2020-11-14 18:35:31 +01:00

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1New ankieta carried out among 546 children aged from 12 to 18 years ustaliła, 82% that citizens feel helpless against waste tworzyw sztucznych, and 25% puts adults in the waste problem with the packaging of lump sums plastikowych.
2Badanie ujawniło, that waste tworzyw artificial were also the biggest concern rodziców, and 93% with 551 respondents saw that as a major problem of parents powiedziało, that increases their concerns about the quantity of waste plastikowych przedostających to oceanów.
3The osób, who took part in badaniu, powiedziało, that wants to do something on the waste from tworzyw sztucznych, but are simply not wiedzą, as to introduce significant zmiany, which led to go ekologicznego.
4Poland Słowenia.
5Memy after Arsenal siatkarzy in półfinale ME
6It was not an easy mecz.
7descent have at their side natural publiczność, which effectively dekoncentrowała Polish siatkarzy.
8Dużo controversy wzbudzali also sędziowie, who in one of the action not doliczyli to four odbić side gospodarzy.
9Stało in a crucial time for the first seta, when podopieczni Vitala Heynena have a chance to odskoczenie rywalom and wygranie first partii.
10Yes , but not stało, and Poles ultimately have to recognise the primacy rywala, after to the victory of 3:1 to in finale turnieju.
11Ghana: Handlowcy with Kaneshie support Szpital psychiatryczny in Accra
12Members of the Market Kaneshie podarowali yesterday food EUR 30 000 GH? Szpitalowi psychiatrycznemu in September during the short ceremonii, which took place in Akrze.
13. this is part of the measures in the framework of celebrating the anniversary of the Market Kaneshie. Kompleksu 40.
14in the composition of a donation durable , inter alia , the different articles żywnościowe, owoce, drink should bezalkoholowe, herbatniki, odzież, pochrzyn, bananas rajskie, maniok and worki with wodą.
15during the visit group also spoken with a number of patients placówki.
16In the event has taken part in management Accra Markets Limited, the directors of associations and królowe matki.
17Prezentując przedmioty, Mrs Mercy Naa Afrowa Needjan, President Kobiecego Association Market Region of the Akry, oznajmiła, that darowizna is part of the regular activity of charity , under the responsibility of społecznej.
18Zauważyła, that support for the care of patients establishments was konieczne, to show them love and allow them to feel a part of the społeczeństwa.
19you promised Needjan szpitalowi support from the associations and called on the other associations to follow this gestu.
20Przyjmując prezenty, Dr Pinnaman Appau, director szpitala, commended an association for the support and obiecała, that it will be well used for the benefit of pacjentów.
21Zaapelowała to other organisations for support for szpitala.
22Google creates chmurę in Polsce.
23Partnerem PKO BP
24Operator Chmury Krajowej, PKO company BP and PFR, has entered into a strategic partnership with Google.
25Cooperation is supposed to help the Polish companies to implement and utilise the potential of technologies clouds obliczeniowej.
26Items Google Cloud Platform will be included in the offer of Operatora Chmury Krajowej, and Google will open in Warsaw so-called region Google Cloud namely hub infrastructure technical and software dedykowany for customers of Poland and the region of Europe Środkowo-Wschodniej.
27Google Cloud Region will be the first screening globalnej, public clouds obliczeniowej Środkowej. in Europe
28Cyfryzacja Polish companies has been one of the key założeń, which have formed the basis for the creation of a Chmury Krajowej, initiated and rozwijanego by PKO the Bank of Poland , and by Poland Fund Rozwoju, shareholders this spółki.
29the Chmury Krajowej and Google is another important step on the drodze, which wytyczyliśmy just one temu, ogłaszając a Operatora Chmury Krajowej.
30Cel remains unchanged digitisation of the Polish economy and its wzrostu. zdynamizowanie
31„Teraz Polish companies will gain dodatkowe, wyrafinowane tools to his realizacji.
32The supporters of nich, increase their chances of occupational to Premier League światowej, what we want wszystkim.
33Fakt, that their become joins today Google, significantly strengthens our common projekt”, says Zbigniew Jagiełło, PKO Polskiego. the President
34the Development Fund zaznacza, inwestycyjnymi, that is interested in projects that promote the development of modern industries and przedsiębiorstw.
35„Inwestycja in Operatora Chmury Krajowej perfectly belongs to the strategy PFR, as an essential element of digitisation kraju.
36it Dostarczy entrepreneurs modern and affordable solutions based on the architecture chmurową.
37„Jestem przekonany, that this cooperation will have a positive development of the Polish market it and attract the best specjalistów”, adds Paul Borys, President PFR.
38Google Cloud offers advanced technologie, products and tools analytical based on the leading infrastructure technicznej, which force obliczeniową and services storage danych.
39Klienci in Poland in the portfolio of services are all key products such as Google Cloud Platform Compute Engine, App Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine, Cloud Bigtable, Cloud Spanner, or BigQuery.
40Mr President , incorporation of the services Google Cloud to offer Chmury Krajowej allow Polish entrepreneurs use exactly the same advanced technologii, basis their globalni konkurenci.
41thanks to us will remain , however , in the Polish jurisdiction and under the control of local regulatorów”, says Michał Potoczek, President Operatora Chmury Krajowej.
42Dodaje, that the company will be ready for megatrendy, such as np.internet things (IoT), which has increased demand for power obliczeniową indispensable to the processing of huge harvest danych.
43VI Ogólnopolska Parada Seniorów
44in the same południe, 24 August 2019 r., with Rondzie de Gaulle'a in Warszawie, started VI Parada Seniorów „Dojrzali Wspaniali” and Piknik Pokoleń, events organised by the Foundation Zaczyn.
45As stated Przemysław Wiśniewski with Fundacji: „Parada is ewenementem scale światową.
46It is now sixth once again go through the centre Warszawy, to zamanifestować, as large and diverse community are seniorzy.
47By Paradę przeciwdziałamy harmful stereotypom affecting the elderly and calls for solidarity międzypokoleniowej”.
48Parada poprowadzona adopted by a special piętrowy autokar management for muzyczną insofar scenę, which has traditionally been yet warszawska DJ Wika.
49Uczestnicy in radosnym korowodzie, with wtórze known warszawskich and global przebojów, proceed Alejami Jerozolimskimi, ul. Kruczą to Placu Powstańców Warszawy, ul. Mazowiecką to Placu J. Piłsudskiego and ul. Królewską and Krakowskim Przedmieściem on Kampus Główny University Warszawskiego.
50during the przemarszu, with several thousand seniorów, represent 300 organisations senioralnych throughout Polski, kolorowe delegations witane were oklaskami by many people in the mobile przemarszu, warszawiaków and turystów.
51I Legionowa in paradzie took part two organised groups that exist in firmowych koszulkach koloru żółtego and niebieskiego.
52Pierwsza representing Uniwersytet III Wieku and Klub Senior+ and the second known as the SAGA, or Seniorska Aktywna Animatorów. Group
53At the Kampusu uniwersyteckiego operators have made , for example , stragany gastronomiczne and numerous stoiska institutions and companies which offer seniorom services and products aimed at improving their everyday lives and funkcjonowania.
54Znalazły there stoiska medyczne, kosmetyczne, kulinarne, rekreacyjne, sports and mody.
55for example Dla stoisku Stylowych Seniorów Głosu Seniora from profesjonalistek Hanny Piekarskiej and projektantki Agnieszki Wyrwał, could be obtained guidance and information on current trends in modzie 60+.
56in addition , Stoisko oferowało warsztat science movement in stage and pozowania to zdjęć.
57Zwieńczeniem was show fashion Stylowych Seniorów.
58The stoisku Ogólnopolskiego Głosu Seniora are the latest edition of the letter and the materials campaign „Stop manipulation I do not buy the prezentacji!”.
59Kolejne stoiska offer workshops kosmetyczne, ruchowe, plastyczne and artystyczne.
60On several could be done research and skonsultować of experts on matters of health and żywieniowych.
61Zorganizowano also panele questionable involving m. in.: Heleny Norowicz, Beaty Tadli, Marioli Bojarskiej-Ferenc, Tomasza Jacykowa or Robert Janowskiego.
62The pikniku not lacked the atrakcji wokalnych and muzycznych.
63The estradzie has legenda Polish song Krzysztof Krawczyk, and took place międzypokoleniowy dancing, which poprowadziła DJ Wika.
64Diabły tasmańskie can provide guidance on the treatment of cancer
65Diabły tasmańskie can have the key to the treatment of cancer researchers out przełomowego odkrycia, can zrewolucjonizować therapeutic for patients
66in the field of medicine Badacze odkryli way maskowania certain cells nowotworowych
67Badacze stwierdzili, that this process is at diabłów tasmańskich and humans
68there is nadzieja, that it will be new treatment methods patients onkologicznych
69What does have a common diabły tasmańskie and ludzie?
70Komórki nowotworowe, that may become niewidzialne.
71Badacze, including originating from Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in Melbourne, out przełomowego odkrycia, which can help zrewolucjonizować therapeutic some nowotworów, unless they are responding immunoterapię.
72perhaps also contain the key to the treatment of fatal guzów within twarzy, threatening the future endangered diabła tasmańskiego.
73Badanie there way maskowania certain cells nowotworowych both at ludzi, and at torbaczy, by means of the proteins called PRC2, what wyłącza marker, which otherwise dałby signal układowi odpornościowemu for attacks on nowotwór.
74perhaps this constitute the greatest challenge in the treatment of cancer drobnokomórkowego płuc, neuroblastomy and type of cancer skóry, so-called cancer of cells Merkla.
75„Ogromne the importance of this project is tym, that at pacjentów, at that time is developing resistance to terapie immunologiczne, can we be able to reverse this proces”, said AAP naczelny researcher Mark Dawson of Peter Mac.
76Istniejące terapie can be brought to the inclusion of markerów, proteins so-called MHC, which will allow układowi immunologicznemu recognise cells nowotworowe.
77„Potencjalnie has far-reaching implications for people with nowotworem płuc”, said Professor Dawson.
78„Jest is one of the most common diseases at ziemi.
79A perhaps we can get it much better leczyć.
80Badacze also nadzieję, that will be discovered once used to treat guzów faces diabła tasmańskiego, where cancer cells in a similar way shun wykrycia.
81„Niezwykłe is to, that exactly the same process is (w for cancer in humans , and in diabłów tasmańskich)”, said Professor Dawson.
82„Jak until now , it was very difficult treating guzy diabłów tasmańskich.
83if the medicines Ale operating humans can be used also in diabłów tasmańskich, możliwość, is that this will help control chorobę”.
84Naukowcy zdumieni faktem, that around really small stars moves a very large planet
85Naukowcy express surprise after the discovery of słonecznego contained 30 years świetlnych from Ziemi, which undermines our current understanding of the emergence of planet, because in which this large planet similar Jupiter moves around the small stars so-called red karłem.
86Artystyczna perhaps an illustration of the planet of gas olbrzym GJ 3512b krążącej around the stars central as red karłem, published 26 September 2019 ,
87At the stars are significantly greater than even the greatest planet krążące around nich.
88Jednak, as the scientists in czwartek, in this case gwiazda and planet slight differ wielkością.
89Rozmiar stars called GJ 3512 represents around 12% size Słońca, and mass planety, which around it krąży, this at least half the weight of Jowisza, which is the largest of the planet our respiratory słonecznego.
90that is absolutely „Tak, niespodzianka” said astrofizyk Juan Carlos Morales of Catalan Institute of Research Kosmicznych with Spanish Instytucie Research Kosmicznych, which at the forefront of research published in czasopiśmie Science.
91Odkrycie is zaskakujące, because of theoretical models of sunshine sugerują, that the stars of low masie with the rules are becoming stars cell for smaller planet Earth or similar to the smaller Neptunów.
92„W this case , we discovered the planet of gas olbrzym similar to the Jupiter conspiracy around very low gwiazdy” has added Morales.
93Planetę tę, which like Jowisz consists mainly of gazu, have been discovered using teleskopu in observatory Calar Alto in Hiszpanii.
94Okrąża it its gwiazdę after a very eliptycznej orbicie, and full okrążenie continues 204 dni.
95Czerwone karły is small and have a relatively low up the heat powierzchni.
96neither GJ 3512 not only is much less from Słońca, but to some extent is the comparable to the size of the very large planety, because there is only about ok. 35% greater than Jowisza.
97Emitują less energii, are therefore bledsze than słońce, and their global temperature surface is rather low and is closer than 3800 (stopni) Kelvina (6380 degrees Fahrenheita / 3527 degrees Celsjusza).
98„To and therefore have czerwonawy kolor” said Morales.
99„Są evidence of the other planet krążącej currently around this gwiazdy, while a third of the planet could be wyrzucona with the gwiezdnego in przeszłości, which may explain eliptyczną orbitę planet similar to Jowisza” said Morales.
100Planet originates from the same międzygwiezdnego dysku gas and pyłu, which raises gwiazdę, over which the planet krążą.
101According to the model of planet zwanym model akrecji initially Sellafield 's arises from cząstek permanent in dysku, grawitacji and strength of the planet at an early stage development allows for the atmosphere of immediate gazu.
102( PL ) This unusual agreement can what competitive model of the model of instability grawitacyjnej.
103„W such dysk protoplanetarny around a stars may be a little masywniejszy, than that we expect and can be said zimny” Morales.
104Doprowadza to their stability dysku, and therefore there may be some gęstsze obszary.
105Te weight can continue to increase until zapadnięcia and the creation of a planety.
106Pracownica delikatesów their provide współpracownicy dipu fasolowego containing metamfetaminę
107the Bureau Szeryfa in the county Marion stranded Cassandrę Medinę-Hernandez, 38 lat, for the communication współpracownicy dipu fasolowego containing metamfetaminę.
108On Thursday hails from Albany 38-letnia Cassandra Ani Medina-Hernandez was their to supply metamfetaminy and causes of the consumption of this substance managed by another person both of offences are crimes second stopnia.
109Oskarżenie were put forward on the basis of the events of 9 September that occurred in sklepie food Thriftway in Jefferson.
110In uzyskanym by portal OregonLive.com statement submitted under oath indicating to the likelihood of guilt 27-letnia współpracownica podejrzanej said zastępcom szeryfa hrabstwa Marion, that during the lunch break widziała, as Medina-Hernandez does dip fasolowy, which then it poczęstowała.
111written wiadomo, On the basis of that sacrifice przestępstwa, which tym, śledczym, which has never played an metamfetaminy powiedziała, that „pomyślała, that one zjedzony her a piece of smakował dziwnie, but it has caused in any podejrzeń”.
112When to get pracy, poczuła, has rozstrój żołądka and that must not stop at nogach.
113as is the Albany Democrat-Herald, visit to the local szpitala, where ustalono, that dip fasolowy could contain metamfetaminę.
114- On the basis of the reports ' Smoking Gun according to the police another pracownica network Thriftway powiedziała, that Medina-Hernandez „powiedziała jej, that doda drugs to pożywienia”, while another przyznała, that ' murky pay sent its wiadomość, twierdząc, that metamfetamina reaches dipu fasolowego by przypadek.
115Witryna OregonLive informuje about the provision of the monitoring of delikatesów, who pokazuje, as tyłem returned to the cameras Medina-Hernandez draw something of biustonosza, is for mikrofalą and pochyla się.
116Następnie prostuje się, wyciera nos, is to table and stresses the dip fasolowy in small papierowym naczyniu.
117According to the police rzecz, we learn from biustonosza also probably it was with the talerzu.
118Oregońska newspaper Statesman-Journal podaje, that office szeryfa twierdzą, that now is not podejrzeń, to tego, to consumers a contaminated jedzenie.
119Medina-Hernandez is in prison hrabstwa Marion reserved for this kaucja is 520 000 dolarów.
120- According to the ' Smoking Gun its broad kartoteka to, police indicates that a woman has already been convicted of napaść, rabunek, theft tożsamości, feeding metamfetaminy, kradzież, having metamfetaminy and having niedozwolonej broni.
121Johnson reflects the blow in zamieszaniu associated with the postponement of the
122Podróż Borisa Johnsona at the General Assembly of the United Nations was nieelegancko terminated by historic judgment of the Court Najwyższego.
123Jednak its devastating speech in the House of Commons not zdradzało or wstydu, or reproach sumienia.
124To what sense this przewrotu, in the eye of the cyclone is Tony Connelly, redaktor sections of the European RTE in Brussels and the London he Sean Whelan in Westminster.
125Władze lead the investigation of a lethal car accident in the sovereign Angeles, has found a body CBS Los Angeles
126since Thursday 's evening police leads the investigation of a lethal car accident in the sovereign Angeles.
127According to the police body has been found in the standard for zboczu under paths Angeles Forest Highway and Big Tujunga Canyon Road.
128I shall wynika, preliminary reports that the car could be here for a long czasu.
129I do not wiadomo, how odnaleziono pojazd.
130Marcin Komenda after Arsenal (1:3). with Slovenia
131„Słoweńcy grali very well in any elemencie.
132Szkoda końcówek setów, because we have had their szanse, but not wykorzystaliśmy.
133I do not zwieszamy głów, because on Saturday the match of brązowy medal”, said rozgrywający representation Poland siatkarzy Marcin Komenda after the failure of Slovenia 1:3 in półfinale championship Europy.
134Utalentowany zawodnik most on boisku in the second and third secie.
135According to the niektórych, Vital Heynen should give them greater opportunity to show their umiejętności.
136Selekcjoner Orłów has , however , to experience Fabiana Drzyzgi.
137„Everybody's Talking About Jamie”: castingi to the role of the West End Jamiego New
138the great Kolejna gwiazda West Endu awaiting odkrycie, itself though this has not yet been wie.
139Producenci musicalu „Everybody's Talking About Jamie” seek next Jamiego New and organise open hearing
140Bieżąca gwiazda Layton Williams getting out of musicalem on tournée after the Brytanii, so producers in his place to seek „wyjątkowo utalentowanego, nieodkrytego young wykonawcy”.
141Przesłuchania in London will be held on 10 October in Apollo Theatre, and candidates with hope for victory should prepare 16 taktów utworu otwierającego „Dont Even Know It”, and also their CV and have portretowe.
