jFuzzyLogic is an open source fuzzy logic library implementing industry standards to simplify fuzzy systems developments.

jFuzzyLogic is a fuzzy logic package. As you might have guessed, it is written in Java. jFuzzyLogic implements Fuzzy control language (FCL) specification IEC 61131 part 7, as well as a complete library that will greatly simplify your fuzzy logic development or research work.

Fuzzy control language: For an introduction to FCL, you can read a pre-release specification here.

jFuzzyLogic: For a thorough introduction to jFuzzyLogic, I highly recommend that you read our paper.

Downloading: Why two versions?

For most applications, you should download the full version.
The core version is used mostly on mobile applications or applications where resources are limited and graphics capabilities are not required.

Getting the source code

You can download the project from SourceForge using (CVS):

cvs -z3 \
    -d:pserver:anonymous@jfuzzylogic.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/jfuzzylogic \
    checkout \
    -P jFuzzyLogic

To build, just run ant from the project's folder.

The source code is also available in the "full" JAR file:

$ unzip -l jFuzzyLogic.jar | grep ".java"
      152  11-29-2012 21:59   net/sourceforge/jFuzzyLogic/CompileCpp.java
    11329  11-15-2013 08:17   net/sourceforge/jFuzzyLogic/FIS.java
    31815  11-15-2013 08:17   net/sourceforge/jFuzzyLogic/FunctionBlock.java
     5529  12-10-2012 21:07   net/sourceforge/jFuzzyLogic/Gpr.java
     5812  11-15-2013 08:29   net/sourceforge/jFuzzyLogic/JFuzzyLogic.java
      229  08-09-2013 11:06   net/sourceforge/jFuzzyLogic/Pcingola.java
      437  10-15-2013 10:49   net/sourceforge/jFuzzyLogic/Zzz.java
     1376  08-09-2013 11:54   net/sourceforge/jFuzzyLogic/defuzzifier/Defuzzifier.java
     1034  02-04-2009 12:32   net/sourceforge/jFuzzyLogic/defuzzifier/DefuzzifierCenterOfArea.java
     1630  11-29-2012 21:59   net/sourceforge/jFuzzyLogic/defuzzifier/DefuzzifierCenterOfGravity.java

Publications & Citing

If you are using jFuzzyLogic in academic environments, please cite our publications:

Command line options.

jFuzzyLogic provides several command line options that are useful for development. Here we show some common usage examples.

Running jFuzzyLogic without any command line option will show a simple help.

java -jar jFuzzyLogic.jar

Usage: java -jar jFuzzyLogic.jar [options]
   file.fcl                      : Load FCL file and show memebership functions.
  -c file.fcl                    : Compile. Generate C++ code from FCL file (to STDOUT)
  -e file.fcl in_1 in_2 ... in_n : Load FCL file, assign inputs i_1, i_2, ..., i_n and evaluate.
  demo                           : Run a demo exmaple (tipper.fcl)

A simple demo is available using the command line option demo. It will show an animation of the tipper.fcl example:
java -jar jFuzzyLogic.jar demo

Using an FCL file, jFuzzyLogic will show all memebership functions for all input and output variables.
java -jar jFuzzyLogic.jar myfile.fcl

You can also specify input variables using the command line option -e, jFuzzyLogic will calculate and show the defuzzified output variables as well as the degree of support for each rule. The -e command line option must be followed by the input variables values.
java -jar jFuzzyLogic.jar -e tipper.fcl 8.5 9

  VAR_INPUT         food = 8.500000
  VAR_INPUT      service = 9.000000
  VAR_OUTPUT         tip = 24.999984
    Support   Rule name   Rule
    0.000000  1           IF (service IS poor) OR (food IS rancid) THEN tip IS cheap;
    0.000000  2           IF service IS good THEN tip IS average;
    0.750000  3           IF (service IS excellent) AND (food IS delicious) THEN tip IS generous;

The obvious advantages of having a standard language for fuzzy systems.

Fuzzy control language (FCL) is a language defined in the IEC 61131 part 7 specification.

Note: Unfortunately the FCL specification is not freely available and you have to buy the document from IEC. But you can access a free copy of the pre-release version of the spec. here.

Obviously, having a standard language to program fuzzy systems has many benefits. Before FCL, each fuzzy logic library implementation had different ways to define membership functions, rules, etc. Most of the time you had to learn APIs which were incompatible from one system to another. Furthermore, using APIs to create systems is cumbersome and error prone.
FCL simply removes all these problems. Furthermore, FCL is quite simple to learn and most people learn the basics by taking a looks at a couple of examples.

