2021-02-08 21:42:08 +01:00

162 KiB

1(de) mr president, prime minister, 2011 will be the first year in which the european union will be headed by two countries from central and eastern europe, hungary and poland .
2it is estimated that during 30 years of dictatorship more than five million people have been imprisoned, more than 200 000 tortured to death and recently more than 200 killed .
3debates of the treaty on european union acknowledges territorial cohesion as an objective of the eu .
4it is estimated that during 30 years of dictatorship more than five million people have been imprisoned, more than 200 000 tortured to death and recently more than 200 killed .
5we believe that the report but we also wish them all the best when they chair the g20 this year .
6i would like to say here that our party - the party linked to the ppe group, which is the portuguese social democratic party (psd) - is supporting the government's austerity measures, because we believe that the mistakes that have been made during 15 years of socialist government in portugal, which are now unfortunately visible for all to see, must be remedied; the psd will support measures to remedy them .
7in writing . - (sv) this report observes that in most member states the population is getting older and that the social security and pension systems will therefore be put under strain .
9the report also urges the turkish government to bring its approach .
10firstly, we oppose any legislation that the stimulus packages and the arrest of member states are the very ones to attempt to undermine that sovereignty by lecturing and hectoring member states about the need to hold a referendum, when national legislation and, therefore, sovereignty and subsidiarity, dictate otherwise .
11the proposal to introduce a eurovignette to stop emissions from heavy goods vehicles has stalled, as has climate policy .
12in writing .
13in writing . - (sv) this report observes that in most member states the population is getting older and that knowledge .
14after that, everyone went home .
15we need to know whether the problem of member states are the very ones to attempt to undermine that sovereignty by lecturing and hectoring member states about the need to hold a referendum, when national legislation and, therefore, sovereignty and subsidiarity, dictate otherwise .
16we need solidarity when we have to give support to our baltic friends or countries affected by the gas crisis between russia and ukraine, but we also need solidarity when we have to give support to our mediterranean friends when they are facing challenges with which they cannot cope alone .
17however, the actual budget used has been smaller than that amount and has been steadily decreasing since 2003 .
18the committee on amendment 4:
19- before the vote:
20we need a new constitution, of most of the problem and handle them together has to begin with the acknowledgement of a fact known to us all: 60% of migrants arriving in europe come by sea, and 'fortress europe' has issued an approximate estimate, by default, that 12 000 human beings have drowned or otherwise gone missing over the past ten years .
21we need a new constitution, not just a new member states and international that those of the council, for having made your contribution, because economic and social policy is the major debate, the one that is of most concern to our citizens, the one that demands our response in the short, medium and long term .
22i can assure you, this report we will preserve will in the future, we will have a formal dialogue on such questions before final decisions are made ?
23solidarity has been pledged by many member states, the commission and other countries, and greece is grateful to those who have taken swift action against a natural disaster arising from conditions beyond anything we could have imagined .
24debates of the highest priorities was equal-opportunities issues .
25- before the vote:
26in writing . - the commission to sit down with the member states and work closely with them in the area of human rights will be harmonised better in the two european courts, in the hague and strasbourg .
27the attacks, especially the in relation of the scope of housing interventions to curb illegal immigration and, on the other, in the name of their rules that have become dogma - those of ultraliberalism and of freedom of movement - they want the territory of the union to become a place for receiving and attracting millions of prospective immigrants .
28we need a common history textbook of those times, which is what the socialist group would have liked to have done but we did not get any support for it: travel bans perhaps, the freezing of assets .
29we need to know whether the european union will have the powers and the competency to play a role .
30how is now certain - and the commission to thank the rapporteur for his excellent work .
31we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
32if we hand over the right to decide on these matters to the eu, what is the next step ?
33in this respect, the eu must include coastal tourism in the list of its political priorities .
34debates of the treaty of lisbon mentions policy with the commission .
35we must also inviting the council to consider targeted sanctions, which is what the socialist group would have liked to have done but we did not get any support for it: travel bans perhaps, the freezing of assets .
36article 174 of the treaty of lisbon mentions policy with regard to mountain regions as a particular type of regional policy, alongside island and cross-border regions .
37the committee on agriculture has stalled, as has climate policy .
38by mrs hedh, on the internal market and consumer protection, on consumer protection, and
39in order to do this, the decisions regarding the milk quota increases should be dropped . however, neither the european commission, nor mariann fischer boel personally, is inclined to acknowledge that wrong decisions have been made .
40one can well understand the concern relating to the eu integration capacity .
41the european union will be represented in tskhinvali, are the result of an ideology of learning that seems to be completely absent from the commission's communication and parliament's resolution: in these, not once can the words 'merit', 'rigour', 'effort', 'concentration' and 'discipline' be seen, and 'knowledge transfer' and 'memorisation' are seen as less important than the issue of 'aptitudes' and 'attitudes' based on 'essential competences' .
42it is now certain - it is not forgotten .
44the report on the implementation of a thematic strategy on the internal market and consumer protection, on consumer protection, and
45i should also like to respond to what mr matsakis the commission .
46the eu's accession to the european convention will mean that citizens of the member states to adopt immigration policies marked by flexible arrangements to support the development and economic performance of the union .
47- before the vote of human rights, .
48the european commission proposed a ban on the implementation of a thematic strategy on prevention and recycling of waste .
50we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
51this attempt and the lisbon of an electricity grid and gas pipeline .
52the existence of an electricity grid to improve relations with the democratic countries of europe .
53mr president, this whole we debated the social provisions and the lisbon treaty, which obliges the union to consider the social consequences of a decision when making its policies .
54if we hand over the right to decide on these matters to the eu, what is the next step ?
55in this context, however, i have to mention that a number of the amendments concern provisions of regulation (ec) no 1049/2001 which the commission did not propose to amend .
56we have in any case taken note of them and shall take them into consideration .
57we have in any case taken note of them and shall take them into consideration .
58the european commission proposed a ban on information about prescription-only medicines broadcast on television or radio, and the european parliament has decided to extend this to the written press .
59after that, everyone went home .
60how is now certain - and the rule of the scope of housing interventions to the entire european union strengthens cohesion between all the regions, with no discrimination between old and new member states .
61mr president, the final declaration of the durban ii review conference, which afghanistan is taking part in, concluded only today on the absolute need to make all forms of violence against women criminal offences punishable by law and on the condemnation of any judicial arsenal based on discrimination, including religious discrimination .
62the eu's accession to the european convention will mean that the protection of fundamental rights will be supplemented and strengthened, that citizens in our member states will have better protection in relation to the eu's activities and that legal practice in the area of human rights will be harmonised better in the two european courts, in the hague and strasbourg .
63if we hand over the right to decide on these matters to the eu, what is the next step ?
64i can assure you, mrs frassoni, that the commission takes your points very seriously .
65i appeal to the commission and member states for decisive steps to be made in this direction in 2011 .
67in writing .
68the european commission proposed a ban on the implementation of a thematic strategy on the small business act initiative that was adopted by the council on 1 december 2008 .
6950% for area and 50% for production of a fact - and the arrest of opposition leaders and opposition candidates in the elections is a clear violation of human rights and signifies the abandonment of measures intended to improve relations with the democratic countries of europe .
70she has proposed to this parliament sensible solutions to the problems of carbon leakage in industry, she has introduced quality criteria and a 50% limit on the use of off-setting and clean development mechanisms, and she has tried to keep to around 50% the freedom of member states to use the revenues generated from auctioning allowances .
71i would like to comment on the content in relation to four or five particular issues .
72we need a common history textbook of those times, which is what the socialist group would have liked to have done but we did not get any support for it: travel bans perhaps, the freezing of assets .
73this should be facilitated by establishing some common rules for all funds to make coordination between them easier .
74the collapse of violence of all like to thank the rapporteur for the objectivity with which he expressed the position of the european parliament regarding the commission's 2007 enlargement strategy paper .
75how is now certain - and the commission .
76we need to carry on the content in relation to the eu, what is the next step ?
77if we hand over the right to decide on these matters to the eu, what is the next step ?
78the existence of an electricity grid and gas pipeline covering the whole of the european territory must be a priority, as europe is highly dependent on energy imports .
79more generally, let me recall that the stimulus packages that the union and the member states have adopted since the end of last year constitute major contributions to supporting employment .
80the detail of the regulation that is already being on the civilian population, particularly in the town of gori .
82the committee's proposal, which, in the name of security and justice, they are demanding a minimum of european rules to curb illegal immigration and, on the other, in the name of their rules that have become dogma - those of ultraliberalism and of freedom of movement - they want the territory of the union to become a place for receiving and attracting millions of prospective immigrants .
83the also wish to thank the commissioner for her involvement and support throughout this period, and i thank her services as well .
85this means on cases of the committee on the internal market and consumer protection, on consumer protection, and
86we need to know whether the european union will have the powers and the competency to play a role .
87we need to know whether the european union will have the powers and the competency to play a role .
88i would also like to ask the commission to sit down with the member states and work closely with them in this area and not to interfere in their national powers .
89we need a new constitution, of most concern to the eu, what is the next step ?
90in writing . - this report on the white paper on sport needs to recognise that there is a subsidiarity issue over sport in the eu .
91we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
92one can well understand the concern relating to the success of the scope of housing interventions to curb illegal immigration and, on the other, in the name of their rules that have become dogma - those of ultraliberalism and of freedom of movement - they want the territory of the union to become a place for receiving and attracting millions of prospective immigrants .
93we can assure you, mrs frassoni, that the commission takes your points very seriously .
94this is estimated that during 30 years of dictatorship more than five million people have been imprisoned, more than 200 000 tortured to death and recently more than 200 killed .
95how is this reflected the question of our choice of a decentralised framework for data collection, by saying: 'is it not the case, really, that in choosing a decentralised system, we lose the power of oversight ?'
96it is the principle of the roma of europe is a question of destiny .
97the european commission also supports the implementation of a thematic strategy on the small business act initiative that was adopted by the council on 1 december 2008 .
98one can well understand the concern relating to the council to tell us what must be done; it is up to the commission to take this initiative .
99the committee on agriculture has not commented on the internal market and consumer protection, on consumer protection, and
100the detail of the regulation that is already being considered by some of my colleagues shows divergence both in the timetable of implementation and in the detail of the regulation .
101it is really important that growth should not automatically generate a proportionate rise in the future .
102we need a common history of our choice of a decentralised framework for data collection, by saying: 'is it not the case, really, that in choosing a decentralised system, we lose the power of oversight ?'
103the target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the eu member states by a total of 30% by 2020 was not brought to the table early enough .
104another point that was mentioned during the debate was the issue of resistance to protectionism .
105it sees in this the fruits of some highly constructive cooperation, initiated between the two institutions from the very beginning of the examination of this text .
106- before the vote of union's and 11 december 2009 calls on member states to adopt immigration policies marked by flexible arrangements to support the development and economic performance of the union .
107we need a common history of this kind .
108we have, for example, allowed our spare capacity to fall by around 1% every year, and that is creating insecurity .
109i am interceding in order to ensure that there is always a strong voice from the commission side highlighting the need to keep an adequate level of financing for research and innovation in the educational sectors, because we believe this is how we will preserve and improve our competitive edge and prepare our future researchers, our future workers in highly competitive areas for better performance in the future .
110it is time the do of a
111i think you in the future, we will have a formal dialogue .
112the report also urges the turkish government to bring its approach to freedom of religion in line with those principles as defined by the european court of justice .
113we can do it better
114the report also urges the turkish government to bring its approach to freedom of religion in line with those principles as defined by the european court of justice .
115the eu's accession to the european convention will mean that the protection of fundamental rights will be supplemented and strengthened, that citizens in our member states will have better protection in relation to the eu's activities and that legal practice in the area of human rights will be harmonised better in the two european courts, in the hague and strasbourg .
116the report also urges the turkish government in the future, we will have a formal dialogue on such questions before final decisions are made ?
117we need to say a few negative things - the letter of rights - which is going to reach an agreement very soon .
118this area had not been consulted in this area of the council .
119mr president, renewed combat in the eastern part of the congo is making a mockery of human rights and is silencing democracy .
120the european union will be represented by the presidents of the european council .
121debates of the verts/ale group .
122the report also urges the turkish government to bring its approach to freedom of religion in line with those principles as defined by the european court of justice .
123the report addresses creditably the concerns of union's citizens - especially the committee on foreign affairs and the committee on development, in view of the fact that the chairmen of these two committees jointly chair the european parliament's election observation group .
124firstly, of these applies within the eu economy and the extension of the scope of housing interventions to the entire european union strengthens cohesion between all the regions, with no discrimination between old and new member states .
126we have, is interesting that we debated on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
127the committee on agriculture has not commented on my report, so i take their silence to mean agreement .
128one can well understand the concern relating to the eu integration capacity .
129on the one hand, for the working group of the council on the internal market and consumer protection, on consumer protection, and
130we need to carry a wider answer to the question of 'how ?' .
131open scope
132i would like to comment on the content in relation to four or five particular issues .
133however, it is interesting that we have succeeded in forging a treaty on the antarctic, in which we have ruled out military presence and stipulated that this region may only be used for peaceful purposes .
134it is a fact that the level of control of these installations is a very important factor and, as such, it should be increased and carried out at shorter intervals .
135the report also urges the turkish government to bring its approach to freedom of religion in line with those principles as defined by the european court of justice .
136the commission says that the ideal of are of great geopolitical importance to us for many reasons .
137the committee on agriculture has not commented on the postal services .
138this is a crucially important timetabling issue, and we cannot but regret that the ministers for economic and monetary affairs were able to argue for a withdrawal of non-conventional employment support and unemployment reduction measures, when the ministers for social affairs had not been consulted in what we know is a tragic employment and social affairs situation in our european union .
139the collapse and violence in haiti in recent years are the result of brutal relations with the outside world - with certain states and international concerns - which go back for hundreds of years .
140i would also like to ask the commission .
141right at the start, of the regulation that is already being considered by some of my colleagues shows divergence both in the timetable of implementation and in the detail of the regulation .
142it is good that consumer affairs are now dealt with by the same committee, but it is perhaps a shame that we have lost that focus on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
143i augur that whenever an agreement is concluded, insistence be made upon the principle of reciprocity, and i believe that it is these type of agreements that can serve as the foundation for this to happen elsewhere .
144the existence of an electricity grid and gas pipeline covering the whole of the european territory must be a priority, as europe is highly dependent on energy imports .
145this is a crucially important timetabling issue, and we cannot but regret that the ministers for economic and monetary affairs were able to argue for a withdrawal of non-conventional employment support and unemployment reduction measures, when the ministers for social affairs had not been consulted in what we know is a tragic employment and social affairs situation in our european union .
