2020-11-04 10:17:45 +01:00

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1Bośniacy protestuję against plans Croatia on landfills radioactive waste
2On Friday hundreds of people zebrały in północno-zachodniej Bosnia in proteście against end sąsiadującej Croatia the storage of waste from the only in the region of nuclear power station by the border with Bośnią and main rivers znanej with natural piękna.
3In one Demonstranci bośniackim Novi Grad żądali from Croatia zarzucenia plans to build a landfills waste in former koszarach military in areas Trgovska Gora and have said to the fight against the motion for a.
4In obiekcie stored would be waste of nuclear power station Krško.
5Bośniacy, trzymający banery with napisami „Allow me healthy future 'and„ Stop (rzeka) Una us needs', have said that somewhere to dispose of waste radioactive could really jeopardise it rzece Unie and life around 250 000 inhabitants.
6We have to say no,
7He said tłumowi Miroslav Drljaca, burmistrz municipalities with textile mills Novi Grad.
8We need to fight for the protection of our way of life and our Uny.
9Zlokalizowana in Slovenia nuclear plant Krško built in the 80. The 20th century it is also to Croatia.
10The representatives of the two countries have to meet next week to discuss the issue of the additional storage facilities.
11Chorwacka Telewizja public HRT delivered a on Friday that, in Croatia not zadecydowano, or somewhere to dispose of waste to build on their own, or pay for the storage of waste in the new obiekcie konstruowanym by Słowenię.
12The Croatian Minister of environmental protection and energy Tomislav Coric said journalists that Croatia is also a problem with utylizacją waste institutional with schools, hospitals and a and has hope całościowego to find a solution.
13In Bosnia aktywiści, the officials and with any the existing in the country is ethnic nalegali to Croatia has different lokalizację in parts of the country more power station.
14„Dlaczego Croatia with full its area says that this Trgovska Gora in Bosnia is the best place? ' zapytał Drljaca.
15We cannot give them poniżyć!
16The state of the issues pedofilii entered into force
17The provisions of the law in force from czwartku.
18In accordance with them to the tasks committee will should be, for example, the provisions of the wpisie to register perpetrators of crimes of a sexual nature, zawiadamianie the relevant authorities of podejrzeniu having committed crime pedofilii, but also the authority of niezawiadomienia podejrzeniu crime pedofilii.
19The Commission will also identyfikować negligence and stop in wyjaśnianiu cases of sexual abuse.
20As far as the negligence and stop of the voluntary organisations, those and institutions operating educational, wychowawczą, opiekuńczą, cultural and to the culture, wypoczynkiem and treatment, and also samorządów churches and trade unions kościelnych wyznaniowych, including legal persons and private.
21The committee will also lead activities of the preventive and educational.
22The Commission is to be the independent from other holders of power state.
23It is comprising members of the seven: Three powołanych by Sejm most of the three piątych in the presence of at least fishing ustawowej the number of Members; one appointed by Senat most of the three piątych votes in the presence of at least fishing ustawowej the number of senatorów, and one członku powołanym by the President, Prime Minister and the Ombudsman's children's rights.
24Members of the committee will have to, for example, have higher education prawnicze, medyczne or psychological and „the nieposzlakowaną's'.
25In committee cannot zasiadać, for example, the Members senatorowie, as Members of the European Parliament and people should positions position.
26Among the players, which will be able to zgłaszać candidates members of the committee, it: Naczelną the Council Adwokacką, national the Council Radców, national the judiciary, national, the Council prokuratorów Naczelną House Lekarską, national House Psychologów and NGOs, whose tasks statutowe by at least two years include the actions linked to the children's rights, in particular of and przeciwdziałaniem violence, including the sexual.
27Candidates members of the committee powoływanych by Sejm can zgłaszać also marszałek Sejmu or at least 35 Members.
28In turn candidates of a member of the Commission powoływanego by Senat can zgłaszać also marszałek the Senate or at least the 7 senatorów.
29The President of the committees which will be of members of the committee Sejm, majority.
30The committee continue will seven years.
31In the work of the committee will be able have, with the voice of doradczym and on the invitation to President, the representative of the Ombudsman.
32In accordance with the ustawą „anyone can the Commission suspicion having committed to sexual abuse or suspicion niezawiadomienia authority podejrzeniu having committed to sexual abuse '.
33Zgłoszenie can be wnoszone pisemnie, ustnie to the minutes or cohesions funds electronic communications.
34Zgłoszenie such Committee is immediately made by the prokuratorowi prokuratury proper in the case of residence people poszkodowanej.
35In the case of wszczęcia proceedings committee are to be given a wglądu to act and the right to information about carried out a.
36The Commission can also to participate in the carried out a rights oskarżyciela posiłkowego (with those poszkodowanej or its carer legal).
37The first time, the report by the Committee is to develop and give within year from the entry into force.
38The American Kongres agreed on the sale of Poland 32 aircraft F-35
39The US by Kongres ustawowe 15 days from zaaprobowania by Departament Secretary of purchasing by Poland 32 fighter planes wielozadaniowych F-35 not expressed to object to this transactions, which means that has been you the condition ahead of the negotiations purchasing.
40The decision Congress, although was not niespodziewana, has important political significance.
41„For zaaprobowaniu of sales on Departament Secretary, and now by Kongres, I do not see any major obstacles', said John V. Venable, starszy radca for defence policy waszyngtońskiego, konserwatywnego think tanku Heritage Foundation.
42Ekspert explained that, on the basis of the law on the Control exports of arms from year 1976 government federalny, reprezentowany by Departament a Secretary of State, must zawiadomić Kongres about any planowanej arms sales abroad on 15 days before signing of the agreement, if the value of such a transactions, in the case of arms sales to their country State NATO, is over 50 million dol.
43The value of the proposed transactions purchasing 32 fighter planes F-35 by Poland szacowana is 6,5 billion a EUR covers the costs of the technical assistance and logistycznej, equipment pomocniczego and training of pilots.
44The main supplier aircraft F-35 if since this will be ultimately finalised - will be the American koncern zbrojeniowy Lockheed Martin, and its podwykonawcą is the engine to fighter planes F-35A koncern Pratt and Whitney.
45The proposals purchasing American fighter planes fifth generation of F-35 on behalf of the authorities of Poland made in May defence minister Mariusz Błaszczak.
46Poland an offer to be addressed in July this year, at the meeting of Andrzeja Dudy with President Donaldem Trumpem in Białym Domu.
47On the achievement of this agreement, if will be finalised, will be czuwali Pentagonu within the framework of Zagranicznej representatives of the's authorised military strength by (FMS).
48Within the framework of FMS Poland nabyła already, for example, the system antyrakietowy Patriot.
49The price of one myśliwca F-35 at by by Poland offer purchasing was without arms and technical assistance around 89,2 million dol.
50As we informed PAP experts militarni who pragnęli to anonimowość, that the price podana in my opening negotiations was „price maximum, much higher from prices that will be but '.
51Growing „prices have, the price of one F-35 is below 80 million a, much less than costs Eurofighter, which is not such benefits that F-35 ', pointed out Venable.
52Rozmówcy PAP expressed hope that the final negotiating transactions to purchase by Poland American aircraft bojowych shall this year.
53Can part of the Polish subcontracting undertakings in this transactions is offset will this directly from the US producers fighter planes F-35.
54What is zastępczy Münchhausena team, which is provided for in serialu „elections Paytona Hobarta 'to the platformie Netflix?
55Their carers will and parents with this zaburzeniem pretend that their healthy child them chore.
56Serial „elections Paytona Hobarta 'it comes today platformę Netflix.
57It is in favour of the story Paytona Hobarta, which it wants to be the President of the United States of America, firstly, however, must be of samorządu uczniowskiego in its school average.
58In serialu Ryana Murphy ego, twórcy „American Horror Story 'and„ Glee', we will see Gwyneth Paltrow, Bena Platta and Lucy Boynton.
59Not ujawniając too many details for those who do not have the opportunity to see to it porusza serialu, the zastępczego Zespołu Münchhausena disease psychicznej występującej at carers, who is progressing, as if zdrowa person, which are was by a physical or psychiczną.
60There are various types of this very, such as a team Münchhausena wywoływaniu in objawów specific disease.
61Zastępczy team Münchhausena is symulowaniu that, if someone pozostająca in our opieką has some dolegliwości.
62Called is also wymyśloną and wywołaną it, and are it as violence against of the Child.
63It is rare schorzenie that usual covers rodzica wyolbrzymiającego symptomy or wywołującego symptomy, so that wyglądało, to the fact that its child is chore.
64What are the objawy zastępczego Zespołu Münchhausena?
65This disease różnić Symptomy can, however, NHS draws attention to the poniższe przykładowe behaviour:
66Persuasion of health professionals that child wyglądające on a healthy, however, the experience wrong.
67Wyolbrzymianie or wymyślanie symptomów.
68Fałszowanie results, to child has been regarded as chore, such as the glukozy to próbek moczu to wyglądało, to the fact that child has a cukrzycę.
69It Wywoływanie objawów diseases, for example children zbędne medicines and other substances.
70As prevalent zastępczy team Münchhausena?
71It is difficult to evaluate how often this zaburzenie, because there are many cases, there is tabled.
72The study published in 2000 shows that, in the more than two years wystąpiło 89 of this have to 100 000 people.
73What must be done, if there are podejrzenia that a child can be in distress?
74It should be skontaktować with local oddziałem services special or call on the infolinię for the protection of children NSPCC, informed number 0808 800 5000.
75Nigeria: Nalot police on szkołę in Kadunie, ewakuacja 300 children
76Kaduna Posterunek Policji Stanowej in Kadunie has had yesterday nalot on szkołę Imamu Ahmad Bn Hambal, znajdującą in Layin Maidubun Tsumma in Rigasie, Economic samorządowym Igabi, zaaresztował seven teachers and ewakuował approximately 300 children.
77The twierdziła that children przebywały in highly dehumanizujących conditions. The authorities schools zaprzeczają ago twierdzeniu.
78Mieszkaniec podający for Shehu, kaznodzieję in a school, said: „No tell the truth, because all children there with parents.
79From children to school parents podpisali formularz.
80Parents every przynosili their children jedzenie and people in which were conditions.
81We were very surprised przyjazdem of the police and ewakuacją children, and also usunięciem a whole factories pupils dostarczonego by parents before the closure schools.
82It is not in order, because parents can poświadczyć, or their children are poor conditions, as the claims.
83Added that the previous Commissioner Policji Abdurrahman, which have visited szkołę to see the level of childcare, never have reservations.
84 €ŽTwierdził that children studiują Koran and nothing else.
85However, the Public specjalista Posterunku police Relations, Yakubu Sabo, has that, after przekazaniu Greek of children incorporate to their parents.
86„Trzymano them in dehumanizujących conditions on behalf of the poddawania or educate themselves koranicznej.
87Many of them have blizny on the back, which confirms that them bito.
88Therefore, badamy szkołę to know her owner ', added.
89Foreign talents important for the development of China
90Guangdong is a leader in the country in terms of attract foreign female talent base largely due to the Citizens' pasa and itself (RDI), the United Zatoki (GBA) Guangdong-Hongkong-Macao and the new role of Shenzhen as trial of the demonstracyjnego.
91The Group of the Nanfang Media Group has in Guangdong wywiady with siedmioma ekspatriantami age from 10 to 70 years.
92Nothing from the Singapuru Yash urodzony in 2010, during the igrzysk Asian in Guangzhou said that would like to its marzenie about zostaniu naukowcem and zrobieniu doktoratu in Guangzhou.
93Nikita Nikandrow, the Russian student rosyjsko-chińskiego Uniwersytetu Shenzhen MSU-BIT said: „With its flagship RDI rosyjscy students can studiować together with the Chinese authorities studentami.
94We can together to create new ideas and new projects.
95Rachel Rommeswinkel with the US by in Dongguan karierę blogerki should be set up for the subject of urody and has more than a million fanów on Bilibili and Weibo.
96Said that, in its filmikach will continue to udostępniać information about the Chinese traditions, culture, and technology.
