2011-12-09 15:50:25 -05:00

810 lines
19 KiB

#include <knotkit.h>
knot_diagram::knot_diagram (const planar_diagram &pd)
: name(,
n_crossings(pd.crossings.size ()),
ept_crossing(num_epts ()),
ept_index(num_epts ()),
nminus(0), nplus(0)
basedvector<basedvector<pair<unsigned, unsigned>, 1>, 1> edge_ci (num_edges ());
for (unsigned c = 1; c <= n_crossings; c ++)
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= 4; i ++)
unsigned e = pd.crossings[c][i];
edge_ci[e].append (pair<unsigned, unsigned> (c, i));
crossings[c] = basedvector<unsigned, 1> (4);
smallbitset done (num_edges ());
for (unsigned c0 = 1; c0 <= n_crossings; c0 ++)
for (unsigned i0 = 1; i0 <= 2; i0 ++)
unsigned e = pd.crossings[c0][i0];
if (done % e)
for (unsigned c = c0, i = i0;;)
crossings[c][i] = edge_to_ept (e);
done.push (e);
ept_crossing[edge_to_ept (e)] = c;
ept_index[edge_to_ept (e)] = i;
i = add_base1_mod4 (i, 2);
e = pd.crossings[c][i];
crossings[c][i] = edge_from_ept (e);
ept_crossing[edge_from_ept (e)] = c;
ept_index[edge_from_ept (e)] = i;
if (edge_ci[e][1].first == c
&& edge_ci[e][1].second == i)
c = edge_ci[e][2].first;
i = edge_ci[e][2].second;
assert (edge_ci[e][2].first == c && edge_ci[e][2].second == i);
c = edge_ci[e][1].first;
i = edge_ci[e][1].second;
if (c == c0 && i == i0)
assert (done.card () == num_edges ());
calculate_smoothing_orientation ();
calculate_nminus_nplus ();
class dt_layout
knot_diagram &kd;
unsigned n_components;
basedvector<unsigned, 1> comp_first_edge,
basedvector<unsigned, 1> edge_to_crossing;
smallbitset edge_to_under;
smallbitset placed;
dt_layout (const dt_code &dt, knot_diagram &kd_);
dt_layout (const dt_layout &); // doesn't exist
~dt_layout () { }
dt_layout &operator = (const dt_layout &); // doesn't exist
unsigned find_crossing (unsigned prevc, unsigned previ, unsigned target,
bool under, unsigned dir);
bool layout_2 (unsigned e,
unsigned prevc, unsigned previ,
unsigned c, unsigned i);
bool layout_1 (unsigned e,
unsigned prevc, unsigned previ);
unsigned comp_next_edge (unsigned e) const;
void layout ();
dt_layout::dt_layout (const dt_code &dt, knot_diagram &kd_)
: kd(kd_),
n_components(dt.num_components ()),
edge_to_crossing(kd.num_edges ()),
edge_to_under(kd.num_edges ()),
unsigned k = 1;
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= dt.even_labels.size (); i ++)
comp_first_edge[i] = 2 * k - 1;
comp_last_edge[i] = 2 * (k + dt.even_labels[i].size () - 1);
for (unsigned j = 1; j <= dt.even_labels[i].size (); j ++, k ++)
int as = dt.even_labels[i][j];
unsigned a = abs (as),
b = 2 * k - 1;
if (as > 0)
edge_to_under.push (a);
edge_to_under.push (b);
edge_to_crossing[a] = edge_to_crossing[b] = k;
dt_layout::find_crossing (unsigned prevc, unsigned previ, unsigned target,
bool under, unsigned dir)
assert (!kd.crossings[prevc][previ]);
assert (placed % prevc);
unsigned c = prevc,
i = add_base1_mod4 (previ, dir);
for (;;)
if (c == prevc && i == previ)
return 0;
if (c == target && under == (i == 1 || i == 3) && kd.crossings[c][i] == 0)
return i;
unsigned p = kd.crossings[c][i];
if (p)
unsigned p2 = kd.edge_other_ept (p);
c = kd.ept_crossing[p2];
i = kd.ept_index[p2];
i = add_base1_mod4 (i, dir);
dt_layout::comp_next_edge (unsigned e) const
for (unsigned comp = 1; comp <= n_components; comp ++)
