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ITestAdaptor is a representation of a node in the test tree implemented as a wrapper around the NUnit ITest interface.


Syntax Description
string Id The ID of the test tree node. The ID can change if you add new tests to the suite. Use UniqueName, if you want to have a more permanent point of reference.
string Name The name of the test. E.g., MyTest.
string FullName The full name of the test. E.g., MyNamespace.MyTestClass.MyTest.
int TestCaseCount The total number of test cases in the node and all sub-nodes.
bool HasChildren Whether the node has any children.
bool IsSuite Whether the node is a test suite/fixture.
IEnumerable<ITestAdaptor> Children The child nodes.
ITestAdaptor Parent The parent node, if any.
int TestCaseTimeout The test case timeout in milliseconds. Note that this value is only available on TestFinished.
ITypeInfo TypeInfo The type of test class as an NUnit ITypeInfo. If the node is not a test class, then the value is null.
IMethodInfo Method The Nunit IMethodInfo of the test method. If the node is not a test method, then the value is null.
string[] Categories An array of the categories applied to the test or fixture.
bool IsTestAssembly Whether the node represents a test assembly.
RunState RunState The run state of the test node. Either NotRunnable, Runnable, Explicit, Skipped, or Ignored.
string Description The description of the test.
string SkipReason The skip reason. E.g., if ignoring the test.
string ParentId The ID of the parent node.
string ParentFullName The full name of the parent node.
string UniqueName A unique generated name for the test node. E.g., Tests.dll/MyNamespace/MyTestClass/[Tests][MyNamespace.MyTestClass.MyTest].
string ParentUniqueName A unique name of the parent node. E.g., Tests.dll/MyNamespace/[Tests][MyNamespace.MyTestClass][suite].
int ChildIndex The child index of the node in its parent.
TestMode TestMode The mode of the test. Either Edit Mode or Play Mode.


: Some properties are not available when receiving the test tree as a part of a test result coming from a standalone Player, such as TypeInfo and Method.