
162 KiB
Raw Blame History

1the new questionnaire conducted among 546 in children aged since 12 to 18 years has set that that that respondents experience helpless against the waste from plastics artificial and and and blames adults for and problem with waste of disposable packaging plastic plastic
2the study revealed that waste of plastics artificial are also quarter of what to the size of the apprehension parents and and and of of respondents parents have stated , that is their concerns the quantity of waste plastic penetrating to oceans oceans
3many of the people who took part in the study study have stated , that it wants to down something on waste from plastics artificial , but simply down not know how to introduce substantial changes , leading to anxiety environmental .
4Poland - Slovenia .
5Memes after match volleyball players in semi-finals ME
6this mustache not an easy match .
7Slovenes have after its side of the natural audience audience which effectively distracted Polish volleyball players .
8much controversy aroused also it is judges who in one of the action not they counted to four bounce of hosts hosts
9this in juncture , the first set , when this proteges Vitala Heynen have the opportunity to spring back rivals and winning first parties .
10however , that mustache not the case , and to ultimately have to recognize superiority rival rival which after winning winning winning winning will play in the final tournament .
11Ghana : merchants from Kaneshie promote Hospital psychiatric in Accra
12the members of the Association The market Kaneshie they gave yesterday food guard guard guard GH ? To the hospital psychiatric in Accra in the short concerning the the which mustache held Accra .
13it is part of the measures within the framework of jubilation 40. anniversary of Complex The market Kaneshie .
14in the composition of donation maintains , for example , the various Articles food fruit drinks non-alcoholic non-alcoholic Biscuits Biscuits as as yam , bananas within cassava heavenly , and also bags with water water
15during and visit the she talked also with and number of patients are are
16in the events before have taken part of the staff managing Accra Markets Limited , directors association and queens of of
17Presenting items items Mrs Mercy Naa Africa Needjan , President of the Union for the Association Feminine The market United Acres , she announced that donation is part of regular of charitable institution of the within the framework of the social responsibility .
18that support on patients are mustache necessary to show them God and let them feel to part of society society
19Mrs Needjan has promised the hospital support from the association and it called on the other association to follow this tribute .
20by adopting presents presents doctor Pinnaman Appau , the Director of the hospital hospital she praised association for support and has promised that it will be well used for the benefit patients .
21- led and call to other organizations to support for hospital hospital
22Google creates a cloud in Poland .
23partner PKO BP
24operator clouds national national and subsidiary PKO BP and PFR , she concluded strategic partnership with Google .
25cooperation to help Polish companies implement and to utilize the potential of technology clouds computing computing
26products Google Cloud platforms will be move to offer initiated clouds national and Google will open in in Warsaw so-called region Google Cloud - the hub infrastructure technical and software dedicated for from Poland and the region of Central and Eastern Europe .
27the Google Cloud will be the first global installation public clouds computing in Central Europe .
28Digitization Polish businesses mustache one of the key objectives , which lay the foundation of the draft of the creation of and clouds national national initiated and drop down by PKO the Bank of Poland , and by the Polish Development Fund , shareholders this companies .
29the partnership clouds national and Google , is another important steppe in the we set out at and year ago by announcing setting up the operator clouds national national
30the objective of remains unchanged - digitization Polish economy and dynamization its growth .
31will entrepreneurs modern and affordable affordable solutions based on architecture cloud .
32already sixth once again to him through by and Warsaw manifest the and diverse the are seniors seniors
33by A parade we counteract harmful stereotypes affecting the elderly and we are calling for to solidarity between generations ' .
34parade carried out mustache by and two-story coach has for musical mobile the scene the scene on which has already famous traditionally Warsaw DJ Wika .
35those involved in joyful procession , with the second known in Warsaw and global hits hits they passed Alejami Jerozolimskie , ul Kruczą to square Powstańców Warsaw , ul Mazowiecka to square J. Piłsudski and ul Królewska and Krakowskim The suburb on Campus the main The University Warszawski .
36during the march march in which the taking several 000 seniors representing 300 organisations senior with the whole of Poland , colors delegations welcome were applause by many are on route march march of Warsaw residents and tourists .
37with Legionowa in parade took part in the two organised corporate koszulkach color yellow and blue blue
38the first representing University III century and club Senior + and the second in the name of SAGA , namely Senior active the Group of the Animatorów .
39on the territory of Campus university operators drew up , for example , and the numerous stalls gastronomic stands institutions and the companies offering seniorom services and products to improve their everyday lives and the functioning of the the
40there were stands medical medical cosmetic cosmetic culinary , recreational recreational are available and fashion fashion
41for example on stoisku Stylowych Seniorów Senior from the profesjonalistek Hanny Piekarskiej and projektantki Agnieszki Wyrwał , could have been and guidelines and information on the current trends in fashionable fashionable fashionable Instrument .
42moreover , Stoisko offered workshop science movement through stage and posing to pictures .
43culmination of mustache show fashion Stylowych Seniorów .
44on the stoisku Ogólnopolskiego Seniora would the latest and letter and material for „ Stop manipulation No buy on the presentation ! ' .
45another stands offered co-producing cosmetic cosmetic movement movement plastic and artistic artistic
46on and few could be done research and to consult with professionals on health and nutritional nutritional
47organized also panels debatable involving M. in in Heleny Norowicz , Beaty Tadli , Marioli Bojarskiej-Ferenc , Tomé Jacykowa or regarding Robert Janowskiego .
48on the picnic did not attractions wokalnych and music music
49on the estradzie has legend Polish songs Krzysztof Krawczyk , and in the evening followed to intergenerational dancing , which she led DJ Wika .
50Diabły tasmańskie can deliver direction on the treatment of cancer
51Diabły tasmańskie can want to have the key to the treatment of cancer researchers have made groundbreaking developments , which can revolutionize therapy for patients
52Badacze in the area of medicine discovered way masking some stem cancerous
53Badacze said that the themselves process is at diabłów tasmańskich and people
54there is the hope that it will be discovered new methods of patients oncology
55what have and common diabły tasmańskie and people ?
56Komórki cancerous cancerous which could be invisible invisible
57Badacze , including nothing from the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in Melbourne , they have groundbreaking developments , which can help revolutionize therapy some cancer , if they are responding to immunoterapię .
58perhaps also include the key to the treatment of the deaths tumors within faces , threatening future at risk the devil tasmańskiego .
59the study has established way masking some stem cancerous both at people , and at torbaczy , through the proteins the PRC2 , which exempts cases marker that the would give signal layout immune to attack on tumor tumor
60this may be greatest challenge in the treatment of cancer small cell spit spit neuroblastomas and type of cancer skin skin as the cancer of stem Merkla .
61are is surprising , because theoretical law models formation to cells suggest that the the stars with low mass with the rules are stars stem to smaller planets similar to Earth or smaller Neptunes .
62It leads to have the stability of disk and and therefore therefore if certain gęstsze areas .
63these mass can increase up to the collapses and the creation of and and
64when the Pracownica delicatessen pass coworkers dip fasolowego containing metamfetaminę
65office Sheriff in County Marion stopped Cassandrę Medinę-Hernandez , 38 years , for pass coworkers dip bean containing methamphetamine .
66on Thursday from Albany lukewarm Cassandra or Medina-Hernandez mustache when the supply methamphetamines and bring the consumption of this substances controlled by different person both crimes are crimes second extent .
67charges ejected on the basis of the events of of September in salaries in shop food Thriftway in Jefferson .
68in obtained by portal OregonLive.com statement complex under the oath pointing on the possibility of guilt lukewarm współpracownica suspect said zastępcom the sheriff counties Marion that during the keeping you from your lunch with she saw she saw as Medina-Hernandez does dip fasolowy , which then it poczęstowała .
69on the basis of written that that sacrifice crime crime which , as has already provided investigators investigators never has its own contribution metamfetaminy said that „ she thought that one of the by eaten tasted oddly oddly but not it has caused in not any suspicions ' .
70when she came back to work work she felt she felt that it is disorder stomach and that must not cease on two feet again again
71as is the verdict Albany Democrat-Herald , to visit to grass-root hospital hospital where there that dip fasolowy it can provide metamfetaminę .
72on the basis of reports portal A Smoking Gun according to the police another worker network Thriftway said that Medina-Hernandez „ said its that he will add drugs to food ' , when different she admitted that suspicious sent its news news by that metamfetamina hit to dipu fasolowego by the case .
73Witryna OregonLive informs about save with monitoring of the delikatesów , which claim shows how returned backwards to also Medina-Hernandez pulls out something about biustonosza , is for mikrofalą and leans leans
74then prostuje , wyciera nose nose comes up to the negotiating and places dip fasolowy in small paper naczyniu .
75according to the police force for the best of biustonosza also probably as it were on the plate .
76Oregońska verdict Statesman-Journal is that workers office the sheriff claim that is suspicions suspicions which to customers given contaminated food food
77Medina-Hernandez in prison counties Marion designated bail is is is USD .
78according to the Internet A Smoking Gun its full kartoteka police shows that that there has already been convicted for instance , robbery robbery theft identity , supply metamfetaminy , theft theft having metamfetaminy and having niedozwolonej arms arms
79in confusion Johnson does blow to the with and deferral
80the journey Borisa Johnsona on the General Assembly of the United Nations mustache nieelegancko stopped by the historical Court judgment Najwyższego .
81however , its devastating speech in the Chamber Gmin not zdradzało or shameful or reproaches conscience .
82in order to make sense , in this coup explain eye cyclone is Tony Connelly , editor sections of the European RTE in Brussels and london correspondent Sean Whelan in Westminster .
83the authorities are leading investigation on fatal tsar accident in Forest government Angeles , Parliament has - CBS Angeles .
84from Thursday leads to the fatal of an accident investigation on the tsar in Forest government Angeles .
