lecture from 20.05
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%%%% For quotient groups / modding equiv relations
%%%% Use: \quot{A}{B} --> A/B
\newcommand*\quot[2]{{^{\textstyle #1}\big/_{\textstyle #2}}}
\newcommand{\overbar}[1]{\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5mu#1\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu}
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{Lecture\ \thesection}{2.3ex plus .2ex}{}
A \textbf{knot} $K$ in $S^3$ is a smooth (PL - smooth) embedding of a circle $S^1$ in $S^3$:
A knot $K$ in $S^3$ is a smooth (PL - smooth) embedding of a circle $S^1$ in $S^3$:
\varphi: S^1 \hookrightarrow S^3
Usually we think about a knot as an image of an embedding: $K = \varphi(S^1)$.
knot and not a knot (not inection), not smooth,
Two knots $K_0 = \varphi_0(S^1)$, $K_1 = \varphi_1(S^1)$ are equivalent if the embeddings $\varphi_0$ and $\varphi_1$ are isotopic, that is there exists a continues function
&\Phi: S^1 \times [0, 1] \hookrightarrow S^3 \\
&\Phi(x, t) = \Phi_t(x)
such that $\Phi_t$ is an embedding for any $t \in [0,1]$, $\Phi_0 = \varphi_0$ and
$\Phi_1 = \varphi_1$
Two knots $K_0$ and $K_1$ are isotopic if and only if they are ambient isotopic, i.e. there exists a family of self-diffeomorphisms $\Phi$ such that:
&\Psi: S^3 \hookrightarrow S^3\\
& \psi_0 = id\\
& \psi_1(K_0) = K_1
$\Phi_1 = \varphi_1$.
Two knots $K_0$ and $K_1$ are isotopic if and only if they are ambient isotopic, i.e. there exists a family of self-diffeomorphisms $\Psi$ such that:
&\Psi: S^3 \hookrightarrow S^3,\\
& \psi_0 = id ,\\
& \psi_1(K_0) = K_1.
A knot is trivial (unknot) if it is equivalent to an embedding $\varphi(t) = (\cos t, \sin t, 0)$, where $t \in [0, 2 \pi] $ is a parametrisation of $S^1$.
@ -73,21 +103,36 @@ A knot is trivial (unknot) if it is equivalent to an embedding $\varphi(t) = (\c
A link with k - components is a (smooth) embedding of\\ $\overbrace{S^1 \sqcup \ldots \sqcup S^1}^k$ in $S^3$
A trivial link with $3$ components\\
A hopf link\\
Whitehead link\\
a trivial link with $3$ components:
a hopf link: \includegraphics[width=0.13\textwidth]{Hopf.png},
a Whitehead link:
Borromean link
A link diagram is a picture over projection of a link is $S^3$/$R^3$ such that:
A link diagram is a picture over projection of a link is $S^3$($\mathbb{R}^3$) such that:
\item is non degenerate
\item The double points are not degenerated
\item There are no triple point
${D_{\pi}}_{\big|L}$ is non degenerate
\item the double points are not degenerate
\item there are no triple point
There are under- and overcrossings (tunnels and bridges) on a link diagrams with an obvious meaning.\\
Every link admits a link diagram.
\subsection{Reidemeister moves}
A Reidemeister move is one of the three types of operation on a link diagram as shown in Figure~\ref{fig: reidemeister}.
@ -106,14 +151,328 @@ The third Reidemeister move slides a strand over or under a crossing.
Two diagrams of the same link can be
deformed into each other by a finite sequence of Reidemeister moves (and isotopy of the plane).
\section{Z nagrania Kamili}
&F: \mathbb{C}^2 \rightarrow \mathbb{C} \text{a polynomial} \\
&F: \mathbb{C}^2 \rightarrow \mathbb{C} \text{ a polynomial} \\
&F(0) = 0
Fact (Milnor Singular Points of Complex Hypersurfaces):
\section{} 25.03.19
An oriented knot is called negative amphichiral if the mirror image $m(K)$ if $K$ is equivalent the reverse knot of $K$. \\
Prove that if $K$ is negative amphichiral, then $K \# K$ in
Let $K \in S^3$ be a knot and $N$ be its tubular neighbourhood.
