73 KiB
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Self made SVD
import helpers
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sparse
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import chain
import random
train_read=pd.read_csv('./Datasets/ml-100k/train.csv', sep='\t', header=None)
test_read=pd.read_csv('./Datasets/ml-100k/test.csv', sep='\t', header=None)
train_ui, test_ui, user_code_id, user_id_code, item_code_id, item_id_code = helpers.data_to_csr(train_read, test_read)
# Done similarly to https://github.com/albertauyeung/matrix-factorization-in-python
from tqdm import tqdm
class SVD():
def __init__(self, train_ui, learning_rate, regularization, nb_factors, iterations):
self.uir=list(zip(*[train_ui.nonzero()[0],train_ui.nonzero()[1], train_ui.data]))
self.nb_users, self.nb_items=train_ui.shape
self.Pu=np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1./self.nb_factors, size=(self.nb_users, self.nb_factors))
self.Qi=np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1./self.nb_factors, size=(self.nb_items, self.nb_factors))
def train(self, test_ui=None):
if test_ui!=None:
self.test_uir=list(zip(*[test_ui.nonzero()[0],test_ui.nonzero()[1], test_ui.data]))
pbar = tqdm(range(self.iterations))
for i in pbar:
pbar.set_description(f'Epoch {i} RMSE: {self.learning_process[-1][1] if i>0 else 0}. Training epoch {i+1}...')
if test_ui==None:
self.learning_process.append([i+1, self.RMSE_total(self.uir)])
self.learning_process.append([i+1, self.RMSE_total(self.uir), self.RMSE_total(self.test_uir)])
def sgd(self, uir):
for u, i, score in uir:
# Computer prediction and error
prediction = self.get_rating(u,i)
e = (score - prediction)
# Update user and item latent feature matrices
Pu_update=self.learning_rate * (e * self.Qi[i] - self.regularization * self.Pu[u])
Qi_update=self.learning_rate * (e * self.Pu[u] - self.regularization * self.Qi[i])
self.Pu[u] += Pu_update
self.Qi[i] += Qi_update
def get_rating(self, u, i):
prediction = self.Pu[u].dot(self.Qi[i].T)
return prediction
def RMSE_total(self, uir):
for u,i, score in uir:
prediction = self.get_rating(u,i)
RMSE+=(score - prediction)**2
return np.sqrt(RMSE/len(uir))
def estimations(self):
def recommend(self, user_code_id, item_code_id, topK=10):
top_k = defaultdict(list)
for nb_user, user in enumerate(self.estimations):
for item, score in enumerate(user):
if item not in user_rated and not np.isnan(score):
top_k[user_code_id[nb_user]].append((item_code_id[item], score))
# Let's choose k best items in the format: (user, item1, score1, item2, score2, ...)
for uid, item_scores in top_k.items():
item_scores.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
return result
def estimate(self, user_code_id, item_code_id, test_ui):
for user, item in zip(*test_ui.nonzero()):
result.append([user_code_id[user], item_code_id[item],
self.estimations[user,item] if not np.isnan(self.estimations[user,item]) else 1])
return result
model=SVD(train_ui, learning_rate=0.005, regularization=0.02, nb_factors=100, iterations=40)
Epoch 39 RMSE: 0.7480082047970615. Training epoch 40...: 100%|██████████| 40/40 [01:21<00:00, 2.05s/it]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df.columns=['epoch', 'train_RMSE']
plt.plot('epoch', 'train_RMSE', data=df, color='blue')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f77ab510e48>