85according to the police body has in as standard on slope under the by roads Angeles Forest Highway and Big Tujunga Canyon Road .
86from the initial reports , that our tsar can offer at this point for and long time .
87we down not know how found and vehicle vehicle
88Marcin Command after match with Slovenia ( 1 : 3 ) .
89another great star West End will have to be discovered , even though it still down not know know
90the hearing in London are are October in Apollo candidates Theater , and the aim of the victory for the should prepare and and bars track opener „ Don vol Even Know it ' , and also their CV and picture portrait .
91main will also salaries also 8 October in Sheffield , and in the next week before producers felt there were people once again invited to presentation .
92we have and a few fantastic young of performers who incorporate to Layton Williamsa and Shane and Richie during the tour .
93by looking for the new Jamie , in and spirit of this musicalu opening up opportunities for the unknown for talent talent which incorporate to the current young professionals professionals
94Tour this musical commences in February , and the West performances End extended to 29 August 2020 .
95the Musical lots summer Jamie New , which it wants to him to the party to conclude school sukience .
96down not know what will the future future but it is certain that will be star star
97thanks to the aid of and local communities Loco Chanelle legends pole their identity , opposition discovering is beginning to prejudices and career in the light of the flashes flashes
98in this generating inspired Music a movie documentary BBC under the title „ Jamie . Pole Queen at at ' has written Dan Gillespie Sells , and the book and words songs - m MacRae .
99Alpha Laval growing order in the natural gas of the value of of million KNOT
100the company Alpha Laval - leader in the area of the global heating heating the separation of their centrifugal and transport liquid - achieved order on delivery installations coolers air to and mental processing of gas in the USA . Zlecenie is worth EUR 110 million crowns Swedish and has been listed in the headings Spawanych exchangers warm in vertically Energy and supply the planned are for for strategy strategy
101Order covers installations coolers air Alfa Laval Niagara , which will be used in the to refrigeration to separation natural gas on individual streams its clean components etanu , propane and butane butane
102security is crucial in all the elimination of industrial and is extremely important with requiring phases of treatment natural gas gas
103„ our reliable installations chłodnic air clauses in due to their secure work that provides calm customers of the natural gas ' is Susanne Pahlen Aklundh , President of the plumb Energetyki .
104or Do you know that that etan , propane and butane can be necessary to allocate of natural gas gas and then to use use for example , as that and production batch to install petrochemicals petrochemicals heating homes or as fuel for vehicles vehicles
105information about the Alfa Laval
106the global Alfa Laval this be supplier specialised products and technical solutions based on key technologies for companies of ciepłownictwem , separating and transport liquid liquid
107equipment installations and services companies are designed to serve customers by optimising efficiency their processes .
108and solution to help them keep warm keep warm schładzać , apart and transport products in areas , which they produce food and drinks drinks measures chemicals and products products pharmaceuticals petrochemical industry , starch starch sugar and ethanol ethanol
109products Alfa Laval are also used in power plants power plants on the vessels flying their flags , in the sector of oil and gas gas in the industry engineering mechanical mechanical in the mining and to purification sewage sewage and also in phases refrigeration and retainers comfort climate climate
110the Ogólnoświatowa Alfa Laval closely is working with customers with the nearly 100 countries , to help them to achieve the edge on the international stage .
111and subsidiary Alfa Laval is notowana on the stock Nasdaq OMX , and in in in has announced annual halls at the level of around 40,7 billion crowns Swedish ( around 4,0 billion ) .
112the company it has approximately EUR 17 200 workers .
113Marian Banaś .
114what does cash register on boss NIK ?
115Wynajem estate for EUR below market prices this reservations , which are appearing on the subject of president highest House Control Mariana Banasia .
116skarbówka about what is in this case , we in the House of the administration of Skarbowej in Krakowie and in Ministerstwie finance finance
117Bertold Kittel in reportage for „ Superwizjera ' TVN gave doubts about the declaration property president highest House Control Mariana Banasia .
118for several months examining the them center office Antykorupcyjne .
119control is to an end in the second half of October , after the parliamentary elections .
120as and result of the declaration declaration Banaś have to rent kamienicę about of of metres net and two less flats flats
121and year receive for this this thousand zlotys zlotys
122Reportaż „ Supervisor ' has highlighted the that that in the housed tenement house rented to hotel for hours .
123the Head of NIK he translated later on television state , why for rent estate was downloading only and bit more than than than zlotys per per
124„ verdict election campaign ' , for the experts from valuation she estimated property , because that for the themselves tenement house this should be per per per zlotys zlotys
125the fact that not surprises Queen can request ourselves to its ukochane favorites - in its traveling because known is from their deep attachment to dogs race corgi .
126from the youngest years Queen Elizabeth mustache lover these four-legged creatures and they walk hearing that since the coronation mustache proprietress more than than corgi .
127they say that in in in have five corgi : Monty , Emma , Linneta , Willow and Holly .
128It joined them five cocker spaniels : Bisto , Oxo , Flash , Spick and Span , as well as the four dogs of crossword dachshund with corgi : Cider , Berry Vulcan and Candy .
129and aircraft royal certainly have full hands .
130Widziano worker home royal wyprowadzającego dogs and asking them to arranged it their need before taking away their to - is further Shields .
131AND am delighted to say that they have never happened any incident .
132in the program mustache also shocking number of Luggage , which Queen you also with each other to travel within the framework of the at and time when the duties business business
133Narrator shall said said „ In 1953 , Queen in their journey counting counting counting kilometres policy luggage weighing weighing tonnes . '
134in order to be able to be expressed as it is better better more or loess as much as two great elephants elephants
135however , Queen it is not the only person has weakness to fashion fashion
136it księżna Cambridge also also has its own likes for the carriage of its wardrobes say that that in any of its dresses receiving funding amounting to separate seat seat
137the new law in force force
138those people affected in ways what will receive and annuities
139the regulation on on Friday is and seriously that have suffered in ways what further payments annuity informs the Ombudsman financial financial
140as far as the Equal of of July 2019 , about the specific powers people affected in the case of exhaustion amount warranty fixed on the basis of the provisions of the day before 1 January 2006 .
141it concerns the people who were injured before 1 January 2006 .
142which then strongly lower than the currently amount warranty warranty and hence the in some ways what insurers already they stopped paying annuity annuity
143I am pleased „ of this regulation regulation because our institution for many years she struggled for creating and mechanism which will allow us to ensure that have suffered seriously in ways what and guarantee for financial support from the insurance liability communication or liability farmer despite exhaustion amount gwarancyjnej ' , is Alexander Daszewski , adviser legislation in the Ombudsman 's office Finansowego .
144believe that the Ombudsman 's Finansowego mustache necessary , because it is often very tragic situations , on the people in very bad health health which , due to cannot , for example , to work work and at the themselves time , are significant costs accident treatment rehabilitation rehabilitation
145some of them has already not she was getting annuity compensatory and to an increased the need for due to the need for further treatment or rehabilitation of exhaustion to the so-called catfish warranty on policies liability .
146part of the threatened this in the coming years .
147to 1 January 2006 limits responsibility insurer were significantly lower than the current .
148consequently , the problem of exhaustion amount gwarancyjnej in previous years and touched of those who carry the damage in the these these
149then amount warranty were very low , and economic sense led to say to the increase in prices prices
150„ have we noticed that this problem has hit also and number of mostly young people who carry the damage at and time when the value of the amount from EUR 350 000 to every affected in the case .
151nowadays , it is is million to the incident , the number of concerned .
152it is therefore this is and huge difference in relation to the previous periods , and hence the problem required intervention legislators ' , reminds Alexander Daszewski .
153clarifies that that that sum warranty which some time is elevation elevation legislator adopted that upper the responsibility Ubezpieczeniowego warranty Fund will sum warranty the at recommends to Fund damages for payments annuities annuities
154this principle has been in salaries if bet insurance is not to compensate obliged annuities on the basis of the court fixing from the value of the amount warranty than fixed in the agreement insurance liability .
155it has in the case of increase amount gwarancyjnej through the courts on the basis of Rule 3571 code of civil that allows for modifications existing relation obligation .
156all destroyed ' , argued all along .
157A resident Cordoba the decided measure justice justice
158She invited its boyfriend , summer Sergio F. to bed and tell him that has prepared special a surprise .
159through velvet wristbands she hid him , and she grabbed for secateurs and she cut off him penis .
160AND am in favor of She grabbed T-shirt and hair hair by not permitting me move away ' , added .
161although Barattini she translated that its boy hurt it disclosure sex tapes , it is not has tried escape responsibility .
162Governor state of Alabama Kay Ivey said that Edwards served their population is and national done highest standards fairness .
163She added that that in its Hello the flag for Capitol state of Alabama will abandoned to half-do mast .
164Princess and prince Harry , currently being holding ten days royal to South Africa with their synkiem Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor , took part in the meeting of the youth at the beginning of this week , in which underworld with the leaders Credit Obama .
165Meghan has interview with Obamą for September to and Vogue and and welcoming redagowanego by was aktorkę series „ Suits ' .
166in honestly conversation mustache the first dama referred to the motherhood and how it has changed .
167„ being mother means lead to the World works of art odpuszczania ' said in the interview with Obama .
168„ maternity learned me that by the majority of the time I task is to give children children to make the world and become those who want to be be
169not this this whom I want to that they or or whom I would like to be in their age age but this this who are in heart .
170Obama , which from experience know what is being pressure on świeczniku , she divided with księżną advice during the interview with warehouse Good Housekeeping .
171„ pressure that czujesz imposed the and by other can you sometimes przytłaczać ' .
172„ my advice is to make and nothing rush rush
173and number of the first months in Białym Domu I spent mainly on martwieniu for daughters region region making sure that it is good deal in school and refer to the new new before I sacrificed more ambitious work work
174I think that this is also necessary .