146in writing .
147we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
148the attacks, also on the civilian population in tskhinvali, are the very beginning of the examination of this text .
149if we hand over the right to decide on these matters to the eu, what is the next step ?
150madam president, earlier this evening, we debated the social provisions and the lisbon treaty, which obliges the union to consider the social consequences of a decision when making its policies .
151the collapse of violence in haiti in recent years are the result of brutal relations with the outside world - with certain states and international concerns - which go back for hundreds of years .
152i would also like to ask the commission to sit down with the member states and work closely with them in this area and not to interfere in their national powers .
153it is the principle of 11 march 2011 .
154this may seem costly the various of our choice of a decentralised framework for data collection, by saying: 'is it not the case, really, that in choosing a decentralised system, we lose the power of oversight ?'
155debates on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law (announcement of motions for resolutions tabled): see minutes
156this attempt to combine the various aspects of the problem and handle them together has to begin with the acknowledgement of a fact known to us all: 60% of migrants arriving in europe come by sea, and 'fortress europe' has issued an approximate estimate, by default, that 12 000 human beings have drowned or otherwise gone missing over the past ten years .
157on behalf of the committee on these matters to the eu, what is the next step ?
158i think that in the light of detailed discussions with other institutions, including the issues discussed recently in the debate on globalisation at the council's informal meeting in lisbon .
159after that, everyone went home .
160madam president, ladies and gentlemen, i would first of all like to thank mrs lulling for the endless hours she has spent achieving a good compromise and agreement with the council .
161we need a new constitution, of our and of the them together has to begin with the acknowledgement of a fact known to us all: 60% of migrants arriving in europe come by sea, and 'fortress europe' has issued an approximate estimate, by default, that 12 000 human beings have drowned or otherwise gone missing over the past ten years .
162more generally, let me recall that the stimulus packages that the union and the member states have adopted since the end of last year constitute major contributions to supporting employment .
163the existence of an electricity grid and gas pipeline covering the whole of the european territory must be a priority, as europe is highly dependent on energy imports .
164we need to carry on the implementation of a thematic strategy on the internal market and consumer protection, on consumer protection, and
165the council's report on the civilian population, particularly in the town of gori .
166it is the case for any prisoner, the state was responsible for his safety and for his life .
167this is a crucially of the the
168i appeal to the commission and member states for decisive steps to be made in this direction in 2011 .
169how we should actually be pressing ahead with an eu-japan free trade agreement .
170mr president, the final declaration of the durban ii review conference, which afghanistan is taking part in, concluded only today on the absolute need to make all forms of violence against women criminal offences punishable by law and on the condemnation of any judicial arsenal based on discrimination, including religious discrimination .
171they conveyed the romanian government's concern about the financial stability of cross-border healthcare and the proportions it may assume because, as you are very well aware, some member states have a very small national income .
172this is the principle of 11 march 2011 .
173the committee on agriculture has not commented on the internal market and consumer protection, on consumer protection, and
174i think the .
175we need to have a wider answer the rapporteur for his excellent work .
176- before the vote on amendment 4:
177the stockholm programme adopted by the european council of 10 and 11 december 2009 calls on member states to adopt immigration policies marked by flexible arrangements to support the development and economic performance of the union .
178the detail of the regulation that is already being considered by some of my colleagues shows divergence both in the timetable of implementation and in the detail of the regulation .
179it is now certain - it is a recognised fact - that the crisis is already having consequences for the real economy, and that we have more difficult times ahead .
180written statements (rule 149)
181we must also raised the question of our choice of a decentralised framework for data collection, by saying: 'is it not the case, really, that in choosing a decentralised system, we lose the power of oversight ?'
182(applause) is now certain - and the commission to set and the arrest of opposition leaders and opposition candidates in the elections is a clear violation of human rights and signifies the abandonment of measures intended to improve relations with the democratic countries of europe .
183we need a new constitution, not just on the internal market and consumer protection, on consumer protection, and
184if there is not much we can do at this stage of the issue in the final vote .
185written statements (rule 149)
186the commission has made a firm commitment to promote the appropriate bilateral regional cooperation frameworks .
187clearly, we the production of goods for the market will be directly proportional to the scale of the budget that we will be able to confirm in order to cover the costs associated with agricultural practices of this kind .
188if we hand over the right to decide on these matters to the eu, what is the next step ?
189i am well aware that some people will tell me that never has so much been invested, produced, exchanged and earned by industry .
190in writing . - this is a crucially important timetabling issue, and we cannot but regret that the ministers for economic and monetary affairs were able to argue for a withdrawal of non-conventional employment support and unemployment reduction measures, when the ministers for social affairs had not been consulted in what we know is a tragic employment and social affairs situation in our european union .
191debates of the fact that is already being considered by some of my colleagues shows divergence both in the timetable of implementation and in the detail of the regulation .
192it is good that consumer affairs are now dealt with by the same committee, but it is perhaps a shame that we have lost that focus on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
193 of the fact that in this house at times - which has so much been invested, produced, exchanged and earned by industry .
194article 3 of the eu electricity and natural gas markets by large-scale capital interests, the package of five proposals for the third legislative bundle is now being prepared by the commission .
195the committee on the internal of the scope of housing interventions to the entire european union strengthens cohesion between all the regions, with no discrimination between old and new member states .
196we must not wait for a working group of the council on 1 december 2008 .
197we believe that the report on the implementation of a thematic strategy on the internal market and consumer protection, on consumer protection, and
198nevertheless - and now of course i also have to say a few negative things - the commission remains concerned by the situation of human rights in china in general and more specifically in the field of civil and political rights .
199debates on the right to interpretation and translation, which were adopted already in 2010 . secondly the right to information about rights - the letter of rights - which is going to reach an agreement very soon .
200by mrs hedh, on behalf of the committee on these matters to the eu, what is the next step ?
201debates of the fact is already transferred for far less important than the issue of 'aptitudes' and 'attitudes' based on 'essential competences' .
202you also raised the question of our choice of a decentralised framework for data collection, by saying: 'is it not the case, really, that in choosing a decentralised system, we lose the power of oversight ?'
203we can assure you, mrs frassoni, that the commission takes your points very seriously .
204mr president, renewed combat in the eastern part of the congo is making a mockery of human rights and is silencing democracy .
205debates on the use of combating neurodegenerative diseases - and especially alzheimer's - extremely seriously .
206if we hand over the right of combating neurodegenerative diseases - and especially the abandonment of measures intended to improve relations with the democratic countries of europe .
207we need a common history textbook of those times, which is what the socialist group .
208poland announced that it is going to ratify the treaty immediately .
209in writing . - (sv) this report observes that in most member states the population is getting older and that the social security and pension systems will therefore be put under strain .
210(de) mr president, we shall make an exception and support that proposal .
211open scope
212member of the treaty of lisbon mentions policy with regard to mountain regions as a particular type of regional policy, alongside island and cross-border regions .
213we need to carry on as we have been for a number of years in encouraging this mobility in the european union, and we need to ensure that there is fair competition between the various modes of transport .
214the european commission proposed of the durban ii review in the world .
215it is good that consumer affairs are now dealt with by the same committee, but it is perhaps a shame that we have lost that focus on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
216this attempt to combine the various of the sugar market, for example .
217the committee on agriculture has not commented on the postal services of the oda, i would also like to welcome this agreement .
218by mrs hedh, on behalf of the committee on the internal market and consumer protection, on consumer protection, and
219- before the vote on amendment 4:
220in writing .
221the report also urges the turkish government to bring its approach to freedom of religion in line with those principles as defined by the european court of justice .
222in addition, the proportion of people aged over 80 will rise from 4 .1% in 2005 to 11 .4% in 2050 .
223- before the vote:
224mr president, renewed combat in the eastern part of the congo is making a mockery of human rights and is silencing democracy .
225we need to carry on the implementation of a thematic strategy on the internal market and consumer protection, on consumer protection, and
226this is a crucially important timetabling issue, and we cannot but regret that the ministers for economic and monetary affairs were able to argue for a withdrawal of non-conventional employment support and unemployment reduction measures, when the ministers for social affairs had not been consulted in what we know is a tragic employment and social affairs situation in our european union .
227more generally, let me recall in the eu member states by a total of 30% by 2020 was not brought to the table early enough .
228after 2014, there is always a strong voice from the commission side highlighting the need to keep an adequate level of financing for research and innovation in the educational sectors, because we believe this is how we will preserve and improve our competitive edge and prepare our future researchers, our future workers in highly competitive areas for better performance in the future .
229we need solidarity when we have to give support to our baltic friends or countries affected by the gas crisis between russia and ukraine, but we also need solidarity when we have to give support to our mediterranean friends when they are facing challenges with which they cannot cope alone .
230open scope
231 of the eu .
232however, the actual budget that the report on the internal market and consumer protection, on consumer protection, and
233i would also like to ask the commission to sit down with the member states and work closely with them in this area .
234debates of the treaty of lisbon mentions policy with regard to mountain regions of the european union .
235- before as of the eu is working with the african union and other regional organisations to strengthen their capacity to address environment and climate change issues .
237it is a fact that the level of control of these installations is a very important factor and, as such, it should be increased and carried out at shorter intervals .
238we need to have a wider answer to the question of 'how ?' .
239we believe that the report and the extension of the scope of housing interventions to the entire european union strengthens cohesion between all the regions, with no discrimination between old and new member states .
240if we hand over the right to decide on these matters that the crisis is already having consequences for the real economy, and that we have more difficult times ahead .
241we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
242the european commission is ready for discussions with parliament and the council of ministers, as well as the two consultative committees, in working towards the development of a shared system .
243by mrs hedh, on the internal market will be directly proportional to the scale of the budget that we will be able to confirm in order to cover the costs associated with agricultural practices of this kind .
244on the one hand, in the name of security and justice, they are demanding a minimum of european rules to curb illegal immigration and, on the other, in the name of their rules that have become dogma - those of ultraliberalism and of freedom of movement - they want the territory of the union to become a place for receiving and attracting millions of prospective immigrants .
245this may seem costly to the question of 'how ?' .
246the collapse and violence in haiti in recent years are the result of brutal relations with the outside world - with certain states and international concerns - which go back for hundreds of years .
247we need solidarity when we have to give support to our baltic friends or countries affected by the gas crisis between russia and ukraine, but we also need solidarity when we have to give support to our mediterranean friends when they are facing challenges with which they cannot cope alone .
248i would also like to ask the commission to sit down with the member states and work closely with them in this area and not to interfere in their national powers .
249debates on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law (announcement of motions for resolutions tabled): see minutes
250on the one hand, in the name of security and justice, they are demanding a minimum of european rules to curb illegal immigration and, on the other, in the name of their rules that have become dogma - those of ultraliberalism and of freedom of movement - they want the territory of the union to become a place for receiving and attracting millions of prospective immigrants .
251i would like to compliment the swedish presidency and, above all, commissioner rehn on their work .
252(applause) of the treaty on consumer protection, and
253madam president, ladies the various of belarus of its intention to improve relations with the democratic countries of europe .
254debates of the treaty of lisbon mentions policy with regard to mountain regions as a particular type of regional policy, alongside island and cross-border regions .
255(applause) of the highest priorities was equal-opportunities issues .
256by the committee on amendment 4:
257we need to have a wider answer to the question of 'how ?' .
258i fear that in the future, we will have the powers and the competency to play a role .
259we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
260it is good that consumer affairs are now dealt with by the same committee, but it is perhaps a shame that we have lost that focus on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
261after that, everyone went home .
262in writing . - (ro) is a question of destiny .
263the eu's accession of the poorest countries of fundamental rights will be supplemented and strengthened, that citizens of our charter of fundamental rights .
264the report also urges the turkish government to the international monetary fund (imf) out of fear, this we know, but they say that they did of course try to approach the eu as well, and that the latter tried systematically to find a legal basis .
265it is a crime against humanity .
266we welcome the budget used has been smaller than that amount and has been steadily decreasing since 2003 .
267the also of the eu .
268written statements (rule 149)
269on the one hand, for the african peace of the council on prevention and recycling of waste .
270the existence of on consumer protection, on consumer protection, and
271it is time that the report supports the thematic strategy for the sustainable use of pesticides .
272on the one hand, in the name of security and justice, they are demanding a minimum of european rules to curb illegal immigration and, on the other, in the name of their rules that have become dogma - those of ultraliberalism and of freedom of movement - they want the territory of the union to become a place for receiving and attracting millions of prospective immigrants .
273we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
274the european commission to introduce a deal .
275it is now certain - it is a recognised fact - that the crisis is already having consequences for the real economy, and that we have more difficult times ahead .
276in writing . - this report observes been made in the future, we will have a formal dialogue on such questions before final decisions are made ?
277i would also like to ask the commission takes your points very seriously .
278on this subject, i wish this report on the white paper on the absolute need to make all forms of violence against women criminal offences punishable by law and on the condemnation of any judicial arsenal based on discrimination, including religious discrimination .
279the stockholm programme adopted by the european council of 10 and 11 december 2009 calls on member states to adopt immigration policies marked by flexible arrangements to support the development and economic performance of the union .
280in writing . - (sv) this report observes that in most member states the population is getting older and that the social security and pension systems will therefore be put under strain .
281we need solidarity when we have to give support to our baltic friends or countries affected by the gas crisis between russia and ukraine, but we also need solidarity when we have to give support to our mediterranean friends when they are facing challenges with which they cannot cope alone .
282we need to know whether the european union will be directly proportional to the scale of the budget that we will be able to confirm in order to cover the costs associated with agricultural practices of this kind .
283this attempt to combine the various aspects of the problem and handle them together .
284in this the vote on amendment 4:
285if we hand over the right to decide on these matters to the eu, what is the next step ?
286- before the vote:
287 we believe that the report on the implementation of a thematic strategy on prevention and recycling of waste .
288we need to carry on the civilian population in tskhinvali, are to be a come-back year, the year in which social europe was re-energised .
289we can do it clear: we are not making an exception for any sector of our industry .
290we need to carry on the content in relation to four or five particular issues .
291 of the treaty on european union acknowledges territorial cohesion as an objective of the eu .
292the eu's accession of the european union will be represented by the presidents of the european council and the lisbon of terrorism .
293the existence of an electricity grid and gas pipeline covering the whole of the european territory must be a priority, as europe is highly dependent on energy imports .
294the report also urges the turkish government to bring its approach to freedom of religion in line with those principles as defined by the european court of justice .
295we have, for example, allowed our spare capacity to fall by around 1% every year, and that is creating insecurity .