142Przesłuchanie will take place also 8 October in Sheffield, and in the next week before the producers will be people once again to prezentacji. zaproszone
143Producent Nica Burns powiedział: „Z stwierdzamy, pleasure that through our fantastycznej public musical will grany by kolejny, third year in Apollo.”
144Znaleźliśmy several fantastycznych young wykonawców, who will be in Laytona Williamsa and Shanea Richiego during tournée.
145Szukając new Jamiego, in the spirit of this musicalu what opportunities for unknown talentów, that will be in the current young zawodowców.
146Williams, which wcielił in role Jamiego New in February and replaced the original grającego this role John McCrea, his on Twitter „WSZYSTKICH boys to sending their taśm”:
147this Tournée musicalu will begin in lutym, and performances in the West Endzie przedłużono to 29 August 2020
148Musical presents the fate of 16-letniego Jamiego New, that wants to go to the party at the end of the schools in sukience.
149I do not wie, bringing przyszłość, but is that it will be gwiazdą. pewien,
150Through the aid of the mother and the local community legendy drag Loco Chanelle beginning odkrywanie its tożsamości, to play off to uprzedzeniom and a career in the light of fleszy.
151in this present Muzykę inspirowanym film dokumentalnym BBC entitled „Jamie. Drag Queen at 16” Dan Gillespie Sells, and wrote a book and words piosenek Tom MacRae.
152Alfa Laval growing zlecenie in the natural gas EUR 110 million SEK
153Firma Alfa Laval the world leader in the field of ciepłownictwa, separation odśrodkowej and transport of liquids won zlecenie chłodnic installations in the provision of clean air to a processing in the USA. Zlecenie is the value of around EUR 110 million koron Swedish and have been registered in Heading Spawanych wymienników heat in pionie Energetyki, and supplies are planned for the 2020.
154Zlecenie includes installations chłodnic air Alfa Laval Niagara, which will be used in the framework of chłodniczych to the distribution of natural gas in each of the streams of his clean components etanu, propanu and butanu.
155Health is crucial in all the processes of industrial and is extremely important in requiring phases of obróbką gas ziemnego.
156„Nasze reliable installations chłodnic air are to the recognition of their safe pracę, which provides calm citizens of the gas ziemnego” says Susanne Pahlen Aklundh, people pionu Energetyki.
157Is wiesz, że... etan, propan and butan can wydzielić with gas ziemnego, and then use , for example , as a material wsadowy to installations petrochemicznych, heating homes or as a fuel for pojazdów?
158the Alfa Laval Informacje
159Alfa Laval case is the leading global supplier specialised products and technical solutions based on the key technologies companies associated with ciepłownictwem, rozdzielaniem and transport cieczy.
160Sprzęt, facilities and services companies are intended to serve the citizens to optimise the performance of their procesów.
161Rozwiązania help them ogrzewać, schładzać, apart and transportować products in branżach, that produce food and napoje, measures chemicals and products industry petrochemicznego, farmaceutyki, skrobię, sugar and etanol.
162Wyroby Alfa Laval are also used in elektrowniach, on statkach, in the oil extraction and gazu, in the engineering mechanicznej, sector górniczym and purification units ścieków, and also in phases chłodniczych and maintaining komfort klimatu.
163Ogólnoświatowa organisation Alfa Laval case is also working closely with their customers of nearly 100 krajów, to help them achieve an advantage in the międzynarodowej.
164Spółka Alfa Laval case is notowana on Nasdaq OMX, and in 2018 , announced yearly sales at around 40,7 billion koron Swedish (ok. 4,0 billion euro).
165Firma has 17 200 pracowników.
166Marian Banaś.
167For does KAS on the head of the NIK?
168Wynajem property for EUR below market price this zastrzeżenia, which are appearing in the case of the President of the Chamber of Control Mariana Banasia. Najwyższej
169O tym, what skarbówka is doing in this matter in the House zapytaliśmy Administracji Skarbowej in Krakowie and in the Finansów.
170Bertold Kittel in reportażu for „Superwizjera” TVN has doubts about the declarations of financial interests of the President of the Chamber of Control Mariana Banasia. Najwyższej
171for several months is examining them Centralne Bureau Antykorupcyjne.
172Kontrola is to be completed in the second half of października, after the elections parlamentarnych.
173as the oświadczeń, Banaś had wynajmować kamienicę at 400 metres than and two smaller mieszkania.
174in total , a year get for this 65,7 thousand złotych.
175Reportaż „Superwizjera” ujawnił, that kamienicy wynajmowanej his mieścił a hotel in godziny.
176Szef NIK tłumaczył later on television państwowej, why for wynajem property portion just over 5 000 złotych miesięcznie.
177„Gazeta Wyborcza”, citing experts on wyceny nieruchomości, estimated bowiem, that same kamienicę should be a month 15 000 złotych.
178„Kwota was lower with simple powodu: I also made agreement przedwstępną and to, that najemca had to buy this kamienicę, spowodowało, that zgodziłem to lower czynsz, that other payments will be they in the sale of kamienicy”, przekonywał Banaś.
179Pojawiły wątpliwości, , however , whether this is a violation of prawa.
180Konrad Zawada, Ombudsman issued House Administracji Skarbowej in Krakowie, in conversation with TVN24 poinformował, „tą issue that directly addresses the Ministry of Finansów”.
181„Wszelkie these questions please refer to the minister finansów”, dodał.
182Zawada tłumaczył, that in such cases „działania leads Krajowa Administracja Skarbowa”.
183the Ombudsman issued Ministry Finansów Paul Jurek przyznał, that Krajowa Administracja Skarbowa itself monitors many spraw, which can be of any zastrzeżenia.
184„Krajowa Administracja Skarbowa works in this sposób, that has its own informacje, and is based in a sense these informacjach, which are available publicznie.
185On a taking decyzje, or a particular matter to the possible postępowania, or nie”, tłumaczył MF. Ombudsman
186„Natomiast due to to, that there is all of us in the whole resorcie finance secrecy skarbowa, therefore never wypowiadamy się, because we cannot speak in individual cases specific podatnika, specific osoby, or specific firmy”, podkreślił, pytany the Mariana Banasia.
187Minister of Finance Jerzy Kwieciński podkreślił, that „urzędy treasury not convey to the public information of this kind wiadomości”.
188„Wiadomo, that all the bureaucratic skarbowy deals with very many similar cases in the whole kraju”, wskazał.
189Sekrety family królewskiej: were revealed surprising hosts often latających air królewskim
190As part of the obligations by members of the family królewskiej during their lives to pretend to hundreds of travel around świecie.
191it is usually Ułatwia plane królewski private maszyna, which wozi Royal Family around the world on important events and wystąpienia.
192I do not is zaskoczeniem, that having their own aircraft with przywilejami.
193Members of the family królewskiej need not be long trains to odprawy, do not have their limits on the number of bagażu, and także, as okazuje, can invite on board whatever hosts in this truly niespotykanych.
194According to a recently premierę on Channel 5 film dokumentalnego not only królowa and książę Filip often travel by air królewskim.
195during the programme entitled „Sekrety or royalty lotów” were nawigator flights begin ujawnił, that along with the family królewską often latali futrzani goście.
196Bob Shields powiedział: „Czasami together with our very important guests królewskimi can lecieć very important dogs królewskie.”
197I do not surprising that fakt, królowa can zażyczyć sobie, that its ukochane ulubieńce counterpart in its podróżach, as is known for its deep attachment to the dogs race corgi.
198since the earliest years królowa Elżbieta was miłośniczką these czworonożnych stworzeń and go słuchy, that since koronacji was właścicielką more than 30 corgi.
199Mówi się, that in 2007 was five corgi: Monty, Emmę, Linneta, Willowa and Holly.
200Dołączyło to five cocker spanieli: Bisto, Oxo, Flash, Spick and Span, as well as the four dogs are krzyżówką jamnika with corgi: Cider, Berry Vulcan and Candy.
201Załoga aircraft królewskiego certainly have to roboty.
202Widziano worker home królewskiego wyprowadzającego dogs and proszącego je, to załatwiły for their before zabraniem them on board the aircraft is further Shields.
203Miło me powiedzieć, that never has any incydentu.
204in the number of which were revealed also szokującą bagażu, królowa zabiera with each other for travel within the framework of the duties służbowych.
205Narrator film stwierdził: „W 1953 , królowa on its journey liczącą 70 000 kilometres claimed first-hand ważący 12 ton.”
206In order to be able to better zobrazować, is more or less the same as the two great słonie.
207Jednak królowa is not the only someone who has a weakness in the mody.
208Podobno księżna Cambridge also has its own tend to the transport of its garderoby się, says that each of its dresses is , to separate siedzenie.
209New law is życie.
210Poszkodowani in accidents will receive entitlements
211In Friday is regulation which seriously affected in cases of continued payment of pensions informuje Finansowy. the Ombudsman
212The about the law of 9 July 2019 , the Act people concerned when the agreed amounts gwarancyjnej fixed on the basis of the laws in force before 1 January 2006 ,
213On it osób, which have been affected before 1 January 2006 ,
214Obowiązywały then definitely lower than the amount currently gwarancyjne, hence in some cases ubezpieczyciele already zaprzestali payment rent.
215in this „Cieszę regulacji, because our institution for many years has called for the creation of a mechanizmu, which will allow us to ensure seriously affected in accidents guarantee financial support with insurance liability communicative or liability farmer , despite its sums gwarancyjnej”, says Mr Alexander Daszewski, legal adviser in the office of Ombudsman 's Finansowego.
216the Ombudsman 's The Financial was niezbędne, because it is often very tragic sytuacje, on people in a very poor condition zdrowia, with the accident are not , for example , pracować, and at the same time , the significant costs powypadkowego treatment rehabilitacji.
217Część of them no longer dostawała pensions compensatory and greater needs in order to further treatment or rehabilitation of wyczerpanie to so-called investments gwarancyjnych on polisach OC.
218faced with this in the coming latach. Części
219to them on 1 January 2006 , the limits of responsibility ubezpieczyciela are much lower than obecne.
220. the problem of the agreed amounts gwarancyjnej in previous years most dotykał osób, who have suffered damage in the 90-tych.
221Wówczas of guarantee facilities were very niskie, and economic circumstances that led the cen.
222„Zauważyliśmy także, that this problem also has affected a number of mostly young osób, who have suffered damage in the period when the amount of EUR 350 000 for each offer in wypadku.
223Today is 5,21 million euros on zdarzenie, regardless of the number of poszkodowanych.
224. so it is an enormous difference in the earlier okresów, hence problem require intervention ustawodawcy”, reminds Alexander Daszewski.
225Wyjaśnia, that the to, that sum gwarancyjna time and again is podwyższeniu, legislator przyjął, that górną abroad responsibility Ubezpieczeniowego Fund Gwarancyjnego will sum gwarancyjna current at the moment of referral to the claims of the payment of renty.
226Zasada is valid if the question of insurance is not obliged to grant entitlements under the ustalającego different levels of gwarancyjnej than agreed upon in the insurance OC.
227Ma in the case of the deepening of gwarancyjnej through the courts on the basis of Article 3571 code cywilnego, which allows for the previous existing relation zobowiązaniowego.
228„W recent days , a letter to osób, in the past zwracały us request interwencję.
229Informujemy in these new powers and , of course , we are offering the opportunity to provide further support in the case of any problemów”, says Mr Alexander Daszewski.
231Brenda Barattini convicted of terminating chłopakowi penisa
232Sprawa relates to the events of the November 2017 year .
233As is Buenos Aires Times, then this Brenda Barattini dowiedziała się, chłopak has shown that its friends sekstaśmę, which arose in their sypialni.
23428-latka, which education is architektem, explaining before sądem, that partner in this way zrujnował her life and take it nothing „trofeum”, that could commend itself against przyjaciółmi.
235„Naruszył my intymność, my life and karierę.
236Wszystko zniszczył”, argumentowała.
237Mieszkanka Cordoby itself decided striking sprawiedliwość.
238Zaprosiła its chłopaka, 42-letniego Sergio F. to łóżka and said that a special niespodziankę. mu,
239In through aksamitnej opaski zasłoniła him oczy, and chwyciła for sekator and odcięła him penisa.
240„Czułem się, jakbym had umrzeć.
241Nic not widziałem.
242Próbowałem wstać, podciągnąłem trousers and chwyciłem for telephone komórkowy, to call on pogotowie”, zeznał poszkodowany.
243„Chciałem wyjść, but it has come to me obrażać.
244Chwyciła me for koszulkę and włosy, not permitting me odejść”, dodał.
245Although Barattini tłumaczyła, that its chłopak skrzywdził it revelation sekstaśmy, not tried to escape from odpowiedzialności.
246„Proszę sprawiedliwości”, said about the administration in the direction of bench przysięgłych.
247Ostatecznie makes this winną attempts to commit murder and who was sentenced to 13 years więzienia.
248Były kongresmen state of Alabama Jack Edwards died at 91 years
249In Friday died emerytowany kongresmen state of Alabama with labour Republikańskiej Jack Edwards, which served by 10 term of office and was one of the first wave of republikanów with the so-called Głębokiego Południa.
250the Ombudsman family powiedział, that Edwards umarł at his home in the fight against nowotworem trzustki. Fairhope
251Edwardsa originally has been elected to the US Congress in the Communities , as one of the first republikanów with the state of Alabama in the South Głębokim temu, through that party zyskiwała here zwolenników.
252in the Congress odsłużył 10 kadencji.
253According to the statement issued by the family in response to recent question about to, what the world would like to leave their prawnukom and prawnuczkom, Edwards odpowiedział, that I would like to return uprzejmości.
254„Mam nadzieję, that my prawnukowie and my prawnuczki will dorastać in kraju, in which to debate and efforts to tackle the problems of the country returns uprzejmość” expressed Edwards, according to statements rodziny.
255the state of Alabama Gubernatorka Kay Ivey powiedziała, that Edwards serve my , and the country with the highest standards uczciwości.
256Dodała, that on the part of the flag state of Alabama in Kapitolu will be deserted and depopulated half masztu.
257„Był uosobieniem real official and was the best mężem state for Alabamy.
258Nasz state has lost one of the greatest polityków” said Ivey in oświadczeniu.
259Michelle Obama called Meghan Markle „inspiracją” on Instagramie
260Michelle Obama expressed great appreciation for the Meghan Markle on Instagramie in czwartek, calling księżną Sussex „troskliwą liderką, which przełamuje schemes and through which our world is becoming lepszy”.
261Księżna and książę Harry, currently being dziesięciodniową królewską trip to South Africa with their synkiem Archiem Harrisonem Mountbattenem-Windsorem, participated in the meeting with adolescents at the beginning of this tygodnia, during which met with the leaders Foundation Obamy.
262„Chciałabym to thank my przyjaciółce, fail to grant Her Mości, Księżnej Sussex @sussexroyal, „troskliwej liderce, which przełamuje schemes and through which our world is becoming lepszy”, wrote was the first dama in his entuzjastycznym poście.
263this „Czy spotykając with leaders Foundation Obama @ObamaFoundation, or helping dziewczynkom throughout the world in giving access to edukacji, in zasługują, is with inspiration to many ludzi”, safeguards Obama, zamieszczając have depicting uśmiechniętą Meghan pozującą with the leaders fundacji.
264Meghan held about the interview with Obama for last September 's surrender the British Voguea, gościnnie redagowanego by a former aktorkę serial „Suits”.
265in earnest conversation was the first dama spoke of motherhood and tym, as it zmieniło.
266„Bycie mother means doprowadzanie to mistrzostwa art odpuszczania” said in an interview Obama.
267„Macierzyństwo has taught me tego, that by the majority of the time in my task is to give children przestrzeni, that they can make the world and become tym, who want być.
268I do not tym, whom I chcę, to or tym, whom I would like to be in their wieku, but tym, who are in the open serca.
269Obama, which experience wie, what is the pressure to be on świeczniku, between the księżną said during the intelligence of the inventory Good Housekeeping.
270„Presja, which czujesz narzucana by themselves and by others can sometimes przytłaczać” Democrat powiedziała.
271„Moją więc, advice is to make and nothing spieszyć.
272( PL ) A few first months in the White House have spent mainly on martwieniu about córki, while się, good to cope with school and establish new znajomości, before poświęciłam to ambitniejszej tremendous
273Myślę, that it is also potrzebne.
274Hotel Trumpa is allowed for sale of alcohol , despite the complaints about usposobienie holder
275WASHINGTON (AP) the Commission on the control of alcoholic beverages in Washington oddaliła proposal domagający to sprawdzenia, or local Sellafield 's Trump International Hotel should lose the authorisation for sale of alcohol , due to usposobienie właściciela.
276the Agency zarządziła in środę, that action three pastorów, two retired judges and two rabinów is bezpodstawna, since most of them do not live in dystrykcie nor has it nieruchomości.
277„The Washington Post” podaje, that already the second time powodowie those trying to reverse hotelowi permits the sale of alkoholu, citing in dystrykcie provision of tym, that wnioskujący about allowing the sale of alcohol must be „dobrym usposobieniem”.
278in the original complaint tabled last summer twierdzono, that President Donald Trump violates prawo, and przywoływano accused of attack and recurrent oszustw.
279Skargę oddalono, because a przyznano, before was złożona.
280Powodem make other complaint was extension pozwolenia.
281„The Sun”: Miażdżący report recognises the familiar with scandals in Cleveland police service for the worst in the United Kingdom
282Inspektorzy recognised SKOMPROMITOWANĄ SKANDALAMI police for the worst in the Brytanii.
283In miażdżącym report evaluate the work of the police in Cleveland as inadequate in in all obszarach.
284Phil Gormley an inspectorate whose staff are nationals of the police fail to grant Her Majesty twierdzi, that in the services of the police in Cleveland has „znaczące pogorszenie” standardów.
285Pojawiły new calls for us to resolve the services policyjnych, on which head in the last six years has five komendantów.
286According to the report of the police not trying to prevent przestępczości, arrest of suspected and the protection of najsłabszych.
287Phil Gormley an inspectorate whose staff are nationals of the police fail to grant Her Majesty powiedział: „Od our last inspection has significant deterioration in the standardów.”