175who is Hotel Trumpa halls alcohol despite complaints about disposition owner
176as well as aid from from AP ) the Commission for control wine-based alcoholic in Washington drifted away demanding proposal to check whether the indigenous patient object Trump International Hotel who should through the halls alcohol for the disposition owner .
177the Agency ordered on Wednesday , that complaint three pastors pastors two retired judges and the two rabinów is singularly lacks any basis basis because the majority of them not live in district or does not have it it
178„ A as well as aid from post ' is that already the second time powodowie those are trying to withdrawal hotelowi permit for halls of alcohol for for in district provision talking that applicant to have been permitted to the halls alcohol must prove to be and good usposobieniem „ ' .
179in the original complaint placed before the summer of last year it was claimed that President Donald Trump breaks the law and were invoked of 's attack and repeated violations cases of fraud fraud
180and complaint dismissed because , who have been allocated before mustache and complex one .
181the reason table other complaints mustache the permit .
182„ AND Sun ' : Crushing report recognises known with scandals services police in Cleveland for the worst in the United Kingdom
183Inspectors recognised SKOMPROMITOWANĄ SCANDALS police for the worst in the United Kingdom .
184in crushing report evaluate the work of the police in Cleveland as inadequate in all areas .
185there are new appeals calls for solutions services police police on which the forefront of in six years has five commanders commanders
186according to the report not has made efforts crime prevention , that the suspected and the protection of the bridge vulnerable .
187Zastępca commander Adrian Roberts mustache suspended after custody under the on glaring infringements .
188last year inspector Simon Hurwood bet before committee for offences for adoption coworkers to sexual administration .
189He's gone with the service service
190it is now time to now intervened department Home Office . '
191we have wizualizację skatepark !!
192finally , young or to will wait will wait
193older people interfere young pasjonaci driving on scooters and skateboards , in turn those they complain that that in and Oława is not for them to the the
194young people from years urges of salaries to the driving on rolls , skateboards , scooters , bicycles bicycles
195the still return to our łamy .
196from from years we to this problem problem
197recently once again has done to and lack of skatepark .
198therefore therefore once again to this is being conducted and we are asking in office what further further
199we would remind you that and a few days ago she spoke to there there which disturb young people , running in the center center
200on the proof of dry daily the situation in attached I'm sending away ' .
201to in this case we others .
202the majority of clearly states that young simply down not have where cycle urban and for years unsuccessfully demand for themselves .
203under the postem on Facebook appeared to the avalanche comments .
204in June we wrote that is the chance to skatepark was built on oławskim Little town .
205mayor announced that the city occurred about subsidy to build the skateparku .
206this situation is and and
207interesting that at the decisions on how here complaints .
208I believe that the The president they go outside irresponsibility irresponsibility is dangerous .
209on Tuesday Pelosi has historical steppe of national formally , the having committed conduct incompatible law on the basis of the attempts to exert pressure on the leader alien in order to obtain the benefits of political political
210Signaller he put also that in White Home they ordered them to remove the passage talks with the computer computer in which stores to the need for officials of the Council of Ministers , and state it in the funding for information particularly sensitive .
211Volleyball women women Cup World Cup match : Russia - the US
212Team Sborna lost with Americans six clashes in and trench , .
213in the World Cup in match Osaka experts down not provide its opportunities to success .
214representation of the United States the previous one installment these games games games games to end to the third point point
215Russia is the fourth fourth
216on and possible for cars for excessive speed for striker club Crystal Palaces Christian Benteke
217Star Prime Minister League Christian Benteke , in the last two months double the caught on exceeded speed , face the ban on of vehicles vehicles
218Attacker Crystal Palace , 28 years , should give to the driving drive brand Bentley with at and different speed 80 miles h on the territory of with reducing this to 50 miles h on the way A3 in Richmond in southwestern London on twenty January .
219then in March fotoradary in Putney in southwestern London have registered Belgium riding with at and different speed 89 miles h h which is twice and reduction in the the miles h h
220Benteke with Kingston Hill with Surrey must not to be able to this morning in Court Peace with Lavender Hill .
221should give to both offences at the start of July in the framework of the simplified procedure procedure on the basis of which crime lighter are judged at the meeting carried out by one 's peace peace
222holiday in September - sale after season
223September holiday in apartments Sun & Snow can be to reserve even by by by loess .
224well with rooms in the most beautiful resorts encourage to visit of the Polish bands mountain and the use of the last few days years on the Baltic .
225this is and network of SunSnow hotels comfortable nevertheless residence for the requiring .
226attractive discounts to encourage the choosing to on the basis for the weekend might .
227recreational walking after the Polish cities and towns towns admiration breathtaking breath in breasts landscapes landscapes intercourse with nature nature babim the summer and yellowing leaves will ensure that genuine rest and they will add forces from the shorter and cooler in the autumn days days
228date holiday with TUI
229those who are still are waiting to this year to , they will catch up summer in popular lines vacation vacation
230on the Półwyspie Bałkańskim , in Greece or Turkey , which continues high temperature and water in the sea and pools encourages swimming swimming
231holiday during the options Last Minute in September of this is and dual of reduced prices for posezonowych wyprzedażach and discounts on reservations last time .
232dry and move that is probably the best decision for anyone who who is not fan crowds tourists and families with children children
233it is worth to check the offer in TUI and already in and a few days entertain in the best resorts border the Mediterranean and not only only
234this holiday prices in September to solar Bulgaria is initiating already from from PLN PLN and the Greek island can be to visit for EUR 1 200 PLN PLN
235Wrześniowe factfinding with Travelist
236Accommodation on locks and in the historical palaces palaces and week in the resort recreational with SPA , recreation the most beautiful nooks and crannies in Poland and abroad .
237the options and successful rest is left behind behind how many applied on holiday .
238however , certainly everyone will find their way to dreamed up move the beginning autumn among by and broad offer in Travelist .
239Bestsellerowe hotels in the country and in the coming neighbours , through this this can be to reserve even to 60 % less than elsewhere .
240savings savings thanks to be in the longer residence , more attractions during leave or an additional move in another time .
241as far back as September , when weather take even reminds summer than autumn autumn choose the typical - holiday destynacje in Tatry , Karkonosze , Mazury or on Bałtyk .
242when tourists it is and less than in the season season nature ENP from another another the better side .
243it is hard to find disadvantages September leave leave
244we all those who down not have to worry about capital starting is and year of school school should benefit from the przecenionych tenders of travel agencies and using recent warm days .
245holiday in September both in Poland , and in the Mediterranean resorts is the ideal conclude years .
246BIŁGORAJ : we collection books for the library in Nowowołyńsku
247we are share creating księgozbioru in Polish in urban Centralnej library in Nowowołyńsku in Ukraine .
248urban and Powiatowa library public in Biłgoraju to join the libraries libraries which help to have department department
249with this request has the library in Nowowołyńsku .
250this is the city of Biłgoraja partner partner
251pillar being created resource will constitute : classic Polish literature Książki for children and young people extradited after after after
252addition will also guides and informatory after Poland .
253in the creation of księgozbioru may be included in all willing to the residents of Biłgoraja and surrounding areas surrounding areas
254everyone can bring and leave Książki .
255Ghana : Kofi Manu concerned structure of the Commission Weryfikacyjnej
256Kofi Manu , manager futbolowy and the representative of the club Sekondi Hasaacas , reported concerns on the structure of the Commission Verification for the forthcoming elections to National the balls Foot in Ghana ( GFA ) .
257the Commission , including president Zakwestionował Frank Davies , add that is not pleased with the participation .
258in the interview with the GNA sport Manu expressed doubt whether President of the Commission will fairness , because the result of the revision lies in the interests of of
259the Commission Verification should comprising with neutral people from outside who shows links any of the members and who did not they showed interest .
260for example , Mr Davies here tonight hired NC as lawyer lawyer which mustache the Cossacks to Osei Kwaku Palmer in relation to the payments payments per cent of of
261it is also known supporter of the Olympic Games .
262for these two reasons should not be to allow the position in the Commission Verification , because in the interest of ' , argued argued
263Manu stated that that if the before the Commission will Fred Pappoe , the Director of the of the Olympic Games , will conflict of interests of the president due to its link with club club suggesting at the themselves time , that if before the Commission will Palmer , will be the subject of prejudices and bias bias
264in line with expectations members of the Commission had to work since yesterday , after the swearing in during the ceremony in Secretariat GFA in Accra on Tuesday , 19 September , and to them them October .
265the Commission is president Franc Davies , and its members Consultant for governance corporate and lawyer Mrs Marian Barnor and Mr. Emmanuel Darkwah .
266the other members of the should be Reginald Laryea , the Director of the for the marketing and business and Richard Akpokavie , Administrator sporty and lawyer lawyer
267now now however , the health of father Prime Minister significantly worsened worsened
268Kornel Morawiecki hit to hospital and doctors determine the state of as severe .
269Tumor pancreas it is not the only the disease with which is Kornel Morawiecki .
270it is also problems with heart and and in connection with the chemotherapy , which has been undergoing and and including the kidneys .
271Kornel Morawiecki runs in this year parliamentary elections for the mandate senator in the letter PiS on Podlasie .
272girl will prevent with Lviv - Searchers zaginionej Katia section section section
273the title of Searchers missing Katia episode episode
274series obyczajowy : concerned about stretching to silence Katia , Sarkisian and Rysiek are on Cynowa .
275together with Victor , Henryk and even Konstanty start finding missing .
276's funeral visits Myszora .
277it provides that this Matilda she fell rewrites in the idea of property .
278Olya and Tomek are trying to find out , as mother boyfriend and father girl will prevent live in one roof roof
279Uljana is happy that inhabited with Filmmaker and it decides to know the it with their daughter daughter
280its surprising response leads girlfriend to apply in this matter to the the professor the professor
281older you it decides to act act
282Nowakowa , the knowledge that Henry not like be controlled controlled recourse to trickery trickery
283Patron , nieoswojony with the new situation situation it is to be difficult to withstand overzealous .