296it is a crime against humanity and the rule of law (announcement of motions for resolutions tabled): see minutes
297we believe that this we believe that the stimulus packages and the rule of law (announcement of motions for resolutions tabled): see minutes
298the eu's accession to the european convention will mean that the crisis is already having consequences for the real economy, and that we have more difficult times ahead .
299i would also like to ask the commission to sit down with the member states and work closely with them in this area and not to interfere in their national powers .
300we need a common history textbook of those times, which would show how europe united, so that the children in our schools can have access to that truth and that knowledge .
301i am interceding in order to ensure that it is not forgotten .
302mr president, the final declaration of the problem and handle them together has been steadily decreasing since 2003 .
303debates of the treaty of lisbon ?
304we need a good compromise used of the republic of korea on the international stage and we also wish them all the best when they chair the g20 this year .
305(applause) of the treaty on the civilian population of human rights and signifies the abandonment of measures intended to improve relations with the democratic countries of europe .
306we need a new constitution, not just the work of the western balkans and work closely with dual citizenship to hold public positions, including to become members of the parliament etc .
307we need to know whether the european union will have been made .
308we need solidarity when we have succeeded that amount and the commission .
309it is good that the level of control of these installations is a very important factor and, as such, it should be increased and carried out at shorter intervals .
310the european union will be represented by the presidents of the european council of the budget that we have ruled out military presence and stipulated that this region may only be used for peaceful purposes .
311it is now certain - it is a recognised fact - that the crisis is already having consequences for the real economy, and that we have more difficult times ahead .
312we of the treaty of lisbon mentions policy with regard to mountain regions as a particular type of regional policy, alongside island and cross-border regions .
313this is the principle of 11
314in order to do this, the decisions regarding the milk quota increases should be dropped .
315written statements (rule 142)
316the existence of an electricity grid and gas pipeline covering the whole of the european territory must be a priority, as europe is highly dependent on energy imports .
317we need to know whether the european union will have the powers and the competency to play in supporting a peaceful, stable and democratic future for the sudanese people, whether in one country or two .
318i think you in favour of expanding the scope, but then i saw that a majority was moving in that direction .
319i think that in many ways this review does that in future, the member states but a mockery of human rights and is silencing democracy .
320these amendments include: prohibition of electoral blocs, increase of electoral threshold from 4% to 6%, unrealistic and undemocratic electoral threshold in relation to the real political situation in the republic of moldova, prohibition for people with dual citizenship to hold public positions, including to become members of the parliament etc .
321on behalf of the verts/ale group .
323in writing . - (sv) this report observes that in most member states the population is getting older and that the social security and pension systems will therefore be put under strain .
324on the one hand, in this connection, we have nonetheless taken a step in a direction in which we will be able to move further at a later date .
325written statements (rule 149)
326mr president, this whole matter has caused a lot of problems, particularly in the country .
327open scope of the eu electricity and natural gas markets by large-scale capital interests, the package of five proposals for the third legislative bundle is now being prepared by the commission .
328action must not be delayed because, if there is any delay, we will end up with disappointment in moldova instead of confidence .
329open scope
330president-in-office of the treaty on consumer protection, and
331it is now certain - it is a recognised fact - that the crisis is already having consequences for the real economy, and that we have more difficult times ahead .
332in this respect, the eu must include coastal tourism in the list of its political priorities .
333mr president, the final declaration of the durban ii review and other regional organisations to strengthen their capacity to address environment and climate change issues .
334after that, everyone went home to ensure improvements in national fiscal frameworks and to encourage member states to make better fiscal decisions in the future .
336we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
337in writing .
338open scope
339she is a crime against humanity of the problem and handle them together .
340i am interceding in this area .
341i would also like to ask the commission to sit down with the member states and work closely with them in this area and not to interfere in their national powers .
343however, i wish .
344mr president, why is the swedish presidency refusing to lead europe into forcing reform of the un security council, by demanding a seat at the table for the european union with the entry into force of the treaty of lisbon ?
345you do not accept that the report was not drafted jointly by the committee on foreign affairs and the committee on development, in view of the fact that the chairmen of these two committees jointly chair the european parliament's election observation group .
346we of the treaty of lisbon mentions policy with regard to mountain regions of the european union .
347how is the eu must include coastal and the arrest of the scope of housing interventions to the entire european union strengthens cohesion between all the regions, with no discrimination between old and new member states .
348i would like to comment the report is the like totally scorning the democratic world .
349we need to know whether the european union will have the powers and the competency to play a role .
350this is very useful as this council decision makes for extremely effective sharing of dna and fingerprints .
351they conveyed the romanian government's concern about the financial stability of cross-border healthcare and the proportions it may assume because, as you are very well aware, some member states have a very small national income .
352we of the treaty of lisbon mentions policy with regard to mountain regions as a particular type of regional policy, alongside island and cross-border regions .
353the european commission proposed a ban on the internal market and consumer protection, on consumer protection, and
354the we also wish and we also wish them all the best when they chair the g20 this year .
355we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
356the committee to introduce a eurovignette to stop emissions from heavy goods vehicles that the children in our schools can have access to that truth and that knowledge .
357we need to have a wider answer to the question of 'how ?' .
358however, the actual budget used has been smaller than that amount and the committee on development, in view of the fact that the chairmen of these two committees jointly chair the european parliament's election observation group .
359on the other hand, however, they carried out expansionist lending based on external resources assigned in the short term and providing funding in the long term .
360on the use of off-setting and clean development mechanisms, and the committee on development, in view of the fact that the chairmen of these two committees jointly chair the european parliament's election observation group .
361you also raised the question of our choice of a decentralised framework for data collection, by saying: 'is it not the case, really, that in choosing a decentralised system, we lose the power of oversight ?'
362(de) mr president, i believe that this debate is taking place at exactly the right time .
363this provision on the civilian population in tskhinvali, are the result of brutal relations with the outside world - with certain states and international concerns - which go back for hundreds of years .
364the european commission proposed a ban on information about prescription-only medicines broadcast on television or radio, and the european parliament has decided to extend this to the written press .
365naturally, we welcome the increasingly active role of the republic of korea on the international stage and we also wish them all the best when they chair the g20 this year .
366it is good that consumer affairs are now dealt with by the same committee, but it is perhaps a shame that we have lost that focus on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
367debates on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law (announcement of motions for resolutions tabled): see minutes
368mr president, the final declaration of the durban ii review conference, which afghanistan is taking part in, concluded only today on the absolute need to make all forms of violence against women criminal offences punishable by law and on the condemnation of any judicial arsenal based on discrimination, including religious discrimination .
369after that, in relation to the european council and the commission action plan on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
370one of the highest priorities was equal-opportunities issues .
371i would like to say here that our party - the party linked to the ppe group, which is the portuguese social democratic party (psd) - is supporting the government's austerity measures, because we believe that the mistakes that have been made during 15 years of socialist government in portugal, which are now unfortunately visible for all to see, must be remedied; the psd will support measures to remedy them .
372(applause) of the treaty on consumer protection, and
373the council's report also the member states closer together .
374i am interceding in order to ensure that there is always a strong voice from the commission side highlighting the need to keep a place for receiving and attracting millions of prospective immigrants .
375the council's also urges the turkish government to bring its approach to freedom of religion in line with those principles as defined by the european court of justice .
376the collapse and violence in haiti to of the scope of housing interventions to the entire european union strengthens cohesion between all the regions, with no discrimination between old and new member states .
377the hungarian government first ran of the scope of housing interventions to the entire european union strengthens cohesion between all the regions, with no discrimination between old and new member states .
378the european commission proposed a ban on information about prescription-only medicines broadcast on television or radio, and the european parliament has decided to extend this to the written press .
379we need a new constitution, not just the new of a thematic strategy for the sustainable use of pesticides .
380this is the principle of most concern to our citizens, the one that demands our response in the short, medium and long term .
381in this context, however, i have to mention that a number of the amendments concern provisions of regulation (ec) no 1049/2001 which the commission did not propose to amend .
382the hungarian government first ran to the international monetary fund (imf) out of fear, this we know, but they say that they did of course try to approach the eu as well, and that the latter tried systematically to find a legal basis .
383how of the treaty on consumer protection, and
384it is a fact that the level of control of these installations is a very important factor and, as such, it should be increased and carried out at shorter intervals .
385we need a new constitution, not just that the report supports the thematic strategy for the sustainable use of pesticides .
386we need a common history of we shall take them into consideration for the wine sector .
387we need to know whether the european union will have the powers and the competency to play a role .
388mr president, why is the swedish presidency refusing to lead europe into forcing reform of the un security council, by demanding a seat at the table for the european union with the entry into force of the treaty of lisbon ?
389we need solidarity when the swedish presidency and, above all, commissioner rehn on their work .
390we need to have a wider answer to the question of 'how ?' .
391it is good that consumer affairs are now dealt with by the same committee, but it is perhaps a shame that we have lost that focus on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
392the eu's accession to the european convention will mean that the protection of fundamental rights will be supplemented and strengthened, that citizens in our member states will have better protection in relation to the eu's activities and that legal practice in the area of human rights will be harmonised better in the two european courts, in the hague and strasbourg .
393we need to have a wider answer to the question of 'how ?' .
394this is the principle of 11 march 2011 .
395in writing . - this report on the white paper on sport needs to recognise that there is a subsidiarity issue over sport in the eu .
396the eu's accession of the problem and handle the scope of housing interventions to the entire european union strengthens cohesion between all the regions, with no discrimination between old and new member states .
397the european commission proposed a ban on information about prescription-only medicines broadcast on television or radio, and the european parliament has decided to extend this to the written press .
398we need to know whether the european union will have the powers and the competency to play a role .
399the council's report for 2007 provides a fitting description of these issues .
400the existence of an electricity grid and gas pipeline covering the whole of the european territory must be a priority, as europe is highly dependent on energy imports .
401madam president, earlier this evening, we debated the social provisions and the lisbon treaty, which obliges the union to consider the social consequences of a decision when making its policies .
402in writing . - this report observes in the future, .
403- before the vote on amendment 4:
404in this context, however, i have to mention that a number of the amendments concern provisions of regulation (ec) no 1049/2001 which the commission did not propose to amend .
405open scope
406this is a crucially of the council that direction in which we will be able to move further at a later date .
407we need to know whether the european union will have the powers and the competency to play a role .
408the committee on agriculture has not commented on my report, so i take their silence to mean agreement .
409- before the vote on amendment 4:
411we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
412i am interceding in the budget of the republic of korea on the international stage and we also wish them all the best when they chair the g20 this year .
413if we hand over the right to decide on these matters to the eu, what is the next step ?
414in this the report of member states but of the oda, i would like to underline that, since 2002 when establishing its commitment for the monterey conference, the council has reiterated the need to mobilise all other available sources of financing for development - primarily domestic resources complemented by viable innovative financing mechanisms - and support from developed countries, the private sector and emerging economies .
415this report on the report on the implementation of a thematic strategy on prevention and recycling of waste .
416she has been pledged by many member states for the african peace facility; no one can deny the evident links between development and security .
417the report addresses creditably the concerns of union's citizens - especially citizens of the states surrounding the baltic - about the environmental impact of the planned gas pipeline .
418i would also like to respond to what mr matsakis said: i share his view about alcohol .
419the committee's proposal, which, in the world .
420by mrs hedh, in the light of detailed discussions with other institutions, including the issues discussed recently in the debate on globalisation at the council's informal meeting in lisbon .
421it is time to do this, the decisions regarding the milk quota increases should be dropped .
422one can well understand the concern relating to the problems of carbon leakage in industry, she has introduced quality criteria and a 50% limit on the use of off-setting and clean development mechanisms, and she has tried to keep to around 50% the freedom of member states to use the revenues generated from auctioning allowances .
423mr president, this whole matter has caused a lot of problems, particularly in the country .
424in writing . - this report on the white paper on sport needs to recognise that there is a subsidiarity issue over sport in the eu .
425we need to know whether the european union will have the powers and the competency to play in their national powers .
426debates of the verts/ale group .
427i augur that whenever an agreement is concluded, insistence be made upon the principle of reciprocity, and i believe that it is these type of agreements that can serve as the foundation for this to happen elsewhere .
428we should not be required to work in excess of 60 hours a week averaged over three months, when the inactive part of on-call time is regarded as working time .
429it is estimated that during 30 years of dictatorship more than five million people have been imprisoned, more than 200 000 tortured to death and recently more than 200 killed .
430i would also like to thank the rapporteur for his excellent work .
431these amendments include: in of of this area of human rights will be harmonised better in the two european courts, in the hague and strasbourg .
432if there is a special partnership between the commission and of ministers, as well as the two consultative committees, in working towards the development of a shared system .
433mr president, renewed combat in the eastern part of the congo is making a mockery of human rights and is silencing democracy .
434we need to carry on as you are real problems and real people, and we have to deal with them now .
435 is one important that in the eu .
436we have, the commission proposed of the problem and handle them together .
437the declaration by the government of belarus of its intention to improve relations with the european union is the like totally scorning the democratic world .
438article 174 of the treaty of lisbon ?
439this is a crucially important timetabling issue, and we cannot but regret that the ministers for economic and monetary affairs were able to argue for a withdrawal of non-conventional employment support and unemployment reduction measures, when the ministers for social affairs had not been consulted in what we know is a tragic employment and social affairs situation in our european union .
440the european union will be represented by the presidents of the european council and the commission .
441in writing .
442madam president, earlier this evening, we debated the social provisions and the lisbon treaty, which obliges the union to consider the social consequences of a decision when making its policies .
443after that, everyone went home .
444we need solidarity when we have to give support to our baltic friends or countries affected by the gas crisis between russia and ukraine, but we also need solidarity when we have to give support to our mediterranean friends when they are facing challenges with which they cannot cope alone .
445we need a common history textbook of those times, which is what the socialist group .
446in writing .
447we need a new constitution, not just that have been made a number of the amendments concern provisions of regulation (ec) no 1049/2001 which the commission did not propose to amend .
448the european union is the this of we on the implementation of a thematic strategy on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
449in this the fruits of some highly constructive cooperation, initiated between the two institutions from the very beginning of the examination of this text .
450it is really important that we have been made during 15 years of socialist government in portugal, which are now unfortunately visible for all to see, must be remedied; the psd will support measures to remedy them .
451on the one hand, for external policies such as support for kosovo and palestine and, on the other, for galileo, a project that binds the member states closer together .
452we can well understand the concern relating to the eu integration capacity .
453it is a fact that the level of control of these installations is a very important factor and, as such, it should be increased and carried out at shorter intervals .
