Begin lin reg
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,33 +1,10 @@
from collections import defaultdict
import math
import pickle
import re
import sys
import nltk
import re, sys, pickle, nltk, math, random
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
def calc_class_logprob(expected_path):
paranormal_classcount = 0
sceptic_classcount = 0
with open(expected_path) as f:
for line in f:
line = line.rstrip('\n').replace(' ','')
if 'P' in line:
paranormal_classcount +=1
elif 'S' in line:
sceptic_classcount +=1
paranol_prob = paranormal_classcount / (paranormal_classcount + sceptic_classcount)
sceptic_prob = sceptic_classcount / (paranormal_classcount + sceptic_classcount)
return math.log(paranol_prob), math.log(sceptic_prob)
def clear_post(post):
post = post.replace('\\n', ' ')
post = post.lower()
# delete links
post = re.sub(r'(\(|)(http|https|www)[a-zA-Z0-9\.\:\/\_\=\&\;\?\+\-\%]+(\)|)', ' internetlink ', post)
post = re.sub(r'[\.\,\/\~]+', ' ', post)
post = re.sub(r'(<|>|\@[a-zA-Z0-9]+)','',post)
@ -40,118 +17,80 @@ def clear_post(post):
post_no_stop = [w for w in post if not w in stop_words]
return post_no_stop
#def calc_bigram_count(in_path, expected_path):
# bigram_counts = {'paranormal' : defaultdict(int), 'sceptic' : defaultdict(int)}
# with open(in_path) as infile, open(expected_path) as expected_file:
# num_of_bigams = 0
# for line, exp in zip(infile, expected_file):
# class_ = exp.rstrip('\n').replace(' ', '')
# text, timestap = line.rstrip('\n').split('\t')
# tokens = clear_post(text)
# #tokens = text.lower().split(' ')
# for index in range(len(tokens)-1):
# # if there is next token we append current and next
# bigram = tokens[index] + " " + tokens[index + 1]
# #print(bigram)
# #print (f"bigram constructed from ;;;;{tokens[index]}:{tokens[index+1]};;;;;;;")
# if class_ == 'P':
# bigram_counts['paranormal'][bigram] +=1
# elif class_ == 'S':
# bigram_counts['sceptic'][bigram] +=1
# num_of_bigams +=1
# #print(f"num of every added bigams with repetitions {num_of_bigams})")
# #print(f"num of bigams in paranormal {len(bigram_counts['paranormal'])} and sceptic {len(bigram_counts['sceptic'])}")
# return bigram_counts
def calc_bigram_logprobs(bigram_counts):
total_sceptic = sum(bigram_counts['sceptic'].values()) + len(bigram_counts['sceptic'].keys())
total_paranormal = sum(bigram_counts['paranormal'].values()) + len(bigram_counts['paranormal'].keys())
bigram_logprobs = {'paranormal' : {}, 'sceptic' : {}}
for class_ in bigram_counts.keys():
for bigram, value in bigram_counts[class_].items():
if class_ == "sceptic":
bigram_prob = (value + 1) / total_sceptic
elif class_ == "paranormal":
bigram_prob = (value + 1) / total_paranormal
bigram_logprobs[class_][bigram] = math.log(bigram_prob)
return bigram_logprobs
#def calc_word_count(in_path, expected_path):
# word_counts = {'paranormal':defaultdict(int), 'sceptic': defaultdict(int)} # dzienik zawierajacy slownik w ktorym s slowa i ile razy wystepuja
# with open(in_path) as infile, open(expected_path) as expectedfile:
# for line, exp in zip(infile, expectedfile):
# class_ = exp.rstrip('\n').replace(' ','')
# text, timestap =line.rstrip('\n').split('\t')
# #print(f"text {type(text)}")
# text = clear_tokens(text, True)
# tokens = text.lower().split(' ')
# #print(f"tokens {type(tokens)}")
# for token in tokens:
# clear_tokens(token,False)
# if class_ == 'P':
# word_counts['paranormal'][token] += 1
# elif class_ == 'S':
# word_counts['sceptic'][token]+=1
# return word_counts
def calc_word_logprobs(word_counts):
total_skeptic = sum(word_counts['sceptic'].values()) + len(word_counts['sceptic'].keys())
total_paranormal = sum(word_counts['paranormal'].values())+ len(word_counts['paranormal'].keys())
word_logprobs= {'paranormal': {}, 'sceptic': {}}
for class_ in word_counts.keys(): # sceptic paranormal
for token, value in word_counts[class_].items():
if class_ == 'sceptic':
word_prob = (value +1)/ total_skeptic
elif class_ == 'paranormal':
word_prob = (value+1)/ total_paranormal
#print (token)
word_logprobs[class_][token] = math.log(word_prob)
return word_logprobs
def launch_bigrams_and_words(in_path, expected_path):
word_counts = {'paranormal':defaultdict(int), 'sceptic': defaultdict(int)}
bigram_counts = {'paranormal' : defaultdict(int), 'sceptic' : defaultdict(int)}
with open(in_path) as infile, open(expected_path) as expected_file:
for line, exp in zip(infile, expected_file):
class_ = exp.rstrip('\n').replace(' ', '')
