{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# Wizualizacja danych (Lab 3)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "library(repr) # To resize plots in Jupyter\n", "options(repr.plot.width = 16, repr.plot.height = 9)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Biblioteka plotly" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Pakiet *plotly* jest pakietem graficznym, który umożliwia tworzenie interaktywnych wykresów. Cała biblioteka jest napisana w JavaScript i dostępna również dla Pythona. Składania i pomysł na tworzenie grafiki są bardzo podobne do *ggplot2*.\n", "\n", " " ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "### Karta pomocy" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ " \n", " " ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "### Konwersja grafiki ggplot2 na plotly" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Warning message:\n", "“package ‘plotly’ was built under R version 3.6.2”\n", "Loading required package: ggplot2\n", "\n", "Warning message:\n", "“package ‘ggplot2’ was built under R version 3.6.2”\n", "\n", "Attaching package: ‘plotly’\n", "\n", "\n", "The following object is masked from ‘package:ggplot2’:\n", "\n", " last_plot\n", "\n", "\n", "The following object is masked from ‘package:stats’:\n", "\n", " filter\n", "\n", "\n", "The following object is masked from ‘package:graphics’:\n", "\n", " layout\n", "\n", "\n", "Warning message:\n", "“package ‘dplyr’ was built under R version 3.6.2”\n", "\n", "Attaching package: ‘dplyr’\n", "\n", "\n", "The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:\n", "\n", " filter, lag\n", "\n", "\n", "The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:\n", "\n", " intersect, setdiff, setequal, union\n", "\n", "\n" ] } ], "source": [ "library(plotly)\n", "library(ggplot2)\n", "library(dplyr)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 3, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.plotly.v1+json": { "attrs": { "d5c2f434d99": { "colour": {}, "type": "scatter", "x": {}, "y": {} } }, "base_url": "https://plot.ly", "config": { "doubleClick": "reset", "showSendToCloud": false }, "cur_data": "d5c2f434d99", "data": [ { "hoverinfo": "text", "hoveron": "points", "legendgroup": "setosa", "marker": { "autocolorscale": false, "color": "rgba(248,118,109,1)", "line": { "color": "rgba(248,118,109,1)", "width": 1.8898 }, "opacity": 0.8, "size": 5.6693, "symbol": "circle" }, "mode": "markers", "name": "setosa", "showlegend": true, "text": [ "Sepal.Length: 5.1
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Species: setosa", "Sepal.Length: 4.9
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Species: setosa", "Sepal.Length: 5.4
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Sepal.Width: 3.4
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Species: setosa", "Sepal.Length: 4.3
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Species: setosa", "Sepal.Length: 5.4
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Species: setosa", "Sepal.Length: 5.1
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Species: setosa", "Sepal.Length: 5.1
Sepal.Width: 3.8
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Sepal.Width: 3.4