H^1(S^3 \setminus N ) \cong H^1(S^3 \setminus K)
For a pair $(S^3, S^3 \setminus N)$ we have:
A knot $K$ is called (smoothly) slice if $K$ is smoothly concordant to an unknot. \\
A knot $K$ is smoothly slice if and only if $K$ bounds a smoothly embedded disk in $B^4$.
Two knots $K$ and $K^{\prime}$ are called (smoothly) concordant if there exists an annulus $A$ that is smoothly embedded in $S^3 \times [0, 1]$ such that
$\partial A = K^{\prime} \times \{1\} \; \sqcup \; K \times \{0\} $.
Let $m(K)$ denote a mirror image of a knot $K$.
For any $K$, $K \# m(K)$ is slice.
Concordance is an equivalence relation.
If $K_1 \sim {K_1}^{\prime}$ and $K_2 \sim {K_2}^{\prime}$, then
$K_1 \# K_2 \sim {K_1}^{\prime} \# {K_2}^{\prime}$.
$K \# m(K) \sim $ the unknot.
Let $\mathscr{C}$ denote all equivalent classes for knots. $\mathscr{C}$ is a group under taking connected sums, with neutral element (the class defined by) an unknot and inverse element (a class defined by) a mirror image.\\
The figure eight knot is a torsion element in $\mathscr{C}$ ($2K \sim $ the unknot).\\
Are there in concordance group torsion elements that are not $2$ torsion elements? (open)
Remark: $K \sim K^{\prime} \Leftrightarrow K \# -K^{\prime}$ is slice.
$X$ is a closed orientable four-manifold. Assume $\pi_1(X) = 0$ (it is not needed to define the intersection form). In particular $H_1(X) = 0$.
$H_2$ is free (exercise).
H_2(X, \mathbb{Z}) \xrightarrow{\text{Poincaré duality}} H^2(X, \mathbb{Z} ) \xrightarrow{\text{evaluation}}\Hom(H_2(X, \mathbb{Z}), \mathbb{Z})
Intersection form:
$H_2(X, \mathbb{Z}) \times
H_2(X, \mathbb{Z}) \longrightarrow \mathbb{Z}$ - symmetric, non singular.
Let $A$ and $B$ be closed, oriented surfaces in $X$.
Let $K \subset S^3$ be a knot, \\
$X = S^3 \setminus K$ - a knot complement, \\
$\widetilde{X} \xrightarrow{\enspace \rho \enspace} X$ - an infinite cyclic cover (universal abelian cover).
\pi_1(X) \longrightarrow \quot{\pi_1(X)}{[\pi_1(X), \pi_1(X)]} = H_1(X, \mathbb{Z} ) \cong \mathbb{Z}
$C_{*}(\widetilde{X})$ has a structure of a $\mathbb{Z}[t, t^{-1}] \cong \mathbb{Z}[\mathbb{Z}]$ module. \\
$H_1(\widetilde{X}, \mathbb{Z}[t, t^{-1}])$ - Alexander module, \\
H_1(\widetilde{X}, \mathbb{Z}[t, t^{-1}]) \times
H_1(\widetilde{X}, \mathbb{Z}[t, t^{-1}]) \longrightarrow \quot{\mathbb{Q}}{\mathbb{Z}[t, t^{-1}]}
H_1(\widetilde{X}, \mathbb{Z}[t, t^{-1}]) \cong
\quot{\mathbb{Z}{[t, t^{-1}]}^n}{(tV - V^T)\mathbb{Z}[t, t^{-1}]^n}
where $V$ is a Seifert matrix.