288Komendant Mike Veale left in January , less than a year in the face of the investigation into „poważnych”, albeit nieujawnionych, allegations about his postępowania.
289Zastępca komendanta Adrian where was suspended after arrest have blatant uchybień.
290Last year inspektor Simon Hurwood stawił before the committee for the offences for przysposabianie fellow to make seksualnych.
291Odszedł with służby.
292Burmistrz Tees Valley Ben Houchen the Tory powiedział: „To official potwierdzenie, that services are skompromitowane.
293Nadeszła pora, that zainterweniował departament Home Office.”
294Komendant police Richard Lewis powiedział: „Po introducing improvements to be taking full responsibility for the conduct of police forces by zmiany.”
295We wizualizację skateparku!
296finally , the young are doczekają? Is
297Starszym to disrupt the young pasjonaci driving on hulajnogach and deskorolkach, , in turn , those that have się, Oławie is not for them adequate miejsca.
298Młodzież for years , a constant demand in a position to driving on rolkach, deskorolkach, hulajnogach, rowerach.
299The subject still come back to our łamy.
300for 10 years , we drew attention to this problem.
301Ostatnio has once again to a lack of skateparku.
302. we once again to this here and we ask in the Consumer what dalej?
303Przypominamy, that a few days ago odezwała to kobieta, which hinder młodzież, jeżdżąca in centrum.
304„Piszę on behalf of the bloc with pl. Piłsudskiego, so that you can be of interest situation oławskiej młodzieży”, writes to drawing up Małgorzata.
305„Mieszkańcy bloc dzwonili repeatedly to the Guard 's Miejskiej bezskutecznie.
306The evidence of such daily situation in załączeniu przesyłam zdjęcia”.
307O opinion zapytaliśmy innych.
308Most unequivocally stwierdza, young simply do not have where travel in the city and for years bezskutecznie demand for siebie.
309Pod postem on Facebook appeared on the avalanche of komentarzy.
310As long ago as July pisaliśmy, is szansa, to skatepark wybudowano on oławskim Miasteczku.
311Burmistrz poinformował, that city was appealing for financial support for the construction of skateparku.
312„Skonsultowany with youth project , together with permits is gotowy.
313the Ministry of 28 March wystosowano Sportu and Tourism , the proposal to cofinance tasks on «Budowa Skateparku in Oławie» programme Sportowa Polska”, highlighted to us in urzędzie.
314Całkowita value projektu: 798 306,00 zł.
315Wnioskowana amount dofinansowania: 263 440,00 zł.
316At again zapytaliśmy where is sprawa.
317we still have „Nie information odnoście rozstrzygnięć, as to the complex to the Ministry of Sportu and Tourism for dofinansowanie”, informuje Elżbieta Bednarczyk, naczelnik Wydziału Funduszy European UM Oława.
318„Z information obtained from workers Ministry wynika, that ultimately , the choice of all the tasks in the Programme Sportowa Poland should take place in październiku”.
319Poprosiliśmy also wizualizację oławskiego skateparku.
320it poniżej. Prezentujemy
321Młodzież redakcję, announced that in the next Saturday (28 września) will gather signatures for a petition to the construction of skateparku in Oławie.
322„Buntująca to young people zobaczyła last post on Facebook and had reached wniosku, that zorganizują zbiórkę”, writes to drawing up Mikołaj.
323Podpisy the petition will be carried out for an hour 12 near marketu Lidl.
324Puchar Poland 2019/20: losowanie 1/16 finału.
325Znamy pary, hit prior
326this is one of the Former najzacieklejszych rivalry in ekstraklasie.
327Największą legendą obrósł pamiętny match with the season 1996/1997.
32818 June 1997 Legia taken with the old stadium in Łazienkowskiej łódzką drużynę in przedostatniej kolejce.
329Oba teams divide punkt.
330Gospodarze have wygrać, Widzewowi second , it is Poland was giving punkt.
331them 87. minutes Legia sought 2:0, but for the next five minutes to earthquake Widzew strzelił three gole and attract with tytułu.
332Łódzki a club over the years popadał in an ever greater tarapaty, up out in the fight for it is and has dropped from the first-class rozgrywkowej.
333I once again the last two teams had at this level in seasonal situations 2013/2014.
334Legia the road to a a two victory 5:1 at home and 1:0 on wyjeździe.
335The return to the elite
336The łodzianie are fighting for a return to national elity.
337these Plany delayed to at least rok, as in previous power games as one of the faworytów not managed to facilities ekstraklasy. awansować
338in connection with this in the summer in a club to human resources rewolucji.
339Zmieniły to władze, ultimately puts on trenera Marcin Kaczmarka, and since the next step up klubowej hierarchy of a zaprawieni in ligowych bojach Marcin Robak and Mateusz Możdżeń.
340The case Widzew is the fourth time in the scoreboard II ligi, but Pucharze Poland pokonał on Tuesday wicelidera ekstraklasy Śląsk Wrocław 2:0.
341Legia in the same size ograła on wyjeździe Puszczę Niepołomice.
342Ekstraklasowe start
343a few Jedyną composed of first-class in 1/16 finału form its beniaminek ŁKS and Górnik Zabrze.
344Mecze this phase will be held on 2931 października.
345in this year is planned even rozegranie 1/8 finału (35 grudnia).
346Finał to be held on 2 May to PGE Narodowym in Warszawie.
347Nancy Pelosi: William Barr „zbuntował się” and investigation into the impeachmentu must be its thorium
348never wiadomo, where zmierzamy.
349in my opinion , we are involved in the test At the terms of the facts to terms faktów, and investigation into this matter can potrwać”, stated Pelosi in an interview for CNN on Wzgórzu Kapitolu.
350„Wykonają pracę, which rozpoczęli, in keeping with the facts and the time to their znalezienia”, dodała.
351I of the protocol issued this week in the White House wynika, that Trump asked the President of Ukraine Wołodymyra Zełenskiego to carry out an investigation into the former Vice-President Joe Bidena, candidate , and its syna. 2020,
352Trump Zełenskiego also asked to take on this cooperation with Barrem and his personal prawnikiem, Rudym Giulianim, as protokołu.
353Trump zaprzeczył, that he has done anything niewłaściwego.
354On Thursday CNN doniosła, that lawyers for national security with Departamentu Justice powiadomiła tabled by the sygnalistę action on the proceedings Trumpa involving Ukraine more than a week before the formal zgłoszeniem.
355I have received complaints in a request from the officials of the US Department of Justice itself Intelligence Community, stwierdził, that discussion of the book Trumpa not safeguarded criminal investigations on funding kampanii.
356Zapytana, or Barr should zeznawać, Pelosi stwierdziła, that on Friday Intelligence Committee zdecyduje, who call for świadka.
357Dodała jednak, that it considers that Barr „się zbuntował”.
358Taki state is dawna.
359„Przecież (Barra) mentions this wszystkim”, safeguards Pelosi, with regard to mention Trumpa about all prokuratorze General of lipcowej during talks with the leader of Ukrainy.
360Ciekawe, that make decisions on how to look at the skargi.
361Pelosi oznajmiła, that „bardzo boi się” to informants sygnalisty, which Trump attacked on Thursday as szpiegów, sugerując, that in the past in other postępowano with szpiegami.
362Uważam, that the words of the President goes beyond this niebezpieczne. nieodpowiedzialność,
363Nasi sygnaliści play an important role in discovering odsłanianiu offences in our rządzie”, Pelosi, „Słowa stated by the President for anyone to provide information sygnaliście seriously undermine the integrity of rządzie”.
364On Tuesday Pelosi has done a historical step the formal investigation into the guilty of unlawful conduct on the basis of the attempts to put pressure on the leader of foreign countries in order to obtain benefits politycznych.
365Rozmowę telefoniczną incorporates the published on Thursday skargi, which sygnalista twierdził, that Trump nadużył its władzy, to „nakłonić Ukraine to ingerencji” during the upcoming elections 2020.
366Sygnalista has also zarzut, that lawyers Białego House kazali officials to remove the provision of the talks with komputerowego, system which is stored on the need for the officials of the Council Ministrów, and put it in the funding for information particularly wrażliwe.
367Siatkówka kobiet: Puchar World Cup mecz: Russia the USA
368Drużyna Sbornej lost with Amerykankami six clashes with rzędu.
369Również in Arsenal Cup in Osace experts do not give its opportunities to sukces.
370one of the United States Reprezentacja odsłonę these pitch finished the third miejscu.
371Russia was czwarta.
372Możliwy ban of cars for excessive speed for the aggressor club Crystal Palace Christiana Benteke
373he has encouraged Gwieździe League Christianowi Benteke, in the last two months twice przyłapano for going beyond prędkości, threatens the ban of pojazdów.
374Napastnik Crystal Palace, 28 lat, admitted to driving a car branding Bentley speeds of 80 miles unaided per hour in the area of restricting to 50 miles unaided per hour through A3 in Richmond południowo-zachodnim in London on 20 stycznia.
375Następnie in March fotoradary in Putney in London południowo-zachodnim zarejestrowały Belga a speeds of 89 miles unaided on godzinę, which is dwukrotnością reduction from 40 miles unaided on godzinę.
376Benteke with Kingston Hill with Surrey must not put to this morning in 's Peace with Lavender Hill.
377Przyznał to both offences at the beginning of July procedure uproszczonej, in which crimes are lżejsze osądzane at the hearing carried out by a single judge pokoju.
378Wakacje in September promocje after seasonal situations
379Wrześniowe holidays in apartamentach SunSnow can be secured even 40% taniej.
380Madam President equipped pokoje in najpiękniejszych kurortach encourage to visit the Polish pasm mountain and use of recent years on Bałtykiem.
381SunSnow this network in hotels with wygodnymi places of residence permits for the most wymagających.
382Atrakcyjne zniżki guide to the choice is even the renewed weekend.
383Spacery after the Polish cities and miasteczkach, podziwianie zapierających given quite breathtaking krajobrazów, obcowanie with naturą, babim every summer and żółknącymi liśćmi will ensure that genuine rest periods and will add force before the increasingly krótszymi and chłodniejszymi jesiennymi dniami.
384Wymarzone holiday with TUI
385Ci, who are still waiting for tegoroczny urlop, dogonią summer in popularnych directions wakacyjnych.
386The Półwyspie Bałkańskim, in Greece and Turkey continues to experience high temperatury, and water in the sea and basenach encourages pływania.
387in Last Minute Wakacje options in September of this double reduced prices posezonowych wyprzedażach and zniżki the reservations made last momencie.
388Taki departure is probably the best decision for każdego, who is not a fan of the masses of tourists and families with dziećmi.
389Warto to offer in TUI and in a few days to play in peace in the best kurortach on the Mediterranean Sea and not tylko.
390Ceny trips in September to solar Bulgaria start out from the 1100 zł, and Greek island can visit from the 1 200 zł.
391Wrześniowe holidays with Travelist
392Noclegi on zamkach and historical pałacach, week in detention have links with SPA, rekreacja najpiękniejszych corners in Poland and for granicą.
393Opcji successful take a holiday is tyle, how many people going to wakacje.
394Jednak certainly everyone will find their way to wymarzony departure of the beginning of autumn among a wide range of Travelist.
395Bestsellerowe hotele in the country and at the nearest neighbours via the website can be secured even 60% cheaper than where indziej.
396thanks to the oszczędnościom can allow ourselves to a longer pobyt, more atrakcji during maternity or additional departure in another czasie.
397In wrześniu, when the weather is even more quickly than jesienną, choose the best in the typical holiday destynacje in Tatry, Karkonosze, on Mazury or on Bałtyk.
398when tourists is a little less than in the summit sezonu, nature shows from innej, better strony.
399Trudno find disadvantages last September 's urlopu.
400all ci, who do not have to worry about starting this year szkolnym, should benefit from przecenionych offers of travel agencies and use of the last warm dni.
401Wakacje in September in both Polsce, and in the Mediterranean kurortach this ideal conclusion lata.
402BIŁGORAJ: Trwa zbiórka books library in Nowowołyńsku
403the creation of Trwa księgozbioru in Central Miejskiej Bibliotece in Nowowołyńsku on Ukrainie.
404Miejska and Powiatowa Biblioteka Publiczna in Biłgoraju join the ranks of the bibliotek, which help in the creation of a działu.
405I asked the secretariat library in Nowowołyńsku.
406It partner city Biłgoraja.
407Filar tworzonego resource will stanowiły: klasyka Polish literatury, books to children and young people spent after 2010 year .
408Uzupełnieniem will also be przewodniki and informatory after Polsce.
409in the creation of księgozbioru can involve all the inhabitants of the willing Biłgoraja and okolic.
410anyone can bring about and left książki.
411Ghana: Kofi Manu concerned by the structure of the Commission Weryfikacyjnej
412Kofi Manu, zarządca futbolowy and the representative of a Sekondi Hasaacas, objection doubts concerning the composition of the Commission Weryfikacyjnej for the coming elections to the National Union Piłki Nożnej in Ghana (GFA).
413the inclusion of Zakwestionował Prezesa Komisji, Franka Daviesa, dodając, that it is not satisfied with its uczestnictwa.
414in an interview with GNA Sport Manu expressed wątpliwości, or the people of the Commission will uczciwość, because the outcome of the process of verification lies in its interests
415the Commission Weryfikacyjna should consist of a neutral , people with zewnątrz, who do not have links with any of the members of and who has not previously wykazywali interesu.
416The example Davies zatrudniło NC as prawnika, which to Osei Kwaku Palmera in relation to payments 10 procent.
417This also well-known advocate of Olimpijskich.
418I these two reasons should not be to allow their position in the Commission Weryfikacyjnej, because this is interes”, twierdził.
419Manu oświadczył, that if the Commission can Fred Pappoe, Dyrektor of Olimpijskich, there will be a conflict of interests from Prezesa due to its links with klubem, jednocześnie, implying that if the Commission can Palmer, will be the subject of prejudice and stronniczości.
420According to the expectations of the Commission have to start work from wczoraj, after being sworn , during the ceremony in Sekretariacie GFA in September in wtorek, 19 września, and complete them 4 października.
421the Commission is Prezesem Frank Davies, and its members Konsultant for corporate governance and a lawyer , Mrs Marian Barnor and Mr Emmanuel Darkwah.
422to them to other members of the need to be Reginald Laryea, Dyrektor for marketing and business and Richard Akpokavie, Administrator sportowy and prawnik.
423„SE”: Kornel Morawiecki in heavy able in the hospital
424Polityk is a heavy stanie.
42578-letni Kornel Morawiecki for many months is struggling with cancer trzustki.
426Ostatnio feel lepiej.
427As informuje „Super Express”, during the last talks with gazetą, which took place two weeks temu, marszałek senior was „w on formie”.
428At the moment , however , the father of the Prime Minister of a pogorszył.
429Kornel Morawiecki was consigned to szpitala, and doctors define its status as ciężki.
430Rodzina marszałka seniora „SE”, provided that policies is przytomny and fully świadomy.
431it is not the only Nowotwór trzustki choroba, with which faces Kornel Morawiecki.
432it also problems with Ma sercem, and chemioterapią, what przechodzi, also nerkami.
433Kornel Morawiecki expansion category to vote in this year 's parliamentary elections to the mandate of the Law on Podlasiu. senatora
434Dziewczyny with Lwowa odcinek 42: Poszukiwacze zaginionej Katii
435Tytuł odcinka: Poszukiwacze zaginionej Katii
436serial obyczajowy: Zaniepokojeni przeciągającym to silence Katii, Sarkisjan and Rysiek arise once again the Cynowej.
437Together with Wiktorem, Henrykiem and even Konstantym start the search for zaginionej.
438Polina visits Myszora.
439that is Zapewnia, Matylda wpadła the idea of przepisania it acts własności.
440Olya and Tomek are trying to wybadać, as from chłopaka and father girls live under one dachem.
441that is Uljana szczęśliwa, zamieszkała with Filmowcem and decides to identify it with their córką.
442His zaskakująca reaction leads dziewczynę to apply to profesora.
443Mr decides to działać. Starszy
444that does not like Nowakowa, wiedząc, Henryk be kontrolowany, resorts to podstępu.
445Mecenas, nieoswojony with new sytuacją, shows is difficult to wytrzymania nadgorliwością.
446in his Profesora willi unexpectedly nachodzi kuzynka Haliny, Klaudia.
447Izrael: is no agreement on the unity government
448the main parties Dwie Izraela, alliance Niebiesko-Białych and Likud, continue with on Friday , the negotiations on the creation of a government jedności.
449Spotkanie, which took place after powierzeniu by the President of the mission sformowania government Benjaminowi Netanjahu, has not produced wyników.
450in the talks rozważano rotacyjnego leadership to both parties in the government and land Netanyahu 's premiera, but as writes Israeli published „Haarec” has not bring poglądów.
451The discussion will be resumed in niedzielę.
452Centrowy alliance Niebiesko-Białych informed in komunikacie, that he has presented a preliminary postulaty.
453Oskarża right-wing Likud about to, that „okopał on their pozycjach”, rode się, to his leader and the premier, Netanjahu, remain at the forefront of rządu, and composition gabinetu new before it politicians ultraortodoksyjni.
454the very beginning it was „Od wiadomą, Niebiesko-Biali that they will not agree to these warunki”, spouting published by them komunikat.
455Likud bowiem, acting only in the interests of Netanjahu, wants „doprowadzić in Israel to the second round of wyborów”.
456Lider Niebiesko-Białych Benny Gantz refuses to support rządu, which kierowałby Netanjahu, as long as harmful in a part in the three aferach korupcyjnych, on the basis of which prokuratura could it formally oskarżyć after laid down for Wednesday posiedzeniu.
457„Likud and Niebiesko-Biali obtained in the elections on 17 September sufficient większość, which would allow them to governments as a natural sojusznikom, but forcing it to negocjacji, which neither pragnęła”, writes agency EFE.
458the President of Reuwen Riwlin sought to bring in recent days , to bring their positions and has proposed the appointment of a „rządu rotacyjnego”, sugerując, that Prime Minister temporarily quashed its funkcje, which would allow Gantzowi to take this stanowisko, if accusations against Netanyahu were podtrzymane and sformalizowane.
459I do not lack of Israeli analityków, who uważają, that things they have become in domestic zaułku.