97Leticia de Lassus of France, szefowa centres JJB International Montessori AMI in Guangzhou agree that „educating the children is as zapinanie kurtki.
98If nieprawidłowo zapniesz first guzik, the rest of the never it comes to its right.
99Amerykanin Chinese of origin Henry Xiao believes that, in the centre of the GBA its company can benefit from many privileges in relation to the new rules government policy and resources, and in particular the female talent base.
100The producer kulinarnego programme „Nanta Show 'Sean Choi with South Korea, said that kuchnia region Guangdong is known throughout the world and the introduction of the programme„ Nanta Show' in Guangdong was good decision.
101Stephan Mohler with Switzerland working the Director of the technical for the quality of the River Pearl Pianos believes that sekret high quality is founded on prawidłowym exercise of simple work.
102There are very many experienced parliamentarians here to its zdziwieniu young people in China like to work, to learn to do good products and wytrwale seeks to more and better results.
103A survey: To want to step aside Banasia
104The majority of the Polish wants to step aside szefa highest House Control Mariana Banasia from the postal Kantar for TVN.
105To the question of „Is you (- and I am finishing here), the Head of NIK Marian Banaś should give to step aside ', 55 proc. odpowiedziało„ yes' in this 34 proc. zaznaczyło option „surely such 'and 21 proc.„ rather yes'.
106The answer „I do not know / difficult to say 'have opted for military 26 proc. badanych, but against step aside groups, 19 proc. 8 proc. zaznaczyło„ is definitely not', and 11 proc. - „rather not '.
107Request step aside Mariana Banasia we after emissions reportażu „Pancerny Marian and hotel for hours' in the programme„ Superwizjer '.
108With material shows that the Head of NIK was in właścicielem kamienicy in Krakowie, in which to act have hotel for hours, and fatal it gangsterzy have wynajmować kamienicę under its activities of the price of lower from the market.
109After ujawnieniu material Banaś zapowiedział that the 27 September will succeed in bezpłatny to the conclusion of the control of its claims majątkowych's CBA.
110A survey telefoniczny Kantar was put on 25 26 September 2019 year on ogólnopolskiej reprezentatywnej 1005 people in the age of over 18 years.
111Possible misleading pomiarowy USD 3 points rates.
112As be influencerem?
113Alisha Marie unveiled a few trików.
114Alisha creating a channel I am in YouTubie in 2008.
115Its action obserwuje more than 8 million subskrybentów.
116Influencerka zamieszcza advice, for example, on the mody and urody, and also promotes the idea of DIY, namely 'zrób that the'.
117Collaborated so far, for example, with such companies as BMW or Starbucks.
118Alisha Marie to interview portalowi Business Insider.
119It a few direction to those who want to begin to work together with the markami for example for Instagramie.
120Has stressed that we must not wait until companies recognise the potential of the specific people, and should be to go with the initiative.
121Alisha Marie says that with the make contact with marką valuable are a simple.
122It is to show interest in a certain firmą and desire to be its Ambassador.
123What napisała Alisha, when she about the first współprace with markami?
124The 'podobają me your things.
125I do not to, if ever you interested cooperation ' news about the content wysyłała as początkująca influencerka.' That was not professional, but it was my ', has said.
126Alisha outlined by that the first step, which wykonają representatives marki will's entry into profil people, which ubiega to establish a cooperation. 'The climate, which poczuje at the start of will probably przełomowy', said.
127Alisha przekonuje, therefore, for example for that to profilu Instagramie thinking as a portfolio.
128Zamieszczać there such content, which potentially can zainteresować different companies.
129Unibet takes for its the second American market
130A flagship marka of the Group of the Kindred Unibet takes for its the second American the market in Pensylwanii and ogłasza today their official's entry into the state of Pensylwania, together with the otwarciem its centre sports plants in cooperation with the Mohegan Sun Pocono, which means entry companies to the second the market in the US in the only one month.
131Comprehensive offers point docelowego Mohegan Sun Pocono in conjunction with the digital world experience klienta and możliwościami in the analysis of the data zapewnianymi by Unibet stworzą has a unique and a unique plants sport in the whole will.
132Earlier this month company Unibet launched its centre sports plants in New Jersey and by długoletnią cooperation with the klubem hokejowym New Jersey Devils.
133We are podekscytowani the possibility of cooperation with the Mohegan Sun Pocono and glad that we can to patronów our new centre plants sports and to offer the excellent the extension of our product internetowego in one of the more the, which reguluje both facilities are available and casinos.
134We want to have strong Palestinian partner, who share our allowed to provide adequate experience klienta and share our values. We know that together zaoferujemy the inhabitants of Pensylwania really niezrównane impression with the participation in the kinds of gambling and the conclusion of voluntary plants sports on the ground, and will soon also via the internet says, starszy Wiceprezes Kindred Manuel the US.
135Nawiązaliśmy cooperation with one of the best in the world of operators gier kasynowych and plants bukmacherskich in the markets regulowanych in the Internet, so that we will be able to we must offer more loan-based best in its klasie experience of our current klientom and przyciągać new fanów.
136The introduction of the offer „Unibet on the market is a large advantage for Mohegan Sun, as well as for the state of Pensylwania ' is Aviram Alroy, Wiceprezes for gier Interaktywnych in Mohegan Gaming Entertainment.
137The upcoming offers plants sports will include game NFL, NCAA, NHL, NBA, PGA, unions turnieje tenisowe, boks, UFC, rugby, NASCAR, MLS, game ligowe football Premier League, the Liga and Bundesliga.
138The centre plants sports Unibet promoted by the Kambi, lead in the world initiated services B2B in the field of sport plants offers best experience related to zawieraniem plants bukmacherskich and rozrywką in live.
139In the second half of this year in the agreement partnerskiej Unibet, together with the Mohegan Sun Pocono uruchomi also centre plants sports and manifest kasyno online available via appliances przenośnych Apple and Android.
140Siemoniak: Tusk or Kidawa-Błońska will be the President
141I think that the „Donald Tusk and Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska have the opportunity to win elections with President Andrzejem Dudą ', considers Tomasz Siemoniak.
142The citizens Wiceszef platform Tomasz Siemoniak in rozmowie with Polsat News, with the involvement of the aferze szefa NIK.
143This matter is „dyskwalifikująca for Mariana Banasia.
144Can be ministrem culture from some issues rozrywkowych, and not the NIK or Finance.
145Not kimś, who is responsible for billion, for a ', said.
146„this matter is a very serious crisis of the ', added.
147Siemoniak mentioned also kandydaturze Klaudii Jachiry.
148„Na from the PiS-u is Antoni Macierewicz.
149A man who, not only mentioned any things, only them to do.
150The case of the Posądził SKW about szpiegostwo for Russia, zniszczył them, zniszczył family.
151Why not calls for a to Antoniego Macierewicza was not on that list? ', pytał.
152„people from us młodsi have different estetykę.
153I think that Jachira, which for something already przeprosiła also experience, that sometimes przesadza.
154Not róbmy with this problem kampanijnego ', added.
155Turyści of a travel agent Neckermann Poland planowo wracają to their country
156As the results, in the event does not need to sprowadzania tourists before sometimes.
157The EFSA sukcesywnie „placed with the guarantee of insurance nieopłacone place hotelowe ', podano.
15825 September office travel Neckermann Poland an in urzędzie marszałkowskim statement on the insolvency of.
159At the by by office written about of a country outside national borders przebywało 3600 tourists.
160On Wednesday to Poland wróciła group around 500 people, and on Thursday 230.
161On Friday is back the next 350 people from Morocco, Spain and Greece.
162Turyści przylecą to Katowic and Warszawy (all in all this will five charter flights).
163Some of these will return lotami rejsowymi.
164In the weekend might as has been programmed to the country should back around 1000 tourists within wakacjach, for example, in Turkey, Egypt, Spain, Greece and in Italy.
165As a result of information communicated by EFSA Marszałkowski województwa Mazowieckiego, office travel sprzedało around 20 000 wycieczek on sezon jesienno-zimowy.
166„those klienci a travel agent should need to speak directly from ubezpieczycielem firmą Allianz Partners', has office.
167Added that „situation tourists who sygnalizowali problems in hotelach to this a seems to be have stabilised and that incydenty wypraszania tourists with hoteli have been załagodzone together with the services konsularnymi '.
168Last Friday authorities the greatest and, at the vote a travel agent Thomas Cook, poinformowały that it would have to skraju bankruptcy.
169Thomas Cook GmbH was właścicielem 100 proc. of involvement in Neckermann Poland.
170„Obleśny 'zamaskowany gwałciciel children with Central Coast zmuszony to patrzenia on its ofiarę in court
171Ubrany in Bavarian costume maskujący a chwycił zdążającą to school 12-latkę from tyłu and wciągnął it in gęste zarośla in Central Coast in May 2017.
172Then przywiązał to out and zgwałcił.
173Shortly after zaaresztowaniu has been done warrant przeszukania in its home, where oficerowie zatrzymali a number of relevant to be śledztwa.
174A should give the guilt in relation to the seven persecutions of attack and to the next three on uwiedzenia and the use of sexual another girl, in a 11 years, in the period from August 2016 to August 2017.
17512-letnia sacrifice szła ścieżką, and when obejrzała zobaczyła in itself, as there away with the krzaków a gunman on a large branch of and nóż.
176When błagała „przestań, przestań, przestań ', chwycił for szyję and forced to the entry into zarośla.
177A said: „silent, not krzycz.
178Not krzycz, because I will have to cię skrzywdzić '.
179In the right trzymając nóż dłoni, związał its hands and feet opaskami kablowymi, and then it to przywiązał out and gwałcił by almost h.
180When it odciął, dziewczynka pobiegła to school with histerycznym krzykiem.
181A dotarł to work around 9.30, not in a few SMSów and connections from colleagues.
182Its as was brudna and nosiła footsteps trawy and out, and he twierdził that brał participation in the case of attack wściekłości on the way, in which gonił another kierowcę in krzakach and have fallen by the nasypu.
183Continued rozprawy skazującej mężczyznę there will be on Tuesday.
184The Pope sought calls on dyrektorów implementing technologicznych companies to use sztucznej inteligencji for the good of a common
185On Friday Pope sought Franciszek ostrzegł dyrektorów implementing companies technologicznych, from diplomats and finansistów that the creation of sztucznej wyścigiem inteligencji and other forms of achievements in the area of the digital is the threat to increase their social inequality, if its the from the point of view of the ethics of not take into account to the benefit of the common.
186The Pope sought Franciszek made these words during the conference in Watykanie, which took part, governments and the companies Facebook and Google, and also filozofowie, fizycy and etycy.
187Small group akademików and biskupów of the Catholic Church gathered together participants at a conference on „A Common Good in the Digital Age '.
188This trzydniowe it now this that Watykan is interested in the involvement of the debate on the prospects and the dangers of an artificial inteligencją.
189Dyskutowano on substantive technologicznymi in the area of war and the future work, in respect of which an increasingly important role will be odgrywały stamping, and also to be discussed studium case badającego zamach in Christchurch in New Zealand and the decisions taken by companies which are właścicielami media społecznościowych in connection with the rozprzestrzenianiem to shall rejestrującego masakrę.
190During the speeches to the Pope sought Franciszek chwalił the potential of technological progress, zauważając that, thanks to the maszynom at the start of industrial revolution zaoszczędzono businesses dangerous and monotonnej work.
191Ostrzegł, however, that become more frequent uzależnianie from appliances robotycznych in order to achieve the profits of this is the risk of sentence people dignity generated from the work.
192„If we technological progress stałby cause increasingly widocznych inequality, would not be is a step forward a real and a genuine ' has warned.
193If the so-called technological progress humanity would have become the enemy of good common, doprowadziłby to undesired wstecznictwa to some kind of barbarzyństwa podyktowanego najsilniejszych law.
194Operators of expressed hope for the application of knowledge eksperckiej participants and identification of possible future doradców of the Catholic Church in cases of wysokimi technologies.
195Martin Odegaard, zawodnik wypożyczony with Realu Madryt, wprawia fanów in euforię its efektowną asystą.