H_1(\widetilde{X}, \mathbb{Z}[t, t^{-1}]) \times
H_1(\widetilde{X}, \mathbb{Z}[t, t^{-1}]) &\longrightarrow \quot{\mathbb{Q}}{\mathbb{Z}[t, t^{-1}]}\\
(\alpha, \beta) &\mapsto \alpha^{-1}(t -1)(tV - V^T)^{-1}\beta
Note that $\mathbb{Z}$ is not PID. Therefore we don't have primer decomposition of this moduli. We can simplify this problem by replacing $\mathbb{Z}$ by $\mathbb{R}$. We lose some date by doing this transition.
&\xi \in S^1 \setminus \{ \pm 1\}
p_{\xi} =
(t - \xi)(1 - \xi^{-1}) t^{-1}\\
&\xi \in \mathbb{R} \setminus \{ \pm 1\}
q_{\xi} = (t - \xi)(1 - \xi^{-1}) t^{-1}\\
&\xi \notin \mathbb{R} \cup S^1 \quad
q_{\xi} = (t - \xi)(t - \overbar{\xi})(1 - \xi^{-1})(1 - \overbar{\xi}^{-1}) t^{-2}\\
&\Lambda = \mathbb{R}[t, t^{-1}]\\
&\text{Then: } H_1(\widetilde{X}, \Lambda) \cong \bigoplus_{\substack{\xi \in S^1 \setminus \{\pm 1 \}\\ k\geq 0}}
( \quot{\Lambda}{p_{\xi}^k })^{n_k, \xi}
\bigoplus_{\substack{\xi \notin S^1 \\ l\geq 0}}
(\quot{\Lambda}{q_{\xi}^l})^{n_l, \xi}
We can make this composition orthogonal with respect to the Blanchfield paring.
Historical remark:
\item John Milnor, \textit{On isometries of inner product spaces}, 1969,
\item Walter Neumann, \textit{Invariants of plane curve singularities}
%in: Knots, braids and singulari- ties (Plans-sur-Bex, 1982), 223–232, Monogr. Enseign. Math., 31, Enseignement Math., Geneva
, 1983,
\item András Némethi, \textit{The real Seifert form and the spectral pairs of isolated hypersurfaceenumerate singularities}, 1995,
%Compositio Mathematica, Volume 98 (1995) no. 1, p. 23-41
\item Maciej Borodzik, Stefan Friedl
\textit{The unknotting number and classical invariants II}, 2014.
Let $p = p_{\xi}$, $k\geq 0$.
\quot{\Lambda}{p^k \Lambda} \times
\quot{\Lambda}{p^k \Lambda} &\longrightarrow \quot{\mathbb{Q}(t)}{\Lambda}\\
(1, 1) &\mapsto \kappa\\
\text{Now: } (p^k \cdot 1, 1) &\mapsto 0\\
p^k \kappa = 0 &\in \quot{\mathbb{Q}(t)}{\Lambda}\\
\text{therfore } p^k \kappa &\in \Lambda\\
\text{we have } (1, 1) &\mapsto \frac{h}{p^k}\\
$h$ is not uniquely defined: $h \rightarrow h + g p^k$ doesn't affect paring. \\
Let $h = p^k \kappa$.
\phi_0 ((1, 1))=\frac{+1}{p}\\
\phi_1 ((1, 1)) = \frac{-1}{p}
$\phi_0$ and $\phi_1$ are not isomorphic.