460Jednak half Izraelczyków, as sondażu, the results published on Friday television publiczna, wishes to unblock the political situation in the country by establishing a unity government under the leadership of the rotation of Netanyahu and Gantza.
461In this is in favour of 50,6 earning Izraelczyków, 32,1 earning respondents saw that as a major problem is opposed to such rozwiązaniu.
462Sondaż shows the deep division in Israeli society on pytanie, who as a first should stand at the forefront of gabinetu, 41,8 earning voters are in favour of Netanjahu, 40 earning for Gantzem.
463I have another survey published by published „Israel Hajom” of supporters of the unity government is 60 to 63 proc., earning is against the new wyborom, which would be a third country in this year .
464In przedterminowych parliamentary elections on 17 September won the alliance Gantza, won their 33 mandates in 120-miejscowym Knesecie, Likud Netanyahu wywalczył 32 mandaty.
465Netanyahu with its traditional and potential allies can count on support 55 posłów, while Gantz on 54.
466Żadne with stronnictw not convened 61 mandatów, needed to obtain większości.
467Tipuric calls for the fight against the final rozgrywką with Australijczykami
468Justin Tipuric mówi, that „to time to investigate się”, when Wales faces the final game with Australia within Pucharu Świata, which can shape their fate in turnieju.
469Zwycięstwo Wales on „kangurami” ustawiłoby this drużynę on the position of some faworyta to to the victory of the Group of the D and ensure that its participation in the likely meeting ćwierćfinałowym with France or Argentyną.
470however , If Australia pokona Walię 14th time in the past 15 spotkań, Tipuric and his team will be immediately sent to start with Anglią in one of the eighth finału.
471„Postawmy issue jasno, both team want to try to get through it and find at the forefront grupy” said walijski rwacz Tipuric.
472in the past in a bit difficult wyników, but last autumn it with (Australią) wygrać.
473Myślę, that they will be much to receive this zwycięstwo, and we want to back them odnieść.
474Zanim przyjechaliśmy, wiedzieliście, here that this will be of great starcie.
475A now we are here and this is really czas, for sprawdzić.
476Wales has only one victory over Australią, New Zelandią or South Africa in the history of Cup and this was 32 years ago in Arsenal about third miejsce, when beat „kangury”.
477A their absolute record , headed by the main trenera Warrena Gatlanda shows only seven victories in 41 attempts to overcome the three drużyn importance hard with hemisphere południowej.
478Wales zastopowała of 13 of the losers meczów testing of Australia in November of last roku, and Tipuric has produced on to, in order to be among those few ocalonych from this to the victory of 9-6, who wybiegną the stadium in Tokio in niedzielę.
479Tipuric pytany about to, or before this victory team has experienced the blockade psychicznej, dodał: „Trudno powiedzieć.
480Te mecze are so wyrównane, może... that people are expecting a great się, that there will be a blockade psychiczna, the wiem.
481Koniec day in the last Arsenal probably zostawiliśmy on boisku 15 punktów, so the final result seems much smaller than it actually było. przewagę,
482If Wales zatriumfuje, then fight Tipurica with uwielbianym australijskim duo of the third line młyna State Hooperem and David Pocockiem during the detention and powalenia will have major znaczenie.
483Tipuric rozegrał 67 meetings in representation and met with both gaps on several previous okazjach, therefore know what it czeka. dokładnie,
484„To zawodnicy grający a seventh absolutely global klasy” powiedział.
485when the game against world class men of the third line młyna, always wiadomo, that rozegrania will be a difficult mecz.
486Ci two to best gaps on świecie.
487Wiesz, that football can spodziewać.
488Pocock is one of the best players in the world grający defensywnie, and Michael it more atakująca siódemka and probably better feels rugby, because it is always in the right place in the right czasie.
489Lepiej is playing against the men in the world and set ourselves wyzwania, than faced with the third line młyna, which is not so dobra.
490Warto playing against najlepszym, and while coping with these dwoma, certainly needs to be szczytowej formie.
491I do not powiedziałbym, that on Sunday there will be almost that already pucharu, but for us is an important match this Pucharze Świata.
492is it important element. Impet
493when we are building strength and constantly wkładamy large starania, we lecieć as skrzydłach and will be us hard pokonać.
494Spoiler serial EastEnders: Ben całuje Calluma after sensacyjnych news from Whitney
495Napięcie between Callumem Highwayem (Tony Clay) and Benem Mitchellem (Max Bowden) goes zenitu once again in serial EastEnders, when a flash message from Whitney Dean (Shona McGarty) completely zaskoczy Calluma and sprawi, that will receive in ramiona ukochanego.
496Is it will be the start of their związku, or will regret at the moment uniesienia?
497Odkąd Callum has helped to save the lives of Bena, and then support Bobbyego Bealea (Clay Milner Russell), do not have rushed to Benem, but consider to, moving together at randkę Callum Benowi, said recently that it to, that he was able to identify the vulnerable and less severe oblicze.
498Dzisiejszego evening Whitney will return to their better nastroju, than when wyjeżdżała.
499Madam President has done its move away from the Walforda after a terrible ślubie and odkryciu, that its future husband it zdradzał.
500After person wishes to come to the home is being spoken Callumem.
501Przekazuje him wiadomość, which it wstrząsa.
502Callum reacts it badly and zagląda to kieliszka in pubie Queen Vic, which worries Jaya Mitchell (Jamie Borthwick).
503Pijany and fraught with emotion Callum to Bena and blaming them for something it by wszystko, as stało.
504Spokojny Ben understands its bang and is seeking to pocieszyć Calluma, soon frustracja Calluma is changing pasję, when two divides pocałunek.
505As this potoczy?
506Para randkę plans in the next tygodniu, but considerations Bena on their relationship may threaten it which have worked to this pory.
507Callum, which again uwierzył in siebie, after were homofobicznemu ojcu, is zdeterminowany, to fight for to, what they want and what zasługuje.
508Oglądaj pocałunek in serial EastEnders on Friday , 27 September about 20:30 on BBC One.
509Premiera książki.
510Mieli be elitarną organisation „rasy panów”.
511Przyjęli in its ranks tych, which gardzili.
512do the crime can combine more heavily by than identity narodowa?
513in your hands doing not another a book of war or militarnej.
514Oddajemy deep international study on participation in Waffen-SS. nie-Niemców
515Historycy from different countries of Europe call analysis attitudes and he ochotników, are about their activities and watching a procesom recruitment at various stages of wojny.
516do troops Danish różniły from francuskich?
517Skąd was to enthusiasm ukraiński?
518Why should not managed to create oddziału lodged with the same Polaków?
519As today is the official historic narracja on kolaboracji in individual Member europejskich?
520For became of ochotnikami after wojny?
521Między other to these questions is book „Waffen-SS” on the basis of a solid material badawczy.
522Dążyliśmy to provide for a more subtle and more wyważonego, looking closely truth picture kolaboracji in Europe during the second war światowej, attempt also intended to break the methodological borders historiografii and a period of history through the presentation of rozpraw by researchers from different krajów. (...) O if the fate of the main victims of the war - workers przymusowych, Żydów, jeńców, political opponents of Nazi Niemiec, population słowiańskiej - are sometimes presented in porównawczym i/lub ponadnarodowym, with the perpetrators of examining the mostly from the perspective of national (o if this czyni).
523„Totalna panika”, when the White House is finding arguments on impeachmentu
524. those of the White House Białego szamoczą się, wymyślając, as counter resumed on Thursday , the pressure on impeachmentu, and one of the citizens zaznajomionych with the situation of a sense of „totalnej paniki” felt in the last week , due to a lack of a response to a new rzeczywistość.
525think się, that builds it „niepokój, uncertainty and obawy” one of the people of the House White describes in this way , the mood in skrzydle western that the allegations informatora can seriously damage the President and to those of its otoczenia.
526this is a large Osoba stwierdziła: „Nie pewności, that nothing there not kryje”.
527the White House . those Białego were still niepewni, how postępować, not only dlatego, that there is no obvious action plan in such a sytuacji, but also because the allegations are poważne, that standard method successfully avoid controversy applied by the President in the past may not zadziałać. „Nie it looks at coś, what emotion passes with the introduction of the next cycle of dominates wiadomości” he or she zażartowała.
528the discussion of The Other person znająca described the atmosphere to overlook in the White House as „stan szoku”, which accompanied by rise nieufność, that with przeciągającym are being investigated on impeachmentu is prawdopodobieństwo, that he will respond to irresponsible methods and „trudny to opanowania”.
529it is widely shared by other Obawa rozmówcę twierdzącego, that those of the environment of President przewidują, that it will be manifested more „porywcze” zachowanie, and pressure on it certainly will grow every day the investigation into impeachmentu.
530It is zaniepokojenie, that Trump can present the increasingly unpredictable behaviour and nieoczekiwany way break out it is in the context of the year of electoral concern both from the point of view of prezydentury, and wyborów.
531Stawiając face największemu yet threat in prezydenturze, Trump krążył from attack to obrony, again taking on strategię, which assessed as an effective during the investigation of Robert Muellera on Rosji.
532Próbował sweep its request to the Ukrainian President to assistance in carrying out investigations on its political rywali, to turn your attention and to put it on the actions of democrats and candidate democrats Joego Biden and discredit informatora as by contributing partyjnymi.
533Ale while many people in the White House is zaprawionych in boju after investigation Muellera, this time , something has changed have said adviser and konsultanci.
534that is the hallmark of Prezydenta, siła, środowa press conference was held shown as pokonanego has stated one of the people of sytuacją. zaznajomionych
535whilst Trump enthusiastically was adopting with questions relating to the Russian śledztwa, was clearly not be willing to respond to questions about Ukraine powiedzieli.
536Some of allies of the President of the wierzą, that we can avoid szkód, and some of those that follow faktu, informator not knowledge first hand on this controversial telephone conversations between President Trumpem and Ukrainian President Wołodymyrem Zełenskim according to which undermines its wiarygodność.
537I , as is often bywa, when the President is subject to ataków, this fact is keen podnoszony by its main supporters in its obronie.
538one of the Ale strategów republikańskich White wskazuje, related to the House that the results of surveys of support for President are sky wysokie, and impeachment not for the very on getting new sympatyków.
539„Nie is no pozytywu in the need to focus on impeachmencie President in the next four miesiącach”, especially if it makes it difficult its legislative programme and is in the new cycle of dominates wiadomości.
540Inny interlocutor twierdzi, that ci, who utrzymywali, impeachment that will help prezydentowi, not rozumieli, as nieprzewidywalna will reakcja.
541Zmartwieni officials Białego the House to seek aid at doradców, kompletując team response impeachment.
542According to the people with information about planów, uwzględniając, that those efforts are in the early fazie, obscure pozostaje, or any initiative in the style of command is made and what form can przybrać.
543this Osoba oświadczyła, that there is przekonanie, that is required , coordinated strategy prawno-komunikacyjna a leader which is able to carry out an attack on PR is ripostą to zjadliwego report sygnalisty and aimed at holding up action democrats on impeachmentu given by uncover this raportu.
544Rozmówca utrzymuje, knows the situation that the lack of long-term strategic vision was clearly widoczny, when Secretary Mike Pompeo and the treasury Steve Jobs Mnuchin oświadczyli, that they have no intention to expose dealing opisującej spoken Trumpa of Ukrainian prezydentem, and then 48 hours later was felt that there is no way out and publish dokument.
545Przewiduje się, now that the pressure will be more than in the investigation of Robert Muellera, that they be milczenie, and speak only through oskarżeń. One of the people mogącą be involved in the development of a response to impeachment is Corey Lewandowski, man from the dirty work Trumpa and have been the head of sztabu electoral has said he related to sprawą.
546Jednak Lewandowski said in conversation with NBC News, that it is not true that it will be sugerowanie, kierował this działaniem.
547the last five years was „Przez wszystko, what mogłem, to support the President and his programme said but I have not taken part in any talks with the President and his team of dołączeniu to team in order to odparcia false narracji on impeachmentu.”
548Prywatny adwokat Donalda Trumpa from the investigation Muellera, Jay Sekulow, also remains committed to action on impeachmentu.
549„Reagujemy on as należy” Sekulow odpowiedział, when was poproszony by NBC News about komentarz.
550The White House is suffering from a lack of a lawyer experienced in the field of impeachmentu, after Emmet Flood, who worked with impeachmencie Clinton and advised Białemu Domowi at the end of the investigation Muellera, odszedł, and the current doradca, Pat Cipollone, does not have this type of doświadczenia.
551Rozmówca knows the Białego House oświadczył, that overall the officials in no time not planowali involve people or create centre dowodzenia, but przyznał, that need skoordynowanej, common response and people capable of lead the fight against polityczną.
552Wycieczkowiec Explorer of the Seas and the Royal Caribbean swept remont for 89 million pounds
553Explorer of the Seas, 's family Royal Caribbean International, wyruszy this summer in rejs, using the completely new wygląd.
554After odnowieniu, which has an impressive 110 million dollars (89 million funtów), vessel zachwyca broad choice przysmaków kulinarnych from the world and a into entertainment for the whole rodziny.
555Tego years Explorer will stop the greatest ports in Italy and Grecji, allowing passengers to feel taste Mediterranean Europy.
556When constitutes a challenge on land finished końca, crew ship promises niezapomniane impression on morzu.
557Dysponując into satysfakcjonującą każdego, Explorer renovated kosztującej 110 million dolarów, equivalent to around 89 million funtów, has grown into a vessel pasażerski which provides an excellent entertainment for the whole rodziny.
558Imponująca technology oznacza, that passengers can surfować on board with an advanced symulatorom surfingu or see the Spanish film rodzinny, using uroków pogody, within the framework of the cinema plenerowego.
559the most revolutionary Jednakże atrakcją is adding virtual balkonów, which passengers kabin internal podziwianie widoków in the ocean without the need to operate on pokład.
560Miłośników water zachwyci designed on the board in the pool that is needed to link the customary karaibskiego kurortu with urokami fleet wodnego.
561Basen surround plażowe hamaki and leżaki ideal to wylegiwania in słońcu, and two modernised zjeżdżalnie are within their grasp of spragnionych strong wrażeń on pokładzie.
562Wycieczkowiec attractive for passengers in all ages imponuje productive activity at their disposal a visiting during the journey to the places docelowych.
563Stworzony with a view to maluchach Adventure Ocean for children is an opportunity for those members of the family in the beautiful wspomnienia, and ekskluzywne place spędzania free time for teenagers offers super game and the music prepared with a view to people aged over 12 year życia.
564Mr President , it will prove niewystarczające, the whole of the family can „studio B” the ship facing in rozgrywce laser tag with the result of świecenia in ciemności, which impressive can serve as a lodowisko to driving on łyżwach.
565during rejsu after the Mediterranean visitors will have the opportunity to familiarise egzotyczne smaki the świata, pretending to conquest restaurant in pokładzie.
566Unowocześniona kuchnia azjatycka is offered the ship in a restaurant Izumi, and newly open Giovanni's Italian Kitchen called is wyśmienite food motivated by nowatorskim view of the traditional kuchnię włoską.
567other points gastronomicznych them on board are US restauracja podająca steki Chops Grille, barium latynoski Boleros, Schooner Bar and barium ekspresowy Johnny Rockets.
568Rejs, with option siedmio- or dziewięciodniowej trasy, - of Rome in May 2020.
569as a second European ship 's line Royal Caribbean join Allure Seas, which also of the recent an enormous remont.
570After 58-dniowej metamorfozie Allure, totalling kosztującej enormous 165 operational million dolarów, operator rejsów offered gościom, who make rezerwacji, voucher the value of USD 300 to spend on board statku.
571Operator wycieczkowy stwierdził: „Explorer of the Seas this fourth vessel class Voyager, which will move transformation in modernising the fleet of Royal Amplified.”
572Program, which requires the investment of more than 1 billion dolarów, covering 10 vessels and the four lata, enhances every aspect of customer satisfaction and introduces a range of możliwości: from niepowtarzalnych atrakcji and survive gastronomicznych after force nocne.
573Devin Nunes accused Democrats about to, that are demanding „nagich pictures Trumpa”
574Kongresmen Devin Nunes with the state of Kalifornia modestly cannot abolish nagiej the truth about the tym, on President Donalda Trumpa is dochodzenie.
575in its czwartkowej defence of the President of the accused Democrats about to, that they want to receive nagie photographs prezydenta.
576Nunes, highly stated Republikanin zasiadający on the Committee on the intelligence of the House Reprezentantów, has above criticism in the preliminary statement during my hearing as a result of the complaints sygnalisty, that Trump asked for Ukraine to help in opening investigations against kandydatowi Democrats President Joe Bidenowi and his synowi.
577Kongresmen called Ukraine scandal „groteskowym przedstawieniem” left and their „medialnym asem”, before stwierdził, that Democrats want to see the President in negliżu.
578„Demokraci in this particular committee to negotiate with ludźmi, who were Ukraińcami, to receive nagie photographs Trumpa” said Nunes.
579„Ludzie could rightly spytać, why Democrats are so zdeterminowani, to confront the President of the state of oskarżenia, when for the year will have its szansę.
580When Nunes over to reprymendy, reporterka political witryny HuffPost, Jennifer Bendery, decided sprawdzić, or Democrats really are trying to to... odkryć.
581to them so far has only reprezentant Connecticut, Jim Himes, although podejrzewamy, that his reply naga prawda, is borne out by talking about many of his colleagues and koleżanek.
582Portal Mediaite.com podejrzewa, that comments Nunesa about nagości referred to the „pewnych more lubieżnych and niepotwierdzonych informacji”, that there are probably in controversial acts Steelea,
583. this is osławiona, drawn down by the former British szpiega Christophera Steelea kolekcja allegations against Trumpowi, wskazująca on the existence of taśmy, which as shows it oglądającego oddające mocz prostitutes in peace hotelowym in Moskwie.
584Potencjalne research into renewable biofuels can help to reduce emissions
585whilst in recent years electrical cars and Semi Tesli dominated the Russian informacyjne, one issue seems wymykać renewable energy samoloty.
586Jednak Professor of University Albert designated technologię, thanks to which renewable biofuels can be used as fuel lotnicze.
