import asyncio import httpx with open('my_list.txt', 'r') as file: ip_list = [line.strip() for line in file] async def send_request(client, server_ip, rangee, sigma): data = { "a": rangee[0], "b": rangee[1], "sigma": sigma } response = await"http://{server_ip}:8000/compute", json=data, timeout=300.0) return response.text # Główna funkcja do wysyłania zapytań do wszystkich serwerów równocześnie async def main(a_start, b_end, sigma): num_chunks = len(ip_list) chunk_size = (b_end - a_start + 1) // num_chunks ranges = [(a_start + i * chunk_size, min(a_start + (i + 1) * chunk_size - 1, b_end)) for i in range(num_chunks)] async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: tasks = [send_request(client, server, rangee, sigma) for server, rangee in zip(ip_list, ranges)] # tasks2 = [send_request(client, server, rangee, sigma) for server, rangee in zip(ip_list, ranges[16:32])] # tasks.extend(tasks2) results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) final_result = 0 for idx, result in enumerate(results): final_result += int(result.strip('"')) final_result = final_result % 999999937 print(final_result) # Uruchomienie głównej funkcji if __name__ == "__main__": sigma = 510104288 a = 1 b = 7000, b, sigma))