
902 lines
27 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

# Translators:
# Sven Wagener <>, 2015
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Questions\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-15 10:05+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-08-13 16:32+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Sven Wagener <>\n"
"Language-Team: German (Germany) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: de_DE\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.3\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_n:1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:4c,1,2;esc_attr__;esc_attr_e;esc_attr_x:1,2c;esc_html__;esc_html_e;esc_html_x:1,2c;_n_noop:1,2;_nx_noop:3c,1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
"X-Poedit-WPHeader: init.php\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-0: *.js\n"
#: components/admin/component.php:46
msgid "Admin"
msgstr "Admin"
#: components/admin/component.php:47
msgid "Setting up Questions in WordPress Admin."
msgstr "Questions im WordPress Admin einstellen."
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:91
msgid "Attention!"
msgstr "Achtung!"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:92
msgid "This will erase all Answers who people given to this survey. Do you really want to delete all results of this survey?"
msgstr "Dies löscht alle Antworten, die auf diese Umfrage gemacht wurden. Wollen Sie wirklich alle Ergebnisse dieser Umfrage löschen?"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:95
msgid "Do you really want to delete this element?"
msgstr "Soll dieses Element wirklich gel&ouml;scht werden?"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:98
msgid "Do you really want to delete this answer?"
msgstr "Soll diese Antwort wirklich gel&ouml;scht werden?"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:119
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Optionen"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:126
msgid "Survey Functions"
msgstr "Umfrage-Funktionen"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:133 components/elements/component.php:44
msgid "Elements"
msgstr "Elemente"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:141
msgid "Timerange"
msgstr "Zeitspanne"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:149
msgid "Participiants list"
msgstr "Teilnehmerliste"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:157
msgid "Results"
msgstr "Ergebnisse"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:194
msgid "When does the survey start?"
msgstr "Wann startet die Umfrage?"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:196
msgid "When does the survey end?"
msgstr "Wann endet die Umfrage?"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:235
msgid "All visitors of the site can participate"
msgstr "Alle Besucher der Seite können teilnehmen"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:239
msgid "All members of the site can participate"
msgstr "Alle Mitglieder der Seite k&ouml;nnen an der Umfrage teilnehmen"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:243
msgid "Only selected members can participate"
msgstr "Nur ausgew&auml;hlte Mitglieder k&ouml;nenn an der Umfrage teilnehmen"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:247
msgid "No restrictions"
msgstr "Keine Einschränkungen"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:275
msgid "Add all actual Members"
msgstr "Alle aktuellen Mitglieder hinzufügen"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:299
msgid "Add Participiants"
msgstr "Teilnehmer hinzuf&uuml;gen"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:302
msgid "Remove all Participiants"
msgstr "Alle Teilnehmer entfernen"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:311 components/admin/form-builder.php:973
msgid "participiant/s"
msgstr "Teilnehmer"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:318
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:319
msgid "User nicename"
msgstr "Spitzname"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:320
msgid "Display name"
msgstr "Angezeigter Name"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:321
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Email"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:322
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Status"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:336
msgid "finished"
msgstr "abgeschlossen"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:338
msgid "new"
msgstr "neu"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:349 components/admin/form-builder.php:954 components/elements/class-element.php:628 components/elements/class-element.php:670
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "L&ouml;schen"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:414
msgid "Show results after finishing survey"
msgstr "Ergebnisse nach Teilnahme anzeigen"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:416 components/admin/form-builder.php:955 components/core/data-abstraction.php:88 components/elements/class-element.php:887
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ja"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:417 components/admin/form-builder.php:956 components/elements/class-element.php:891
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nein"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:445
msgid "Dublicate Survey"
msgstr "Umfrage dublizieren"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:452
msgid "Delete survey results"
msgstr "Umfrageergebnisse löschen"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:461
msgid "Invite Participiants"
msgstr "Teilnehmer einladen"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:464 components/admin/form-builder.php:475
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Abbrechen"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:472
msgid "Reinvite Participiants"
msgstr "Erneut einladen"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:481
msgid "You can invite Participiants to this survey after the survey is published."
msgstr "Sie k&ouml;nenn Teilnehmer einladen, sobald die Umfrage gespeichert ist."