Fuzzy control language: For an introduction to FCL, please read the pre-release specification here.

The following example is FCL code for the classic "tipper" problem. The problem is how to calculate the tip in a restaurant (obviously, this is a toy example of a trivial problem. equivalent to a "hello world!" example in other programming languages):

You can download this file here.

	Example: A tip calculation FIS (fuzzy inference system)
	Calculates tip based on 'service' and 'food'

									Pablo Cingolani 

FUNCTION_BLOCK tipper	// Block definition (there may be more than one block per file)

// Define input variables
	service : REAL;
	food : REAL;

// Define output variable
	tip : REAL;

// Fuzzify input variable 'service': {'poor', 'good' , 'excellent'}
FUZZIFY service			
	TERM poor := (0, 1) (4, 0) ; 
	TERM good := (1, 0) (4,1) (6,1) (9,0);
	TERM excellent := (6, 0) (9, 1);

// Fuzzify input variable 'food': { 'rancid', 'delicious' }
FUZZIFY food			
	TERM rancid := (0, 1) (1, 1) (3,0) ;
	TERM delicious := (7,0) (9,1);

// Defzzzify output variable 'tip' : {'cheap', 'average', 'generous' }
	TERM cheap := (0,0) (5,1) (10,0);
	TERM average := (10,0) (15,1) (20,0);
	TERM generous := (20,0) (25,1) (30,0);
	METHOD : COG;		// Use 'Center Of Gravity' defuzzification method
	DEFAULT := 0;		// Default value is 0 (if no rule activates defuzzifier)

// Inference rules
	AND : MIN;	// Use 'min' for 'and'
	ACT : MIN;	// Use 'min' activation method
	ACCU : MAX;	// Use 'max' accumulation method

	RULE 1 : IF service IS poor OR food IS rancid THEN tip IS cheap;
	RULE 2 : IF service IS good THEN tip IS average; 
	RULE 3 : IF service IS excellent AND food IS delicious THEN tip IS generous;


In order to run this example, you can download the FCL file tipper.fcl and then run the following command:

java -jar jFuzzyLogic.jar tipper.fcl

This command will parse and load the FCL code and show the membership functions (continue reading the next sub-section for more details).

Step by step explanation

Keep in mind that FCL is defined as a 'Control language', so the main concept is a 'control block' which has some input and output variables. You cannot make programs in the usual way, for instance, there is no "print" statement in FCL. Furthermore, there is no implicit execution order. In theory, the whole block is executed in parallel.

We now analyze the previously shown FCL code (tipper.fcl):

  • First you define each FUNCTION_BLOCK (there may be more than one in each file)
     FUNCTION_BLOCK tipper 

  • Then input and output variables are defined.
    Note: Even though IEC-61131 defines several data types, the only variable type supported is REAL, which is the only one needed for fuzzy logic applications.
        service : REAL;
        food : REAL;
        tip : REAL;

  • Next we define how each input variable is fuzzified is defined in FUZZIFY block. In each block we define one or more TERMs (also called LinguisticTerms). Each term is composed by a name and a membership function. E.g.:
    FUZZIFY service
        TERM poor := (0, 1) (4, 0) ; 
        TERM good := (1, 0) (4,1) (6,1) (9,0);
        TERM excellent := (6, 0) (9, 1);

    In this lines we define how variable service will be fuzzified. Three terms are used, for instance term poor uses a piece-wise linear membership function defined by points (x0, y0) = (0, 1) and (x1, y1) = (4, 0)

    Similarly, we define food membership functions:
    FUZZIFY food
        TERM rancid := (0, 1) (1, 1) (3,0) ;
        TERM delicious := (7,0) (9,1);

  • Output variables are defuzzified to get a 'real' output number. Defuzzifiers are defined in DEFUZZIFY blocks. Linguistic terms (or simply terms) are defined just like in FUZZIFY blocks.
        TERM cheap := (0,0) (5,1) (10,0);
        TERM average := (10,0) (15,1) (20,0);
        TERM generous := (20,0) (25,1) (30,0);

    Next, we state that 'Center of gravity' as defuzzifier method.
     METHOD : COG; 
    We also use '0' as default value, i.e. the value use when no rule activates this variable.
     DEFAULT := 0; 
  • At this point we are ready to define the rules. This is done using a RULEBLOCK. First we must define some parameters. Use 'min' for 'and' (implicitly uses 'max' for 'or' to fulfill DeMorgan's Law).
        AND : MIN;
    Use 'min' activation method
     ACT : MIN; 
    Use 'maximum' as accumulation method.
     ACCU : MAX; 
    And now define some fuzzy rules
        RULE 1 : IF service IS poor OR food IS rancid THEN tip IS cheap;
        RULE 2 : IF service IS good THEN tip IS average; 
        RULE 3 : IF service IS excellent AND food IS delicious THEN tip is generous;
    Ok, that's it, you've got a fuzzy controller!

