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Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio Version 16
VisualStudioVersion = 16.0.34114.132
MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "PP_Sterczynski", "PP_Sterczynski\PP_Sterczynski.vcxproj", "{FFE576AB-D44E-4026-87A2-BED850B4134D}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|x64 = Debug|x64
Debug|x86 = Debug|x86
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{FFE576AB-D44E-4026-87A2-BED850B4134D}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
{FFE576AB-D44E-4026-87A2-BED850B4134D}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{FFE576AB-D44E-4026-87A2-BED850B4134D}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{FFE576AB-D44E-4026-87A2-BED850B4134D}.Debug|x86.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{FFE576AB-D44E-4026-87A2-BED850B4134D}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{FFE576AB-D44E-4026-87A2-BED850B4134D}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
{FFE576AB-D44E-4026-87A2-BED850B4134D}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{FFE576AB-D44E-4026-87A2-BED850B4134D}.Release|x86.Build.0 = Release|Win32
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE
GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution
SolutionGuid = {CE48F0BC-B093-48D9-B9D2-AB3857FB0925}
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PP_Sterczynski.obj : error LNK2019: nierozpoznany symbol zewnętrzny __imp__PyObject_GetAttrString przywołany w funkcji _main
PP_Sterczynski.obj : error LNK2019: nierozpoznany symbol zewnętrzny __imp__PyUnicode_FromString przywołany w funkcji _main
PP_Sterczynski.obj : error LNK2019: nierozpoznany symbol zewnętrzny __imp__PyTuple_Pack przywołany w funkcji _main
PP_Sterczynski.obj : error LNK2019: nierozpoznany symbol zewnętrzny __imp__PyObject_CallObject przywołany w funkcji _main
PP_Sterczynski.obj : error LNK2019: nierozpoznany symbol zewnętrzny __imp__PyErr_Print przywołany w funkcji _main
PP_Sterczynski.obj : error LNK2019: nierozpoznany symbol zewnętrzny __imp__Py_Initialize przywołany w funkcji _main
PP_Sterczynski.obj : error LNK2019: nierozpoznany symbol zewnętrzny __imp__Py_Finalize przywołany w funkcji _main
PP_Sterczynski.obj : error LNK2019: nierozpoznany symbol zewnętrzny __imp__PyImport_ImportModule przywołany w funkcji _main
C:\Users\sterc\source\repos\PP_Sterczynski\PP_Sterczynski\external\python\libs\python310_d.lib : warning LNK4272: wystąpił konflikt typu maszyny biblioteki „x64” z typem maszyny docelowej „x86”
C:\Users\sterc\source\repos\PP_Sterczynski\Debug\PP_Sterczynski.exe : fatal error LNK1120: liczba nierozpoznanych elementów zewnętrznych: 8
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#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <Python.h>
using namespace std;
// czyszczenie ekranu dla Windows/Linux/Unix/macOS
void clear_screen()
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
#elif defined(__linux__) || defined(__unix__) || defined(__APPLE__)
// znaczniki stanu programu
enum class Stan
enum class Dane
// klasy
class Zadanie
string tresc;
string data;
int dzien, miesiac, rok;
bool zakonczone = false;
// konstruktor
Zadanie() {}
Zadanie(string _tresc, string _data)
tresc = _tresc;
data = _data;
string data_dane = "";
// DD-**-**
data_dane = data.substr(0, 2);
dzien = stoi(data_dane);
// **-MM-**
data_dane = data.substr(3, 2);
miesiac = stoi(data_dane);
// **-**-RR
data_dane = data.substr(6, 2);
rok = stoi(data_dane);
// metody
void zmien_date(string nowa_data)
data = nowa_data;
void odznacz_zadanie()
if (zakonczone)
zakonczone = false;
zakonczone = true;
string zwroc_znacznik()
if (zakonczone)
return "x";
return " ";
class Kategoria: public Zadanie
string nazwa;
vector<Zadanie> kategoria;
// konstruktor
Kategoria(string _nazwa)
nazwa = _nazwa;
// metody
void dodaj_zadanie(Zadanie zadanie)
if (kategoria.size() == 0)
// ustawienie zadan uporzadkowanych od najwczesniejszego
for (int i = 0; static_cast<size_t>(i) < kategoria.size(); i++)
if ((zadanie.rok < kategoria[i].rok)
|| ((zadanie.rok == kategoria[i].rok) && (zadanie.miesiac < kategoria[i].miesiac))
|| ((zadanie.rok == kategoria[i].rok) && (zadanie.miesiac == kategoria[i].miesiac) && (zadanie.dzien <= kategoria[i].dzien)))
kategoria.insert(kategoria.begin() + i, zadanie);
else if (static_cast<size_t>(i) == kategoria.size() - 1)
void usun_zadanie(int wybor)
kategoria.erase(kategoria.begin() + wybor);
// funkcje do obslugi interface'u
void wyswietl_menu(Dane dane)
if (dane == Dane::poprawne)
cout << "Twoja lista zadan To-Do\n\n";
cout << "1: Dodaj nowe zadanie\n";
cout << "2: Dodaj nowa kategorie\n";
cout << "3: Sprawdz liste zadan\n";
cout << "4: Otworz wizualizacje\n";
cout << "5: Zakoncz\n";
cout << "\nCo chcesz wykonac? ";
else if (dane == Dane::bledne)
cout << "Niepoprawna akcja, wprowadz dane ponownie zgodnie z podanymi mozliwosciami [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].\n\n";
cout << "1: Dodaj nowe zadanie\n";
cout << "2: Dodaj nowa kategorie\n";
cout << "3: Sprawdz liste zadan\n";
cout << "4: Otworz wizualizacje\n";
cout << "5: Zakoncz\n";
cout << "\nWykonaj: ";
void wyswietl_wybor_kategorii(vector<Kategoria> katalogi)
cout << "[0: powrot do menu]\n\n";
for (int i = 0; static_cast<size_t>(i) < katalogi.size(); i++)
cout << i + 1 << ". " << katalogi[i].nazwa << endl;
cout << "\nDo ktorej kategorii chcesz dodac nowe zadanie? ";
void wyswietl_dodawanie_zadania(vector<Kategoria> katalogi, int wybor)
cout << "[0: powrot do menu]\n\n";
cout << "Dodawanie zadania w kategorii: " << katalogi[wybor].nazwa;
void wyswietl_liste_zadan(vector<Kategoria> katalogi)
cout << "[0: powrot do menu]\n\n";
for (int i = 0; static_cast<size_t>(i) < katalogi.size(); i++)
cout << "\n\n";
cout << i + 1 << ". " << katalogi[i].nazwa << ":";
for (int j = 0; static_cast<size_t>(j) < katalogi[i].kategoria.size(); j++)
cout << "\n\t(" << j + 1 << ") [" << katalogi[i].kategoria[j].zwroc_znacznik() << "] " << katalogi[i].kategoria[j].data << "\t" << katalogi[i].kategoria[j].tresc;
// zapis do plikow
void zapisz_liste_txt(vector<Kategoria> katalogi, string plik_txt)
ofstream outFile(plik_txt, ofstream::trunc);
if (outFile.is_open())
outFile << "<!DOCTYPE html>" << endl;
outFile << "<html>" << endl;
outFile << "<head>" << endl;
outFile << "<title>To-Do</title>" << endl;
outFile << "<link rel=\"icon\" type=\"image/x-icon\" href=\"lista.ico\">" << endl;
outFile << "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"todo_list_style.css\">" << endl;
outFile << "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"\">" << endl;
outFile << "</head>" << endl;
outFile << "<body>" << endl;
outFile << "<div class=\"container\">" << endl;
outFile << "<h1>Twoja lista zadan To-Do</h1>" << endl;
for (int i = 0; static_cast<size_t>(i) < katalogi.size(); i++)
outFile << "<div class=\"category\">" << endl;
outFile << "<h2>" + katalogi[i].nazwa + "</h2>" << endl;
outFile << "<ul class=\"task-list\">" << endl;
for (int j = 0; static_cast<size_t>(j) < katalogi[i].kategoria.size(); j++)
string zadanie = "";
zadanie += " " + katalogi[i].kategoria[j].data;
zadanie += "  " + katalogi[i].kategoria[j].tresc;
if (katalogi[i].kategoria[j].zakonczone)
outFile << "<li class=\"completed\">" + zadanie + "</li>" << endl;
outFile << "<li>" << zadanie << "</li>" << endl;
outFile << "</ul>" << endl;
outFile << "</div>" << endl;
outFile << "</div>" << endl;
outFile << "</body>" << endl;
outFile << "</html>" << endl;
void zapisz_liste_html(vector<Kategoria> katalogi, string plik_txt, string plik_html)
ifstream inFile(plik_txt);
ofstream outFile(plik_html, ofstream::trunc);
string linia;
while (getline(inFile, linia))
outFile << linia;
int main()
Stan stan_programu = Stan::menu;
Dane dane = Dane::poprawne;
int wybor;
Kategoria zadania_podstawowe("Zadania");
// wszystkie katalogi
vector<Kategoria> katalogi{ zadania_podstawowe };
// glowna petla programu
while (stan_programu != Stan::zakoncz)
// menu
if (stan_programu == Stan::menu)
// wybor akcji
cin >> wybor;
if (
|| wybor < 1
|| wybor > 5)
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
dane = Dane::bledne;
else if (wybor == 1)
stan_programu = Stan::dodaj_zadanie;
dane = Dane::poprawne;
else if (wybor == 2)
stan_programu = Stan::dodaj_kategorie;
dane = Dane::poprawne;
else if (wybor == 3)
stan_programu = Stan::lista;
dane = Dane::poprawne;
else if (wybor == 4)
stan_programu = Stan::wizualizacja;
dane = Dane::poprawne;
else if (wybor == 5)
stan_programu = Stan::zakoncz;
dane = Dane::poprawne;
} while (dane == Dane::bledne);
// dodaj zadanie
else if (stan_programu == Stan::dodaj_zadanie)
// wybor akcji
cin >> wybor;
if (
|| wybor < 0
|| static_cast<size_t>(wybor) > katalogi.size())
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
dane = Dane::bledne;
else if (wybor == 0)
stan_programu = Stan::menu;
dane = Dane::poprawne;
wyswietl_dodawanie_zadania(katalogi, wybor - 1);
string tytul_zadania;
string data_zadania;
cout << "\n\tTytul: ";
getline(cin >> ws, tytul_zadania);
cout << "\tDeadline [DD-MM-RR]: ";
getline(cin >> ws, data_zadania);
Zadanie nowe_zadanie(tytul_zadania, data_zadania);
katalogi[wybor - 1].dodaj_zadanie(nowe_zadanie);
stan_programu = Stan::menu;
dane = Dane::poprawne;
} while (dane == Dane::bledne);
// dodaj kategorie
else if (stan_programu == Stan::dodaj_kategorie)
string tytul_kategorii;
cout << "Tytul nowej kategorii: ";
getline(cin >> ws, tytul_kategorii);
Kategoria nowa_kategoria(tytul_kategorii);
stan_programu = Stan::menu;
// lista zadan
else if (stan_programu == Stan::lista)
cout << "\n\n\n\n\n";
cout << "1: Odznacz zadanie jako (nie)wykonane\n";
cout << "2: Usun zadanie\n";
cout << "3: Usun kategorie (wszystkie zadania)\n";
cout << "4: Zmien date\n";
cout << "5: Pozostaly czas do wykonania zadania\n";
cout << "\nCo chcesz wykonac? ";
cin >> wybor;
if (
|| wybor < 0
|| wybor > 5)
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
// powrot do menu
else if (wybor == 0)
stan_programu = Stan::menu;
// znacznik
else if (wybor == 1)
int wybor_kategorii;
cout << "\n\n\n\n\nZ ktorej kategorii chcesz odznaczyc zadanie? ";
cin >> wybor_kategorii;
if (
|| wybor_kategorii < 1
|| static_cast<size_t>(wybor_kategorii) > katalogi.size())
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
cout << "Ktore zadanie chcesz odznaczyc? ";
cin >> wybor;
if (
|| wybor < 1
|| static_cast<size_t>(wybor) > katalogi[wybor_kategorii - 1].kategoria.size())
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
if (!katalogi[wybor_kategorii - 1].kategoria.empty())
katalogi[wybor_kategorii - 1].kategoria[wybor - 1].odznacz_zadanie();
// usun zadanie
else if (wybor == 2)
int wybor_kategorii;
cout << "\n\n\n\n\nZ ktorej kategorii chcesz usunac zadanie? ";
cin >> wybor_kategorii;
if (
|| wybor_kategorii < 1
|| static_cast<size_t>(wybor_kategorii) > katalogi.size())
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
cout << "Ktore zadanie chcesz usunac? ";
cin >> wybor;
if (
|| wybor < 1
|| static_cast<size_t>(wybor) > katalogi[wybor_kategorii - 1].kategoria.size())
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
if (!katalogi[wybor_kategorii - 1].kategoria.empty())
katalogi[wybor_kategorii - 1].usun_zadanie(wybor - 1);
// usun kategorie
else if (wybor == 3)
int wybor_kategorii;
cout << "\n\n\n\n\nKtora kategorie chcesz usunac? ";
cin >> wybor_kategorii;
if (
|| wybor_kategorii < 1
|| static_cast<size_t>(wybor_kategorii) > katalogi.size())
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
if (wybor_kategorii == 1)
katalogi[wybor_kategorii - 1].kategoria.clear();
katalogi.erase(katalogi.begin() + wybor_kategorii - 1);
// aktualizacja daty
else if (wybor == 4)
int wybor_kategorii;
cout << "\n\n\n\n\nW ktorej kategorii chcesz zmienic date? ";
cin >> wybor_kategorii;
if (
|| wybor_kategorii < 1
|| static_cast<size_t>(wybor_kategorii) > katalogi.size())
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
cout << "Ktorego zadania date chcesz zmienic? ";
cin >> wybor;
if (
|| wybor < 1
|| static_cast<size_t>(wybor) > katalogi[wybor_kategorii - 1].kategoria.size())
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
string nowa_data;
cout << "Nowa data [DD-MM-RR]: ";
getline(cin >> ws, nowa_data);
katalogi[wybor_kategorii - 1].kategoria[wybor - 1].zmien_date(nowa_data);
// Python; obliczanie czasu na wykonanie zadan
else if (wybor == 5)
int wybor_kategorii;
cout << "\n\n\n\n\nW ktorej kategorii chcesz odczytac pozostaly czas? ";
cin >> wybor_kategorii;
if (
|| wybor_kategorii < 1
|| static_cast<size_t>(wybor_kategorii) > katalogi.size())
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
cout << "Ktore zadanie wybrac? ";
cin >> wybor;
if (
|| wybor < 1
|| static_cast<size_t>(wybor) > katalogi[wybor_kategorii - 1].kategoria.size())
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
PyObject* my_module = PyImport_ImportModule("python_modules.my_module");
PyObject* oblicz_czas = PyObject_GetAttrString(my_module, "oblicz_czas");
PyObject* args = PyTuple_Pack(1, PyUnicode_FromString(katalogi[wybor_kategorii - 1].kategoria[wybor - 1].data.c_str()));
cout << "\n\n\n\n\n";
PyObject* my_result = PyObject_CallObject(oblicz_czas, args);
cout << "Powrot: ";
cin >> wybor;
} while (wybor != 0);
// otwarcie wizualizacji
else if (stan_programu == Stan::wizualizacja)
zapisz_liste_txt(katalogi, "todo_list.txt");
zapisz_liste_html(katalogi, "todo_list.txt", "todo_list.html");
// Pełna ścieżka do pliku HTML
string plik = "todo_list.html";
// Komenda do otwarcia pliku w domyślnej przeglądarce
string polecenie = "start \"\" \"" + plik + "\"";
// Uruchomienie komendy
stan_programu = Stan::menu;
return 0;
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@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
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#ifndef Py_PYTHON_H
#define Py_PYTHON_H
/* Since this is a "meta-include" file, no #ifdef __cplusplus / extern "C" { */
/* Include nearly all Python header files */
#include "patchlevel.h"
#include "pyconfig.h"
#include "pymacconfig.h"
#include <limits.h>
#ifndef UCHAR_MAX
#error "Something's broken. UCHAR_MAX should be defined in limits.h."
#if UCHAR_MAX != 255
#error "Python's source code assumes C's unsigned char is an 8-bit type."
#if defined(__sgi) && !defined(_SGI_MP_SOURCE)
#define _SGI_MP_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#ifndef NULL
# error "Python.h requires that stdio.h define NULL."
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef MS_WINDOWS
#include <unistd.h>
/* For size_t? */
#include <stddef.h>
/* CAUTION: Build setups should ensure that NDEBUG is defined on the
* compiler command line when building Python in release mode; else
* assert() calls won't be removed.
#include <assert.h>
#include "pyport.h"
#include "pymacro.h"
/* A convenient way for code to know if sanitizers are enabled. */
#if defined(__has_feature)
# if __has_feature(memory_sanitizer)
# if !defined(_Py_MEMORY_SANITIZER)
# endif
# endif
# if __has_feature(address_sanitizer)
# if !defined(_Py_ADDRESS_SANITIZER)
# endif
# endif
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
# if defined(__SANITIZE_ADDRESS__)
# endif
#include "pymath.h"
#include "pymem.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "objimpl.h"
#include "typeslots.h"
#include "pyhash.h"
#include "cpython/pydebug.h"
#include "bytearrayobject.h"
#include "bytesobject.h"
#include "unicodeobject.h"
#include "longobject.h"
#include "longintrepr.h"
#include "boolobject.h"
#include "floatobject.h"
#include "complexobject.h"
#include "rangeobject.h"
#include "memoryobject.h"
#include "tupleobject.h"
#include "listobject.h"
#include "dictobject.h"
#include "cpython/odictobject.h"
#include "enumobject.h"
#include "setobject.h"
#include "methodobject.h"
#include "moduleobject.h"
#include "funcobject.h"
#include "classobject.h"
#include "fileobject.h"
#include "pycapsule.h"
#include "code.h"
#include "pyframe.h"
#include "traceback.h"
#include "sliceobject.h"
#include "cellobject.h"
#include "iterobject.h"
#include "cpython/initconfig.h"
#include "genobject.h"
#include "descrobject.h"
#include "genericaliasobject.h"
#include "warnings.h"
#include "weakrefobject.h"
#include "structseq.h"
#include "namespaceobject.h"
#include "cpython/picklebufobject.h"
#include "cpython/pytime.h"
#include "codecs.h"
#include "pyerrors.h"
#include "pythread.h"
#include "pystate.h"
#include "context.h"
#include "modsupport.h"
#include "compile.h"
#include "pythonrun.h"
#include "pylifecycle.h"
#include "ceval.h"
#include "sysmodule.h"
#include "osmodule.h"
#include "intrcheck.h"
#include "import.h"
#include "abstract.h"
#include "bltinmodule.h"
#include "eval.h"
#include "cpython/pyctype.h"
#include "pystrtod.h"
#include "pystrcmp.h"
#include "fileutils.h"
#include "cpython/pyfpe.h"
#include "tracemalloc.h"
#endif /* !Py_PYTHON_H */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,873 @@
/* Abstract Object Interface (many thanks to Jim Fulton) */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* === Object Protocol ================================================== */
/* Implemented elsewhere:
int PyObject_Print(PyObject *o, FILE *fp, int flags);
Print an object 'o' on file 'fp'. Returns -1 on error. The flags argument
is used to enable certain printing options. The only option currently
supported is Py_Print_RAW.
(What should be said about Py_Print_RAW?). */
/* Implemented elsewhere:
int PyObject_HasAttrString(PyObject *o, const char *attr_name);
Returns 1 if object 'o' has the attribute attr_name, and 0 otherwise.
This is equivalent to the Python expression: hasattr(o,attr_name).
This function always succeeds. */
/* Implemented elsewhere:
PyObject* PyObject_GetAttrString(PyObject *o, const char *attr_name);
Retrieve an attributed named attr_name form object o.
Returns the attribute value on success, or NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o.attr_name. */
/* Implemented elsewhere:
int PyObject_HasAttr(PyObject *o, PyObject *attr_name);
Returns 1 if o has the attribute attr_name, and 0 otherwise.
This is equivalent to the Python expression: hasattr(o,attr_name).
This function always succeeds. */
/* Implemented elsewhere:
PyObject* PyObject_GetAttr(PyObject *o, PyObject *attr_name);
Retrieve an attributed named 'attr_name' form object 'o'.
Returns the attribute value on success, or NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o.attr_name. */
/* Implemented elsewhere:
int PyObject_SetAttrString(PyObject *o, const char *attr_name, PyObject *v);
Set the value of the attribute named attr_name, for object 'o',
to the value 'v'. Raise an exception and return -1 on failure; return 0 on
This is the equivalent of the Python statement o.attr_name=v. */
/* Implemented elsewhere:
int PyObject_SetAttr(PyObject *o, PyObject *attr_name, PyObject *v);
Set the value of the attribute named attr_name, for object 'o', to the value
'v'. an exception and return -1 on failure; return 0 on success.
This is the equivalent of the Python statement o.attr_name=v. */
/* Implemented as a macro:
int PyObject_DelAttrString(PyObject *o, const char *attr_name);
Delete attribute named attr_name, for object o. Returns
-1 on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python statement: del o.attr_name. */
#define PyObject_DelAttrString(O,A) PyObject_SetAttrString((O),(A), NULL)
/* Implemented as a macro:
int PyObject_DelAttr(PyObject *o, PyObject *attr_name);
Delete attribute named attr_name, for object o. Returns -1
on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python
statement: del o.attr_name. */
#define PyObject_DelAttr(O,A) PyObject_SetAttr((O),(A), NULL)
/* Implemented elsewhere:
PyObject *PyObject_Repr(PyObject *o);
Compute the string representation of object 'o'. Returns the
string representation on success, NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: repr(o).
Called by the repr() built-in function. */
/* Implemented elsewhere:
PyObject *PyObject_Str(PyObject *o);
Compute the string representation of object, o. Returns the
string representation on success, NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: str(o).
Called by the str() and print() built-in functions. */
/* Declared elsewhere
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyCallable_Check(PyObject *o);
Determine if the object, o, is callable. Return 1 if the object is callable
and 0 otherwise.
This function always succeeds. */
# define PyObject_CallFunction _PyObject_CallFunction_SizeT
# define PyObject_CallMethod _PyObject_CallMethod_SizeT
#if !defined(Py_LIMITED_API) || Py_LIMITED_API+0 >= 0x03090000
/* Call a callable Python object without any arguments */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_CallNoArgs(PyObject *func);
/* Call a callable Python object 'callable' with arguments given by the
tuple 'args' and keywords arguments given by the dictionary 'kwargs'.
'args' must not be NULL, use an empty tuple if no arguments are
needed. If no named arguments are needed, 'kwargs' can be NULL.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression:
callable(*args, **kwargs). */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_Call(PyObject *callable,
PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs);
/* Call a callable Python object 'callable', with arguments given by the
tuple 'args'. If no arguments are needed, then 'args' can be NULL.
Returns the result of the call on success, or NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression:
callable(*args). */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_CallObject(PyObject *callable,
PyObject *args);
/* Call a callable Python object, callable, with a variable number of C
arguments. The C arguments are described using a mkvalue-style format
The format may be NULL, indicating that no arguments are provided.
Returns the result of the call on success, or NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression:
callable(arg1, arg2, ...). */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_CallFunction(PyObject *callable,
const char *format, ...);
/* Call the method named 'name' of object 'obj' with a variable number of
C arguments. The C arguments are described by a mkvalue format string.
The format can be NULL, indicating that no arguments are provided.
Returns the result of the call on success, or NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression:
|, arg2, ...). */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_CallMethod(PyObject *obj,
const char *name,
const char *format, ...);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyObject_CallFunction_SizeT(PyObject *callable,
const char *format,
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyObject_CallMethod_SizeT(PyObject *obj,
const char *name,
const char *format,
/* Call a callable Python object 'callable' with a variable number of C
arguments. The C arguments are provided as PyObject* values, terminated
by a NULL.
Returns the result of the call on success, or NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression:
callable(arg1, arg2, ...). */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(PyObject *callable,
/* Call the method named 'name' of object 'obj' with a variable number of
C arguments. The C arguments are provided as PyObject* values, terminated
by NULL.
Returns the result of the call on success, or NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression:*args). */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_CallMethodObjArgs(
PyObject *obj,
PyObject *name,
/* Implemented elsewhere:
Py_hash_t PyObject_Hash(PyObject *o);
Compute and return the hash, hash_value, of an object, o. On
failure, return -1.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: hash(o). */
/* Implemented elsewhere:
int PyObject_IsTrue(PyObject *o);
Returns 1 if the object, o, is considered to be true, 0 if o is
considered to be false and -1 on failure.
This is equivalent to the Python expression: not not o. */
/* Implemented elsewhere:
int PyObject_Not(PyObject *o);
Returns 0 if the object, o, is considered to be true, 1 if o is
considered to be false and -1 on failure.
This is equivalent to the Python expression: not o. */
/* Get the type of an object.
On success, returns a type object corresponding to the object type of object
'o'. On failure, returns NULL.
This is equivalent to the Python expression: type(o) */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_Type(PyObject *o);
/* Return the size of object 'o'. If the object 'o' provides both sequence and
mapping protocols, the sequence size is returned.
On error, -1 is returned.
This is the equivalent to the Python expression: len(o) */
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PyObject_Size(PyObject *o);
/* For DLL compatibility */
#undef PyObject_Length
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PyObject_Length(PyObject *o);
#define PyObject_Length PyObject_Size
/* Return element of 'o' corresponding to the object 'key'. Return NULL
on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o[key] */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_GetItem(PyObject *o, PyObject *key);
/* Map the object 'key' to the value 'v' into 'o'.
Raise an exception and return -1 on failure; return 0 on success.
This is the equivalent of the Python statement: o[key]=v. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyObject_SetItem(PyObject *o, PyObject *key, PyObject *v);
/* Remove the mapping for the string 'key' from the object 'o'.
Returns -1 on failure.
This is equivalent to the Python statement: del o[key]. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyObject_DelItemString(PyObject *o, const char *key);
/* Delete the mapping for the object 'key' from the object 'o'.
Returns -1 on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python statement: del o[key]. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyObject_DelItem(PyObject *o, PyObject *key);
/* === Old Buffer API ============================================ */
/* FIXME: usage of these should all be replaced in Python itself
but for backwards compatibility we will implement them.
Their usage without a corresponding "unlock" mechanism
may create issues (but they would already be there). */
/* Takes an arbitrary object which must support the (character, single segment)
buffer interface and returns a pointer to a read-only memory location
usable as character based input for subsequent processing.