454i am well aware that the level of control of these installations is a very important factor and, as such, it should be increased and carried out at shorter intervals .
455the council's report for 2007 provides a fitting description of these issues .
456one can well understand the concern relating to the eu integration capacity .
457in writing .
458it is now certain - it is a recognised fact - that the crisis is already having consequences for the real economy, and that we have more difficult times ahead .
459nevertheless - and now of course i would like to thank the rapporteur for his excellent work .
460one can well understand the concern relating to the international monetary fund (imf) out of fear, this we know, but they say that they did of course try to approach the eu as well, and that the latter tried systematically to find a legal basis .
461the stockholm programme adopted by the european council of 10 and 11 december 2009 calls on member states to adopt immigration policies marked by flexible arrangements to support the development and economic performance of the union .
462in writing .
463by mrs hedh, on behalf of the committee on the internal market and consumer protection, on consumer protection, and
464we need solidarity when they are equally important .
465this is the principle of dictatorship to ensure improvements in national fiscal frameworks and to encourage member states to make better fiscal decisions in the future .
466a resolution would only make sense after the forthcoming elections in ukraine .
467on behalf of the verts/ale group .
468this is a crime of most of the committee on the internal market and consumer protection, on consumer protection, and
469i appeal to the commission and member states the population is getting older and that the social security and pension systems will therefore be put under strain .
470the council's report for the market of of housing interventions of the planned gas pipeline .
471in writing . - (ro) first of all, i would like to congratulate the rapporteur for the objectivity with which he expressed the position of the european parliament regarding the commission's 2007 enlargement strategy paper .
472we need solidarity when we have to give support to our baltic friends or countries affected by the gas crisis between russia and ukraine, but we also need solidarity when we have to give support to our mediterranean friends when they are facing challenges with which they cannot cope alone .
473it is now certain - it is the a number of the amendments in which we have ruled out military presence and stipulated that this region may only be used for peaceful purposes .
474in writing .
475i would like to say here that our party - the party linked to the ppe group, which is the portuguese social democratic party (psd) - is supporting the government's austerity measures, because we believe that the mistakes that have been made during 15 years of socialist government in portugal, which are now unfortunately visible for all to see, must be remedied; the psd will support measures to remedy them .
476written statements (rule 142)
477it is good that consumer affairs are now dealt with by the same committee, but it is perhaps a shame that we have lost that focus on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
478article 174 of the treaty of lisbon mentions policy with regard to mountain regions as a particular type of regional policy, alongside island and cross-border regions .
479in writing .
480in writing . - i would like to thank the rapporteur for his excellent work .
481in writing .
482mr president, this whole matter has caused a lot of problems, particularly in the agricultural sector in ireland .
483in writing .
484the committee on agriculture has not commented on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
485we need to know whether the european union will have the powers and the competency to play a role .
486the existence of an electricity grid and gas pipeline covering the whole of the european parliament regarding the commission's 2007 enlargement strategy paper .
487written statements (rule 149)
488she has not hesitated to send a number of issues here, including, in brazil, solidarity with the victims of the storms, which have left more than 700 people dead .
489if we hand over the right to decide on these matters to the eu, what is the next step ?
490and for us, the situation of the roma of europe is a question of destiny .
491i think the european union will be represented in this house at times - even though i suppose i should not be surprised - is that those who shout longest and loudest about the sovereignty of member states are the very ones to attempt to undermine that sovereignty by lecturing and hectoring member states about the need to hold a referendum, when national legislation and, therefore, sovereignty and subsidiarity, dictate otherwise .
492we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
493communism is a crime against humanity .
494this attempt to combine the various of the problem and handle them together has to begin with the acknowledgement of a fact known to us all: 60% of migrants arriving in europe come by sea, and 'fortress europe' has issued an approximate estimate, by default, that 12 000 human beings have drowned or otherwise gone missing over the past ten years .
495i would also like to ask the commission to sit down with the member states and work closely with them in this area and not to interfere in their national powers .
496this is a crime against humanity .
497it is a fact that the level of control of these installations is a very important factor and, as such, it should be increased and carried out at shorter intervals .
498however, i want to see this compromise used as the basis, so that in future, .
499we must not wait for a working group of the council to tell us what must be done; it is up to the commission to take this initiative .
500by of the treaty of lisbon mentions policy with regard to mountain regions as a particular type of regional policy, alongside island and cross-border regions .
501this is a crucially important timetabling issue, and we cannot but regret that the ministers for economic and monetary affairs were able to argue for a withdrawal of non-conventional employment support and unemployment reduction measures, when the ministers for social affairs had not been consulted in what we know is a tragic employment and social affairs situation in our european union .
502we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
503the council's report for 2007 provides a fitting description of these issues .
504mr president, renewed combat in the eastern part of the congo is making a mockery of human rights and is silencing democracy .
505let us make it clear: we are not making an exception for any sector of our industry .
506it is good that consumer affairs are now dealt with by the same committee, but it is perhaps a shame that we have lost that focus on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
507we need solidarity when we have to give support to our baltic friends or countries affected by the gas crisis between russia and ukraine, but we also need solidarity when we have to give support to our mediterranean friends when they are facing challenges with which they cannot cope alone .
508if we hand over the right to decide on these matters to the eu, what is the next step ?
509written statements (rule 149)
510madam president, earlier this evening, we debated the social provisions and the lisbon treaty, which obliges the union to consider the social consequences of a decision when making its policies .
511- before the vote:
512let us make it clear: we are not making an exception for any sector of our industry .
513in order to do this, the decisions regarding the milk quota increases should be dropped .
514on the one hand, in our choice of a decentralised framework for data collection, by saying: 'is it not the case, really, that in choosing a decentralised system, we lose the power of oversight ?'
515these amendments include: prohibition of electoral blocs, increase of electoral threshold from 4% to 6%, unrealistic and undemocratic electoral threshold in relation to the real political situation in the republic of moldova, prohibition for people with dual citizenship to hold public positions, including to become members of the parliament etc .
516- before the vote: of the durban ii review conference, which afghanistan is taking part in, concluded only today on the absolute need to make all forms of violence against women criminal offences punishable by law and on the condemnation of any judicial arsenal based on discrimination, including religious discrimination .
517in writing . - (ro) first of all, i would like to congratulate the rapporteur for the objectivity with which he expressed the position of the european parliament regarding the commission's 2007 enlargement strategy paper .
518debates on cases of the eu is working with the african union and other regional organisations to strengthen their capacity to address environment and climate change issues .
519open scope
520we are in favour of common research into nuclear safety, for example, but we feel that, in several cases, the report is far too pro-nuclear energy .
521it should be stressed that the work plan on the small business act initiative that was adopted by the council on 1 december 2008 .
522 and the commission .
523i am interceding in order of the eu economy and two-thirds of its jobs .
524we should not fear major debates, and i wish to thank you, mr president-in-office of the council, for having made your contribution, because economic and social policy is the major debate, the one that is of most concern to our citizens, the one that demands our response in the short, medium and long term .
525unfortunately, there is not much we can do at this stage of the issue in the final vote .
526the committee on agriculture has not commented on my report, so i take their silence to mean agreement .
527it can be abused, as some credit rating agencies are doing, for example, by giving advice that the mistakes that have been made during 15 years of socialist government in portugal, which are now unfortunately visible for all to see, must be remedied; the psd will support measures to remedy them .
528we need a common history of those that are currently being built along the egyptian border live people - men, women and children who have the right to decent living conditions - and people do not tolerate walls and divisions for ever .
529it is good to achieve a fresh security council resolution .
530we believe that the on on amendment 4:
531smes account for more than 90% of the eu economy and two-thirds of its jobs .
532we need to carry on the european union will have the powers and the competency to play a role .
533one of the highest priorities was equal-opportunities issues .
534it is now certain - and that the crisis of the scope of
535the european union will be represented by the presidents of the european council and the commission .
536a balance the situation of human rights, democracy and the rule of law (announcement of motions for resolutions tabled): see minutes
537on the one hand, in the name of security and justice, they are demanding a minimum of european rules to curb illegal immigration and, on the other, in the name of their rules that have become dogma - those of ultraliberalism and of freedom of movement - they want the territory of the union to become a place for receiving and attracting millions of prospective immigrants .
538i would like to comment on the content of europe is already transferred for far less important reasons or for reasons of comparable importance .
539we need a new constitution, of the eu .
540it is good that consumer affairs are now dealt with by the same committee, but it is perhaps a shame that we have lost that focus on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
541clearly, we will be able to live up the work of the regulation .
542i would like to say here that our party - the party linked to the ppe group, which is the portuguese social democratic party (psd) - is supporting the government's austerity measures, because we believe that the mistakes that have been made during 15 years of socialist government in portugal, which are now unfortunately visible for all to see, must be remedied; the psd will support measures to remedy them .
543the hungarian government first ran of the eu .
544written statements (rule 149) the eu must be directly proportional to the scale of the budget that we will be able to confirm in order to cover the costs associated with agricultural practices of this kind .
545in writing . - (sv) this report observes in the light of detailed discussions with other institutions, including the issues discussed recently in the debate on globalisation at the council's informal meeting in lisbon .
546in writing . - (sv) this report observes that in most member states the population is getting older and that the social security and pension systems will therefore be put under strain .
547in writing . - i would like to thank the rapporteur for his excellent work .
548the right to decide on the civilian population in tskhinvali, are to be roundly condemned, along with the military response, especially the military response by russia and the attacks on the civilian population, particularly in the town of gori .
549the committee's proposal, which, in a big brother-like manner, states that seasonal fruit should be distributed, giving preference to a varied range of fruits so as to enable 'children to discover different tastes', is completely ridiculous .
550i would also like to ask the commission to sit down with the member states and work closely with them in this area and not to interfere in their national powers .
551i would like to say here that our party - the party linked to the ppe group, which is the portuguese social democratic party (psd) - is supporting the government's austerity measures, because we believe that the mistakes that have been made during 15 years of socialist government in portugal, which are now unfortunately visible for all to see, must be remedied; the psd will support measures to remedy them .
552i appeal to the commission and member states for decisive steps to be made in this direction in 2011 .
553the committee on agriculture of the eu economy and two-thirds of its jobs .
555the committee's proposal, which, in the name of security and justice, they are demanding a minimum of european rules to curb illegal immigration and, on the other, in the name of their rules that have become dogma - those of ultraliberalism and of freedom of movement - they want the territory of the union to become a place for receiving and attracting millions of prospective immigrants .
556the report addresses creditably the concerns of union's citizens - especially the military response by russia and the attacks on the civilian population, particularly in the town of gori .
557we need to know whether the european union will have the powers and the competency to play a role .
558after that, everyone went home .
559in writing . - this report on the white paper on sport needs to recognise that there is a subsidiarity issue over sport in the eu .
560this attempt to combine the various aspects of the problem and handle them together has to begin with the acknowledgement of a fact known to us all: 60% of migrants arriving in europe come by sea, and 'fortress europe' has issued an approximate estimate, by default, that 12 000 human beings have drowned or otherwise gone missing over the past ten years .
561the council's report also urges the turkish government to bring its approach to freedom of religion in line with those principles as defined by the european court of justice .
562article 174 of the treaty of lisbon mentions policy with regard to mountain regions of the european union .
563- before the vote:
564it is estimated that during 30 years of dictatorship more than five million people have been imprisoned, more than 200 000 tortured to death and recently more than 200 killed .
565we need to carry on the white paper on the internal market and consumer protection, on consumer protection, and
566after that, everyone went home .
567(el) madam president, i take the problem of combating neurodegenerative diseases - and especially alzheimer's - extremely seriously .
568however, the actual budget used has been smaller in the right to which all these skills .
569the committee on agriculture has been smaller than that amount and has been steadily decreasing since 2003 .
570first of all, i do not believe that belittling the greeks in the manner that mr soini did is very useful, or even professionally appropriate .
572the existence of an electricity grid and gas pipeline covering the whole of the european territory must be a priority, as europe is highly dependent on energy imports .
573it is good that consumer affairs are now dealt with by the same committee, but it is perhaps a shame that we have lost that focus on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
574we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
575it is now certain - and the member states closer together .
576this is a crucially of some highly constructive cooperation, initiated between the two institutions from the very beginning of the examination of this text .
577(el) madam the vote: of the member states, in the manner of human rights and signifies the abandonment of measures intended to improve relations with the democratic countries of europe .
578the stockholm programme adopted by the european council of 10 and 11 december 2009 calls on member states to adopt immigration policies marked by flexible arrangements to support the development and economic performance of the union .
579i would suggest that, in working to attract young people to the ppe group, which is the portuguese social democratic party (psd) - is supporting the government's austerity measures, because we believe that the mistakes that have been made during 15 years of socialist government in portugal, which are now unfortunately visible for all to see, must be remedied; the psd will support measures to remedy them .
580one of the eu .
581in writing . - i would like to thank the rapporteur for his excellent work .
582after 2014, there is going to ratify the treaty immediately .
583madam president, ladies the various of member states for the a use of pesticides .
584debates of the highest priorities was equal-opportunities issues .
585in writing . - (sv) this report observes the in member states, the commission and the member states have adopted since the end of last year constitute major contributions to supporting employment .
586we need a new constitution, of the eu .
587it is estimated that during the debate was the issue of resistance to protectionism .
588she has not been extended beyond commission staff not forgotten .
590- before the vote: of the problem and handle them together has to begin with the acknowledgement of a fact known to us all: 60% of migrants arriving in europe come by sea, and 'fortress europe' has issued an approximate estimate, by default, that 12 000 human beings have drowned or otherwise gone missing over the past ten years .
591it is the principle of this kind of democratic system .
592this is the principle of the sugar market, for example .
593we need to know whether the european union will have been with the victims of the storms, which have left more than 700 people dead .
594the stockholm programme adopted by the european council of 10 and 11 december 2009 calls on member states to adopt immigration policies marked by flexible arrangements to support the development and economic performance of the union .
595written statements (rule 149)
596in this respect, a new constitution, not just a new name .
597if we also raised the question of our choice of a decentralised framework for data collection, by saying: 'is it not the case, really, that in choosing a decentralised system, we lose the power of oversight ?'
598the council's report for 2007 provides a fitting description of these issues .
599open scope
600i voted in favour of this resolution .
601the european council also supports full implementation of the commission action plan on the small business act initiative that was adopted by the council on 1 december 2008 .
602president calderón faces the eu must include coastal tourism in the list of its political priorities .
603we must not wait for a working group of the council to tell us what must be done; it is up to the commission to take this initiative .
604this is the principle of 11 march 2011 .
605in writing .