if (comp_first_edge[comp] <= e
&& e <= comp_last_edge[comp])
if (e == comp_last_edge[comp])
return comp_first_edge[comp];
return e + 1;
abort ();
dt_layout::layout_2 (unsigned e,
unsigned prevc, unsigned previ,
unsigned c, unsigned i)
assert (placed % prevc);
assert (placed % c);
unsigned from = kd.edge_from_ept (e),
to = kd.edge_to_ept (e);
assert (kd.crossings[prevc][previ] == 0);
kd.crossings[prevc][previ] = from;
kd.ept_crossing[from] = prevc;
kd.ept_index[from] = previ;
assert (kd.crossings[c][i] == 0);
kd.crossings[c][i] = to;
kd.ept_crossing[to] = c;
kd.ept_index[to] = i;
if (layout_1 (comp_next_edge (e), c, add_base1_mod4 (i, 2)))
return 1;
kd.crossings[prevc][previ] = 0;
kd.crossings[c][i] = 0;
kd.ept_crossing[from] = kd.ept_crossing[to] = 0;
kd.ept_index[from] = kd.ept_index[to] = 0;
return 0;
dt_layout::layout_1 (unsigned e, unsigned prevc, unsigned previ)
if (kd.crossings[prevc][previ])
unsigned from = kd.edge_from_ept (e);
assert (kd.crossings[prevc][previ] == from);
assert (kd.ept_crossing[from] == prevc);
assert (kd.ept_index[from] == previ);
for (unsigned e = 1; e <= kd.num_edges (); e ++)
unsigned to = kd.edge_to_ept (e);
unsigned prevc = edge_to_crossing[e];
if (placed % prevc
&& !kd.ept_crossing[to])
unsigned previ1 = edge_to_under % e ? 3 : 4;
if (layout_1 (comp_next_edge (e), prevc, previ1))
return 1;
unsigned previ2 = edge_to_under % e ? 1 : 2;
return layout_1 (comp_next_edge (e), prevc, previ2);
/* done! */
return 1;
unsigned c = edge_to_crossing[e];
if (placed % c)
unsigned i = find_crossing (prevc, previ, c, edge_to_under % e, 1);
if (i && layout_2 (e, prevc, previ, c, i))
return 1;
unsigned i2 = find_crossing (prevc, previ, c, edge_to_under % e, 3);
return i2 && layout_2 (e, prevc, previ, c, i2); // return i && ... ??
unsigned i = (edge_to_under % e) ? 1 : 2;
placed.push (c);
if (!layout_2 (e, prevc, previ, c, i))
placed -= c;
return 0;
return 1;
dt_layout::layout ()
unsigned last = comp_last_edge[1];
unsigned prevc = edge_to_crossing[last];
unsigned previ = (edge_to_under % last) ? 3 : 4;
placed.push (prevc);
bool b = layout_1 (comp_first_edge[1], prevc, previ);
assert (b);
assert (placed.card () == kd.n_crossings);
knot_diagram::knot_diagram (const dt_code &dt)
: name(,
n_crossings(dt.num_crossings ()),
ept_crossing(num_epts ()),
ept_index(num_epts ()),
nminus(0), nplus(0)
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= n_crossings; i ++)
basedvector<unsigned, 1> v (4);
v[1] = v[2] = v[3] = v[4] = 0;
crossings[i] = v;
dt_layout layout (dt, *this);
layout.layout ();
calculate_nminus_nplus ();
calculate_smoothing_orientation ();
knot_diagram::knot_diagram (mirror, const knot_diagram &kd)
: name("mirror(" + + ")"),
ept_crossing(num_epts ()),
ept_index(num_epts ()),
nminus(0), nplus(0)
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= n_crossings; i ++)
basedvector<unsigned, 1> v (4);
v[1] = kd.crossings[i][1];
v[2] = kd.crossings[i][4];
v[3] = kd.crossings[i][3];
v[4] = kd.crossings[i][2];
crossings[i] = v;
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= n_crossings; i ++)
for (unsigned j = 1; j <= 4; j ++)
unsigned c = crossings[i][j];
ept_crossing[c] = i;
ept_index[c] = j;
calculate_smoothing_orientation ();
calculate_nminus_nplus ();
assert (nminus == kd.nplus);