196Martin Odegaard zanotował imponującą escort with otwierającym golu Mikela Oyarzabala.
197Wygrywając 2: 0 with Osasuną, Real Madryt wspiął on the table of the Ligi and continuing passę being niepokonanym in its own boisku in this year's sezonie.
198However, despite niezaliczenia or one failure in this sezonie in the Liga Zinedine Zidane is under huge pressure as a result of burzliwego przedsezonowego and public kłótni with walijską gwiazdą, Garethem Bale em.
199The situation has a wrzenia when Real Madryt was upokorzony in Lidze Mistrzów by Paris-Saint Germain (PSG).
200Zinedine Zidane and Real Madryt are, however, the real talents against some of them Francuz is now plans, to other not.
201Vinícius Júnior is an example of this gwiazdy future Realu Madryt and now they on the negotiating.
202However, that norweski young gracz Martin Odegaard, which wypożyczono to Real Sociedad, has great raising, zaliczając niewiarygodną escort in meczu the Ligi.
203In the meeting Real Sociedad with Alaves Martin Odegaard has done imponującą escort with otwierającym golu Mikela Oyarzabala and Real Sociedad ultimately wygrał 3: 0 before its own widownią.
204After odebraniu piłki from the right Martin Odegaard wymanewrował gracza with przeciwnej teams, zakładając him siatkę, and then posłał niesamowite podanie on centymetry between the two other zawodnikami and its colleague from teams there were only dostawić a leg.
205The second bramka Williana Jose and the third in the niesamowitego Oyarzabala, this time of criminal rzutu, to provide a victory for the podopiecznym Imanola before Manu Garcia boiska even five minutes before the end of the game.
206Martin Odegaard were to Realu Madryt just as 16-latek in 2015, but have difficulties in trying to meet the expectations fanów.
207Now, in the 20 years, norweski piłkarz finally, it seems to be needed to boisku.
208Anna Hazare surprised will not lead to the names of Sharada Pawara on fraud on the National Bank Spółdzielczego Maharasztra
209Anna Hazare stated: „streets Sharada Pawara not widniało on the list, when only me this'
210Działacz social, Anna Hazare, not krył zaskoczenia the fact that the streets of Sharada Pawara Nacjonalistycznej Kongresowej Party, NCP has arisen in connection with the wielomilionowym oszustwem in government Bank Spółdzielczym Maharasztra.
211The Agency śledcza Dyrektoriat wykonawczy, in short, made ED case against Sharadowi Pawarowi, its bratankowi Ajitowi Pawarowi former substitute major Minister of Maharasztra and other in connection with the oszustwem.
212The report by Information Dyrektoriatu implementing on the matter odpowiednik policyjnego report FIR, has been tabled by the central agency under the law on the fighting praniu money.
213The issue is the report by FIR mumbajskiej police, in which wymieniono the names of the former prezesa bank, Ajita Pawara, and 70 former employees of financial institutions.
214When the trafiła to me, streets Sharada Pawara nowhere widniało.
215„In how wypłynęło its streets, who them results, they know these things' stated on Thursday Anna Hazare, when asked about it he was not prepared a ED and rzekome links Sharada Pawara with oszustwem.
216Anna Hazare, critical oceniający Sharada Pawara, its hope that the truth - as a result of the over by ED thorough, the fraud.
217„ED dowie streets, where it was on ' said Anna Hazare, wielokrotny a member of manifestacji against corruption.
218Sharad Pawar impossible that to conduct karalnego and argues that in no way was linked to the bankiem, as well as calls into question the fact that it is made to a few weeks before zaplanowanymi on 21 October the election of in Maharaszcie.
219Were minister the ensured that will not be majestatowi Delhi clearly referring to the within the movement led by party BJP.
220NCP has issue Dyrektoriatu implementing as umotywowaną respects the political.
221Pracowity day SG.
222Yesterday several przemytnikom not wywieźć in Ukraine skradzionych be the way beyond 130 000 złotych.
223All the events we yesterday (26 September) in the direction wyjazdowym from Poland.
224In Korczowej a citizen Romania przewoził rower in the world elektrycznym marki Specialized.
225Law enforcement officials SG by the legitimacy of the origin of the theme skontaktowali with the representatives of the German Policji and quickly ustalili that modern jednoślad worthy of ok 10 000 złotych was skradziony on the territory of this country.
226Several hours later also in Korczowej, strażnicy graniczni kontrolujący naczepę registered in France said constitute intervention in the room numerowe VIN.
227Kierowcą set of ciężarowego was a citizen of Ukraine.
228Naczepa worth EUR 30 000 złotych was zatrzymana and will be put to szczegółowym ekspertyzom in order to establish original data.
229From the railways to przejściu granicznym in Medyce officials SG udaremnili to try to export next skradzionego quada marki Can-am (the prod. 2019).
230The value of the vehicle przewożonego on lawecie was estimated at almost 75 000 zł.
231Kierowcą set of was 32-letni a citizen of Ukraine.
232Straż Graniczna confirmed that only two weeks ago quad has been lost in the territory of Poland and is poszukiwany throughout Europe.
233In Medyce udaremniono also „partial 'to try to export skradzionego vehicle.
23441-letni Ukrainiec travelling busem przewoził elements karoserii which with ekskluzywnego mercedesa.
235All the omens identyfikacyjne to parts of the were mechanicznie deleted.
236Elements karoserii worth ok 15 000 złotych have been zatrzymane.
237The Republic of South Africa: 20-latek am murder studentki Ukzn Sinethemba Ndlovu
238In line with expectations a detained in connection with the morderstwem studentki Uniwersytetu KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), Sinethemba Ndlovu, believe that the national Organów prosecute (KOŚ) will next week of exemptions for kaucją.
239They zjawił place on Thursday in Sądzie grodzkim in Msinga under the on acts.
240The Ombudsman KOŚ KZN, Natasha punishment News24, has said, with the issue of odroczono to 2 October in connection with the speeches about exemptions for kaucją.
241Dodała that the sprzeciwi to zwolnieniu accused for kaucją.
242As says the Ombudsman police KZN, inspektor Thembeka Mbele, 20-letniego oskarżonego aresztowanego on Monday.
243At the beginning of this week the unveiled the fact that the Ndlovu doznała ran kłutych lewą pachą and brzuch.
244It believes that, in a sobotni wieczór as hostessa during the events in the automotive Msinga Diftkhana.
245In the automotive events Statement made today statement operators said that, as suggest the initial raporty, following the events and of its change a few hostess remains on the ground to obejrzeć występy muzyczne.
246After by one of them, unfortunately, attacked nieznani men and zmarła in szpitalu ', as the written.
247On Friday UKZN zawiesił to address the, by „the death Ndlovu require us as a community stem and reflection on kruchością life and brutalnością, which so often in our society '.
248Mylan agrees to pay 30 million in the framework of an agreement EpiPen ws.
249A subsidiary Mylan agreed pay 30 million in the framework of an agreement associated with the lack of notifications investors about dochodzeniu European Justice on of the possible request too high in the Medicaid for EpiPen.
250The Commission has Securities and Markets Authority, on Friday that Mylan NV zakwalifikowała EpiPen of medicines „generycznych 'in the reimbursement of for drugs Medicaid.
251In view of this company farmaceutyczna by the Greek much niższy return part of the price of the product than in the zaklasyfikowania EpiPen as leku „markowego '.
252In July company Mylan unveiled the fact that progress on this issue agreement on the principles of KPWiG.
253In his piątkowym statement company has stated that it reaffirms the allegations KPWiG and not impossible.
254This is outrageous boża?
255What he is talking about cierpieniu?
256Kataklizmy, hard disease, the death of the Child.
257This dramaty, which is causing machinery suffering and it is difficult to them understand.
258We are asking: „Dlaczego '?
259Sometimes we hear that „Bóg so wanted '.
260Or is it Stwórca zsyła us misery and disease?
261Jan Paweł II at the end of life very cierpiał
262When 36 years ago, Nick rodził Vujicic, its tato in horror wybiegł with the Chamber.
263My her son „is not rąk or nóg! 'Krzyczał to lekarza.
264Parents not knowing that their child has to nieuleczalną condition which pozbawiła them kończyn.
265Of course, not the case to accept taken.
266But modlili and after four months mama Nicka poczuła that Bóg is for their children's plan.
267Decided kochać syna wholeheartedly.
268Today Vujicic is known throughout the world ewangelizator and speaker motywacyjny by which nawraca to many people.
269I am „proof that, Bóg never not myli ', the Nick.
270„When we here affects us manner, it is hard to understand that.
271We are seeking economically reasons.
272We are asking us is: « Dlaczego spotkało? ».
273If we believe that Bóg is on the world and is our pay, it is a question, whether it zesłał to us condition the kind of... '.
274Mother acknowledges the zamordowania two nastoletnich synów
275There wybuchnęła płaczem, when it has been said its that can spend the rest of their lives in prison after the przyznała to zamordowania dwójki their nastoletnich synów and planning zabicia rest czwórki their children.
276Sarah Barrass, 35 years, the assassinations of przyznała Tristana Barrassa (13 years) and Blake and Barrassa (14 years).
277Zgon braci there has been in szpitalu in odstępie of 12 minutes from each after the 24 May 7: 30 calls on the part of the police Shiregreen położonej in Sheffield, in County South Yorkshire.
278Has been done sekcje zwłok, however, at the hearing in Sądzie piątkowego Koronnym Sheffield not podano results autopsji.
279Accurate the death boys lost their lives are not yet known.
280Barrass pojawiła on ławie accused together with the współoskarżonym Brandonem Machinem, 39 years, a member of the family.
281Otoczeni by three strażników przyznali to two charges murders and one zarzutu planning assassinations of six children.
282At the hearing dwudziestominutowego para przyznała also to five claims to try to acts.
283Zarzut planning assassination relates to the period between 14 and 20 May.
284Four with the allegations made of on 23 May are four children, in this Blake and and Tristana.
285The fifth attempt to of was 24 May.
286All ocalonych children have less than 13 years.
287Doradca concerns, a judge Jeremy Richardson said hand: „never fully I will not with words as haniebnych can to take action dokonaliście.
288Committed by you crimes speak for themselves.
289Murder of two children.
290Attempt to assassinations of the four children and the whole zmowa to pozbawić them life.
291I am practically convinced that each of you in good time will be skazane on kilkukrotną punishment dożywotniego sentence of '.
292This is a judge can, whether bezwzględnego outrageous sentence of to warunkowego exemption.
293Given the zapadnie 12 November.
294Mr after Krzysztof Brejza pozywa Cezarego Gmyza
295„In relation to the campaign kłamstw pisowskiej TV I stand with pozwem against Cezarego Gmyza ', informed on Twitter, after Krzysztof Brejza.
296The reason is that pozwu publicysty Cezarego Gmyza in the programme „Minęła 20 'to the antenie TVP.
297One of the czołowych people kierujących SokiemzBuraka is Krzysztof Brejza, which is experience in organisations wydziału hatred.
298„Persons, which are very well know Mariusza Kozaka-Zagozdę założyciela « hejterskiego » profilu this Kierwiński, Budka and Giertych ', mentioned Gmyz.
299This hand and profiles SokzBuraka społecznościowe with memami and żartami of policy.
300As out „Sieci ', for the profile of this title is PR-owiec Mariusz Kozak-Zagozda.
301„we managed to find out that, since April br. Mariusz Kozak-Zagozda is zatrudniony in warszawskim urzędzie town, in the office marketing ', has written tygodnik.
302„Konfederacja 'in Oławie
303With placu targowym in Oławie its meeting zorganizował expert of „Konfederacja '.
304Its programme przedstawiali Krzysztof Szokalski number 5 on the list, and Halszka Bielecka No 9.
305The list of Anonsowany lider Krzysztof Tuduj not dotarł on wiec of.
306Kandydaci poruszyli many problems from excessive fiskalizmu state after problems healthcare services.
307Was also something the issue of the euro area, which should to act to all entrepreneurs, and not faworyzować capital trade.