Species: setosa", "Sepal.Length: 5.1
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Sepal.Width: 3.6
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Species: setosa", "Sepal.Length: 4.8
Sepal.Width: 3.4
Species: setosa", "Sepal.Length: 5.0
Sepal.Width: 3.0
Species: setosa", "Sepal.Length: 5.0
Sepal.Width: 3.4
Species: setosa", "Sepal.Length: 5.2
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Species: setosa", "Sepal.Length: 5.2
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Sepal.Width: 3.5
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Sepal.Width: 3.0
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Species: virginica", "Sepal.Length: 6.3
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Species: virginica", "Sepal.Length: 6.4
Sepal.Width: 3.1
Species: virginica", "Sepal.Length: 6.0
Sepal.Width: 3.0
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Species: virginica", "Sepal.Length: 6.8
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Species: virginica", "Sepal.Length: 6.7
Sepal.Width: 3.3
Species: virginica", "Sepal.Length: 6.7
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Species: virginica", "Sepal.Length: 6.3
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Alcohol:', Alcohol)) %>% \n", " add_markers(color = ~Type) # add points" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 5, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.plotly.v1+json": { "attrs": { "d5c4ad584f7": { "alpha_stroke": 1, "inherit": true, "sizes": [ 10, 100 ], "spans": [ 1, 20 ], "type": "bar", "x": {}, "y": {} } }, "base_url": "https://plot.ly", "config": { "showSendToCloud": false }, "cur_data": "d5c4ad584f7", "data": [ { "error_x": { "color": "rgba(31,119,180,1)" }, "error_y": { "color": "rgba(31,119,180,1)" }, "marker": { "color": "rgba(31,119,180,1)", "line": { "color": "rgba(31,119,180,1)" } }, "type": "bar", "x": [ "1", "2", "3" ], "xaxis": "x", "y": [ 59, 71, 48 ], "yaxis": "y" } ], "highlight": { "debounce": 0, "dynamic": false, "on": "plotly_click", "opacityDim": 0.2, "persistent": false, "selected": { "opacity": 1 }, "selectize": false }, "layout": { "hovermode": "closest", "margin": { "b": 40, "l": 60, "r": 10, "t": 25 }, "showlegend": false, "xaxis": { "automargin": true, "categoryarray": [ "1", "2", "3" ], "categoryorder": "array", "domain": [ 0, 1 ], "title": "Type", "type": "category" }, "yaxis": { "automargin": true, "domain": [ 0, 1 ], "title": "n" } }, "shinyEvents": [ "plotly_hover", "plotly_click", "plotly_selected", "plotly_relayout", "plotly_brushed", "plotly_brushing", "plotly_clickannotation", "plotly_doubleclick", "plotly_deselect", "plotly_afterplot", "plotly_sunburstclick" ], "source": "A", "visdat": { "d5c4ad584f7": [ "function () ", "plotlyVisDat" ] } }, "text/html": [ "\n", "\n", "\t\n", "\t\t\n", "\t\t\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\t\n", "\t\n", "\t\t