284Professor in its the villa there comes cousin Halina , Klaudia .
285Israel : there is no agreement on the unity
286the two main parties Israel , alliance Blue and white and Likud , continued on Friday negotiations on the creation of the unity .
287the meeting which mustache held after entrusting by the President mission formation government Benjamin Netanyahu , has not produced results results
288talks will be reopened mustache mustache
289Centrist alliance Niebiesko-Białych announced in the communication , that he the initial commitments that that
290it mustache the very beginning „ From known that Niebiesko-Biali not will agree on these conditions ' , it proclaims this by these communication .
291Likud because , by only in the interests of Netanjahu , to „ lead in Israel , to the second round of elections ' .
292leader Niebiesko-Białych Benny Gantz refuses to support the government , which by Netanjahu until the stemming of participation in three scandals corrupt corrupt on the basis of which prosecutors Office could it technically accuse after designated on Wednesday meeting .
293„ Likud and Niebiesko-Biali have obtained in the elections 17 September sufficient the majority would allow them on and joint governments as and natural allies , but it is their lead to the negotiations negotiations which neither party she wanted ' , he writes agency EFE .
294the President of the Reuwen Riwlin which the lead in the last few days to come closer together their positions and suggest there would be „ government rotational ' , suggesting to Prime Minister temporary suspended their functions , which would help Gantzowi include that if and against Netanjahu have been sustained and formalized formalized
295not lack of the Israeli analysts who believe that the extremely in blind alley alley
296however , half of Izraelczyków as and result of the postal , which results published and on Friday Telewizja public public wishes to unblock the political situation in the country by setting up the unity rotary under the leadership of the transition Netanjahu and Gantza .
297this is in favour of of percent percent Izraelczyków , 32,1 percent respondents such against the the
298and survey ENP deep division in the Israeli society , who as and first should stand at the forefront of Cabinet Cabinet Cabinet percent respondents in favour of the Netanjahu and and percent for Gantzem .
299in another survey published by diary „ Israel Hajom ' percentage of the supporters of the unity is to 63 percent percent percent percent is against the new elections , which would be third this year year
300in early parliamentary elections 17 September won alliance Gantza , winning winning mandates in local Knesecie , Likud Netanyahu won won mandates .
301Netanjahu with its traditional and potential allies can count on the support support Members , while Gantz to 54 .
302no with parties not has collected has collected credentials , the necessary to obtain majority .
303Tipuric calls for the fight against the final game with Australians
304if if however , the Australia will overcome Wales , for the the over the past past meetings , Tipuric and its team will be instantly sent back on clash with England within the framework of the one eight o'clock the final the final
305and complete and the rein major trainer Warren Gatlanda shows the only seven victories in in attempts to overcome the three teams of the custody of hemisphere an an
306Wales stopped string thirteen however matches test from the Australia in November last year and Tipuric he prepared on this to be among these several survivors of this winning winning who will run out on stage in Tokio mustache mustache
307these matches are so aligned that can can people expect that will and blockade psychological , AND down not know know
308after all all the last match probably we left on the pitch about about points , so the final outcome of the to and lesser edge than it is indeed been .
309if Wales will triumph will triumph then the Tipurica with adored Australian a lot with the third line the mill Michael Hooper and David Pocock during the stem and knockdowns will have the of vital importance .
310Tipuric played played meetings in colors representation and underworld with the two players with a few previous occasions , so know exactly what it have .
311this leads to concern that Trump can follow more and more unforeseeable behavior and unexpected way well break out - it is in the context of the year electoral concern for both the dispute , as well as the elections .
312actually face the greatest has huge in presidency , Trump circled from the attack to defend , once again taking on strategy strategy which has as an effective during the investigation regarding Robert Mueller on Russia .
313tried downplay its own request directed the Ukrainian President to help carried out carried out the its political rivals to turn over attention and to address it on action by democrats and and candidate by democrats Joe Biden and discredit informatora as driving to motives party party
314but while many people in White Home is seasoned in battle after investigation Mueller , this time something to has changed state advisers and consultants consultants
315President , which is and and hallmark wednesday conference press release has shown as defeated - zaznajomionych has one of the situation situation
316while Trump enthusiastically mustache adopting with questions about the Russian investigations investigations seemed not be willing answer the questions about Ukraine - have said said
317some of the allies of down believe that we can avoid the damage , and some of these holds to the fact that informant not knowledge from the hand on this controversial talks hotlines between President Trump and Ukrainian President Wołodymyrem Zelensky which them undermines its credibility .
318and how it is often , when the President is subjected to attacks , this is live lifted by its main membership in its defense defense
319but one strategists republican relating to the White home shows that the results of the negative opinion polls support for the President of are exorbitantly high high and impeachment not impact for and very to actually regain new sympathisers .
320the private lawyer Donalda Trump of investigation Mueller , Jay Sekulow , also remains committed to action on impeachment impeachment
321„ We react on how to ' - Sekulov said said when mustache asked by NBC News to make comments .
322now white house feels lack of lawyer experienced in the area of impeachment impeachment after Emmet Flood , who worked in the impeachment Clinton and advised Białemu home at the end of investigations Muellera , gone gone and the current counselor counselor Pat Cipollone , does not have this type of experience .
323Interlocutor knows the Białego Domu he has stated that that in general general the officials in any point point not they planned they planned involve people or to create and command , but conceded that coordinated , and and common responses and those who capable expect the fight against the political political
324Wycieczkowiec Explorer of the Seas line Royal Caribbean has renovation for for million .
325Explorer of the Seas , in the family Royal Caribbean International , will go this years in cruise cruise presenting completely new look look
326after renewing , which took impressive impressive million ( 89 millions of pounds ) , ship delights and choice przysmaków culinary the world and made up of and rich being entertainment for the whole of the family .
327this summer Explorer will stop in the greatest ports in Italy and Greece , while allowing themselves passengers feel taste World Europe .
328when constitutes and challenge land will run out end and ship against niezapomniane impression .
329with being satisfactory satisfactory Explorer after renovation costly costly million , which is the around 89 millions of pounds had turned into and ship passenger for his excellent entertainment for the whole of the family .
330Imponująca technology means that passengers down can to surf on board by advanced symulatorom surfingu or see Favourite movie family family using the uroków weather weather in the cinema plenerowego .
331however , the bridge salaries attraction is the addition virtual balkonów , that are able passengers internal cabins podziwianie views in the ocean without the need for and to .
332lovers water zachwyci designed and decks with basin links of Caribbean kurortu with urokami Parku waterways .
333the complexity surround plażowe hamaki and leżaki ideal to wylegiwania in the sun the sun and that the modernized zjeżdżalnie are spread hand people spragnionych strong impressions on board board
334Wycieczkowiec an attractive for passengers in every age impresses productive activity at their disposal guests during the travel to the employment destinations destinations
335and with and view to maluchach Adventure Ocean for children this opportunity for the younger family members in the fine returned , and exclusive salaries spending free time for teenagers offers cool game and the music drawn up with and view to the investors over 12. of age age
336during the the cruise after the Mediterranean guests will have to be able to know exotic flavors the world world pretending conquest on an and la carte menu used to board board
337this modernized kitchen Asian is when the ship on an and la carte menu Izumi , and in freshly open Giovanni Ashton Italian Kitchen served is delicious food inspired innovative look on and Mediterranean Italian Italian
338to the other points gastronomic on board in mustache with American restaurant serving steaks Chops Grills , barium Latin Boleros , Schooner barium and barium express Johnny Rockets .
339Cruise , with option seven- or nine-day route route flows out with Rzymu in May 2020 strategy strategy
340as the second European ship in the Caribbean Royal line in the to Allure of the Seas , which also recently has incredible renovation renovation
341after daily metamorphosis Allure , all in all costly enormous 165 million , operator cruises offered guests who before they have reservation reservation voucher of the value of of USD to spend on board ship ship
342the program program which requires investment more than than billion , with the USD 10 ships and of four years and improves every aspect is absurd customer and introduces and wide range of opportunities : from unique attractions and these gastronomic after force nightly nightly
343Congressman Devin Nunes with the state of California apparently must not to abolish naked the truth about the fact that that on the President of Donald Trump is an ongoing investigation .
344in its Thursday defense of the President of sitting Democrats about the fact that they want to receive naked away President .
345Nunes , highly argument stated Republican sitting in the Committee on the interview in question of the House of Representatives , he put above plea during the written preliminary during interrogation as and result of the complaint whistleblower that Trump of all all to Ukraine to help in initiation investigations against the candidate Democrats in the Joe Biden and its son son
346when Nunes is over provide reprimands reprimands reporter political site HuffPost , Jennifer Bendery , decided to check whether the Democrats really trying to this this discoveries .
347to date , mustache only representative Connecticut , Jim Himes , although we suspect we suspect that his reply naked is true , which is acts as confirmation of thought many with his colleagues .
348this is the much-vaunted , collected by the former and spy Beazley . Steele and collection charges against Trump , pointing on the possibility of tapes which , as there may have it shows viewer returning urine prostitutes in peace hotel in Moscow .
349the potential research biofuels renewable can help to reduce emissions
350in recent years , electric cars and Semi Tesla dominated information in the Russian , one issue it appears slip away renewable energy - planes planes
351however , Professor with The University Alberta designed technology technology which renewable biofuels will be able to be used as fuel airlines airlines
352by Dr. David Bressler this Professor on the university Alberta on faculty agriculture , science of life and the environment environment which has work on this motion for and in in in
353its laboratory is fuel hydrocarbon obtained of waste fatty fatty dry as fat with an and la carte menu menu fats origin animal and Oil rapeseed rapeseed
354in contrast to ethanol and other biofuels this technology can during the production of oils of poorer quality quality so estimated leads to 85 % of the poorer carbon than in the fuels highly , and also use in the process of waste which for other industries industries
355this is the task technology imitate hydrocarbons in the fuels highly .