Return 0 on success. buffer and buffer_len are only set in case no error
occurs. Otherwise, -1 is returned and an exception set. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyObject_AsCharBuffer(PyObject *obj,
const char **buffer,
Py_ssize_t *buffer_len);
/* Checks whether an arbitrary object supports the (character, single segment)
buffer interface.
Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure. */
Py_DEPRECATED(3.0) PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyObject_CheckReadBuffer(PyObject *obj);
/* Same as PyObject_AsCharBuffer() except that this API expects (readable,
single segment) buffer interface and returns a pointer to a read-only memory
location which can contain arbitrary data.
0 is returned on success. buffer and buffer_len are only set in case no
error occurs. Otherwise, -1 is returned and an exception set. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyObject_AsReadBuffer(PyObject *obj,
const void **buffer,
Py_ssize_t *buffer_len);
/* Takes an arbitrary object which must support the (writable, single segment)
buffer interface and returns a pointer to a writable memory location in
buffer of size 'buffer_len'.
Return 0 on success. buffer and buffer_len are only set in case no error
occurs. Otherwise, -1 is returned and an exception set. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyObject_AsWriteBuffer(PyObject *obj,
void **buffer,
Py_ssize_t *buffer_len);
/* === New Buffer API ============================================ */
/* Takes an arbitrary object and returns the result of calling
obj.__format__(format_spec). */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_Format(PyObject *obj,
PyObject *format_spec);
/* ==== Iterators ================================================ */
/* Takes an object and returns an iterator for it.
This is typically a new iterator but if the argument is an iterator, this
returns itself. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_GetIter(PyObject *);
/* Takes an AsyncIterable object and returns an AsyncIterator for it.
This is typically a new iterator but if the argument is an AsyncIterator,
this returns itself. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_GetAIter(PyObject *);
/* Returns non-zero if the object 'obj' provides iterator protocols, and 0 otherwise.
This function always succeeds. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyIter_Check(PyObject *);
/* Returns non-zero if the object 'obj' provides AsyncIterator protocols, and 0 otherwise.
This function always succeeds. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyAIter_Check(PyObject *);
/* Takes an iterator object and calls its tp_iternext slot,
returning the next value.
If the iterator is exhausted, this returns NULL without setting an
NULL with an exception means an error occurred. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyIter_Next(PyObject *);
#if !defined(Py_LIMITED_API) || Py_LIMITED_API+0 >= 0x030A0000
/* Takes generator, coroutine or iterator object and sends the value into it.
- PYGEN_RETURN (0) if generator has returned.
'result' parameter is filled with return value
- PYGEN_ERROR (-1) if exception was raised.
'result' parameter is NULL
- PYGEN_NEXT (1) if generator has yielded.
'result' parameter is filled with yielded value. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PySendResult) PyIter_Send(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject **);
/* === Number Protocol ================================================== */
/* Returns 1 if the object 'o' provides numeric protocols, and 0 otherwise.
This function always succeeds. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyNumber_Check(PyObject *o);
/* Returns the result of adding o1 and o2, or NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 + o2. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Add(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
/* Returns the result of subtracting o2 from o1, or NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 - o2. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Subtract(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
/* Returns the result of multiplying o1 and o2, or NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 * o2. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Multiply(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
#if !defined(Py_LIMITED_API) || Py_LIMITED_API+0 >= 0x03050000
/* This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 @ o2. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_MatrixMultiply(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
/* Returns the result of dividing o1 by o2 giving an integral result,
or NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 // o2. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_FloorDivide(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
/* Returns the result of dividing o1 by o2 giving a float result, or NULL on
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 / o2. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_TrueDivide(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
/* Returns the remainder of dividing o1 by o2, or NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 % o2. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Remainder(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
/* See the built-in function divmod.
Returns NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: divmod(o1, o2). */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Divmod(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
/* See the built-in function pow. Returns NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: pow(o1, o2, o3),
where o3 is optional. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Power(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2,
PyObject *o3);
/* Returns the negation of o on success, or NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: -o. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Negative(PyObject *o);
/* Returns the positive of o on success, or NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: +o. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Positive(PyObject *o);
/* Returns the absolute value of 'o', or NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: abs(o). */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Absolute(PyObject *o);
/* Returns the bitwise negation of 'o' on success, or NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: ~o. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Invert(PyObject *o);
/* Returns the result of left shifting o1 by o2 on success, or NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 << o2. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Lshift(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
/* Returns the result of right shifting o1 by o2 on success, or NULL on
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 >> o2. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Rshift(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
/* Returns the result of bitwise and of o1 and o2 on success, or NULL on
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 & o2. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_And(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
/* Returns the bitwise exclusive or of o1 by o2 on success, or NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 ^ o2. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Xor(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
/* Returns the result of bitwise or on o1 and o2 on success, or NULL on
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 | o2. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Or(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
/* Returns 1 if obj is an index integer (has the nb_index slot of the
tp_as_number structure filled in), and 0 otherwise. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyIndex_Check(PyObject *);
/* Returns the object 'o' converted to a Python int, or NULL with an exception
raised on failure. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Index(PyObject *o);
/* Returns the object 'o' converted to Py_ssize_t by going through
PyNumber_Index() first.
If an overflow error occurs while converting the int to Py_ssize_t, then the
second argument 'exc' is the error-type to return. If it is NULL, then the
overflow error is cleared and the value is clipped. */
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PyNumber_AsSsize_t(PyObject *o, PyObject *exc);
/* Returns the object 'o' converted to an integer object on success, or NULL
on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: int(o). */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Long(PyObject *o);
/* Returns the object 'o' converted to a float object on success, or NULL
on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: float(o). */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_Float(PyObject *o);
/* --- In-place variants of (some of) the above number protocol functions -- */
/* Returns the result of adding o2 to o1, possibly in-place, or NULL
on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 += o2. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_InPlaceAdd(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
/* Returns the result of subtracting o2 from o1, possibly in-place or
NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 -= o2. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_InPlaceSubtract(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
/* Returns the result of multiplying o1 by o2, possibly in-place, or NULL on
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 *= o2. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_InPlaceMultiply(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
#if !defined(Py_LIMITED_API) || Py_LIMITED_API+0 >= 0x03050000
/* This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 @= o2. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_InPlaceMatrixMultiply(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
/* Returns the result of dividing o1 by o2 giving an integral result, possibly
in-place, or NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 /= o2. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_InPlaceFloorDivide(PyObject *o1,
PyObject *o2);
/* Returns the result of dividing o1 by o2 giving a float result, possibly
in-place, or null on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 /= o2. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_InPlaceTrueDivide(PyObject *o1,
PyObject *o2);
/* Returns the remainder of dividing o1 by o2, possibly in-place, or NULL on
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 %= o2. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_InPlaceRemainder(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
/* Returns the result of raising o1 to the power of o2, possibly in-place,
or NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 **= o2,
or o1 = pow(o1, o2, o3) if o3 is present. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_InPlacePower(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2,
PyObject *o3);
/* Returns the result of left shifting o1 by o2, possibly in-place, or NULL
on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 <<= o2. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_InPlaceLshift(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
/* Returns the result of right shifting o1 by o2, possibly in-place or NULL
on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 >>= o2. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_InPlaceRshift(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
/* Returns the result of bitwise and of o1 and o2, possibly in-place, or NULL
on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 &= o2. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_InPlaceAnd(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
/* Returns the bitwise exclusive or of o1 by o2, possibly in-place, or NULL
on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 ^= o2. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_InPlaceXor(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
/* Returns the result of bitwise or of o1 and o2, possibly in-place,
or NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 |= o2. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_InPlaceOr(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
/* Returns the integer n converted to a string with a base, with a base
marker of 0b, 0o or 0x prefixed if applicable.
If n is not an int object, it is converted with PyNumber_Index first. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyNumber_ToBase(PyObject *n, int base);
/* === Sequence protocol ================================================ */
/* Return 1 if the object provides sequence protocol, and zero
This function always succeeds. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PySequence_Check(PyObject *o);
/* Return the size of sequence object o, or -1 on failure. */
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PySequence_Size(PyObject *o);
/* For DLL compatibility */
#undef PySequence_Length
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PySequence_Length(PyObject *o);
#define PySequence_Length PySequence_Size
/* Return the concatenation of o1 and o2 on success, and NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 + o2. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PySequence_Concat(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
/* Return the result of repeating sequence object 'o' 'count' times,
or NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o * count. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PySequence_Repeat(PyObject *o, Py_ssize_t count);
/* Return the ith element of o, or NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o[i]. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PySequence_GetItem(PyObject *o, Py_ssize_t i);
/* Return the slice of sequence object o between i1 and i2, or NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o[i1:i2]. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PySequence_GetSlice(PyObject *o, Py_ssize_t i1, Py_ssize_t i2);
/* Assign object 'v' to the ith element of the sequence 'o'. Raise an exception
and return -1 on failure; return 0 on success.
This is the equivalent of the Python statement o[i] = v. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PySequence_SetItem(PyObject *o, Py_ssize_t i, PyObject *v);
/* Delete the 'i'-th element of the sequence 'v'. Returns -1 on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python statement: del o[i]. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PySequence_DelItem(PyObject *o, Py_ssize_t i);
/* Assign the sequence object 'v' to the slice in sequence object 'o',
from 'i1' to 'i2'. Returns -1 on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python statement: o[i1:i2] = v. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PySequence_SetSlice(PyObject *o, Py_ssize_t i1, Py_ssize_t i2,
PyObject *v);
/* Delete the slice in sequence object 'o' from 'i1' to 'i2'.
Returns -1 on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python statement: del o[i1:i2]. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PySequence_DelSlice(PyObject *o, Py_ssize_t i1, Py_ssize_t i2);
/* Returns the sequence 'o' as a tuple on success, and NULL on failure.
This is equivalent to the Python expression: tuple(o). */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PySequence_Tuple(PyObject *o);
/* Returns the sequence 'o' as a list on success, and NULL on failure.
This is equivalent to the Python expression: list(o) */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PySequence_List(PyObject *o);
/* Return the sequence 'o' as a list, unless it's already a tuple or list.
Use PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM to access the members of this list, and
PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE to get its length.
Returns NULL on failure. If the object does not support iteration, raises a
TypeError exception with 'm' as the message text. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PySequence_Fast(PyObject *o, const char* m);
/* Return the size of the sequence 'o', assuming that 'o' was returned by
PySequence_Fast and is not NULL. */
#define PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE(o) \
(PyList_Check(o) ? PyList_GET_SIZE(o) : PyTuple_GET_SIZE(o))
/* Return the 'i'-th element of the sequence 'o', assuming that o was returned
by PySequence_Fast, and that i is within bounds. */
#define PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(o, i)\
(PyList_Check(o) ? PyList_GET_ITEM(o, i) : PyTuple_GET_ITEM(o, i))
/* Return a pointer to the underlying item array for
an object returned by PySequence_Fast */
#define PySequence_Fast_ITEMS(sf) \
(PyList_Check(sf) ? ((PyListObject *)(sf))->ob_item \
: ((PyTupleObject *)(sf))->ob_item)
/* Return the number of occurrences on value on 'o', that is, return
the number of keys for which o[key] == value.
On failure, return -1. This is equivalent to the Python expression:
o.count(value). */
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PySequence_Count(PyObject *o, PyObject *value);
/* Return 1 if 'ob' is in the sequence 'seq'; 0 if 'ob' is not in the sequence
'seq'; -1 on error.
Use __contains__ if possible, else _PySequence_IterSearch(). */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PySequence_Contains(PyObject *seq, PyObject *ob);
/* For DLL-level backwards compatibility */
#undef PySequence_In
/* Determine if the sequence 'o' contains 'value'. If an item in 'o' is equal
to 'value', return 1, otherwise return 0. On error, return -1.
This is equivalent to the Python expression: value in o. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PySequence_In(PyObject *o, PyObject *value);
/* For source-level backwards compatibility */
#define PySequence_In PySequence_Contains
/* Return the first index for which o[i] == value.
On error, return -1.
This is equivalent to the Python expression: o.index(value). */
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PySequence_Index(PyObject *o, PyObject *value);
/* --- In-place versions of some of the above Sequence functions --- */
/* Append sequence 'o2' to sequence 'o1', in-place when possible. Return the
resulting object, which could be 'o1', or NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 += o2. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PySequence_InPlaceConcat(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2);
/* Repeat sequence 'o' by 'count', in-place when possible. Return the resulting
object, which could be 'o', or NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o1 *= count. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PySequence_InPlaceRepeat(PyObject *o, Py_ssize_t count);
/* === Mapping protocol ================================================= */
/* Return 1 if the object provides mapping protocol, and 0 otherwise.
This function always succeeds. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyMapping_Check(PyObject *o);
/* Returns the number of keys in mapping object 'o' on success, and -1 on
failure. This is equivalent to the Python expression: len(o). */
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PyMapping_Size(PyObject *o);
/* For DLL compatibility */
#undef PyMapping_Length
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PyMapping_Length(PyObject *o);
#define PyMapping_Length PyMapping_Size
/* Implemented as a macro:
int PyMapping_DelItemString(PyObject *o, const char *key);
Remove the mapping for the string 'key' from the mapping 'o'. Returns -1 on
This is equivalent to the Python statement: del o[key]. */
#define PyMapping_DelItemString(O,K) PyObject_DelItemString((O),(K))
/* Implemented as a macro:
int PyMapping_DelItem(PyObject *o, PyObject *key);
Remove the mapping for the object 'key' from the mapping object 'o'.
Returns -1 on failure.
This is equivalent to the Python statement: del o[key]. */
#define PyMapping_DelItem(O,K) PyObject_DelItem((O),(K))
/* On success, return 1 if the mapping object 'o' has the key 'key',
and 0 otherwise.
This is equivalent to the Python expression: key in o.
This function always succeeds. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyMapping_HasKeyString(PyObject *o, const char *key);
/* Return 1 if the mapping object has the key 'key', and 0 otherwise.
This is equivalent to the Python expression: key in o.
This function always succeeds. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyMapping_HasKey(PyObject *o, PyObject *key);
/* On success, return a list or tuple of the keys in mapping object 'o'.
On failure, return NULL. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyMapping_Keys(PyObject *o);
/* On success, return a list or tuple of the values in mapping object 'o'.
On failure, return NULL. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyMapping_Values(PyObject *o);
/* On success, return a list or tuple of the items in mapping object 'o',
where each item is a tuple containing a key-value pair. On failure, return
NULL. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyMapping_Items(PyObject *o);
/* Return element of 'o' corresponding to the string 'key' or NULL on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python expression: o[key]. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyMapping_GetItemString(PyObject *o,
const char *key);
/* Map the string 'key' to the value 'v' in the mapping 'o'.
Returns -1 on failure.
This is the equivalent of the Python statement: o[key]=v. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyMapping_SetItemString(PyObject *o, const char *key,
PyObject *value);
/* isinstance(object, typeorclass) */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyObject_IsInstance(PyObject *object, PyObject *typeorclass);
/* issubclass(object, typeorclass) */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyObject_IsSubclass(PyObject *object, PyObject *typeorclass);
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
# include "cpython/abstract.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* Py_ABSTRACTOBJECT_H */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyFilter_Type;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyMap_Type;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyZip_Type;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_BLTINMODULE_H */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
/* Boolean object interface */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyBool_Type;
#define PyBool_Check(x) Py_IS_TYPE(x, &PyBool_Type)
/* Py_False and Py_True are the only two bools in existence.
Don't forget to apply Py_INCREF() when returning either!!! */
/* Don't use these directly */
PyAPI_DATA(struct _longobject) _Py_FalseStruct;
PyAPI_DATA(struct _longobject) _Py_TrueStruct;
/* Use these macros */
#define Py_False ((PyObject *) &_Py_FalseStruct)
#define Py_True ((PyObject *) &_Py_TrueStruct)
// Test if an object is the True singleton, the same as "x is True" in Python.
PyAPI_FUNC(int) Py_IsTrue(PyObject *x);
#define Py_IsTrue(x) Py_Is((x), Py_True)
// Test if an object is the False singleton, the same as "x is False" in Python.
PyAPI_FUNC(int) Py_IsFalse(PyObject *x);
#define Py_IsFalse(x) Py_Is((x), Py_False)
/* Macros for returning Py_True or Py_False, respectively */
#define Py_RETURN_TRUE return Py_NewRef(Py_True)
#define Py_RETURN_FALSE return Py_NewRef(Py_False)
/* Function to return a bool from a C long */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyBool_FromLong(long);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_BOOLOBJECT_H */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
/* ByteArray object interface */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stdarg.h>
/* Type PyByteArrayObject represents a mutable array of bytes.
* The Python API is that of a sequence;
* the bytes are mapped to ints in [0, 256).
* Bytes are not characters; they may be used to encode characters.
* The only way to go between bytes and str/unicode is via encoding
* and decoding.
* For the convenience of C programmers, the bytes type is considered
* to contain a char pointer, not an unsigned char pointer.
/* Type object */
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyByteArray_Type;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyByteArrayIter_Type;
/* Type check macros */
#define PyByteArray_Check(self) PyObject_TypeCheck(self, &PyByteArray_Type)
#define PyByteArray_CheckExact(self) Py_IS_TYPE(self, &PyByteArray_Type)
/* Direct API functions */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyByteArray_FromObject(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyByteArray_Concat(PyObject *, PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyByteArray_FromStringAndSize(const char *, Py_ssize_t);
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PyByteArray_Size(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(char *) PyByteArray_AsString(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyByteArray_Resize(PyObject *, Py_ssize_t);
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
# include "cpython/bytearrayobject.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_BYTEARRAYOBJECT_H */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
/* Bytes object interface */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stdarg.h>
Type PyBytesObject represents a byte string. An extra zero byte is
reserved at the end to ensure it is zero-terminated, but a size is
present so strings with null bytes in them can be represented. This
is an immutable object type.
There are functions to create new bytes objects, to test
an object for bytes-ness, and to get the
byte string value. The latter function returns a null pointer
if the object is not of the proper type.
There is a variant that takes an explicit size as well as a
variant that assumes a zero-terminated string. Note that none of the
functions should be applied to NULL pointer.
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyBytes_Type;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyBytesIter_Type;
#define PyBytes_Check(op) \
#define PyBytes_CheckExact(op) Py_IS_TYPE(op, &PyBytes_Type)
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(const char *, Py_ssize_t);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyBytes_FromString(const char *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyBytes_FromObject(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyBytes_FromFormatV(const char*, va_list)
Py_GCC_ATTRIBUTE((format(printf, 1, 0)));
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyBytes_FromFormat(const char*, ...)
Py_GCC_ATTRIBUTE((format(printf, 1, 2)));
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PyBytes_Size(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(char *) PyBytes_AsString(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyBytes_Repr(PyObject *, int);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyBytes_Concat(PyObject **, PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyBytes_ConcatAndDel(PyObject **, PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyBytes_DecodeEscape(const char *, Py_ssize_t,
const char *, Py_ssize_t,
const char *);
/* Provides access to the internal data buffer and size of a bytes object.
Passing NULL as len parameter will force the string buffer to be
0-terminated (passing a string with embedded NUL characters will
cause an exception). */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyBytes_AsStringAndSize(
PyObject *obj, /* bytes object */
char **s, /* pointer to buffer variable */
Py_ssize_t *len /* pointer to length variable or NULL */
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
# include "cpython/bytesobject.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_BYTESOBJECT_H */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
/* Cell object interface */
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct {
PyObject *ob_ref; /* Content of the cell or NULL when empty */
} PyCellObject;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyCell_Type;
#define PyCell_Check(op) Py_IS_TYPE(op, &PyCell_Type)
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyCell_New(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyCell_Get(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyCell_Set(PyObject *, PyObject *);
#define PyCell_GET(op) (((PyCellObject *)(op))->ob_ref)
#define PyCell_SET(op, v) ((void)(((PyCellObject *)(op))->ob_ref = v))
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_TUPLEOBJECT_H */
#endif /* Py_LIMITED_API */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
#ifndef Py_CEVAL_H
#define Py_CEVAL_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Interface to random parts in ceval.c */
/* PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords(), PyEval_CallObject(), PyEval_CallFunction
* and PyEval_CallMethod are deprecated. Since they are officially part of the
* stable ABI (PEP 384), they must be kept for backward compatibility.
* PyObject_Call(), PyObject_CallFunction() and PyObject_CallMethod() are
* recommended to call a callable object.
Py_DEPRECATED(3.9) PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords(
PyObject *callable,
PyObject *args,
PyObject *kwargs);
/* Deprecated since PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords is deprecated */
#define PyEval_CallObject(callable, arg) \
PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords(callable, arg, (PyObject *)NULL)
Py_DEPRECATED(3.9) PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyEval_CallFunction(
PyObject *callable, const char *format, ...);
Py_DEPRECATED(3.9) PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyEval_CallMethod(
PyObject *obj, const char *name, const char *format, ...);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyEval_GetBuiltins(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyEval_GetGlobals(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyEval_GetLocals(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyFrameObject *) PyEval_GetFrame(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) Py_AddPendingCall(int (*func)(void *), void *arg);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) Py_MakePendingCalls(void);
/* Protection against deeply nested recursive calls
In Python 3.0, this protection has two levels:
* normal anti-recursion protection is triggered when the recursion level
exceeds the current recursion limit. It raises a RecursionError, and sets
the "overflowed" flag in the thread state structure. This flag
temporarily *disables* the normal protection; this allows cleanup code
to potentially outgrow the recursion limit while processing the
* "last chance" anti-recursion protection is triggered when the recursion
level exceeds "current recursion limit + 50". By construction, this
protection can only be triggered when the "overflowed" flag is set. It
means the cleanup code has itself gone into an infinite loop, or the
RecursionError has been mistakingly ignored. When this protection is
triggered, the interpreter aborts with a Fatal Error.
In addition, the "overflowed" flag is automatically reset when the
recursion level drops below "current recursion limit - 50". This heuristic
is meant to ensure that the normal anti-recursion protection doesn't get
disabled too long.
Please note: this scheme has its own limitations. See:
for some observations.
PyAPI_FUNC(void) Py_SetRecursionLimit(int);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) Py_GetRecursionLimit(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) Py_EnterRecursiveCall(const char *where);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) Py_LeaveRecursiveCall(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(const char *) PyEval_GetFuncName(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(const char *) PyEval_GetFuncDesc(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyEval_EvalFrame(PyFrameObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyEval_EvalFrameEx(PyFrameObject *f, int exc);
/* Interface for threads.
A module that plans to do a blocking system call (or something else
that lasts a long time and doesn't touch Python data) can allow other
threads to run as follows:
...preparations here...
...blocking system call here...
...interpret result here...
{}-surrounded block.
To leave the block in the middle (e.g., with return), you must insert
a line containing Py_BLOCK_THREADS before the return, e.g.
if (...premature_exit...) {
return NULL;
An alternative is:
if (...premature_exit...) {
return NULL;
For convenience, that the value of 'errno' is restored across
Note that not yet all candidates have been converted to use this
PyAPI_FUNC(PyThreadState *) PyEval_SaveThread(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyEval_RestoreThread(PyThreadState *);
Py_DEPRECATED(3.9) PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyEval_ThreadsInitialized(void);
Py_DEPRECATED(3.9) PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyEval_InitThreads(void);
/* PyEval_AcquireLock() and PyEval_ReleaseLock() are part of stable ABI.
* They will be removed from this header file in the future version.
* But they will be remained in ABI until Python 4.0.
Py_DEPRECATED(3.2) PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyEval_AcquireLock(void);
Py_DEPRECATED(3.2) PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyEval_ReleaseLock(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyEval_AcquireThread(PyThreadState *tstate);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyEval_ReleaseThread(PyThreadState *tstate);
PyThreadState *_save; \
_save = PyEval_SaveThread();
#define Py_BLOCK_THREADS PyEval_RestoreThread(_save);
#define Py_UNBLOCK_THREADS _save = PyEval_SaveThread();
#define Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS PyEval_RestoreThread(_save); \
/* Masks and values used by FORMAT_VALUE opcode. */
#define FVC_MASK 0x3
#define FVC_NONE 0x0
#define FVC_STR 0x1
#define FVC_REPR 0x2
#define FVC_ASCII 0x3
#define FVS_MASK 0x4
#define FVS_HAVE_SPEC 0x4
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
# include "cpython/ceval.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_CEVAL_H */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
/* Former class object interface -- now only bound methods are here */
/* Revealing some structures (not for general use) */
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct {
PyObject *im_func; /* The callable object implementing the method */
PyObject *im_self; /* The instance it is bound to */
PyObject *im_weakreflist; /* List of weak references */
vectorcallfunc vectorcall;
} PyMethodObject;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyMethod_Type;
#define PyMethod_Check(op) Py_IS_TYPE(op, &PyMethod_Type)
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyMethod_New(PyObject *, PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyMethod_Function(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyMethod_Self(PyObject *);
/* Macros for direct access to these values. Type checks are *not*
done, so use with care. */
#define PyMethod_GET_FUNCTION(meth) \
(((PyMethodObject *)meth) -> im_func)
#define PyMethod_GET_SELF(meth) \
(((PyMethodObject *)meth) -> im_self)
typedef struct {
PyObject *func;
} PyInstanceMethodObject;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyInstanceMethod_Type;
#define PyInstanceMethod_Check(op) Py_IS_TYPE(op, &PyInstanceMethod_Type)
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyInstanceMethod_New(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyInstanceMethod_Function(PyObject *);
/* Macros for direct access to these values. Type checks are *not*
done, so use with care. */
#define PyInstanceMethod_GET_FUNCTION(meth) \
(((PyInstanceMethodObject *)meth) -> func)
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_CLASSOBJECT_H */
#endif /* Py_LIMITED_API */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Definitions for bytecode */
#ifndef Py_CODE_H
#define Py_CODE_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct PyCodeObject PyCodeObject;
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
# define Py_CPYTHON_CODE_H
# include "cpython/code.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_CODE_H */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Python Codec Registry and support functions
Written by Marc-Andre Lemburg (
Copyright (c) Corporation for National Research Initiatives.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Register a new codec search function.
As side effect, this tries to load the encodings package, if not
yet done, to make sure that it is always first in the list of
search functions.
The search_function's refcount is incremented by this function. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyCodec_Register(
PyObject *search_function
/* Unregister a codec search function and clear the registry's cache.
If the search function is not registered, do nothing.
Return 0 on success. Raise an exception and return -1 on error. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyCodec_Unregister(
PyObject *search_function
/* Codec registry lookup API.
Looks up the given encoding and returns a CodecInfo object with
function attributes which implement the different aspects of
processing the encoding.
The encoding string is looked up converted to all lower-case
characters. This makes encodings looked up through this mechanism
effectively case-insensitive.
If no codec is found, a KeyError is set and NULL returned.
As side effect, this tries to load the encodings package, if not
yet done. This is part of the lazy load strategy for the encodings
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyCodec_Lookup(
const char *encoding
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyCodec_Forget(
const char *encoding
/* Codec registry encoding check API.