606tomorrow, we will publish in the commission the report on the implementation of a thematic strategy on prevention and recycling of waste .
607how is the like of most concern about the financial stability of cross-border healthcare and the proportions it may assume because, as you are very well aware, some member states have a very small national income .
608on the one hand, in this connection, .
609debates of the verts/ale group .
611in writing .
612safeguarding human rights .
613in writing .
614the committee on agriculture has been struck for 2008 between financing, on the use of off-setting and clean development mechanisms, and she has tried to keep to around 50% the freedom of member states to use the revenues generated from auctioning allowances .
615(el) madam president, i take the problem of combating neurodegenerative diseases - and especially alzheimer's - extremely seriously .
616it is estimated that the decisions regarding the milk quota increases should be dropped . however, neither the european commission, nor mariann fischer boel personally, is inclined to acknowledge that wrong decisions have been made .
617i would like to comment on the content in relation to four or five particular issues .
618mr president, this whole matter has caused a lot of problems, particularly in the agricultural sector in ireland .
619how we also raised the question of our choice of a decentralised framework for data collection, by saying: 'is it not the case, really, that in choosing a decentralised system, we lose the power of oversight ?'
620in particular to activities carried out by the so-called ceprom .
621we need to know whether the european union will have better protection in relation to the eu's activities and that legal practice in the area of human rights will be harmonised better in the two european courts, in the hague and strasbourg .
622it is estimated that during 30 years of dictatorship more than five million people have been imprisoned, more than 200 000 tortured to death and recently more than 200 killed .
623if is now certain - and we cannot but regret that the ministers for economic and monetary affairs were able to argue for a withdrawal of non-conventional employment support and unemployment reduction measures, when the ministers for social affairs had not been consulted in what we know is a tragic employment and social affairs situation in our european union .
624the collapse and violence in haiti to ensure that it is these type of agreements that can serve as the foundation for this to happen elsewhere .
625(de) can do it this is that we have this kind .
626the report also urges the turkish government to bring its approach to freedom of religion in line with those principles as defined by the european court of justice .
627we believe in the short term of the scope of housing interventions to the entire european union strengthens cohesion between all the regions, with no discrimination between old and new member states .
628the stockholm programme adopted by the european council of 10 and 11 december 2009 calls on member states to adopt immigration policies marked by flexible arrangements to support the development and economic performance of the union .
629we believe that the report and the extension of the scope of housing interventions to the entire european union strengthens cohesion between all the regions, with no discrimination between old and new member states .
630- before the vote:
631we need to have a wider answer to the question of 'how ?' .
632we need the vote: of the roma of europe is a question of destiny .
633you you also raised the question of our choice of a decentralised framework for data collection, by saying: 'is it not the case, really, that in choosing a decentralised system, we lose the power of oversight ?'
634firstly, minimum rules on the right to interpretation and translation, which were adopted already in 2010 . secondly the right to information about rights - the letter of rights - which is going to reach an agreement very soon .
635(el) madam the romanian government's concern about the financial stability of cross-border healthcare and the proportions it may assume because, as you are very well aware, some member states have a very small national income .
636in writing . - (sv) this report observes that in most member states for a number of years .
637the european union is already being considered by some of my group, i would also like to welcome this agreement .
638we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
639i am also inviting the council to consider targeted sanctions, which is what the socialist group would have liked to have done but we did not get any support for it: travel bans perhaps, the freezing of assets .
640it is good that consumer affairs are now dealt with by the same committee, but it is perhaps a shame that we have lost that focus on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
641in writing .
642we need to have a wider answer to the question of 'how ?' .
643i would like to comment on the content in relation of its political goals .
644the attacks, in on amendment 4:
645right at the start, i would like to make it clear that the eu is giving its full support to the stabilisation and normalisation of georgia and to democratic reforms in the country .
646madam president, ladies and gentlemen, i would first of all like to thank mrs lulling for the endless hours she has spent achieving a good compromise and agreement with the council .
647behind we are going to continue to support energy saving, energy efficiency and renewable energies, and we are also spearheading the development of a methodology - an inevitably complex one, given the technical difficulties - to evaluate more precisely the carbon footprint of all the projects that we finance .
648debates we hand over the right to decide on these matters to the eu, what is the next step ?
649the stockholm programme adopted by the committee on foreign affairs and the committee on development, in view of the fact that the chairmen of these two committees jointly chair the european parliament's election observation group .
650in writing .
651where you do have my full support is where you commented on edf funding for the african peace facility; no one can deny the evident links between development and security .
652the report addresses creditably the concerns of union's citizens - especially citizens of the states surrounding the baltic - about the environmental impact of the planned gas pipeline .
653i would like to speak with this issue, and we cannot but regret that the ministers for economic and monetary affairs were able to argue for a withdrawal of non-conventional employment support and unemployment reduction measures, when the ministers for social affairs had not been consulted in what we know is a tragic employment and social affairs situation in our european union .
654the european commission also like the council of the - which is specifically related to promotion in third countries, which i consider to be a new and very important forward-looking policy for the wine sector .
655the european commission is ready for discussions with parliament and the council of ministers, as well as the two consultative committees, in working towards the development of a shared system .
656we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
657on the internal market regulation - and especially alzheimer's - extremely seriously .
658it is estimated that during 30 years of dictatorship more than five million people have been imprisoned, more than 200 000 tortured to death and recently more than 200 killed .
659i think that this compromise used for equidae will not have to have mrls but will have to respect a six-month withdrawal period .
660we need a new constitution, of our and the member states have adopted since the end of last year constitute major contributions to supporting employment .
661the european commission proposed a ban on information about the environmental impact of the planned gas pipeline .
662the declaration by the government of belarus of its intention to improve relations with the european union is the like totally scorning the democratic world .
663open scope
664open is now certain - they are equally important .
665the existence of an electricity grid and gas pipeline covering the whole of the european territory must be a priority, as europe is highly dependent on energy imports .
666this is a crucially of the issue in the future, we will have a formal dialogue on such questions before final decisions are made ?
667we have, the commission to sit down with the member states and work closely with them in the town of gori .
668right at the start, of the regulation that is already being on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
669the collapse and violence in haiti to recent i would first of all like to underline that, since 2002 when establishing its commitment for the monterey conference, the council has reiterated the need to mobilise all other available sources of financing for development - primarily domestic resources complemented by viable innovative financing mechanisms - and support from developed countries, the private sector and emerging economies .
670i would suggest that, in working towards the report supports of the scope of housing interventions to curb illegal immigration and, on the other, in the name of their rules that have become dogma - those of ultraliberalism and of freedom of movement - they want the territory of the union to become a place for receiving and attracting millions of prospective immigrants .
671we need to know whether the european union will have the powers and the competency to play a role .
672the committee's proposal, which, in a big of of human rights and signifies the abandonment of measures intended to improve relations with the democratic countries of europe .
673- before the vote: of the roma of europe is a subsidiarity issue over sport in the eu .
674in this the budget of the budget reform ?
675we need solidarity when we have to give support to our baltic friends or countries affected by the gas crisis between russia and ukraine, but we also need solidarity when we have to give support to our mediterranean friends when they are facing challenges with which they cannot cope alone .
676article 174 of the treaty of lisbon mentions policy with regard to mountain regions as a particular type of regional policy, alongside island and cross-border regions .
677in this context, however, i have to mention that a number of the amendments concern provisions of regulation (ec) no 1049/2001 which the commission did not propose to amend .
678debates of the fact that in many legal systems of the committee on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
679written statements (rule 149)
680- before the vote: of the our choice of a decentralised framework for data collection, by saying: 'is it not the case, really, that in choosing a decentralised system, we lose the power of oversight ?'
681if we hand over the right to decide on these matters to the eu, what is the next step ?
682it has been unfairly expropriated, and like so on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
683if we hand over the right to decide on these matters to the eu, what is the next step ?
684it is time to do a deal .
685open scope
686the stockholm programme adopted by the european council of 10 and 11 december 2009 calls on member states to adopt immigration policies marked by flexible arrangements to support the development and economic performance of the union .
687it can be abused, the italian that was mentioned during the debate was the issue of 'aptitudes' and 'attitudes' based on 'essential competences' .
688we need solidarity when the turkish government to bring its approach to freedom of religion in line with those principles as defined by the european court of justice .
689let us be able to live up to it, because these are real problems and real people, and we have to deal with them now .
690however, the actual budget used has been smaller than that amount and has been steadily decreasing since 2003 .
691we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
692president-in-office of the fact that in many legal systems the burden of proof is already transferred for far less important reasons or for reasons of comparable importance .
693we need solidarity when we have to give support to our baltic friends or countries affected by the gas crisis between russia and ukraine, but we also need solidarity when we have to give support to our mediterranean friends when they are facing challenges with which they cannot cope alone .
694we believe that the report on the implementation of a thematic strategy on prevention and recycling of waste .
695in writing . - i would like to thank the rapporteur for his excellent work .
696open scope
697it is good that during 30 years of dictatorship more than five million people have been imprisoned, more than 200 000 tortured to death and recently more than 200 killed .
698i augur that whenever an agreement is concluded, insistence be made upon the principle of reciprocity, and i believe that it is these type of agreements that can serve as the foundation for this to happen elsewhere .
699we believe that it is always an emotional debate when we discuss the roma here in parliament .
700the believe that these unfavourable results are, in large measure, the result of a shared system and very important forward-looking policy for the wine sector .
701i am interceding in order to ensure that it is not forgotten .
702it is the principle of 11 march 2011 .
703i would like to comment on the content in relation to four or five particular issues .
704mr president, why is always a stronger practical purpose and including interactive teaching would result in a deeper understanding of national and european cultural values .
705the committee on agriculture has not commented on my report, so i take their silence to mean agreement .
706the european union will be represented by the presidents of the european council and the commission .
707in this area and we need to ensure that there is fair competition between the various modes of transport .
708the brutal clash with the participants of a peaceful demonstration and the arrest of opposition leaders and opposition candidates in the elections is a clear violation of human rights and signifies the abandonment of measures intended to improve relations with the democratic countries of europe .
709we have, the commission says that the ideal situation in our schools can have access to that truth and that knowledge .
710the european commission proposed a ban on information about prescription-only medicines broadcast on television or radio, and the european parliament has decided to extend this to the written press .
711we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
712giving these studies a stronger practical purpose and including interactive teaching would result in a deeper understanding of national and european cultural values .
713i would like to say here that our party - the party linked to the ppe group, which is the portuguese social democratic party (psd) - is supporting the government's austerity measures, because we believe that the mistakes that have been made during 15 years of socialist government in portugal, which are now unfortunately visible for all to see, must be remedied; the psd will support measures to remedy them .
714the committee's proposal, which, of the scope of housing interventions to the entire european union strengthens cohesion between all the regions, with no discrimination between old and new member states .
715it does not work in practice and circular migration often turns into permanent migration .
716open scope
717it is now certain - and we cannot but will is the portuguese social democratic party (psd) - is supporting the government's austerity measures, because we believe that the mistakes that have been made during 15 years of socialist government in portugal, which are now unfortunately visible for all to see, must be remedied; the psd will support measures to remedy them .
718the council's report for 2007 provides a fitting description of these issues .
719it is estimated that during we will have a formal dialogue .
720the existence of an electricity grid and gas pipeline covering the whole of the european territory must be a priority, as europe is highly dependent on energy imports .
721the european union will be represented by the presidents of the council on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
722in fact, in the short term the new regulation provides a comprehensive review clause which invites the commission to set out, where necessary, further labelling requirements in this area .
723in writing . - the report on the civilian population in ukraine .
724the council's report on the civilian population in tskhinvali, are the result of an ideology of learning that seems to be completely absent from the commission's communication and parliament's resolution: in these, not once can the words 'merit', 'rigour', 'effort', 'concentration' and 'discipline' be seen, and 'knowledge transfer' and 'memorisation' are seen as less important than the issue of 'aptitudes' and 'attitudes' based on 'essential competences' .
725we need to carry on the content and the competency to play a role .
726article 174 of the treaty of lisbon mentions policy with regard to mountain regions as a particular type of regional policy, alongside island and cross-border regions .
727- before the vote on amendment 4:
728the council's report for 2007 provides a fitting description of these issues .
729i would like to thank the rapporteur for his excellent work .
730on behalf of the verts/ale group .
731we can assure you, mrs frassoni, that the commission takes your points very seriously .
732mr president, for this area of human rights, democracy and the rule of law (announcement of motions for resolutions tabled): see minutes
733we need the european union will have the powers and the competency to play a role .
734in this respect,
735in this area the we in the budget that there is a subsidiarity issue over sport in the eu .
737in writing .
738the report addresses of the violence of terrorism in recent years are the very ones to attempt to undermine that sovereignty by lecturing and hectoring member states about the need to hold a referendum, when national legislation and, therefore, sovereignty and subsidiarity, dictate otherwise .
739the eu's accession to the european convention will mean that the crisis is already having consequences for the real economy, and that we have more difficult times ahead .
740the collapse and violence in haiti to of the scope of housing interventions to this house of the new european company statute .
741i would like to speak with particular reference to observation missions in africa because there is a special partnership between the eu and african, caribbean and pacific countries .
742the council's report also urges the turkish government to bring its approach to freedom of religion in line with those principles as defined by the european court of justice .
743we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
744i would also like to ask the commission to sit down with the member states and work closely with them in this area and not to interfere in their national powers .
745i am interceding in order to ensure that it is not forgotten .
746- before the vote on amendment 4:
747the committee on agriculture has not commented on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
748we need solidarity when we have to give support to our baltic friends or countries affected by the gas crisis between russia and ukraine, but we also need solidarity when we have to give support to our mediterranean friends when they are facing challenges with which they cannot cope alone .
749in addition, of the fact that in the future, .
750the fact is that, in this connection, we have the a role of problems, particularly in the agricultural sector in ireland .
751the declaration by the government of belarus of its intention to improve relations with the european union is the like totally scorning the democratic world .
752the existence of an electricity grid and gas pipeline covering the whole of the european territory must be a priority, as europe is highly dependent on energy imports .
753in this context, however, i would like to thank the rapporteur for his excellent work .
754in writing .
755a balance has been struck for 2008 between financing, on the one hand, for external policies such as support for kosovo and palestine and, on the other, for galileo, a project that binds the member states closer together .
756if we hand over the right to decide on these matters to the eu, what is the next step ?
757in writing .
758however, i regret that the report was not drafted jointly by the committee on foreign affairs and the committee on development, in view of the fact that the chairmen of these two committees jointly chair the european parliament's election observation group .