# czy słowa musza byc setem?
def create_vocabulary_and_documents(in_file, expected_file):
vocabulary = set()
posts = {}
with open(in_file) as in_f, open(expected_file) as exp_f:
for line, exp in zip(in_f, exp_f):
text, timestap = line.rstrip('\n').split('\t')
tokens = clear_post(text)
for index in range(len(tokens)-1):
# if there is next token we append current and next
bigram = tokens[index] + " " + tokens[index + 1]
#print (f"bigram constructed from ;;;;{tokens[index]}:{tokens[index+1]};;;;;;;")
if class_ == 'P':
bigram_counts['paranormal'][bigram] +=1
word_counts['paranormal'][tokens[index]] +=1
elif class_ == 'S':
bigram_counts['sceptic'][bigram] +=1
word_counts['sceptic'][tokens[index]] +=1
post = clear_post(text)
posts[" ".join(post)] = int(exp)
for word in post:
return vocabulary, posts
return bigram_counts, word_counts
def create_mappings(vocabulary):
word_to_index_mapping = {}
index_to_word_mapping = {}
xi = 1
for word in vocabulary:
word_to_index_mapping[word] = xi
index_to_word_mapping[xi] = word
xi += 1
return word_to_index_mapping, index_to_word_mapping
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
print("syntax is ./ expected.tsv in.tsv model.pkl")
print("syntax ./ model expected_file in_file")
expected_file = str(sys.argv[1])
in_file = str(sys.argv[2])
model = str(sys.argv[3])
paranormal_class_logprob, sceptic_class_logprob = calc_class_logprob(expected_file)
#bigrams_count = calc_bigram_count(in_file, expected_file)
bigrams_count, words_count = launch_bigrams_and_words(in_file, expected_file)
bigram_logprobs = calc_bigram_logprobs(bigrams_count)
word_logprobs = calc_word_logprobs(words_count)
total_sceptic_bigram = sum(bigrams_count['sceptic'].values()) + len(bigrams_count['sceptic'].keys())
total_paranormal_bigram = sum(bigrams_count['paranormal'].values()) + len(bigrams_count['paranormal'].keys())
total_sceptic_word = sum(words_count['sceptic'].values()) + len(words_count['sceptic'].keys())
total_paranormal_word = sum(words_count['paranormal'].values())+ len(words_count['paranormal'].keys())
with open(model, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump([paranormal_class_logprob, sceptic_class_logprob, bigram_logprobs, word_logprobs, total_sceptic_bigram, total_paranormal_bigram, total_sceptic_word, total_paranormal_word],f)
model = str(sys.argv[1])
expected_file = str(sys.argv[2])
in_file = str(sys.argv[3])
vocabulary, posts = create_vocabulary_and_documents(in_file, expected_file)
word_to_index_mapping, index_to_word_mapping = create_mappings(vocabulary)
weights = []
for xi in range(0, len(vocabulary) + 1):
learning_rate = 0.000001
loss_sum = 0.0
loss_sum_counter = 0
lowest_loss_sum_weights = []
lowest_loss_sum = 10000.0
print(f"len of vocabulary {len(vocabulary)}")
# mozna ustawić na bardzo bardzo duzo
while True: #loss_sum_counter != 10:
d, y = random.choice(list(posts.items()))
y_hat = weights[0]
tokens = d.split(' ')
for word in tokens:
# mozna tez cos pomyslec z count aby lepiej dzialalo
#print(f"{d.count(word)} : {word}")
y_hat += weights[word_to_index_mapping[word]] * tokens.count(word)
loss = (y_hat - y)**2
loss_sum += loss
delta = (y_hat - y) * learning_rate
if loss_sum_counter % 100 == 0:
print(f"{loss_sum /1000} : {loss_sum_counter} : {y_hat} : {delta}")
loss_sum_counter = 0
loss_sum = 0