Returns 1/0 depending on whether there is a registered codec for
the given encoding.
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyCodec_KnownEncoding(
const char *encoding
/* Generic codec based encoding API.
object is passed through the encoder function found for the given
encoding using the error handling method defined by errors. errors
may be NULL to use the default method defined for the codec.
Raises a LookupError in case no encoder can be found.
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyCodec_Encode(
PyObject *object,
const char *encoding,
const char *errors
/* Generic codec based decoding API.
object is passed through the decoder function found for the given
encoding using the error handling method defined by errors. errors
may be NULL to use the default method defined for the codec.
Raises a LookupError in case no encoder can be found.
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyCodec_Decode(
PyObject *object,
const char *encoding,
const char *errors
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
/* Text codec specific encoding and decoding API.
Checks the encoding against a list of codecs which do not
implement a str<->bytes encoding before attempting the
Please note that these APIs are internal and should not
be used in Python C extensions.
XXX (ncoghlan): should we make these, or something like them, public
in Python 3.5+?
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyCodec_LookupTextEncoding(
const char *encoding,
const char *alternate_command
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyCodec_EncodeText(
PyObject *object,
const char *encoding,
const char *errors
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyCodec_DecodeText(
PyObject *object,
const char *encoding,
const char *errors
/* These two aren't actually text encoding specific, but _io.TextIOWrapper
* is the only current API consumer.
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyCodecInfo_GetIncrementalDecoder(
PyObject *codec_info,
const char *errors
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyCodecInfo_GetIncrementalEncoder(
PyObject *codec_info,
const char *errors
/* --- Codec Lookup APIs --------------------------------------------------
All APIs return a codec object with incremented refcount and are
based on _PyCodec_Lookup(). The same comments w/r to the encoding
name also apply to these APIs.
/* Get an encoder function for the given encoding. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyCodec_Encoder(
const char *encoding
/* Get a decoder function for the given encoding. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyCodec_Decoder(
const char *encoding
/* Get an IncrementalEncoder object for the given encoding. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyCodec_IncrementalEncoder(
const char *encoding,
const char *errors
/* Get an IncrementalDecoder object function for the given encoding. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyCodec_IncrementalDecoder(
const char *encoding,
const char *errors
/* Get a StreamReader factory function for the given encoding. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyCodec_StreamReader(
const char *encoding,
PyObject *stream,
const char *errors
/* Get a StreamWriter factory function for the given encoding. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyCodec_StreamWriter(
const char *encoding,
PyObject *stream,
const char *errors
/* Unicode encoding error handling callback registry API */
/* Register the error handling callback function error under the given
name. This function will be called by the codec when it encounters
unencodable characters/undecodable bytes and doesn't know the
callback name, when name is specified as the error parameter
in the call to the encode/decode function.
Return 0 on success, -1 on error */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyCodec_RegisterError(const char *name, PyObject *error);
/* Lookup the error handling callback function registered under the given
name. As a special case NULL can be passed, in which case
the error handling callback for "strict" will be returned. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyCodec_LookupError(const char *name);
/* raise exc as an exception */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyCodec_StrictErrors(PyObject *exc);
/* ignore the unicode error, skipping the faulty input */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyCodec_IgnoreErrors(PyObject *exc);
/* replace the unicode encode error with ? or U+FFFD */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyCodec_ReplaceErrors(PyObject *exc);
/* replace the unicode encode error with XML character references */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyCodec_XMLCharRefReplaceErrors(PyObject *exc);
/* replace the unicode encode error with backslash escapes (\x, \u and \U) */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyCodec_BackslashReplaceErrors(PyObject *exc);
#if !defined(Py_LIMITED_API) || Py_LIMITED_API+0 >= 0x03050000
/* replace the unicode encode error with backslash escapes (\N, \x, \u and \U) */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyCodec_NameReplaceErrors(PyObject *exc);
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
PyAPI_DATA(const char *) Py_hexdigits;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_CODECREGISTRY_H */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#ifndef Py_COMPILE_H
#define Py_COMPILE_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* These definitions must match corresponding definitions in graminit.h. */
#define Py_single_input 256
#define Py_file_input 257
#define Py_eval_input 258
#define Py_func_type_input 345
/* This doesn't need to match anything */
#define Py_fstring_input 800
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
# include "cpython/compile.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_COMPILE_H */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
/* Complex number structure */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
typedef struct {
double real;
double imag;
} Py_complex;
/* Operations on complex numbers from complexmodule.c */
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_complex) _Py_c_sum(Py_complex, Py_complex);
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_complex) _Py_c_diff(Py_complex, Py_complex);
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_complex) _Py_c_neg(Py_complex);
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_complex) _Py_c_prod(Py_complex, Py_complex);
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_complex) _Py_c_quot(Py_complex, Py_complex);
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_complex) _Py_c_pow(Py_complex, Py_complex);
PyAPI_FUNC(double) _Py_c_abs(Py_complex);
/* Complex object interface */
PyComplexObject represents a complex number with double-precision
real and imaginary parts.
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
typedef struct {
Py_complex cval;
} PyComplexObject;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyComplex_Type;
#define PyComplex_Check(op) PyObject_TypeCheck(op, &PyComplex_Type)
#define PyComplex_CheckExact(op) Py_IS_TYPE(op, &PyComplex_Type)
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyComplex_FromCComplex(Py_complex);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyComplex_FromDoubles(double real, double imag);
PyAPI_FUNC(double) PyComplex_RealAsDouble(PyObject *op);
PyAPI_FUNC(double) PyComplex_ImagAsDouble(PyObject *op);
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_complex) PyComplex_AsCComplex(PyObject *op);
/* Format the object based on the format_spec, as defined in PEP 3101
(Advanced String Formatting). */
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyComplex_FormatAdvancedWriter(
_PyUnicodeWriter *writer,
PyObject *obj,
PyObject *format_spec,
Py_ssize_t start,
Py_ssize_t end);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_COMPLEXOBJECT_H */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
#ifndef Py_CONTEXT_H
#define Py_CONTEXT_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyContext_Type;
typedef struct _pycontextobject PyContext;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyContextVar_Type;
typedef struct _pycontextvarobject PyContextVar;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyContextToken_Type;
typedef struct _pycontexttokenobject PyContextToken;
#define PyContext_CheckExact(o) Py_IS_TYPE(o, &PyContext_Type)
#define PyContextVar_CheckExact(o) Py_IS_TYPE(o, &PyContextVar_Type)
#define PyContextToken_CheckExact(o) Py_IS_TYPE(o, &PyContextToken_Type)
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyContext_New(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyContext_Copy(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyContext_CopyCurrent(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyContext_Enter(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyContext_Exit(PyObject *);
/* Create a new context variable.
default_value can be NULL.
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyContextVar_New(
const char *name, PyObject *default_value);
/* Get a value for the variable.
Returns -1 if an error occurred during lookup.
Returns 0 if value either was or was not found.
If value was found, *value will point to it.
If not, it will point to:
- default_value, if not NULL;
- the default value of "var", if not NULL;
'*value' will be a new ref, if not NULL.
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyContextVar_Get(
PyObject *var, PyObject *default_value, PyObject **value);
/* Set a new value for the variable.
Returns NULL if an error occurs.
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyContextVar_Set(PyObject *var, PyObject *value);
/* Reset a variable to its previous value.
Returns 0 on success, -1 on error.
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyContextVar_Reset(PyObject *var, PyObject *token);
/* This method is exposed only for CPython tests. Don not use it. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyContext_NewHamtForTests(void);
#endif /* !Py_LIMITED_API */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_CONTEXT_H */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
# error "this header file must not be included directly"
/* === Object Protocol ================================================== */
# define _PyObject_CallMethodId _PyObject_CallMethodId_SizeT
/* Convert keyword arguments from the FASTCALL (stack: C array, kwnames: tuple)
format to a Python dictionary ("kwargs" dict).
The type of kwnames keys is not checked. The final function getting
arguments is responsible to check if all keys are strings, for example using
PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords() or PyArg_ValidateKeywordArguments().
Duplicate keys are merged using the last value. If duplicate keys must raise
an exception, the caller is responsible to implement an explicit keys on
kwnames. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyStack_AsDict(
PyObject *const *values,
PyObject *kwnames);
/* Suggested size (number of positional arguments) for arrays of PyObject*
allocated on a C stack to avoid allocating memory on the heap memory. Such
array is used to pass positional arguments to call functions of the
PyObject_Vectorcall() family.
The size is chosen to not abuse the C stack and so limit the risk of stack
overflow. The size is also chosen to allow using the small stack for most
function calls of the Python standard library. On 64-bit CPU, it allocates
40 bytes on the stack. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _Py_CheckFunctionResult(
PyThreadState *tstate,
PyObject *callable,
PyObject *result,
const char *where);
/* === Vectorcall protocol (PEP 590) ============================= */
/* Call callable using tp_call. Arguments are like PyObject_Vectorcall()
or PyObject_FastCallDict() (both forms are supported),
except that nargs is plainly the number of arguments without flags. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyObject_MakeTpCall(
PyThreadState *tstate,
PyObject *callable,
PyObject *const *args, Py_ssize_t nargs,
PyObject *keywords);
#define PY_VECTORCALL_ARGUMENTS_OFFSET ((size_t)1 << (8 * sizeof(size_t) - 1))
static inline Py_ssize_t
PyVectorcall_NARGS(size_t n)
static inline vectorcallfunc
PyVectorcall_Function(PyObject *callable)
PyTypeObject *tp;
Py_ssize_t offset;
vectorcallfunc ptr;
assert(callable != NULL);
tp = Py_TYPE(callable);
if (!PyType_HasFeature(tp, Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_VECTORCALL)) {
return NULL;
offset = tp->tp_vectorcall_offset;
assert(offset > 0);
memcpy(&ptr, (char *) callable + offset, sizeof(ptr));
return ptr;
/* Call the callable object 'callable' with the "vectorcall" calling
args is a C array for positional arguments.
nargsf is the number of positional arguments plus optionally the flag
PY_VECTORCALL_ARGUMENTS_OFFSET which means that the caller is allowed to
modify args[-1].
kwnames is a tuple of keyword names. The values of the keyword arguments
are stored in "args" after the positional arguments (note that the number
of keyword arguments does not change nargsf). kwnames can also be NULL if
there are no keyword arguments.
keywords must only contain strings and all keys must be unique.
Return the result on success. Raise an exception and return NULL on
error. */
static inline PyObject *
_PyObject_VectorcallTstate(PyThreadState *tstate, PyObject *callable,
PyObject *const *args, size_t nargsf,
PyObject *kwnames)
vectorcallfunc func;
PyObject *res;
assert(kwnames == NULL || PyTuple_Check(kwnames));
assert(args != NULL || PyVectorcall_NARGS(nargsf) == 0);
func = PyVectorcall_Function(callable);
if (func == NULL) {
Py_ssize_t nargs = PyVectorcall_NARGS(nargsf);
return _PyObject_MakeTpCall(tstate, callable, args, nargs, kwnames);
res = func(callable, args, nargsf, kwnames);
return _Py_CheckFunctionResult(tstate, callable, res, NULL);
static inline PyObject *
PyObject_Vectorcall(PyObject *callable, PyObject *const *args,
size_t nargsf, PyObject *kwnames)
PyThreadState *tstate = PyThreadState_Get();
return _PyObject_VectorcallTstate(tstate, callable,
args, nargsf, kwnames);
// Backwards compatibility aliases for API that was provisional in Python 3.8
#define _PyObject_Vectorcall PyObject_Vectorcall
#define _PyObject_VectorcallMethod PyObject_VectorcallMethod
#define _PyObject_FastCallDict PyObject_VectorcallDict
#define _PyVectorcall_Function PyVectorcall_Function
#define _PyObject_CallOneArg PyObject_CallOneArg
#define _PyObject_CallMethodNoArgs PyObject_CallMethodNoArgs
#define _PyObject_CallMethodOneArg PyObject_CallMethodOneArg
/* Same as PyObject_Vectorcall except that keyword arguments are passed as
dict, which may be NULL if there are no keyword arguments. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_VectorcallDict(
PyObject *callable,
PyObject *const *args,
size_t nargsf,
PyObject *kwargs);
/* Call "callable" (which must support vectorcall) with positional arguments
"tuple" and keyword arguments "dict". "dict" may also be NULL */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyVectorcall_Call(PyObject *callable, PyObject *tuple, PyObject *dict);
static inline PyObject *
_PyObject_FastCallTstate(PyThreadState *tstate, PyObject *func, PyObject *const *args, Py_ssize_t nargs)
return _PyObject_VectorcallTstate(tstate, func, args, (size_t)nargs, NULL);
/* Same as PyObject_Vectorcall except without keyword arguments */
static inline PyObject *
_PyObject_FastCall(PyObject *func, PyObject *const *args, Py_ssize_t nargs)
PyThreadState *tstate = PyThreadState_Get();
return _PyObject_FastCallTstate(tstate, func, args, nargs);
/* Call a callable without any arguments
Private static inline function variant of public function
PyObject_CallNoArgs(). */
static inline PyObject *
_PyObject_CallNoArg(PyObject *func) {
PyThreadState *tstate = PyThreadState_Get();
return _PyObject_VectorcallTstate(tstate, func, NULL, 0, NULL);
static inline PyObject *
PyObject_CallOneArg(PyObject *func, PyObject *arg)
PyObject *_args[2];
PyObject **args;
PyThreadState *tstate;
size_t nargsf;
assert(arg != NULL);
args[0] = arg;
tstate = PyThreadState_Get();
return _PyObject_VectorcallTstate(tstate, func, args, nargsf, NULL);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_VectorcallMethod(
PyObject *name, PyObject *const *args,
size_t nargsf, PyObject *kwnames);
static inline PyObject *
PyObject_CallMethodNoArgs(PyObject *self, PyObject *name)
return PyObject_VectorcallMethod(name, &self,
static inline PyObject *
PyObject_CallMethodOneArg(PyObject *self, PyObject *name, PyObject *arg)
PyObject *args[2] = {self, arg};
assert(arg != NULL);
return PyObject_VectorcallMethod(name, args,
/* Like PyObject_CallMethod(), but expect a _Py_Identifier*
as the method name. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyObject_CallMethodId(PyObject *obj,
_Py_Identifier *name,
const char *format, ...);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyObject_CallMethodId_SizeT(PyObject *obj,
_Py_Identifier *name,
const char *format,
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyObject_CallMethodIdObjArgs(
PyObject *obj,
struct _Py_Identifier *name,
static inline PyObject *
_Py_Identifier *name, PyObject *const *args,
size_t nargsf, PyObject *kwnames)
PyObject *oname = _PyUnicode_FromId(name); /* borrowed */
if (!oname) {
return NULL;
return PyObject_VectorcallMethod(oname, args, nargsf, kwnames);
static inline PyObject *
_PyObject_CallMethodIdNoArgs(PyObject *self, _Py_Identifier *name)
return _PyObject_VectorcallMethodId(name, &self,
static inline PyObject *
_PyObject_CallMethodIdOneArg(PyObject *self, _Py_Identifier *name, PyObject *arg)
PyObject *args[2] = {self, arg};
assert(arg != NULL);
return _PyObject_VectorcallMethodId(name, args,
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyObject_HasLen(PyObject *o);
/* Guess the size of object 'o' using len(o) or o.__length_hint__().
If neither of those return a non-negative value, then return the default
value. If one of the calls fails, this function returns -1. */
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PyObject_LengthHint(PyObject *o, Py_ssize_t);
/* === New Buffer API ============================================ */
/* Return 1 if the getbuffer function is available, otherwise return 0. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyObject_CheckBuffer(PyObject *obj);
/* This is a C-API version of the getbuffer function call. It checks
to make sure object has the required function pointer and issues the
Returns -1 and raises an error on failure and returns 0 on success. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyObject_GetBuffer(PyObject *obj, Py_buffer *view,
int flags);
/* Get the memory area pointed to by the indices for the buffer given.
Note that view->ndim is the assumed size of indices. */
PyAPI_FUNC(void *) PyBuffer_GetPointer(Py_buffer *view, Py_ssize_t *indices);
/* Return the implied itemsize of the data-format area from a
struct-style description. */
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PyBuffer_SizeFromFormat(const char *format);
/* Implementation in memoryobject.c */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyBuffer_ToContiguous(void *buf, Py_buffer *view,
Py_ssize_t len, char order);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyBuffer_FromContiguous(Py_buffer *view, void *buf,
Py_ssize_t len, char order);
/* Copy len bytes of data from the contiguous chunk of memory
pointed to by buf into the buffer exported by obj. Return
0 on success and return -1 and raise a PyBuffer_Error on
error (i.e. the object does not have a buffer interface or
it is not working).
If fort is 'F', then if the object is multi-dimensional,
then the data will be copied into the array in
Fortran-style (first dimension varies the fastest). If
fort is 'C', then the data will be copied into the array
in C-style (last dimension varies the fastest). If fort
is 'A', then it does not matter and the copy will be made
in whatever way is more efficient. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyObject_CopyData(PyObject *dest, PyObject *src);
/* Copy the data from the src buffer to the buffer of destination. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyBuffer_IsContiguous(const Py_buffer *view, char fort);
/*Fill the strides array with byte-strides of a contiguous
(Fortran-style if fort is 'F' or C-style otherwise)
array of the given shape with the given number of bytes
per element. */
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyBuffer_FillContiguousStrides(int ndims,
Py_ssize_t *shape,
Py_ssize_t *strides,
int itemsize,
char fort);
/* Fills in a buffer-info structure correctly for an exporter
that can only share a contiguous chunk of memory of
"unsigned bytes" of the given length.
Returns 0 on success and -1 (with raising an error) on error. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyBuffer_FillInfo(Py_buffer *view, PyObject *o, void *buf,
Py_ssize_t len, int readonly,
int flags);
/* Releases a Py_buffer obtained from getbuffer ParseTuple's "s*". */
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyBuffer_Release(Py_buffer *view);
/* === Sequence protocol ================================================ */
/* Assume tp_as_sequence and sq_item exist and that 'i' does not
need to be corrected for a negative index. */
#define PySequence_ITEM(o, i)\
( Py_TYPE(o)->tp_as_sequence->sq_item(o, i) )
/* Iterate over seq.
Result depends on the operation:
PY_ITERSEARCH_COUNT: return # of times obj appears in seq; -1 if
PY_ITERSEARCH_INDEX: return 0-based index of first occurrence of
obj in seq; set ValueError and return -1 if none found;
also return -1 on error.
PY_ITERSEARCH_CONTAINS: return 1 if obj in seq, else 0; -1 on
error. */
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) _PySequence_IterSearch(PyObject *seq,
PyObject *obj, int operation);
/* === Mapping protocol ================================================= */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyObject_RealIsInstance(PyObject *inst, PyObject *cls);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyObject_RealIsSubclass(PyObject *derived, PyObject *cls);
PyAPI_FUNC(char *const *) _PySequence_BytesToCharpArray(PyObject* self);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _Py_FreeCharPArray(char *const array[]);
/* For internal use by buffer API functions */
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _Py_add_one_to_index_F(int nd, Py_ssize_t *index,
const Py_ssize_t *shape);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _Py_add_one_to_index_C(int nd, Py_ssize_t *index,
const Py_ssize_t *shape);
/* Convert Python int to Py_ssize_t. Do nothing if the argument is None. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_convert_optional_to_ssize_t(PyObject *, void *);
/* Same as PyNumber_Index but can return an instance of a subclass of int. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyNumber_Index(PyObject *o);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# error "this header file must not be included directly"
/* Object layout */
typedef struct {
Py_ssize_t ob_alloc; /* How many bytes allocated in ob_bytes */
char *ob_bytes; /* Physical backing buffer */
char *ob_start; /* Logical start inside ob_bytes */
Py_ssize_t ob_exports; /* How many buffer exports */
} PyByteArrayObject;
/* Macros, trading safety for speed */
#define PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self) \
(assert(PyByteArray_Check(self)), \
Py_SIZE(self) ? ((PyByteArrayObject *)(self))->ob_start : _PyByteArray_empty_string)
#define PyByteArray_GET_SIZE(self) (assert(PyByteArray_Check(self)), Py_SIZE(self))
PyAPI_DATA(char) _PyByteArray_empty_string[];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
# error "this header file must not be included directly"
typedef struct {
Py_hash_t ob_shash;
char ob_sval[1];
/* Invariants:
* ob_sval contains space for 'ob_size+1' elements.
* ob_sval[ob_size] == 0.
* ob_shash is the hash of the byte string or -1 if not computed yet.
} PyBytesObject;
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyBytes_Resize(PyObject **, Py_ssize_t);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyBytes_FormatEx(
const char *format,
Py_ssize_t format_len,
PyObject *args,
int use_bytearray);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyBytes_FromHex(
PyObject *string,
int use_bytearray);
/* Helper for PyBytes_DecodeEscape that detects invalid escape chars. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyBytes_DecodeEscape(const char *, Py_ssize_t,
const char *, const char **);
/* Macro, trading safety for speed */
#define PyBytes_AS_STRING(op) (assert(PyBytes_Check(op)), \
(((PyBytesObject *)(op))->ob_sval))
#define PyBytes_GET_SIZE(op) (assert(PyBytes_Check(op)),Py_SIZE(op))
/* _PyBytes_Join(sep, x) is like sep.join(x). sep must be PyBytesObject*,
x must be an iterable object. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyBytes_Join(PyObject *sep, PyObject *x);
/* The _PyBytesWriter structure is big: it contains an embedded "stack buffer".
A _PyBytesWriter variable must be declared at the end of variables in a
function to optimize the memory allocation on the stack. */
typedef struct {
/* bytes, bytearray or NULL (when the small buffer is used) */
PyObject *buffer;
/* Number of allocated size. */
Py_ssize_t allocated;
/* Minimum number of allocated bytes,
incremented by _PyBytesWriter_Prepare() */
Py_ssize_t min_size;
/* If non-zero, use a bytearray instead of a bytes object for buffer. */
int use_bytearray;
/* If non-zero, overallocate the buffer (default: 0).
This flag must be zero if use_bytearray is non-zero. */
int overallocate;
/* Stack buffer */
int use_small_buffer;
char small_buffer[512];
} _PyBytesWriter;
/* Initialize a bytes writer
By default, the overallocation is disabled. Set the overallocate attribute
to control the allocation of the buffer. */
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyBytesWriter_Init(_PyBytesWriter *writer);
/* Get the buffer content and reset the writer.
Return a bytes object, or a bytearray object if use_bytearray is non-zero.
Raise an exception and return NULL on error. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyBytesWriter_Finish(_PyBytesWriter *writer,
void *str);
/* Deallocate memory of a writer (clear its internal buffer). */
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyBytesWriter_Dealloc(_PyBytesWriter *writer);
/* Allocate the buffer to write size bytes.
Return the pointer to the beginning of buffer data.
Raise an exception and return NULL on error. */
PyAPI_FUNC(void*) _PyBytesWriter_Alloc(_PyBytesWriter *writer,
Py_ssize_t size);
/* Ensure that the buffer is large enough to write *size* bytes.
Add size to the writer minimum size (min_size attribute).
str is the current pointer inside the buffer.
Return the updated current pointer inside the buffer.
Raise an exception and return NULL on error. */
PyAPI_FUNC(void*) _PyBytesWriter_Prepare(_PyBytesWriter *writer,
void *str,
Py_ssize_t size);
/* Resize the buffer to make it larger.
The new buffer may be larger than size bytes because of overallocation.
Return the updated current pointer inside the buffer.
Raise an exception and return NULL on error.
Note: size must be greater than the number of allocated bytes in the writer.
This function doesn't use the writer minimum size (min_size attribute).
See also _PyBytesWriter_Prepare().
PyAPI_FUNC(void*) _PyBytesWriter_Resize(_PyBytesWriter *writer,
void *str,
Py_ssize_t size);
/* Write bytes.
Raise an exception and return NULL on error. */
PyAPI_FUNC(void*) _PyBytesWriter_WriteBytes(_PyBytesWriter *writer,
void *str,
const void *bytes,
Py_ssize_t size);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# error "this header file must not be included directly"
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyEval_SetProfile(Py_tracefunc, PyObject *);
PyAPI_DATA(int) _PyEval_SetProfile(PyThreadState *tstate, Py_tracefunc func, PyObject *arg);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyEval_SetTrace(Py_tracefunc, PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyEval_SetTrace(PyThreadState *tstate, Py_tracefunc func, PyObject *arg);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyEval_GetCoroutineOriginTrackingDepth(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyEval_SetAsyncGenFirstiter(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyEval_GetAsyncGenFirstiter(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyEval_SetAsyncGenFinalizer(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyEval_GetAsyncGenFinalizer(void);
/* Helper to look up a builtin object */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyEval_GetBuiltinId(_Py_Identifier *);
/* Look at the current frame's (if any) code's co_flags, and turn on
the corresponding compiler flags in cf->cf_flags. Return 1 if any
flag was set, else return 0. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyEval_MergeCompilerFlags(PyCompilerFlags *cf);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault(PyThreadState *tstate, PyFrameObject *f, int exc);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyEval_SetSwitchInterval(unsigned long microseconds);
PyAPI_FUNC(unsigned long) _PyEval_GetSwitchInterval(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) _PyEval_RequestCodeExtraIndex(freefunc);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyEval_SliceIndex(PyObject *, Py_ssize_t *);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyEval_SliceIndexNotNone(PyObject *, Py_ssize_t *);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
# error "this header file must not be included directly"
typedef uint16_t _Py_CODEUNIT;
# define _Py_OPCODE(word) ((word) >> 8)
# define _Py_OPARG(word) ((word) & 255)
# define _Py_OPCODE(word) ((word) & 255)
# define _Py_OPARG(word) ((word) >> 8)
typedef struct _PyOpcache _PyOpcache;
/* Bytecode object */
struct PyCodeObject {
int co_argcount; /* #arguments, except *args */
int co_posonlyargcount; /* #positional only arguments */
int co_kwonlyargcount; /* #keyword only arguments */
int co_nlocals; /* #local variables */
int co_stacksize; /* #entries needed for evaluation stack */
int co_flags; /* CO_..., see below */
int co_firstlineno; /* first source line number */
PyObject *co_code; /* instruction opcodes */
PyObject *co_consts; /* list (constants used) */
PyObject *co_names; /* list of strings (names used) */
PyObject *co_varnames; /* tuple of strings (local variable names) */
PyObject *co_freevars; /* tuple of strings (free variable names) */
PyObject *co_cellvars; /* tuple of strings (cell variable names) */
/* The rest aren't used in either hash or comparisons, except for co_name,
used in both. This is done to preserve the name and line number
for tracebacks and debuggers; otherwise, constant de-duplication
would collapse identical functions/lambdas defined on different lines.