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:957
msgid "just added"
msgstr "gerade hinzugef&uuml;gt"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:958
msgid "Invitations sent successfully!"
msgstr "Einladungen erfolgreich versendet!"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:959
msgid "Invitations could not be sent!"
msgstr "Einladungen konnten nicht versendet werden!"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:961
msgid "Renvitations sent successfully!"
msgstr "Erneute Einladungen erfolgreich versendet!"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:964
msgid "Renvitations could not be sent!"
msgstr "Erneute Einladungen konnten nicht versendet werden!"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:967
msgid "Survey results deleted successfully!"
msgstr "Umfrageergebnisse erfolgreich gelöscht!"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:970
msgid "Survey duplicated successfully!"
msgstr "Umfrage erfolgreich dupliziert!"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:972 components/core/component.php:92
msgid "Edit Survey"
msgstr "Umfrage bearbeiten"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:974
msgid "You are under 50 form fields away from reaching PHP max_num_fields!"
msgstr "Sie sind nur noch 50 Formularfelder vom Erreichen von PHP max_num_fields entfernt!"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:975
msgid "You are over the limit of PHP max_num_fields!"
msgstr "Sie sind über der Grenze von PHP max_num_fields!"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:976
msgid "Please increase the value by adding <code>php_value max_input_vars [NUMBER OF INPUT VARS]</code> in your htaccess or contact your hoster. Otherwise your form can not be saved correct."
msgstr "Bitte erhöhen Sie den Wert, indem Sie <code>php_value max_input_vars [ANZAHL DER FORMULAR VARIABLEN]</code> in Ihrer .htaccess eintragen oder kontaktieren Sie Ihren Hoster. Andernfalls wird Ihr Formular nicht richtig gespeichert."
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:977
msgid "of"
msgstr "von"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:979
msgid "yy/mm/dd"
msgstr ""
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:980
msgid "Su"
msgstr "So"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:981
msgid "Mo"
msgstr "Mo"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:982
msgid "Tu"
msgstr "Di"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:983
msgid "We"
msgstr "Mi"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:984
msgid "Th"
msgstr "Do"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:985
msgid "Fr"
msgstr "Fr"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:986
msgid "Sa"
msgstr "Sa"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:987
msgid "January"
msgstr "January"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:988
msgid "February"
msgstr "Februar"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:989
msgid "March"
msgstr "März"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:990
msgid "April"
msgstr "April"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:991
msgid "May"
msgstr "Mai"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:992
msgid "June"
msgstr "Juni"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:993
msgid "July"
msgstr "Juli"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:994
msgid "August"
msgstr "August"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:995
msgid "September"
msgstr "September"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:996
msgid "October"
msgstr "Oktober"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:997
msgid "November"
msgstr "November"
#: components/admin/form-builder.php:998
msgid "December"
msgstr "Dezember"
#: components/admin/menu.php:60 components/admin/menu.php:61 components/core/component.php:88
msgid "Surveys"
msgstr "Umfragen"
#: components/admin/menu.php:70 components/admin/menu.php:71
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Erstellen"
#: components/admin/menu.php:77 components/admin/menu.php:78 components/core/component.php:74
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Kategorien"
#: components/admin/menu.php:84 components/admin/menu.php:85 components/elements/class-element.php:492
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Einstellungen"
#: components/admin/pages/settings.php:51
msgid "General"
msgstr "Allgemein"
#: components/admin/pages/settings.php:68
msgid "Text templates"
msgstr "Textvorlagen"
#: components/admin/pages/settings.php:72
msgid "Thanks for participating"
msgstr "Danke für die Teilnahme"
#: components/admin/pages/settings.php:75
msgid "This text will be used on thanking members after participating survey."
msgstr "Dieser Text wird als Dankestext genutzt, nachdem Benutzer an einer Umfrage teilgenommen haben."