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2.21, 1.94, 1.69, 1.61, 1.69, 1.59, 1.5, 1.25, 1.46, 2.25, 2.26, 2.27, 0.99, 2.5, 3.75, 2.99, 2.17, 1.36, 2.11, 1.64, 1.92, 1.84, 2.03, 1.76, 2.04, 2.92, 2.58, 2.27, 2.03, 2.01, 2.29, 2.17, 1.6, 2.09, 1.25, 1.64, 2.79, 5.08, 2.13, 2.65, 3.03, 2.65, 3.15, 2.24, 2.45, 1.75, 1.25, 1.22, 1.09, 1.2, 0.58, 0.66, 0.47, 0.6, 0.48, 0.6, 0.5, 0.5, 0.52, 0.8, 0.78, 0.55, 0.34, 0.65, 0.76, 1.39, 1.57, 1.36, 1.28, 0.83, 0.58, 0.63, 0.83, 0.58, 1.31, 1.1, 0.92, 0.56, 0.6, 0.7, 0.68, 0.47, 0.92, 0.66, 0.84, 0.96, 0.49, 0.51, 0.7, 0.61, 0.75, 0.69, 0.68, 0.76 ], "xaxis": "x", "y": [ 14.23, 13.2, 13.16, 14.37, 13.24, 14.2, 14.39, 14.06, 14.83, 13.86, 14.1, 14.12, 13.75, 14.75, 14.38, 13.63, 14.3, 13.83, 14.19, 13.64, 14.06, 12.93, 13.71, 12.85, 13.5, 13.05, 13.39, 13.3, 13.87, 14.02, 13.73, 13.58, 13.68, 13.76, 13.51, 13.48, 13.28, 13.05, 13.07, 14.22, 13.56, 13.41, 13.88, 13.24, 13.05, 14.21, 14.38, 13.9, 14.1, 13.94, 13.05, 13.83, 13.82, 13.77, 13.74, 13.56, 14.22, 13.29, 13.72, 12.37, 12.33, 12.64, 13.67, 12.37, 12.17, 12.37, 13.11, 12.37, 13.34, 12.21, 12.29, 13.86, 13.49, 12.99, 11.96, 11.66, 13.03, 11.84, 12.33, 12.7, 12, 12.72, 12.08, 13.05, 11.84, 12.67, 12.16, 11.65, 11.64, 12.08, 12.08, 12, 12.69, 12.29, 11.62, 12.47, 11.81, 12.29, 12.37, 12.29, 12.08, 12.6, 12.34, 11.82, 12.51, 12.42, 12.25, 12.72, 12.22, 11.61, 11.46, 12.52, 11.76, 11.41, 12.08, 11.03, 11.82, 12.42, 12.77, 12, 11.45, 11.56, 12.42, 13.05, 11.87, 12.07, 12.43, 11.79, 12.37, 12.04, 12.86, 12.88, 12.81, 12.7, 12.51, 12.6, 12.25, 12.53, 13.49, 12.84, 12.93, 13.36, 13.52, 13.62, 12.25, 13.16, 13.88, 12.87, 13.32, 13.08, 13.5, 12.79, 13.11, 13.23, 12.58, 13.17, 13.84, 12.45, 14.34, 13.48, 12.36, 13.69, 12.85, 12.96, 13.78, 13.73, 13.45, 12.82, 13.58, 13.4, 12.2, 12.77, 14.16, 13.71, 13.4, 13.27, 13.17, 14.13 ], "yaxis": "y" }, { "error_x": { "color": "rgba(255,127,14,1)" }, "error_y": { "color": "rgba(255,127,14,1)" }, "line": { "color": "rgba(255,127,14,1)" }, "marker": { "color": "rgba(255,127,14,1)", "line": 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3.15, 3.17, 3.17, 3.18, 3.19, 3.23, 3.24, 3.25, 3.27, 3.29, 3.32, 3.39, 3.39, 3.4, 3.49, 3.54, 3.56, 3.64, 3.67, 3.69, 3.74, 3.75, 3.93, 5.08 ], "xaxis": "x", "y": [ 13.3267, 13.2212, 13.2212, 13.2133, 13.2055, 13.1977, 13.1977, 13.1899, 13.1821, 13.1587, 13.1509, 13.1431, 13.1353, 13.1353, 13.1353, 13.1197, 13.1197, 13.1197, 13.1118, 13.0961, 13.0802, 13.0722, 13.0722, 13.0562, 13.0562, 13.0482, 13.0401, 13.0401, 12.9999, 12.9918, 12.9918, 12.9758, 12.9597, 12.9358, 12.9358, 12.9279, 12.8653, 12.8653, 12.8348, 12.8124, 12.7905, 12.7415, 12.7415, 12.7348, 12.6718, 12.6596, 12.6396, 12.6396, 12.6396, 12.6179, 12.6179, 12.6028, 12.5951, 12.5873, 12.5556, 12.5556, 12.5317, 12.5159, 12.4781, 12.4505, 12.4112, 12.4112, 12.4067, 12.4027, 12.4027, 12.3989, 12.3956, 12.3866, 12.3866, 12.3743, 12.3743, 12.3641, 12.3641, 12.363, 12.3604, 12.3592, 12.3592, 12.3595, 12.3663, 12.3699, 12.3854, 12.3887, 12.3958, 12.3958, 12.3958, 12.3997, 12.4224, 12.433, 12.4445, 12.4508, 12.4731, 12.4731, 12.4906, 12.5099, 12.5419, 12.5533, 12.565, 12.565, 12.5769, 12.5769, 12.6016, 12.6532, 12.7066, 12.7599, 12.7861, 12.7861, 12.8117, 12.8717, 12.8828, 12.8935, 12.9039, 12.9039, 12.9248, 12.958, 12.9931, 13.0172, 13.0294, 13.0418, 13.0418, 13.0418, 13.0418, 13.0792, 13.0792, 13.0792, 13.0918, 13.0918, 13.1545, 13.1791, 13.1791, 13.2034, 13.2153, 13.2153, 13.2932, 13.3132, 13.3229, 13.3326, 13.3424, 13.3522, 13.3522, 13.372, 13.4016, 13.4115, 13.4115, 13.4213, 13.4213, 