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df=pd.DataFrame(model.learning_process[10:], columns=['epoch', 'train_RMSE', 'test_RMSE'])
plt.plot('epoch', 'train_RMSE', data=df, color='blue')
plt.plot('epoch', 'test_RMSE', data=df, color='yellow', linestyle='dashed')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f774c4e3fd0>
Saving and evaluating recommendations
top_n=pd.DataFrame(model.recommend(user_code_id, item_code_id, topK=10))
top_n.to_csv('Recommendations generated/ml-100k/Self_SVD_reco.csv', index=False, header=False)
estimations=pd.DataFrame(model.estimate(user_code_id, item_code_id, test_ui))
estimations.to_csv('Recommendations generated/ml-100k/Self_SVD_estimations.csv', index=False, header=False)
import evaluation_measures as ev
estimations_df=pd.read_csv('Recommendations generated/ml-100k/Self_SVD_estimations.csv', header=None)
reco=np.loadtxt('Recommendations generated/ml-100k/Self_SVD_reco.csv', delimiter=',')
ev.evaluate(test=pd.read_csv('./Datasets/ml-100k/test.csv', sep='\t', header=None),
943it [00:00, 8982.19it/s]
RMSE | MAE | precision | recall | F_1 | F_05 | precision_super | recall_super | NDCG | mAP | MRR | LAUC | HR | Reco in test | Test coverage | Shannon | Gini | |
0 | 0.914856 | 0.718384 | 0.100424 | 0.040859 | 0.050523 | 0.067431 | 0.090665 | 0.068368 | 0.101328 | 0.047917 | 0.183792 | 0.517141 | 0.459173 | 0.860551 | 0.146465 | 3.853236 | 0.971798 |
import imp
import evaluation_measures as ev
dir_path="Recommendations generated/ml-100k/"
test=pd.read_csv('./Datasets/ml-100k/test.csv', sep='\t', header=None)
ev.evaluate_all(test, dir_path, super_reactions)
943it [00:00, 9603.22it/s] 943it [00:00, 8786.72it/s] 943it [00:00, 8141.95it/s] 943it [00:00, 8884.14it/s] 943it [00:00, 10117.77it/s] 943it [00:00, 8687.46it/s] 943it [00:00, 10361.84it/s] 943it [00:00, 10162.64it/s] 943it [00:00, 8493.19it/s] 943it [00:00, 9153.50it/s]
Model | RMSE | MAE | precision | recall | F_1 | F_05 | precision_super | recall_super | NDCG | mAP | MRR | LAUC | HR | Reco in test | Test coverage | Shannon | Gini | |
0 | Self_TopPop | 2.508258 | 2.217909 | 0.188865 | 0.116919 | 0.118732 | 0.141584 | 0.130472 | 0.137473 | 0.214651 | 0.111707 | 0.400939 | 0.555546 | 0.765642 | 1.000000 | 0.038961 | 3.159079 | 0.987317 |
0 | Self_SVD | 0.914856 | 0.718384 | 0.100424 | 0.040859 | 0.050523 | 0.067431 | 0.090665 | 0.068368 | 0.101328 | 0.047917 | 0.183792 | 0.517141 | 0.459173 | 0.860551 | 0.146465 | 3.853236 | 0.971798 |
0 | Ready_Baseline | 0.949459 | 0.752487 | 0.091410 | 0.037652 | 0.046030 | 0.061286 | 0.079614 | 0.056463 | 0.095957 | 0.043178 | 0.198193 | 0.515501 | 0.437964 | 1.000000 | 0.033911 | 2.836513 | 0.991139 |
0 | Self_GlobalAvg | 1.125760 | 0.943534 | 0.061188 | 0.025968 | 0.031383 | 0.041343 | 0.040558 | 0.032107 | 0.067695 | 0.027470 | 0.171187 | 0.509546 | 0.384942 | 1.000000 | 0.025974 | 2.711772 | 0.992003 |
0 | Ready_Random | 1.518964 | 1.222159 | 0.046554 | 0.020603 | 0.023679 | 0.031216 | 0.028970 | 0.021179 | 0.050489 | 0.019185 | 0.123856 | 0.506812 | 0.322375 | 0.987805 | 0.184704 | 5.103172 | 0.906873 |
0 | Ready_I-KNN | 1.030386 | 0.813067 | 0.026087 | 0.006908 | 0.010593 | 0.016046 | 0.021137 | 0.009522 | 0.024214 | 0.008958 | 0.048068 | 0.499885 | 0.154825 | 0.402333 | 0.434343 | 5.133650 | 0.877999 |