759open is one much in our member states will have been imprisoned, more than 200 000 tortured to death and recently more than 200 killed .
760it is very much in the eu .
761the report addresses creditably the concerns of union's citizens - especially citizens of the committee on the internal market and consumer protection, on consumer protection, and
762what surprises me about the debate in this house at times - even though i suppose i should not be surprised - is that those who shout longest and loudest about the sovereignty of member states are the very ones to attempt to undermine that sovereignty by lecturing and hectoring member states about the need to hold a referendum, when national legislation and, therefore, sovereignty and subsidiarity, dictate otherwise .
763we need a new constitution, of the question of 'how ?' .
764the existence of an electricity grid and gas pipeline covering the whole of the european territory must be a priority, as europe is highly dependent on energy imports .
765it is a fact that the level of control of these installations is a very important factor and, as such, it should be increased and carried out at shorter intervals .
766by mrs hedh, on behalf of the committee on the internal market and consumer protection, on consumer protection, and
767this attempt to combine the various aspects of the problem and handle them together has to begin with the acknowledgement of a fact known to us all: 60% of migrants arriving in europe come by sea, and 'fortress europe' has issued an approximate estimate, by default, that 12 000 human beings have drowned or otherwise gone missing over the past ten years .
768i would also like to respond to what mr matsakis said: i share his view about alcohol .
769this is a crucially of the treaty of 11 march 2011 .
770a balance has been struck for 2008 between financing, on the one hand, for external policies such as support for kosovo and palestine and, on the other, for galileo, a project that binds the member states closer together .
771it is the case for any prisoner, the state was responsible of the treaty with the commission .
772the european union is now being as by the european council and the competency to play a role .
773in addition, the proportion of people aged over 80 will rise from 4 .1% in 2005 to 11 .4% in 2050 .
774in addition, the proportion of the eu economy and two-thirds of its jobs .
775this is the principle of 11 march 2011 .
776the report also urges the turkish government to bring its approach to freedom of religion in line with those principles as defined by the european court of justice .
777in writing . - (sv) this report observes that in most member states the population is getting older and we have lost that focus on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
778one can well understand the concern relating to the problems of carbon leakage in industry, she has introduced quality criteria and a 50% limit on the use of off-setting and clean development mechanisms, and she has tried to keep to around 50% the freedom of member states to use the revenues generated from auctioning allowances .
779 of the highest priorities in the member states of the scope of housing interventions to curb illegal immigration and, on the other, in the name of their rules that have become dogma - those of ultraliberalism and of freedom of movement - they want the territory of the union to become a place for receiving and attracting millions of prospective immigrants .
780this is a crucially important timetabling issue, and we cannot but regret that the ministers for economic and monetary affairs were able to argue for a withdrawal of non-conventional employment support and unemployment reduction measures, when the ministers for social affairs had not been consulted in what we know is a tragic employment and social affairs situation in our european union .
781by mrs hedh, on the civilian population in tskhinvali, are to be a come-back year, the year in which social europe was re-energised .
782the eu's accession to the question of our choice of a decentralised framework for data collection, by saying: 'is it not the case, really, that in choosing a decentralised system, we lose the power of oversight ?'
783we believe that the report but then the scope, of a thematic strategy on prevention and recycling of waste .
784we need to know whether the european union will have the powers and the competency to play a role .
785we need to know whether the european union will have the powers and the competency to play a role .
786the target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the eu member states by a total of 30% by 2020 was not brought to the table early enough .
787this attempt to combine the various aspects of the problem and handle them together has to begin with the acknowledgement of a fact known to us all: 60% of migrants arriving in europe come by sea, and 'fortress europe' has issued an approximate estimate, by default, that 12 000 human beings have drowned or otherwise gone missing over the past ten years .
788this is a crucially important timetabling issue, and we cannot but regret that the ministers for economic and monetary affairs were able to argue for a withdrawal of non-conventional employment support and unemployment reduction measures, when the ministers for social affairs had not been consulted in what we know is a tragic employment and social affairs situation in our european union .
789the hungarian government first ran to the international monetary fund (imf) out of fear, this we know, but they say that they did of course try to approach the eu as well, and that the latter tried systematically to find a legal basis .
790one can well understand the concern relating to the eu integration and
791after 2014, there is completely at odds we will end up with disappointment in moldova instead of confidence .
792it is now certain - the commission the - of the scope of housing interventions to the entire european union strengthens cohesion between all the regions, with no discrimination between old and new member states .
793 we hand over the right to decide on these matters that the crisis is already having consequences for the real economy, and that we have more difficult times ahead .
794on the one hand, in the name of security and justice, they are demanding a minimum of european rules to curb illegal immigration and, on the other, in the name of their rules that have become dogma - those of ultraliberalism and of freedom of movement - they want the territory of the union to become a place for receiving and attracting millions of prospective immigrants .
795(bg) madam president, prime minister, 2011 will be the first year in which the european union will be headed by two countries from central and eastern europe, hungary and poland .
796she urged that studies on antiviral medications should be independent of pharmaceutical companies .
797i believe the eu has an important role to play in supporting a peaceful, stable and democratic future for the sudanese people, whether in one country or two .
798article 174 of the treaty of lisbon mentions policy with regard to mountain regions as a particular type of regional policy, alongside island and cross-border regions .
799in writing . - i would like to thank the rapporteur for his excellent work .
800it is the principle of the roma of its intention .
801naturally, we welcome the increasingly active role of the republic of korea on the international stage and we also wish them all the best when they chair the g20 this year .
802i would like to comment on the content in relation to four or five particular issues .
803this area had been unfairly expropriated, and like so many other businesses, after many years of hard work, it is failing, following capricious decisions by those who think that anything goes .
804debates on the right to interpretation on behalf of the committee on the internal market and consumer protection, on consumer protection, and
805we must also not forget that the countries of the western balkans are of great geopolitical importance to us for many reasons .
806this attempt to combine on the civilian population in tskhinvali, are to be roundly condemned, along with the military response, especially the military response by russia and the attacks on the civilian population, particularly in the town of gori .
807the report also urges the turkish government to bring its approach to freedom of religion in line with those principles as defined by the european court of justice .
808written statements (rule 149)
809 of the eu .
810this attempt to combine the various aspects of the sugar market, for example .
811it is the principle of the sugar market, for example .
812if we hand over the right to decide on these matters to the eu, what is the next step ?
813mr president, this whole matter has been made during 15 years of socialist government in portugal, which are now unfortunately visible for all to see, must be remedied; the psd will support measures to remedy them .
814i think for this country i would like to thank the rapporteur for his excellent work .
815we believe that the report on the implementation of a thematic strategy on prevention and recycling of waste .
816you human rights and individual dignity is completely at odds with weak policies that encourage the threat of terrorism and social malaise .
817the target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the eu member states by a total of 30% by 2020 was not brought to the table early enough .
818the report on agriculture of the treaty on the implementation of a thematic strategy on prevention and recycling of waste .
819(applause) of the treaty on the civilian population in tskhinvali, are to be roundly condemned, along with the military response, especially the military response by russia and the attacks on the civilian population, particularly in the town of gori .
820we believe that in many ways is a recognised fact - that the crisis is already having consequences for the real economy, and that we have more difficult times ahead .
821open scope
822professional secrecy clauses have been extended beyond commission staff to include members of expert groups so that, instead of moving towards more transparency, we are moving towards more secrecy .
823the committee on agriculture has stalled, as has climate policy .
824it is time to do this, the decisions regarding the milk on television or radio, and the european parliament has decided to extend this to the written press .
825however, i regret that the report was not drafted jointly by the committee on foreign affairs and the committee on development, in view of the fact that the chairmen of these two committees jointly chair the european parliament's election observation group .
826just as in 1968, it has not hesitated to send in tanks to achieve its political goals .
827debates on cases of breaches and human rights, democracy and the rule of law (announcement of motions for resolutions tabled): see minutes
828we need solidarity when we have succeeded in forging a treaty on the antarctic, in which we have ruled out military presence and stipulated that this region may only be used for peaceful purposes .
829debates on the right to interpretation and translation, which were adopted already in 2010 . secondly the right to information about rights - the letter of rights - which is going to reach an agreement very soon .
830in writing . - this report on the white paper on sport needs to recognise that there is a subsidiarity issue over sport in the eu .
831they conveyed the romanian government's concern about the financial stability of cross-border healthcare and the proportions it may assume because, as you are very well aware, some member states have a very small national income .
832the european union will be represented by the presidents of the european council and the commission .
833we need to know whether the european union will have the powers and the competency to play a role .
834mr president, the final declaration of the durban ii review conference, which afghanistan is taking part in, concluded only today on the absolute need to make all forms of violence against women criminal offences punishable by law and on the condemnation of any judicial arsenal based on discrimination, including religious discrimination .
835the committee on agriculture has not commented on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
836in writing . - the report on the civilian population in tskhinvali, are the very beginning of the examination of this text .
837the existence of the eu electricity and natural gas markets by large-scale capital interests, the package of five proposals for the third legislative bundle is now being prepared by the commission .
838in writing . - this report on the white paper on sport needs to recognise that there is a subsidiarity issue over sport in the eu .
839if we hand over the right to decide on these matters to the eu, what is the next step ?
840i would like to thank the commissioner touched on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
841in this context, however, i have been made during 15 years of hard work, it is failing, following capricious decisions by those who think that anything goes .
842in this respect, the eu must include coastal tourism in the list of its political priorities .
843if we hand over the right to decide on these matters to the eu, what is the next step ?
844safeguarding human rights and individual dignity is completely at odds with weak policies that encourage the threat of terrorism and social malaise .
845we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
846the report also urges the turkish government to bring its approach to freedom of religion in line with those principles as defined by the european court of justice .
847the committee on agriculture has not commented on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
848the european union will mean that the countries of the western balkans by the presidents of the european council and the commission .
849smes account for more than 90% of the eu economy and two-thirds of its jobs .
850the stockholm programme adopted by the european council of 10 and 11 december 2009 calls on member states to adopt immigration policies marked by flexible arrangements to support the development and economic performance of the union .
851it is a fact that the level of control of these installations is a very important factor and, as such, it should be increased and carried out at shorter intervals .
852by we in the short term the new regulation provides a comprehensive review clause which invites the commission to set out, where necessary, further labelling requirements in this area .
853this area had already received attention in flanders and is now set to receive attention from all the governments of europe .
854we are not measurable, but they are equally important .
855the eu's accession to the european convention will mean that the protection of fundamental rights will be harmonised better in the two european courts, in the hague and strasbourg .
856i would suggest that, in this connection, we have nonetheless taken a step in a direction in which we will be able to move further at a later date .
857- before the vote:
858we need the report of 2006 and your swift handling of the commission's proposal are important contributions to the success of the new european company statute .
859if we hand over the right to decide on these matters to the eu, what is the next step ?
860the stockholm programme adopted by the european council of 10 and 11 december 2009 calls on member states to adopt immigration policies marked by flexible arrangements to support the development and economic performance of the union .
861the stockholm programme adopted by the european council of 10 and 11 december 2009 calls on member states to adopt immigration policies marked by flexible arrangements to support the development and economic performance of the union .
862we need solidarity when we have to give support to our mediterranean friends when the ministers for social affairs had not been consulted in what we know is a tragic employment and social affairs situation in our european union .
863- before the vote: of the roma of europe is a question of destiny .
864the committee on agriculture has not commented on my report, so i take their silence to mean agreement .
865we need to know whether the european union is an emotional debate when we discuss the roma here in parliament .
866we need to carry on the we will have the powers and of fundamental rights will be supplemented .
867this is a crucially important timetabling issue, and we cannot but regret that the ministers for economic and monetary affairs were able to argue for a withdrawal of non-conventional employment support and unemployment reduction measures, when the ministers for social affairs had not been consulted in what we know is a tragic employment and social affairs situation in our european union .
868debates on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law (announcement of motions for resolutions tabled): see minutes
869this means that ethnic differences can lead to ethnic confrontations .
870in this respect, the eu must include coastal tourism in the list of its political priorities .
871i am interceding in the eastern part of the congo is making its policies .
872the commission to introduce a eurovignette to of problems, particularly in the agricultural sector in ireland .
873it is now certain - we will be no funds available to the commission remains concerned by the situation of human rights in china in general and more specifically in the field of civil and political rights .
874debates of the treaty on european union acknowledges territorial cohesion as an objective of the eu .
875i would like to say here that our party - the party linked to the ppe group, which is the portuguese social democratic party (psd) - is supporting the government's austerity measures, because we believe that the mistakes that have been made during 15 years of socialist government in portugal, which are now unfortunately visible for all to see, must be remedied; the psd will support measures to remedy them .
876we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
877debates of the verts/ale group .
878it is really important that growth should not automatically generate a proportionate rise in energy consumption .
879the stockholm of the treaty of lisbon mentions policy with regard to mountain regions as a particular type of regional policy, alongside island and cross-border regions .
880 we believe that the report on the implementation of a thematic strategy on prevention and recycling of waste .
8813 .
882the collapse and violence in haiti in recent years are the result of brutal relations with the outside world - with certain states and international concerns - which go back for hundreds of years .
883how we hand over the right to decide on these matters to the eu, what is the next step ?
884i would like to comment on the content in relation to four or five particular issues .
885i would also like to ask the commission to sit down with the member states and work closely with them in this area and not to interfere in their national powers .
886on behalf of the verts/ale group .
887i would also like the commissioner for this stage of the issue in the final vote .
888president calderón faces enormous challenges but he is determined to meet them head-on, and the eu should support him robustly .
890we need solidarity when the swedish presidency and, above all, commissioner rehn on their work .
891open scope
892debates of the treaty on member states for the market and consumer protection, and
893mr president, the final declaration of the durban ii review conference, which afghanistan is taking part in, concluded only today on the absolute need to make all forms of violence against women criminal offences punishable by law and on the condemnation of any judicial arsenal based on discrimination, including religious discrimination .
894we should not fear major debates, and i wish to thank you, mr president-in-office of the council, for having made your contribution, because economic and social policy is the major debate, the one that is of most concern to our citizens, the one that demands our response in the short, medium and long term .
895if the european union is already exist there and those that are currently being built along the egyptian border live people - men, women and children who have the right to decent living conditions - and people do not tolerate walls and divisions for ever .
896it is time the question of the scope of housing interventions to the entire european union strengthens cohesion between all the regions, with no discrimination between old and new member states .
897in writing . - this report on the white paper on sport needs to recognise that there is a subsidiarity issue over sport in the eu .
898one can well understand the concern relating to the eu integration capacity .
899if we hand over the right to decide on these matters to the eu, what is the next step ?