weights[0] -= delta
for word in tokens:
weights[word_to_index_mapping[word]] -= tokens.count(word) * delta
if lowest_loss_sum > loss_sum and loss_sum != 0:
print("it happened")
lowest_loss_sum = loss_sum
lowest_loss_sum_weights = weights
loss_sum_counter +=1
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
from collections import defaultdict
import math
import pickle
import re
import sys
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
def calc_class_logprob(expected_path):
paranormal_classcount = 0
sceptic_classcount = 0
with open(expected_path) as f:
for line in f:
line = line.rstrip('\n').replace(' ','')
if 'P' in line:
paranormal_classcount +=1
elif 'S' in line:
sceptic_classcount +=1
paranol_prob = paranormal_classcount / (paranormal_classcount + sceptic_classcount)
sceptic_prob = sceptic_classcount / (paranormal_classcount + sceptic_classcount)
return math.log(paranol_prob), math.log(sceptic_prob)
def clear_post(post):
post = post.replace('\\n', ' ')
post = post.lower()
# delete links
post = re.sub(r'(\(|)(http|https|www)[a-zA-Z0-9\.\:\/\_\=\&\;\?\+\-\%]+(\)|)', ' internetlink ', post)
post = re.sub(r'[\.\,\/\~]+', ' ', post)
post = re.sub(r'(<|>|\@[a-zA-Z0-9]+)','',post)
post = re.sub(r'[\'\(\)\?\*\"\`\;0-9\[\]\:\%\|\–\”\!\=\^]+', '', post)
post = re.sub(r'( \- |\-\-+)', ' ', post)
post = re.sub(r' +', ' ', post)
post = post.rstrip(' ')
post = post.split(' ')
stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))
post_no_stop = [w for w in post if not w in stop_words]
return post_no_stop
#def calc_bigram_count(in_path, expected_path):
# bigram_counts = {'paranormal' : defaultdict(int), 'sceptic' : defaultdict(int)}
# with open(in_path) as infile, open(expected_path) as expected_file:
# num_of_bigams = 0
# for line, exp in zip(infile, expected_file):
# class_ = exp.rstrip('\n').replace(' ', '')
# text, timestap = line.rstrip('\n').split('\t')
# tokens = clear_post(text)
# #tokens = text.lower().split(' ')
# for index in range(len(tokens)-1):
# # if there is next token we append current and next
# bigram = tokens[index] + " " + tokens[index + 1]
# #print(bigram)
# #print (f"bigram constructed from ;;;;{tokens[index]}:{tokens[index+1]};;;;;;;")
# if class_ == 'P':
# bigram_counts['paranormal'][bigram] +=1
# elif class_ == 'S':
# bigram_counts['sceptic'][bigram] +=1
# num_of_bigams +=1
# #print(f"num of every added bigams with repetitions {num_of_bigams})")
# #print(f"num of bigams in paranormal {len(bigram_counts['paranormal'])} and sceptic {len(bigram_counts['sceptic'])}")
# return bigram_counts
def calc_bigram_logprobs(bigram_counts):
total_sceptic = sum(bigram_counts['sceptic'].values()) + len(bigram_counts['sceptic'].keys())
total_paranormal = sum(bigram_counts['paranormal'].values()) + len(bigram_counts['paranormal'].keys())
bigram_logprobs = {'paranormal' : {}, 'sceptic' : {}}
for class_ in bigram_counts.keys():
for bigram, value in bigram_counts[class_].items():
if class_ == "sceptic":
bigram_prob = (value + 1) / total_sceptic
elif class_ == "paranormal":
bigram_prob = (value + 1) / total_paranormal
bigram_logprobs[class_][bigram] = math.log(bigram_prob)
return bigram_logprobs
#def calc_word_count(in_path, expected_path):