Py_ssize_t *co_cell2arg; /* Maps cell vars which are arguments. */
PyObject *co_filename; /* unicode (where it was loaded from) */
PyObject *co_name; /* unicode (name, for reference) */
PyObject *co_linetable; /* string (encoding addr<->lineno mapping) See
Objects/lnotab_notes.txt for details. */
void *co_zombieframe; /* for optimization only (see frameobject.c) */
PyObject *co_weakreflist; /* to support weakrefs to code objects */
/* Scratch space for extra data relating to the code object.
Type is a void* to keep the format private in codeobject.c to force
people to go through the proper APIs. */
void *co_extra;
/* Per opcodes just-in-time cache
* To reduce cache size, we use indirect mapping from opcode index to
* cache object:
* cache = co_opcache[co_opcache_map[next_instr - first_instr] - 1]
// co_opcache_map is indexed by (next_instr - first_instr).
// * 0 means there is no cache for this opcode.
// * n > 0 means there is cache in co_opcache[n-1].
unsigned char *co_opcache_map;
_PyOpcache *co_opcache;
int co_opcache_flag; // used to determine when create a cache.
unsigned char co_opcache_size; // length of co_opcache.
/* Masks for co_flags above */
#define CO_OPTIMIZED 0x0001
#define CO_NEWLOCALS 0x0002
#define CO_VARARGS 0x0004
#define CO_VARKEYWORDS 0x0008
#define CO_NESTED 0x0010
#define CO_GENERATOR 0x0020
/* The CO_NOFREE flag is set if there are no free or cell variables.
This information is redundant, but it allows a single flag test
to determine whether there is any extra work to be done when the
call frame it setup.
#define CO_NOFREE 0x0040
/* The CO_COROUTINE flag is set for coroutine functions (defined with
``async def`` keywords) */
#define CO_COROUTINE 0x0080
#define CO_ASYNC_GENERATOR 0x0200
/* bpo-39562: These constant values are changed in Python 3.9
to prevent collision with compiler flags. CO_FUTURE_ and PyCF_
constants must be kept unique. PyCF_ constants can use bits from
0x0100 to 0x10000. CO_FUTURE_ constants use bits starting at 0x20000. */
#define CO_FUTURE_DIVISION 0x20000
#define CO_FUTURE_ABSOLUTE_IMPORT 0x40000 /* do absolute imports by default */
#define CO_FUTURE_BARRY_AS_BDFL 0x400000
#define CO_FUTURE_ANNOTATIONS 0x1000000
/* This value is found in the co_cell2arg array when the associated cell
variable does not correspond to an argument. */
#define CO_CELL_NOT_AN_ARG (-1)
/* This should be defined if a future statement modifies the syntax.
For example, when a keyword is added.
#define CO_MAXBLOCKS 20 /* Max static block nesting within a function */
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyCode_Type;
#define PyCode_Check(op) Py_IS_TYPE(op, &PyCode_Type)
#define PyCode_GetNumFree(op) (PyTuple_GET_SIZE((op)->co_freevars))
/* Public interface */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyCodeObject *) PyCode_New(
int, int, int, int, int, PyObject *, PyObject *,
PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *,
PyObject *, PyObject *, int, PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyCodeObject *) PyCode_NewWithPosOnlyArgs(
int, int, int, int, int, int, PyObject *, PyObject *,
PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *,
PyObject *, PyObject *, int, PyObject *);
/* same as struct above */
/* Creates a new empty code object with the specified source location. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyCodeObject *)
PyCode_NewEmpty(const char *filename, const char *funcname, int firstlineno);
/* Return the line number associated with the specified bytecode index
in this code object. If you just need the line number of a frame,
use PyFrame_GetLineNumber() instead. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyCode_Addr2Line(PyCodeObject *, int);
/* for internal use only */
struct _opaque {
int computed_line;
const char *lo_next;
const char *limit;
typedef struct _line_offsets {
int ar_start;
int ar_end;
int ar_line;
struct _opaque opaque;
} PyCodeAddressRange;
/* Update *bounds to describe the first and one-past-the-last instructions in the
same line as lasti. Return the number of that line.
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyCode_CheckLineNumber(int lasti, PyCodeAddressRange *bounds);
/* Create a comparable key used to compare constants taking in account the
* object type. It is used to make sure types are not coerced (e.g., float and
* complex) _and_ to distinguish 0.0 from -0.0 e.g. on IEEE platforms
* Return (type(obj), obj, ...): a tuple with variable size (at least 2 items)
* depending on the type and the value. The type is the first item to not
* compare bytes and str which can raise a BytesWarning exception. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) _PyCode_ConstantKey(PyObject *obj);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject*) PyCode_Optimize(PyObject *code, PyObject* consts,
PyObject *names, PyObject *lnotab);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyCode_GetExtra(PyObject *code, Py_ssize_t index,
void **extra);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyCode_SetExtra(PyObject *code, Py_ssize_t index,
void *extra);
/** API for initializing the line number table. */
int _PyCode_InitAddressRange(PyCodeObject* co, PyCodeAddressRange *bounds);
/** Out of process API for initializing the line number table. */
void PyLineTable_InitAddressRange(const char *linetable, Py_ssize_t length, int firstlineno, PyCodeAddressRange *range);
/** API for traversing the line number table. */
int PyLineTable_NextAddressRange(PyCodeAddressRange *range);
int PyLineTable_PreviousAddressRange(PyCodeAddressRange *range);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
# error "this header file must not be included directly"
/* Public interface */
/* bpo-39562: CO_FUTURE_ and PyCF_ constants must be kept unique.
PyCF_ constants can use bits from 0x0100 to 0x10000.
CO_FUTURE_ constants use bits starting at 0x20000. */
#define PyCF_SOURCE_IS_UTF8 0x0100
#define PyCF_DONT_IMPLY_DEDENT 0x0200
#define PyCF_ONLY_AST 0x0400
#define PyCF_IGNORE_COOKIE 0x0800
#define PyCF_TYPE_COMMENTS 0x1000
typedef struct {
int cf_flags; /* bitmask of CO_xxx flags relevant to future */
int cf_feature_version; /* minor Python version (PyCF_ONLY_AST) */
} PyCompilerFlags;
#define _PyCompilerFlags_INIT \
(PyCompilerFlags){.cf_flags = 0, .cf_feature_version = PY_MINOR_VERSION}
/* Future feature support */
typedef struct {
int ff_features; /* flags set by future statements */
int ff_lineno; /* line number of last future statement */
} PyFutureFeatures;
#define FUTURE_NESTED_SCOPES "nested_scopes"
#define FUTURE_GENERATORS "generators"
#define FUTURE_DIVISION "division"
#define FUTURE_ABSOLUTE_IMPORT "absolute_import"
#define FUTURE_WITH_STATEMENT "with_statement"
#define FUTURE_PRINT_FUNCTION "print_function"
#define FUTURE_UNICODE_LITERALS "unicode_literals"
#define FUTURE_BARRY_AS_BDFL "barry_as_FLUFL"
#define FUTURE_GENERATOR_STOP "generator_stop"
#define FUTURE_ANNOTATIONS "annotations"
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyCompile_OpcodeStackEffect(int opcode, int oparg);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyCompile_OpcodeStackEffectWithJump(int opcode, int oparg, int jump);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
# error "this header file must not be included directly"
typedef struct _dictkeysobject PyDictKeysObject;
/* The ma_values pointer is NULL for a combined table
* or points to an array of PyObject* for a split table
typedef struct {
/* Number of items in the dictionary */
Py_ssize_t ma_used;
/* Dictionary version: globally unique, value change each time
the dictionary is modified */
uint64_t ma_version_tag;
PyDictKeysObject *ma_keys;
/* If ma_values is NULL, the table is "combined": keys and values
are stored in ma_keys.
If ma_values is not NULL, the table is split:
keys are stored in ma_keys and values are stored in ma_values */
PyObject **ma_values;
} PyDictObject;
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyDict_GetItem_KnownHash(PyObject *mp, PyObject *key,
Py_hash_t hash);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyDict_GetItemIdWithError(PyObject *dp,
struct _Py_Identifier *key);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyDict_GetItemStringWithError(PyObject *, const char *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyDict_SetDefault(
PyObject *mp, PyObject *key, PyObject *defaultobj);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyDict_SetItem_KnownHash(PyObject *mp, PyObject *key,
PyObject *item, Py_hash_t hash);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyDict_DelItem_KnownHash(PyObject *mp, PyObject *key,
Py_hash_t hash);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyDict_DelItemIf(PyObject *mp, PyObject *key,
int (*predicate)(PyObject *value));
PyDictKeysObject *_PyDict_NewKeysForClass(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyDict_Next(
PyObject *mp, Py_ssize_t *pos, PyObject **key, PyObject **value, Py_hash_t *hash);
/* Get the number of items of a dictionary. */
#define PyDict_GET_SIZE(mp) (assert(PyDict_Check(mp)),((PyDictObject *)mp)->ma_used)
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyDict_Contains_KnownHash(PyObject *, PyObject *, Py_hash_t);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyDict_ContainsId(PyObject *, struct _Py_Identifier *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyDict_NewPresized(Py_ssize_t minused);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyDict_MaybeUntrack(PyObject *mp);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyDict_HasOnlyStringKeys(PyObject *mp);
Py_ssize_t _PyDict_KeysSize(PyDictKeysObject *keys);
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) _PyDict_SizeOf(PyDictObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyDict_Pop(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *);
PyObject *_PyDict_Pop_KnownHash(PyObject *, PyObject *, Py_hash_t, PyObject *);
PyObject *_PyDict_FromKeys(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *);
#define _PyDict_HasSplitTable(d) ((d)->ma_values != NULL)
/* Like PyDict_Merge, but override can be 0, 1 or 2. If override is 0,
the first occurrence of a key wins, if override is 1, the last occurrence
of a key wins, if override is 2, a KeyError with conflicting key as
argument is raised.
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyDict_MergeEx(PyObject *mp, PyObject *other, int override);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyDict_SetItemId(PyObject *dp, struct _Py_Identifier *key, PyObject *item);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyDict_DelItemId(PyObject *mp, struct _Py_Identifier *key);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyDict_DebugMallocStats(FILE *out);
int _PyObjectDict_SetItem(PyTypeObject *tp, PyObject **dictptr, PyObject *name, PyObject *value);
PyObject *_PyDict_LoadGlobal(PyDictObject *, PyDictObject *, PyObject *);
Py_ssize_t _PyDict_GetItemHint(PyDictObject *, PyObject *, Py_ssize_t, PyObject **);
/* _PyDictView */
typedef struct {
PyDictObject *dv_dict;
} _PyDictViewObject;
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyDictView_New(PyObject *, PyTypeObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyDictView_Intersect(PyObject* self, PyObject *other);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# error "this header file must not be included directly"
PyAPI_FUNC(char *) Py_UniversalNewlineFgets(char *, int, FILE*, PyObject *);
/* The std printer acts as a preliminary sys.stderr until the new io
infrastructure is in place. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFile_NewStdPrinter(int);
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyStdPrinter_Type;
typedef PyObject * (*Py_OpenCodeHookFunction)(PyObject *, void *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFile_OpenCode(const char *utf8path);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFile_OpenCodeObject(PyObject *path);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyFile_SetOpenCodeHook(Py_OpenCodeHookFunction hook, void *userData);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyLong_FileDescriptor_Converter(PyObject *, void *);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
# error "this header file must not be included directly"
typedef enum {
} _Py_error_handler;
PyAPI_FUNC(_Py_error_handler) _Py_GetErrorHandler(const char *errors);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_DecodeLocaleEx(
const char *arg,
wchar_t **wstr,
size_t *wlen,
const char **reason,
int current_locale,
_Py_error_handler errors);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_EncodeLocaleEx(
const wchar_t *text,
char **str,
size_t *error_pos,
const char **reason,
int current_locale,
_Py_error_handler errors);
PyAPI_FUNC(char*) _Py_EncodeLocaleRaw(
const wchar_t *text,
size_t *error_pos);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _Py_device_encoding(int);
#if defined(MS_WINDOWS) || defined(__APPLE__)
/* On Windows, the count parameter of read() is an int (bpo-9015, bpo-9611).
On macOS 10.13, read() and write() with more than INT_MAX bytes
fail with EINVAL (bpo-24658). */
/* write() should truncate the input to PY_SSIZE_T_MAX bytes,
but it's safer to do it ourself to have a portable behaviour */
struct _Py_stat_struct {
unsigned long st_dev;
uint64_t st_ino;
unsigned short st_mode;
int st_nlink;
int st_uid;
int st_gid;
unsigned long st_rdev;
__int64 st_size;
time_t st_atime;
int st_atime_nsec;
time_t st_mtime;
int st_mtime_nsec;
time_t st_ctime;
int st_ctime_nsec;
unsigned long st_file_attributes;
unsigned long st_reparse_tag;
# define _Py_stat_struct stat
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_fstat(
int fd,
struct _Py_stat_struct *status);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_fstat_noraise(
int fd,
struct _Py_stat_struct *status);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_stat(
PyObject *path,
struct stat *status);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_open(
const char *pathname,
int flags);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_open_noraise(
const char *pathname,
int flags);
PyAPI_FUNC(FILE *) _Py_wfopen(
const wchar_t *path,
const wchar_t *mode);
PyAPI_FUNC(FILE*) _Py_fopen_obj(
PyObject *path,
const char *mode);
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) _Py_read(
int fd,
void *buf,
size_t count);
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) _Py_write(
int fd,
const void *buf,
size_t count);
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) _Py_write_noraise(
int fd,
const void *buf,
size_t count);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_wreadlink(
const wchar_t *path,
wchar_t *buf,
/* Number of characters of 'buf' buffer
including the trailing NUL character */
size_t buflen);
PyAPI_FUNC(wchar_t*) _Py_wrealpath(
const wchar_t *path,
wchar_t *resolved_path,
/* Number of characters of 'resolved_path' buffer
including the trailing NUL character */
size_t resolved_path_len);
#ifndef MS_WINDOWS
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_isabs(const wchar_t *path);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_abspath(const wchar_t *path, wchar_t **abspath_p);
PyAPI_FUNC(wchar_t*) _Py_wgetcwd(
wchar_t *buf,
/* Number of characters of 'buf' buffer
including the trailing NUL character */
size_t buflen);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_get_inheritable(int fd);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_set_inheritable(int fd, int inheritable,
int *atomic_flag_works);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_set_inheritable_async_safe(int fd, int inheritable,
int *atomic_flag_works);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_dup(int fd);
#ifndef MS_WINDOWS
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_get_blocking(int fd);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_set_blocking(int fd, int blocking);
#else /* MS_WINDOWS */
PyAPI_FUNC(void*) _Py_get_osfhandle_noraise(int fd);
PyAPI_FUNC(void*) _Py_get_osfhandle(int fd);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_open_osfhandle_noraise(void *handle, int flags);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_open_osfhandle(void *handle, int flags);
#endif /* MS_WINDOWS */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
/* Frame object interface */
# error "this header file must not be included directly"
/* These values are chosen so that the inline functions below all
* compare f_state to zero.
enum _framestate {
typedef signed char PyFrameState;
typedef struct {
int b_type; /* what kind of block this is */
int b_handler; /* where to jump to find handler */
int b_level; /* value stack level to pop to */
} PyTryBlock;
struct _frame {
struct _frame *f_back; /* previous frame, or NULL */
PyCodeObject *f_code; /* code segment */
PyObject *f_builtins; /* builtin symbol table (PyDictObject) */
PyObject *f_globals; /* global symbol table (PyDictObject) */
PyObject *f_locals; /* local symbol table (any mapping) */
PyObject **f_valuestack; /* points after the last local */
PyObject *f_trace; /* Trace function */
int f_stackdepth; /* Depth of value stack */
char f_trace_lines; /* Emit per-line trace events? */
char f_trace_opcodes; /* Emit per-opcode trace events? */
/* Borrowed reference to a generator, or NULL */
PyObject *f_gen;
int f_lasti; /* Last instruction if called */
int f_lineno; /* Current line number. Only valid if non-zero */
int f_iblock; /* index in f_blockstack */
PyFrameState f_state; /* What state the frame is in */
PyTryBlock f_blockstack[CO_MAXBLOCKS]; /* for try and loop blocks */
PyObject *f_localsplus[1]; /* locals+stack, dynamically sized */
static inline int _PyFrame_IsRunnable(struct _frame *f) {
return f->f_state < FRAME_EXECUTING;
static inline int _PyFrame_IsExecuting(struct _frame *f) {
return f->f_state == FRAME_EXECUTING;
static inline int _PyFrameHasCompleted(struct _frame *f) {
return f->f_state > FRAME_EXECUTING;
/* Standard object interface */
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyFrame_Type;
#define PyFrame_Check(op) Py_IS_TYPE(op, &PyFrame_Type)
PyAPI_FUNC(PyFrameObject *) PyFrame_New(PyThreadState *, PyCodeObject *,
PyObject *, PyObject *);
/* only internal use */
_PyFrame_New_NoTrack(PyThreadState *, PyFrameConstructor *, PyObject *);
/* The rest of the interface is specific for frame objects */
/* Block management functions */
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyFrame_BlockSetup(PyFrameObject *, int, int, int);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyTryBlock *) PyFrame_BlockPop(PyFrameObject *);
/* Conversions between "fast locals" and locals in dictionary */
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyFrame_LocalsToFast(PyFrameObject *, int);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyFrame_FastToLocalsWithError(PyFrameObject *f);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyFrame_FastToLocals(PyFrameObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyFrame_DebugMallocStats(FILE *out);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyFrameObject *) PyFrame_GetBack(PyFrameObject *frame);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
# error "this header file must not be included directly"
PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__imp(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyImport_IsInitialized(PyInterpreterState *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyImport_GetModuleId(struct _Py_Identifier *name);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyImport_SetModule(PyObject *name, PyObject *module);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyImport_SetModuleString(const char *name, PyObject* module);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyImport_AcquireLock(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyImport_ReleaseLock(void);
/* Obsolete since 3.5, will be removed in 3.11. */
Py_DEPRECATED(3.10) PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyImport_FindExtensionObject(PyObject *, PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyImport_FixupBuiltin(
PyObject *mod,
const char *name, /* UTF-8 encoded string */
PyObject *modules
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyImport_FixupExtensionObject(PyObject*, PyObject *,
PyObject *, PyObject *);
struct _inittab {
const char *name; /* ASCII encoded string */
PyObject* (*initfunc)(void);
PyAPI_DATA(struct _inittab *) PyImport_Inittab;
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyImport_ExtendInittab(struct _inittab *newtab);
struct _frozen {
const char *name; /* ASCII encoded string */
const unsigned char *code;
int size;
/* Embedding apps may change this pointer to point to their favorite
collection of frozen modules: */
PyAPI_DATA(const struct _frozen *) PyImport_FrozenModules;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* --- PyStatus ----------------------------------------------- */
typedef struct {
enum {
} _type;
const char *func;
const char *err_msg;
int exitcode;
} PyStatus;
PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) PyStatus_Ok(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) PyStatus_Error(const char *err_msg);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) PyStatus_NoMemory(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) PyStatus_Exit(int exitcode);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyStatus_IsError(PyStatus err);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyStatus_IsExit(PyStatus err);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyStatus_Exception(PyStatus err);
/* --- PyWideStringList ------------------------------------------------ */
typedef struct {
/* If length is greater than zero, items must be non-NULL
and all items strings must be non-NULL */
Py_ssize_t length;
wchar_t **items;
} PyWideStringList;
PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) PyWideStringList_Append(PyWideStringList *list,
const wchar_t *item);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) PyWideStringList_Insert(PyWideStringList *list,
Py_ssize_t index,
const wchar_t *item);
/* --- PyPreConfig ----------------------------------------------- */
typedef struct PyPreConfig {
int _config_init; /* _PyConfigInitEnum value */
/* Parse Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() arguments?
See PyConfig.parse_argv */
int parse_argv;
/* If greater than 0, enable isolated mode: sys.path contains
neither the script's directory nor the user's site-packages directory.
Set to 1 by the -I command line option. If set to -1 (default), inherit
Py_IsolatedFlag value. */
int isolated;
/* If greater than 0: use environment variables.
Set to 0 by -E command line option. If set to -1 (default), it is
set to !Py_IgnoreEnvironmentFlag. */
int use_environment;
/* Set the LC_CTYPE locale to the user preferred locale? If equals to 0,
set coerce_c_locale and coerce_c_locale_warn to 0. */
int configure_locale;
/* Coerce the LC_CTYPE locale if it's equal to "C"? (PEP 538)
Set to 2 if the user preferred LC_CTYPE locale is "C".
If it is equal to 1, LC_CTYPE locale is read to decide if it should be
coerced or not (ex: PYTHONCOERCECLOCALE=1). Internally, it is set to 2
if the LC_CTYPE locale must be coerced.
Disable by default (set to 0). Set it to -1 to let Python decide if it
should be enabled or not. */
int coerce_c_locale;
/* Emit a warning if the LC_CTYPE locale is coerced?
Disable by default (set to 0). Set it to -1 to let Python decide if it
should be enabled or not. */
int coerce_c_locale_warn;
/* If greater than 1, use the "mbcs" encoding instead of the UTF-8
encoding for the filesystem encoding.
Set to 1 if the PYTHONLEGACYWINDOWSFSENCODING environment variable is
set to a non-empty string. If set to -1 (default), inherit
Py_LegacyWindowsFSEncodingFlag value.
See PEP 529 for more details. */
int legacy_windows_fs_encoding;
/* Enable UTF-8 mode? (PEP 540)
Disabled by default (equals to 0).
Set to 1 by "-X utf8" and "-X utf8=1" command line options.
Set to 1 by PYTHONUTF8=1 environment variable.
Set to 0 by "-X utf8=0" and PYTHONUTF8=0.
If equals to -1, it is set to 1 if the LC_CTYPE locale is "C" or
"POSIX", otherwise it is set to 0. Inherit Py_UTF8Mode value value. */
int utf8_mode;
/* If non-zero, enable the Python Development Mode.
Set to 1 by the -X dev command line option. Set by the PYTHONDEVMODE
environment variable. */
int dev_mode;
/* Memory allocator: PYTHONMALLOC env var.
See PyMemAllocatorName for valid values. */
int allocator;
} PyPreConfig;
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyPreConfig_InitPythonConfig(PyPreConfig *config);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyPreConfig_InitIsolatedConfig(PyPreConfig *config);
/* --- PyConfig ---------------------------------------------- */
/* This structure is best documented in the Doc/c-api/init_config.rst file. */
typedef struct PyConfig {
int _config_init; /* _PyConfigInitEnum value */
int isolated;
int use_environment;
int dev_mode;
int install_signal_handlers;
int use_hash_seed;
unsigned long hash_seed;
int faulthandler;
int tracemalloc;
int import_time;
int show_ref_count;
int dump_refs;
int malloc_stats;
wchar_t *filesystem_encoding;
wchar_t *filesystem_errors;
wchar_t *pycache_prefix;
int parse_argv;
PyWideStringList orig_argv;
PyWideStringList argv;
PyWideStringList xoptions;
PyWideStringList warnoptions;
int site_import;
int bytes_warning;
int warn_default_encoding;
int inspect;
int interactive;
int optimization_level;
int parser_debug;
int write_bytecode;
int verbose;
int quiet;
int user_site_directory;
int configure_c_stdio;
int buffered_stdio;
wchar_t *stdio_encoding;
wchar_t *stdio_errors;
int legacy_windows_stdio;
wchar_t *check_hash_pycs_mode;
/* --- Path configuration inputs ------------ */
int pathconfig_warnings;
wchar_t *program_name;
wchar_t *pythonpath_env;
wchar_t *home;
wchar_t *platlibdir;
/* --- Path configuration outputs ----------- */
int module_search_paths_set;
PyWideStringList module_search_paths;
wchar_t *executable;
wchar_t *base_executable;
wchar_t *prefix;
wchar_t *base_prefix;
wchar_t *exec_prefix;
wchar_t *base_exec_prefix;
/* --- Parameter only used by Py_Main() ---------- */
int skip_source_first_line;
wchar_t *run_command;
wchar_t *run_module;
wchar_t *run_filename;
/* --- Private fields ---------------------------- */
// Install importlib? If equals to 0, importlib is not initialized at all.
// Needed by freeze_importlib.
int _install_importlib;
// If equal to 0, stop Python initialization before the "main" phase.
int _init_main;
// If non-zero, disallow threads, subprocesses, and fork.
// Default: 0.
int _isolated_interpreter;
} PyConfig;
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyConfig_InitPythonConfig(PyConfig *config);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyConfig_InitIsolatedConfig(PyConfig *config);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyConfig_Clear(PyConfig *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) PyConfig_SetString(
PyConfig *config,
wchar_t **config_str,
const wchar_t *str);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) PyConfig_SetBytesString(
PyConfig *config,
wchar_t **config_str,
const char *str);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) PyConfig_Read(PyConfig *config);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) PyConfig_SetBytesArgv(
PyConfig *config,
Py_ssize_t argc,
char * const *argv);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) PyConfig_SetArgv(PyConfig *config,
Py_ssize_t argc,
wchar_t * const *argv);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) PyConfig_SetWideStringList(PyConfig *config,
PyWideStringList *list,
Py_ssize_t length, wchar_t **items);
/* --- Helper functions --------------------------------------- */
/* Get the original command line arguments, before Python modified them.
See also PyConfig.orig_argv. */
PyAPI_FUNC(void) Py_GetArgcArgv(int *argc, wchar_t ***argv);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_LIMITED_API */
#endif /* !Py_PYCORECONFIG_H */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# error "this header file must not be included directly"
/* Interpreter ID Object */
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) _PyInterpreterID_Type;
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyInterpreterID_New(int64_t);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyInterpreterState_GetIDObject(PyInterpreterState *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyInterpreterState *) _PyInterpreterID_LookUp(PyObject *);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# error "this header file must not be included directly"
typedef struct {
/* Vector of pointers to list elements. list[0] is ob_item[0], etc. */
PyObject **ob_item;
/* ob_item contains space for 'allocated' elements. The number
* currently in use is ob_size.
* Invariants:
* 0 <= ob_size <= allocated
* len(list) == ob_size
* ob_item == NULL implies ob_size == allocated == 0
* list.sort() temporarily sets allocated to -1 to detect mutations.
* Items must normally not be NULL, except during construction when
* the list is not yet visible outside the function that builds it.