587from the Dr David Bressler a professor at the University of Albert on wydziale rolnictwa, ideas about the life and środowisku, who began work on this project in 2003
588His laboratory produce fuel węglowodorowe obtained from waste tłuszczowych, such as the by-products of animal origin restauracji, fats and oil rzepakowy.
589in contrast to ethanol and other biofuels this technology can during the production of oils to lower jakości, through szacunkowo are 85% lower carbon emissions than in the fuel naftowych, and also used in the process of waste from other branż.
590this is the task Technologia imitować hydrocarbons in paliwach naftowych.
591„To, which has made our technology in the first generation said Bressler this [w total stworzenie] węglowodorów, which are identical cząsteczkami as fuel diesel.”
592whilst it opens a new opportunity for the use of biopaliwa, earlier developed products biopaliwowe characterised the tendency to destabilisation in lower temperaturach, what in the case of aircraft latających on large wysokościach pose serious zagrożenie.
593the fuel „Problem air is a bit incorrect koło” said Bressler.
594. in fact less well than diesel, but higher wymagania.
595Laboratorium Bresslera now follows the two options to produce biofuels lotniczego.
596Pierwsza the option of this approach of little ryzyka, that requires additional obróbki biofuels węglowodorowego and add wodoru.
597The second option is to continue to work on partly opracowanymi already właściwościami chemicznymi, which ensure paliwu stabilność, even in low temperaturach.
598„Możemy poeksperymentować with właściwościami chemicals in our reaktorze, to try to them a zmienić” said Bressler, komentując second opcję.
599Madam President , this option is more ryzykowna.
600Spółka odpryskowa created by Uniwersytet Alberty, Forge Hydrocarbons, is working on skomercjalizowaniem produktu, lotnicze, because , as well as the Canadian and US increase investment in the option of odnawialną.
601„Oni are able to imagine czasy, in which there may be the reversal of the situation and will be imposed on them a węglowy” powiedział.
602Chcą instead alternatywy, which will be a plan awaryjny.
603The Forge leads pilot question in the proximity of the Centre for the management of waste in Edmonton and , most recently has received a total of EUR 4 million dollars from Lockheed Martin within the framework of investment aimed at helping kosztującej 25 million dollars for the construction of the plant produkcyjnego, which will be placed in Sombra in Ontario.
604Oczekuje się, that question will produce some 19 million litres of biofuels rocznie.
605that also Bressler zauważa, zakładana reduction of emissions will be around 85 procent, but kwestie, such as transport and the production of fuel are hampering further reducing węgla.
606„Jako an technology said Bressler
607I am in favour of the task of drafting opcji, which informed decisions and many opportunities to wyboru.”
608ZAMOŚĆ: Kolejne fraud on wnuczka
6098 000 zł and 750 lost a resident Zamościa myśląc, that helps to their wnukowi, which has caused wypadek.
610Policję about zdarzeniu informed on Thursday son oszukanej zamościanki.
611„Do women zadzwonił on Wednesday , a man podający for its wnuka.
612Opowiedział, that caused the accident and needs pieniędzy.
613Inaczej to więzienia.
614in order to help Seniorka wnukowi zł gave 8 000 and 750 fałszywemu policjantowi, which come to its domu”, relacjonuje asp. Dorota Krukowska-Bubiło with zamojskiej policji.
615Policjanci seek the perpetrators and once again call for ostrożność:
616„Każdy telephone with a request for financial assistance should be zweryfikować.
617I do not need to act under the emotional and pośpiechu.
618Pamiętajmy, that policemen not are asking for money and do not make pieniędzy.
619Mr President , we will have a telephone to financial wsparcie, which wzbudzi our suspicion must react immediately and of telling the Policję emergency in the number assigned 112.
620Apelujemy also to those members of the rodzin.
621Rozmawiajmy with our elderly on zagrożeń, informujmy as acting oszuści.
622Prośmy to preserve the precautionary and not ufanie osobom, which dzwonią and are asking for pożyczkę”.
623Prime Minister Sprzymierzeńcy Borisa Johnsona ostrzegają, that in the case of regressing brexitu Britain threaten ZAMIESZKI such as in Los Angeles, and he calls for calm
624Jeden of the main ministers gabinetu wieczorem, said yesterday that the country is „gwałtowny zryw społeczny”, if the initial result will be zakwestionowany by the outcome of the second referendum.
625Sprzymierzeńcy the British Prime Minister with its immediate environment ostrzegli, that domestic threaten social unrest on the scale of the protests „żółtych kamizelek” in France because of the social inequalities and incidents of riots in Los Angeles in 1992
626Johnson has called for „uspokojenia nastrojów” during burzliwej squabbling about language polityki, podkreślił, but that does not stop the use of the word „poddanie się”.
627Despite its provocation of calm Minister gabinetu said „The Times”: „W this country has never took place such protests and demonstrations „gilets jaunes” („żółtych kamizelek”) or the unrest in Los Angeles in 1992
628People uważają, that niemożliwe, only dlatego, that do not have taken place wcześniej.
629 At the have example gilets jaunes enjoy zaszyfrowanych telefonów, by which can coordinate pikiety, and pchnięcia people to protest enough several nieżyczliwych populist liderów.
630Zamieszki in Los Angeles had erupted only after tym, as ława jury uniewinniła four whites policjantów, who beat up a black taksówkarza Rodneya Kinga in 1992
631in this year antyrządowi demonstrators in France across żółte kamizelki odblaskowe gilet jaunes for more than six weeks are devastating and dewastują streets Paryża.
632Minister referred to the warnings Johnsona wygłoszonego in the House of Commons and powiedział, that if the United Kingdom will not come out of UE, will „katastrofalna loss of confidence in our system politycznego”.
633we will organise „Jeśli referendum, which vote 30 million osób, and 66% of them will vote for staying the United Kingdom in the Union Europejskiej, displeased remain ten million obywateli” said minister.
634Nawet if that it will ignore 99% with nich, and so we will be 100 000 rozgniewanych ludzi, who will pisali to their members and who do not odpuszczą.
635The not trzeba, that will soon see the street in tens of thousands of osób.
636Jeden of the main ministers gabinetu dodał, that the country is „gwałtowny zryw społeczny”, if the outcome of the first one will be zakwestionowany by result drugiego.
637Johnson has called on to organise elections powszechnych, in which the voters would settle the fate brexitu.
638Prime Minister is According to reports from the risk of revolt gabinetu chcącego reduce demands in connection with brexitem and achievements in the case of the compromise agreement with the UE.
639Hołownia, Czubówna and Krosny zachwycili in Krakowie.
640More than 300 participants have borne testimony on Thursday (26 września) 11 inspiring speeches prelegentów, among which are , for example , Szymon Hołownia, Krystyna Czubówna or Ireneusz Krosny.
641It all within the framework of the conference Talk'N'Roll, which took place in Krakowie already once piąty.
642Talk'N'roll 2019
643Poszerzanie horyzontów, talks about the ideas that should publicity and joint dyskusje, that may become impetus to further rozwoju.
644Taki objective postawili before us the organisers of the conference Talk'N'Roll, inviting the scenę 11 exceptional prelegentów, represent very different industries and areas zainteresowań, and among them , among other things , people are very familiar with the media - Szymona Hołownię, Krystynę Czubównę and Ireneusza Krosnego.
645Pierwszą session opened the Managing Director of the Sabre Polska, Sebastian Drzewiecki, which need to tym, as marka, which is built around siebie, could affect our przyszłość.
646Richard Lucas has left the scenę, to change the perception of the public on the issue of the phenomenon of odrzucenia, twierdząc, that it must be zaakceptować, if it wants to create przyszłość, , in turn , Chris Badura has taken the empathy at a time of błyskawicznego development technologii.
647Paul Mascarenhas (VP Sabre) between to observations and technikami, that can help in the management of the career and increasing the general satisfaction by finding the right balance between working life and prywatnym.
648Drugą part of the conference has opened up mixed conversation with Krystyną Czubówną, which favour among other things , to tym, as from its perspective over the years to the profession in Polsce. lektora zmieniał
649one of the Posiadaczka najpopularniejszych votes in the country przyznała, that thanks to the development of technology today , everyone can trudnić this profesją.
650I do not think jednak, to in the coming years man 's lektora has been fully replaced by technologię.
651Bawiąc uczy, ucząc bawi
652Organizatorzy conference to ensure that there is also to give the impression artystyczne, inviting the scenę iluzjonistę, Daniel Jedynaka.
653Trzecią part of the conference opened in turn Ireneusz Krosny, which first bawił bigger audience pantonimą, and then have their own careers the need for tym, in what way is to the right balance between a player and life prywatnym.
654Uczestników its occurrence porwał also Szymon Hołownia, emphasising , first of all , the role of the time in our życiu.
655Publicysta zaznaczył, that even the two minutes diametrically can change the situation and we should be gotowym, to use this czas.
656Ponadto Hołownia share its thoughts on the otaczającej us rzeczywistości, have this anegdoty, which could cause smiling benevolently on twarzach widzów.
657Następnie player has Adrian Tworuszka, which has made the review of history and the objectives of the few models of innovation and touched them to tego, in what way are used obecnie.
658To conclude Marcin Słowiak, have kostki Rubika, out of the attitude to solve problemów.
659anyone with 11 prelegentów certainly makes something new in the perception of reality wszystkich, who had okazję, to see the występy, and natural responses and a number of questions to the hosts of strong commitment from the publiczności.
660Organizatorzy ensure transmisję for wszystkich, who I do not be able to participate in wydarzeniu, and recording of prelekcji are available on the internetowej.
661Rządy prawa. instead of the rule of law
662„Pomimo lack of sufficient votes to change Konstytucji, ruling majority has introduced a series of changes in the system państwa, constitutes a threat to the protection of the rule of law and the principle of trójpodziału władzy”, writes in the report published on Thursday Helsińska Foundation of Człowieka.
663Minority Report „Rządy law instead of governments prawa” dokumentuje , among other things , the changes in the justice system and for the protection of fundamental rights and wolności.
664the Human Rights Foundation Helsińska (HFPC) published on Thursday , the report entitled „Rządy prawa. instead of the rule of law
665Zagrożenia for the protection of human rights in Poland in the 20152019”.
666the Foundation is judged in raporcie, that in years 2015-2019 has the greatest a regression in terms of the protection of human rights in Poland after 1989 year .
667„Pomimo lack of sufficient votes to change Konstytucji, ruling majority has introduced a series of changes in the system państwa, constitutes a threat to the protection of the rule of law and the principle of trójpodziału władzy.
668Dostosowując right to political celów, were replaced by the rule of law governments prawem”, piszą experts HFPC.
669in the report HFPC? .
670Minority Report dokumentuje changes in the operation of the sprawiedliwości, independent institutions (takich as the public service media or the Ombudsman Obywatelskich) and for the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms (w this freedom zgromadzeń, rights kobiet, the rights of LGBT people and the right to fair procesu).
671Minority Report will also ongoing for three years the dispute between the Polish authorities and the European Union Europejską.
672„W over the last four years for the first time and on this scale we have seen the use of the right to the implementation of the particular interests partyjnych.
673this is the current crisis Przełożyło praworządności, and also on the whole system of protection of human rights in Polsce”, emphasised adwokat Marcin Wolny, one of the authors raportu.
674The protection of human rights
675as indicated in the last four years is raporcie, „okres systemic changes in both państwie”, and „w protection rights człowieka”.
676in the last four years Sejm adopted more than 20 legal acts key for the protection of rights człowieka.
677„Zmiany often adopted pospiesznym tempie, without consultation and , despite the reservations backgrounds prawniczych, Ombudsman or organisations międzynarodowych”, explaining prawniczka Małgorzata Szuleka, a co-author of a raportu.
678raportu, According to the main trends observed during the last four years to: „osłabianie independent institutions (w the courts and prokuratury), nierespektowanie binding sentences of courts and the recommendations of the international institutions and the watering down the guarantees the protection of rights człowieka”.
679you do not respond Organy
680It is particularly worrying Helsińska Foundation Committee on Human Rights considered „te sytuacje, in which the Member States do not respond or simply ignored that emerge cases agresji”.
681Eksperci foundations zauważyli, that some changes were introduced in an atmosphere of attacks on the individual institutions or groups of unions or vulnerable groups dyskryminację.
682the Foundation wskazuje, that the result of an active role in the field of compromising the principles of the rule of law is the ongoing dispute the Polish authorities with the Union Europejską, and also a recommendation from the bodies międzynarodowego.
683„Brak the implementation of these recommendations , not only weakens the position of Poland as leader of the democratic transition in the region of Europe Środkowo-Wschodniej, but also jeopardises the Polish state on the responsibility of the title of the European Union or the European Convention on Człowieka”, we read in raporcie.
684Brat stars Pakistani media community with dożywociem for murder honour crimes
685Eksperci for women 's rights twierdzą, that justice is often difficult to because the lengthening postępowania, wypuszczanie as murderers for kaucją and were the points in the awareness of the opinion publicznej.
686„Trwa długo, so that people zapominają” says Farzana Bari, obrończyni women 's rights and the założycielka first in Pakistan division of the study gender on uniwersytecie, and dodaje, that even the nagłośnioną issue murder Baloch rozstrzygano by more than three lata.
687according to the groups are fighting for women 's rights reliable data are difficult to ustalenia, Pakistani committee on human rights in 2018 , stated at least 300 cases of so-called honorowych zabójstw.
688Wielu activists twierdzi, that the real figure is much wyższa, and network promująca aware of the crime of recitals honorowych szacuje, that in Pakistan , there are approximately one fifth of 5000 honour killings committed every year throughout the świecie.
689Rekordowe wages Poles abroad
690Jednak przekazy country maleją, because many emigrants osiada outside Poland permanently is piątkowa „Rzeczpospolita”.
691I of the latest report companies Euro-Tax wynika, that average wages Poles working in other European countries were in 2018 , more than 8,6 000 zł, what oznacza, that have almost a thousand złotych, or almost 12 earning
692Euro-Tax „szacuje, that total earnings of Polish emigrants money in the European Union countries have achieved in 2018 , a record value 154,5 billion zł, one marking the seventh more than a year wcześniej”, czytamy.
693Dyrektor Ośrodka Research on Migracjami University Warszawskiego, Paul Kaczmarczyk mówi, that the Poles are getting better in the international market pracy, where use different available opcje.
694”Rośnie also the number of experts and fachowców, who in the search for more and better conditions move from country to kraju, as employees of the international korporacji”, gives gazeta.
695Część customers Euro-Taxu during the year is working in two krajach, , for example , the United Kingdom and in Niemczech.
696„To in the West in 2018 , najbardziej, because of the 11 proc., have total wages of Polish emigrants (do close to the 27 billion zł).
697Jednak and so many zarobili Poles in the British almost 35 billion zł”, dalej. )
698people Euro-Taxu uważa, that despite the improvement of working conditions on Polish rynku, number of emigrants money not maleje.
699Nadal because saksy in the West and the north of Europe (na with Norwegią) is often the chance to several higher wages than in Polsce.
700„I this even with the minimum rates in the relevant kraju, which , for example in Germany of the euro for 9,511,7 godzinę”, informuje dziennik.
701„Rzeczpospolita” podaje, that the Poles are not only because of higher zarobki, but also dlatego, that zadomowili for granicą.
702Wielu Poles zapuszcza abroad korzenie, which is also dwindling przekazach cash to kraju.
703last year were the lowest since lat. Te
704As reminds ekonomista Tadeusz Chrościcki, with wydłużaniem period spend abroad is falling , the Group of the people supplying the money to the country and are closing their wysokość.
705„Emigranci ściągają because the bliskich”, we read in Friday 's „Rzeczpospolitej”.
706Przedłużające to monsuny causing flooding and chaos in many regions of the Indian
707Sezon monsunowy in India prolongs the already almost about miesiąc, and unheard of rain causes the death of osuwania to buildings and gnicia many plonów.
708Zwykle in northern India monsun lags at the beginning of września, , however , the average rainfall this month have exceeded the limit 37%.
709According to the experts from the Indian Ocean Departamentu Meteorologicznego if this situation will go still further a few dni, it will be at the latest ends monsun from dekad.
710in many areas of the country rainfall are still unheard in the last time on the state in the west of the Indian town Pune środowe and Thursday ulewne deszcze have led to the deaths of several people and as a result of a budynków. zawalenia spustoszenia
711Doszło to zalania domów, people brnęli by the streets in water after kolana, what normally happens only at apogeum monsunu.
712Duże rainfall there in the cities as Kalkuta, Lucknow and Hajdarabad.
713Wskutek lengthy deszczów in northern able Uttarakhand many homes has zniszczeniu.
714Monsun also started with opóźnieniem.
715On a number of areas , there has been wody, so farmers przygotowywali on prawdopodobną suszę.
716Zbyt long lasting monsun is not welcome by rolników.
717Taka in is not a normal at this time of year .
718„Przez him my vegetables and I now kapustę, fasolę, groch and pomidory zgniją”, says Prakash Mehra, farmers with small farms in Bhimtal able Uttarakhand.
719Dla consumers impact opóźnionego, and also late ending with monsunu means increased in the prices of cebuli, or nieodzownego element are known Indian seafarers potraw.
720Cebula, which usually had to pay the 20 rupii (0,23 pound brytyjskiego), currently costs 80 rupii (ok. 1 pound has still not recovered brytyjski) per kilogram in cities such as the Delhi and Bombaj.
721Zagrożone are also festiwale and święta.
722The next big festival it at 8 October special day of celebration Dasara, where Hindus wznoszą huge kukły as komiksu, depicting Ravanę, figure of bujnym wąsie and złowrogim uśmiechu with eposu „Ramajana”.
723Smoking Ravany symbolises triumf good on złem.
724Jednak given to, that podobizny Ravany steps with papieru, if monsun will continue nadal, that is what will be ostatni. Ravana śmiał
725Wykonanie of sales of company Energosynergia Information Sp. with o.o. in restructuring
726on 27 September 2019 , the bill banking Fund has contributed Cena for sale 26,843 shares in the multinational firm Energosynergia Information Sp. with o.o. in restructuring of EUR 100 000 zł.
727With this same property of those of the company to go through the INDOS S.A. based in Chorzowie.