0 | Ready_I-KNNBaseline | 0.935327 | 0.737424 | 0.002545 | 0.000755 | 0.001105 | 0.001602 | 0.002253 | 0.000930 | 0.003444 | 0.001362 | 0.011760 | 0.496724 | 0.021209 | 0.482821 | 0.059885 | 2.232578 | 0.994487 |
0 | Ready_U-KNN | 1.023495 | 0.807913 | 0.000742 | 0.000205 | 0.000305 | 0.000449 | 0.000536 | 0.000198 | 0.000845 | 0.000274 | 0.002744 | 0.496441 | 0.007423 | 0.602121 | 0.010823 | 2.089186 | 0.995706 |
0 | Self_BaselineUI | 0.967585 | 0.762740 | 0.000954 | 0.000170 | 0.000278 | 0.000463 | 0.000644 | 0.000189 | 0.000752 | 0.000168 | 0.001677 | 0.496424 | 0.009544 | 0.600530 | 0.005051 | 1.803126 | 0.996380 |
0 | Self_IKNN | 1.018363 | 0.808793 | 0.000318 | 0.000108 | 0.000140 | 0.000189 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000214 | 0.000037 | 0.000368 | 0.496391 | 0.003181 | 0.392153 | 0.115440 | 4.174741 | 0.965327 |
x/np.linalg.norm(x, axis=1)[:,None]
array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
array([[0.4472136 , 0.89442719], [0.6 , 0.8 ]])
embeddings_norm=model.Qi/np.linalg.norm(model.Qi, axis=1)[:,None] # we do not mean-center here
# omitting normalization also makes sense, but items with a greater magnitude will be recommended more often
top_similar_items=pd.DataFrame(enumerate(similarity_scores), columns=['code', 'score'])\
.sort_values(by=['score'], ascending=[False])[:10]
top_similar_items['item_id']=top_similar_items['code'].apply(lambda x: item_code_id[x])
result=pd.merge(top_similar_items, items, left_on='item_id', right_on='id')
code | score | item_id | id | title | genres | |
0 | 916 | 1.000000 | 917 | 917 | Mercury Rising (1998) | Action, Drama, Thriller |
1 | 914 | 0.991506 | 915 | 915 | Primary Colors (1998) | Drama |
2 | 908 | 0.990078 | 909 | 909 | Dangerous Beauty (1998) | Drama |
3 | 690 | 0.989487 | 691 | 691 | Dark City (1998) | Film-Noir, Sci-Fi, Thriller |
4 | 359 | 0.988384 | 360 | 360 | Wonderland (1997) | Documentary |
5 | 810 | 0.987781 | 811 | 811 | Thirty-Two Short Films About Glenn Gould (1993) | Documentary |
6 | 917 | 0.986770 | 918 | 918 | City of Angels (1998) | Romance |
7 | 869 | 0.986746 | 870 | 870 | Touch (1997) | Romance |
8 | 756 | 0.986005 | 757 | 757 | Across the Sea of Time (1995) | Documentary |
9 | 732 | 0.985919 | 733 | 733 | Go Fish (1994) | Drama, Romance |
project task 5: implement SVD on top baseline (as it is in Surprise library)
# making changes to our implementation by considering additional parameters in the gradient descent procedure
# seems to be the fastest option
# please save the output in 'Recommendations generated/ml-100k/Self_SVDBaseline_reco.csv' and
# 'Recommendations generated/ml-100k/Self_SVDBaseline_estimations.csv'
Ready-made SVD - Surprise implementation
import helpers
import surprise as sp
import imp
algo = sp.SVD(biased=False) # to use unbiased version
helpers.ready_made(algo, reco_path='Recommendations generated/ml-100k/Ready_SVD_reco.csv',
estimations_path='Recommendations generated/ml-100k/Ready_SVD_estimations.csv')
Generating predictions... Generating top N recommendations... Generating predictions...
SVD biased - on top baseline
import helpers
import surprise as sp
import imp
algo = sp.SVD() # default is biased=True
helpers.ready_made(algo, reco_path='Recommendations generated/ml-100k/Ready_SVDBiased_reco.csv',
estimations_path='Recommendations generated/ml-100k/Ready_SVDBiased_estimations.csv')
Generating predictions... Generating top N recommendations... Generating predictions...