Here we show some details on jFuzzyLogic's structure as well as some basic FCL definitions.

How this package works and how classes are organized is briefly explained here.

  • A fuzzy inference system (FIS) is composed by one or more FuncionBlock class, like in FCL. E.g.:
    FUNCTION_BLOCK functionBlock1
    FUNCTION_BLOCK functionBlock2

  • Each FuncionBlock is composed by one or more RuleBlock class and some Variables, as well as Fuzzyfiers and Defuzzifiers. Again, like in FCL, e.g.:
    FUNCTION_BLOCK functionBlockName
    FUZZIFY inputVariable
    DEFUZZIFY outputVariable

  • Each Rule class is composed by an antecedent (IF part) and a consequent (THEN part), e.g.:
    RULE 1 : IF service IS poor OR food IS rancid THEN tip IS cheap;
    • Antecedent: "service IS poor OR food IS rancid"
    • Consequent: "tip IS cheap". Note that there may be more than one consequent.
    • A rule implication (or activation) method can be defined (althought FCL does not allow different implication method for each rule, it can be defined at RULEBLOCK level). e.g.: ACT : MIN; // Use 'min' activation method

  • Consequents are a 'collection' of RuleTerms classes (e.g. "tip IS cheap" is a RuleTerm)

  • An Antecedent is represented by a RuleExpression class. A RuleExpression is just two terms connected by one RuleConnectionMethod (rule conectors are 'AND', 'OR' and 'NOT')
    e.g.: service IS poor OR food IS rancid
    • First term: "service IS poor"
    • Second term: "food IS rancid"
    • RuleConnectionMethod is 'OR'

    Note: Each term can be either a RuleTerm or a RuleExpression, this definition is recursive, so arbitrarily complex expressions can be created.

  • Each RuleTerm is defined by a Variable and a LinguisticTermName. e.g.: service IS poor
    • Variable: service
    • LinguisticTermName: 'poor'
    • Connector: 'IS'
    It can also be 'negated' e.g.: service IS NOT excellent

  • Each Variable has a name and some LinguisticTerms e.g.: For an input variable:
    FUZZIFY service            // Fuzzify input variable 'service': {'poor', 'good' , 'excellent'}
        TERM poor := (0, 1) (4, 0) ; 
        TERM good := (1, 0) (4,1) (6,1) (9,0);
        TERM excellent := (6, 0) (9, 1);

    e.g.: For an output variable:

    DEFUZZIFY tip            // Defzzzify output variable 'tip' : {'cheap', 'average', 'generous' }
        TERM cheap := (0,0) (5,1) (10,0);
        TERM average := (10,0) (15,1) (20,0);
        TERM generous := (20,0) (25,1) (30,0);
        METHOD : COG;        // Use 'Center Of Gravity' defuzzification method
        DEFAULT := 0;        // Default value is 0 (if no rule activates defuzzifier)
    As you can see, for an output variable you need to specify an accumulation (or RuleAgrregationMethod) and a Defuzzifier. e.g.:
    ACCU : MAX;          // Use 'max' accumulation method
    METHOD : COG;        // Use 'Center Of Gravity' defuzzification method

jFuzzyLogic provides convenient extensions to easily define membership functions.

Membership functions are broadly divided into two sub classes: continuous and discrete. One variable can only have either continuous or discrete membership functions.

Membership functions

  • Triangular: trian min mid max
    FUZZIFY inVar2
      TERM poor := trian 0 2.5 5;
      TERM good := trian 2.5 5 7.5;
      TERM excellent := trian 5 7.5 10;

  • Trapetzoidal: trape min midLow midHigh max
    FUZZIFY inVar3
      TERM poor := trape 0 2 3 4;
      TERM good := trape 3 4 5 6;
      TERM excellent := trape 5 6 7 8;

  • Gauss: gauss mean stdev
    FUZZIFY inVar5
      TERM poor := gauss 2 2;
      TERM good := gauss 5 2;
      TERM excellent := gauss 8 2;

  • Generalized bell: gbell a b mean
    FUZZIFY inVar4
      TERM poor := gbell 2 4 2;
      TERM good := gbell 2 4 5;
      TERM excellent := gbell 2 4 8;

  • Sigmoidal: sigm gain center
    FUZZIFY inVar6
      TERM poor := sigm -4 3;
      TERM good := sigm 4 7;