356this may is more risky risky
357and subsidiary chipping founded by the University Alberta , Forge Hydrocarbons , is working on skomercjalizowaniem of the product , because the airlines airlines as well as the Israeli Canadian and mustache with American increase investment in the option are are
358people believe that it is impossible impossible it is not been earlier .
359now have example - gilets jaunes are benefiting from encrypted certain , which can coordinate pickets pickets and to thrusts people to protest enough several unfriendly populist leaders .
360began in the Angeles have been fired on after the bench jurors acquitted four whites policemen who they beat up black man taxi driver Rodney King in in in
361this year anti-government demonstrators in France across yellow kamizelki reflective - gilet jaunes - for more than six weeks ravage and devastate streets Paris .
362Johnson called on to and elections universal universal in which the voters would have had clarified about all this Brexit .
363in the Prime Minister is against the risks rebellion Cabinet wanting are demands in connection with the Brexit and in this compromise agreement with the EU .
364Hołownia , Czubówna and Looms delighted in Krakow .
365for us Talc ' N Roll '
366more than than participants listened on Thursday ( 26 September ) 11 inspiring speeches speakers speakers among which themselves , for example , Simon Hołownia , Christina Czubówna or Irenaeus Looms .
367all this within the framework of the conference Talc ' N ' Roll , which mustache held Krakow already , for the fifth .
368Talc ' N ' roll roll
369Widening horizons horizons talks about the ideas be dealt themselves and and joint discussion , which could be create to further development development
370this objective they put to operators of Talc ' N ' Roll , inviting the the scene the scene exceptional speakers representing very varied industries and areas interests interests and the other people known media media Simon Hołownia , Krystyna Czubówna and Irenaeus Loom .
371the key word for this year editing Talc ' N ' Roll mustache ' Crafting the future future NOW ' , and it is the creation of the future focused my speech guests invitees to participate in the conference conference
372the first Session who opened the Director of the Saber Poland , Sebastian Drzewiecki , which he told of mark mark which is building around the itself can be impact on our future future
373Richard Lucas left to the scene to change the perception of the the audience on phenomenon to correct when you say that it should be to accept , if it wants to create the future future in turn Chris Badura has the empathy at and time of lightning fast the development of technologies .
374Paula Mascarenhas ( VP Saber ) she divided to insights and techniques that can help in the management of the career and increasing the overall satisfaction by finding adequate balance between with the lives of professional and for private entities .
375the second part of the conference has opened up multi-threaded conversation demonstrated with Christina Czubówna , which she told among other things , as the perspective of over the years to profession changed lector in Poland .
376Holder one of the the most popular votes in the country she admitted that - thanks to the development of the technology - today everyone can trudnić this profession profession
377however , down not think so that that in the coming years man the lector has been utterly themselves by technology technology
378that it Peter Nabielec also the problem of life in times of overload Information System , emotional or overload on the issue of choice , by the audience valuable direction , as it to cope with with and Luke Łętocha in her speech spoke about what can bring another industrial revolution , known as the ' industry 4.0 ' .
379Playing experience has taught , teaching entertains
380operators of must also for the impression artistic artistic inviting the the scene illusionist , Daniel Only one .
381the third part of the conference in turn , who opened Irenaeus Looms , which first amused audience pantonym , and then - to lead own career he told about how to tribute and balance between career in the struggle and career .
382participants its turn kidnapped also Szymon Hołownia , emphasising , first of all all the roles of time in our life life
383Publicist he pointed out that even the two minutes can diametrically change situation and must be ready to use this time .
384in addition , Hołownia he split their thoughts on surrounding us fact held this anecdotes anecdotes which could have smile on faces public public
385then in the struggle and Adrian Tworuszka that has made considerable progress review of history and the objectives of several modes innovation and has referred to this this the way in which are used today .
386to conclude Marcin Słowiak , on the specific example of cubes Rubika , he told about the approach to solve the problems .
387each of of speakers certainly brought something new in perception of the fact , all those who have the opportunity to see performances and disasters responses and many questions to the guests provide an with strong commitment from the the audience the audience
388operators ensure transmission to all those who myself , not allowed to participate in the events before , and recordings with prelekcji are available to the website website
389the rule of law instead of the rule of law law
390„ despite the lack of enough of to change the Constitution , the governing the majority of has introduced and number of changes in the country country an threat to the protection of the rule of law and the principle of of thirds power ' , he writes in published on Thursday report Helsińska the Foundation Human Rights .
391the report by „ the rule of law instead of the rule of law ' documents among other things changes in terms of justice justice and in the area of the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms .
392Helsińska the Foundation Human Rights ( HFPC ) published and on Thursday report titled „ the rule of law instead of the rule of law law
393risks to the protection of human rights in Poland in the the 2019 ' .
394the Foundation is in the report that that in the the has the greatest recourse with regard to the protection of human rights in Poland after after after
395„ despite the lack of enough of to change the Constitution , the governing the majority of has introduced and number of changes in the country country an threat to the protection of the rule of law and the principle of of thirds power power
396their right to political objectives , replaced the rule of law governments law ' , asking experts HFPC .
397in the report HFPC ?
398the report by documents changes in the area of justice justice independent institution ( such as the media public or the Ombudsman ) and and in the area of the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms ( in the freedom of association association the rights of women women the rights of LGBT people and the right to honest process ) .
399the report by encapsulates also ongoing from the three years dispute between Polish authorities and the European Union .
400in the last four years Diet has adopted and more than than acts key from the point of view of the protection of human rights rights
401the authorities in the countries cannot reacted
402for the particularly worrying Helsinki the Foundation on Human felt „ these situations in which the authorities in the countries cannot reacted or indeed disregarded that the incidence of ' .
403the experts foundations they noticed that some changes were made in the atmosphere attacks on the various institutions or the unions or the vulnerable to discrimination discrimination
404the Foundation shows that the result of activity in the area of restriction of the principles of the rule of law is of the Polish authorities with the European Union , and and number of the recommendations on the part of international law law
405with the utmost report Euro-Tax companies that medium-sized earnings Poles in other countries of Europe mustache in in in more than than than PLN PLN which means that have almost and thousand zlotys zlotys almost 12 percent percent
406the as Research on Migrations The University Warszawski , Paul Kaczmarczyk says that and more and better to international in the labor market market where are different available options .
407' is also the number of specialists and professionals who who in the search for more and better conditions they move from country to country as employees international corporations ' , is placing verdict .
408part of the customers Euro-Taxi in the last year year is working in the two countries , for example the United Kingdom and in Germany .
409many of Poles plants abroad the roots the roots which mustache also after descending transmissions money to the country country
410these last year were the lowest for years .
411as and economist Tadeusz Chrożcicki , together with the lengthening period spend more abroad decreasing group of people transmitting money to the country and reducing their value .
412monsoons Extending to make the floods and the chaos in many regions India
413season monsunowy in India prolongs already almost about one month , and unheard of falls of rain during cause the death of as and result of the landslides to buildings and rotting many harvests .
414usually in northern India monsun is losing the beginning of September , but medium-sized falls of rain during this month combined the norm about the granting of of of of
415according to the experts from the Indyjskiego European Meteorologicznego if this situation will continue to continue for the next few days , it will be the latest ending to monsun for decades .
416in many areas of the country falls of rain during are still unheard of in recent times in wounded and caused renewed tensions in the West India town Pune wednesday and Thursday were affected by torrential rainfall led to death a dozen or so people and with as and result of the collapses to buildings .
417the flooding homes , people brnęli by the streets in water after knees , which normally is only during the culmination monsunu .
418it falls of rain during there also in such cities as Kalkuta , Lucknow and Hajdarabad .
419as and result of the other rains in North to Uttarakhand many homes has destroyed .
420Monsun also has begun to the time .
421in many areas , there has been water water so farmers they were preparing on probable drought drought
422for too long ongoing monsun is not welcome seen by farmers .
423this amount of rain is not and normal speaking of the night of the year year
424„ For it my vegetables and I have now kapustę , beans beans pea and tomatoes - zgniją ' , is Prakash Mehra , farmer with and small farms in Bhimtal able to Uttarakhand .
425for consumers impact delayed delayed and also late ending monsunu means to increase in the prices onions onions namely indispensable ingredient Indian fog fog
426Cebula , which used found pay pay rupii ( 0.23 pound and and and it is now now rupees ( around 1 pound British ) for for kilo in urban areas dry as Delhi and Bombaj .
427at risk are also festiwale and holidays holidays
428smoking Ravana symbolizes triumph good on bad bad
429however , given that likenesses Ravana has been done with the paper if monsoon will continue to continue , it is Ravana will he was laughing to the last last
430are the trade-related parts of sales of companies Energosynergia technologies Sp. with o. o in restructuring
431on 27 September 2019 , on the bill banking Fund adversely affected the price for halls halls of is Energy synergy technologies Sp. with o. o in the restructuring of EUR 100 000 PLN PLN
432the themselves ownership of these of an on ENDORSEMENT ARE. based in Chorzow .
433the agreement of of has been carried out in connection with the a waiver to other shareholders of the right of acquisition of involvement and as and result of the allow disposal by shareholders , which dry powers was entitled was entitled
434cinema in skirt
435we are long expected title - Polish a movie „ ( No ) Friends ' , which heavily will show viewers as sekretów are able to has our phones phones
436on the screen galaxy stars stars for example , May Thomas Cat Ostaszewska , Kasia Smutniak , Luke Simlat , Michael Żurawski ) , and in musical within the David Podsiadło .
437we have , mother-in-law Take it with each other other colleague , familiar and spend time before screening in the lobby cinema Measles !!