13.4312, 13.4312, 13.4605, 13.4605, 13.4702, 13.4893, 13.5269, 13.5629, 13.5716, 13.5716, 13.5887, 13.5887, 13.597, 13.605, 13.6353, 13.6423, 13.6492, 13.6622, 13.6744, 13.6913, 13.7235, 13.7235, 13.7273, 13.7526, 13.7599, 13.7614, 13.76, 13.7564, 13.7531, 13.7416, 13.7387, 13.6567, 11.9296 ], "yaxis": "y" }, { "error_x": { "color": "rgba(44,160,44,1)" }, "error_y": { "color": "rgba(44,160,44,1)" }, "line": { "color": "rgba(44,160,44,1)" }, "marker": { "color": "rgba(44,160,44,1)", "line": { "color": "rgba(44,160,44,1)" } }, 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3.25, 3.27, 3.29, 3.32, 3.39, 3.39, 3.4, 3.49, 3.54, 3.56, 3.64, 3.67, 3.69, 3.74, 3.75, 3.93, 5.08 ], "xaxis": "x", "y": [ 13.0266, 12.9731, 12.9731, 12.9693, 12.9654, 12.9617, 12.9617, 12.9579, 12.9542, 12.9433, 12.9398, 12.9362, 12.9328, 12.9328, 12.9328, 12.9259, 12.9259, 12.9259, 12.9225, 12.9159, 12.9094, 12.9062, 12.9062, 12.8999, 12.8999, 12.8968, 12.8938, 12.8938, 12.8791, 12.8763, 12.8763, 12.8708, 12.8654, 12.8576, 12.8576, 12.8551, 12.8362, 12.8362, 12.8276, 12.8216, 12.8159, 12.8039, 12.8039, 12.8023, 12.7887, 12.7864, 12.7833, 12.7833, 12.7833, 12.7804, 12.7804, 12.7787, 12.7779, 12.7772, 12.7745, 12.7745, 12.7729, 12.772, 12.7705, 12.7699, 12.7703, 12.7703, 12.7705, 12.7707, 12.7707, 12.771, 12.7713, 12.7725, 12.7725, 12.7751, 12.7751, 12.7796, 12.7796, 12.7804, 12.7833, 12.7887, 12.7887, 12.7899, 12.7993, 12.8024, 12.8123, 12.8141, 12.8178, 12.8178, 12.8178, 12.8197, 12.8297, 12.834, 12.8384, 12.8407, 12.8477, 12.8477, 12.8526, 12.8576, 12.8654, 12.8681, 12.8708, 12.8708, 12.8736, 12.8736, 12.8792, 12.8908, 12.9031, 12.9159, 12.9225, 12.9225, 12.9293, 12.9469, 12.9506, 12.9542, 12.958, 12.958, 12.9655, 12.977, 12.9889, 12.9971, 13.0012, 13.0053, 13.0053, 13.0053, 13.0053, 13.018, 13.018, 13.018, 13.0223, 13.0223, 13.0443, 13.0534, 13.0534, 13.0626, 13.0673, 13.0673, 13.101, 13.1109, 13.116, 13.121, 13.1262, 13.1313, 13.1313, 13.1417, 13.1576, 13.1629, 13.1629, 13.1684, 13.1684, 13.1738, 13.1738, 13.1903, 13.1903, 13.1959, 13.2072, 13.2302, 13.2538, 13.2598, 13.2598, 13.2719, 13.2719, 13.278, 13.2842, 13.3091, 13.3154, 13.3218, 13.3346, 13.3476, 13.3674, 13.4147, 13.4147, 13.4217, 13.4856, 13.5224, 13.5373, 13.5987, 13.6223, 13.6383, 13.6788, 13.687, 13.841, 15.1072 ], "yaxis": "y" } ], "highlight": { "debounce": 0, "dynamic": false, "on": "plotly_click", "opacityDim": 0.2, "persistent": false, "selected": { "opacity": 1 }, "selectize": false }, "layout": { "hovermode": "closest", "margin": { "b": 40, "l": 60, "r": 10, "t": 25 }, "showlegend": true, "xaxis": { "automargin": true, "domain": [ 0, 1 ], "title": "Flavanoids" }, "yaxis": { "automargin": true, "domain": [ 0, 1 ], "title": "Alcohol" } }, "shinyEvents": [ "plotly_hover", "plotly_click", "plotly_selected", "plotly_relayout", "plotly_brushed", "plotly_brushing", "plotly_clickannotation", "plotly_doubleclick", "plotly_deselect", "plotly_afterplot", "plotly_sunburstclick" ], "source": "A", "visdat": { "d5c5554bcf2": [ "function () ", "plotlyVisDat" ] } }, "text/html": [ "\n", "\n", "\t\n", "\t\t\n", "\t\t\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\t\n", "\t\n", "\t\t
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