Py_ssize_t allocated;
} PyListObject;
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyList_Extend(PyListObject *, PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyList_DebugMallocStats(FILE *out);
/* Macro, trading safety for speed */
/* Cast argument to PyListObject* type. */
#define _PyList_CAST(op) (assert(PyList_Check(op)), (PyListObject *)(op))
#define PyList_GET_ITEM(op, i) (_PyList_CAST(op)->ob_item[i])
#define PyList_SET_ITEM(op, i, v) ((void)(_PyList_CAST(op)->ob_item[i] = (v)))
#define PyList_GET_SIZE(op) Py_SIZE(_PyList_CAST(op))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# error "this header file must not be included directly"
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyCMethod_Type;
#define PyCMethod_CheckExact(op) Py_IS_TYPE(op, &PyCMethod_Type)
#define PyCMethod_Check(op) PyObject_TypeCheck(op, &PyCMethod_Type)
/* Macros for direct access to these values. Type checks are *not*
done, so use with care. */
#define PyCFunction_GET_FUNCTION(func) \
(((PyCFunctionObject *)func) -> m_ml -> ml_meth)
#define PyCFunction_GET_SELF(func) \
(((PyCFunctionObject *)func) -> m_ml -> ml_flags & METH_STATIC ? \
NULL : ((PyCFunctionObject *)func) -> m_self)
#define PyCFunction_GET_FLAGS(func) \
(((PyCFunctionObject *)func) -> m_ml -> ml_flags)
#define PyCFunction_GET_CLASS(func) \
(((PyCFunctionObject *)func) -> m_ml -> ml_flags & METH_METHOD ? \
((PyCMethodObject *)func) -> mm_class : NULL)
typedef struct {
PyMethodDef *m_ml; /* Description of the C function to call */
PyObject *m_self; /* Passed as 'self' arg to the C func, can be NULL */
PyObject *m_module; /* The __module__ attribute, can be anything */
PyObject *m_weakreflist; /* List of weak references */
vectorcallfunc vectorcall;
} PyCFunctionObject;
typedef struct {
PyCFunctionObject func;
PyTypeObject *mm_class; /* Class that defines this method */
} PyCMethodObject;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
# error "this header file must not be included directly"
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _Py_NewReference(PyObject *op);
#ifdef Py_TRACE_REFS
/* Py_TRACE_REFS is such major surgery that we call external routines. */
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _Py_ForgetReference(PyObject *);
#ifdef Py_REF_DEBUG
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) _Py_GetRefTotal(void);
/********************* String Literals ****************************************/
/* This structure helps managing static strings. The basic usage goes like this:
Instead of doing
r = PyObject_CallMethod(o, "foo", "args", ...);
r = _PyObject_CallMethodId(o, &PyId_foo, "args", ...);
PyId_foo is a static variable, either on block level or file level. On first
usage, the string "foo" is interned, and the structures are linked. On interpreter
shutdown, all strings are released.
Alternatively, _Py_static_string allows choosing the variable name.
_PyUnicode_FromId returns a borrowed reference to the interned string.
_PyObject_{Get,Set,Has}AttrId are __getattr__ versions using _Py_Identifier*.
typedef struct _Py_Identifier {
const char* string;
// Index in PyInterpreterState.unicode.ids.array. It is process-wide
// unique and must be initialized to -1.
Py_ssize_t index;
} _Py_Identifier;
#define _Py_static_string_init(value) { .string = value, .index = -1 }
#define _Py_static_string(varname, value) static _Py_Identifier varname = _Py_static_string_init(value)
#define _Py_IDENTIFIER(varname) _Py_static_string(PyId_##varname, #varname)
/* buffer interface */
typedef struct bufferinfo {
void *buf;
PyObject *obj; /* owned reference */
Py_ssize_t len;
Py_ssize_t itemsize; /* This is Py_ssize_t so it can be
pointed to by strides in simple case.*/
int readonly;
int ndim;
char *format;
Py_ssize_t *shape;
Py_ssize_t *strides;
Py_ssize_t *suboffsets;
void *internal;
} Py_buffer;
typedef int (*getbufferproc)(PyObject *, Py_buffer *, int);
typedef void (*releasebufferproc)(PyObject *, Py_buffer *);
typedef PyObject *(*vectorcallfunc)(PyObject *callable, PyObject *const *args,
size_t nargsf, PyObject *kwnames);
/* Maximum number of dimensions */
#define PyBUF_MAX_NDIM 64
/* Flags for getting buffers */
#define PyBUF_SIMPLE 0
#define PyBUF_WRITABLE 0x0001
/* we used to include an E, backwards compatible alias */
#define PyBUF_FORMAT 0x0004
#define PyBUF_ND 0x0008
#define PyBUF_STRIDES (0x0010 | PyBUF_ND)
#define PyBUF_INDIRECT (0x0100 | PyBUF_STRIDES)
#define PyBUF_READ 0x100
#define PyBUF_WRITE 0x200
/* End buffer interface */
typedef struct {
/* Number implementations must check *both*
arguments for proper type and implement the necessary conversions
in the slot functions themselves. */
binaryfunc nb_add;
binaryfunc nb_subtract;
binaryfunc nb_multiply;
binaryfunc nb_remainder;
binaryfunc nb_divmod;
ternaryfunc nb_power;
unaryfunc nb_negative;
unaryfunc nb_positive;
unaryfunc nb_absolute;
inquiry nb_bool;
unaryfunc nb_invert;
binaryfunc nb_lshift;
binaryfunc nb_rshift;
binaryfunc nb_and;
binaryfunc nb_xor;
binaryfunc nb_or;
unaryfunc nb_int;
void *nb_reserved; /* the slot formerly known as nb_long */
unaryfunc nb_float;
binaryfunc nb_inplace_add;
binaryfunc nb_inplace_subtract;
binaryfunc nb_inplace_multiply;
binaryfunc nb_inplace_remainder;
ternaryfunc nb_inplace_power;
binaryfunc nb_inplace_lshift;
binaryfunc nb_inplace_rshift;
binaryfunc nb_inplace_and;
binaryfunc nb_inplace_xor;
binaryfunc nb_inplace_or;
binaryfunc nb_floor_divide;
binaryfunc nb_true_divide;
binaryfunc nb_inplace_floor_divide;
binaryfunc nb_inplace_true_divide;
unaryfunc nb_index;
binaryfunc nb_matrix_multiply;
binaryfunc nb_inplace_matrix_multiply;
} PyNumberMethods;
typedef struct {
lenfunc sq_length;
binaryfunc sq_concat;
ssizeargfunc sq_repeat;
ssizeargfunc sq_item;
void *was_sq_slice;
ssizeobjargproc sq_ass_item;
void *was_sq_ass_slice;
objobjproc sq_contains;
binaryfunc sq_inplace_concat;
ssizeargfunc sq_inplace_repeat;
} PySequenceMethods;
typedef struct {
lenfunc mp_length;
binaryfunc mp_subscript;
objobjargproc mp_ass_subscript;
} PyMappingMethods;
typedef PySendResult (*sendfunc)(PyObject *iter, PyObject *value, PyObject **result);
typedef struct {
unaryfunc am_await;
unaryfunc am_aiter;
unaryfunc am_anext;
sendfunc am_send;
} PyAsyncMethods;
typedef struct {
getbufferproc bf_getbuffer;
releasebufferproc bf_releasebuffer;
} PyBufferProcs;
/* Allow printfunc in the tp_vectorcall_offset slot for
* backwards-compatibility */
typedef Py_ssize_t printfunc;
// If this structure is modified, Doc/includes/typestruct.h should be updated
// as well.
struct _typeobject {
const char *tp_name; /* For printing, in format "<module>.<name>" */
Py_ssize_t tp_basicsize, tp_itemsize; /* For allocation */
/* Methods to implement standard operations */
destructor tp_dealloc;
Py_ssize_t tp_vectorcall_offset;
getattrfunc tp_getattr;
setattrfunc tp_setattr;
PyAsyncMethods *tp_as_async; /* formerly known as tp_compare (Python 2)
or tp_reserved (Python 3) */
reprfunc tp_repr;
/* Method suites for standard classes */
PyNumberMethods *tp_as_number;
PySequenceMethods *tp_as_sequence;
PyMappingMethods *tp_as_mapping;
/* More standard operations (here for binary compatibility) */
hashfunc tp_hash;
ternaryfunc tp_call;
reprfunc tp_str;
getattrofunc tp_getattro;
setattrofunc tp_setattro;
/* Functions to access object as input/output buffer */
PyBufferProcs *tp_as_buffer;
/* Flags to define presence of optional/expanded features */
unsigned long tp_flags;
const char *tp_doc; /* Documentation string */
/* Assigned meaning in release 2.0 */
/* call function for all accessible objects */
traverseproc tp_traverse;
/* delete references to contained objects */
inquiry tp_clear;
/* Assigned meaning in release 2.1 */
/* rich comparisons */
richcmpfunc tp_richcompare;
/* weak reference enabler */
Py_ssize_t tp_weaklistoffset;
/* Iterators */
getiterfunc tp_iter;
iternextfunc tp_iternext;
/* Attribute descriptor and subclassing stuff */
struct PyMethodDef *tp_methods;
struct PyMemberDef *tp_members;
struct PyGetSetDef *tp_getset;
// Strong reference on a heap type, borrowed reference on a static type
struct _typeobject *tp_base;
PyObject *tp_dict;
descrgetfunc tp_descr_get;
descrsetfunc tp_descr_set;
Py_ssize_t tp_dictoffset;
initproc tp_init;
allocfunc tp_alloc;
newfunc tp_new;
freefunc tp_free; /* Low-level free-memory routine */
inquiry tp_is_gc; /* For PyObject_IS_GC */
PyObject *tp_bases;
PyObject *tp_mro; /* method resolution order */
PyObject *tp_cache;
PyObject *tp_subclasses;
PyObject *tp_weaklist;
destructor tp_del;
/* Type attribute cache version tag. Added in version 2.6 */
unsigned int tp_version_tag;
destructor tp_finalize;
vectorcallfunc tp_vectorcall;
/* The *real* layout of a type object when allocated on the heap */
typedef struct _heaptypeobject {
/* Note: there's a dependency on the order of these members
in slotptr() in typeobject.c . */
PyTypeObject ht_type;
PyAsyncMethods as_async;
PyNumberMethods as_number;
PyMappingMethods as_mapping;
PySequenceMethods as_sequence; /* as_sequence comes after as_mapping,
so that the mapping wins when both
the mapping and the sequence define
a given operator (e.g. __getitem__).
see add_operators() in typeobject.c . */
PyBufferProcs as_buffer;
PyObject *ht_name, *ht_slots, *ht_qualname;
struct _dictkeysobject *ht_cached_keys;
PyObject *ht_module;
/* here are optional user slots, followed by the members. */
} PyHeapTypeObject;
/* access macro to the members which are floating "behind" the object */
#define PyHeapType_GET_MEMBERS(etype) \
((PyMemberDef *)(((char *)etype) + Py_TYPE(etype)->tp_basicsize))
PyAPI_FUNC(const char *) _PyType_Name(PyTypeObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyType_Lookup(PyTypeObject *, PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyType_LookupId(PyTypeObject *, _Py_Identifier *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyObject_LookupSpecial(PyObject *, _Py_Identifier *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyTypeObject *) _PyType_CalculateMetaclass(PyTypeObject *, PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyType_GetDocFromInternalDoc(const char *, const char *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyType_GetTextSignatureFromInternalDoc(const char *, const char *);
struct PyModuleDef;
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyType_GetModuleByDef(PyTypeObject *, struct PyModuleDef *);
struct _Py_Identifier;
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyObject_Print(PyObject *, FILE *, int);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _Py_BreakPoint(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyObject_Dump(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyObject_IsFreed(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyObject_IsAbstract(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyObject_GetAttrId(PyObject *, struct _Py_Identifier *);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyObject_SetAttrId(PyObject *, struct _Py_Identifier *, PyObject *);
/* Replacements of PyObject_GetAttr() and _PyObject_GetAttrId() which
don't raise AttributeError.
Return 1 and set *result != NULL if an attribute is found.
Return 0 and set *result == NULL if an attribute is not found;
an AttributeError is silenced.
Return -1 and set *result == NULL if an error other than AttributeError
is raised.
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyObject_LookupAttr(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject **);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyObject_LookupAttrId(PyObject *, struct _Py_Identifier *, PyObject **);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyObject_GetMethod(PyObject *obj, PyObject *name, PyObject **method);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject **) _PyObject_GetDictPtr(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyObject_NextNotImplemented(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyObject_CallFinalizer(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyObject_CallFinalizerFromDealloc(PyObject *);
/* Same as PyObject_Generic{Get,Set}Attr, but passing the attributes
dict as the last parameter. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *)
_PyObject_GenericGetAttrWithDict(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *, int);
_PyObject_GenericSetAttrWithDict(PyObject *, PyObject *,
PyObject *, PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyObject_FunctionStr(PyObject *);
/* Safely decref `op` and set `op` to `op2`.
* As in case of Py_CLEAR "the obvious" code can be deadly:
* Py_DECREF(op);
* op = op2;
* The safe way is:
* Py_SETREF(op, op2);
* That arranges to set `op` to `op2` _before_ decref'ing, so that any code
* triggered as a side-effect of `op` getting torn down no longer believes
* `op` points to a valid object.
* Py_XSETREF is a variant of Py_SETREF that uses Py_XDECREF instead of
#define Py_SETREF(op, op2) \
do { \
PyObject *_py_tmp = _PyObject_CAST(op); \
(op) = (op2); \
Py_DECREF(_py_tmp); \
} while (0)
#define Py_XSETREF(op, op2) \
do { \
PyObject *_py_tmp = _PyObject_CAST(op); \
(op) = (op2); \
Py_XDECREF(_py_tmp); \
} while (0)
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) _PyNone_Type;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) _PyNotImplemented_Type;
/* Maps Py_LT to Py_GT, ..., Py_GE to Py_LE.
* Defined in object.c.
PyAPI_DATA(int) _Py_SwappedOp[];
_PyDebugAllocatorStats(FILE *out, const char *block_name, int num_blocks,
size_t sizeof_block);
_PyObject_DebugTypeStats(FILE *out);
/* Define a pair of assertion macros:
_PyObject_ASSERT_FROM(), _PyObject_ASSERT_WITH_MSG() and _PyObject_ASSERT().
These work like the regular C assert(), in that they will abort the
process with a message on stderr if the given condition fails to hold,
but compile away to nothing if NDEBUG is defined.
However, before aborting, Python will also try to call _PyObject_Dump() on
the given object. This may be of use when investigating bugs in which a
particular object is corrupt (e.g. buggy a tp_visit method in an extension
module breaking the garbage collector), to help locate the broken objects.
The WITH_MSG variant allows you to supply an additional message that Python
will attempt to print to stderr, after the object dump. */
#ifdef NDEBUG
/* No debugging: compile away the assertions: */
# define _PyObject_ASSERT_FROM(obj, expr, msg, filename, lineno, func) \
/* With debugging: generate checks: */
# define _PyObject_ASSERT_FROM(obj, expr, msg, filename, lineno, func) \
((expr) \
? (void)(0) \
: _PyObject_AssertFailed((obj), Py_STRINGIFY(expr), \
(msg), (filename), (lineno), (func)))
#define _PyObject_ASSERT_WITH_MSG(obj, expr, msg) \
_PyObject_ASSERT_FROM(obj, expr, msg, __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__)
#define _PyObject_ASSERT(obj, expr) \
_PyObject_ASSERT_WITH_MSG(obj, expr, NULL)
#define _PyObject_ASSERT_FAILED_MSG(obj, msg) \
_PyObject_AssertFailed((obj), NULL, (msg), __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__)
/* Declare and define _PyObject_AssertFailed() even when NDEBUG is defined,
to avoid causing compiler/linker errors when building extensions without
NDEBUG against a Python built with NDEBUG defined.
msg, expr and function can be NULL. */
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _Py_NO_RETURN _PyObject_AssertFailed(
PyObject *obj,
const char *expr,
const char *msg,
const char *file,
int line,
const char *function);
/* Check if an object is consistent. For example, ensure that the reference
counter is greater than or equal to 1, and ensure that ob_type is not NULL.
Call _PyObject_AssertFailed() if the object is inconsistent.
If check_content is zero, only check header fields: reduce the overhead.
The function always return 1. The return value is just here to be able to
assert(_PyObject_CheckConsistency(obj, 1)); */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyObject_CheckConsistency(
PyObject *op,
int check_content);
/* Trashcan mechanism, thanks to Christian Tismer.
When deallocating a container object, it's possible to trigger an unbounded
chain of deallocations, as each Py_DECREF in turn drops the refcount on "the
next" object in the chain to 0. This can easily lead to stack overflows,
especially in threads (which typically have less stack space to work with).
A container object can avoid this by bracketing the body of its tp_dealloc
function with a pair of macros:
static void
mytype_dealloc(mytype *p)
... declarations go here ...
PyObject_GC_UnTrack(p); // must untrack first
Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN(p, mytype_dealloc)
... The body of the deallocator goes here, including all calls ...
... to Py_DECREF on contained objects. ...
Py_TRASHCAN_END // there should be no code after this
CAUTION: Never return from the middle of the body! If the body needs to
"get out early", put a label immediately before the Py_TRASHCAN_END
call, and goto it. Else the call-depth counter (see below) will stay
above 0 forever, and the trashcan will never get emptied.
How it works: The BEGIN macro increments a call-depth counter. So long
as this counter is small, the body of the deallocator is run directly without
further ado. But if the counter gets large, it instead adds p to a list of
objects to be deallocated later, skips the body of the deallocator, and
resumes execution after the END macro. The tp_dealloc routine then returns
without deallocating anything (and so unbounded call-stack depth is avoided).
When the call stack finishes unwinding again, code generated by the END macro
notices this, and calls another routine to deallocate all the objects that
may have been added to the list of deferred deallocations. In effect, a
chain of N deallocations is broken into (N-1)/(PyTrash_UNWIND_LEVEL-1) pieces,
with the call stack never exceeding a depth of PyTrash_UNWIND_LEVEL.
Since the tp_dealloc of a subclass typically calls the tp_dealloc of the base
class, we need to ensure that the trashcan is only triggered on the tp_dealloc
of the actual class being deallocated. Otherwise we might end up with a
partially-deallocated object. To check this, the tp_dealloc function must be
passed as second argument to Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN().
/* This is the old private API, invoked by the macros before 3.2.4.
Kept for binary compatibility of extensions using the stable ABI. */
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyTrash_deposit_object(PyObject*);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyTrash_destroy_chain(void);
/* This is the old private API, invoked by the macros before 3.9.
Kept for binary compatibility of extensions using the stable ABI. */
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyTrash_thread_deposit_object(PyObject*);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyTrash_thread_destroy_chain(void);
/* Forward declarations for PyThreadState */
struct _ts;
/* Python 3.9 private API, invoked by the macros below. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTrash_begin(struct _ts *tstate, PyObject *op);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyTrash_end(struct _ts *tstate);
/* Python 3.10 private API, invoked by the Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN(). */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTrash_cond(PyObject *op, destructor dealloc);
#define PyTrash_UNWIND_LEVEL 50
#define Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN_CONDITION(op, cond) \
do { \
PyThreadState *_tstate = NULL; \
/* If "cond" is false, then _tstate remains NULL and the deallocator \
* is run normally without involving the trashcan */ \
if (cond) { \
_tstate = PyThreadState_Get(); \
if (_PyTrash_begin(_tstate, _PyObject_CAST(op))) { \
break; \
} \
/* The body of the deallocator is here. */
#define Py_TRASHCAN_END \
if (_tstate) { \
_PyTrash_end(_tstate); \
} \
} while (0);
#define Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN(op, dealloc) \
_PyTrash_cond(_PyObject_CAST(op), (destructor)dealloc))
/* For backwards compatibility, these macros enable the trashcan
* unconditionally */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
# error "this header file must not be included directly"
#define _PyObject_SIZE(typeobj) ( (typeobj)->tp_basicsize )
/* _PyObject_VAR_SIZE returns the number of bytes (as size_t) allocated for a
vrbl-size object with nitems items, exclusive of gc overhead (if any). The
value is rounded up to the closest multiple of sizeof(void *), in order to
ensure that pointer fields at the end of the object are correctly aligned
for the platform (this is of special importance for subclasses of, e.g.,
str or int, so that pointers can be stored after the embedded data).
Note that there's no memory wastage in doing this, as malloc has to
return (at worst) pointer-aligned memory anyway.
#if ((SIZEOF_VOID_P - 1) & SIZEOF_VOID_P) != 0
# error "_PyObject_VAR_SIZE requires SIZEOF_VOID_P be a power of 2"
#define _PyObject_VAR_SIZE(typeobj, nitems) \
_Py_SIZE_ROUND_UP((typeobj)->tp_basicsize + \
(nitems)*(typeobj)->tp_itemsize, \
/* This example code implements an object constructor with a custom
allocator, where PyObject_New is inlined, and shows the important
distinction between two steps (at least):
1) the actual allocation of the object storage;
2) the initialization of the Python specific fields
in this storage with PyObject_{Init, InitVar}.
PyObject *
PyObject *op;
op = (PyObject *) Your_Allocator(_PyObject_SIZE(YourTypeStruct));
if (op == NULL) {
return PyErr_NoMemory();
PyObject_Init(op, &YourTypeStruct);
op->ob_field = value;
return op;
Note that in C++, the use of the new operator usually implies that
the 1st step is performed automatically for you, so in a C++ class
constructor you would start directly with PyObject_Init/InitVar. */
/* This function returns the number of allocated memory blocks, regardless of size */
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) _Py_GetAllocatedBlocks(void);
/* Macros */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyObject_DebugMallocStats(FILE *out);
typedef struct {
/* user context passed as the first argument to the 2 functions */
void *ctx;
/* allocate an arena of size bytes */
void* (*alloc) (void *ctx, size_t size);
/* free an arena */
void (*free) (void *ctx, void *ptr, size_t size);
} PyObjectArenaAllocator;
/* Get the arena allocator. */
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyObject_GetArenaAllocator(PyObjectArenaAllocator *allocator);
/* Set the arena allocator. */
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyObject_SetArenaAllocator(PyObjectArenaAllocator *allocator);
/* Test if an object implements the garbage collector protocol */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyObject_IS_GC(PyObject *obj);
/* Code built with Py_BUILD_CORE must include pycore_gc.h instead which
defines a different _PyGC_FINALIZED() macro. */
#ifndef Py_BUILD_CORE
// Kept for backward compatibility with Python 3.8
# define _PyGC_FINALIZED(o) PyObject_GC_IsFinalized(o)
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyObject_GC_Malloc(size_t size);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyObject_GC_Calloc(size_t size);
/* Test if a type supports weak references */
#define PyType_SUPPORTS_WEAKREFS(t) ((t)->tp_weaklistoffset > 0)
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject **) PyObject_GET_WEAKREFS_LISTPTR(PyObject *op);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* OrderedDict */
/* This API is optional and mostly redundant. */
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
typedef struct _odictobject PyODictObject;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyODict_Type;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyODictIter_Type;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyODictKeys_Type;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyODictItems_Type;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyODictValues_Type;
#define PyODict_Check(op) PyObject_TypeCheck(op, &PyODict_Type)
#define PyODict_CheckExact(op) Py_IS_TYPE(op, &PyODict_Type)
#define PyODict_SIZE(op) PyDict_GET_SIZE((op))
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyODict_New(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyODict_SetItem(PyObject *od, PyObject *key, PyObject *item);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyODict_DelItem(PyObject *od, PyObject *key);
/* wrappers around PyDict* functions */
#define PyODict_GetItem(od, key) PyDict_GetItem(_PyObject_CAST(od), key)
#define PyODict_GetItemWithError(od, key) \
PyDict_GetItemWithError(_PyObject_CAST(od), key)
#define PyODict_Contains(od, key) PyDict_Contains(_PyObject_CAST(od), key)
#define PyODict_Size(od) PyDict_Size(_PyObject_CAST(od))
#define PyODict_GetItemString(od, key) \
PyDict_GetItemString(_PyObject_CAST(od), key)
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_ODICTOBJECT_H */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
/* PickleBuffer object. This is built-in for ease of use from third-party
* C extensions.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyPickleBuffer_Type;
#define PyPickleBuffer_Check(op) Py_IS_TYPE(op, &PyPickleBuffer_Type)
/* Create a PickleBuffer redirecting to the given buffer-enabled object */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyPickleBuffer_FromObject(PyObject *);
/* Get the PickleBuffer's underlying view to the original object
* (NULL if released)
PyAPI_FUNC(const Py_buffer *) PyPickleBuffer_GetBuffer(PyObject *);
/* Release the PickleBuffer. Returns 0 on success, -1 on error. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyPickleBuffer_Release(PyObject *);
#endif /* !Py_LIMITED_API */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_PICKLEBUFOBJECT_H */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
#ifndef PYCTYPE_H
#define PYCTYPE_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define PY_CTF_LOWER 0x01
#define PY_CTF_UPPER 0x02
#define PY_CTF_DIGIT 0x04
#define PY_CTF_SPACE 0x08
#define PY_CTF_XDIGIT 0x10
PyAPI_DATA(const unsigned int) _Py_ctype_table[256];
/* Unlike their C counterparts, the following macros are not meant to
* handle an int with any of the values [EOF, 0-UCHAR_MAX]. The argument
* must be a signed/unsigned char. */
#define Py_ISLOWER(c) (_Py_ctype_table[Py_CHARMASK(c)] & PY_CTF_LOWER)
#define Py_ISUPPER(c) (_Py_ctype_table[Py_CHARMASK(c)] & PY_CTF_UPPER)
#define Py_ISALPHA(c) (_Py_ctype_table[Py_CHARMASK(c)] & PY_CTF_ALPHA)
#define Py_ISDIGIT(c) (_Py_ctype_table[Py_CHARMASK(c)] & PY_CTF_DIGIT)
#define Py_ISXDIGIT(c) (_Py_ctype_table[Py_CHARMASK(c)] & PY_CTF_XDIGIT)
#define Py_ISALNUM(c) (_Py_ctype_table[Py_CHARMASK(c)] & PY_CTF_ALNUM)
#define Py_ISSPACE(c) (_Py_ctype_table[Py_CHARMASK(c)] & PY_CTF_SPACE)
PyAPI_DATA(const unsigned char) _Py_ctype_tolower[256];
PyAPI_DATA(const unsigned char) _Py_ctype_toupper[256];
#define Py_TOLOWER(c) (_Py_ctype_tolower[Py_CHARMASK(c)])
#define Py_TOUPPER(c) (_Py_ctype_toupper[Py_CHARMASK(c)])
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !PYCTYPE_H */
#endif /* !Py_LIMITED_API */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
#ifndef Py_PYDEBUG_H
#define Py_PYDEBUG_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_DebugFlag;
PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_VerboseFlag;
PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_QuietFlag;
PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_InteractiveFlag;
PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_InspectFlag;
PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_OptimizeFlag;
PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_NoSiteFlag;
PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_BytesWarningFlag;
PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_FrozenFlag;
PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_IgnoreEnvironmentFlag;
PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_DontWriteBytecodeFlag;
PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_NoUserSiteDirectory;
PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_UnbufferedStdioFlag;
PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_HashRandomizationFlag;
PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_IsolatedFlag;
PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_LegacyWindowsFSEncodingFlag;
PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_LegacyWindowsStdioFlag;
/* this is a wrapper around getenv() that pays attention to
Py_IgnoreEnvironmentFlag. It should be used for getting variables like
PYTHONPATH and PYTHONHOME from the environment */
#define Py_GETENV(s) (Py_IgnoreEnvironmentFlag ? NULL : getenv(s))
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_PYDEBUG_H */
#endif /* Py_LIMITED_API */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
# error "this header file must not be included directly"
/* Error objects */
/* PyException_HEAD defines the initial segment of every exception class. */
#define PyException_HEAD PyObject_HEAD PyObject *dict;\
PyObject *args; PyObject *traceback;\
PyObject *context; PyObject *cause;\
char suppress_context;
typedef struct {
} PyBaseExceptionObject;
typedef struct {
PyObject *msg;
PyObject *filename;
PyObject *lineno;
PyObject *offset;
PyObject *end_lineno;
PyObject *end_offset;
PyObject *text;
PyObject *print_file_and_line;
} PySyntaxErrorObject;
typedef struct {
PyObject *msg;
PyObject *name;
PyObject *path;
} PyImportErrorObject;
typedef struct {
PyObject *encoding;
PyObject *object;
Py_ssize_t start;
Py_ssize_t end;
PyObject *reason;
} PyUnicodeErrorObject;
typedef struct {
PyObject *code;
} PySystemExitObject;
typedef struct {
PyObject *myerrno;
PyObject *strerror;
PyObject *filename;
PyObject *filename2;
PyObject *winerror;
Py_ssize_t written; /* only for BlockingIOError, -1 otherwise */
} PyOSErrorObject;
typedef struct {
PyObject *value;
} PyStopIterationObject;
typedef struct {
PyObject *name;
} PyNameErrorObject;
typedef struct {
PyObject *obj;
PyObject *name;
} PyAttributeErrorObject;
/* Compatibility typedefs */
typedef PyOSErrorObject PyEnvironmentErrorObject;
typedef PyOSErrorObject PyWindowsErrorObject;
/* Error handling definitions */
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyErr_SetKeyError(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(_PyErr_StackItem*) _PyErr_GetTopmostException(PyThreadState *tstate);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyErr_GetExcInfo(PyThreadState *, PyObject **, PyObject **, PyObject **);
/* Context manipulation (PEP 3134) */
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyErr_ChainExceptions(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *);
/* Convenience functions */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyErr_SetFromErrnoWithUnicodeFilename(
PyObject *, const Py_UNICODE *);
#endif /* MS_WINDOWS */
/* Like PyErr_Format(), but saves current exception as __context__ and
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyErr_FormatFromCause(
PyObject *exception,
const char *format, /* ASCII-encoded string */
/* XXX redeclare to use WSTRING */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithUnicodeFilename(
int, const Py_UNICODE *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyErr_SetExcFromWindowsErrWithUnicodeFilename(
PyObject *,int, const Py_UNICODE *);
/* In exceptions.c */
/* Helper that attempts to replace the current exception with one of the
* same type but with a prefix added to the exception text. The resulting
* exception description looks like:
* prefix (exc_type: original_exc_str)
* Only some exceptions can be safely replaced. If the function determines
* it isn't safe to perform the replacement, it will leave the original
* unmodified exception in place.