  • Singleton: just one number (where singleton membership is 1)
    FUZZIFY inVar7
      TERM poor := 2;
      TERM good := 5;
      TERM excellent := 8;

  • Piece-wise linear: (x_1, y_1) (x_2, y_2) .... (x_n, y_n)
    FUZZIFY inVar1
      TERM poor := (0,1) (2, 1) (4, 0) ; 
      TERM good := (1, 0) (2, 0.5) (3, 0.7) (4,1) (4.5, 1) (5, 0.6) 
                          (6, 0.3) (7, 0.3) (8, 0.8) (9, 0.8) (10,0);
      TERM excellent := (6, 0) (9, 1) (10,1);

Running FCL code from your Java code is very easy.

This is a simple Java code used to load a fuzzy inference system (FIS), this code available at TestTipper.java

package net.sourceforge.jFuzzyLogic.test;

import net.sourceforge.jFuzzyLogic.FIS;
import net.sourceforge.jFuzzyLogic.rule.FuzzyRuleSet;

 * Test parsing an FCL file
 * @author pcingola@users.sourceforge.net
public class TestTipper {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // Load from 'FCL' file
        String fileName = "fcl/tipper.fcl";
        FIS fis = FIS.load(fileName,true);

        // Error while loading?
        if( fis == null ) { 
            System.err.println("Can't load file: '" + fileName + "'");

        // Show 

        // Set inputs
        fis.setVariable("service", 3);
        fis.setVariable("food", 7);

        // Evaluate

        // Show output variable's chart
        Variable tip = functionBlock.getVariable("tip");
        JFuzzyChart.get().chart(tip, tip.getDefuzzifier(), true);

        // Print ruleSet

The code is pretty straightforward, but let's go over the main points.

  • FIS stands for Fuzzy Inference System and it is how the IEC norm refers to whatever you put in an FCL file. So in order to load an FCL file, we use FIS.load(fileName) function.
    String fileName = "fcl/tipper.fcl";
    FIS fis = FIS.load(fileName,true);
  • If an error is detected when loading or parsing the FCL file FIS.load() returns null.
    if( fis == null ) { // Error while loading?
      System.err.println("Can't load file: '" + fileName + "'");
  • Now we can plot all variables in the FIZ (each LinguisticTerm in each Variable in the FUNCTION_BLOCK). This might be useful when you are debugging your code.
    And we get the following images:

  • In order to make actual calculations and run the FIS, we must setting the input variables
    fis.setVariable("service", 3);
    fis.setVariable("food", 7);
  • Now we can run the system
  • If we want to know the system's output we can read the output variable's values (in this case there's only one output variable 'tip')
    Variable tip = functionBlock.getVariable("tip");
    JFuzzyChart.get().chart(tip, tip.getDefuzzifier(), true);
  • We can also plot output's defuzzifier

  • And, of course, we can print the FIS

Obtaining the system's output

After Fis.evaluate() you can access the system's output variables using fis.getVariable("variableName"). Here is a simple code snippet from TestTipper.java example (slightly modified):

public class TestTipper {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    FIS fis = FIS.load("fcl/tipper.fcl", true); // Load from 'FCL' file
    fis.setVariable("service", 3); // Set inputs
    fis.setVariable("food", 7);
    fis.evaluate(); // Evaluate

    // Show output variable
    System.out.println("Output value:" + fis.getVariable("tip").getValue()); 

Rule usage

In order to asses how rules are used, you just need to take a look at the rule's "degree of support" (by default is printed when you print the rule). For instance here is a small example (it uses tipper.fcl file from the 'fcl' examples directory in the package):

package net.sourceforge.jFuzzyLogic;
import net.sourceforge.jFuzzyLogic.rule.Rule;
public class Zzz {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    FIS fis = FIS.load("fcl/tipper.fcl", true); // Load from 'FCL' file
    fis.setVariable("service", 3); // Set inputs
    fis.setVariable("food", 7);
    fis.evaluate(); // Evaluate
    System.out.println("Output value:" + fis.getVariable("tip").getValue()); // Show output variable

    // Show each rule (and degree of support)
    for( Rule r : fis.getFunctionBlock("tipper").getFuzzyRuleBlock("No1").getRules() )

The output is:

Output value:11.701603788948043
1       (0.25)  if (service IS poor) OR (food IS rancid) then tip IS cheap [weight: 1.0]
2       (0.6666666666666666)    if service IS good then tip IS average [weight: 1.0]
3       (0.0)   if (service IS excellent) AND (food IS delicious) then tip IS generous [weight: 1.0]

which shows the degree of support for each rule (0.25, 0.666666 and 0)