438are you surprises surprises
439the Nature : Gigantic puffball !!
440She has grown up to the rattle
441Mrs Magdalena Popek with Putnowic The upper ones she sent us photo this enormous puffballs .
442Puffava has grown to the rattle of our Readers .
443what is splendidly , although only this evening will measured measured
444Doodle celebrating celebrating birthday Google
445it would be difficult imagine today world without Google .
446we are seeking economically in search engine excruciating answers to all of us questions .
447what we are seeking economically in the Google ?
448today search engine worry today twentieth first birthday birthday
449this time is not animated .
450Google reminds about their birthdays , showing stationary computer with monitor monitor mouse and keyboard keyboard and in right right lower in the Horn of printed multichannel digital that - as photo with years 90 .
451Cataloging information
452in particular to - Search engine mustache katalogować all possible information and share them in and portal portal
453name is game verbal verbal
454comes from mathematical deadline googol meaning number of this raised to come hundredth hundredth
455this mustache also reflect the name of enterprises to acknowledge the indexing as many of the number of the world of the Internet .
456Search engine Google has been founded by Sergey ' and Brina and Larry , Page ' and and in their student project on the university Stanford .
457to be based on mathematical analysis analysis and between the parties , which has worked better from methods mere filing results on the basis of the rate of appearance an phrases phrases
458at the start of search engine she was wearing the name BlackRub , referring to English words blacklink , which means of the parties linking the result .
459Page and Brin they founded the company genuinely under the business Google Inc . 7 September 1998 , and shortly afterwards they launched famous today towards google.com .
460what further Google ?
461then history company is almost as with the fairy tales fairy tales lightning fast development with any a month a month conquest next markets and to the values of companies .
462in June 2000 Index addresses URL Google has over billion position position work Page ' and and Brina present titre the largest search engines Internet in the world world
463now the company founded by Page ' and and Brina is one of the leading players on the market it it
464is there yet any numerous opportunities for development development
465then Trump referred to the military aid and he has asked Zelensky about the investigation not one , and two things : the first concerning the son Joe Biden - Hunter - and other the variable concerning the burglary on server DNC , suggesting suggesting that Ukraine mustache involved in the attack hacking on boxes e-mail Democrats in the elections in in in
466we down not know whether it will break this relationship European , or will make broken will be relations with and world leader in France and Germany .
467AND down not want it to talc about nobody nobody
468we all providing us aid ' - stated after the publication of provision talks hotlines Zelensky in New York during the United Nations General Assembly .
469were provincial inspector legally valid acquitted
470the cleared George Wisniewski with alleged to also action action
471after after years George Wisniewski mustache ultimately cleaned up with the blame .
472the District in Przemyśl cleared George Wisniewski , former Provincial an inspectorate the quality of the trade in agricultural import Rzeszow , with plea transgressions powers .
473Lublin prosecutors Office she complained him that he had betray then Marshal voivodships in the the plant producing Oil food food
474recently collapsed on this final condemned acquitting .
475Appeal recognized mustache mustache September .
476the clearly state that AND am innocent and not I broke then applicable criminal law law
477AND believe that my conversation demonstrated telephone then with Marshal voivodships Podkarpackie comply with the in force force
478the text events made public media outlined in in by the prosecutor's office Appeal in Lublin passed the true and caused irreparably both in subcontractor producer food as well as the loss of image myself in my employers , among the workers and also in local communities .
479and accusations which mustache drawn up under against me me the Court included and number of errors false facts , unreliable terms legal basis basis not confirmed in fact , what happened .
480with CBA in Rzeszow was done everything to eliminate me with the lives of the public and and
481I stayed then immediately you of work and denied financial resources .
482I stayed by and long time to maintain my spouses ' .
483let us us
484the provincial George Wisniewski Inspector the quality of agricultural trade import he acted throughout 2009 - 2013 .
485mustache canceled with the position position in in prosecutors Office in Lublin presented to the the
486opinion investigators investigators mustache to it conversation hotlines betray then Marshal voivodships voivodships Miroslaw Karapyta mustache sentenced to 4 years sentence of of the deadline in the plant producing Oil food belonging to wives then deputy marshal Podkarpackie Podkarpackie
487this is and warning - as claimed prosecutors with Lublin - have cause , that he owner companies to control and rectified labeling on oils , which has been incomplete incomplete
488the George Wisniewski he heard transgressions powers , for which threatened him to 3 years sentence of of
489Democrats in the committee interview they asked Maguire , why blocked offer Congress report sygnalisty ; the interview he replied that down not have the powers to reveal its content , which confidential nature of the realization of the so-called are the executive authorities .
490part of the hearing Maguire ' and by the committee mustache held behind closed doors doors
491on Tuesday President of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi has informed that in connection with the suspicion that President keeps the pressure on the authorities Ukraine to jeopardise their potential rival in the next presidential , the House of Representatives initiates an investigation , which can lead to and impeachment Trump .
492day later she assessed of the talks Trump with Zelensky confirms that Mr the US has broken its standards for the elections and security security
493the right to vote in the US condemned the use of aid foreign countries .
494for my part part Mr. Adda observed that were great success for the efforts of the Sakharov Prize , because are compliment for difficult work and sticking power of the industry .
495these are benefits socio-economic , but all the safety and security security which we have to achieve the ' .
496ZAMOŚĆ : Tankował and ran away ran away stole also bike
497year old with the municipalities with textile mills Zamosc drove up its audi under the distributor distributor refueled and was driving away without paying .
498in this way , several times robbed stations gasoline gasoline
499and before a month stole also bike from one of the Zamojskie offices offices
500the owners stations gasoline wycenili damage to nearly 1 000 PLN PLN
501Owner stolen bicycle - on 2 000 PLN PLN
502in the last Tuesday one of the Zamojskie district pointed out in ul Wyszyńskiego owner audi audi which mustache suspected about thefts thefts
503for steering wheel stays is wanted year old year old
504and mustache arrested in police custody custody
505on Thursday he heard the fuel theft from from stations gasoline and bicycle bicycle
506should give to having committed these crimes .
507Mundurowi they found also stolen bike bike
508Jednoślad soon will return to owner .
509for theft the thief are outrageous sentence of to years 5 .
510Trump nominates Peter Gaynor on boss white house FEMA :
511Peter Gaynor , President-in-Office the administrator Federal Agency for Disaster Control ( FEMA ) , smiles smiles when the Senackiej testifies Podkomisji on Budgets for Security National about the proposal budget FEMA on the financial year year strategy on Wzgórzu Kapitolińskim in Washington in the US 3 April 2019 .
512been in Washington ( Reuters ) white house results in obwieszczeniu that on Thursday American President Donald Trump nominował Petera Gaynora on boss Federal Agency for Disaster Control ( FEMA ) .
513and deputy Gaynor administrator FEMA the boss agencies , which supervises blocking government response to such catastrophes hurricanes or forest fires .
514the Agency has worked without administrator approved by the American Senat from March , when this Brock Long slowed down this position position
515Long he resigned after the Departament Security national of the United States , which is FEMA , he said that Long in the wrong way used vehicles government to crossings between Waszyngtonem and its home in Northern Karolinie .
516the other candidate , , Jeffrey Byard is withdrawn earlier this month , when the detailed check his past revealed the was taking that it in fights in bar bar
517Spodziewano to the appointment Gaynora to this position position
518to approve its reappointed to roles roles that will be the majority of the Senate .
519white house notified that that before Gaynor in in in mustache deputy administrator FEMA , worked in the management of the crisis able to Rhode Island and served in piechocie maritime maritime
520Henrik Ingebrigtsen , Norwegian biegacz , considering amputation finger
521summer runner specjalizował on distance distance metres winning balance medal of this Europe in in in Helsinki ) , srebrny in in in Zurich ) and brązowy in in in in Amsterdam ) .
522it is also runner-up of Europe in the the meters of of of Berlin ) .
523explained that it is not and new ailment and that has already one operation analyzed games in in year year but pains have returned and in the current season very intensified intensified
524pain for that that in other I bet I bet which in turn to the my body , are coming other unnatural burdens and am getting pains in other places , for example , in biodrze .
525for this reason , AND could not be enough to this to the world world and for two weeks pain is as and strong that I have the assuming spikes - said biegacz on on the air channel television NRK .
526father and coach athlete Gjert Ingebrigtsen conceded that that after long discussions with son came to the conclusion that the only solution , not to he finished careers and involved in the next year 's games Olympic in Tokyo , will be amputation amputation
527amputation that it is the only only although make solution and already properly decided .
528Cano , who have worked in the drugs drugs says that distillation oil used in our products to vaping is process potentially flammable .
529to office building calls on the team to of certain that this has to illegal and potentially hazardous substances .
530the present and is not known value confiscated products and equipment .
531Detectives say that received anonymous guide guide which she allowed them to get searches warrant , so detected illegal activities activities
532investigation continue to attempt to obtain information information who is in favor of this illegal business business
533according to them person responsible she founded an interest in this point point because the office mustache the empty .
534the investigation is ongoing and officers want to make sure that illegal products must not the streets , given the recently that that on the harmfulness vaping .
535this may be and threat to our communities and children children and this is why it is always them when before reaching out after this kind of thing .
536Aphtin withdrawn from the market market
537GIF also and decision on drug on thrush
538the main Inspectorate pharmaceutical informed about the dismantled drug on the market infections cavities made as an oral oral
539this Aphtin bow bow which applied in the treatment of thrush and infections yeast membranes mucous cavities made as an oral oral infections bacteria Gram positive .
540we can also apply it auxiliary in the treatment of infections caused Pseudomonas aeruginosa .
541the product is withdrawn because of the incompatible with the specification highgrading smell product and content substances active active
542the product is withdrawn on the proposal laboratory Galenic in Olsztyn .