308The world has been the climate crisis in Budapest
309A few 000 people, mainly young, taking on Friday in strike change in the capital Hungary Budapest.
310Apelowano to the to dążył to neutrality climate introduced the threat of climate change and its more friendly policy.
311To strike przeszli with placu Clarka of immunity to plac Kossutha before a of peszteńskiej.
312„Skandowano: What we want?
313Of climate protection!
314When we want?
315Now, '.
316Boris Johnson to policyjnego body nadzorującego in relation to work closely with bizneswoman relacją Jennifer Arcuri
317Independent office for of policyjnego IOPC investigate ewentualność wszczęcia against Prime Minister investigation wyjaśniającego or in the exercise office public as burmistrz London dopuścił to fraud as an offence kryminalne.
318The Council the Monday of London (GLA) wygłosiła in a statement that its inspektor supervision zarejestrował „issue which postępowaniem 'Prime Minister in connection with the oskarżeniami about a treatment Arcuri as young be łączącej their close znajomości.
319„O « issue of postępowaniem » can speak when are information wskazujące to the possibility of having committed crimes' said.
320This does not mean that in some way this udowodniono.
321IOPC rozważy now, whether it is necessary to examine this issue.
322The issue of are addressed to the IOPC, which is skargami against members of the services of police in England and Wales.
323Only it to this body nadzorującego work of the police, because Johnson sprawował then position as odpowiednikiem Commissioner police and the Commissioner for criminal.
324Johnson zaprzeczył that, in connection with its work closely with a relacją Arcuri to any irregularities.
325Said that the 'zastosuje to urban London and will contribute details on its relations with the Arcuri, but upierał the that council „is focusing on the wrong problem'.
326Warrant is from reports „A Sunday Times that Arcuri, Amerykanka seven years ago, which has to London received 126 000 pounds of budgetary money, and also privileged access to the three foreign mission trade, on which the forefront of become a then burmistrzem Johnson.
327As a result of this reports government to time here the zamroził dotację of EUR 100 000 GBP for należącej to Arcuri companies Hacker House.
328The government for the thorny questions on the weryfikacyjnej carried out before przyznaniem funds.
329Minister for cyfryzacji Matt Warman said in the Chamber Gmin that workers its European „zwyczajowo observed a adequate staranność 'and that the company is the British the telephone number.
330However, according to the many denouncements links numerem were przekierowywane to office in Kalifornii, where today is it is getting smaller 34-letnia Arcuri.
331Close the relationship Prime Minister of bizneswoman „was for staff secret poliszynela '.
332The decision of the Prime Minister GLA skierowaniu to the independent office for of policyjnego IOPC met with niezadowoleniem in 10 Downing Street.
333According to the source of environment higher weight of the representative government is „attack motywowany politically ', and the deadline on the eve of the conference Konserwacyjnej Party is„ openly political'.
334„Inspektor supervision have no evidence supporting the and and Prime Minister not received the chance to him response to the publication of the communication prasowego późnym evening on Friday ' claims source.
335Or citizens or media not to become dadzą on such openly political ustawkę.
336Today in earlier come journalists „A standard ', it was said that close the relationship Johnsona with bizneswoman with Kalifornii, which helps Agency on tourism and promotion in London, was for workers„ secret poliszynela'.
337Were the postawieni workers agencies London Partners (LP) have reminded that Arcuri received place during the foreign this holiday trade Johnsona as burmistrza, despite the fact that then its not uznawano for „reliable '.
338The third am crime narkotykowe in connection with the death of Mac Millera
339The ANGELES (AP) In relation to the death of rapera ubiegłoroczną Mac Millera as a result of the third przedawkowania drug aresztowano mężczyznę and to bring to the having committed crimes narkotykowych.
340According to the documents a Stephena Waltera suspected of the sale podrabianych pigułek oksykodonu zaprawionych fentanylem, which Miller have in its posiadaniu before the death of in September last year, as a result of the przypadkowego przedawkowania kokainy, alcohol and fentanylu, which is the strong opioidu responsible for „epidemię ', which pochłonęła several thousand istnień people in the United States.
341Waltera making an accusation against the supply of pigułek that a different a male Cameron Pettit, sprzedał Millerowi.
342Documents court judgments odpieczętowane on Tuesday reveal that Pettit receive drugs from Waltera by the whole sierpień.
343Ryana Reavisa, which zaaresztowano earlier this week in Lake Havasu City able to Arizona, suspected of evidently the role of „kuriera 'Waltera, who provide pigułki Pettitowi.
344Any of these men not oskarżono directly to bring death Millera or any of them have a defence in its.
345Walter covered by zwolnieniem warunkowym on the drugs with the 2005 is under and, in addition, the already zasądzono to a sentence of five months in favour of exemption.
346Oskarżyciele who produce issue, which as the first doniosła on Thursday the internetowa the celebrytom TMZ, they are to Walter remain under in waiting for the process, by that there is a serious risk flee, is alarming oskarżonego.
347The answer to news pozostawioną on automatycznej sekretarce its prawnika not the have intervened immediately.
348Pettitowi has zarzut in court country, on 4 September, and a force for odmówił komentarza.
349Words rymowanych utworów Millera this szczera conversation demonstrated on its depresji and use of, which is fanów of the greatest gwiazd hip-hopu.
350Nothing from the Pittsburga Miller that really nazywał to Harbour James Myers McCormick, by two years remained in connection with the piosenkarką Arianą Grande zakończonym earlier 2018.
351After his death in a portal Instagram it wzruszający film involving Millera and utwór „Thank at Next ', in which the it with miłością.
352Miller is one of the easier, which the death of łączono in recent years, with the abuse opioidów.
353Matthew Roberts, gitarzysta Zespołu 3 Doors Down, also died as a result of the przedawkowania in 2016, and in its determine the presence and stipulated fentanylu hydrokodonu.
354In this Article was change: Correct pisownia name Waltera this „Stephen 'and not„ Steven'.
3559-letni Nigeryjczyk creates more than 30 gier on body mobilne
3569-latek creates talking type of zabawa of hide-and-seek with the programming for darmowej applications Scratch 2.
357Scratch 2 allows users create the game, animacje and opowieści in extraordinary online or offline.
358As yet, Basil for her through wygenerował more than 30 gier on body mobilne.
359In today's play politics with matters are chowa nietoperz, which, in accordance with the agenda.
360Gracz growing point, when złapie nietoperza, which - with the kryjówki.
361The creation of gier nauczyłem on przyspieszonym trajectory.
362„Teraz tworzę them, when to nudzę ', said Basil CNN.
363In March tata zapisał it in pięciodniowy przyspieszony course for children aged from 5 to 15 years.
364Course, organised by the Codefest International, have to ensure that children, as Basil, access to new technology, as robotyka and the reality wirtualna.
365Ojciec taken, Basil Okpara senior, says that Basil much grał in the game on urządzeniach mobile.
366„When we here have four years, kupiłem him tablet, as always chwytał telefon and the grał.
367Much grał in Candy Crush and Temple Run ', said ojciec CNN.
368But interest in Basila creating gier has when have 7 years and poświęcanie burę for the time to play.
369„one day grał on tablecie, as usual, and has this so pochłonięty that zdenerwowałem ', he said ojciec.
370With the anger I said „still only grasz, whether or not możesz need to set their own gier so that they can in no play others? '.
371To those words, I was zdenerwowany and I did not think that it will take them seriously ', added.
372Since then, Basil with active promotion interest in lesson of their own gier, nakłonił parents to buying laptopa and zapisania it in course, in which that the basis of gier.
373Basil which, in the future wants to be naukowcem, is its grom tytuły based on their content.
374One of its gier, „Mosquito mash ', is available in the Google Play store.
375Africa is of the greatest populację young people in the world and, as Basil, this population includes leadership for innovation on the continent.
376Recently sławiono dwoje Nigerian 12-latków for the use of kodów to the creation of a robotów rozdzielających their work at home.
377In May team Acrobot with the average schools of in Ghana wygrał 'Robofest 2019 for the programming robotów to sztaplowania skrzynek.
378And, thanks to the increasing investment gigantów in the field of technology, as the Google and Microsoft, in Africa, Basil and its rówieśnicy are on the right path to career gwiazd kodowania.
379Former President Party Republikańskiej in Northern Karolinie przyzna to kłamstwa on corruption
380With a complex on Friday documents that are President Party Republikańskiej in Northern Karolinie przyzna in court, that okłamał agents for federalnych an investigation on corruption major darczyńcy policy.
381According to the wokandy Robin Hayes is to say to the guilt in the future Wednesday.
382The document requesting the basis of the real according within the framework of an agreement obrończej and podpisanego by prawnika Hayesa that Hayes had known that includes false statement agentom FBI przeprowadzającym an investigation on corruption in 2018.
383Ugoda obrończa was opieczętowana and, on the basis of amending their actual is not the allegations Hayes to przyzna.
384Initially was am zmowę, corruption and tabling counterfeited zeznań.
385The former kongresmena Prokuratorzy oskarżyli Hayesa on the part in the plan authorities companies insurance polegającym on kierowaniu datków on campaign to the main action in the country regulatora market ubezpieczeniowego in exchange for treatment.
386The Greg Lindberg and its two wspólników were were accused of an przekupienia stanowego Commissioner for insurance Mike and Causeya.
387Lindberg is założycielem ubezpieczeniowo-inwestycyjnej companies, and in recent years, one of the main State donors of political, which since 2016 year przekazał more than 5 million national and the country candidates and komitetom.
388Popierał mainly objectives and politicians Republikańskiej Party, however, przekazywał datki also Demokratom.
389Its prawnik not been answered piątkową news e-mail address you to make comments.
390A force for Hayesa Kearns Davis not been answered piątkową news e-mail address you to make comments.
391With a complex on Friday documents that Hayes okłamał agents for FBI in April 2018, when he said that not rozmawiał with Causeyem workers stanowego European for insurance.
392In accordance with the document up with a basis for the real Hayes in fact, rozmawiał with the Commissioner for the security of prośbie Lindberga about to make changes in the staff working by regulatora market.
393Oskarżyciele claim that Hayes it helped pull also Lindbergowi to organise a meeting with the Causeyem and that rozmawiał about łapówce directly from regulatorem.
394In accordance with the kwietniowym legislation accusations Lindberg required special treatment its insurance and planował pour into the 2 million right to re-examine campaign Causeya by 2020.
395With the legislation that in such a zmowie been also the demand for change official of a European, which kontrolował company Lindberga.
396A Republikaninem Causey zgłosił alleged age to try to corruption agentom country and it helped pull them zebrać evidence on.
397Not puts him any blame.
398According to the law accusations wspólnik Lindberga proceedings Hayesowi that this przekazał 250 000 USD on campaign Causeya during the discussions in which the present were also Lindberg and Causey.
399During the konwersacji Hayes initially protestował, by that takes such a amount of money przyciągnęłoby attention, but, in keeping with such, he had stood down.
400„anything like all to do so we will do ' according to the law accusations said Hayes.
401„Dobrze, zajmę this'.
402Rzeczniczka Prosecutor federal not odpowiedziała on the news e-mail address you to further information on an agreement.
403The driving pojadą first odcinkiem new zakopianki
404The driving from soboty will be able to benefit from the first of three budowanych mountain odcinków the ekspresowej S7, namely the new Zakopianki from Skomielnej White to Rabki Zdroju and further dwujezdniowej the main fast-track to Chabówki.
405As has informed on Friday rzeczniczka krakowskiego oddziału Generalnej Dyrekcji roads national and autostrad (GDDKiA) Iwona Mikrut, this is the first three odcinków budowanej S7 south Krakowa, from Lubnia to Rabki Zdroju, which will be oddany to use.
406With more than 6-kilometrowego odcinka from Skomielnej White to Chabówki more than one third, around
4072,3 km poprowadzona was on wiaduktach.
408Are their siedemnaście, including najdłuższy and it is high, liczący kilometre length and 50 the use of, and four small facilities for ciekach with węźle Skomielna.
409For this węzła poprowadzono zjazdy on Wadowice and a new Sącz, to the national No 28 and to the old information regarding the DK7.