Adding rules programatically

First of all, I have to tell you that hard-coding the rules is highly discouraged (pretty much like hard-coding values). If you absolutely must do it for whatever reason, here is an example on how to do it:

//  RULE 3 : IF ((service IS good) OR (service IS excellent)) AND food IS delicious THEN tip is generous;
Rule rule3 = new Rule("Rule3", ruleBlock);

RuleTerm term1 = new RuleTerm(service, "good", false);
RuleTerm term2 = new RuleTerm(service, "excellent", false);
RuleTerm term3 = new RuleTerm(food, "delicious", false);

RuleExpression antecedentOr = new RuleExpression(term1, term2, new RuleConnectionMethodOrMax());
RuleExpression antecedentAnd = new RuleExpression(antecedentOr, term3, new RuleConnectionMethodAndMin());

rule3.addConsequent(tip, "generous", false);
Remember that a rule antecedent is just a RuleExpression. A RuleExpression can be either a combination of RuleExpressions or RuleTerms. In this case, you'll have to use two RuleExpressions combined by a RuleConnectionMethodAndMin, i.e.:

IF (var1 IS low) AND ( (var2 IS medium) AND (var3 IS high) ) THEN ....

This is because 'AND' accepts only 2 terms (all RuleExpressions accept one only or 2 terms).

This section shows how to add jFuzzyLogic as a library in your Java projects.

In order to use jFuzzyLogic in your projects, you must add jFuzzyLogic.jar as one of your JAR files (libraries). This is done like you'd do it with any other JAR file. Since this is a basic Java programming skill, so I won't get into many details.

Full example project: Here, you can download a ZIP file with a sample Eclipse project that uses jFuzzyLogic.

This video shows how to create a Java project that uses jFuzzyLogic using the Eclipse IDE.
Note: The Java code is copied from TestTipper.java and the FCL code is from tipper.fcl file.

We provide a convenient Eclipse plug-in to help developing FCL programs.

The Eclipse plug-in for FCL files provides some interesting features: syntax coloring, auto-completion, outline, quick outline, etc. Some features shown in this image (click to enlarge)

Eclipse plug-in install instructions:

  • Open Eclipse
  • Click on the menu Help -> Install new software you'll see the software update window
  • Click on Add
  • Name: jFuzzyLogicUpdateSite
  • Location: http://jfuzzylogic.sourceforge.net/eclipse/
  • Click OK an follow the instructions.

  • Some required dependencies will also be intalled (Xtext)
  • You will have to restart eclipse after installing this plugin

Eclipse plug-in feature examples

Syntax coloring, outline (click to enlarge)

You can also view the membership functions by "Running" the FCL file (see next image, click to enlarge)

jFuzzyLogic can compile FCL into C++ code.

A built in compiler allows to compiler FCL code into C++. For instance, by simply running the following command, we can create a C++ program that has the same functionality as the FCL program:

java -jar jFuzzyLogic.jar -c tipper.fcl > tipper.cpp
The previous command creates this C++ code.

jFuzzyLogic provides a parameter optimization framework, allowing to learn or refine fuzzy parameters using machine learning algorithms.

The parameter optimization framework requires to define a learning method which can be applied to a dataset in order to refine fuzzy membership parameters.

In this Java code example, we optimize fuzzy sets' parameters and fuzzy rule's weights:
// Load FIS (Fuzzy Inference System)
FIS fis = FIS.load("fcl/qualify.fcl");
RuleBlock ruleBlock = fis.getFunctionBlock().getRuleBlock();

// Create a list of parameter to optimize
ArrayList parameterList = new ArrayList();

// Add variables. 
// Note: Fuzzy sets' parameters for these 
// variables will be optimized
                                    , fis.getVariable("scoring"));
                                    , fis.getVariable("credLimMul"));

// Add every rule's weight
for( Rule rule = ruleBlock ) 
    Parameter.parameterListAddRule(parameterList, rule);

// Create an error function to be 
// optimzed (i.e. minimized)
ErrorFunctionQualify errorFunction = new ErrorFunctionQualify();

// Optimize (using 'Delta jump optimization')
OptimizationDeltaJump optimizationDeltaJump = 
        new OptimizationDeltaJump(ruleBlock
                , errorFunction, parameterList);

// Number optimization of iterations


The error function (ErrorFunctionQualify) can be just any error function, the structure for the code should be like this:
public class ErrorFunctionQualify extends ErrorFunction {
    public double evaluate(RuleBlock ruleBlock) {
        double error;
        // Calculate your desired error here...
        return error;