728covered by the sale of the company has been done in connection with zrzeczeniem to other shareholders law takes precedence of purchase of the company and as a result of agreeing to zbycie by udziałowców, which such power przysługiwało.
729Kino in spódnicy
730on 30 September at 18.00 invite all Mr to Kina Odra on pierwszy, after study vacations przerwie, seans with cycle „Kino in spódnicy”.
731Rozpoczynamy long awaited by Polish film „(Nie) Znajomi”, which clearly show how widzom, sekretów are able to accommodate our telefony.
732At the screen plejada stars (m.in. Tomasz Kot, May Constitution Ostaszewska, Kasia Smutniak, Łukasz Simlat, Michał Żurawski), and in the music background Dawid Podsiadło.
733Zapraszamy to Kina Odra on Polish carry Italian hitu „Dobrze to kłamie in said was a pleasant towarzystwie”.
734Weźcie with mamy, teściowe, koleżanki, znajome and spędźcie time before seansem in holu Kina Odra!
735you niespodzianki! Czekają
736NATURA: Gigantyczna purchawka!
737at the backyard Wyrosła
738Maria Magdalena Popek with Putnowic Górnych przysłała us fotkę this huge purchawki.
739Purchawa wyrosła to rattle our Czytelniczki.
740Wygląda okazale, although only tonight will mierzona.
741Doodle celebrating 21 birthday Google
742Trudno would imagine today the world without Google'a.
743In wyszukiwarce looking for answers to all of us pytania. dręczące
744Czego seeking in Google?
745this „Co jest?”, „Gdzie?”, „Jak?” and „Ile?” are some of the favourite category wyszukiwanych by Polaków.
746of giganta wynika, that last year I pytaliśmy such as this „Gdzie is burza?”, „Jak do szparagi?” and „Ile fingerprint is koń?”, „Jak get rid of muszek owocówek?”, „Jak to eat kaki?”.
747( PL ) We wyszukiwarka celebrates today dwudzieste first urodziny.
748Jej users and in Poland as much as 96 earning people use „wujka Google'a” wita today a special Google Doodle.
749With this time is not animowany.
750Google is reminding us of their urodzinach, showing stacjonarny computer with monitorem, myszką and klawiaturą, and prawym, below Horn wydrukowano digital date as in the 1990s zdjęciu
751Katalogowanie information
752Wyszukiwarka arose in particular to have katalogować all possible information and made available to them through internetu.
753Jej name is purely słowną.
754Pochodzi from matematycznego deadline googol meaning that the number of ten was addressed to the major powers setnej.
755Nazwa it was also reflect the intentions of companies to zindeksowania as many of the global resources Internetu.
756Wyszukiwarka Google was founded by Sergey'a Brina and Larry'ego Page'a in 1996 , during their studenckiego project at the University of Stanforda.
757Opierała on matematycznej analysis of dependency between stronami, which has been better than the methods of mere segregowania results on the basis of the frequent appearance of frazy.
758applauding wyszukiwarka nosiła name BlackRub, nawiązującą to English words blacklink, that equates to a number of parties linkujących wyniku.
759Page and Brin założyli the company operational in company Google Inc. 7 September 1998 roku, and will soon later uruchomili famous today towards google.com.
760dalej, Google? .
761In December 1998 in „PC Magazine” is information about the extremely large trafności results find Google'a.
762Potem history of the company is almost as from the dangers , the rapid development of any miesiącem, conquest further markets and increase the value of firmy.
763It is now in June 2000 index addresses URL Google'a is more than a billion pozycji, what sprawia, that work Page'a and Brina is called the greatest search engine company , the świecie.
764The company founded by Page'a and Brina is one of the leading players in the market IT.
765do you , therefore , is still some room for rozwoju?
766„Misją Google is an organisation of global informacji, to be universally accessible and użyteczne, mimo, that we have done enormous progress in this dziedzinie, ahead of us have a very long droga, to this objective osiągnąć”, reassured in conversation with „Newsweekiem” Piotr Zalewski with Google Polska.
767Częsty contact with pesticides may increase the risk of heart disease and udaru brain
768the study The new sugeruje, that the work of exposure to contact with the resources of plant protection products in large stężeniu can move to the high risk of the ills heart in the later years życia.
769in unison for the Group of the origin of the Japanese in Hawajach, which has been investigated over the more than 30 lat.
770Naukowcy ustalili, in comparison with mężczyznami, who do not have worked with measures protecting roślin, ci, who had with the greatest kontakt, were 45% more at heart disease or udar.
771„Badanie it underlines the need for the use of personal protection equipment in time contact with pesticides in the work and the importance of the list in the documentation medical contact with the means pracy, and control standard driver zapadalność diseases serca” said a co-author of a research Dr Beatriz Rodriguez.
772. it profesorką medicine geriatrycznej at the University of Hawajskim in district Manoa.
773Rezultaty is based on the data on more than 6000 men on the island Oahu, who took part in the programme kardiologicznym Kuakini Honolulu.
774as pointed out naukowcy, the results of research may not be applicable to women and other populacji, because it was only men origin japońskiego.
775Pestycydy have a long time połowicznego rozpadu, so the effect of their impact on health could give its years after the contact with these substancjami.
776in this case , the most visible results of migrants in the next 10 years after the contact with substances protection roślin.
777in a press release Rodriguez przekazała: „po 34 years of observation men has się, that link between exposure to pesticides and heart diseases and udarem was not already znaczący”.
778Było probably dlatego, more important to have to factors linked to starzeniem, which maskowały przyczynowo-skutkowe possible relationship between exposure to come into contact with pesticides and zapadalnością cardiovascular disease in the later years życia.
779Badacze not odkryli significant the relationship between ekspozycją for little to moderate the quantity of plant protection products and increasing the risk of heart disease or udaru.
780Rozmowa book Zełenski-Trump: Poroszenko dorzuca its three on the
781Waszyngtońska policy has a burzliwy week in connection with wszczęciem procedure impeachmentu against total President Donaldowi Trumpowi
782Uwikłanie in a political scandal this for political debiutanta Wołodymyra Zełenskiego sytuacja, which wolałby uniknąć.
783Ale what we know about aferze Zełenski-Trump and whether it will have far-reaching consequences for the first with nich?
784Niemal begin talks telephone Trump Zełenskiemu, stated that the United States are doing more for Ukraine than countries europejskie.
785faktu, Despite the fact that the White House disgraced by dealing are not pełne, Trumpa describe in detail the attack on the German Chancellor Merkel for to, that German leader , together with other leaders of European countries are engaging in negotiations rather than to the specific propozycje.
786Kontrowersję has stirred up answer Zełenskiego, which oznajmił, that agrees with the Trumpem not 100%, but 1000%.
787Zełenski dodał, that both the French President Macron, and Merkel in insufficient to help Ukrainie.
788Madam President , this exchange sprawiła, that politycy, especially opposition ukraińskiej, have decided to take the floor through społecznościowych. services
789Petro Poroszenko, President Ukrainy, stated on Twitterze, that support granted by the EU „było without precedensu”.
790in other tweetach Poroszenko powiedział, is grateful for the „rosyjskiej agresji” support UE, which included the sanctions and aid finansową.
791Inni expressed their obawy, , for example , the Ukrainian policies Victoria Voytsitska oznajmiła: „Jak can we talk of Germany and Francją?”.
792Następnie Trump referred to the military aid and ask Zełenskiego of investigation by not jednej, and two sprawach: first on son Joego Biden Huntera and the other relating to the burglary in serwer DNC, sugerując, that Ukraine was implicated in an attack hakerski on box e-mailowe Democrats during the elections in 2016 ,
793I do not wiadomo, or popsuje this relations europejskie, or sprawi, that broken will relations with the leader of France and Niemiec.
794I do not want it to talk about nikim...
795all of us Dziękujemy udzielającym pomocy” has stated on the basis of the provision of talks telephone Zełenski in New York during the General Assembly ONZ.
796Zełenski has to meet with leaders Rosji, Germany and France at the forthcoming summit „czwórki normandzkiej”, due to be held in październiku.
797Były wojewódzki inspektor prawomocnie uniewinniony
798Court oczyścił Jerzego Wiśniewskiego with zarzucanych him czynów.
799After 6 years Jerzy Wiśniewski was ultimately oczyszczony with zarzutów.
800Court Okręgowy in Przemyślu oczyścił Jerzego Wiśniewskiego, former head of Wojewódzkiego Inspektoratu Jakości Handlowej Artykułów Rolno-Spożywczych in Rzeszowie, with zarzutu exceed uprawnień.
801Lubelska prokuratura zarzucała mu, that he had zdradzić ówczesnemu marszałkowi województwa deadline control at producing oil spożywczy.
802Niedawno stuck in this matter a legitimate sentence uniewinniający.
803Apelacja rozpoznawana was 12 września.
804„Sąd maintain his the zaskarżony sentence uniewinniający”, confirms a Małgorzata Reizer, spokesperson of the Court Okręgowego in Przemyślu.
805The about the judgment of 14 February this year , issued by the High Rejonowy in Przemyślu.
806Jerzy Wiśniewski as it then komentował on Facebooku: „Minęło six years since the present me by the Public Prosecutor Apelacyjną in Lublin zarzutu alleged violations of law in the telephone conversation with Marszałkiem Województwa Podkarpackiego on 30 April 2012
807Court unequivocally stwierdził, that I am niewinny and not złamałem then existing prawa.
808I was Parliamentary przekonany, that my conversation book then with Marszałkiem Województwa Podkarpackiego into line with the current prawem.
809Revision of the events that upubliczniły media nakreślona in 2013 , by the Public Prosecutor Apelacyjną in Lublin mijała with true and caused irreparable damage both in the manufacture of food as well as the loss of the image of my people in my pracodawców, among workers and also in local społeczności.
810the accusation that the Small Business Act or industries be drawn up to me in the opinion of the Court contained a number of błędów, false faktów, nierzetelnych terms the prawnych, not confirmed , in fact , zdarzeń.
811With aid CBA in Rzeszowie robiono everything to eliminate me from public life and zawodowego.
812Zostałem then immediately released from work and devoid of finansowych.
813Pozostawałem for a long time for my małżonki”.
815Jerzy Wiśniewski function wojewódzkiego supervisors , the quality of the trade of agricultural food products produced play in the 20092013.
816Został odwołany with position after tym, as in 2013 , prokuratura in Lublin presented him zarzuty.
817The śledczych, had a telephone conversation zdradzić ówczesnemu marszałkowi województwa (Mirosław Karapyta was sentenced to four years prison wolności) deadline of controls at the oil producing food belonging to a wife then wicemarszałka podkarpackiego.
818 It is a warning as claimed prokuratorzy with Lublina spowodować, was that the owner companies know about the control and rectified labels on olejach, which were niepełne.
819Jerzy Wiśniewski heard accusations exceed uprawnień, for which risk him to 3 years prison wolności.
820„Czuję ulgę, that this matter at the end of an already and the Court has confirmed my niewinność.
821since the outset I was przekonany, that I did not do so anything złego, and now it is supported by a legitimate sentence uniewinniający me from implied me zarzutów”, komentuje Jerzy Wiśniewski.
822the White House sought to hide it talks with Zełenskim
823In udostępnionym on Thursday written report sygnalista napisał, that President Donald Trump, talking with the President of Ukraine Wołodymyrem Zełenskim, tried to interfere foreign countries in the elections in USA, and the White House sought to hide the provision of this rozmowy.
824Prezydenci Ukraine and the USA
825In anonymous report dated 12 August sygnalista, which is perhaps the worker wywiadu, napisał: „W my trips duties I have been informed by many members of the US rządu, that President invoke its funkcję, to press for foreign interference in the elections in 2020 , in the Zjednoczonych”.
826„Trump had part of the talks (z Zełenskim), to realise their own interesy.
827Ukraińskiemu leaders „dano to zrozumienia”, that contacts with Trumpem dependent are tego, or „wykaże will take gry” in sprawach, which specifically have to inform the President of the lawyer Rudy Giuliani.
828Autor przyznaje, that was not seen rozmowy, but podkreśla, that has been thoroughly informed about its content by „wielu officials Białego Domu, who had this direct informacje”, and their relations shoulder this się.
829„W the next few days after this conversation to learn from the many American urzędników, that high-level representatives of the White House Białego interweniowali, to «zaplombować» all archiwalne provisions on the talks , and especially dosłowny zapis, which was sporządzony, as happening zazwyczaj, in peace only Białego Domu”, dalej. )
830„Wysokiej senior officials of the White House Białego said mi, that lawyers Białego House «nakazali im» to remove the provision of electronic informatycznego, system in which such provisions are przechowywane.
831Zapis has been transferred to a separate system elektronicznego, which is usually used to the storage of information particularly sensitive and manipulate nimi”, wrote author raportu.
832„W my opinion , these steps of tym, Białego zdawali the House that the officials of the importance of tego, what has happened during the rozmowy”, assessed sygnalista.
833As komentuje agency AP, it probably will accelerate proceedings on possible impeachmentu prezydenta, and contains valuable information about świadkach, who can confirm this relację.
834Zapis talks with Zełenskim White Dom, at the insistence of Kongresu, available in środę, not , however , on the basis of a provision elektronicznego, but based on the relations which have been its świadkami. osób,
835By and large raportu, in the version zredagowanej, highlighted one day later the intelligence of the House Reprezentantów.
836Również on Thursday pełniący duties of the US intelligence Joseph Maguire zeznawał the intelligence of the House of Representatives and submitting explanations about sposobu, in what would the worker wywiadu.
837Maguire powiedział, that sygnalista has made the right choice and have tak, as is prawo.
838Podkreślił też, that his opinion , the issue of the talks with Zełenskim event „bez precedensu”.
839Democrats in the committee intelligence zapytali Maguire'a, why zablokował provision would report sygnalisty; director intelligence odparł, that do not have powers to tego, to expose its treść, which confidential nature of the guarantees of the so-called privilege power wykonawczej.
840Część hearing Maguire'a by the committee held behind closed drzwiami.
841On Tuesday the President of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi poinformowała, that in connection with podejrzeniem, that President apply pressure on the authorities Ukrainy, to jeopardise their potencjalnemu rywalowi in the next elections prezydenckich, House of Representatives wszczyna śledztwo, that might lead to impeachmentu Trumpa.
842Day later oceniła, that provision talks Trumpa with Zełenskim potwierdza, that US president break the standards for the elections and bezpieczeństwa.
843the Law of the US electoral prohibits the use of the aid of foreign countries
844Resort justice assessed jednak, that President not break the law wyborczego. on Thursday spokesperson of the White House Białego Stephanie Grisham powiedziała, conversation that was not „nic niewłaściwego”, and in the report „nie is nothing more than a set of relations with third hand and sklejonych together wycinków prasowych”.
845„Biały House will continue to has criticised this hysteria media and the false narrację propagowaną by the media as the main nurtu”, dodała.
846Ghana growing two of the ICAO
847Ghana has two prestiżowe , during the ongoing 40. Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) in Montrealu, Kanada.
848the security acknowledges the proof that uznania, Ghana has the highest in Africa , the number of points in relation to the security lotnictwa, i.e. 89,89 per cent of the temporary pace Skutecznego implementation (EI).
849Doszło to tego, when the ICAO has its control ICVM on 3 April 2019 , in accordance with the Powszechnym Programme Audytu the Safety Agency , the UN lotnictwa.
850in the area of Nagroda was proof of the recognition of a commitment of the country in the implementation of the recommended by the ICAO standards and protocols protection at airports and airspace Ghany.
851the award was drawn up in order to support the initiative of the ICAO as No Country Left Behind.
852Dodatkowo ICAO, Member States which have improved their safety standards and ochrony, granted 16 other certificates in the field of security and 17 in the field of ochrony.
853during rozdania awards for Ghana present was Minister Lotnictwa, Joseph Kofi Adda, Dyrektor Secretary-General of the Civil Aviation Organisation Ghany, Simon Allotey, Ambasador Ghana in Kanadzie, Nii Ayikoi Otoo and Dyrektor Management Committee Ghana Airport privatized criminally Limited, Yaw Kwakwa.
854people of the International Aviation Cywilnego, Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu, in his speech highlighted the need to maintain security in aviation area by the Member członkowskie.
855Stwierdził „ważne, we constantly przypominali sobie, that even in the era of innovation aviation security protection and sustainable development must remain our staple priorytetami”.
856I shall take my you Adda zauważył, that prize was the great achievement for the efforts państwa, komplement because they are the hard work and tenacity branży.
857Dodał także, that the lotnicza has enormous potential for development of the economy kraju, words „lotnictwo has huge opportunities to change our życia.
858Są this społeczno-gospodarcze, but everything is due to the security and ochrony, which we have osiągnąć”.
859ZAMOŚĆ: Tankował and uciekał, ukradł also cycle
86050-latek of municipalities Zamość podjeżdżał its audi under dystrybutor, tankował and odjeżdżał without płacenia.
861in this way , a number of times okradł stations benzynowe.
862Mężczyzna before the month ukradł also cycle from one of the zamojskich urzędów.
863Właściciele service stations wycenili losses for almost 1 000 zł.
864Właściciel skradzionego use the 2 000 zł.
865I last Tuesday one zamojskich dzielnicowych pointed out on ul. Wyszyńskiego audi, which the owner was podejrzewany about kradzieże.
866In kierownicą stays is what has been sought 50-latek.
867he was detained in policyjnym areszcie. Mężczyzna
868On Thursday heard accusations theft fuel from 4 service stations and roweru.
869Przyznał to commit these przestępstw.
870Mundurowi odnaleźli also did rower.
871Jednoślad soon will return to właściciela.
872In theft złodziejowi risk jail sentences for years the 5th
873Trump nominuje Petera Gaynora at the head of the White House FEMA:
874Peter Gaynor, pełniący function administratora Federal Agency Disaster Control (FEMA), uśmiecha się, when zeznaje at the meeting of the Subcommittee on Security Committee on Budgets Senackiej National on the proposal of the budgetary FEMA for the financial year 2020 at Wzgórzu Kapitolińskim in Washington in the US 3 April 2019 ,
875WASZYNGTON (Reuters) the White House in obwieszczeniu, that on Thursday , the US President Donald Trump nominował Petera Gaynora at the head of the Federal (FEMA). Disaster Control Agency
876Gaynor a deputy administratora FEMA for the head of the agencji, which oversees government response to such disasters as huragany or fires lasów.