410The next węzła, Zabornia, zjechać for DK47 towards Nowego targu and zakopanego and DK7 to Chyżnego and the border between states with Słowacją.
411On top of a mountain created a Zbójeckiej obsługi passengers agenda.
412The ekspresowa stop węzłem Zabornia in Rabce Zdroju, to which dobudowany was around kilometrowy dwujezdniowy part of the DK47 to Chabówki and there has been included to the existing already dwujezdniowego Chabówka Rdzawka.
413Odcinek S7 Skomielna the White Radka Zdrój, the new odcinek the national No 47 class main fast-track (GP) from Rabki Zdroju to Chabówki budowała long company Salini Impregilo with Mediolanu.
414The cost of investment has reached approximately 615 million zł.
415Guarantee the quality of the numbers of work applies for 10 years.
416Liczący around 16,7 km part of the new Zakopianki, including the 15,8 km of parametrach ekspresowej, podzielony was to three odcinki realizacyjne each of the osobnym co-contractor: Lubień repair, repair Skomielna the White and Skomielna the White Rabka Zdrój.
417Odcinek the first to enter Brenner Base is doing polsko should consortium enterprises: IDS-BUD S.A. with Warszawy and Korporacja ALTIS-HOLDING from Kiev, odcinek tunelowy long company Astaldi, and the third long company Salini.
418Łączny the cost of these tasks is close to 2.5 billion zł.
419Investment is współfinansowana from the European Union in the framework of the Terrorist operacyjnego infrastructure and the environment 2014 2020 strategy.
420The value of the dofinansowanie that is more than EUR 1.3 billion zł.
421In the this odcinku comes along all in all 38 sites inżynierskich (mosty, wiadukty, estakady) and dwukomorowy tunel about the length 2,06 km.
422According to the zapowiedzi of manager of this year udostępniony will 7,6-kilometrowy odcinek Lubień repair with a integrating to the old DK7 driving, which will be omijać the construction of Brenner Base.
423Last odcinkiem, repair Skomielna the White about the length around 3 km driving pojadą in 2021, following the construction of dwukomorowego Brenner Base about the length any nitki around 2,06 km.
424Our goal is a prosperity
425We are building „in Poland you prosperity ', zapowiedział minister justice Zbigniew Ziobro.
426Przyjechał to Szczecin to namawiać to vote on the radnego Dariusza Mateckiego, candidate to Sejmu with the list of Prawa and Justice.
427„Programem good change is implementation of the Polish version of the prosperity ', mentioned minister.
428We want to „to better zarabiali to their lives was on System level.
429It is necessary, because otherwise young, dynamiczni, well wykształceni people will leave Poland, and we cannot allow ourselves to this.
430Our government for four years konskwentnie realizował programme, which you promised do four years ago.
431We said that we will programme 500 plus.
432Platform, Donald Tusk and Ewa Kopcz have said that it is impossible, that the money is simply not.
433Udowodniliśmy, that money are and were, only not dbała for those which have enter '.
434Ziobro has also wyprawce for children and trzynastej emeryturze and that the planned is also 'czternasta.
435In addition to the „roztropnego distribution of income of national 'priorities PiS is fair you and economic development.
436The money should not trafiać great strumieniem only to be elected, who have good relations with establishmentem and the executive, but should równomiernie trafiać to the entire society said policies.
437Emmanuel Macron, text Jacques' owi Chiracowi
438President of France Emmanuel Macron pożegnał on Thursday in telewizyjnym speech a poprzednika Jacques' and Chiraca; call it great Francuzem and a great mężem'état.
439At 21 in memory of the for the former President zgasły ray of wieży Eiffela.
440Former President and the French Prime Minister Jacques Chirac died on Thursday morning century 86 years.
441Pożegnalne speech Macrona transmitowały all major channels television productions incorporating France.
442„Był mężem'état which kochaliśmy, as it kochał us', Mr President.
443„More than one 40 years in politics was that face Chiraca was us close.
444And regardless of whether the podzielaliśmy its ideały, its batalie or not, we all rozpoznawaliśmy in this him.
445This wieczór is evening gratitude for Jacques' and Chiraca.
446So many has for people, for our values, braterstwa and tolerance ', has Macron.
447Reminded that Chirac przeciwstawił in 2003 war with Iraq, which was not the mandate of the UN, reducing the peace in the Balkans, for stability and peace in Lebanon.
448Before the speeches telewizyjnym Macron success to paryskiego mieszkania Chiraca in the streets de Tournon.
449In the south Assembly Narodowe uczciło a move away the former President's silence.
450's Elizejski will from at 21 on Thursday to Sunday as far as evening open to all those who want to wpisać to Paper of condolence at.
451„the President of the Republic of wishes to the French be able to text Jacques' owi Chiracowi who today odszedł ', poinformowały services prasowe pałacu Elizejskiego.
452's was home Chiraca by kadencje presidential since 1995 to 2007.
453The President of the Macron introduced Monday day żałoby national.
454In the south odprawiona will uroczysta msza in kościele św. Sulpicjusza, and the official nabożeństwo in accordance with the direct tradition will take place on katedrze Notre-Dame, which since April, when the flames broke there, closed for publiczności.
455Uroczysty pogrzeb Jacques' and Chiraca will take place in the next week; give the deadline and details are not yet known.
456Part of the street Sopockiej in Nisku already after rozbudowie
457On Tuesday, 24 September, only uroczyście to exploitation rozbudowaną ulicę Sopocką in Nisku.
458The total value this task wyniosła million 803 000 złotych, as a million 26 000 złotych was dofinansowanie with FDS, and the rest of the, this is the contribution of their own nothing from Powiatu Niżańskiego and municipalities with textile mills and Miasta the.
459Thanks to the pozyskanym measure, we have done, among other things nawierzchnię at length 1284 metres, along with its poszerzeniem, chodnik on odcinku 950 metres odwodnienie and work wykończeniowe.
460The co-contractor investment was consortium companies: PBI infrastructure S.A. I Kraśnika and PBI WMB Sp. with o.o. with Sandomierza.
461On the przełomie year 2019 / 2020 powiat niżański realizował will be further stage extending the street Sopockiej, carried out will be a new nawierzchnia, chodnik and przebudowany will be most on rzece Barcówka.
462For these work, the authorities powiatu also has managed to secure the dofinansowanie with FDS, at the level of 80% of the values of the whole of the investments.
463In a solemn przekazaniu przebudowanej the participation take: Starosta niżański's Bednarz, wicestarosta Adam Mach, President of the Council Powiatu Niżańskiego Sylwester Daśko, President of the board of the settlements Malce Jan Bielak, workers Starostwa Powiatowego and of the board of the roads Powiatowych in Nisku, wykonawca investment and inspektor supervision.
464Facebook of concern about samopoczucie users ukryje to the test licznik polubień
465In the przeprowadzanego the first time in the world eksperymentu, which is intended to improve the samopoczucia users, some of people using Facebooka soon in postami other not interested licznika polubień, and wyświetleń video.
466Polubienia will hidden visible only for the author postu, and this change will be made on the territory of Australia following similar test wdrożonego on Instagramie in July.
467The new version Facebooka Press initiated this Friday, too, will be launched in Australia.
468Mia Garlick, the Director of the for privacy Facebooka in Australia, said that the change is the result of a study on samopoczucia specialists and the opinion of the area of health psychicznego on that licznik polubień can skłaniać to porównywania with the other.
469„that from cooperating with us many groups for combating nękania, as well as organisations in the health psychicznego was really positive ' Garlick has said.
470Eliminate this licznika, that our people in the quality of its interactions and on the quality of its content, and not the most polubień or responses.
471Expected dzielenie with other through the platform przyjemniejsze will and will not be odbierane as rywalizacja said.
472Garlick has ensured that companies, which opierają activity in Facebooku, continue to receive the same levels and obserwacje which have way access.
473Has stated that it is too early to be able to say, or test will be extended to other countries, as is the Instagramem, when the test of staff Australię, Canada, Brazil, Nową Zelandię, Japan, Italy and Ireland.
474As in the case of Instagrama, which is Facebooka, there is no direction to when it is experiment and whether change will be made on a permanent basis.
475„the initial comments users on the new rules of the Instagramie were positive, but at this stage, still to uczymy and wysłuchujemy opinion ' has said.
476The place of the global Wypowiadając eksperymentu, Garlick said that Australia is very active, technically obeznanych users Facebooka and Instagrama.
477We believe that it is a niesamowity country, which will provide an us miarodajnych opinion on, whether the new experience is useful for people using our services, whether or not.
478Częstochowa: Radni want to from kurii compensation for pielgrzymów
479Częstochowska kuria in the case, not komentuje because councillors to its metropolity abpa Wacława Depo the forwarding of financial compensation for obsługę economy odpadowej in sezonie pielgrzymkowym.
480The city they want to 1 zł from pielgrzyma.
481The question to metropolity speech in Friday in the conference prasowej, for example, with the involvement of the leader of the Prague regarding Robert Biedronia, organised on a leading towards a clear in częstochowskiej alei Najświętszej Maryi Panny, Vice-President of nationals of councils towns and candidate to Sejmu Łukasz Kot.
482Kot announced that the day before miejscowi radni SLD przegłosowali appeal to abpa Wacława Depo of giving miastu one złotego from every odwiedzającego Częstochowę pielgrzyma to support komunalnych services, and so on.
483We appeal to arcybiskupa Depo to it helped pull miastu, it helped pull us sprzątać after pielgrzymach, szykować city for pielgrzymów.
484„we ask to forward to the budget of the city of symbolicznej złotówki from every pielgrzyma.
485Thanks to the city of it will be able to make them better in Częstochowie ', mentioned Vice-President of councils cities.
486The point the Ombudsman Proszony częstochowskiej kurii metropolitalnej ks. Mariusz Bakalarz initially przygotował kilkuzdaniową answer, then, however, he has asked as signalled, from the abp. Depo to replace it information about the content of the: „Right up until receive oficjalnego position advice town not we do have reference to the '.
487According to the draft zamieszczonym on sides częstochowskiego magistratu appeal to abpa Depo concerns „of financial compensation for the cities Częstochowy for obsługę waste system komunalnymi in a period of sezonu pielgrzymkowego '.
488„In relation to an increasing numbers to Częstochowy pielgrzymów and wzrastającymi for this reason, the costs obsługi waste system komunalnymi in a period of sezonu pielgrzymkowego, bearing in mind the image of the city of among mieszkanek and of pątników and pątniczek, we want within the framework of the adopted kanonów dbania for our common good, a few homeland Częstochowę, to propose partycypację in costs obsługi ww. system śmieciowego ', is part of the call made.
489„Pragnąc retain the right to czystość ciągów pieszo-jezdnych, moving as it pielgrzymi korzystający at the same time, the EU infrastructure, namely koszy external on waste, we are making it proposal symbolicznej participation in the waste management komunalnymi in of EUR 1 zł from pielgrzyma ', written.
490„in addition, in connection with the partycypacją in yearly costs, which the city of own resources, the pokryje dbając about czystość and estetykę of the urban, and also pragnąc to emphasise that cooperation of this will benefit for all parties involved, deklarujemy that 20 proc. with ww. will be used for improving the infrastructure of tourism, for example, by increasing the number of ogólnodostępnych toalet radni public ', have said.
491Zaznaczyli that prócz the issue of the financial their proposal arises from the licznie raised by the people of the objections to state of czystości routes which przemieszczają to pielgrzymi.
492„bearing in mind the respect for czystość our towns and as the positive results cooperation, the Council Miasta Częstochowy calls on arcybiskupa metropolity częstochowskiego Wacława Depo the forwarding of financial compensation for the cities Częstochowy for obsługę waste system komunalnymi in a period of sezonu pielgrzymowego ', powtórzono in the call made.
493According to information office prasowego a clear in in the whole ub. year in 200 ogólnopolskich pielgrzymkach to this sanktuarium uczestniczyło 834 000 people.
494We have in around 124 000 wiernych 255 pielgrzymkach pieszych.