* Returns a borrowed reference to the new exception (if any), NULL if the
* existing exception was left in place.
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyErr_TrySetFromCause(
const char *prefix_format, /* ASCII-encoded string */
/* In signalmodule.c */
int PySignal_SetWakeupFd(int fd);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyErr_CheckSignals(void);
/* Support for adding program text to SyntaxErrors */
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyErr_SyntaxLocationObject(
PyObject *filename,
int lineno,
int col_offset);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyErr_RangedSyntaxLocationObject(
PyObject *filename,
int lineno,
int col_offset,
int end_lineno,
int end_col_offset);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyErr_ProgramTextObject(
PyObject *filename,
int lineno);
/* Create a UnicodeEncodeError object.
* TODO: This API will be removed in Python 3.11.
Py_DEPRECATED(3.3) PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyUnicodeEncodeError_Create(
const char *encoding, /* UTF-8 encoded string */
const Py_UNICODE *object,
Py_ssize_t length,
Py_ssize_t start,
Py_ssize_t end,
const char *reason /* UTF-8 encoded string */
/* Create a UnicodeTranslateError object.
* TODO: This API will be removed in Python 3.11.
Py_DEPRECATED(3.3) PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyUnicodeTranslateError_Create(
const Py_UNICODE *object,
Py_ssize_t length,
Py_ssize_t start,
Py_ssize_t end,
const char *reason /* UTF-8 encoded string */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyErr_ProgramDecodedTextObject(
PyObject *filename,
int lineno,
const char* encoding);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyUnicodeTranslateError_Create(
PyObject *object,
Py_ssize_t start,
Py_ssize_t end,
const char *reason /* UTF-8 encoded string */
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyErr_WriteUnraisableMsg(
const char *err_msg,
PyObject *obj);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _Py_NO_RETURN _Py_FatalErrorFunc(
const char *func,
const char *message);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _Py_NO_RETURN _Py_FatalErrorFormat(
const char *func,
const char *format,
#define Py_FatalError(message) _Py_FatalErrorFunc(__func__, message)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#ifndef Py_PYFPE_H
#define Py_PYFPE_H
/* Header excluded from the stable API */
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
/* These macros used to do something when Python was built with --with-fpectl,
* but support for that was dropped in 3.7. We continue to define them though,
* to avoid breaking API users.
#define PyFPE_START_PROTECT(err_string, leave_stmt)
#define PyFPE_END_PROTECT(v)
#endif /* !defined(Py_LIMITED_API) */
#endif /* !Py_PYFPE_H */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
# error "this header file must not be included directly"
/* Py_FrozenMain is kept out of the Limited API until documented and present
in all builds of Python */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) Py_FrozenMain(int argc, char **argv);
/* Only used by applications that embed the interpreter and need to
* override the standard encoding determination mechanism
PyAPI_FUNC(int) Py_SetStandardStreamEncoding(const char *encoding,
const char *errors);
/* PEP 432 Multi-phase initialization API (Private while provisional!) */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) Py_PreInitialize(
const PyPreConfig *src_config);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs(
const PyPreConfig *src_config,
Py_ssize_t argc,
char **argv);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) Py_PreInitializeFromArgs(
const PyPreConfig *src_config,
Py_ssize_t argc,
wchar_t **argv);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_IsCoreInitialized(void);
/* Initialization and finalization */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) Py_InitializeFromConfig(
const PyConfig *config);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyStatus) _Py_InitializeMain(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) Py_RunMain(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _Py_NO_RETURN Py_ExitStatusException(PyStatus err);
/* Restore signals that the interpreter has called SIG_IGN on to SIG_DFL. */
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _Py_RestoreSignals(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) Py_FdIsInteractive(FILE *, const char *);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_FdIsInteractive(FILE *fp, PyObject *filename);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _Py_SetProgramFullPath(const wchar_t *);
PyAPI_FUNC(const char *) _Py_gitidentifier(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(const char *) _Py_gitversion(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_IsFinalizing(void);
/* Random */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyOS_URandom(void *buffer, Py_ssize_t size);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyOS_URandomNonblock(void *buffer, Py_ssize_t size);
/* Legacy locale support */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_CoerceLegacyLocale(int warn);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_LegacyLocaleDetected(int warn);
PyAPI_FUNC(char *) _Py_SetLocaleFromEnv(int category);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyThreadState *) _Py_NewInterpreter(int isolated_subinterpreter);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
# error "this header file must not be included directly"
PyAPI_FUNC(void *) PyMem_RawMalloc(size_t size);
PyAPI_FUNC(void *) PyMem_RawCalloc(size_t nelem, size_t elsize);
PyAPI_FUNC(void *) PyMem_RawRealloc(void *ptr, size_t new_size);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyMem_RawFree(void *ptr);
/* Try to get the allocators name set by _PyMem_SetupAllocators(). */
PyAPI_FUNC(const char*) _PyMem_GetCurrentAllocatorName(void);
/* strdup() using PyMem_RawMalloc() */
PyAPI_FUNC(char *) _PyMem_RawStrdup(const char *str);
/* strdup() using PyMem_Malloc() */
PyAPI_FUNC(char *) _PyMem_Strdup(const char *str);
/* wcsdup() using PyMem_RawMalloc() */
PyAPI_FUNC(wchar_t*) _PyMem_RawWcsdup(const wchar_t *str);
typedef enum {
/* PyMem_RawMalloc(), PyMem_RawRealloc() and PyMem_RawFree() */
/* PyMem_Malloc(), PyMem_Realloc() and PyMem_Free() */
/* PyObject_Malloc(), PyObject_Realloc() and PyObject_Free() */
} PyMemAllocatorDomain;
typedef enum {
} PyMemAllocatorName;
typedef struct {
/* user context passed as the first argument to the 4 functions */
void *ctx;
/* allocate a memory block */
void* (*malloc) (void *ctx, size_t size);
/* allocate a memory block initialized by zeros */
void* (*calloc) (void *ctx, size_t nelem, size_t elsize);
/* allocate or resize a memory block */
void* (*realloc) (void *ctx, void *ptr, size_t new_size);
/* release a memory block */
void (*free) (void *ctx, void *ptr);
} PyMemAllocatorEx;
/* Get the memory block allocator of the specified domain. */
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyMem_GetAllocator(PyMemAllocatorDomain domain,
PyMemAllocatorEx *allocator);
/* Set the memory block allocator of the specified domain.
The new allocator must return a distinct non-NULL pointer when requesting
zero bytes.
For the PYMEM_DOMAIN_RAW domain, the allocator must be thread-safe: the GIL
is not held when the allocator is called.
If the new allocator is not a hook (don't call the previous allocator), the
PyMem_SetupDebugHooks() function must be called to reinstall the debug hooks
on top on the new allocator. */
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyMem_SetAllocator(PyMemAllocatorDomain domain,
PyMemAllocatorEx *allocator);
/* Setup hooks to detect bugs in the following Python memory allocator
- PyMem_RawMalloc(), PyMem_RawRealloc(), PyMem_RawFree()
- PyMem_Malloc(), PyMem_Realloc(), PyMem_Free()
- PyObject_Malloc(), PyObject_Realloc() and PyObject_Free()
Newly allocated memory is filled with the byte 0xCB, freed memory is filled
with the byte 0xDB. Additional checks:
- detect API violations, ex: PyObject_Free() called on a buffer allocated
by PyMem_Malloc()
- detect write before the start of the buffer (buffer underflow)
- detect write after the end of the buffer (buffer overflow)
The function does nothing if Python is not compiled is debug mode. */
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyMem_SetupDebugHooks(void);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
# error "this header file must not be included directly"
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyInterpreterState_RequiresIDRef(PyInterpreterState *);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyInterpreterState_RequireIDRef(PyInterpreterState *, int);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyInterpreterState_GetMainModule(PyInterpreterState *);
/* State unique per thread */
/* Py_tracefunc return -1 when raising an exception, or 0 for success. */
typedef int (*Py_tracefunc)(PyObject *, PyFrameObject *, int, PyObject *);
/* The following values are used for 'what' for tracefunc functions
* To add a new kind of trace event, also update "trace_init" in
* Python/sysmodule.c to define the Python level event name
#define PyTrace_CALL 0
#define PyTrace_EXCEPTION 1
#define PyTrace_LINE 2
#define PyTrace_RETURN 3
#define PyTrace_C_CALL 4
#define PyTrace_C_EXCEPTION 5
#define PyTrace_C_RETURN 6
#define PyTrace_OPCODE 7
typedef struct _cframe {
/* This struct will be threaded through the C stack
* allowing fast access to per-thread state that needs
* to be accessed quickly by the interpreter, but can
* be modified outside of the interpreter.
* WARNING: This makes data on the C stack accessible from
* heap objects. Care must be taken to maintain stack
* discipline and make sure that instances of this struct cannot
* accessed outside of their lifetime.
int use_tracing;
struct _cframe *previous;
} CFrame;
typedef struct _err_stackitem {
/* This struct represents an entry on the exception stack, which is a
* per-coroutine state. (Coroutine in the computer science sense,
* including the thread and generators).
* This ensures that the exception state is not impacted by "yields"
* from an except handler.
PyObject *exc_type, *exc_value, *exc_traceback;
struct _err_stackitem *previous_item;
} _PyErr_StackItem;
// The PyThreadState typedef is in Include/pystate.h.
struct _ts {
/* See Python/ceval.c for comments explaining most fields */
struct _ts *prev;
struct _ts *next;
PyInterpreterState *interp;
/* Borrowed reference to the current frame (it can be NULL) */
PyFrameObject *frame;
int recursion_depth;
int recursion_headroom; /* Allow 50 more calls to handle any errors. */
int stackcheck_counter;
/* 'tracing' keeps track of the execution depth when tracing/profiling.
This is to prevent the actual trace/profile code from being recorded in
the trace/profile. */
int tracing;
/* Pointer to current CFrame in the C stack frame of the currently,
* or most recently, executing _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault. */
CFrame *cframe;
Py_tracefunc c_profilefunc;
Py_tracefunc c_tracefunc;
PyObject *c_profileobj;
PyObject *c_traceobj;
/* The exception currently being raised */
PyObject *curexc_type;
PyObject *curexc_value;
PyObject *curexc_traceback;
/* The exception currently being handled, if no coroutines/generators
* are present. Always last element on the stack referred to be exc_info.
_PyErr_StackItem exc_state;
/* Pointer to the top of the stack of the exceptions currently
* being handled */
_PyErr_StackItem *exc_info;
PyObject *dict; /* Stores per-thread state */
int gilstate_counter;
PyObject *async_exc; /* Asynchronous exception to raise */
unsigned long thread_id; /* Thread id where this tstate was created */
int trash_delete_nesting;
PyObject *trash_delete_later;
/* Called when a thread state is deleted normally, but not when it
* is destroyed after fork().
* Pain: to prevent rare but fatal shutdown errors (issue 18808),
* Thread.join() must wait for the join'ed thread's tstate to be unlinked
* from the tstate chain. That happens at the end of a thread's life,
* in pystate.c.
* The obvious way doesn't quite work: create a lock which the tstate
* unlinking code releases, and have Thread.join() wait to acquire that
* lock. The problem is that we _are_ at the end of the thread's life:
* if the thread holds the last reference to the lock, decref'ing the
* lock will delete the lock, and that may trigger arbitrary Python code
* if there's a weakref, with a callback, to the lock. But by this time
* _PyRuntime.gilstate.tstate_current is already NULL, so only the simplest
* of C code can be allowed to run (in particular it must not be possible to
* release the GIL).
* So instead of holding the lock directly, the tstate holds a weakref to
* the lock: that's the value of on_delete_data below. Decref'ing a
* weakref is harmless.
* on_delete points to _threadmodule.c's static release_sentinel() function.
* After the tstate is unlinked, release_sentinel is called with the
* weakref-to-lock (on_delete_data) argument, and release_sentinel releases
* the indirectly held lock.
void (*on_delete)(void *);
void *on_delete_data;
int coroutine_origin_tracking_depth;
PyObject *async_gen_firstiter;
PyObject *async_gen_finalizer;
PyObject *context;
uint64_t context_ver;
/* Unique thread state id. */
uint64_t id;
CFrame root_cframe;
/* XXX signal handlers should also be here */
// Alias for backward compatibility with Python 3.8
#define _PyInterpreterState_Get PyInterpreterState_Get
PyAPI_FUNC(PyThreadState *) _PyThreadState_Prealloc(PyInterpreterState *);
/* Similar to PyThreadState_Get(), but don't issue a fatal error
* if it is NULL. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyThreadState *) _PyThreadState_UncheckedGet(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyThreadState_GetDict(PyThreadState *tstate);
/* PyGILState */
/* Helper/diagnostic function - return 1 if the current thread
currently holds the GIL, 0 otherwise.
The function returns 1 if _PyGILState_check_enabled is non-zero. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyGILState_Check(void);
/* Get the single PyInterpreterState used by this process' GILState
This function doesn't check for error. Return NULL before _PyGILState_Init()
is called and after _PyGILState_Fini() is called.
See also _PyInterpreterState_Get() and _PyInterpreterState_GET(). */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyInterpreterState *) _PyGILState_GetInterpreterStateUnsafe(void);
/* The implementation of sys._current_frames() Returns a dict mapping
thread id to that thread's current frame.
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyThread_CurrentFrames(void);
/* The implementation of sys._current_exceptions() Returns a dict mapping
thread id to that thread's current exception.
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyThread_CurrentExceptions(void);
/* Routines for advanced debuggers, requested by David Beazley.
Don't use unless you know what you are doing! */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyInterpreterState *) PyInterpreterState_Main(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyInterpreterState *) PyInterpreterState_Head(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyInterpreterState *) PyInterpreterState_Next(PyInterpreterState *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyThreadState *) PyInterpreterState_ThreadHead(PyInterpreterState *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyThreadState *) PyThreadState_Next(PyThreadState *);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyThreadState_DeleteCurrent(void);
/* Frame evaluation API */
typedef PyObject* (*_PyFrameEvalFunction)(PyThreadState *tstate, PyFrameObject *, int);
PyAPI_FUNC(_PyFrameEvalFunction) _PyInterpreterState_GetEvalFrameFunc(
PyInterpreterState *interp);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyInterpreterState_SetEvalFrameFunc(
PyInterpreterState *interp,
_PyFrameEvalFunction eval_frame);
PyAPI_FUNC(const PyConfig*) _PyInterpreterState_GetConfig(PyInterpreterState *interp);
/* Get a copy of the current interpreter configuration.
Return 0 on success. Raise an exception and return -1 on error.
The caller must initialize 'config', using PyConfig_InitPythonConfig()
for example.
Python must be preinitialized to call this method.
The caller must hold the GIL. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyInterpreterState_GetConfigCopy(
struct PyConfig *config);
/* Set the configuration of the current interpreter.
This function should be called during or just after the Python
Update the sys module with the new configuration. If the sys module was
modified directly after the Python initialization, these changes are lost.
Some configuration like faulthandler or warnoptions can be updated in the
configuration, but don't reconfigure Python (don't enable/disable
faulthandler and don't reconfigure warnings filters).
Return 0 on success. Raise an exception and return -1 on error.
The configuration should come from _PyInterpreterState_GetConfigCopy(). */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyInterpreterState_SetConfig(
const struct PyConfig *config);
// Get the configuration of the current interpreter.
// The caller must hold the GIL.
PyAPI_FUNC(const PyConfig*) _Py_GetConfig(void);
/* cross-interpreter data */
struct _xid;
// _PyCrossInterpreterData is similar to Py_buffer as an effectively
// opaque struct that holds data outside the object machinery. This
// is necessary to pass safely between interpreters in the same process.
typedef struct _xid {
// data is the cross-interpreter-safe derivation of a Python object
// (see _PyObject_GetCrossInterpreterData). It will be NULL if the
// new_object func (below) encodes the data.
void *data;
// obj is the Python object from which the data was derived. This
// is non-NULL only if the data remains bound to the object in some
// way, such that the object must be "released" (via a decref) when
// the data is released. In that case the code that sets the field,
// likely a registered "crossinterpdatafunc", is responsible for
// ensuring it owns the reference (i.e. incref).
PyObject *obj;
// interp is the ID of the owning interpreter of the original
// object. It corresponds to the active interpreter when
// _PyObject_GetCrossInterpreterData() was called. This should only
// be set by the cross-interpreter machinery.
// We use the ID rather than the PyInterpreterState to avoid issues
// with deleted interpreters. Note that IDs are never re-used, so
// each one will always correspond to a specific interpreter
// (whether still alive or not).
int64_t interp;
// new_object is a function that returns a new object in the current
// interpreter given the data. The resulting object (a new
// reference) will be equivalent to the original object. This field
// is required.
PyObject *(*new_object)(struct _xid *);
// free is called when the data is released. If it is NULL then
// nothing will be done to free the data. For some types this is
// okay (e.g. bytes) and for those types this field should be set
// to NULL. However, for most the data was allocated just for
// cross-interpreter use, so it must be freed when
// _PyCrossInterpreterData_Release is called or the memory will
// leak. In that case, at the very least this field should be set
// to PyMem_RawFree (the default if not explicitly set to NULL).
// The call will happen with the original interpreter activated.
void (*free)(void *);
} _PyCrossInterpreterData;
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyObject_GetCrossInterpreterData(PyObject *, _PyCrossInterpreterData *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyCrossInterpreterData_NewObject(_PyCrossInterpreterData *);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyCrossInterpreterData_Release(_PyCrossInterpreterData *);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyObject_CheckCrossInterpreterData(PyObject *);
/* cross-interpreter data registry */
typedef int (*crossinterpdatafunc)(PyObject *, struct _xid *);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyCrossInterpreterData_RegisterClass(PyTypeObject *, crossinterpdatafunc);
PyAPI_FUNC(crossinterpdatafunc) _PyCrossInterpreterData_Lookup(PyObject *);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
# error "this header file must not be included directly"
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyRun_SimpleStringFlags(const char *, PyCompilerFlags *);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyRun_SimpleFileObject(
FILE *fp,
PyObject *filename,
int closeit,
PyCompilerFlags *flags);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyRun_AnyFileExFlags(
FILE *fp,
const char *filename, /* decoded from the filesystem encoding */
int closeit,
PyCompilerFlags *flags);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyRun_AnyFileObject(
FILE *fp,
PyObject *filename,
int closeit,
PyCompilerFlags *flags);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags(
FILE *fp,
const char *filename, /* decoded from the filesystem encoding */
int closeit,
PyCompilerFlags *flags);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyRun_InteractiveOneFlags(
FILE *fp,
const char *filename, /* decoded from the filesystem encoding */
PyCompilerFlags *flags);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyRun_InteractiveOneObject(
FILE *fp,
PyObject *filename,
PyCompilerFlags *flags);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyRun_InteractiveLoopFlags(
FILE *fp,
const char *filename, /* decoded from the filesystem encoding */
PyCompilerFlags *flags);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyRun_InteractiveLoopObject(
FILE *fp,
PyObject *filename,
PyCompilerFlags *flags);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyRun_StringFlags(const char *, int, PyObject *,
PyObject *, PyCompilerFlags *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyRun_FileExFlags(
FILE *fp,
const char *filename, /* decoded from the filesystem encoding */
int start,
PyObject *globals,
PyObject *locals,
int closeit,
PyCompilerFlags *flags);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) Py_CompileStringExFlags(
const char *str,
const char *filename, /* decoded from the filesystem encoding */
int start,
PyCompilerFlags *flags,
int optimize);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) Py_CompileStringObject(
const char *str,
PyObject *filename, int start,
PyCompilerFlags *flags,
int optimize);
#define Py_CompileString(str, p, s) Py_CompileStringExFlags(str, p, s, NULL, -1)
#define Py_CompileStringFlags(str, p, s, f) Py_CompileStringExFlags(str, p, s, f, -1)
PyAPI_FUNC(const char *) _Py_SourceAsString(
PyObject *cmd,
const char *funcname,
const char *what,
PyCompilerFlags *cf,
PyObject **cmd_copy);
/* A function flavor is also exported by libpython. It is required when
libpython is accessed directly rather than using header files which defines
macros below. On Windows, for example, PyAPI_FUNC() uses dllexport to
export functions in pythonXX.dll. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyRun_String(const char *str, int s, PyObject *g, PyObject *l);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyRun_AnyFile(FILE *fp, const char *name);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyRun_AnyFileEx(FILE *fp, const char *name, int closeit);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyRun_AnyFileFlags(FILE *, const char *, PyCompilerFlags *);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyRun_SimpleString(const char *s);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyRun_SimpleFile(FILE *f, const char *p);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyRun_SimpleFileEx(FILE *f, const char *p, int c);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyRun_InteractiveOne(FILE *f, const char *p);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyRun_InteractiveLoop(FILE *f, const char *p);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyRun_File(FILE *fp, const char *p, int s, PyObject *g, PyObject *l);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyRun_FileEx(FILE *fp, const char *p, int s, PyObject *g, PyObject *l, int c);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyRun_FileFlags(FILE *fp, const char *p, int s, PyObject *g, PyObject *l, PyCompilerFlags *flags);
/* Use macros for a bunch of old variants */
#define PyRun_String(str, s, g, l) PyRun_StringFlags(str, s, g, l, NULL)
#define PyRun_AnyFile(fp, name) PyRun_AnyFileExFlags(fp, name, 0, NULL)
#define PyRun_AnyFileEx(fp, name, closeit) \
PyRun_AnyFileExFlags(fp, name, closeit, NULL)
#define PyRun_AnyFileFlags(fp, name, flags) \
PyRun_AnyFileExFlags(fp, name, 0, flags)
#define PyRun_SimpleString(s) PyRun_SimpleStringFlags(s, NULL)
#define PyRun_SimpleFile(f, p) PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags(f, p, 0, NULL)
#define PyRun_SimpleFileEx(f, p, c) PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags(f, p, c, NULL)
#define PyRun_InteractiveOne(f, p) PyRun_InteractiveOneFlags(f, p, NULL)
#define PyRun_InteractiveLoop(f, p) PyRun_InteractiveLoopFlags(f, p, NULL)
#define PyRun_File(fp, p, s, g, l) \
PyRun_FileExFlags(fp, p, s, g, l, 0, NULL)
#define PyRun_FileEx(fp, p, s, g, l, c) \
PyRun_FileExFlags(fp, p, s, g, l, c, NULL)
#define PyRun_FileFlags(fp, p, s, g, l, flags) \
PyRun_FileExFlags(fp, p, s, g, l, 0, flags)
/* Stuff with no proper home (yet) */
PyAPI_FUNC(char *) PyOS_Readline(FILE *, FILE *, const char *);
PyAPI_DATA(PyThreadState*) _PyOS_ReadlineTState;
PyAPI_DATA(char) *(*PyOS_ReadlineFunctionPointer)(FILE *, FILE *, const char *);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
#ifndef Py_PYTIME_H
#define Py_PYTIME_H
Symbols and macros to supply platform-independent interfaces to time related
functions and constants
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* _PyTime_t: Python timestamp with subsecond precision. It can be used to
store a duration, and so indirectly a date (related to another date, like
UNIX epoch). */
typedef int64_t _PyTime_t;
#define _PyTime_MIN INT64_MIN
#define _PyTime_MAX INT64_MAX
typedef enum {
/* Round towards minus infinity (-inf).
For example, used to read a clock. */
/* Round towards infinity (+inf).