# word_counts = {'paranormal':defaultdict(int), 'sceptic': defaultdict(int)} # dzienik zawierajacy slownik w ktorym s slowa i ile razy wystepuja
# with open(in_path) as infile, open(expected_path) as expectedfile:
# for line, exp in zip(infile, expectedfile):
# class_ = exp.rstrip('\n').replace(' ','')
# text, timestap =line.rstrip('\n').split('\t')
# #print(f"text {type(text)}")
# text = clear_tokens(text, True)
# tokens = text.lower().split(' ')
# #print(f"tokens {type(tokens)}")
# for token in tokens:
# clear_tokens(token,False)
# if class_ == 'P':
# word_counts['paranormal'][token] += 1
# elif class_ == 'S':
# word_counts['sceptic'][token]+=1
# return word_counts
def calc_word_logprobs(word_counts):
total_skeptic = sum(word_counts['sceptic'].values()) + len(word_counts['sceptic'].keys())
total_paranormal = sum(word_counts['paranormal'].values())+ len(word_counts['paranormal'].keys())
word_logprobs= {'paranormal': {}, 'sceptic': {}}
for class_ in word_counts.keys(): # sceptic paranormal
for token, value in word_counts[class_].items():
if class_ == 'sceptic':
word_prob = (value +1)/ total_skeptic
elif class_ == 'paranormal':
word_prob = (value+1)/ total_paranormal
#print (token)
word_logprobs[class_][token] = math.log(word_prob)
return word_logprobs
def launch_bigrams_and_words(in_path, expected_path):
word_counts = {'paranormal':defaultdict(int), 'sceptic': defaultdict(int)}
bigram_counts = {'paranormal' : defaultdict(int), 'sceptic' : defaultdict(int)}
with open(in_path) as infile, open(expected_path) as expected_file:
for line, exp in zip(infile, expected_file):
class_ = exp.rstrip('\n').replace(' ', '')
text, timestap = line.rstrip('\n').split('\t')
tokens = clear_post(text)
for index in range(len(tokens)-1):
# if there is next token we append current and next
bigram = tokens[index] + " " + tokens[index + 1]
#print (f"bigram constructed from ;;;;{tokens[index]}:{tokens[index+1]};;;;;;;")
if class_ == 'P':
bigram_counts['paranormal'][bigram] +=1
word_counts['paranormal'][tokens[index]] +=1
elif class_ == 'S':
bigram_counts['sceptic'][bigram] +=1
word_counts['sceptic'][tokens[index]] +=1
return bigram_counts, word_counts
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
print("syntax is ./ expected.tsv in.tsv model.pkl")
expected_file = str(sys.argv[1])
in_file = str(sys.argv[2])
model = str(sys.argv[3])
paranormal_class_logprob, sceptic_class_logprob = calc_class_logprob(expected_file)
#bigrams_count = calc_bigram_count(in_file, expected_file)
bigrams_count, words_count = launch_bigrams_and_words(in_file, expected_file)
bigram_logprobs = calc_bigram_logprobs(bigrams_count)
word_logprobs = calc_word_logprobs(words_count)
total_sceptic_bigram = sum(bigrams_count['sceptic'].values()) + len(bigrams_count['sceptic'].keys())
total_paranormal_bigram = sum(bigrams_count['paranormal'].values()) + len(bigrams_count['paranormal'].keys())
total_sceptic_word = sum(words_count['sceptic'].values()) + len(words_count['sceptic'].keys())
total_paranormal_word = sum(words_count['paranormal'].values())+ len(words_count['paranormal'].keys())
with open(model, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump([paranormal_class_logprob, sceptic_class_logprob, bigram_logprobs, word_logprobs, total_sceptic_bigram, total_paranormal_bigram, total_sceptic_word, total_paranormal_word],f)
Reference in New Issue
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