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For versions 2019/2020 LTS, download the visual scripting solution from the Unity Asset Store.

Variables are containers. Each variable has a name, a type, and a value. There are six types of variables in visual scripting:

Variable type Description
Flow Variables Flow variables are the equivalent to local variables.
Graph Variables Graph variables are local to an instance of a script graph. They have the smallest scope and cannot be accessed or modified outside their graph.
Object Variables Object variables belong to a game object. They are shared across all graphs on that game object.
Scene Variables Scene variables are shared across the current scene.
Application Variables Application variables persist even when the scene changes. They are reset once the application quits.
Saved Variables Saved variables persist even after the application quits. They can be used as a simple but powerful save system. They are saved in Unity's player prefs, which means they don't refer to Unity objects like game objects and components.

###Values in saved and initial variables

Under the Saved tab, there are two sub-tabs: Initial and Saved.

  • In the initial tab, define values that are automatically created for new games.

  • In the saved tab, the state of saved variables for the current computer is displayed. Edit these manually or delete them all to start over.

###Setting values in dynamic variables

Setting the value of a variable that doesn't exist automatically creates it. For example, the following graph creates a new saved integer variable named gold with a value of 250, even though it has not been previously defined.

Variables can be declared during edit mode or created during play mode.

###Variable's Visibility

All object variables in visual scripting are public and can be accessed by other objects.