For example, used for timeout to wait "at least" N seconds. */
/* Round to nearest with ties going to nearest even integer.
For example, used to round from a Python float. */
/* Round away from zero
For example, used for timeout. _PyTime_ROUND_CEILING rounds
-1e-9 to 0 milliseconds which causes bpo-31786 issue.
_PyTime_ROUND_UP rounds -1e-9 to -1 millisecond which keeps
the timeout sign as expected. select.poll(timeout) must block
for negative values." */
/* _PyTime_ROUND_TIMEOUT (an alias for _PyTime_ROUND_UP) should be
used for timeouts. */
} _PyTime_round_t;
/* Convert a time_t to a PyLong. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyLong_FromTime_t(
time_t sec);
/* Convert a PyLong to a time_t. */
PyAPI_FUNC(time_t) _PyLong_AsTime_t(
PyObject *obj);
/* Convert a number of seconds, int or float, to time_t. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_ObjectToTime_t(
PyObject *obj,
time_t *sec,
/* Convert a number of seconds, int or float, to a timeval structure.
usec is in the range [0; 999999] and rounded towards zero.
For example, -1.2 is converted to (-2, 800000). */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_ObjectToTimeval(
PyObject *obj,
time_t *sec,
long *usec,
/* Convert a number of seconds, int or float, to a timespec structure.
nsec is in the range [0; 999999999] and rounded towards zero.
For example, -1.2 is converted to (-2, 800000000). */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_ObjectToTimespec(
PyObject *obj,
time_t *sec,
long *nsec,
/* Create a timestamp from a number of seconds. */
PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyTime_FromSeconds(int seconds);
/* Macro to create a timestamp from a number of seconds, no integer overflow.
Only use the macro for small values, prefer _PyTime_FromSeconds(). */
#define _PYTIME_FROMSECONDS(seconds) \
((_PyTime_t)(seconds) * (1000 * 1000 * 1000))
/* Create a timestamp from a number of nanoseconds. */
PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyTime_FromNanoseconds(_PyTime_t ns);
/* Create a timestamp from nanoseconds (Python int). */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_FromNanosecondsObject(_PyTime_t *t,
PyObject *obj);
/* Convert a number of seconds (Python float or int) to a timestamp.
Raise an exception and return -1 on error, return 0 on success. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_FromSecondsObject(_PyTime_t *t,
PyObject *obj,
_PyTime_round_t round);
/* Convert a number of milliseconds (Python float or int, 10^-3) to a timestamp.
Raise an exception and return -1 on error, return 0 on success. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_FromMillisecondsObject(_PyTime_t *t,
PyObject *obj,
_PyTime_round_t round);
/* Convert a timestamp to a number of seconds as a C double. */
PyAPI_FUNC(double) _PyTime_AsSecondsDouble(_PyTime_t t);
/* Convert timestamp to a number of milliseconds (10^-3 seconds). */
PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyTime_AsMilliseconds(_PyTime_t t,
_PyTime_round_t round);
/* Convert timestamp to a number of microseconds (10^-6 seconds). */
PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyTime_AsMicroseconds(_PyTime_t t,
_PyTime_round_t round);
/* Convert timestamp to a number of nanoseconds (10^-9 seconds) as a Python int
object. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyTime_AsNanosecondsObject(_PyTime_t t);
/* Create a timestamp from a timeval structure.
Raise an exception and return -1 on overflow, return 0 on success. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_FromTimeval(_PyTime_t *tp, struct timeval *tv);
/* Convert a timestamp to a timeval structure (microsecond resolution).
tv_usec is always positive.
Raise an exception and return -1 if the conversion overflowed,
return 0 on success. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_AsTimeval(_PyTime_t t,
struct timeval *tv,
_PyTime_round_t round);
/* Similar to _PyTime_AsTimeval(), but don't raise an exception on error. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_AsTimeval_noraise(_PyTime_t t,
struct timeval *tv,
_PyTime_round_t round);
/* Convert a timestamp to a number of seconds (secs) and microseconds (us).
us is always positive. This function is similar to _PyTime_AsTimeval()
except that secs is always a time_t type, whereas the timeval structure
uses a C long for tv_sec on Windows.
Raise an exception and return -1 if the conversion overflowed,
return 0 on success. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_AsTimevalTime_t(
_PyTime_t t,
time_t *secs,
int *us,
_PyTime_round_t round);
#if defined(HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME) || defined(HAVE_KQUEUE)
/* Create a timestamp from a timespec structure.
Raise an exception and return -1 on overflow, return 0 on success. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_FromTimespec(_PyTime_t *tp, struct timespec *ts);
/* Convert a timestamp to a timespec structure (nanosecond resolution).
tv_nsec is always positive.
Raise an exception and return -1 on error, return 0 on success. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_AsTimespec(_PyTime_t t, struct timespec *ts);
/* Compute ticks * mul / div.
The caller must ensure that ((div - 1) * mul) cannot overflow. */
PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyTime_MulDiv(_PyTime_t ticks,
_PyTime_t mul,
_PyTime_t div);
/* Structure used by time.get_clock_info() */
typedef struct {
const char *implementation;
int monotonic;
int adjustable;
double resolution;
} _Py_clock_info_t;
/* Get the current time from the system clock.
If the internal clock fails, silently ignore the error and return 0.
On integer overflow, silently ignore the overflow and truncated the clock to
_PyTime_MIN or _PyTime_MAX.
Use _PyTime_GetSystemClockWithInfo() to check for failure. */
PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyTime_GetSystemClock(void);
/* Get the current time from the system clock.
* On success, set *t and *info (if not NULL), and return 0.
* On error, raise an exception and return -1.
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_GetSystemClockWithInfo(
_PyTime_t *t,
_Py_clock_info_t *info);
/* Get the time of a monotonic clock, i.e. a clock that cannot go backwards.
The clock is not affected by system clock updates. The reference point of
the returned value is undefined, so that only the difference between the
results of consecutive calls is valid.
If the internal clock fails, silently ignore the error and return 0.
On integer overflow, silently ignore the overflow and truncated the clock to
_PyTime_MIN or _PyTime_MAX.
Use _PyTime_GetMonotonicClockWithInfo() to check for failure. */
PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyTime_GetMonotonicClock(void);
/* Get the time of a monotonic clock, i.e. a clock that cannot go backwards.
The clock is not affected by system clock updates. The reference point of
the returned value is undefined, so that only the difference between the
results of consecutive calls is valid.
Fill info (if set) with information of the function used to get the time.
Return 0 on success, raise an exception and return -1 on error. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_GetMonotonicClockWithInfo(
_PyTime_t *t,
_Py_clock_info_t *info);
/* Converts a timestamp to the Gregorian time, using the local time zone.
Return 0 on success, raise an exception and return -1 on error. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_localtime(time_t t, struct tm *tm);
/* Converts a timestamp to the Gregorian time, assuming UTC.
Return 0 on success, raise an exception and return -1 on error. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_gmtime(time_t t, struct tm *tm);
/* Get the performance counter: clock with the highest available resolution to
measure a short duration.
If the internal clock fails, silently ignore the error and return 0.
On integer overflow, silently ignore the overflow and truncated the clock to
_PyTime_MIN or _PyTime_MAX.
Use _PyTime_GetPerfCounterWithInfo() to check for failure. */
PyAPI_FUNC(_PyTime_t) _PyTime_GetPerfCounter(void);
/* Get the performance counter: clock with the highest available resolution to
measure a short duration.
Fill info (if set) with information of the function used to get the time.
Return 0 on success, raise an exception and return -1 on error. */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTime_GetPerfCounterWithInfo(
_PyTime_t *t,
_Py_clock_info_t *info);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* Py_PYTIME_H */
#endif /* Py_LIMITED_API */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# error "this header file must not be included directly"
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PySys_GetObjectId(_Py_Identifier *key);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PySys_SetObjectId(_Py_Identifier *key, PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(size_t) _PySys_GetSizeOf(PyObject *);
typedef int(*Py_AuditHookFunction)(const char *, PyObject *, void *);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PySys_Audit(
const char *event,
const char *argFormat,
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PySys_AddAuditHook(Py_AuditHookFunction, void*);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# error "this header file must not be included directly"
typedef struct _traceback {
struct _traceback *tb_next;
PyFrameObject *tb_frame;
int tb_lasti;
int tb_lineno;
} PyTracebackObject;
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _Py_DisplaySourceLine(PyObject *, PyObject *, int, int);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyTraceback_Add(const char *, const char *, int);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# error "this header file must not be included directly"
typedef struct {
/* ob_item contains space for 'ob_size' elements.
Items must normally not be NULL, except during construction when
the tuple is not yet visible outside the function that builds it. */
PyObject *ob_item[1];
} PyTupleObject;
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyTuple_Resize(PyObject **, Py_ssize_t);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyTuple_MaybeUntrack(PyObject *);
/* Macros trading safety for speed */
/* Cast argument to PyTupleObject* type. */
#define _PyTuple_CAST(op) (assert(PyTuple_Check(op)), (PyTupleObject *)(op))
#define PyTuple_GET_SIZE(op) Py_SIZE(_PyTuple_CAST(op))
#define PyTuple_GET_ITEM(op, i) (_PyTuple_CAST(op)->ob_item[i])
/* Macro, *only* to be used to fill in brand new tuples */
#define PyTuple_SET_ITEM(op, i, v) ((void)(_PyTuple_CAST(op)->ob_item[i] = v))
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyTuple_DebugMallocStats(FILE *out);
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
/* datetime.h
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
#ifndef DATETIME_H
#define DATETIME_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Fields are packed into successive bytes, each viewed as unsigned and
* big-endian, unless otherwise noted:
* byte offset
* 0 year 2 bytes, 1-9999
* 2 month 1 byte, 1-12
* 3 day 1 byte, 1-31
* 4 hour 1 byte, 0-23
* 5 minute 1 byte, 0-59
* 6 second 1 byte, 0-59
* 7 usecond 3 bytes, 0-999999
* 10
/* # of bytes for year, month, and day. */
#define _PyDateTime_DATE_DATASIZE 4
/* # of bytes for hour, minute, second, and usecond. */
#define _PyDateTime_TIME_DATASIZE 6
/* # of bytes for year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and usecond. */
#define _PyDateTime_DATETIME_DATASIZE 10
typedef struct
Py_hash_t hashcode; /* -1 when unknown */
int days; /* -MAX_DELTA_DAYS <= days <= MAX_DELTA_DAYS */
int seconds; /* 0 <= seconds < 24*3600 is invariant */
int microseconds; /* 0 <= microseconds < 1000000 is invariant */
} PyDateTime_Delta;
typedef struct
PyObject_HEAD /* a pure abstract base class */
} PyDateTime_TZInfo;
/* The datetime and time types have hashcodes, and an optional tzinfo member,
* present if and only if hastzinfo is true.
#define _PyTZINFO_HEAD \
PyObject_HEAD \
Py_hash_t hashcode; \
char hastzinfo; /* boolean flag */
/* No _PyDateTime_BaseTZInfo is allocated; it's just to have something
* convenient to cast to, when getting at the hastzinfo member of objects
* starting with _PyTZINFO_HEAD.
typedef struct
} _PyDateTime_BaseTZInfo;
/* All time objects are of PyDateTime_TimeType, but that can be allocated
* in two ways, with or without a tzinfo member. Without is the same as
* tzinfo == None, but consumes less memory. _PyDateTime_BaseTime is an
* internal struct used to allocate the right amount of space for the
* "without" case.
#define _PyDateTime_TIMEHEAD \
unsigned char data[_PyDateTime_TIME_DATASIZE];
typedef struct
} _PyDateTime_BaseTime; /* hastzinfo false */
typedef struct
unsigned char fold;
PyObject *tzinfo;
} PyDateTime_Time; /* hastzinfo true */
/* All datetime objects are of PyDateTime_DateTimeType, but that can be
* allocated in two ways too, just like for time objects above. In addition,
* the plain date type is a base class for datetime, so it must also have
* a hastzinfo member (although it's unused there).
typedef struct
unsigned char data[_PyDateTime_DATE_DATASIZE];
} PyDateTime_Date;
#define _PyDateTime_DATETIMEHEAD \
unsigned char data[_PyDateTime_DATETIME_DATASIZE];
typedef struct
} _PyDateTime_BaseDateTime; /* hastzinfo false */
typedef struct
unsigned char fold;
PyObject *tzinfo;
} PyDateTime_DateTime; /* hastzinfo true */
/* Apply for date and datetime instances. */
// o is a pointer to a time or a datetime object.
#define _PyDateTime_HAS_TZINFO(o) (((_PyDateTime_BaseTZInfo *)(o))->hastzinfo)
#define PyDateTime_GET_YEAR(o) ((((PyDateTime_Date*)o)->data[0] << 8) | \
#define PyDateTime_GET_MONTH(o) (((PyDateTime_Date*)o)->data[2])
#define PyDateTime_GET_DAY(o) (((PyDateTime_Date*)o)->data[3])
#define PyDateTime_DATE_GET_HOUR(o) (((PyDateTime_DateTime*)o)->data[4])
#define PyDateTime_DATE_GET_MINUTE(o) (((PyDateTime_DateTime*)o)->data[5])
#define PyDateTime_DATE_GET_SECOND(o) (((PyDateTime_DateTime*)o)->data[6])
#define PyDateTime_DATE_GET_MICROSECOND(o) \
((((PyDateTime_DateTime*)o)->data[7] << 16) | \
(((PyDateTime_DateTime*)o)->data[8] << 8) | \
#define PyDateTime_DATE_GET_FOLD(o) (((PyDateTime_DateTime*)o)->fold)
#define PyDateTime_DATE_GET_TZINFO(o) (_PyDateTime_HAS_TZINFO(o) ? \
((PyDateTime_DateTime *)(o))->tzinfo : Py_None)
/* Apply for time instances. */
#define PyDateTime_TIME_GET_HOUR(o) (((PyDateTime_Time*)o)->data[0])
#define PyDateTime_TIME_GET_MINUTE(o) (((PyDateTime_Time*)o)->data[1])
#define PyDateTime_TIME_GET_SECOND(o) (((PyDateTime_Time*)o)->data[2])
#define PyDateTime_TIME_GET_MICROSECOND(o) \
((((PyDateTime_Time*)o)->data[3] << 16) | \
(((PyDateTime_Time*)o)->data[4] << 8) | \
#define PyDateTime_TIME_GET_FOLD(o) (((PyDateTime_Time*)o)->fold)
#define PyDateTime_TIME_GET_TZINFO(o) (_PyDateTime_HAS_TZINFO(o) ? \
((PyDateTime_Time *)(o))->tzinfo : Py_None)
/* Apply for time delta instances */
#define PyDateTime_DELTA_GET_DAYS(o) (((PyDateTime_Delta*)o)->days)
#define PyDateTime_DELTA_GET_SECONDS(o) (((PyDateTime_Delta*)o)->seconds)
#define PyDateTime_DELTA_GET_MICROSECONDS(o) \
/* Define structure for C API. */
typedef struct {
/* type objects */
PyTypeObject *DateType;
PyTypeObject *DateTimeType;
PyTypeObject *TimeType;
PyTypeObject *DeltaType;
PyTypeObject *TZInfoType;
/* singletons */
PyObject *TimeZone_UTC;
/* constructors */
PyObject *(*Date_FromDate)(int, int, int, PyTypeObject*);
PyObject *(*DateTime_FromDateAndTime)(int, int, int, int, int, int, int,
PyObject*, PyTypeObject*);
PyObject *(*Time_FromTime)(int, int, int, int, PyObject*, PyTypeObject*);
PyObject *(*Delta_FromDelta)(int, int, int, int, PyTypeObject*);
PyObject *(*TimeZone_FromTimeZone)(PyObject *offset, PyObject *name);
/* constructors for the DB API */
PyObject *(*DateTime_FromTimestamp)(PyObject*, PyObject*, PyObject*);
PyObject *(*Date_FromTimestamp)(PyObject*, PyObject*);
/* PEP 495 constructors */
PyObject *(*DateTime_FromDateAndTimeAndFold)(int, int, int, int, int, int, int,
PyObject*, int, PyTypeObject*);
PyObject *(*Time_FromTimeAndFold)(int, int, int, int, PyObject*, int, PyTypeObject*);
} PyDateTime_CAPI;
#define PyDateTime_CAPSULE_NAME "datetime.datetime_CAPI"
/* This block is only used as part of the public API and should not be
* included in _datetimemodule.c, which does not use the C API capsule.
* See bpo-35081 for more details.
* */
/* Define global variable for the C API and a macro for setting it. */
static PyDateTime_CAPI *PyDateTimeAPI = NULL;
#define PyDateTime_IMPORT \
PyDateTimeAPI = (PyDateTime_CAPI *)PyCapsule_Import(PyDateTime_CAPSULE_NAME, 0)
/* Macro for access to the UTC singleton */
#define PyDateTime_TimeZone_UTC PyDateTimeAPI->TimeZone_UTC
/* Macros for type checking when not building the Python core. */
#define PyDate_Check(op) PyObject_TypeCheck(op, PyDateTimeAPI->DateType)
#define PyDate_CheckExact(op) Py_IS_TYPE(op, PyDateTimeAPI->DateType)
#define PyDateTime_Check(op) PyObject_TypeCheck(op, PyDateTimeAPI->DateTimeType)
#define PyDateTime_CheckExact(op) Py_IS_TYPE(op, PyDateTimeAPI->DateTimeType)
#define PyTime_Check(op) PyObject_TypeCheck(op, PyDateTimeAPI->TimeType)
#define PyTime_CheckExact(op) Py_IS_TYPE(op, PyDateTimeAPI->TimeType)
#define PyDelta_Check(op) PyObject_TypeCheck(op, PyDateTimeAPI->DeltaType)
#define PyDelta_CheckExact(op) Py_IS_TYPE(op, PyDateTimeAPI->DeltaType)
#define PyTZInfo_Check(op) PyObject_TypeCheck(op, PyDateTimeAPI->TZInfoType)
#define PyTZInfo_CheckExact(op) Py_IS_TYPE(op, PyDateTimeAPI->TZInfoType)
/* Macros for accessing constructors in a simplified fashion. */
#define PyDate_FromDate(year, month, day) \
PyDateTimeAPI->Date_FromDate(year, month, day, PyDateTimeAPI->DateType)
#define PyDateTime_FromDateAndTime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, usec) \
PyDateTimeAPI->DateTime_FromDateAndTime(year, month, day, hour, \
min, sec, usec, Py_None, PyDateTimeAPI->DateTimeType)
#define PyDateTime_FromDateAndTimeAndFold(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, usec, fold) \
PyDateTimeAPI->DateTime_FromDateAndTimeAndFold(year, month, day, hour, \
min, sec, usec, Py_None, fold, PyDateTimeAPI->DateTimeType)
#define PyTime_FromTime(hour, minute, second, usecond) \
PyDateTimeAPI->Time_FromTime(hour, minute, second, usecond, \
Py_None, PyDateTimeAPI->TimeType)
#define PyTime_FromTimeAndFold(hour, minute, second, usecond, fold) \
PyDateTimeAPI->Time_FromTimeAndFold(hour, minute, second, usecond, \
Py_None, fold, PyDateTimeAPI->TimeType)
#define PyDelta_FromDSU(days, seconds, useconds) \
PyDateTimeAPI->Delta_FromDelta(days, seconds, useconds, 1, \
#define PyTimeZone_FromOffset(offset) \
PyDateTimeAPI->TimeZone_FromTimeZone(offset, NULL)
#define PyTimeZone_FromOffsetAndName(offset, name) \
PyDateTimeAPI->TimeZone_FromTimeZone(offset, name)
/* Macros supporting the DB API. */
#define PyDateTime_FromTimestamp(args) \
PyDateTimeAPI->DateTime_FromTimestamp( \
(PyObject*) (PyDateTimeAPI->DateTimeType), args, NULL)
#define PyDate_FromTimestamp(args) \
PyDateTimeAPI->Date_FromTimestamp( \
(PyObject*) (PyDateTimeAPI->DateType), args)
#endif /* !defined(_PY_DATETIME_IMPL) */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_LIMITED_API */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
/* Descriptors */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef PyObject *(*getter)(PyObject *, void *);
typedef int (*setter)(PyObject *, PyObject *, void *);
typedef struct PyGetSetDef {
const char *name;
getter get;
setter set;
const char *doc;
void *closure;
} PyGetSetDef;
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
typedef PyObject *(*wrapperfunc)(PyObject *self, PyObject *args,
void *wrapped);
typedef PyObject *(*wrapperfunc_kwds)(PyObject *self, PyObject *args,
void *wrapped, PyObject *kwds);
struct wrapperbase {
const char *name;
int offset;
void *function;
wrapperfunc wrapper;
const char *doc;
int flags;
PyObject *name_strobj;
/* Flags for above struct */
#define PyWrapperFlag_KEYWORDS 1 /* wrapper function takes keyword args */
/* Various kinds of descriptor objects */
typedef struct {
PyTypeObject *d_type;
PyObject *d_name;
PyObject *d_qualname;
} PyDescrObject;
#define PyDescr_COMMON PyDescrObject d_common
#define PyDescr_TYPE(x) (((PyDescrObject *)(x))->d_type)
#define PyDescr_NAME(x) (((PyDescrObject *)(x))->d_name)
typedef struct {
PyMethodDef *d_method;
vectorcallfunc vectorcall;
} PyMethodDescrObject;
typedef struct {
struct PyMemberDef *d_member;
} PyMemberDescrObject;
typedef struct {
PyGetSetDef *d_getset;
} PyGetSetDescrObject;
typedef struct {
struct wrapperbase *d_base;
void *d_wrapped; /* This can be any function pointer */
} PyWrapperDescrObject;
#endif /* Py_LIMITED_API */
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyClassMethodDescr_Type;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyGetSetDescr_Type;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyMemberDescr_Type;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyMethodDescr_Type;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyWrapperDescr_Type;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyDictProxy_Type;
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) _PyMethodWrapper_Type;
#endif /* Py_LIMITED_API */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyDescr_NewMethod(PyTypeObject *, PyMethodDef *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyDescr_NewClassMethod(PyTypeObject *, PyMethodDef *);
struct PyMemberDef; /* forward declaration for following prototype */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyDescr_NewMember(PyTypeObject *,
struct PyMemberDef *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyDescr_NewGetSet(PyTypeObject *,
struct PyGetSetDef *);
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyDescr_NewWrapper(PyTypeObject *,
struct wrapperbase *, void *);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyDescr_IsData(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyDictProxy_New(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyWrapper_New(PyObject *, PyObject *);
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyProperty_Type;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_DESCROBJECT_H */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Dictionary object type -- mapping from hashable object to object */
/* The distribution includes a separate file, Objects/dictnotes.txt,
describing explorations into dictionary design and optimization.
It covers typical dictionary use patterns, the parameters for
tuning dictionaries, and several ideas for possible optimizations.
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyDict_Type;
#define PyDict_Check(op) \
PyType_FastSubclass(Py_TYPE(op), Py_TPFLAGS_DICT_SUBCLASS)
#define PyDict_CheckExact(op) Py_IS_TYPE(op, &PyDict_Type)
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyDict_New(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyDict_GetItem(PyObject *mp, PyObject *key);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyDict_GetItemWithError(PyObject *mp, PyObject *key);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyDict_SetItem(PyObject *mp, PyObject *key, PyObject *item);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyDict_DelItem(PyObject *mp, PyObject *key);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyDict_Clear(PyObject *mp);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyDict_Next(
PyObject *mp, Py_ssize_t *pos, PyObject **key, PyObject **value);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyDict_Keys(PyObject *mp);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyDict_Values(PyObject *mp);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyDict_Items(PyObject *mp);
PyAPI_FUNC(Py_ssize_t) PyDict_Size(PyObject *mp);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyDict_Copy(PyObject *mp);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyDict_Contains(PyObject *mp, PyObject *key);
/* PyDict_Update(mp, other) is equivalent to PyDict_Merge(mp, other, 1). */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyDict_Update(PyObject *mp, PyObject *other);
/* PyDict_Merge updates/merges from a mapping object (an object that
supports PyMapping_Keys() and PyObject_GetItem()). If override is true,
the last occurrence of a key wins, else the first. The Python
dict.update(other) is equivalent to PyDict_Merge(dict, other, 1).
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyDict_Merge(PyObject *mp,
PyObject *other,
int override);
/* PyDict_MergeFromSeq2 updates/merges from an iterable object producing
iterable objects of length 2. If override is true, the last occurrence
of a key wins, else the first. The Python dict constructor dict(seq2)
is equivalent to dict={}; PyDict_MergeFromSeq(dict, seq2, 1).
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyDict_MergeFromSeq2(PyObject *d,
PyObject *seq2,
int override);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyDict_GetItemString(PyObject *dp, const char *key);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyDict_SetItemString(PyObject *dp, const char *key, PyObject *item);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyDict_DelItemString(PyObject *dp, const char *key);
#if !defined(Py_LIMITED_API) || Py_LIMITED_API+0 >= 0x030A0000
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyObject_GenericGetDict(PyObject *, void *);
/* Dictionary (keys, values, items) views */
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyDictKeys_Type;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyDictValues_Type;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyDictItems_Type;
#define PyDictKeys_Check(op) PyObject_TypeCheck(op, &PyDictKeys_Type)
#define PyDictValues_Check(op) PyObject_TypeCheck(op, &PyDictValues_Type)
#define PyDictItems_Check(op) PyObject_TypeCheck(op, &PyDictItems_Type)
/* This excludes Values, since they are not sets. */
# define PyDictViewSet_Check(op) \
(PyDictKeys_Check(op) || PyDictItems_Check(op))
/* Dictionary (key, value, items) iterators */
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyDictIterKey_Type;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyDictIterValue_Type;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyDictIterItem_Type;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyDictRevIterKey_Type;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyDictRevIterItem_Type;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyDictRevIterValue_Type;
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
# include "cpython/dictobject.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_DICTOBJECT_H */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
/* Copyright (c) 2008-2009, Google Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
* this software without specific prior written permission.
* ---
* Author: Kostya Serebryany
* Copied to CPython by Jeffrey Yasskin, with all macros renamed to
* start with _Py_ to avoid colliding with users embedding Python, and
* with deprecated macros removed.
/* This file defines dynamic annotations for use with dynamic analysis
tool such as valgrind, PIN, etc.
Dynamic annotation is a source code annotation that affects
the generated code (that is, the annotation is not a comment).
Each such annotation is attached to a particular
instruction and/or to a particular object (address) in the program.
The annotations that should be used by users are macros in all upper-case
Actual implementation of these macros may differ depending on the
dynamic analysis tool being used.
See for more information.
This file supports the following dynamic analysis tools:
- None (DYNAMIC_ANNOTATIONS_ENABLED is not defined or zero).
Macros are defined empty.