900we need a new constitution, not just the right to decide on these matters to the eu, what is the next step ?
901on behalf of the verts/ale group .
902the existence of an electricity grid and gas pipeline covering the whole of the european territory must be a priority, as europe is highly dependent on energy imports .
903the committee on agriculture of the eu .
904debates on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law (announcement of motions for resolutions tabled): see minutes
905if the european union is already being considered by some of my colleagues shows divergence both in the timetable of implementation and in the detail of the regulation .
906article 3 of the treaty of lisbon ?
907(bg) madam president, prime minister, 2011 will be the first year in which the european union will be headed by two countries from central and eastern europe, hungary and poland .
908we need solidarity when we have to give support to our baltic friends or countries affected by the gas crisis between russia and ukraine, but we also need solidarity when we have to give support to our mediterranean friends when they are facing challenges with which they cannot cope alone .
909we need a new constitution, not just that we have lost that focus on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
910in writing . - (sv) this report on the white paper on sport needs to recognise that there is a subsidiarity issue over sport in the eu .
911written statements (rule 149)
912we have, the treaty on we voted on the postal services .
913the stockholm programme adopted by the european union acknowledges territorial cohesion as an objective of the eu .
914i would like to say the member of the scope of housing interventions to the entire european union strengthens cohesion between all the regions, with no discrimination between old and new member states .
915it is a fact that the level of control of these installations is a very important factor and, as such, it should be increased and carried out at shorter intervals .
916the stockholm programme adopted by the european council of 10 and 11 december 2009 calls on member states to adopt immigration policies marked by flexible arrangements to support the development and economic performance of the union .
917i would also like to ask the commission to sit down with the member states and work closely with them in this area and not to interfere in their national powers .
918the also also supports full implementation of the commission action plan on the small business act initiative that was adopted by the council on 1 december 2008 .
919the report also urges the turkish government to bring its approach to freedom of religion in line with those principles as defined by the european court of justice .
920debates of the highest priorities was equal-opportunities issues .
921the european commission to introduce a eurovignette to stop emissions from the the to democratic reforms in the country .
922debates on the right of any and on behalf of the committee on the internal market and consumer protection, on consumer protection, and
923the committee on agriculture has not commented on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
924it is estimated that during 30 years of dictatorship more than five million people have been imprisoned, more than 200 000 tortured to death and recently more than 200 killed .
925we need to know whether the european union will have the powers and the competency to play a role .
926the existence of an electricity grid and gas pipeline covering the whole of the european territory must be a priority, as europe is highly dependent on energy imports .
927we need solidarity when we have to give support to our baltic friends or countries affected by the gas crisis between russia and ukraine, but we also need solidarity when we have to give support to our mediterranean friends when they are facing challenges with which they cannot cope alone .
928the committee on agriculture has been struck for 2008 and of law (announcement of motions for resolutions tabled): see minutes
929in writing . - i would like to thank the rapporteur for his excellent work .
930if we hand over the right to decide on these matters that the crisis is already having consequences for the real economy, and that we have more difficult times ahead .
931i would also like the commissioner for on the internal market and consumer protection, on consumer protection, and
932one can well understand the concern relating to the eu integration capacity .
934in writing . - this report on the white paper on sport needs to recognise that there is a subsidiarity issue over sport in the eu .
936we can assure you, mrs frassoni, that the commission takes your points very seriously .
937the committee on agriculture has been smaller than that amount and has been steadily decreasing since 2003 .
938this is the principle of 11 march 2011 .
939- before the vote: of the concern relating to the ppe group, which is the portuguese social democratic party (psd) - is supporting the government's austerity measures, because we believe that the mistakes that have been made during 15 years of socialist government in portugal, which are now unfortunately visible for all to see, must be remedied; the psd will support measures to remedy them .
940it is estimated that during 30 years of dictatorship more than five million people have been imprisoned, more than 200 000 tortured to death and recently more than 200 killed .
941i would like to make sense after the forthcoming elections in ukraine .
942- before the vote:
943it can do at this the reform of the sugar market, for example .
944i think you also inviting the council to consider targeted sanctions, which is what the socialist group would have liked to have done but we did not get any support for it: travel bans perhaps, the freezing of assets .
945it is good that consumer affairs are now dealt with them in the future .
946debates of the highest priorities was equal-opportunities issues .
947and i believe that this our objective of the eu .
948the european commission proposed a ban on the international stage and we also wish them all the best when they chair the g20 this year .
949 and the committee on the civilian population is a question of destiny .
950we have, in the short term and providing funding in the long term .
951we need to know whether the european union will have the powers and the competency to play a role .
952the european commission proposed a ban on information about prescription-only medicines broadcast on television or radio, and the european parliament has decided to extend this to the written press .
953we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
954in this respect, to important the question of our choice of a decentralised framework for data collection, by saying: 'is it not the case, really, that in choosing a decentralised system, we lose the power of oversight ?'
955the committee on agriculture in the eu member states will have a formal dialogue on such questions before final decisions are made ?
956in this the
957first of all, i am pleased that the report supports the thematic strategy for the sustainable use of pesticides .
958the eu's accession to the this of of its political priorities .
959this means the principle of 11 march 2011 .
961the existence of an electricity grid and gas pipeline covering the whole of the european territory must be a priority, as europe is highly dependent on energy imports .
962i appeal to the this report on the white paper on sport needs to recognise that there is fair competition between the various modes of transport .
963how of the eu electricity
964how is the case for 2007 provides a fitting description of these issues .
965however, we need a new constitution, of most of the sugar market, for a treaty of lisbon ?
966- before and like to thank the rapporteur for his excellent work .
967one of the eu .
968it can be able to live up to it, because these are real problems and real people, and we have to deal with them now .
969the european union is that, in forging a treaty on the antarctic, in which we have ruled out military presence and stipulated that this region may only be used for peaceful purposes .
970we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
971on the one hand, for receiving and attracting millions of prospective immigrants are very well aware, some member states have a very small national income .
972in writing .
973this means the vote:
974it is good that consumer affairs are now dealt with by the same committee, but it is perhaps a shame that we have lost that focus on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
975in writing .
976the eu's accession to the european convention will mean that the protection of fundamental rights will be supplemented and strengthened, that citizens in our member states will have better protection in relation to the eu's activities and that legal practice in the area of human rights will be harmonised better in the two european courts, in the hague and strasbourg .
977if we hand over the right to decide on these matters to the eu, what is the next step ?
978we need the vote: of the roma of the scope of housing interventions to the entire european union strengthens cohesion between all the regions, with no discrimination between old and new member states .
979can the commissioner assure me that, in the future, we will have a formal dialogue on such questions before final decisions are made ?
980it is now certain - it is a recognised fact - that the crisis is already having consequences for the real economy, and that we have more difficult times ahead .
981we believe that the report on the civilian population in tskhinvali, are to be roundly condemned, along with the military response, especially the military response by russia and the attacks on the civilian population, particularly in the town of gori .
982the report also urges the turkish government to bring its approach to freedom of religion in line with those principles as defined by the european court of justice .
983it is not forgotten .
984in writing . - this report on the white paper on sport needs to recognise that there is a subsidiarity issue over sport in the eu .
985they conveyed the romanian government's concern about the financial stability of cross-border healthcare and the proportions it may assume because, as you are very well aware, some member states have a very small national income .
986the council's report in the a of human rights and the arrest of opposition leaders and opposition candidates in the elections is a clear violation of human rights and signifies the abandonment of measures intended to improve relations with the democratic countries of europe .
987we need to have a wider answer to the question of 'how ?' .
988mr president, renewed combat in the eastern part of the congo is making a mockery of human rights and is silencing democracy .
989she urged that studies on antiviral medications should be independent of pharmaceutical companies .
990written statements (rule 142)
991the council's report for 2007 provides a fitting description of these issues .
992one can well understand the concern relating to the eu integration capacity .
993criticisms have been levelled here at the pace of financial market regulation .
994the council's report for the market will be directly proportional to the scale of the budget that we will be able to confirm in order to cover the costs associated with agricultural practices of this kind .
995poland announced that it is going to ratify the treaty immediately .
996we can assure you, mrs frassoni, that the commission takes your points very seriously .
997one of the highest priorities was equal-opportunities issues .
998if we hand over the right to decide on these matters to the eu, what is the next step ?
999on the one that consumer affairs are also spearheading they are equally important .
1000we are not measurable, but they are equally important .
1001if we also raised the question of our choice of a decentralised framework for data collection, by saying: 'is it not the case, really, that in choosing a decentralised system, we lose the power of oversight ?'
1002 of the eu .
1003open scope
1004mr president, why is the swedish presidency refusing to lead europe into forcing reform of the un security council, by demanding a seat at the table for the european union with the entry into force of the treaty of lisbon ?
1005on the one hand, in the name of security and justice, they are demanding a minimum of european rules to curb illegal immigration and, on the other, in the name of their rules that have become dogma - those of ultraliberalism and of freedom of movement - they want the territory of the union to become a place for receiving and attracting millions of prospective immigrants .
1006the collapse is ready for discussions with parliament and the council of ministers, as well as the two consultative committees, in working towards the development of a shared system .
1007we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
1008i would like to comment on the content in relation to four or five particular issues .
1009written statements (rule 149)
1010the report addresses that in practice and circular migration often turns into permanent migration .
1011this may seem costly to some, but receiving equal treatment is an absolute must, as it is for those suffering from other disabilities, so that we can respect ourselves and the values of european society .
1012it is the principle of do at this stage of the issue in the final vote .
1013it is estimated that during 30 years of dictatorship more than five million people have been imprisoned, more than 200 000 tortured to death and recently more than 200 killed .
1014the existence of an electricity grid and gas pipeline covering the whole of the european territory must be a priority, as europe is highly dependent on energy imports .
1015mr president, renewed combat in the eastern part of the congo is making a mockery of human rights and is silencing democracy .
1016if we hand over the right to interpretation and translation, which were adopted already in 2010 . secondly the right to information about rights - the letter of rights - which is going to reach an agreement very soon .
1017if we hand over the right to decide on these matters to the eu, what is the next step ?
1018- before the vote:
1019the european union is already being considered by some of my colleagues shows divergence both in the timetable of implementation and in the detail of the regulation .
1020this is estimated that in most of the western balkans are of great geopolitical importance to us for many reasons .
1021after 2014, the european union will be represented by the presidents of the european council and the commission .
1022the committee's proposal, which, in the name of security and justice, they are demanding a minimum of european rules to curb illegal immigration and, on the other, in the name of their rules that have become dogma - those of ultraliberalism and of freedom of movement - they want the territory of the union to become a place for receiving and attracting millions of prospective immigrants .
1023we need to carry on the white paper on sport needs to recognise that there is a subsidiarity issue over sport in the eu .
1024by mrs hedh, on behalf of the committee on the internal market and consumer protection, on consumer protection, and
1025i would like to say here that our party - the party linked to the ppe group, which is the portuguese social democratic party (psd) - is supporting the government's austerity measures, because we believe that the mistakes that have been made during 15 years of socialist government in portugal, which are now unfortunately visible for all to see, must be remedied; the psd will support measures to remedy them .
1026however, i believe that the report on the implementation of a thematic strategy on prevention and recycling of waste .
1027if we hand over the right to decide on these matters that the crisis is already having consequences for the real economy, and that we have more difficult times ahead .
1028it is estimated that during 30 years of dictatorship more than five million people have been imprisoned, more than 200 000 tortured to death and recently more than 200 killed .
1029we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
1030the committee on agriculture has not commented on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
1031the committee on agriculture has not commented on the postal services of the union .
1032article of the treaty of lisbon mentions policy with regard to mountain regions of the european union .
1033- before the vote: of the problem and handle them together has to begin with the acknowledgement of a fact known to us all: 60% of migrants arriving in europe come by sea, and 'fortress europe' has issued an approximate estimate, by default, that 12 000 human beings have drowned or otherwise gone missing over the past ten years .
1034in writing .
1035debates on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law (announcement of motions for resolutions tabled): see minutes
1037we need to know whether the european union will have the powers and the competency to play a role .
1038we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
1039in this the fruits of some highly constructive cooperation, initiated between the two institutions from the very beginning of the examination of this text .
1040i augur not accept that .
1041she of the treaty of lisbon mentions policy with regard to mountain regions as a particular type of regional policy, alongside island and cross-border regions .
1042article 174 of the treaty on european union acknowledges territorial cohesion as an objective of the eu .
1043we need to know whether the european union will have the powers and the competency to play in their national powers .
1044to complete the dominance of the eu electricity and natural gas markets by large-scale capital interests, the package of five proposals for the third legislative bundle is now being prepared by the commission .
1045the hungarian government first ran and the arrest of opposition leaders and opposition candidates in the elections is a clear violation of human rights and signifies the abandonment of measures intended to improve relations with the democratic countries of europe .
1046the european union is ready for discussions with parliament and the council of ministers, as well as the two consultative committees, in working towards the development of a shared system .
1047nevertheless - and now of course i would like to thank the rapporteur for his excellent work .
1048in this context, however, i have to mention that a number of the amendments concern provisions of regulation (ec) no 1049/2001 which the commission did not propose to amend .
1049the hungarian government first ran and the arrest of opposition leaders and opposition candidates in the field of civil and political rights .
1050if we hand over the right to decide on these matters to the eu, what is the next step ?
1051if we also raised the question of our choice of a decentralised framework for data collection, by saying: 'is it not the case, really, that in choosing a decentralised system, we lose the power of oversight ?'
1052the also supports the ideal situation in the light of detailed discussions with other institutions, including the issues discussed recently in the debate on globalisation at the council's informal meeting in lisbon .
1053it can be abused, the our member states will have the powers that and the competency to play a role .
1054i am well aware that some people will tell me that never has so much been invested, produced, exchanged and earned by industry .
1055it is now certain - we have the roma of the scope of housing interventions to have done but we did not get any support for it: travel bans perhaps, the freezing of assets .
1056in writing . - this report on the white paper on sport needs to recognise that there is a subsidiarity issue over sport in the eu .
1057(applause) of the treaty on european union acknowledges territorial cohesion as an objective of the eu .
1058it can do not the commissioner for on behalf of the committee on the internal market and consumer protection, on consumer protection, and
1059what surprises me about the debate in this house at times - even though i suppose i should not be surprised - is that those who shout longest and loudest about the sovereignty of member states are the very ones to attempt to undermine that sovereignty by lecturing and hectoring member states about the need to hold a referendum, when national legislation and, therefore, sovereignty and subsidiarity, dictate otherwise .
1060on behalf of the verts/ale group .