877the Agency has acted without administratora approved by the American Senate from marca, when Brock Long release this stanowisko.
878Long left after tym, as Departament Security Krajowego US Zjednoczonych, which is subject to FEMA, stwierdził, that Long incorrectly addresses invoke vehicles government for journeys between Waszyngtonem and his home in Karolinie Północnej.
879Inny candidate to this stanowisko, Jeffrey Byard, was withdrawn earlier this miesiącu, when thoroughly examine his past revealing zarzuty, given that it was the bójce in barze.
880to this nomination Spodziewano Gaynora stanowisko.
881In order to approve his this roli, will be required by the majority of Senacie.
882the White House powiadomił, that before Gaynor in 2018 , was deputy administratora FEMA, worked in crisis management in a position to Rhode Island and serve the piechocie morskiej.
883Henrik Ingebrigtsen, Norwegian biegacz, considering amputację palca
88428-letni biegacz specjalizował to over 1500 metrów, won their złoty medal championship Europe in 2012 (Helsinki), srebrny in 2014 (Zurich) and brązowy in in 2016 (Amsterdam).
885This also wicemistrzem Europe 5000 metres from 2018 (Berlin).
886Wyjaśnił, that this is not a new dolegliwość and that it already one operation soon after igrzyskach in 2016 roku, but bóle powróciły and in the current seasonal situations very nasiliły.
887Ból sprawia, that otherwise I pose stopę, which in turn , alter the my ciała, are other unnatural burden and am getting bóle in other miejscach, , for example , in the biodrze.
888I therefore I could not be enough to prepare the championship świata, and two weeks of pain is so silny, I have difficulty with zakładaniem kolców said biegacz on television channel antenie NRK.
889Ojciec and trener player Gjert Ingebrigtsen przyznał, that , after long discussions with the son had reached wniosku, that the only rozwiązaniem, not to kończył career and in the next year 's Olympic Games in Tokio, will amputacja.
890Wygląda on to, that this is jedyne, although drastic solution and decision already properly zapadła.
891„Jeżeli part of the legislature boli, it should be its pozbyć, and in total , Henrik so very does not need this palca and in this situation must be to forget the kosmetycznym”, wyjaśnił.
892Policja closing illegal factory e-papierosów with marihuaną in dolinie San Gabriel CBS Los Angeles
893EL MONTE (CBSLA) On Thursday , the police to close illegal factory e-papierosów with marihuaną in dolinie San Gabriel.
894The building biurowy standing in the street 9 600 Telstar Avenue around 16:37 done nalot, during which the police has sought illegal intended for sale e-papierosów containing marihuanę and which has found a large słoje containing butanowy oil haszyszowy koncentrat cannabis indyjskich.
895According to the porucznika Christopher Cano with police El Monte oficerowie find also urządzenie, which used to complement the contributions to vapowania.
896„Ten process is very niebezpieczny” says Cano.
897Cano, once he has worked with narkotykach, mówi, that distillation of fuel oil which is used in products to vapingu is a potentially łatwopalnym.
898„Zwykła spark elektrostatyczna of our ubrań can cause zapłon these oparów, causing not only pożar, but due to koncentrację, even and wybuch” mówi.
899„Jeśli in pomieszczeniu there are many słoi and podobnych, after one of will kolejna, causing not only pożar, but wybuch, which could zmieść the whole kompleks.
900them biurowca calls on the team to specjalnych, that this has taken up illegal and potentially dangerous substancjami.
901At the moment is not known value skonfiskowanych products and wyposażenia.
902Detektywi mówią, that received the unanimous wskazówkę, which has allowed them to obtain the przeszukania, so that irregularities were illegal działalność.
903Śledczy still trying to obtain informację, who is behind this illegal biznesem.
904these According to the person responsible with an interest in this miejscu, because office was puste.
905Śledztwo continues and oficerowie want pewność, that illegal products is not given the ulicę, given recently that emerge articles on the harmfulness of vapowania.
906„Ludzie do not really wiedzą, what products kupują” says Cano.
907„Mogą be zmieszane with other abusive chemikaliami.
908It might pose a threat to our communities and dzieci, therefore always follow them before sięganiem after this type of rzeczy.
909Aphtin withdrawn from obrotu.
910GIF took the decision providing medicine for pleśniawki
911Główny Inspektorat Farmaceutyczny supplied to withdraw from the market of the medicine to infection jamy ustnej.
912this Aphtin lek, which applies in the treatment of pleśniawek and infections drożdżakowych błony śluzowej jamy ustnej, infections being infected by bacteria Gram-dodatnimi.
913Można also apply it pomocniczo in the treatment of infections caused Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
914Produkt was withdrawn due to incompatible with the requirements of specifications grading zapach product and the content of the substances czynnej.
915Produkt was withdrawn at the request Laboratorium Galenowego in Olsztynie.
916Every month GIF seems to take a decision to individual a series of products from obrotu.
917Serie medicine wstrzymanego in circulation in Poland można, following evidence to the security of its stosowania, again introduced on rynek.
918in the event of withdrawal of the medicine that is not możliwości.
919Banknot 19 zł where buy kolekcjonerski banknot this nominale?
920Nosi nominał 19 złotych and is included on the image of Ignacego Jan Paderewskiego.
921At the beginning of October will be brought into play a new banknot kolekcjonerski has informed the National Bank Polski.
922It is again banknot with a series of „Niepodległość”.
923he Ma commemorate 100-lecie of examination Wytwórni Papierów Wartościowych.
924as has been written in the communication NBP, submitted in banknocie will Ignacy Jan Paderewski.
925Data umieszczona banknocie, on 25 January 2019 r., this dzień, which falls 100th anniversary of PWPW.
926Znak water presents an image orła from the first Polish banknotu produced in PWPW after niepodległości.
927Nowością is pasek holograficzny umiejscowiony on okienku in podłożu.
928Strona przednia presents a Ignacego Jan Paderewskiego, and alongside state „niepodległa” presented was stylizowany image orderu Orła Białego.
929Napis ten, odwzorowany with rękopisu , Joseph Piłsudskiego, is logotypem jubilation 100-lecia recovery by Poland niepodległości.
930In gałązkę wawrzynu, symbolizującą Fraternity and zwycięstwo, wkomponowano security by PWPW - Umbra4Note, which particular form of a kątowego.
931At the arrangement banknotu was introduced image building Wytwórni the panoramy modern Warszawy.
932Banknot is to take to the circulation of 2 October effort to 55 000 sztuk.
933will it costs to build 80 złotych. Jeden banknot
934All coins and banknoty issued by the NBP, including those with special serii, are legal means of payment in Polsce.
935Ich value nominalną many more than ta, , however , that can be achieved in the market kolekcjonerskim.
936New owner kupił for 500 000 dolarów, more than two million złotych, for their parents and the decision to relocate building to Queenstown in Maryland.
937House was przewieziony on a platform to the port Easton where załadowano it barkę.
938Stamtąd przepłynął river 50 mil.
939Jarosław Kaczyński will vote on Małgorzatę Gosiewską
940people Law Jarosław Kaczyński in the forthcoming elections given the floor Małgorzatę Gosiewską.
941„Proszę about samo”, zaapelował.
942Jarosław Kaczyński , together with the Małgorzatą Gosiewską pozowali to photographs banerowego candidates PiS.
943In Friday warszawska „trójka” commended in the media społecznościowych, that it will have the floor Kaczyński until the elections parlamentarnych.
944„Prezes Law and Justice , the Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński supports Małgorzatę Gosiewską”, declares its establishment in Facebooku.
945Szef zaznaczył, parties that this is a person wrażliwa, uczuciowa and always be prepared to provide pomoc.
946„Oddam my voice to Małgorzatę Gosiewską and I ask you to this samo”, apeluje.
947Gosiewska hold candidateship the Polish Parliament with constituency 19th (Warszawa) and from the third place in liście.
948there is „Jedynką” Kaczyński, itself and the second is Mariusz Kamiński.
949Nadchodzą Świąteczne Targi Książki.
950Before us meeting with popularnymi pisarzami and books in exceptional cenach.
951„Jesteśmy here , to be able to break down stereotypy. to,
952O those in the Podkarpackie region się, says that they read książek.
953that is Pokażemy, inaczej”, said during a press conference Marta Półtorak.
954A who czytelnictwo in Rzeszowie will this year wspierać?
955As usłyszeliśmy, at will siostra Anastazja, okrzyknięta first kucharką Rzeczypospolitej, and także: Łukasz Orbitowski, Katarzyna Bonda, Karolina Korwin-Piotrowska and Jakub Ćwiek.
956Tej autumn in the Millenium Hall will take place great event cultural 22 and 23 November to the heart of the trade zawita 3. edycja Świątecznych Targów Książki, is one of the most important events in regionie. czytelniczych
957May there will najciekawsze oficyny wydawnicze and księgarskie throughout Polski.
958their requirements as 30, and among them there are other Agora, Znak, SQN, PWN and Czarne.
959At its positions zaprezentują they its broad range of wydawnicze and hundreds of novelty książkowych, which the participants in Hanover will be able to buy in attractive cenach.
960For więcej, during the two days Hanover will be the exceptional meeting with pisarzami.
961With this time have autorów, who piszą on important matters and are not afraid of difficult tematów, and are laureatami prestige awards i... excellent gotują.
962Lista may authors is not yet zamknięta.
963Gwiazdą tegorocznych Hanover will siostra Anastazja, author a dozen or so books (w this kucharskich), which sold in more than 4 million egzemplarzy.
964Wystawa zaginionej sukni Elizabeth I in pałacu Hampton Court summit
965Przeplatana srebrną nicią suknia done with najznakomitszego jedwabnego kamlotu was kunsztownie ozdobiona haftami przedstawiającymi roślinność, animals and motyle.
966Dla Eleri Lynn, kuratorki wystawy foundations Historic Royal Palaces, meant only one rzecz.
967Wyblakła tkanina wisząca for 100 years displayed on small rural church parafialnego, which patrzyła, can only be zaginioną garderoby Elizabeth part I
968Three years after tym, as Lynn find case on wystawną tkaninę ołtarzową in Bacton in the county Herefordshire, zaginiona suknia Elizabeth is to be placed in the next month on wystawę in pałacu Hampton Court, close to the same pomieszczeń, where królowa with dynastii Tudorów can it really be more than 450 years temu.
969the importance of this discovery Miarą to, is that the whole collections sukni or royalty przetrwał just one more element XVI-wiecznej sukni.
970they do not have the clearest proof of to, to Elżbieta ever nosiła this suknię, three years of research reinforced by the experts in przekonaniu, that have to be a part of the królewskiej garderoby.
971„Srebrogłów”, ridiculously expensive tkanina, was legally it is claimed is reserved exclusively for the most important members dworu królewskiego, and wirtuozerska wyhaftowanych quality products and kwiatów, later wzbogacona about jelenie, psy, motyle, fishermen and niedźwiedzia, indicates that to, ubiór was one of the najznakomitszej with osób.
972Suknia, in czasie, when it was uszyta, can cost EUR posiadłości Tudorów.
973„Co więcej, in the 1990s the 16th wieku, - at the end of the rule Elżbiety, czuła it threat from the other women in dworze and not tolerowałaby rywalek noszących such wytworne tkaniny” says Lynn.
974that is very important „Jako oświadczenie, asked a lot of people with środowiska, to examine sukni.
975I would have liked really very given me to, suknię, also to see that this zachwycali and they were practically przekonani, that we have a part of królewskiej garderoby.
976Długie, to force sukni, przyciętej, to serve as a tkanina ołtarzowa in ciemnym was the issue of the Faith in Bacton, is not as niespodziewane, as you might wydawać.
977this Bacton osada, which pochodziła Blanche Parry, forthcoming Elżbiecie dama dworu, which was to begin by all of its long life and in the local legendach utożsamiano rzeczoną tkaninę.
978they suknia arose after her death in 1590 roku, experts uważają, that Elżbieta had to podarować it family Parry or parafii in memory of Blanche before she died in 1603 year .
979After more than tysiącu hours work konserwatorskich, of which 400 are in najdelikatniejszym ręcznym szyciu through specially farbowanego jedwabiu and cienkich EU chirurgicznych, tkanina ołtarzowa will receive the wystawę alongside wypożyczonego on time wystawy by pałac Hatfield House portretu „Rainbow Portrait”, one of the then najsłynniejszych images present the Elżbietę ubraną in a similar suknię.
980„Podczas working with historical tkaninami is really respect kunszt ludzi, who them wykonali” says Libby Thompson, konserwatorskich, Head of the work of which was held in przerobionej to szklarni within pałacu Hampton Court summit the only sufficiently large miejscu, to accommodate some of the bezcennych pałacowych gobelinów.
981„Patrząc on haft with forward and tyłu, zaczęłam feel great szacunek, for those who zrobili.
982never I worked on something so elitarnym.
983Wystawa entitled „The Lost Dress of Elizabeth” will start on 12 October in Hampton Court summit pałacu
984the Agency Fitch confirmed rating Poland with the prospect of a stable
985the Agency Fitch confirmed on Friday , the rating of Poland in foreign currency at the level of „A-” a komunikacie.
986The rating remain stabilna.
987„Agencja Fitch indicates the solid foundations macro-economic and well zdywersyfikowaną gospodarkę, which is supported by sensibly waged economic policy and a strong sector bankowy”, we read in the communication from the Ministry of Finansów.
988As dodano, Fitch uwagę, pointed out that Poland was included in the cycle of koniunkturalnego, and in the 20192021 real growth rates Gross Krajowego Product in Poland will be adequately 4.1 procent, 3.3 % and 2.9 procent.
989the Agency prognozuje, that deficit sector government institutions and the municipal GDP in the 2020-2021 remain below the 3 procent, adequately 2.3 % and 1.9 procent.
990the government and samorządowego „Wskaźnik debt to GDP in 2019 , will be according to the agencies 50,5 procent, and will in future years lower (średnio 48,3 per cent in the period 20202021)”, czytamy.
991Rating Poland
992Jesienną round reviews rating Poland 11 October will SP and Moody's.
993Rating Poland in the assessment of the agencies Fitch remains a sam, as issued at the end of March 2019 year .
994Wówczas Agency has confirmed the rating of Poland at „A-” prospect of stabilną.
995Among the three largest rating agencies , the credibility of lending Poland have assessed Moody's at the level of „A2”.
996Rating Poland according to the Fitch and SP this „A-”, one level at lower than Moody's.
997it all the assessments are stabilne.
998Czym is rating?
999credit rating Agencje powstają, to help investors in the assessment of the scale of the risk of their actions inwestycyjnych.
1000Rating granted is spółkom, banks and państwom.
1001in the case of these ostatnich, any assessment means attractiveness gospodarczą.
1002Rating is nothing as an assessment of the credibility of the kredytowej.
1003On the basis of taking decisions about this , to whom and for how many lending pieniądze.
1004this information suggests Czasami też, who best not to provide any kredytów, because it is a considerable ryzyko, that money will not be odzyskać.
1005Niższy rating associated with a higher ryzykiem.
1006I turn higher risk of a high interest from the kredytu.
1007Any assessment must be justified and uargumentowana.
1008Ratingiem manipulować, can , however , in this case , the risk of losing reputacji.
1009I now more than 90 per cent of the world market services rating control of the three agencje: Standard Poor's, Fitch and Moody's.
1010Any of them has its own system ocen.
1011„Piątka Konfederacji”: First 1 000 plus
1012„Piątkę Konfederacji”, - the main objectives of the programme wyborczego, submitted on Friday in Koszalinie candidates of the Polish Parliament with constituency 40 that mandate from the list of KW Konfederacja Wolność and Niepodległość.
1013Lider koszalińskiej list of the Polish Parliament put forward slogans „piątki Konfederacji”. Krzysztof Chmielewski
1014the first programme „Po 1 000 plus for Polski, secondly swift and fair sądy, thirdly bon cultural and bon oświatowy, fourthly security narodowe, fifthly , it is healthy życie”, spoke Chmielewski.
1015Zaznaczył, that „Polacy must finally dignity zarabiać”, therefore Konfederacja wants to decommissioning of tax income and as Chmielewski „problem with the figure is free from tax itself rozwiąże”.
1016„Polakom must be given the wybór, where want to save their money on emeryturę, or zero PIT and voluntary ZUS for wszystkich”, spoke of the leader of the list of the assumptions „programu 1 000 plus for Polski”.
1017Natomiast Alexander Zadencka, startująca second place listy, with regard to the programowego slogans „zdrowe życie” mówiła, that „żywność is getting worse and that it should be jakości” zmienić, „wspierać Polish rolników, Polish rolnictwo”, to promote the cultivation of free from GMO.
1018As mówiła, Konfederacja is also for zaprzestaniem „stygmatyzowania cannabis siewnych”.
1019Zadencka deklarowała support Konfederacji for „rozwoju construction using natural surowce”.
1020Opowiedziała also on behalf of the groups for „dobrowolnymi szczepieniami”.
1021„Nie can be violated the right to informed zgody”, dodała.
1022successive candidates of the Polish Parliament with koszalińskiego constituency podkreślali, that Konfederacja is „przeprowadzeniem deep reform sądownictwa”, which element would be , for example , dealt with by a judge „dzień after dniu”.
1023Opowiedzieli also for tym, to subwencja oświatowa went into schools without pośrednictwa samorządów, or according to them without additional cost of maintaining urzędników.
1024Konfederacja is also for „silną Polish armią, based on the Polish industry and the Polish żołnierzach”.
1025Kandydaci to Sejmu, have emphasised the need to increase the number of armii.
1026According to them is needed is also easier access to broni.
1027I have emphasised the need for economic matters „stałego access energii”.
1028„Możemy gazyfikować węgiel, we have a considerable quantities of energy geotermalnej, must also consider a return to the idea of power atomowej”, said , the fifth in the list of the electoral Piotr Karpiński.
1029Szef meksykańskiego you behind one third of drugs in the USA
1030Chicago immediately after the sun in the West Side in Chicago CBS News relacjonowała poranną the pursuit of narkotykami.