543each of the month GIF it seems to on and a few the decision to dismantled the series of products from the market market
544Series drug held on the market in Poland can be be after the generating evidence to security its application , once again to introduce onto the market market
545in the event of and drug is not an opportunity opportunity
546bank note bank note PLN - where buy collectible bank note to and and
547bears face value 19 zlotys and have on the image Ignatius Mr. Paderewski .
548at the start of October the to removed and new bank note collectible - informed National Bank Poland .
549it is commemorate summer of Polish label Markets Authority .
550as written in the communication NBP , presented to banknote will be Ignatius Jan Paderewski .
551to date placed banknote , 25 January 2019 , it is the day day day anniversary of PWPW .
552also , the value of the nominal nominal nominal PLN relates by the creation of and label ' - we read in the communication NBP .
553an by water is the image eagle in the first Polish banknotu produced in PWPW after recovery 's independence independence
554The novelty is belt holographic located on the window in ground ground
555this Inscription mapped with rękopisu Joseph Piłsudski , is logotype jubilation anniversary get by Poland 's independence independence
556in a twig laurel , symbolizing brotherhood and victory for the the wkomponowano securing devised by PWPW - Umbra4Note , in particular forms of the effect of angular .
557on the precise opposite banknote placed the image building label within the panoramas modern Warsaw .
558in addition to the is built-in in logotype PWPW securing SPARK Live and belt opalescent , visible also in the light of the UV in the forms of repeating number ' 19 ' and ' NBP shortcut ' - describes the NBP .
559bank note has come to removed 2 October circulation to 55 000 head .
560one bank note will costed costed zlotys zlotys
561all coins and banknotes that by NBP , including those with special more more are of and payment in Poland .
562their value nominal much surpasses surpasses however , this this which can be achieved on the market kolekcjonerskim .
563the new owner bought for for for USD , more than two million zlotys zlotys for their parents and has decided to leave building Queenstown in Maryland .
564the house mustache transported on special platform to haven Easton where załadowano it in barge .
565then swam river river miles miles
566Jarosław Małgorzatę Gosiewska Kaczynski vote
567President of the PiS Jarosław Kaczyński in the forthcoming elections will give back in Małgorzatę Gosiewską .
568„ Proszę about the themselves ' , appealed appealed
569Jarosław Kaczyński together with Małgorzatą Gosiewską pozowali to the images banerowego candidates PiS .
570on Friday warszawska „ launched by three ' she praised in the media social media social media that it will speak Kaczyńskiego in the parliamentary elections .
571President of the „ Prawa and Justice Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński supports Małgorzatę Gosiewską ' , we read to its profile on Facebooku .
572the Head of party he pointed out that this is and person sensitive matters , uczuciowa and always prepared should help help
573I give the „ voice on the Małgorzatę Gosiewską and please the themselves ' calls for the the
574Gosiewska is running to Sejmu with constituency 19 ( Warszawa ) and from the third salaries in the letter letter
575„ Jedynką ' is there the Kaczyński , and the second salaries is Mariusz Kamiński .
576are Świąteczne Targi Książki .
577we have before us and meeting with popular pisarzami and Książki in extraordinary prices prices
578„ We here to break gender stereotypes .
579the people Podkarpackie region is not they read books books
580show that is not the ' , has said during the conference press release Marta Półtorak .
581and who reading in Rzeszowie will be in this year year support support
582as we have heard , on the fair there will be sister Anastazja , okrzyknięta the first kucharką Rzeczypospolitej , and also : Łukasz Orbitowski , Katarzyna Bonda , Karolina Korwin-Piotrowska and Jakub Ćwiek .
583this autumn in Millenium Hall will take salaries great event cultural 22 , 23 November to and trade will come will come edition Świątecznych fairs Książki , which is one of the bridge important developments reading in the region region
584on the fair they will come the most interesting oficyny publishing and bookstores with Poland .
585it will be their up 30 , and these are are for example , Agora , an an SQN , PWN and Black .
586their jobs and they will present their broad offer wydawnicze and hundreds of brought novelty to book books book books which to fairs will be able to buy in like prices prices
587what is more more in the two days fairs are the exceptional meetings with the writers .
588this time invited authors who asking about things important and not are afraid of difficult subjects and and moreover , are laureates prestigious awards and and great they are cooking .
589the letter invitees authors is not yet closed closed
590at the moment in fair confirmed , for example , Luke Orbitowski laureate passport policy policy Janusz Leon Wisniewski , the author bestsellerowej ' Samotności on ' , and the Queen Polish crime fiction crime fiction Katarzyna Bond .
591Star this year fairs will sister Anastazja , the author a dozen or so books books in this cooking ) , who have sold in more than than million copies copies
592Wystawa missing dress Elizabeth First in the palace Hampton Court summit
593Interwoven srebrną thread dress carried out of the most outstanding silk camlot mustache artfully decorated embroidery depicting vegetation vegetation animals and Butterflies .
594for Eleri Lynn , kuratorki exhibitions Historic foundations Royal Palaces , mean is only one thing .
595It faded fabric hanging from from years wall small rural church parish , which mustache amazed , to be part of the only missing wardrobes Elizabeth First .
596three years after the Lynn after and case in sumptuous tkaninę ołtarzową in Bacton in County Herefordshire , missing dress Elizabeth is enter in the next month on exhibition in the palace Hampton Court summit , close to the themselves rooms in which Queen with dynasty Tudors able to carry it more than than years ago .
597the yardstick by the importance of this developments is that of the whole of collection dress royal survived only yet another element of Sixteenth century sukni .
598although there is no irrefutable this to Elżbieta ever she was wearing this suknię , three years of research strengthened experts in the conviction that have to be and part of the royal wardrobes wardrobes
599looking to the „ embroidery with and with the so many so many I started be enormous respect for those who it it
600never I worked on as elite elite
601the Agency Fitch confirmed rating of Poland , with and view to stable
602the rest of the prospect of rating stable stable
603the Agency Fitch „ solid foundation macro-economic and well diversified economy economy which is by reasonably conducted economic policy and and strong the banking sector ' , we read in the communication Ministerstwa finance finance
604as the words , Fitch attention that Poland bull in the cycle economic situation economic situation and in the the 2021 and real high growth of the gross national product in Poland would be adequately 4,1 per cent of of of per cent of and and per cent of of
605the Agency forecasts that the value of the institutions of the government and local government to GDP in the the will remain under the border between 3 per cent of respectively 2,3 per cent of and and per cent of of
606„ debt of the government and samorządowego to GDP in in in would be according to the agencies 50,5 per cent of of and will in future years smaller ( average 48,3 per cent in the the 2021 ) ' , we read .
607Rating Poland
608Autumn round reviews rating Poland 11 October will SP and Moody Ashton .
609Rating Poland in the evaluation of the Agency Fitch remains the themselves as released at the end of March 2019 year year
610then confirmed rating agency Poland at the level of „ A- ' with and view to stable stable
611the credibility of the three great credit rating agencies credit Poland bridge is Moody Ashton at the level of „ A2 ' .
612Rating of Poland , according to the Fitch and SP this „ AND- ' , and level of loess than the Moody Ashton .
613the perspective of all the assessments are are
614what is rating rating
615credit rating agencies are made to help the investors in evaluating the scale of the risk of their activities investment investment
616Rating granted is companies companies banks and the Member .
617in the case of the the any assessment translates into the attractiveness of the economic economic
618Rating is nothing as the assessment of the credibility of the credit credit
619in the basis of the decisions about this to borrow to whom and for how much money money
620sometimes this information is also to whom best down not offer any credit credit because it is quite the risk that the money will not be able to retain .
621lower rating with System risks .
622in turn higher the risk of and high interest on credit credit
623any assessment must be justified and uargumentowana .
624Rating can be manipulate manipulate however , in this case , the loss of the reputation of are risking agencies .
625at the moment moment more than than per cent of world market services rating agencies they control three agencies : the standard Poor Ashton , Fitch and Moody Ashton .
626each of them is its own system assessments .
627„ First of all the the plus Poland , secondly rapid and fair courts , thirdly voucher cultural and voucher educational educational fourthly security of national national Fifthly this is and healthy force ' , mentioned Chmielewski .
628They told also to subsidy educational reach to schools without brokerage local governments local governments namely according to them - without additional cost of maintaining the officials .
629candidates to Sejmu , have the need to increase the number an army .
630according to them need is also easier access to arms arms
631in economic economic the need for „ of access to energy ' .
632the Head of Mexican cartel is one third of the US
633the Chicago Convention - immediately after the east of that mustache the West Side in Chicago CBS News she reported in the morning pursuit for drugs trafficking .
634Brian McKnight with the EFSA the fight against the drugs trade trade DEA ) in full light has demonstrated what is happening .
635last year in Chicago almost 800 people died from overdose of narcotics .
636DEA is focused on the Mexican lord drug drug Nemesia Cervantesie , known simply as El Mencho .
637„ It is it is is the top priority for the DEA and directly for federal of regulations in the United States ' , he said said the agent Matthew Donahue DEA in Mexico .
638prize for El Mencho goes 10 million .
639it helped pull discoveries dozens of placed in the jungle laboratories drugs El Mencho .
640in the El Mencho Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion , namely CJNG , is responsible for at least one third of arriving to the US by land borders and by sea sea
641opinion , the European Court of Justice , cartel przemycił „ tons ' cocaine cocaine metamfetaminy and heroin contaminated fentanylem .
642for El Mencho prize for and EUR 10 million .
643as the irony irony around 30 years ago he lived in California , where arrested it in the related to the drugs trade and ultimately deported to Mexico .
644it is there and vicious created cartel cartel
645has and huge amount of weapons RPG , of weapons caliber caliber caliber
646fundamentally , has its own teams SWAT ' , added Donahue .
647EL Mencho impunity protecting their empire empire applying such measures as shooting down helicopter of Mexico from being repeated the army , killing six people , or in public wieszaniu this summer .