import imp
import evaluation_measures as ev
dir_path="Recommendations generated/ml-100k/"
test=pd.read_csv('./Datasets/ml-100k/test.csv', sep='\t', header=None)
ev.evaluate_all(test, dir_path, super_reactions)
943it [00:00, 8010.33it/s] 943it [00:00, 7939.12it/s] 943it [00:00, 8331.15it/s] 943it [00:00, 8696.10it/s] 943it [00:00, 8172.62it/s] 943it [00:00, 8807.34it/s] 943it [00:00, 8646.67it/s] 943it [00:00, 7192.36it/s] 943it [00:00, 8888.67it/s] 943it [00:00, 8736.94it/s] 943it [00:00, 8047.44it/s] 943it [00:00, 8326.85it/s]
Model | RMSE | MAE | precision | recall | F_1 | F_05 | precision_super | recall_super | NDCG | mAP | MRR | LAUC | HR | Reco in test | Test coverage | Shannon | Gini | |
0 | Self_TopPop | 2.508258 | 2.217909 | 0.188865 | 0.116919 | 0.118732 | 0.141584 | 0.130472 | 0.137473 | 0.214651 | 0.111707 | 0.400939 | 0.555546 | 0.765642 | 1.000000 | 0.038961 | 3.159079 | 0.987317 |
0 | Ready_SVD | 0.952889 | 0.750674 | 0.098834 | 0.047899 | 0.053663 | 0.068581 | 0.087876 | 0.076831 | 0.113446 | 0.054127 | 0.242918 | 0.520677 | 0.488865 | 0.998091 | 0.204906 | 4.440336 | 0.952374 |
0 | Self_SVD | 0.914856 | 0.718384 | 0.100424 | 0.040859 | 0.050523 | 0.067431 | 0.090665 | 0.068368 | 0.101328 | 0.047917 | 0.183792 | 0.517141 | 0.459173 | 0.860551 | 0.146465 | 3.853236 | 0.971798 |
0 | Ready_Baseline | 0.949459 | 0.752487 | 0.091410 | 0.037652 | 0.046030 | 0.061286 | 0.079614 | 0.056463 | 0.095957 | 0.043178 | 0.198193 | 0.515501 | 0.437964 | 1.000000 | 0.033911 | 2.836513 | 0.991139 |
0 | Ready_SVDBiased | 0.939807 | 0.741610 | 0.082078 | 0.032691 | 0.040611 | 0.054503 | 0.073391 | 0.051400 | 0.088531 | 0.039739 | 0.188187 | 0.512998 | 0.423118 | 0.995864 | 0.172439 | 4.176612 | 0.963967 |
0 | Self_GlobalAvg | 1.125760 | 0.943534 | 0.061188 | 0.025968 | 0.031383 | 0.041343 | 0.040558 | 0.032107 | 0.067695 | 0.027470 | 0.171187 | 0.509546 | 0.384942 | 1.000000 | 0.025974 | 2.711772 | 0.992003 |
0 | Ready_Random | 1.518964 | 1.222159 | 0.046554 | 0.020603 | 0.023679 | 0.031216 | 0.028970 | 0.021179 | 0.050489 | 0.019185 | 0.123856 | 0.506812 | 0.322375 | 0.987805 | 0.184704 | 5.103172 | 0.906873 |
0 | Ready_I-KNN | 1.030386 | 0.813067 | 0.026087 | 0.006908 | 0.010593 | 0.016046 | 0.021137 | 0.009522 | 0.024214 | 0.008958 | 0.048068 | 0.499885 | 0.154825 | 0.402333 | 0.434343 | 5.133650 | 0.877999 |
0 | Ready_I-KNNBaseline | 0.935327 | 0.737424 | 0.002545 | 0.000755 | 0.001105 | 0.001602 | 0.002253 | 0.000930 | 0.003444 | 0.001362 | 0.011760 | 0.496724 | 0.021209 | 0.482821 | 0.059885 | 2.232578 | 0.994487 |
0 | Ready_U-KNN | 1.023495 | 0.807913 | 0.000742 | 0.000205 | 0.000305 | 0.000449 | 0.000536 | 0.000198 | 0.000845 | 0.000274 | 0.002744 | 0.496441 | 0.007423 | 0.602121 | 0.010823 | 2.089186 | 0.995706 |
0 | Self_BaselineUI | 0.967585 | 0.762740 | 0.000954 | 0.000170 | 0.000278 | 0.000463 | 0.000644 | 0.000189 | 0.000752 | 0.000168 | 0.001677 | 0.496424 | 0.009544 | 0.600530 | 0.005051 | 1.803126 | 0.996380 |
0 | Self_IKNN | 1.018363 | 0.808793 | 0.000318 | 0.000108 | 0.000140 | 0.000189 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000214 | 0.000037 | 0.000368 | 0.496391 | 0.003181 | 0.392153 | 0.115440 | 4.174741 | 0.965327 |