495More than 8,8 000 people przyjechało to Częstochowy in pielgrzymkach rowerowych (133 of the), and the 440 of 16 groups) in pielgrzymkach biegowych.
496At 20 people of worrying reports reached sanktuarium konno, and more than 170 pielgrzymów from two groups on rolkach.
497„news' TVP pominęły Konfederację with opisie survey
498According to the research wykonanego by Pollster, in the elections to Sejmu PiS would 45 proc., KO 26 proc, Left 14 proc, PSL 7 proc and Konfederacja 5 proc.
499The przekroczeniu of electoral threshold pisano on internet „super Expressu ', for which have been carried out sondę.
500In the main Guardian „news', opisując the same a survey, Leinen reports as they have come before the results of the only four the party, apart from Konfederację.
501Prowadząca Edyta Lewandowska clearly has stressed that only four komitety combined the of and weszłyby to Sejmu.
502Widzom TVP pokazano also division sejmowych credentials without taking into consideration of the votes are committed to Konfederację.
503This dawałoby PiS samodzielne governments.
504Krzysztof Bosak in komentarzu to the whole of this situation the „public kompromitacji in terms of fairness for society '.
505„Zaczynali from haseł about « revolution's moral » ', has and has stated that this matter is an indication of the sense of weakness.
506In turn, Robert Winnicki Cossacks on Twitter that „« news TVP » in the following akcjach against Konfederacji zawstydzają Urbana and Michnika '.
507Please also attention to the lack of response Right journalists.
508But let us keep „to those who przyzwalająco milczą.
509These « prawych », « independent », « niepokornych ».
510In a few years steel more prymitywną texts of all this, and as there may have fought ', dodawał.
511Małgorzata Motylow wiceprezesem NIK
512On Thursday 26 September marszałek Sejmu Elżbieta Witek wręczyła Małgorzacie Motylow wiceprezesa a creation of the highest House Control on 27 September 2019.
513„In line with Article 21 of the paragraph 1 of the law on the highest House Control wiceprezesów NIK cited and odwołuje Marszałek zasięgnięciu Sejmu, after the competent committee sejmowej, the proposal prezesa NIK ', głosi communication.
514The proposal in this case the to Marszałka Sejmu 24 September 2019.
515„According to the Regulaminem Sejmu it to sejmowej of the Commission to the Committee on Control state, which 26 September br. zaopiniowała it positive ' reminds communication.
516„also 26 September 2019, with the positions of wiceprezesów NIK were odwołani: Ewa Polkowska, Wojciech Kutyła and Mieczysław Łuczak ', głosi communication.
517Earlier this day requests for all of these decisions personalne positive zaopiniowała sejmowa, the Commission for the control of the opinion that the vote on the cancellation Ewy Polkowskiej przeprowadzano double the in the first vote in committee the number of my fellow Members here was for and against.
518The new wiceprezes NIK Małgorzata Motylow comes from Chełma Lubelskiego.
519Brother sentenced to dożywocia for the murder honorowe gwiazdy media społecznościowych Qandeel Baloch
520Qandeel Baloch, which has become a gwiazdą by zdjęciom publikowanym in serwisach społecznościowych, has been uduszona in July 2016.
521Brother Pakistańskiej gwiazdy media społecznościowych Qandeel Baloch was on Friday is guilty its murders and sentenced to dożywotniego in prison for najgłośniejsze in this patriarchalnym country „murder honorowe '.
522Baloch, which zdobyła sławę, publikując śmiałe selfie grzeczne according to the standards in the western, but in firmly mizoginicznym Pakistan deemed to be prowokujące was uduszona in July 2016.
523Aresztowano its brother, Muhammada Waseema.
524A few days later said it during the conference prasowej that there is no wyrzutów conscience, for their actions and he has stated that the „, of course, 'zamordował its siostrę and that it was the„ nieakceptowalne'.
525Its prawnik Sardar Mehmood przekazał AFP, that the court in the western town Multan has its klienta for winnego and skazał it in dożywocie in the long oczekiwanym ruling.
526„Inshallah (if Bóg will allow), will be uniewinniony by the court higher instance ' said.
527Earlier mother Balocha, Anwar Mai, oznajmiła AFP that was hope that it will be uniewinniony her son.
528It is „niewinny.
529That was my córka, and that is my her son ' said.
530The Baloch murder trafiło czołówki world serwisów information and wznowiło the call for action against the epidemii so-called killings honorowych, in which the victims usually women are zabijane for violations patriarchalnych rules.
531Women podpalano, duszono, they have been rozstrzeliwane or sztyletowane for minor offences as a own husband's or as in the Baloch for przyniesienie their family „shameful 'by manifestację their sexual.
532Assassination are usually the bliskiego krewnego.
533In accordance with the pakistańskim law Qisas (krwawe money) and Diyat (odwet), they may ask for the victims of forgiveness.
534Three months after morderstwie Baloch parliament, adopted a new legislation introducing punishment dożywotniego in prison for honour crimes.
535However, or the murder of will be described as an offence honorowe remains in the hands of a, which means that mordercy can nominally powoływać on the other motyw and be uniewinnieni.
536In the case of Baloch its parents at the start of naciskali to their synowi in no case okazywano łaski.
537However, zdruzgotani thought that it also can lose, changed their opinion and oświadczyli that they want its uniewinnienia.
538International oburzenie wywołane by the murder of prompted you pakistańskie to take an unprecedented step and of national themselves spadkobiercą, together with the rodzicami, imposing the same has the matter.
539One of the more known dokonań Baloch is offering do striptizu before pakistańską drużyną krykietu and setting wydekoltowanej purpurowej sukni in Walentynki.
540It has been criticised and grożono them, but many people, including the young, do not see it as a przełamującą reduction in the country in which pozowanie in the form wzorowaną to appear Kardashian can be deemed to be a bold and political, for strengthening the position of women.
541Korzenie „honorowego 'assassination lie in the tribal normach social that still dominują in South Asia, and in particular normują of women, although men may be the victims of.
542Zapraszają on regaty to niska
543Already tomorrow, on Saturday 28 September on zbiorniku wodnym in Podwolinie in Nisku are II Regaty Niepodległościowe.
544Start professions at 10.30.
545Regaty are in klasach Omega and Optymist in formule match racing.
546Organizatorem regat is the school Żeglarstwa Jacht klub the.
547Regaty are organised in the motion for a „Podkarpacie local initiatives 2018-2019 'współfinansowanego from the National Institute Civil Centre for Development civil Społeczeństwa within the framework of the Terrorist Fund initiatives Liberties for 2014 2020 strategy.
548RACHANIE: „hope 'particular folk from 10 years
549Działający with Kole gospodyń EAFRD in Rachaniach team śpiewaczy „hope 'obchodził 21 September 10-lecie exist.
550Kierownikiem and akompaniatorem Zespołu is Stanisław Seńko, the Director of the GOK in Rachaniach.
551The Group of the is taking part in competitions for managerial, przeglądach, uroczystościach patriotyczno -religijnych, festynach and dożynkach.
552The members of the Zespołu śpiewają to three vote.
553A meeting with the opportunity to uroczyste 10-tej anniversary of the Zespołu, organised by KGW in Gminnym Ośrodku on Culture in Rachaniach, przyjechali, for example, Katarzyna Gucz the a member of the board of the Powiatu Tomaszowskiego, Teresa Semczyszyn Vice-President of the Council Powiatu, which is the same time, wokalistką Zespołu and Anna Romanowicz-Łagowska, the Director of the office of Tomé Zielińskiego.
554The number of displaced Anarchia podwaja północno-zachodniej Nigeria to 40 000 UNHCR:
555On Friday, the UN delivered a that narastająca violence caused over the last four months double the number of displaced people with północno-zachodniej Nigeria to roughly EUR 40 000 people.
556Agency for the refugees UN has stated that concerns „create a new has a unique humanitarian situation of ', which requires a międzyagencyjnego effort together by the end of the year new means of USD 35,5 million.
557Babar Baloch, the Ombudsman, the UN for the refugees, said that the islamistyczne group Boko Haram which, since decades it will in the north country, is not the responsibility for the recent attacks.
558The increase in the violence in the Nigerian Stanach Sokoto, Zamfara and Katsina followed up in the past 10 months is a result of the action zorganizowanych armed groups.
559„Maluje this rates of anarchii and uncertainty ' said journalists on Friday.
560Informed about the Globalisation doniesieniach about porwaniach, torturach, wymuszeniach, as and napaściach of a sexual nature of the perpetrators of who destroy also homes and kradną dobytek.
561To fight gangami criminals in the region wysłano military and police protection.
562However, the military odciągane is from the combat zone with Boko Haram and odgałęzieniem your Islamic in West Africa, which wyodrębniło with their former groupings of in 2016.
563„refugees not they come from the names groupings' said.
564They come for this potwornymi opowieściami.
565Refugees in most przedostają to sąsiedniego in Niger are.
566In its statement Wysoki Commissioner UN for the refugees, said that spodziewa, that more people zbiegnie to in Niger are in the coming months, together with the pogarszającą to the situation of security, in particular, in a Sokoto.
567Wyznaczono a new that rozprawy mężczyzny oskarżonego about zabicie women and children 2
568The new rozprawy that has been programmed for of the Gwatemali mężczyzny oskarżonego about zabicie mieszkanki of Iowa and its dwójki children.
569With a Court Rejonowego in County Polk that 31-letniego Marvina Escobar-Orellanę making an accusation against the three of the first degree, they authorities, fałszywym nazwiskiem, which the initial results of the police: Marvin Esquivel-Lopez.
570Not should give the guilt.
571View of the police śmiertelnie postrzelił 29-letnią Flores-Rodriguez, its 11-letnią córkę and 5-letniego syna on 16 July at home in their home in Des Moines.
572With a judicial shows that the new date rozprawy, namely the 27 January, that it will give the representatives of the both sides more time to prepare for.
573'Of customs officials, and the US are saying that Escobar-Orellana are living in the United States illegally, and before strzelaniną was double the deportowany.
574In 2010, was sentenced for illegal logging entering the US.
575„A Sun ': Boris Johnson in the face of buntu gabinetu chcącego are demands ws. brexitu and achieve compromise agreement in Brussels
576The only three weeks before the the leaders of the EU among the major people in a Member of the environment Prime Minister narastają fears that the key to make concessions is not enough to him.
577Boris Johnson is against the risks buntu from gabinetu chcącego are demands in connection with the brexitem and achieve compromise agreement with the EU.
578In the negotiations has the on the new system celnego, which would be zastępstwo for the mechanism backstopu for Ireland, as Brussels identified proposals other arrangements zaoferowanych by Johnsona as „not actually an impossible '.
579The Ministers Korony expect EU decision makers on which the forefront of is szefowa Germany Angela Merkel, that those in the last moment zaoferowali krytykowanemu liderowi torysów compromise in the form of trzyletniego a limit on the time for the mechanism backstopu.
580We ensure that journalists „A Sun 'rozmawiali with three different ministers gabinetu, with which we all przygotowują to confronting the Prime Minister after the annual conference torysów next week Manchesterze.
581They will be domagali from the Prime Minister zarzucenia „aggressive 'strategy opracowanej by his bliskiego doradcę Dominika Cummingsa which is totally based on the attempts the application of blefu against the EU and grożenia leave the Union without the agreement, and then be it to offer placed before the last minute by the.
582One of the ministers gabinetu stated druzgoczący verdict Court Najwyższego orzekający on Tuesday of the Parliament will be as „signal bell 'and added:„ the only way to to leave by us of the European Union 31 October is to do this on the basis of the agreement.
583Never pokonamy arytmetyki in the Chamber Gmin, which is working on our worse.
584Prime Minister must now ugiąć and take this, which is able to receive.
585Agresywność not popłaca: It is clear that the plan Cummingsa spalił on panewce.
586We cannot been battles on so many fronts.
587The second minister gabinetu committed itself to Johnsonowi to spróbował Lisbon agreement the former Prime Minister Theresy May, if not the alternative to everything else.
588This Minister said: „If we will have to say Prime Minister, to once again he in the Chamber Gmin agreement proposed by Theresę May. '
589Liczebnie are opportunities to its przegłosowanie, and all is very at the end of this issue.