assert (nplus == kd.nminus);
knot_diagram::check_crossings ()
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= n_crossings; i ++)
for (unsigned j = 1; j <= 4; j ++)
unsigned p = crossings[i][j];
assert (ept_crossing[p] == i);
assert (ept_index[p] == j);
knot_diagram::rotate_crossing (unsigned c)
std::swap (crossings[c][1], crossings[c][3]);
std::swap (crossings[c][2], crossings[c][4]);
for (unsigned j = 1; j <= 4; j ++)
unsigned p = crossings[c][j];
ept_index[p] = j;
knot_diagram::knot_diagram (connect_sum,
const knot_diagram &d1,
const knot_diagram &d2)
: name( + "\\#" +,
n_crossings(d1.n_crossings + d2.n_crossings),
ept_crossing(num_epts ()),
ept_index(num_epts ()),
nminus(0), nplus(0)
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= d1.n_crossings; i ++)
crossings[i] = basedvector<unsigned, 1> (COPY, d1.crossings[i]);
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= d2.n_crossings; i ++)
basedvector<unsigned, 1> v (4);
for (unsigned j = 1; j <= 4; j ++)
v[j] = d1.num_epts () + d2.crossings[i][j];
crossings[d1.n_crossings + i] = v;
unsigned p1 = d1.edge_from_ept (1);
= edge_from_ept (d1.num_edges () + 1);
unsigned p2 = d2.edge_from_ept (1);
crossings[d1.n_crossings + d2.ept_crossing[p2]][d2.ept_index[p2]]
= d1.edge_from_ept (1);
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= n_crossings; i ++)
for (unsigned j = 1; j <= 4; j ++)
unsigned p = crossings[i][j];
ept_crossing[p] = i;
ept_index[p] = j;
#ifndef NDEBUG
check_crossings ();
orient ();
calculate_smoothing_orientation ();
calculate_nminus_nplus ();
knot_diagram::knot_diagram (const std::string &name_, unsigned n_crossings_, unsigned crossings_ar[][4])
: name(name_),
ept_crossing(num_epts ()),
ept_index(num_epts ()),
nminus(0), nplus(0)
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= n_crossings; i ++)
basedvector<unsigned, 1> v (4);
v[1] = crossings_ar[i - 1][0];
v[2] = crossings_ar[i - 1][1];
v[3] = crossings_ar[i - 1][2];
v[4] = crossings_ar[i - 1][3];
crossings[i] = v;
for (unsigned j = 1; j <= 4; j ++)
unsigned p = crossings[i][j];
ept_crossing[p] = i;
ept_index[p] = j;
calculate_smoothing_orientation ();
calculate_nminus_nplus ();
knot_diagram::knot_diagram (const std::string &name_, const basedvector<basedvector<unsigned, 1>, 1> &crossings_)
: name(name_),
n_crossings(crossings_.size ()),
ept_crossing(num_epts ()),
ept_index(num_epts ()),
nminus(0), nplus(0)
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= n_crossings; i ++)
for (unsigned j = 1; j <= 4; j ++)
unsigned p = crossings[i][j];
ept_crossing[p] = i;
ept_index[p] = j;
calculate_smoothing_orientation ();
calculate_nminus_nplus ();
knot_diagram::orient ()
bitset done (num_edges ());
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= num_edges (); i ++)
if (done % i)
unsigned p = edge_to_ept (i);
for (;;)
unsigned e = ept_edge (p);
done.push (e);
if (is_from_ept (p))
unsigned e_from = edge_from_ept (e),
e_to = edge_to_ept (e),
c_from = ept_crossing[e_from],
c_to = ept_crossing[e_to],
j_from = ept_index[e_from],
j_to = ept_index[e_to];
ept_crossing[e_to] = c_from;
ept_index[e_to] = j_from;
ept_crossing[e_from] = c_to;
ept_index[e_from] = j_to;
crossings[c_from][j_from] = e_to;
crossings[c_to][j_to] = e_from;
p = e_to;