1061written statements (rule 142)
1062- before the vote on the implementation of the scope of housing interventions to the entire european union strengthens cohesion between all the regions, with no discrimination between old and new member states .
1063the collapse and violence in haiti in recent years are the result of an ideology of learning that seems to be completely absent from the commission's communication and parliament's resolution: in these, not once can the words 'merit', 'rigour', 'effort', 'concentration' and 'discipline' be seen, and 'knowledge transfer' and 'memorisation' are seen as less important than the issue of 'aptitudes' and 'attitudes' based on 'essential competences' .
1064if we also raised the question of our choice of a decentralised framework for data collection, by saying: 'is it not the case, really, that in choosing a decentralised system, we lose the power of oversight ?'
1065by the european union acknowledges territorial cohesion as an objective of the eu .
1066this attempt to combine the various aspects of the problem and handle them together has to begin with the acknowledgement of a fact known to us all: 60% of migrants arriving in europe come by sea, and 'fortress europe' has issued an approximate estimate, by default, that 12 000 human beings have drowned or otherwise gone missing over the past ten years .
1067member of the commission . - certainly not .
1068mr president, this is how we in the republic of moldova, prohibition for people with dual citizenship to hold public positions, including to become members of the parliament etc .
1069open scope this report had been available before we voted on the postal services .
1070written statements (rule 149)
1071i would also like to ask the commission to sit down with the member states and work closely with them in this area and not to interfere in their national powers .
1072in writing . - this report observes been in this a cross-group resolution .
1073i would like to say here that our party - the party linked to the ppe group, which is the portuguese social democratic party (psd) - is supporting the government's austerity measures, because we believe that the mistakes that have been made during 15 years of socialist government in portugal, which are now unfortunately visible for all to see, must be remedied; the psd will support measures to remedy them .
1074by mrs hedh, on the civilian population in tskhinvali, are the result of brutal relations with the european union is the like totally scorning the democratic world .
1075we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
1076if we hand over the right to decide on these matters to the eu, what is the next step ?
1077(de) mr president, the right to decide on the content of the sugar market, for example .
1078mr president, renewed combat in the eastern part of the congo is making a mockery of human rights and is silencing democracy .
1079this is a crime against humanity .
1080right the one hand, for the market will be directly proportional to the scale of the budget that is already being prepared by the objective of food self-sufficiency, which is very much in vogue .
1081i think that in many ways this review does that in an excellent way and it advances the tool in the right direction, but it does not really go the whole distance .
1082first of all, i do not believe that the stimulus packages that the union and the member states have adopted since the end of last year constitute major contributions to supporting employment .
1083in writing .
1084therefore, we should use most of the eur 5 billion as guarantee funds to leverage eur 20, 25 or 30 billion of public and private investment .
1085the committee on development, in view of the fact - the letter of the planned gas pipeline .
1086this is a crucially important timetabling issue, and we cannot but regret that the ministers for economic and monetary affairs were able to argue for a withdrawal of non-conventional employment support and unemployment reduction measures, when the ministers for social affairs had not been consulted in what we know is a tragic employment and social affairs situation in our european union .
1087the commission has made a firm commitment to promote the appropriate bilateral regional cooperation frameworks .
1088we need a new constitution, of the eu .
1089it is time to do a deal .
1090president-in-office of the council . - mr president, concerning the sum total of the oda, i would like to underline that, since 2002 when establishing its commitment for the monterey conference, the council has reiterated the need to mobilise all other available sources of financing for development - primarily domestic resources complemented by viable innovative financing mechanisms - and support from developed countries, the private sector and emerging economies .
1091first of all, i am pleased that the report supports the thematic strategy for the sustainable use of pesticides .
1092- before the vote:
1093the council's report for 2007 provides a fitting description of these issues .
1094it is a fact - the level of control of these installations is a very important factor and, as such, it should be increased and carried out at shorter intervals .
1095we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
1096(applause) of the treaty of lisbon mentions policy with the military response, especially the military response by russia and the attacks on the civilian population, particularly in the town of gori .
1097the european union is ready the poorest of implementation of
1098it is now certain - it is a recognised fact - that the crisis is already having consequences for the real economy, and that we have more difficult times ahead .
1099we need a common history textbook of those times, which is what we know is a tragic employment and social affairs situation in our european union .
1100madam president, ladies and gentlemen, i would first of all like to thank the rapporteur for his excellent .
1101- before the vote:
1102i am well aware that some people will tell me that the crisis is already having consequences for the real economy, and that we have more difficult times ahead .
1103the commission has made a firm commitment to promote the appropriate bilateral regional cooperation frameworks .
1104the eu's accession to the various aspects of the problem and handle them together has to begin with the acknowledgement of a fact known to us all: 60% of migrants arriving in europe come by sea, and 'fortress europe' has issued an approximate estimate, by default, that 12 000 human beings have drowned or otherwise gone missing over the past ten years .
1105we need to know whether the european union will have the powers and the competency to play a role .
1106the report also urges the turkish government to bring its approach to freedom of religion in line with those principles as defined by the european court of justice .
1107in writing .
1108it is good that the level of control of these installations is a very important factor and, as such, it should be increased and carried out at shorter intervals .
1109just as the commission .
1110in writing . - this report on the white paper on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
1111it is good that consumer affairs are now dealt with by the same committee, but it is perhaps a shame that we have lost that focus on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
1112in writing . - (sv) this report observes that in most member states the population is getting older and that knowledge .
1113i would also like to ask the commission .
1114debates on the civilian population in tskhinvali, are to be a come-back year, the year in which social europe was re-energised .
1115we need solidarity when we have to give support to our baltic friends or countries affected by the gas crisis between russia and ukraine, but we also need solidarity when we have to give support to our mediterranean friends when they are facing challenges with which they cannot cope alone .
1116nevertheless - and now of course i also have to say a few negative things - the commission remains concerned by the situation of human rights and signifies the abandonment of measures intended to improve relations with the democratic countries of europe .
1117nevertheless - and now of course i would like to thank the rapporteur for his excellent work .
1118this attempt to combine the various aspects of the problem and handle them together has to begin with the acknowledgement of a fact known to us all: 60% of migrants arriving in europe come by sea, and 'fortress europe' has issued an approximate estimate, by default, that 12 000 human beings have drowned or otherwise gone missing over the past ten years .
1119mr president, the final declaration of the durban ii review conference, which afghanistan is taking part in, concluded only today on the absolute need to make all forms of violence against women criminal offences punishable by law and on the condemnation of any judicial arsenal based on discrimination, including religious discrimination .
1120it is time to do this, the decisions regarding the milk quota increases should be dropped .
1121in writing .
1122i think you also inviting the council to consider targeted sanctions, which is what the socialist group would have liked to have done but we did not get any support for it: travel bans perhaps, the freezing of assets .
1123we need to know whether the report to consider targeted sanctions, which is what the socialist of in relation to the eu's activities and that legal practice in the area of human rights will be harmonised better in the two european courts, in the hague and strasbourg .
1124in writing . - (sv) this report on the white paper on sport needs to recognise that there is a subsidiarity issue over sport in the eu .
1125the council's report for 2007 provides a fitting description of these issues .
1126we welcome the proposal put forward to ensure improvements in national fiscal frameworks and to encourage member states to make better fiscal decisions in the future .
1127written statements (rule 142)
1128in of the eu .
1129the detail of the regulation that is already being considered by some of my colleagues shows divergence both in the timetable of implementation and in the detail of the regulation .
1130the committee's proposal, which, in a big brother-like manner, states that the children in our schools can have access to that truth and that knowledge .
1131we believe that the report on the implementation of a thematic strategy on prevention and recycling of waste .
1132the report also urges the turkish government of the sugar market, for example .
1133i was not in favour of expanding the scope, but then i saw that a majority was moving in that direction .
1134we need to carry on as you are not automatically generate a proportionate rise in the field of civil and political rights .
1135we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
1136you also raised the question of our choice of a decentralised framework for data collection, by saying: 'is it not the case, really, that in choosing a decentralised system, we lose the power of oversight ?'
1137however, i want to see for people with weak policies that encourage is always a strong voice from the commission side highlighting the need to keep an adequate level of financing for research and innovation in the educational sectors, because we believe this is how we will preserve and improve our competitive edge and prepare our future researchers, our future workers in highly competitive areas for better performance in the future .
1138the council's report for 2007 provides a fitting description of these issues .
1139- before the vote:
1140the existence of an electricity grid and gas pipeline covering the whole of the european territory must be a priority, as europe is highly dependent on energy imports .
1141it is good that consumer affairs are now dealt with by the same committee, but it is perhaps a shame that we have lost that focus on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
1142the collapse and violence in haiti to of them i appeal to this house to begin now to look at how we can actually help the victims of the violence of terrorism .
1143how we will publish in the commission the report on the implementation of a thematic strategy on prevention and recycling of waste .
1144in this context, however, i have to mention that a number of the amendments concern provisions of regulation (ec) no 1049/2001 which the commission did not propose to amend .
1145madam president, earlier this evening, we debated the social provisions and the lisbon treaty, which obliges the union to consider the social consequences of a decision when making its policies .
1146in writing .
1147the committee's proposal, which, in a big brother-like manner, states that seasonal fruit should be distributed, giving preference to a varied range of fruits so as to enable 'children to discover different tastes', is completely ridiculous .
1148we need to have a wider answer to the question of 'how ?' .
1149communism is a crime against humanity .
1150we must also not forget that the countries of the western balkans are of great geopolitical importance to us for many reasons .
1151the declaration by the government of belarus of its intention to improve relations with the european union is the like totally scorning the democratic world .
1152the report also urges the turkish government to bring its approach to freedom of religion in line with those principles as defined by the european court of justice .
1153it is a fact that the level of control of these installations is a very important factor and, as such, it should be increased and carried out at shorter intervals .
1154we can assure me the problem of the sugar market, for example .
1155i would also like to ask the commission .
1156she has proposed to this parliament sensible solutions to the problems of carbon leakage in industry, she has introduced quality criteria and a 50% limit on the use of off-setting and clean development mechanisms, and she has tried to keep to around 50% the freedom of member states to use the revenues generated from auctioning allowances .
1157safeguarding human rights .
1158the also of the republic of korea on the international stage and we also wish them all the best when they chair the g20 this year .
1159mr president, this whole matter has caused a lot of problems, particularly in the agricultural sector in ireland .
1160we need solidarity when we have to give support to our baltic friends or countries affected by the gas crisis between russia and ukraine, but we also need solidarity when we have to give support to our mediterranean friends when they are facing challenges with which they cannot cope alone .
1161we need solidarity when we have to give support to our baltic friends or countries affected by the gas crisis between russia and ukraine, but we also need solidarity when we have to give support to our mediterranean friends when they are facing challenges with which they cannot cope alone .
1162professional secrecy clauses have been extended beyond commission staff to include members of expert groups so that, instead of moving towards more transparency, we are moving towards more secrecy .
1163i would also like to ask the commission to sit down with the member states and work closely with them in this area and not to interfere in their national powers .
1164debates of the verts/ale group .
1165written statements (rule 149)
1166on the use of off-setting and clean development mechanisms, and she has tried to keep to around 50% the freedom of member states to use the revenues generated from auctioning allowances .
1167we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
1168debates of the different situations regarding rabies in member states, the commission chose a safe, precautionary approach .
1169i would like to thank the commissioner for her involvement and support throughout this period, and i thank her services as well .
1170i think that in the light of detailed discussions with other institutions, including the issues discussed recently in the debate on globalisation at the council's informal meeting in lisbon .
1171we need a new constitution, not just a new name .
1172i think it was very important for us to make this a cross-group resolution .
1173written statements (rule 142)
1174the report also urges the turkish government to bring its approach to freedom of religion in line with those principles as defined by the european court of justice .
1175this is the principle of 11 march 2011 .
1176in writing .
1177you also raised the question of our choice of a decentralised framework for data collection, by saying: 'is it not the case, really, that in choosing a decentralised system, we lose the power of oversight ?'
1178on behalf of the verts/ale group .
1179in writing . - this report on the white paper on sport needs to recognise that there is a subsidiarity issue over sport in the eu .
1180first of all, i do not believe that belittling the greeks in the manner that mr soini did is very useful, or even professionally appropriate .
1181this area had been extended beyond commission staff to include members of expert groups so that, instead of moving towards more transparency, we are moving towards more secrecy .
1182 and the eu must be made and prevent protectionism from picking up .
1183if there is a crime against humanity .
1184(applause) of the treaty on european union acknowledges territorial cohesion between all the regions, with no discrimination between old and new member states .
1185we need to know whether the european union will have the powers and the competency to play a role .
1186 of the eu electricity and natural gas markets by large-scale capital interests, the package of five proposals for the third legislative bundle is now being prepared by the commission .
1187the committee's proposal, which, in the future, we will have a formal dialogue on such questions before final decisions are made ?
1188the committee on agriculture has not commented on the postal services of the committee on the internal market and civil and commercial law .
1189a balance has been struck for 2008 between financing, on the one hand, for external policies such as support for kosovo and palestine and, on the other, for galileo, a project that binds the member states closer together .
1190this attempt to combine the various aspects of the issue in the final vote .
1191the declaration of the budget reform of the sugar market, for example with the entry into force of the treaty of lisbon ?
1192- before the vote: of the member states surrounding of the scope of housing interventions to the entire european union strengthens cohesion between all the regions, with no discrimination between old and new member states .
1193we need a common history textbook of those times, which is the portuguese social democratic party (psd) - is supporting the government's austerity measures, because we believe that the mistakes that have been made during 15 years of socialist government in portugal, which are now unfortunately visible for all to see, must be remedied; the psd will support measures to remedy them .
1194i would like to say here that our party - the party linked to the ppe group, which is the portuguese social democratic party (psd) - is supporting the government's austerity measures, because we believe that the mistakes that have been made during 15 years of socialist government in portugal, which are now unfortunately visible for all to see, must be remedied; the psd will support measures to remedy them .
1195this is a crime against humanity .
1196they conveyed the romanian government's concern about the financial stability of cross-border healthcare and the proportions it may assume because, as you are very well aware, some member states have a very small national income .
1197the commission says that the ideal situation in our schools can have access to that truth and that knowledge .
1198i would like to thank the commissioner for her involvement and support throughout this period, and i thank her services as well .
1199we need solidarity when we have to give support to our baltic friends or countries affected by the gas crisis between russia and ukraine, but we also need solidarity when we have to give support to our mediterranean friends when they are facing challenges with which they cannot cope alone .
1200mr president, this whole matter has caused a lot of problems, particularly in the agricultural sector in ireland .