648in the past years brutality cartel has led to the the murders .
649according to statistics Mexican government every leads to around 94 murder .
650Meksykańskie drugs in Chicago are so toxic , that you cannot them with without equipment umbrella .
651laboratory Donuts cocaine means to mark smuggler smuggler
652for more than one third of them the footsteps of the cartel El Mencho .
653it is „ poisons poisons which is responsible for sending kills innocent women and children ' , he said Donahue .
654so when die someone else's child child believe that there is huge opportunity ' Donahue „ that drugs since they maintain Mencho El organisations .
655last year with overdose died more than than than the Americans .
656France : year old szantażował the President of France and its wife
657and tried blackmail summer Emmanuela Macrona and the first lady says the French prosecutors Office prosecutors Office
658they provides that has documents compromising and and couple of of
659Żądał from boss state , for example , 300 000 in gotowce .
660during the hearings explain that these documents , not only compromise and and couple of of but disclosure them in and whole may not threaten security Macron and the first ladies France .
661in exchange for their return he demanded EUR 300 000 were also enter either flat in Paris .
662He contacted in this on one of the daughters Brigitte Macron of the previous marriage .
663according to the prosecutor's office they refused of police documents which .
664He announced that will provide them media - but in the case , we down not know whether these documents really exist .
665there has been their during the revision of the in the apartment this 27-year-old .
666and mustache voted upon testing psychiatric psychiatric but doctors not said at it any serious macroeconomic .
667they will be oldskulowa PS4 - Sony reveals surprising facts concerning PlayStation 4
668Sony throws more ray of on debuting soon game accessible on PS4 AND Last of US : Part Two .
669Sony within the framework of the recent presentation State of Play declared that Prime Minister sequel AND Last of US will also salaries in February 2020 .
670Fans also be able to see and new part of the breathtaking breath in increase breast game of coming game action action
671even more particulars mustache in days after the loud Prime Minister fragment game AND Last of US 2 .
672and we seem to Sony together with Naughty Dog volume of after old school atmosphere in many ways .
673It was decided on something that not we have seen for often since PS 1 . the Last of US : Part 2 will sold on and a few tiles .
674Neil Druckmann with Naughty Dog reaffirmed this in the sensational an interview with AND Telegraph , explaining that sequel has grown to one of the largest games in history history
675as ambitious , that we down not fit on the one BluRayu and is on two tiles .
676another point mustache that AND Last of US : Part Two contains one or two easter eggi about the content of the adult ( information given by Gamespot ) .
677we will not last surprises surprises but that to play politics with matters easter eggi they recall to old school of Naughty Dog .
678more you'll find out you'll find out when AND Last of US : Part Two will debut 21 February 2020 on PS4 .
679those holding PS4 can to premiere sequelu , taking on AND Last of US Remastered so in offer PS + .
680Sony recently declared letter of free games on PS4 offered from October 2019 , by PlayStation + , among which is the the production Naughty Dog .
681Subscribers PS + are also from the October access to MLB AND Show 19 .
682if AND those to AND Last of US Remastered and you want to pre-premiere order on sequel , Sony gave that many version of the game game in this exclusive edition containing replica backpack Elli and its bracelets and 30 centimeters figurine this iconic forms forms
683To run , jerk and to fight - sport
684on Saturday first league Stomil also Podbeskidzie and has notwithstanding the victory for the the
685Footballers Stomil from the three queues are undefeated .
686Proteges Peter Zajączkowski at that time make seven points , because they won with Constant Mielec and Chojniczanka Chojnice , and in the last match its bezbramkowy draw in Suwałki .
687now Olsztyn team on Saturday at at will exchanged Podbeskidzie , which is as one of the favorites to the promotion of to Ekstraklasa .
688Closest rivals Stomil is the fourth in the table of and are point is on team with Olsztyn .
689Podbeskidzie on departures in this season was playing six times and passed after two wins wins remisy and failure and Stomil very good experience in their object on the stadium with al Piłsudski and team Piotra Zajączkowski military three times and for the lost .
690and total of in this queues Olsztyn inhabitants have gathered 17 points and are in each respect respect although the two failures in clash games nothing not zapowiadało .
691lukewarm Lizzy She disappeared in May .
692its finding and lasting five days , to , in which Whipple pointed out and hide body .
693as informs Fox News , summer Whipple not was showing any emotions during interrogation .
694last month conceded that kidnapped kidnapped used sexually and murdered little girl little girl
695mustache to be molested as child child
696added that Whipple is aware that and awful and criminal act and is prepared to pay pay
697and mustache sentenced to life imprisonment to application for exemption conditional conditional
698Prime Minister Scott Morrison affairs announced that will provide the nearly 100 million additional resources communities affected drought drought
699the program for the money will be extended drought affected farmers and the criteria for granting grants to farms will be simplified .
700the package of measures it covers almost 34 millions of USD on the initiative of support for the affected by drought drought so the eligibility to help farms can emergencies ways what to be granted to 3000 USD .
701each of of local areas local government within the framework of the Terrorist aid communities affected drought will to 1 million USD grants infrastructure and help also to the effects of the disaster .
702the new package support is addition to more than USD 7 billion for by the government to fund the fight against drought drought
703Frostpunk - they strategic which will combine features of production city-builder with unique simulator 19th century society and frosty survivalem is to planned planned October premieres on consoles .
70411 bit studios added every effort to create talking strategic in which in intuitive and and natural way , we will play through konsolowego Controller .
705Frostpunk : Console Edition on Xbox they and PlayStation 4 mustache therefore in certain points constructed from the the
706among the leading change are remodeled control system and refreshed interface user , for example , with the new wheels the elections , shares rapid access and convenient grouping available to play politics with matters of buildings .
707for all players console who down not know the Frostpunk , we have in frosty universe game in the forms of trailer fictional :
708this Frostpunk they treating about survival standing on edge society society in which heat means , and any decision is price .
709the player is and on frozen wasteland town town which is steam heart generator generator
710now comprehensive , strategic game game combined with made up of and rich story and unmatched survival experience , there will be konsolach .
711Frostpunk : Console Edition the real test for your tactical tactical
712Betrayals Chinese ( in the Name of Love China Ashton Mistress Busters )
713movie documentary documentary in China in the last next number of divorce has had .
714the cause of this state of affairs were to those third .
715more and more men maintains the relations extramarital extramarital and left educated to special industry in this country - professional slayers lover , which have the task save marriage betrayed wifes wifes
716Let's chant loud : Matthew !!
717attempt to welcome the Prime Minister in Piekary Śląskie
718an General peculiar has before the meeting election with Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki in Piekary Śląskie .
719Let's chant loud : Matthew !! ' , his AND fatal fatal
720unfortunately , the efforts enthusiastic bellwether not resulting how result .
721the election campaign under way .
722the politicians of they are driving after the country country to perform to the electorate .
723intensive campaign it also Prime Minister Matthew Morawiecki , which as leader Silesian letter of PiS is frequent visitor in this region region
724every meeting is exactly the planned , including with appropriate binding .
725so so it mustache mustache but rather - have be be in Piekary Śląskie .
726you know know - special visitor should be the case in greet greet
727before the meeting the Prime Minister , actually present fatal has decided to carry out an General .
728like consummate bellwether look to encourage crowd to chanting name boss government .
729„ It is will not be welcome for me me only for the Prime Minister Mateusza Morawieckiego !!
730also louder louder louder my dear ! ' , his enthusiastic .
731Ronald Lee Haskell : and sentenced for the murder of family its the former wives in Teksasie
732Ronald Lee Haskell , 39 mustache sentenced for committed in in murder Stephena and Katie Stay and fours with their Fridays children in the Spring in and Teksas .
733opinion , the authorities entered home Stayów on 9 July 2014 , demanding disclosure to stay its wives wives Melannie Haskell , with which mustache in the separation of their .
734it has not been its there there but is its sister sister Katie Stay and its the family .
735Stephen Stay , 39 Katie Stay , 33 , two boys lost their lives in in and four years , and two girl at at and and and being killed in the when Haskell who opened the fire fire as claims office Szeryfa counties Harris .
736Przeżył only one and member of the family lukewarm then Cassidy Stay .
737the authorities they claimed that mustache hard wounded wounded but managed its fully wyzdrowieć .
738on Thursday members of the bench jurors reject defending Ronalda Lee Haskella on the basis of niepoczytalności .
739bench and jurors once again on Monday , to be condemned .
740the Internet kwantowy more fact ScienceDaily
741the US army they move Internet kwantowy and steppe more closely .
742such and Internet could we must offer more loan-based military opportunities in the security security detecting and accuracy ' time niedostępne with the traditional product approach to the creation of network network
743center for Rozproszonego Kwantowego of military Informacji laboratory Badawczego on Development possibility for fighting the army US watched researchers with Uniwersytetu in Insbrucku , which has been achieved record the transfer of splątanego between matter and light distance 50 kilometres of use cables fiber optic fiber optic
744this is the Splątanie that can be between kwantami such as kubity .
745when two qubits will be splątane and and revises measure one of them them will be an impact on the footprint made in the second of them them even if the second kubit is physically away away
746therefore therefore his team initially he particle ray of by crystal non-linear highlighted strong radius laser .
747expectancies of the wave of photon mustache transformed on the value of the optimal from the point of view of routes to the big distances - ongoing standard telecommunications expectancies of the wave of this this nanometers .
748then researchers they sent this photon by kilometer cable fiber optic .
749their measurement shows that the atom and each ray of were tangled even after the recasting of the length of the wave of and traveled this distances distances
750the Israeli is very strongly interested tangled networks clockwise under construction on and large scale due to apply to apportion blame precisely set position position precise navigation and synchronization time ' - said by Dr. Fredrik Fatemi , researcher military military which also co-manages program program