590If we are have to extend the term, at the end of Borisa Johnsona and end all of us.
591John Major zarzucił Borisowi Johnsonowi that does not negotiations seriously.
592In kąśliwej przemowie were the first Minister for torysów said: „Premier is telling us that the wants to the agreement with the European Union.
593However, we do not see to stays in Brussels and work on it.
594Instead of siłuje bykami Scotland, work jaja in Wales and kłóci with the citizens on the streets cities everything in the eyes of the world, as if the at the good have already the election campaign. '
595The Ombudsman the Prime Minister conceded yesterday, that the agreement is still odległa, and has added: „no one should be of illusions: To ensure an agreement very a long way to go. '
596However, the Ombudsman said that the law is Benna wprowadzająca in force odłożenie brexitu of three months in the absence of reaching an agreement „actively undermine our position negocjacyjną 'in Brussels.
597Said: „No is no doubt that, this law 'us the negotiations, however, despite the Prime Minister, together with within their own organisations through difficult work still is trying to osiągać progress'.
598The Secretary-General of the brexitu Stephen Barclay return today to Brussels, where will be more talking Michelem Barnierem of the EU.
599They will be omawiali Paper on how the functioning of the euro area for the whole of Ireland for food and livestock.
600Pies without nosa and their feet podbija Instagrama.
601Perfekcyjnie nieperfekcyjna
602Kundelek was to be uśpiony.
603However, we have to this prevented.
604Suczka was przewieziona with Romania to the United Kingdom by Beacon Animal Rescue Centre.
605Zdjęcie pieska was published on Facebooku.
606Kate Comfort zakochała in zwierzaku from the first wejrzenia.
607I had the difficulties „from the husband's to adoptions, because we have already three psy ', has said.
608There decided that it will be opiekowała to suczką until, in which you do not adoptuje.
609However, it is still no one not zgłaszał.
610„The fact that no one do not want to, sprawił that ever more I wanted this must pursue.
611Was sensitive matters and needs to have miłości ', provided Kate.
612After all, it have decided adoptować Bonnie.
613„Our Bonnie is perfekcyjnie nieperfekcyjna.
614Kochamy it that what is the and, if I do not like komukolwiek, how is, that is its problem, not our ', has said there.
615Bonnie with biegiem time has become a gwiazdą media społecznościowych.
616On the Instagramie obserwuje it over 14 000 users.
617Lorraine Kelly: Said that the very glasgowskim never I will do career on television
618According to the Lorraine Kelly the heads of television have said that the Glasgow akcent „never will career 'as prezenterka.
619Wspominająca its 35-letnią karierę in the industry telewizyjnej Kelly, years 59, przyznała that, before the first występem on ekranie odczuwała „large zdenerwowanie '.
620I just „25 years and very denerwowałam '.
621When I was in the BBC Scotland in the role specjalistki for searches and of information, the Head of State, said that by my akcent with Glasgow never packages success in television.
622Pojechałam to London to know the whole team TV-am and obejrzeć emissions programme, before przejęłam responsibilities in the office in Glasgow.
623Never zapomnę interview with gwiazdą Bette Davis przeprowadzanego by Anne Diamond and Mike and Morrisa since that morning.
624Not wierzyłam that I am in the same pomieszczeniu with lively legendą.
625Wiedziałam that this here I would like to remain.
626Before Kelly was szkocką korespondentką TV-am in 1984, rozpoczynała its karierę as reporterka local which in East Kibride in Scotland.
627Then started to such programmes as „GMTV ',„ ITV Breakfast' and „Daybreak 'to later wystartować with its agenda porannym„ Lorraine', which I will name, from its name.
62835. anniversary of his career uczci required programme, in which will be mentioned their best zapamiętane momenty and wywiady.
629Prezenterka said that sekretem its long service on television is „pasja and enthusiasm 'and„ ciekawość', adding: „It is important to work hard.
630To be fair and autentyczną.
631Are preparing to programmes and be both zainteresowaną and interesting.
632When mentioned medialne reports which poruszyły its feeling, Kelly wyjawia that „very difficult ', for it was relacjonowanie coup d in Dunblane.
633I do not know about that many families or the dead or wounded children ogląda our programme on żywo with Dunblane day after strasznym zabójstwie szesnaściorga children and their nauczycielki.
634One of the mothers, Pam Ross, which was a national 5-letnia córka zamordowana, she me of private, in which many hours rozmawiałyśmy in its at home.
635The meeting was held basically, and Pam Ross and I przyjaźnimy from moment pogrzebu Joanny, in which brałam part.
636Dodała that „extremely difficult 'was wywiad with Kate and Gerrym McCannami brief after zniknięciu their córki Madeleine in 2007, and that„ really podziwia their power and the courage'.
637Have to deal with a difficult birth, because they do not know what happened with their ukochaną córką and, moreover, to najokropniejsze comments Internet trolli.
638I am with them wholeheartedly.
639The opportunity of 35. anniversary of the work of the Lorraine Kelly on television will begin at 8: 30 on Monday, 30 September in stations ITV.
640Zimbabwe Chiwenga obawiał to uwięzienia:
641A higher rangą a single official państwowy twierdził that wiceprezydent Constantino Chiwenga rejected unique przejęcia office of by nieżyjącego President regarding Robert Mugabe in szczytowym recital coup, because obawiał to uwięzienia in order to had przejęcia power by these military in November reached by 2017.
642As the last week doniósł „A Zimbabwe Independent ', Mugabe zaoferował wiceprezydentowi Chiwendze to take over the dispute during the carried out by a negotiations with the military in the coup.
643However, a higher rangą a single official państwowy oznajmił in the media społecznościowych that Chiwenga not rejected the offer of fear, but as przejrzał plan Mugabe zakładający use it in order to udowodnienia global przywódcom and the African Union (UA), that we have in przegrał during the coup.
644In wątku on Twitter portal, which confirmed that 37-letni władca Zimbabwe pragnął to power wiceprezydentowi Chiwendze, and not convey Emmersonowi Mnangagwie, Jamwanda 2, to which they państwowi confirmed that it is System rangą some government in office Prezydenta and the Council of Ministers, twierdzono that, in that very moment, toczyły to intensive negotiations on this.
645They państwowi claimed that Mugabe skontaktował with Chiwengą through one of its wysłanników, when zdał aware that they wymyka to from the.
646Mediacje between the remits and zmarłym former President have, in the senior rangą official of a sovereign, three etapy.
647A single official twierdził that among the players negotiations was the Ombudsman President George Charamba, a person pełniąca then role szefa Centralnej the interview Aaron Nhepera and duchowny representing the biskupa rzymskokatolickiego Fidelis Mukonori.
648Were the Head of bank Reserve the Bank of Zimbabwe Gideon Gono, was another element of from when Mugabe doctors send it with jednoosobową mission of the offer dispute Chiwendze, which was the Sił should be taken Zimbabwe (SOZ).
649The man, after the death of the even more than for life uznawano for ikonę Africa, we will look to obtain from the UA condemnation of action military improving urge other African states leaders to intervene.
650An President submitted by zmarłego (Mugabe) ówczesnemu Szefowi Sił should be taken (SSO) Chiwendze, not wynikała with choice.
651This Był „desperacki a criminal act in order to retain the situation, which nabrała niebezpiecznie rapid pace, usuwając part of the family zmarłego ', the Cossacks a single official (Jamwanda).
652But was also a political kuszenia, for which through the late pragnął odwrócić situation in a completely not dyplomatyczny.
653It is that dowódcy oświadczyli that not obalili and not obalą constitutional order, which would be the cause of conflict position UA on przewrotów.
654The late (Mugaba) have hope that then SSO (Chiwenga) połknie przynętę, growing przerywając twierdzenia leaders, that we do not obalili constitutional order.
655Hope for zmarłego (Mugabe) was the fact that UA, which, in addition, was highly zdezorientowana all the situation and the way wpasowania in its teoretyczną taksonomię przewrotów, not also, then another choice, as only describe it as przewrót, and the call for the military intervention would be reliable.
656It is in this spirit and with the wyrachowaniem have this unique.
657They claimed that Mugabe has done this motion, when zdał aware that the obronne not wykazywały already willingness to preserve it.
658Have said that Mugabe zmuszono to sign the letter of rezygnacyjnego after how mocarza that ryzykuje lincz, in a Gaddafi.
659The heads of troops oznajmili him that not zwrócą strzelb against the people, if ruszą on its rezydencję Blue Roof.
660And on the same moment Mugabe have two, which is the wishes of many its rodzinę and to prove that the military przejęło power ', added a single official.
661Ówczesny SSO and dowódcy properly odczytali principles.
662Wysłannikowi (Gono) przenoszącemu this headline news given the through the potężnej metafory that isu tiri vemakwapa-makwapa (należymy to sekty kamuflażu, namely troops), we are not politicians or not konkurujemy of the political, twierdził higher rangą a single official państwowy.
663They państwowi say that the military powiadomiło ancien military in the through the attaché who, they were in Zimbabwe that they have no intention of obalić Mugabe, but rozprawić with otaczającymi it „kryminalistami '.
664Mugabe attempted to use the strategy to once again skusić Mnangagwę to return from exile brief in the Republic of South Africa, to discuss the przewrocie and secession.
665In addition to the negotiations with the armią, Mugabe seek also help in the region.
666People in South Africa, as a key element of the process of not only because of its potęgę economic and regional, but also the fact that the President of the Jacob ówczesny Zuma was prezesem Sadc odmówili intervention, but it wskazali that, if the military najedzie house Mugabe, as many times straszyło in within the, troops South African immediately zjawią in Harare.
667„It is not zadziałało, because Putin and afrykańscy the leaders of not the rest of this route ', said„ the Independent' some informator.
668China need strong leadership either „rozpadną 'as states for a policy document
669China need strong, zunifikowanego leadership Communist Party, because otherwise country to „rozpadnie ' stated that the government in the policy document Statement made on Friday in the run-up to the 70s, anniversary of the establishment of the People's Republic of.
670Office prasowe the Chinese Government przekazało in the White Paper that successes of the country from przejęcia power by komunistów 70 years ago come down the leaders parties.
671China are of great area, are complex conditions national, but rarely widuje here the difficulties administration.
672It mentioned that, without a uniform and a strong forces przywódczej China przesuną in towards divisions and rozpadu, which will be disastrous for the world.
673Chinese authorities in addressing the apply policies firmly ręki as in the case of tłumienia pro-democracy protest in Beijing in 1989, uzasadniając is maintaining the stability of the country.
674The President of the underlying the strong hand XI Jinping, which on Tuesday, will be at the forefront of jubilation anniversary of the other as to the size of the global economy, since przejęcia office at the end of 2012 even more zacieśnił the governments of the parties and wystosował sanctions against those who can kwestionować power.
675XI nadzoruje also the military modernisation, which wytrącił with the balance of this region.
676In this document stated that China are wyeksportować their development model or do not want to zaimportować any models foreign, in the desire only to peace, and not to „hegemonies'.
677The Chinese are not in genach podboju other nacji or domination of the world.
678In times of contemporary China are oppressed by many of the Western and war and the concerns odcisnęły on deep piętno as a result of the experienced the suffering of; China never zadadzą another the suffering of that same doznały.
679China they handle this anniversary of the under precarious times for the country uwikłanego in gorzką war trade deal with the United States and stojącego in the face of the challenges of zwalniającej economy, and also protest antyrządowych in podległym Chinom Hongkongu.
680It says that China has never „przehandlują 'their most important interests or will not to something zaszkodziło their sovereignty.
681With regard to the dispute commercial country with Waszyngtonem in this document stated that „danger trade wars and further the growth of tariffs not lead to the problems'.
682China is dojrzała economy with the full system of industrial, a very comprehensive łańcuchem industry, a place in the market and a strong speed of the economic development.
683In this document „war of words that trade never do not osłabią '.
684China are confident that are able to face trudnościom, to replace the crisis in the new opportunities and to open up a new world.