- ThreadSanitizer, Helgrind, DRD (DYNAMIC_ANNOTATIONS_ENABLED is 1).
Macros are defined as calls to non-inlinable empty functions
that are intercepted by Valgrind. */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------
Annotations useful when implementing condition variables such as CondVar,
using conditional critical sections (Await/LockWhen) and when constructing
user-defined synchronization mechanisms.
The annotations _Py_ANNOTATE_HAPPENS_BEFORE() and
_Py_ANNOTATE_HAPPENS_AFTER() can be used to define happens-before arcs in
user-defined synchronization mechanisms: the race detector will infer an
arc from the former to the latter when they share the same argument
Example 1 (reference counting):
void Unref() {
if (AtomicDecrementByOne(&refcount_) == 0) {
delete this;
Example 2 (message queue):
void MyQueue::Put(Type *e) {
MutexLock lock(&mu_);
Type *MyQueue::Get() {
MutexLock lock(&mu_);
Type *e = GetElementFromMyQueue();
return e;
Note: when possible, please use the existing reference counting and message
queue implementations instead of inventing new ones. */
/* Report that wait on the condition variable at address "cv" has succeeded
and the lock at address "lock" is held. */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_CONDVAR_LOCK_WAIT(cv, lock) \
AnnotateCondVarWait(__FILE__, __LINE__, cv, lock)
/* Report that wait on the condition variable at "cv" has succeeded. Variant
w/o lock. */
AnnotateCondVarWait(__FILE__, __LINE__, cv, NULL)
/* Report that we are about to signal on the condition variable at address
"cv". */
AnnotateCondVarSignal(__FILE__, __LINE__, cv)
/* Report that we are about to signal_all on the condition variable at "cv". */
AnnotateCondVarSignalAll(__FILE__, __LINE__, cv)
/* Annotations for user-defined synchronization mechanisms. */
/* Report that the bytes in the range [pointer, pointer+size) are about
to be published safely. The race checker will create a happens-before
arc from the call _Py_ANNOTATE_PUBLISH_MEMORY_RANGE(pointer, size) to
subsequent accesses to this memory.
Note: this annotation may not work properly if the race detector uses
sampling, i.e. does not observe all memory accesses.
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PUBLISH_MEMORY_RANGE(pointer, size) \
AnnotatePublishMemoryRange(__FILE__, __LINE__, pointer, size)
/* Instruct the tool to create a happens-before arc between mu->Unlock() and
mu->Lock(). This annotation may slow down the race detector and hide real
races. Normally it is used only when it would be difficult to annotate each
of the mutex's critical sections individually using the annotations above.
This annotation makes sense only for hybrid race detectors. For pure
happens-before detectors this is a no-op. For more details see
| . */
AnnotateMutexIsUsedAsCondVar(__FILE__, __LINE__, mu)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------
Annotations useful when defining memory allocators, or when memory that
was protected in one way starts to be protected in another. */
/* Report that a new memory at "address" of size "size" has been allocated.
This might be used when the memory has been retrieved from a free list and
is about to be reused, or when the locking discipline for a variable
changes. */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_NEW_MEMORY(address, size) \
AnnotateNewMemory(__FILE__, __LINE__, address, size)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------
Annotations useful when defining FIFO queues that transfer data between
threads. */
/* Report that the producer-consumer queue (such as ProducerConsumerQueue) at
address "pcq" has been created. The _Py_ANNOTATE_PCQ_* annotations should
be used only for FIFO queues. For non-FIFO queues use
get). */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PCQ_CREATE(pcq) \
AnnotatePCQCreate(__FILE__, __LINE__, pcq)
/* Report that the queue at address "pcq" is about to be destroyed. */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PCQ_DESTROY(pcq) \
AnnotatePCQDestroy(__FILE__, __LINE__, pcq)
/* Report that we are about to put an element into a FIFO queue at address
"pcq". */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PCQ_PUT(pcq) \
AnnotatePCQPut(__FILE__, __LINE__, pcq)
/* Report that we've just got an element from a FIFO queue at address "pcq". */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PCQ_GET(pcq) \
AnnotatePCQGet(__FILE__, __LINE__, pcq)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------
Annotations that suppress errors. It is usually better to express the
program's synchronization using the other annotations, but these can
be used when all else fails. */
/* Report that we may have a benign race at "pointer", with size
"sizeof(*(pointer))". "pointer" must be a non-void* pointer. Insert at the
point where "pointer" has been allocated, preferably close to the point
where the race happens. See also _Py_ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE_STATIC. */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE(pointer, description) \
AnnotateBenignRaceSized(__FILE__, __LINE__, pointer, \
sizeof(*(pointer)), description)
/* Same as _Py_ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE(address, description), but applies to
the memory range [address, address+size). */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE_SIZED(address, size, description) \
AnnotateBenignRaceSized(__FILE__, __LINE__, address, size, description)
/* Request the analysis tool to ignore all reads in the current thread
until _Py_ANNOTATE_IGNORE_READS_END is called.
Useful to ignore intentional racey reads, while still checking
other reads and all writes.
AnnotateIgnoreReadsBegin(__FILE__, __LINE__)
/* Stop ignoring reads. */
AnnotateIgnoreReadsEnd(__FILE__, __LINE__)
/* Similar to _Py_ANNOTATE_IGNORE_READS_BEGIN, but ignore writes. */
AnnotateIgnoreWritesBegin(__FILE__, __LINE__)
/* Stop ignoring writes. */
AnnotateIgnoreWritesEnd(__FILE__, __LINE__)
/* Start ignoring all memory accesses (reads and writes). */
do {\
/* Stop ignoring all memory accesses. */
do {\
/* Similar to _Py_ANNOTATE_IGNORE_READS_BEGIN, but ignore synchronization events:
AnnotateIgnoreSyncBegin(__FILE__, __LINE__)
/* Stop ignoring sync events. */
AnnotateIgnoreSyncEnd(__FILE__, __LINE__)
/* Enable (enable!=0) or disable (enable==0) race detection for all threads.
This annotation could be useful if you want to skip expensive race analysis
during some period of program execution, e.g. during initialization. */
AnnotateEnableRaceDetection(__FILE__, __LINE__, enable)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------
Annotations useful for debugging. */
/* Request to trace every access to "address". */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_TRACE_MEMORY(address) \
AnnotateTraceMemory(__FILE__, __LINE__, address)
/* Report the current thread name to a race detector. */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_THREAD_NAME(name) \
AnnotateThreadName(__FILE__, __LINE__, name)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------
Annotations useful when implementing locks. They are not
normally needed by modules that merely use locks.
The "lock" argument is a pointer to the lock object. */
/* Report that a lock has been created at address "lock". */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_RWLOCK_CREATE(lock) \
AnnotateRWLockCreate(__FILE__, __LINE__, lock)
/* Report that the lock at address "lock" is about to be destroyed. */
AnnotateRWLockDestroy(__FILE__, __LINE__, lock)
/* Report that the lock at address "lock" has been acquired.
is_w=1 for writer lock, is_w=0 for reader lock. */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_RWLOCK_ACQUIRED(lock, is_w) \
AnnotateRWLockAcquired(__FILE__, __LINE__, lock, is_w)
/* Report that the lock at address "lock" is about to be released. */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_RWLOCK_RELEASED(lock, is_w) \
AnnotateRWLockReleased(__FILE__, __LINE__, lock, is_w)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------
Annotations useful when implementing barriers. They are not
normally needed by modules that merely use barriers.
The "barrier" argument is a pointer to the barrier object. */
/* Report that the "barrier" has been initialized with initial "count".
If 'reinitialization_allowed' is true, initialization is allowed to happen
multiple times w/o calling barrier_destroy() */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BARRIER_INIT(barrier, count, reinitialization_allowed) \
AnnotateBarrierInit(__FILE__, __LINE__, barrier, count, \
/* Report that we are about to enter barrier_wait("barrier"). */
AnnotateBarrierWaitBefore(__FILE__, __LINE__, barrier)
/* Report that we just exited barrier_wait("barrier"). */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BARRIER_WAIT_AFTER(barrier) \
AnnotateBarrierWaitAfter(__FILE__, __LINE__, barrier)
/* Report that the "barrier" has been destroyed. */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BARRIER_DESTROY(barrier) \
AnnotateBarrierDestroy(__FILE__, __LINE__, barrier)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------
Annotations useful for testing race detectors. */
/* Report that we expect a race on the variable at "address".
Use only in unit tests for a race detector. */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_EXPECT_RACE(address, description) \
AnnotateExpectRace(__FILE__, __LINE__, address, description)
/* A no-op. Insert where you like to test the interceptors. */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_NO_OP(arg) \
AnnotateNoOp(__FILE__, __LINE__, arg)
/* Force the race detector to flush its state. The actual effect depends on
* the implementation of the detector. */
AnnotateFlushState(__FILE__, __LINE__)
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_RWLOCK_CREATE(lock) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_RWLOCK_DESTROY(lock) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_RWLOCK_ACQUIRED(lock, is_w) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_RWLOCK_RELEASED(lock, is_w) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BARRIER_INIT(barrier, count, reinitialization_allowed) /* */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BARRIER_WAIT_BEFORE(barrier) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BARRIER_WAIT_AFTER(barrier) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BARRIER_DESTROY(barrier) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_CONDVAR_LOCK_WAIT(cv, lock) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_CONDVAR_WAIT(cv) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_CONDVAR_SIGNAL(cv) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_CONDVAR_SIGNAL_ALL(cv) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_HAPPENS_BEFORE(obj) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_HAPPENS_AFTER(obj) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PUBLISH_MEMORY_RANGE(address, size) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_UNPUBLISH_MEMORY_RANGE(address, size) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_SWAP_MEMORY_RANGE(address, size) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PCQ_CREATE(pcq) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PCQ_DESTROY(pcq) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PCQ_PUT(pcq) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PCQ_GET(pcq) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_NEW_MEMORY(address, size) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_EXPECT_RACE(address, description) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE(address, description) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE_SIZED(address, size, description) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_PURE_HAPPENS_BEFORE_MUTEX(mu) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_MUTEX_IS_USED_AS_CONDVAR(mu) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_TRACE_MEMORY(arg) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_THREAD_NAME(name) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_IGNORE_READS_BEGIN() /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_IGNORE_READS_END() /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_IGNORE_WRITES_BEGIN() /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_IGNORE_WRITES_END() /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_IGNORE_SYNC_BEGIN() /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_IGNORE_SYNC_END() /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_ENABLE_RACE_DETECTION(enable) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_NO_OP(arg) /* empty */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_FLUSH_STATE() /* empty */
/* Use the macros above rather than using these functions directly. */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
void AnnotateRWLockCreate(const char *file, int line,
const volatile void *lock);
void AnnotateRWLockDestroy(const char *file, int line,
const volatile void *lock);
void AnnotateRWLockAcquired(const char *file, int line,
const volatile void *lock, long is_w);
void AnnotateRWLockReleased(const char *file, int line,
const volatile void *lock, long is_w);
void AnnotateBarrierInit(const char *file, int line,
const volatile void *barrier, long count,
long reinitialization_allowed);
void AnnotateBarrierWaitBefore(const char *file, int line,
const volatile void *barrier);
void AnnotateBarrierWaitAfter(const char *file, int line,
const volatile void *barrier);
void AnnotateBarrierDestroy(const char *file, int line,
const volatile void *barrier);
void AnnotateCondVarWait(const char *file, int line,
const volatile void *cv,
const volatile void *lock);
void AnnotateCondVarSignal(const char *file, int line,
const volatile void *cv);
void AnnotateCondVarSignalAll(const char *file, int line,
const volatile void *cv);
void AnnotatePublishMemoryRange(const char *file, int line,
const volatile void *address,
long size);
void AnnotateUnpublishMemoryRange(const char *file, int line,
const volatile void *address,
long size);
void AnnotatePCQCreate(const char *file, int line,
const volatile void *pcq);
void AnnotatePCQDestroy(const char *file, int line,
const volatile void *pcq);
void AnnotatePCQPut(const char *file, int line,
const volatile void *pcq);
void AnnotatePCQGet(const char *file, int line,
const volatile void *pcq);
void AnnotateNewMemory(const char *file, int line,
const volatile void *address,
long size);
void AnnotateExpectRace(const char *file, int line,
const volatile void *address,
const char *description);
void AnnotateBenignRace(const char *file, int line,
const volatile void *address,
const char *description);
void AnnotateBenignRaceSized(const char *file, int line,
const volatile void *address,
long size,
const char *description);
void AnnotateMutexIsUsedAsCondVar(const char *file, int line,
const volatile void *mu);
void AnnotateTraceMemory(const char *file, int line,
const volatile void *arg);
void AnnotateThreadName(const char *file, int line,
const char *name);
void AnnotateIgnoreReadsBegin(const char *file, int line);
void AnnotateIgnoreReadsEnd(const char *file, int line);
void AnnotateIgnoreWritesBegin(const char *file, int line);
void AnnotateIgnoreWritesEnd(const char *file, int line);
void AnnotateEnableRaceDetection(const char *file, int line, int enable);
void AnnotateNoOp(const char *file, int line,
const volatile void *arg);
void AnnotateFlushState(const char *file, int line);
/* Return non-zero value if running under valgrind.
If "valgrind.h" is included into dynamic_annotations.c,
the regular valgrind mechanism will be used.
See about
RUNNING_ON_VALGRIND and other valgrind "client requests".
The file "valgrind.h" may be obtained by doing
svn co svn://
If for some reason you can't use "valgrind.h" or want to fake valgrind,
there are two ways to make this function return non-zero:
- Use environment variable: export RUNNING_ON_VALGRIND=1
- Make your tool intercept the function RunningOnValgrind() and
change its return value.
int RunningOnValgrind(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if DYNAMIC_ANNOTATIONS_ENABLED != 0 && defined(__cplusplus)
/* _Py_ANNOTATE_UNPROTECTED_READ is the preferred way to annotate racey reads.
Instead of doing
... = x;
one can use
template <class T>
inline T _Py_ANNOTATE_UNPROTECTED_READ(const volatile T &x) {
T res = x;
return res;
/* Apply _Py_ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE_SIZED to a static variable. */
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE_STATIC(static_var, description) \
namespace { \
class static_var ## _annotator { \
public: \
static_var ## _annotator() { \
sizeof(static_var), \
# static_var ": " description); \
} \
}; \
static static_var ## _annotator the ## static_var ## _annotator;\
#define _Py_ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE_STATIC(static_var, description) /* empty */
#endif /* __DYNAMIC_ANNOTATIONS_H__ */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
/* Enumerate Object */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyEnum_Type;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyReversed_Type;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_ENUMOBJECT_H */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#ifndef Py_ERRCODE_H
#define Py_ERRCODE_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Error codes passed around between file input, tokenizer, parser and
interpreter. This is necessary so we can turn them into Python
exceptions at a higher level. Note that some errors have a
slightly different meaning when passed from the tokenizer to the
parser than when passed from the parser to the interpreter; e.g.
the parser only returns E_EOF when it hits EOF immediately, and it
never returns E_OK. */
#define E_OK 10 /* No error */
#define E_EOF 11 /* End Of File */
#define E_INTR 12 /* Interrupted */
#define E_TOKEN 13 /* Bad token */
#define E_SYNTAX 14 /* Syntax error */
#define E_NOMEM 15 /* Ran out of memory */
#define E_DONE 16 /* Parsing complete */
#define E_ERROR 17 /* Execution error */
#define E_TABSPACE 18 /* Inconsistent mixing of tabs and spaces */
#define E_OVERFLOW 19 /* Node had too many children */
#define E_TOODEEP 20 /* Too many indentation levels */
#define E_DEDENT 21 /* No matching outer block for dedent */
#define E_DECODE 22 /* Error in decoding into Unicode */
#define E_LINECONT 25 /* Unexpected characters after a line continuation */
#define E_BADSINGLE 27 /* Ill-formed single statement input */
#define E_INTERACT_STOP 28 /* Interactive mode stopped tokenization */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_ERRCODE_H */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
/* Interface to execute compiled code */
#ifndef Py_EVAL_H
#define Py_EVAL_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyEval_EvalCode(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyEval_EvalCodeEx(PyObject *co,
PyObject *globals,
PyObject *locals,
PyObject *const *args, int argc,
PyObject *const *kwds, int kwdc,
PyObject *const *defs, int defc,
PyObject *kwdefs, PyObject *closure);
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyEval_CallTracing(PyObject *func, PyObject *args);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_EVAL_H */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#ifndef Py_EXPORTS_H
#define Py_EXPORTS_H
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
#define Py_IMPORTED_SYMBOL __declspec(dllimport)
#define Py_EXPORTED_SYMBOL __declspec(dllexport)
* If we only ever used gcc >= 5, we could use __has_attribute(visibility)
* as a cross-platform way to determine if visibility is supported. However,
* we may still need to support gcc >= 4, as some Ubuntu LTS and Centos versions
* have 4 < gcc < 5.
#ifndef __has_attribute
#define __has_attribute(x) 0 // Compatibility with non-clang compilers.
#if (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4)) ||\
(defined(__clang__) && __has_attribute(visibility))
#define Py_IMPORTED_SYMBOL __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
#define Py_EXPORTED_SYMBOL __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
#define Py_LOCAL_SYMBOL __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden")))
#endif /* Py_EXPORTS_H */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
/* File object interface (what's left of it -- see */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFile_FromFd(int, const char *, const char *, int,
const char *, const char *,
const char *, int);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFile_GetLine(PyObject *, int);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyFile_WriteObject(PyObject *, PyObject *, int);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyFile_WriteString(const char *, PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyObject_AsFileDescriptor(PyObject *);
/* The default encoding used by the platform file system APIs
If non-NULL, this is different than the default encoding for strings
PyAPI_DATA(const char *) Py_FileSystemDefaultEncoding;
#if !defined(Py_LIMITED_API) || Py_LIMITED_API+0 >= 0x03060000
PyAPI_DATA(const char *) Py_FileSystemDefaultEncodeErrors;
PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_HasFileSystemDefaultEncoding;
#if !defined(Py_LIMITED_API) || Py_LIMITED_API+0 >= 0x03070000
PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_UTF8Mode;
/* A routine to check if a file descriptor can be select()-ed. */
#ifdef _MSC_VER
/* On Windows, any socket fd can be select()-ed, no matter how high */
#define _PyIsSelectable_fd(FD) (1)
#define _PyIsSelectable_fd(FD) ((unsigned int)(FD) < (unsigned int)FD_SETSIZE)
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
# include "cpython/fileobject.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_FILEOBJECT_H */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#ifndef Py_FILEUTILS_H
#define Py_FILEUTILS_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#if !defined(Py_LIMITED_API) || Py_LIMITED_API+0 >= 0x03050000
PyAPI_FUNC(wchar_t *) Py_DecodeLocale(
const char *arg,
size_t *size);
PyAPI_FUNC(char*) Py_EncodeLocale(
const wchar_t *text,
size_t *error_pos);
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
# include "cpython/fileutils.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_FILEUTILS_H */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
/* Float object interface */
PyFloatObject represents a (double precision) floating point number.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
typedef struct {
double ob_fval;
} PyFloatObject;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyFloat_Type;
#define PyFloat_Check(op) PyObject_TypeCheck(op, &PyFloat_Type)
#define PyFloat_CheckExact(op) Py_IS_TYPE(op, &PyFloat_Type)
#ifdef Py_NAN
#define Py_RETURN_NAN return PyFloat_FromDouble(Py_NAN)
#define Py_RETURN_INF(sign) do \
if (copysign(1., sign) == 1.) { \
return PyFloat_FromDouble(Py_HUGE_VAL); \
} else { \
return PyFloat_FromDouble(-Py_HUGE_VAL); \
} while(0)
PyAPI_FUNC(double) PyFloat_GetMax(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(double) PyFloat_GetMin(void);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFloat_GetInfo(void);
/* Return Python float from string PyObject. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFloat_FromString(PyObject*);
/* Return Python float from C double. */
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFloat_FromDouble(double);
/* Extract C double from Python float. The macro version trades safety for
speed. */
PyAPI_FUNC(double) PyFloat_AsDouble(PyObject *);
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
#define PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(op) (((PyFloatObject *)(op))->ob_fval)
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
/* _PyFloat_{Pack,Unpack}{4,8}
* The struct and pickle (at least) modules need an efficient platform-
* independent way to store floating-point values as byte strings.
* The Pack routines produce a string from a C double, and the Unpack
* routines produce a C double from such a string. The suffix (4 or 8)
* specifies the number of bytes in the string.
* On platforms that appear to use (see _PyFloat_Init()) IEEE-754 formats
* these functions work by copying bits. On other platforms, the formats the
* 4- byte format is identical to the IEEE-754 single precision format, and
* the 8-byte format to the IEEE-754 double precision format, although the
* packing of INFs and NaNs (if such things exist on the platform) isn't
* handled correctly, and attempting to unpack a string containing an IEEE
* INF or NaN will raise an exception.
* On non-IEEE platforms with more precision, or larger dynamic range, than
* 754 supports, not all values can be packed; on non-IEEE platforms with less
* precision, or smaller dynamic range, not all values can be unpacked. What
* happens in such cases is partly accidental (alas).
/* The pack routines write 2, 4 or 8 bytes, starting at p. le is a bool
* argument, true if you want the string in little-endian format (exponent
* last, at p+1, p+3 or p+7), false if you want big-endian format (exponent
* first, at p).
* Return value: 0 if all is OK, -1 if error (and an exception is
* set, most likely OverflowError).
* There are two problems on non-IEEE platforms:
* 1): What this does is undefined if x is a NaN or infinity.
* 2): -0.0 and +0.0 produce the same string.
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyFloat_Pack2(double x, unsigned char *p, int le);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyFloat_Pack4(double x, unsigned char *p, int le);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyFloat_Pack8(double x, unsigned char *p, int le);
/* The unpack routines read 2, 4 or 8 bytes, starting at p. le is a bool
* argument, true if the string is in little-endian format (exponent
* last, at p+1, p+3 or p+7), false if big-endian (exponent first, at p).
* Return value: The unpacked double. On error, this is -1.0 and
* PyErr_Occurred() is true (and an exception is set, most likely
* OverflowError). Note that on a non-IEEE platform this will refuse
* to unpack a string that represents a NaN or infinity.
PyAPI_FUNC(double) _PyFloat_Unpack2(const unsigned char *p, int le);
PyAPI_FUNC(double) _PyFloat_Unpack4(const unsigned char *p, int le);
PyAPI_FUNC(double) _PyFloat_Unpack8(const unsigned char *p, int le);
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _PyFloat_DebugMallocStats(FILE* out);
/* Format the object based on the format_spec, as defined in PEP 3101
(Advanced String Formatting). */
PyAPI_FUNC(int) _PyFloat_FormatAdvancedWriter(
_PyUnicodeWriter *writer,
PyObject *obj,
PyObject *format_spec,
Py_ssize_t start,
Py_ssize_t end);
#endif /* Py_LIMITED_API */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_FLOATOBJECT_H */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* Frame object interface */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "pyframe.h"
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
# include "cpython/frameobject.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_FRAMEOBJECT_H */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
/* Function object interface */
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
PyObject *PREFIX ## globals; \
PyObject *PREFIX ## builtins; \
PyObject *PREFIX ## name; \
PyObject *PREFIX ## qualname; \
PyObject *PREFIX ## code; /* A code object, the __code__ attribute */ \
PyObject *PREFIX ## defaults; /* NULL or a tuple */ \
PyObject *PREFIX ## kwdefaults; /* NULL or a dict */ \
PyObject *PREFIX ## closure; /* NULL or a tuple of cell objects */
typedef struct {
} PyFrameConstructor;
/* Function objects and code objects should not be confused with each other:
* Function objects are created by the execution of the 'def' statement.
* They reference a code object in their __code__ attribute, which is a
* purely syntactic object, i.e. nothing more than a compiled version of some
* source code lines. There is one code object per source code "fragment",
* but each code object can be referenced by zero or many function objects
* depending only on how many times the 'def' statement in the source was
* executed so far.
typedef struct {
PyObject *func_doc; /* The __doc__ attribute, can be anything */
PyObject *func_dict; /* The __dict__ attribute, a dict or NULL */
PyObject *func_weakreflist; /* List of weak references */
PyObject *func_module; /* The __module__ attribute, can be anything */
PyObject *func_annotations; /* Annotations, a dict or NULL */
vectorcallfunc vectorcall;
/* Invariant:
* func_closure contains the bindings for func_code->co_freevars, so
* PyTuple_Size(func_closure) == PyCode_GetNumFree(func_code)
* (func_closure may be NULL if PyCode_GetNumFree(func_code) == 0).
} PyFunctionObject;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyFunction_Type;
#define PyFunction_Check(op) Py_IS_TYPE(op, &PyFunction_Type)
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFunction_New(PyObject *, PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFunction_NewWithQualName(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFunction_GetCode(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFunction_GetGlobals(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFunction_GetModule(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFunction_GetDefaults(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyFunction_SetDefaults(PyObject *, PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFunction_GetKwDefaults(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyFunction_SetKwDefaults(PyObject *, PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFunction_GetClosure(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyFunction_SetClosure(PyObject *, PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyFunction_GetAnnotations(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyFunction_SetAnnotations(PyObject *, PyObject *);
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) _PyFunction_Vectorcall(
PyObject *func,
PyObject *const *stack,
size_t nargsf,
PyObject *kwnames);
/* Macros for direct access to these values. Type checks are *not*
done, so use with care. */
#define PyFunction_GET_CODE(func) \
(((PyFunctionObject *)func) -> func_code)
#define PyFunction_GET_GLOBALS(func) \
(((PyFunctionObject *)func) -> func_globals)
#define PyFunction_GET_MODULE(func) \
(((PyFunctionObject *)func) -> func_module)
#define PyFunction_GET_DEFAULTS(func) \
(((PyFunctionObject *)func) -> func_defaults)
#define PyFunction_GET_KW_DEFAULTS(func) \
(((PyFunctionObject *)func) -> func_kwdefaults)
#define PyFunction_GET_CLOSURE(func) \
(((PyFunctionObject *)func) -> func_closure)
#define PyFunction_GET_ANNOTATIONS(func) \
(((PyFunctionObject *)func) -> func_annotations)
#define PyFunction_AS_FRAME_CONSTRUCTOR(func) \
((PyFrameConstructor *)&((PyFunctionObject *)(func))->func_globals)
/* The classmethod and staticmethod types lives here, too */
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyClassMethod_Type;
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyStaticMethod_Type;
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyClassMethod_New(PyObject *);
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) PyStaticMethod_New(PyObject *);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !Py_FUNCOBJECT_H */
#endif /* Py_LIMITED_API */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
// Implementation of PEP 585: support list[int] etc.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
PyAPI_FUNC(PyObject *) Py_GenericAlias(PyObject *, PyObject *);
PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) Py_GenericAliasType;
#ifdef __cplusplus
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