Let $K$ be a knot and $u(K)$ its unknotting number. Let $g_4$ be a minimal four genus of a smooth surface $S$ in $B^4$ such that $\partial S = K$. Then:
u(K) \geq g_4(K)
Recall that if $u(K)=u$ then $K$ bounds a disk $\Delta$ with $u$ ordinary double points.
Remove from $\Delta$ the two self intersecting disks and glue the Seifert surface for the Hopf link. The reality surface $S$ has Euler characteristic $\chi(S)=1-2u$. Therefore $g_4(S)= u$.
%Tim D. Cochran and Peter Teichner
The knot $8_{20}$ is slice: $\sigma\equiv0$ almost everywhere but $\sigma(e^{\frac{2\pi i}{6}})=+1$.
%ref Structure in the classical knot concordance group
%Rolfsen, geometric group theory, Diffeomorpphism of a torus, Mapping class group
Recall that $H_1(S^1\times S^1, \mathbb{Z})=\mathbb{Z}^2$. As generators for $H_1$ we can set ${\alpha=[S^1\times\pt]}$ and ${\beta=[\pt\times S^1]}$. Suppose ${\phi: S^1\times S^1\longrightarrow S^1\times S^1}$ is a diffeomorphism.
\phi_*(\beta) &= r \alpha + s \beta, \quad r, s \in\mathbb{Z}, \\
\phi_* &=
p & q\\
r & s
As $\phi_*$ is diffeomorphis, it must be invertible over $\mathbb{Z}$. Then for a direction preserving diffeomorphism we have $\det\phi_*=1$. Therefore $\phi_*\in\Sl(2, \mathbb{Z})$.