p = crossings[ept_crossing[p]][add_base1_mod4 (ept_index[p], 2)];
if (ept_edge (p) == i)
p = edge_other_ept (p);
assert (done.card () == num_edges ());
#ifndef NDEBUG
check_crossings ();
knot_diagram::calculate_nminus_nplus ()
assert (nplus == 0 && nminus == 0);
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= n_crossings; i ++)
if (is_to_ept (crossings[i][1]) == is_to_ept (crossings[i][4]))
nplus ++;
nminus ++;
knot_diagram::calculate_smoothing_orientation ()
edge_smoothing_oriented = set<unsigned> ();
set<unsigned> done;
vector<unsigned> q;
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= num_edges (); i ++)
if (done % i)
edge_smoothing_oriented.push (i);
done.push (i);
q.append (i);
while (q.size () != 0)
unsigned e = q.pop ();
assert (done % e);
unsigned p = edge_smoothing_to_ept (e);
unsigned r = resolve_next_ept (p, 0);
unsigned f = ept_edge (r);
if (done % f)
assert (is_smoothing_from_ept (r));
if (is_from_ept (r))
edge_smoothing_oriented.push (f);
done.push (f);
q.append (f);
unsigned r2 = resolve_next_ept (p, 1);
unsigned f2 = ept_edge (r2);
if (done % f2)
assert (is_smoothing_from_ept (r2));
if (is_from_ept (r2))
edge_smoothing_oriented.push (f2);
done.push (f2);
q.append (f2);
assert (done.card () == num_edges ());
knot_diagram::resolve_next_ept (unsigned p, bool resolution) const
static unsigned lookup[2][4] = { { 2, 1, 4, 3 }, { 4, 3, 2, 1 } };
unsigned c = ept_crossing[p],
i = ept_index[p];
assert (i >= 1 && i <= 4);
i = lookup[(int)resolution][i - 1];
return crossings[c][i];
static unsigned crossing_index_corner (unsigned c, unsigned i)
return (c - 1) * 4 + i;
static unsigned corner_crossing (unsigned x)
return (x - 1) / 4 + 1;
static unsigned corner_index (unsigned x)
return ((x - 1) % 4) + 1;
knot_diagram::black_graph (basedvector<unsigned, 1> &bg_edge_height) const
unsigned n_corners = n_crossings * 4;
#if 1
for (unsigned c = 1; c <= n_crossings; c ++)
for (unsigned j = 1; j <= 4; j ++)
unsigned x = crossing_index_corner (c, j);
assert (x >= 1 && x <= n_corners);
assert (corner_crossing (x) == c);
assert (corner_index (x) == j);
for (unsigned x = 1; x <= n_corners; x ++)
unsigned c = corner_crossing (x);
assert (c >= 1 && c <= n_crossings);
unsigned j = corner_index (x);
assert (j >= 1 && j <= 4);
assert (crossing_index_corner (c, j) == x);
unionfind<1> u (n_corners);
unsigned n_edges = num_edges ();
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= n_edges; i ++)
unsigned i_from = edge_from_ept (i),
i_to = edge_to_ept (i);
u.join (crossing_index_corner (ept_crossing (i_from),
ept_index (i_from)),
crossing_index_corner (ept_crossing (i_to),
add_base1_mod4 (ept_index (i_to), 3)));
u.join (crossing_index_corner (ept_crossing (i_from),
add_base1_mod4 (ept_index (i_from), 3)),
crossing_index_corner (ept_crossing (i_to),
ept_index (i_to)));
ullmanset<1> present (n_corners);
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= n_corners; i ++)
present += u.find (i);
basedvector<unsigned, 1> edge_from, edge_to;
basedvector<unsigned, 1> edge_height;
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= n_crossings; i ++)
edge_from.append (present.position (u.find (crossing_index_corner (i, 1))) + 1);
edge_to.append (present.position (u.find (crossing_index_corner (i, 3))) + 1);
edge_height.append (1);