1031put forward by Brian McKnight with the fight against drugs (DEA) in full view of what dzieje. pokazał,
1032in the last year in Chicago almost 800 people died from przedawkowania narkotyków.
1033McKnight said „prawdopodobnie 90%” drugs in Chicago comes from Meksyku.
1034DEA focuses on meksykańskim lordzie narkotykowym, Nemesio Cervantesie, known simply as El Mencho.
1035„To it is the most important priority for DEA and directly to the federal executive bodies in the Zjednoczonych”, said Matthew Donahue, the agent DEA in Meksyku.
1036Nagroda for El Mencho goes back 10 million dolarów.
1037Pomógł findings of the provision made in the globalisation of narkotykowych El Mencho.
1038Należący to El Mencho Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion, or CJNG, is responsible for at least one third of the drugs that reach the USA by land and morską.
1039The Departamentu Sprawiedliwości, cartel przemycił „tony” kokainy, metamfetaminy and heroin zanieczyszczonej fentanylem.
1040In its El Mencho a reward of EUR 10 million dolarów.
1041as for ironię, around 30 years ago mieszkał in Kalifornii, where zaaresztowano it for the allegations of drugs and ultimately deportowano to Meksyku.
1042Właśnie there utworzył brutal kartel.
1043a large amount of Posiada broni, RPG, defends the seriousness of the 50th
1044Zasadniczo has its own team SWAT”, added Donahue.
1045El Mencho with impunity protects its imperium, applying such środki, as zestrzelenie helikoptera meksykańskiej armii, zabicie six osób, or taking part in the public wieszaniu this lata.
1046in recent years brutality you led to thousands of morderstw.
1047According to the statistics meksykańskiego government every day , around a 94 morderstw.
1048Meksykańskie drugs in Chicago are so toksyczne, that cannot be with them without ochronnego. equipment
1049In laboratory paczki kokainy means to marką przemytnika.
1050Dla more than one third of them following the lead you El Mencho.
1051it is responsible for sending „To trucizny, which kills innocent women and dzieci”, said Donahue.
1052Then when die , there is one 's own dziecko, Donahue „duża szansa”, that drugs have come from organisations El Mencho.
1053Last year przedawkowania died more than 67 000 Amerykanów.
1054Francja: 27-latek szantażował French President and his wife
105527-letni man has tried to blackmail one another Emmanuela Macrona and the first lady says French prokuratura.
1056Oskarżony zapewnia, that has documents laws which discredit presidential parę.
1057Żądał from the head of state , for example , 300 000 in gotowce.
1058Mężczyzna, which born in Azerbaijan and wanted France to work in policji, twierdzi, that he had received from those zatrudnionej in Élysée Palace „wybuchowe” dokumenty.
1059During hearings wyjaśnił, that they do not only kompromitują presidential parę, but disclose their in its entirety can even endanger the safety Macrona and first will Francji.
1060in return for their return he demanded 300 000 would like to also be given a property should be turned down on in Paryżu.
1061Kontaktował on this with one of the córek Brigitte Macron of previous małżeństwa.
1062According to the prosecution service they refused to transfer police dokumentów, which mówił.
1063Zapowiedział, will take them in the media but not wiadomo, whether these documents really istnieją.
1064I do not been found them in the revision of the flat this 27-latka.
1065Mężczyzna was present psychiatrycznym, but doctors do not have said in his no serious zaburzeń.
1066Gra PS4 will oldskulowa Sony reveals the surprising facts regarding PlayStation 4
1067Sony casts more light on the debiutującej soon play available only on PS4 - Last of Us: Two. Part
1068Sony within the framework of the recent presentation of State of Play ogłosiło, that Prime Minister sequelu - Last of Us will take place in February of 2020 ,
1069Fani can also see a new piece of zapierającej given breast games with this game akcji.
1070Jeszcze more substantive issues were revealed in the days after głośnej Minister content game - the Last of Us 2.
1071I seem to to, that Sony , together with the Naughty Dog go after oldskulowe klimaty in many względami.
1072Zdecydowano on coś, what we have not seen too often the PS 1. - Last of Us: Part 2 will be sold on the few płytkach.
1073Neil Druckmann with Naughty Dog confirmed this in an interview with The rewelacyjnym Telegraph, wyjaśniając, that sequel has expanded to one of the largest of the historii.
1074„Fabuła is ambitious and complex in aspektach, where jedynka not była” powiedział.
1075Musiała be so obszerna, in order to be able to make this kind of history with so many postaciami.
1076I do not create zamierzaliśmy najobszerniejszej gry, so simply stało.
1077„Ekscytuje świadomość, us how many opportunities lies in this historii. Będą chwile, when pomyślisz, that zmierzasz towards końcowi, but uzmysłowisz sobie, that this is just the beginning and that is completely new rozdział” is further Druckmann.
1078It is so ambitious gra, not zmieściła on one BluRayu and is on two płytkach.
1079in a different place ujawniono, that The Last of Us: Part Two contains one or two easter eggi about the content to adults (informacja you by Gamestpot).
1080I will last niespodzianki, but that arise in the game easter eggi odwołują to oldskulowych works Naughty Dog.
1081Więcej dowiecie się, when The Last of Us: Part Two zadebiutuje 21 February 2020 solely on PS4.
1082Persons holding PS4 can prepare for premierę sequelu, taking on The Last of Us Remastered available on offer PS Plus.
1083Sony recently declared a list of free of the PS4 offered since October 2019 , by PlayStation Plus, among which is mentioned the production of Naughty Dog.
1084Subskrybenci PS + will also make since October access MLB The Show 19th
1085Mr President , like Ci to The Last of Us Remastered and you want to give you the przedpremierowe sequel, Sony podało, that will be a lot of gry, including ekskluzywna edycja containing replikę plecaka Elli and its bransoletki and 30-centymetrową figurkę this kultowej postaci.
1086Biegać, szarpać and fight - Sport
1087Last Saturday pierwszoligowy Stomil will Podbeskidzie and notwithstanding the zwycięstwo.
1088Piłkarze Stomilu from three kolejek are niepokonani.
1089Podopieczni Piotra Zajączkowskiego at this time , make seven punktów, because wygrali with Stalą Mielec and Chojniczanką Chojnice, and in the last Arsenal has bezbramkowy remis in Suwałkach.
1090At olsztyński team on Saturday at 18 will Podbeskidzie, which exchange is as one of the progression to Ekstraklasy. faworytów
1091Najbliżsi rywale Stomilu are in fourth place in the table and have the advantage over drużyną with Olsztyna.
1092Podbeskidzie on our own mobility in the seasonal situations grało six times and zaliczyło after two zwycięstwa, remisy and failure Natomiast Stomil very well feels in its obiekcie at the stadium in al. Piłsudskiego 69a team Piotra Zajączkowskiego won three times and once again przegrała.
1093Łącznie 10 trains olsztynianie have made their 17 points and are leading tabeli, although after two failures of the pitch nothing not zapowiadało.
1094„Każde changes need to czasu, rezultaty”, clarifies Piotr Skiba.
1095„No and finally we something zazębiło, uwierzyliśmy in siebie, beyond that can work in normal warunkach.
1096Skupiliśmy only game in piłkę.
1097Są clean głowy, is a good atmosphere and every wie, which is robić, because we have a strong sztab szkoleniowy”.
1098On Tuesday piłkarze Stomilu wyeliminowali with Pucharu Poland Movement Chorzów, but need to dogrywki and a series of rzutów karnych.
1099At the south of Poland not visited Piotr Skiba, Grzegorz Lech and Janusz Bucholc, because trener Zajączkowski gave odpocząć this key men before sobotnią potyczką with Podbeskidziem.
1100Natomiast in Chorzowie zagrał recurring after kontuzji Jakub Mosakowski, which ultimately strzelił its long wyczekiwaną bramkę.
1101„Zawsze fajnie is get gola, and I trafiłem even in such momencie, that we can continue to play in pucharach (Mosakowski wyrównał on 3:3 in 119. minute - red.).
1102I often Tata dogryzał and śmiał się, that I cannot get bramki, him and I always mówiłem, that strzelę in such momencie, when that will not be spodziewał”.
1103At Mosakowski is to return to the basic składu, including that of żółtych shall cannot zagrać Ołeh Tarasenko.
1104it is bitterly „Po zasuwam on treningach, to play in the first składzie”, says Mosakowski.
1105I have done „W Chorzowie wszystko, to present as najlepiej.
1106Jednak or I will grał, or stays on ławce rezerwowych, it and so I will just as strongly supported zespół.
1107Bo the most important thing is a team and the three points in Arsenal with Podbeskidziem.
1108The definitely is ahead of us hard spotkanie, in which the victory of the need to be wybiegać, wyszarpać and walczyć”.
1109The middle olsztyńskiej defence could zagrać Rafał Remisz, which recently also nabawił to urazu, for tym, or wystąpi, will appear in sobotę, all the more that trener Zajączkowski traditionally to the end of the matter kadrowe is trying to maintain the tajemnicy.
1110Mężczyzna zgwałcił and zamordował siostrzenicę
1111„Nigdy not ujrzysz light dziennego.
1112You not are you going oddychał świeżym powietrzem”, said Judge Australia K. Allen, to Alexa Whipple.
1113what has been so „To, zrobiłeś the abhorrent and podłe, that you must do better to the rest of their lives in więzieniu”, dodał.
11145-letnia Lizzy zniknęła in maju.
1115Jej search for lasting five dni, to momentu, which Whipple has taken place underground ciała.
1116„Jak anyone should do is to their own siostrzenicy?”, ask Dejay Smith, uncle dziewczynki.
1117the worst „Jesteś osobą, that mankind has to zaoferowania”, said to Alexa Whipple.
1118„Oddałabym wszystko, to it again spotkać, przytulić”, said a mother who murdered dziewczynki.
1119„Nasze life will never be such samo”, safeguards zdruzgotana kobieta.
1120As informuje Fox News, 22-letni Whipple not earlier any emotion at przesłuchania.
1121that Last month przyznał, porwał, seized , and zamordował dziewczynkę.
1122Adwokat man stwierdził, that his klient wychowywał in „niedoskonałej rodzinie”.
1123Miał be molestowany as dziecko.
1124that is Dodał także, Whipple świadomość, that commit horrible phrase act and is ready to shoulder karę.
1125Mężczyzna was sentenced to dożywocie without the possibility of obtaining exemptions warunkowe.
1126he has encouraged Scott Morrison ogłosił, will take nearly 100 million dollars an additional committee hit by suszą.
1127the farmers affected by drought that money will be extended and criteria for the allocation of allowances on farms will be uproszczone.
1128The it covers almost 34 million dollars for the initiative of support for communities affected suszą, so that the eligibility to help farmers can in emergency cases be given to 3 000 dolarów.
1129anyone with 13 local municipal areas within the framework of the aid of the communities affected by drought will be given to 1 million dollars subsidies for infrastructure and assistance to cope with the consequences of the klęski.
1130New package of support is the addition to more than 7 billion dollars intended by the government in the fight against suszą.
1131Frostpunk - plays a strategic which combines the features of the production of city-builder with unikalnym symulatorem XIX-wiecznego society and mroźnym survivalem is coming to the scheduled for 11 October relaunch the konsolach.
113211 bit studios dołożyło all starań, strategiczną, to create a game in which the intuicyjny and naturally we can play through konsolowego kontrolera.
1133Frostpunk: Console Edition on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 was therefore on certain points constructed from podstaw.
1134Wśród leading climate are przemodelowany system of identification and odświeżony interfejs user , for example , with the new Sparrows wyborów, shares rapid access and easy grupowaniem available in the game budynków.
1135all players Dla konsolowych, who do not know the Frostpunka, we have a mroźne uniwersum game in the form of zwiastuna fabularnego:
1136this is a game of survival Frostpunk traktująca thinking on krawędzią społeczeństwa, in which the warmth means życie, and any decision is cenę.
1137Zadaniem player is to build on zamarzniętym pustkowiu miasta, at the heart of which is parowy generator.
1138At kompleksowa, strategic rozgrywka, combined with a fabułą and niezrównanym survivalowym doświadczeniem, available will konsolach.
1139Frostpunk: Console Edition will be a test for twojej tactical wiedzy.
1140the Chinese Zdrady (In the Name of Love China's Mistress Busters)
1141the film dokumentalny: China in the last decade the number of divorces increased dwukrotnie.
1142Przyczyną this state of affairs are generally those trzecie.
1143Coraz more men maintains relations pozamałżeńskie, what spowodowało, that wykształciła special industry in this country professional pogromczynie kochanek, which are designed to save the marriage zdradzanych żon.
1144Skandujmy głośno: Ma-te-usz!
1145Próba welcoming Prime Minister in Piekarach Śląskich
1146Osobliwą generalną to have been carried out before the meeting with Prime Minister constituency Mateuszem Morawieckim in Piekarach Śląskich.
1147„Szanowni państwo, głośniej, głośniej, in this way not przywitamy here Mr premiera!
1148Skandujmy głośno: Ma-te-usz!”, his strongly prowadzący.
1149Niestety, efforts entuzjastycznego wodzireja did not produce the desired rezultatu.
1150now election in toku.
1151Politycy jeżdżą around kraju, przekonując to wyborców.
1152Intensywną campaign is also the Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, that as the leader śląskiej list of Law is repeatedly guest in this regionie.
1153Każde meeting that is exactly the zaplanowane, together with the appropriate oprawą.
1154Yes also było, rather was być, in Piekarach Śląskich.
1155 It special customer must be specially przywitać.
1156Before meeting with premierem, in conducting decided to attempt to generalną.
1157Niczym wytrawny wodzirej sought to encourage tłum skandowania to name the head of the rządu.
1158„To will not be przywitanie for mnie, only to Prime Minister Mateusza Morawieckiego!
1159Także głośniej, up my drodzy!”, his rozentuzjazmowany.
1160Niestety, tłum unable to fully porwać wholeheartedly namowom leading and are reluctant to meet the „Ma-te-usz”, , however , recording entuzjastycznego wodzireja does furorę in sieci.
1161Ronald Lee Haskell: Mężczyzna sentenced for murder of the family of his former wife in Texas
1162Ronald Lee Haskell, 39, was sentenced in 2014 for the murder of Stephena and Katie Stay and czwórki with their five children in Spring able Teksas.
1163The authorities come home Stayów on 9 July 2014, demanding disclosure are its żony, Melannie Haskell, which was separacji.
1164I was its tam, but was its siostra, Katie Stay and its rodzina.
1165Stephen Stay, 39, Katie Stay, 33, two boys aged 13 and 4 lat, and two girls aged 9 and 7, zginęli, when Haskell opened ogień, as the Bureau Szeryfa Hrabstwa Harris.
1166Przeżył only one member of the rodziny, 15-letnia then Cassidy Stay.
1167Władze twierdziły, that it was hard ranna, but she has completely wyzdrowieć.
1168On Thursday members by jury rejected defending Ronalda Lee Haskella on the basis of niepoczytalności.
1169Ława jury again will convene in poniedziałek, to spend wyrok.
1170the Internet kwantowy ever closer to the fact ScienceDaily
1171Wyniki research a US army posuwają Internet kwantowy step bliżej.
1172Taki Internet could offer military capacities bezpieczeństwa, detection and accuracy of maintaining time inaccessible by traditional approach to establishing sieci.
1173the JRC to Rozproszonego Kwantowego Przetwarzania Information Wojskowego Laboratorium Research Development The possibilities for Prowadzenia Walk army American researchers with regard to the University in Insbrucku, which have managed to achieve the record the transfer of splątanego between materią and światłem distance of 50 kilometres from kabli światłowodowych.
1174this Splątanie korelacja, what can be created between kwantami such as kubity.
1175when two kubity will splątane and is one of the measure nich, will have an impact on the measure being made in the second of nich, even if the second kubit is physically oddalony.
1176„Te [50 kilometrów] two rzędy of further than was previously possible , and it is doable despite some considerable distance to start building międzymiastowych network kwantowych” said Dr Ben Lanyon, fizyk experimental with University in Innsbrucku and the researcher in projekcie, discoveries which was published in czasopiśmie Nature, Section Quantum Information.
1177Międzymiastowe network kwantowe składałyby with remote nodes network physical kubitów, which are of splątane despite the large distances fizycznej.
1178Badacze stwierdzili, rozproszenie splątanego state that it is essential for the creation of the Internet kwantowego.
1179„Ta demonstration of this is a significant step forward in order to achieve rozproszonego of splątanego on a large skalę” said Dr Sara Gamble, współzarządzająca military programme supporting these badania.
1180Jakość of splątanego on the other end after the przebyciu światłowodu is also the wysoka, to meet some categories of several of the most difficult applications kwantowych. network
1181Zespół research begun experiment from atomu wapnia uwięzionego trapped inside the jonowej.
1182With aid wiązek laserowych researchers into the state of kwantowy jon, in the same time it wzbudzając, to wyemitował it foton, which have been written information kwantowe.
1183In result states kwantowe atomu and now light were splątane.
1184Wyzwanie is the message fotonu kablem światłowodowym.
1185„Foton wyemitowany by jon wapnia is the length of the wave of 854 nanometrów and are quickly pochłonięty by światłowód” said Lanyon.
1186therefore his team initially sent cząstkę light by kryształ nieliniowy podświetlony strong promieniem lasera.
1187the wave of Długość fotonu was transformed into an optimal value from the point of view of the great distances the current standard telekomunikacyjna length of the wave of this 1550 nanometrów.
1188Następnie researchers they have given this foton by 50-kilometrowy kabel światłowodowy.
1189Ich pomiary pokazują, that nuclear and now light were still splątane even after the transformation of the wave of and przebyciu this odległości.
1190the choice of wapnia „Decyzja oznacza, that this is leading the way for the creation of a splątanej network zegarów atomowych on large odległościach fizycznych, because wapń can współuwięzić with high quality kubitem „zegara”.
1191Army is strongly interested splątanymi networks zegarowymi budowanymi large-scale due to the application of precise setting pozycji, precise navigation and synchronisation czasu” said Dr Fredrik Fatemi, researcher wojskowy, which also współzarządza programem.