Let $\Phi:
\quot{\Lambda}{p^k \Lambda} \longrightarrow
\quot{\Lambda}{p^k \Lambda}$
be an isomorphism. \\
Let: $\Phi(1) = g \in \lambda$
\quot{\Lambda}{p^k \Lambda}
\xrightarrow{\enspace \Phi \enspace}&
\quot{\Lambda}{p^k \Lambda}\\
\phi_0((1, 1)) = \frac{1}{p^k} \qquad&\qquad
\phi_1((g, g)) = \frac{1}{p^k} \quad \text{($\Phi$ is an isometry).}
Suppose for the paring $\phi_1((g, g))=\frac{1}{p^k}$ we have $\phi_1((1, 1)) = \frac{-1}{p^k}$. Then:
\frac{-g\overbar{g}}{p^k} = \frac{1}{p^k} &\in \quot{\mathbb{Q}(t)}{\Lambda}\\
\frac{-g\overbar{g}}{p^k} - \frac{1}{p^k} &\in \Lambda \\
-g\overbar{g} &\equiv 1\pmod{p} \text{ in } \Lambda\\
-g\overbar{g} - 1 &= p^k \omega \text{ for some } \omega \in \Lambda\\
\text{evalueting at $\xi$: }\\
\overbrace{-g(\xi)g(\xi^{-1})}^{>0} - 1 = 0 \quad \contradiction
g &= \sum{g_i t^i}\\
\overbar{g} &= \sum{g_i t^{-i}}\\
\overbar{g}(\xi) &= \sum g_i \xi^i \quad \xi \in S^1\\
\overbar{g}(\xi) &=\overbar{g(\xi)}
Suppose $g = (t - \xi)^{\alpha} g^{\prime}$. Then $(t - \xi)^{k - \alpha}$ goes to $0$ in $\quot{\Lambda}{p^k \Lambda}$.
Every sesquilinear non-degenerate pairing
\quot{\Lambda}{p^k} \times \quot{\Lambda}{p}
\longleftrightarrow \frac{h}{p^k}
is isomorphic either to the pairing wit $h=1$ or to the paring with $h=-1$ depending on sign of $h(\xi)$ (which is a real number).
There are two steps of the proof:
Reduce to the case when $h$ has a constant sign on $S^1$.
Prove in the case, when $h$ has a constant sign on $S^1$.
If $p$ is a symmetric polynomial such that$p(\eta)\geq 0$ for all $\eta \in S^1$, then $p$ can be written as a product $p = g \overbar{g}$ for some polynomial $g$.
\begin{proof}[Sketch of proof]
Induction over $\deg p$.\\
Let $\zeta \notin S^1$ be a root of $p$, $p \in \mathbb{R}[t, t^{-1}]$. Assume $\zeta \notin \mathbb{R}$. We know that
(t - \zeta) \mid p,\\
(t - \overbar{\zeta}) \mid p,\\
(t^{-1} - \zeta) \mid p,\\
(t^{-1} - \overbar{\zeta}) \mid p,\\
p^{\prime} = \frac{p}{(t - \zeta)(t - \overbar{\zeta})(t^{-1} - \zeta)(t^{-1} - \overbar{\zeta})}\\
p^{\prime} = g^{\prime}\overbar{g}\\
\text{we set } g = g^{\prime}(t - \zeta)(t - \overbar{\zeta}\\
p = g \overbar{g}
Suppose $\zeta \in S^1$. Then $(t - \zeta)^2 \mid p$ (at least - otherwise it would change sign).
p^{\prime} &= \frac{p}{(t - \zeta)^2(t^{-1} - \zeta)^2}\\
g &= (t - \zeta)(t^{-1} - \zeta) g^{\prime} \quad \text{etc.}\\
(1, 1) \mapsto \frac{h}{p^k} = \frac{g\overbar{g}h}{p^k} \quad \text{ isometry whenever $g$ is coprime with $p$.}
\begin{lemma}\label{L:coprime polynomials}
Suppose $A$ and $B$ are two symmetric polynomials that are coprime and that $\forall z \in S^1$ either $A(z) > 0$ or $B(z) > 0$. Then there exist
symmetric polynomials $P$, $Q$ such that
$P(z), Q(z) > 0$ for $z \in S^1$ and $PA + QB \equiv 1$.
\begin{proof}[Idea of proof]
For any $z$ find an interval $(a_z, b_z)$ such that if $P(z) \in (a_z, b_z)$ and $P(z)A(z) + Q(z)B(z) = 1$, then $Q(z) > 0$, $x(z) = \frac{az + bz}{i}$ is a continues function on $S^1$ approximating $z$ by a polynomial .