edge_from.append (present.position (u.find (crossing_index_corner (i, 2))) + 1);
edge_to.append (present.position (u.find (crossing_index_corner (i, 4))) + 1);
edge_height.append (0);
assert (u.num_sets () == present.card ());
directed_multigraph bwg (u.num_sets (), edge_from, edge_to);
// display ("bwg:\n", bwg);
assert (bwg.num_components () == 2);
basedvector<unsigned, 1> edge_inj,
directed_multigraph bg = bwg.component (1, edge_inj, vertex_inj);
bg_edge_height = basedvector<unsigned, 1> (bg.num_edges ());
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= bg.num_edges (); i ++)
bg_edge_height[i] = edge_height[edge_inj[i]];
return bg;
basedvector<basedvector<int, 1>, 1>
knot_diagram::planar_diagram_crossings () const
unsigned n_edges = num_edges ();
ullmanset<1> edges (n_edges);
for (unsigned e = 1; e <= n_edges; e ++)
if (edges % e)
for (unsigned i = e;;)
edges.push (i);
unsigned c = ept_crossing[edge_to_ept (i)],
j = ept_index[edge_to_ept (i)];
unsigned j2 = add_base1_mod4 (j, 2);
assert (is_from_ept (crossings[c][j2]));
i = ept_edge (crossings[c][j2]);
if (i == e)
assert (edges.card () == n_edges);
basedvector<basedvector<int, 1>, 1> r (n_crossings);
unsigned k = 0;
bool first = 1;
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= n_edges; i ++)
unsigned e = edges.nth (i - 1);
unsigned c = ept_crossing[edge_to_ept (e)],
j = ept_index[edge_to_ept (e)];
if (j == 1)
basedvector<int, 1> v (4);
v[1] = edges.position (ept_edge (crossings[c][1])) + 1;
v[2] = edges.position (ept_edge (crossings[c][2])) + 1;
v[3] = edges.position (ept_edge (crossings[c][3])) + 1;
v[4] = edges.position (ept_edge (crossings[c][4])) + 1;
r[++ k] = v;
else if (j == 3)
basedvector<int, 1> v (4);
v[1] = edges.position (ept_edge (crossings[c][3])) + 1;
v[2] = edges.position (ept_edge (crossings[c][4])) + 1;
v[3] = edges.position (ept_edge (crossings[c][1])) + 1;
v[4] = edges.position (ept_edge (crossings[c][2])) + 1;
r[++ k] = v;
unsigned j2 = add_base1_mod4 (j, 2);
assert (is_from_ept (crossings[c][j2]));
unsigned e2 = ept_edge (crossings[c][j2]);
unsigned i2 = edges.position (e2) + 1;
#if 0
assert ((i == n_edges && i2 == 1)
|| i2 == i + 1);
assert (k == n_crossings);
return r;
knot_diagram::hash_self () const
// ??? we can do better
unsigned n_loops = 0;
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= num_edges (); i ++)
if (ept_edge (edge_from_ept (i)) == ept_edge (edge_to_ept (i)))
n_loops ++;
return hash_combine (hash (n_crossings),
hash (n_loops));
knot_diagram::show_ept (unsigned p) const
unsigned e = ept_edge (p);
if (is_to_ept (p))
printf (">");
printf ("%d", e);
if (is_from_ept (p))
printf (">");
knot_diagram::show_self () const
printf ("knot_diagram %s", name.c_str ());
knot_diagram::display_self () const
comment (); printf ("knot_diagram %s\n", name.c_str ());
comment (); printf ("n_crossings = %d, n+ = %d, n- = %d\n", n_crossings, nplus, nminus);
if (marked_edge)
comment ();
printf ("marked_edge = %d\n", marked_edge);
comment ();
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= crossings.size (); i ++)
printf ("%d:(", i);
show_ept (crossings[i][1]);
printf (" ");
show_ept (crossings[i][2]);
printf (" ");
show_ept (crossings[i][3]);
printf (" ");
show_ept (crossings[i][4]);
printf (")");
printf ("\n");