685The words too, that the United States should racjonalnie look to the development of China, because China has not intend to kwestionować position of the United States, nor do not want to replace the United States.
686The United States cannot control China, and even less likely that zatrzymają the development of China.
687Limiting and watering down the other countries and the transfer of national and abroad not the United States of a strong.
688The world Jacka Dubaj, the real oblicze Pałkiewicza:
689Dubajski emirat is still poszukujące their identity, rozdarte between beduińską tradition, religious radykalizmem Islamic and of progresywności.
690This because it sets out the new trends lider world tourism rozbudza imagination and the wishes of, łechcąc próżność zamożnych snobistycznymi hotelami and przyciągając seeking fortuny investors and merchants status raju taxation.
691The internetowe zarażają enthusiasm to of the city dreams, as ekscytującą świątynią luksusu and stężonym koncentratem architecture of the 21st century in one.
692Have been created in the rich in ropę piaskach emirat become Edenem for those who kochają zbytek, pięciogwiazdkowe hotele, piękną pogodę and baseny around hundreds of metres on ziemią.
693Many zachwyca wszechobecnym here to przepychem, much appreciates creative hiperaktywizm and histeryczny pościg for awangardowością.
694This is the city, which is all: „motto zaskoczyć, oszołomić and oczarować '.
695And it is almost every step.
696But they are also those who manage to look to Dubaj critical, nazywając them miastem without nature.
697As to recognise the British pisarz Lawrence Osborne, „full skrajności and contradictions metropolia przybrała dimension tandetnej groteski '.
698Przekształciła in futurystyczny koszmar, completely zdominowany by „Księgę Rekordów Guinnessa ', nieoficjalną constitution emiratu.
699Because here all must be more and ładniejsze than elsewhere in the world.
700Among the gąszczu ekscesów and ostentacyjnego zbytku, however, there is something which in the old Europe is perhaps a little transparent, but it is important for the quality of life.
701In Wrocławiu, Berlin or Madrycie every experience as in its at home.
702And in Dubaju certainly not.
703Taking refuge from the world czaru, zerwałem its złotą maskę, ujawniając second oblicze sztucznego raju.
704Oblicze, which loud it says and not pisze.
705Pokazuję misery Azjatów kontrastującą with baśniowymi conditions bytowymi boskiej kasty ethnic Dubajczyków, wnuków niepiśmiennych Beduinów.
706Zapuszczam in place skrajnego poverty, for example, to the getta on obrzeżu town, where in okrutnych conditions bytuje the Israeli Asian workers.
707It is in the last one generation have built in niewolniczych conditions sięgający sky pustynny Manhattan.
708Przyjechali here zwiedzeni good zarobkami and the possibility to a dignified life of their families, and zastali koszmar.
709This turysta never will see, because it could wysadzić in the air kreowany for years, the myth Dubaju.
710Increasingly częstsza criticism of the international community, it is that cheap labour is highly kłopotliwy for emira.
711Mel C with Zespołu Spice Girls zakazała in their home with dietach after its meeting distortions odżywiania
712Melanie Chisholm with Zespołu Spice Girls przyznała that, in its house there is a ban on the application of diet, after the zmagała with distortions of food, years consuming only fruit and vegetables.
713Sporty Spice for years, not dojadała and „obsesyjnie ćwiczyła 'as a result of the pressure of byciem członkinią sławnej on the whole world of the pop, which has later depresję and the consequent crisis in odżywiania.
714Now ujawnia that its suffer affect as wychowuje its córkę Scarlet, and that is why „not possible to in its home, there has been talk about the dietach '.
715„Scarlet is now 10 years and on the to that is more aware of their wyglądu ' said Mel.
716„I think that one of the pozytywów experience macroeconomic odżywiania is that I am very aware of this, the way in which with this I say.
717The application of the positive language has now my nawykiem.
718In the interview with for magazynu Women Ashton Health Mel, which zdobyła sławę in the 90. as a member Zespołu Spice Girls, has said that, in times of prior to the media społecznościowych zamieszone in the press „outrageous' comments on its the produced at this kompleksy.
719„Zaczęłam to look at the in a way as to certain groups of food products, ćwicząc increasingly obsesyjnie up zaczęłam have niedowagę ' is.
720I was chora „and that it will probably a few years'.
721Zdjęcie, which wstrząsnęło world
722Poland dziewczynka and American dokumentalista sent any world okrucieństwie me about the war.
723Legendarne zdjęcie Juliena Bryana can be again see in a museum II war World in Danzig
724„Słuchajcie my history.
725I say with oblężonego town Warszawy.
726I can and I must speak on behalf of the Polish about what happened here.
727There must act, must help! ', where their radio speech dokumentalista, photographer, Julien Bryan.
728In the tragic, wrześniowe days 1939 year it was in the capital of Poland, widział the drama bombardowanego towns and its inhabitants.
729Its the relationship odbiła to a echem in the West.
730The President of the Warszawy Stefan Starzyński first him pomagał, pożyczał car, but then invited to for its own security immediately wyjechał.
731Bryan has written the letter pożegnalny to families in the US, zdeponował it in sejfie an embassy and... was.
732By the four weeks look to be everywhere, where warszawiacy.
733400 aircraft and artyleria almost non-stop atakowały town.
734Bryan zdjęciach uwieczniał to death, manner, the fight for the survival of in the ruins of the city of.
735Just before the kapitulacją, together with the officials an embassy wywiózł negatywy for ocean.
736Not ustawał in say about the crimes Ermächtigungsgesetz.
737Apelował to the world: „what spotkało Warszawę, they will meet here, London and even a new Jork '.
738Its shocking kroniki obejrzała prezydentowa Eleonora Roosevelt heavily.
739Soon the US have are preparing to the war.
740„Tata pokazywał truth and in this way fought for the German propaganda.
741They robili filmy gloryfikujące its rycerskość.
742Have said that not attack women and children, and the people them wierzyli ', it is in favour of the Bryan, her son Juliena.
743Rozprawa before ławą przysięgłych against the former sportowcowi accused of numerous rape
744Before the ławą przysięgłych is taking place in the process of rape wytoczony former bejsboliście teams Uniwersytetu in Delaware, which is the zarzuca napaści of a sexual nature.
745On Friday, 10 days submit zeznań and wysłuchiwania arguments members of the bench przysięgłych proceed to the for settling fate 23-letniego Claya Conawaya.
746There, which ukończyła 21 years, says that Conaway zgwałcił it, when pojechała to its house in June 2018.
747The incident was three weeks after the conclusion of by this dwójkę znajomości on page meetings Bumble and message kobiecie by mężczyznę away, in which prezentował to nago.
748There is one of the six oskarżających Conawaya for instance, of a sexual nature in the 2013 2018.
749Opinion oskarżycieli przytulanie that there has its assent przeistoczyło in rape, which has met with its combined.
750The deaths powołują on the contrary to relations women and the gaps in Memory and say that there will probably żałowała that intymnego to come closer together.
751Gold on two kółkach Poland rower for a million złotych:
752Pokryty złotem rower worthy of a million złotych could have been again see on jubileuszowej, 10. edycji on Międzynarodowych targów Rowerowych Kielce BIKE-EXPO.
753This is the extraordinary plea a vehicle wydrukowany on drukarce 3D.
754Its konstruktor, 30-letni Adam Zdanowicz just received for it to the World rowerowego Oskara Wystawie Rowerów Customowych in Las Vegas.
755Niecodzienny egzemplarz has furorę on targach. - Rower pokryty is złotym chromem natryskowym, it is the highest attempts to silver.
756This nietypowa powłoka zrobiona by my fellow Member from Żor.
757„This siodełko are pedały, is kierownica, it would be it normally travel.
758Can develop prędkość 50 kilometres h.
759This rower recycle electrical ', precyzuje its konstruktor.
760„Karoseria roweru was wydrukowana on drukarce 3D.
761This sześciany tworzące type of wiru.
762The idea of this Wpadłem jadąc model in his first anymore home, a few years ago.
763Narysowałem it in kartce and schowałem deeply to szuflady.
764Szkic waited till five years to pursue.
765The rower powstawał three years', is now Adam Zdanowicz.
766„Okrutnie difficult was ukrycie all of the karoserią.
767In the middle of the are baterie, przewody, elements tworzące konstrukcję.
768This is the implicit in karoserią nasuniętą in 11 elementach on stalową ramę roweru.
769There is also ukryty silnik.
770Kierownica to this roweru aesthetic on a week before my wylotem to the United States in the World wystawę Rowerów.
771By the end of I was not able to decide, what is to be this kierownica.
772It is to transport.
773Rower waży 90 kilogramów ', will describe.
774Pokryty złotem rower was doceniony in Las Vegas najważniejszej konkursowej category „the best niesamowity of a egzemplarz customowy '.
775That a production filmowy shows the strong pollution popularnych sites tourism
776Zatoka Sydney surrounded by building opery, the port Circular Quay, park rozrywki Luna park and, of course, słynny most about Bridge makes a significant contribution to the amount of USD 21,9 billion, European wpompowywaną in australijską the economy by tourists visitors' Sydney.
777However, the mostem skrywa to brzydka the truth.
778Known zatoka Sydney is one of the most skażonych waterways in the country, which has a every year objętość pollution pojemności about 15 basenów olimpijskich.
779These horrific statistics mean that one of our biggest assets tourism is at the same time, one of our najbrudniejszych akwenów.
780According to the new material filmowego zatytułowanego „Zatoka Sydney at the top and dole ', water in live najpopularniejszego town Australia are full niedopałków, plastikowych siatek and butelek, zgubionych butów and part of the clothing and even martwych animals and all of this spływa to Zatoki together with the ściekami deszczowymi.
781However, the biggest building dusząca our channels żeglugowe this plastik.
782This Nazwałabym „paradoksem ' say in published 27 September material video Dr Katherine Dafforn, zastępca the Director of the programme badawczego Sydney Harbour Research Program, while the publication of this shall deliberately zbiega during the with the global as' Tourism.
783This is Akwen behind, but it is one of the most modified and skażonych ujść rzek along the our shores of.
784The Agency CSIRO further estimates that hour around 1560 kg plastiku przedostaje to our waterways and greater part of the affects to Zatoki by kanalizację burzową.
785„For so powerful opadach zatoka... is quite lost ' said by Dr Dafforn.
786Two thirds of pollution comes from ścieków deszczowych.
787However, like this in advance lodowej problem with the Zatoką Sydney is much poważniejszy under the powierzchnią water, as 70% of plastiku przedostającego to Oceanu dno is back in the sea.
788„According to me, if not spędzi to time in water, cannot be really to realise what is there in heart ' said Richard Nicholls, właściciel Dive Centre Manly, address, that he and his team on their own wyciągają with water around 500 kg plastiku per year.
789I think that, if more people wiedziało (which is the water), they simply horrified.
790This is the overwhelming... more than half of what we are in this day plastikowe siatki.
791The other 50% are things that are at least wykonane with tworzywa sztucznego.
792When patrzysz on zatokę, behind, and people cannot believe that the whole of the plastik and these other up wydobywamy immediately from the of.
793Jeremy Brown, współzałożyciel and Director of the Ocean Protect, he said that there are ways in which people both miejscowi and turyści can help to reduce the number of plastiku and resztek przedostających to our waterways.
794„It is must begin at source ' said.
795We need to reduce the number of używanego plastiku, better accomplished odzysk material and have more aware of what spuszczamy in ściekach that ultimately there are some oceanów.
796If zniszczymy ocean, we now have before us zagłada, because 50% wdychanego by us tlenu comes from Oceanu.
797It Wchłania 30% of carbon emissions and our source of food.
798However, we can uporządkować this zatokę and get it to dawnej świetności, and this is a very simple.
799If uśmiercimy our oceany, zabijemy also ourselves.
800That a production filmowy, all by the company recyklingowe TOMRA within the framework of its new efforts to education Australijczyków in terms of environmental protection and reduce the negative impact of pojemników on napoje, which often goes to the environment, zbiega during the with badaniem on a between tworzywami sztucznymi and health psychicznym, which the results of the opublikowano in this month.