(1, 1) \mapsto \frac{h}{p^k} \mapsto \frac{g\overbar{g}h}{p^k}\\
g\overbar{g} h + p^k\omega = 1
Apply Lemma \ref{L:coprime polynomials} for $A=h$, $B=p^{2k}$. Then, if the assumptions are satisfied,
Ph + Qp^{2k} = 1\\
p>0 \Rightarrow p = g \overbar{g}\\
p = (t - \xi)(t - \overbar{\xi})t^{-1}\\
\text{so } p \geq 0 \text{ on } S^1\\
p(t) = 0 \Leftrightarrow
t = \xi or t = \overbar{\xi}\\
h(\xi) > 0\\
g\overbar{g}h + Qp^{2k} = 1\\
g\overbar{g}h \equiv 1 \mod{p^{2k}}\\
g\overbar{g} \equiv 1 \mod{p^k}
If $p$ has no roots on $S^1$ then $B(z) > 0$ for all $z$, so the assumptions of Lemma \ref{L:coprime polynomials} are satisfied no matter what $A$ is.
(\quot{\Lambda}{p_{\xi}^k} \times
\quot{\Lambda}{p_{\xi}^k}) &\longrightarrow
\frac{\epsilon}{p_{\xi}^k}, \quad \xi \in S^1 \setminus\{\pm 1\}\\
(\quot{\Lambda}{q_{\xi}^k} \times
\quot{\Lambda}{q_{\xi}^k}) &\longrightarrow
\frac{1}{q_{\xi}^k}, \quad \xi \notin S^1\\
??????????????????? 1 ?? epsilon?\\
\begin{theorem}(Matumoto, Conway-Borodzik-Politarczyk)
Let $K$ be a knot,
H_1(\widetilde{X}, \Lambda) \times
H_1(\widetilde{X}, \Lambda)
= \bigoplus_{\substack{k, \xi, \epsilon\\ \xi in S^1}}
(\quot{\Lambda}{p_{\xi}^k}, \epsilon)^{n_k, \xi, \epsilon} \oplus \bigoplus_{k, \eta}
\text{Let } \delta_{\sigma}(\xi) = \lim_{\varepsilon \rightarrow 0^{+}}
\sigma(e^{2\pi i \varepsilon} \xi)
- \sigma(e^{-2\pi i \varepsilon} \xi),\\
\text{then }
\sigma_j(\xi) = \sigma(\xi) - \frac{1}{2} \lim_{\varepsilon \rightarrow 0}
\sigma(e^{2\pi i \varepsilon}\xi)
+ \sigma(e^{-2 \pi i \varepsilon}\xi)
The jump at $\xi$ is equal to
$2 \sum\limits_{k_i \text{ odd}} \epsilon_i$. The peak of the signature function is equal to $\sum\limits_{k_i \text{even}} \epsilon_i$.
%$(\eta_{k, \xi_l^{+}} -\eta_{k, \xi_l^{-}}$
A square hermitian matrix $A$ of size $n$.
field of fractions
In other words:\\
Choose a basis $(b_1, ..., b_i)$ \\
of $H_2(Y, \mathbb{Z}$, then $A = (b_i, b_y)$ \\??\\ is a matrix of intersection form:
\quot{\mathbb{Z}^n}{A\mathbb{Z}^n} \cong H_1(Y, \mathbb{Z}).
In particular $\mid \det A\mid = \# H_1(Y, \mathbb{Z}$.\\
That means - what is happening on boundary is a measure of degeneracy.
H_1(Y, \mathbb{Z}) \times
H_1(Y, \mathbb{Z}) \longrightarrow \quot{\mathbb{Q}}{\mathbb{Z}} \text{ - a linking form}
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