage('Archive artifacts') { steps { withEnv(["CUTOFF=${params.CUTOFF}"]) { archiveArtifacts 'X_test.csv' archiveArtifacts 'X_val.csv' archiveArtifacts 'X_train.csv' archiveArtifacts 'Y_test.csv' archiveArtifacts 'Y_val.csv' archiveArtifacts 'Y_train.csv' } } } } }