#: components/admin/pages/settings.php:78 components/admin/pages/settings.php:89 components/admin/pages/settings.php:98
msgid "Usable template tags:"
msgstr "Nutzbare Template-Tags:"
#: components/admin/pages/settings.php:83
msgid "Invitation text Template"
msgstr "Einladungstext Template"
#: components/admin/pages/settings.php:86
msgid "This text will be used as template if you want to send invitations to Participiants."
msgstr "Dieser Text wird als Vorlage benutzt, wenn die Teilnehmer eingeladen werden."
#: components/admin/pages/settings.php:93
msgid "Reinvitation text Template"
msgstr "Textvorlage für die wiederholte Einladung"
#: components/admin/pages/settings.php:95
msgid "This text will be used as template if you want to send reinvitations to Participiants."
msgstr "Dieser Text wird als Vorlage benutzt, wenn die Teilnehmer wieder eingeladen werden."
#: components/admin/pages/settings.php:102
msgid "From Name"
msgstr "Absendername"
#: components/admin/pages/settings.php:104
msgid "The Name which will be shown on Emails which are send out by Questions."
msgstr "Dieser Name wird als Absendername für ausgehende Emails genuzt."
#: components/admin/pages/settings.php:106
msgid "e.g. Michael Jackson"
msgstr "z.B. Michael Jackson"
#: components/admin/pages/settings.php:110
msgid "From Email"
msgstr "Absender-Email"
#: components/admin/pages/settings.php:112
msgid "The Email will be used for the reply of the emails, send out by questions."
msgstr "Diese Email-Adresse wird als Absender-Adresse für ausgehende Emails genuzt."
#: components/admin/pages/settings.php:114
msgid "e.g."
msgstr "z.B."
#: components/charts/class-chart-creator.php:101 components/elements/class-element.php:197
msgid "This is a Questions Survey Element."
msgstr "Dies ist ein Questions Umfrage-Element."
#: components/charts/component.php:43
msgid "Charts"
msgstr "Diagramme"
#: components/charts/component.php:44
msgid "Showing Charts in Questions."
msgstr "Anzeigen von Diagrammen in Questions"
#: components/charts/dimple/chart-creator.php:67
msgid "Answers"
msgstr "Antworten"
#: components/charts/dimple/chart-creator.php:68
msgid "Votes"
msgstr "Bewertungen"
#: components/charts/shortcodes.php:56
msgid "Please enter a survey id in the survey shortcode!"
msgstr "Bitte geben Sie die ID der Umfrage im Sportcode an."
#: components/charts/shortcodes.php:75
msgid "There are no results to show."
msgstr "Es gibt keine Ergebnisse zu zeigen."
#: components/charts/shortcodes.php:93
msgid "Please enter a question id in the survey shortcode!"
msgstr "Bitte geben Sie die ID der Frage im Sportcode an."
#: components/charts/shortcodes.php:118
msgid "Results Shortcode:"
msgstr "Ergebnis-Shortcode:"
#: components/charts/shortcodes.php:132
msgid "(CTRL+C and paste into post to embed question results in post)"
msgstr "(STRG +C und anschließend in Post einfügen um die Ergebnisse der Frage anzuzeigen)"
#: components/charts/shortcodes.php:133
msgid "Shortcode:"
msgstr "Shortcode:"
#: components/class-component.php:68
msgid "This is a Questions component."
msgstr "Das ist eine Questions Komponente."
#: components/core/component.php:39
msgid "Core"
msgstr "Kern"
#: components/core/component.php:40
msgid "Core functions of the Questions Plugin"
msgstr "Kernfunktionen des Question Plugins"
#: components/core/component.php:64
msgctxt "taxonomy general name"
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Kategorien"
#: components/core/component.php:65
msgctxt "taxonomy singular name"
msgid "Category"
msgstr "Kategorie"
#: components/core/component.php:66
msgid "Search Categories"
msgstr "Kategorien durchsuchen"
#: components/core/component.php:67
msgid "All Categories"
msgstr "Alle Kategorien"
#: components/core/component.php:68
msgid "Parent Category"
msgstr "Eltern-Kategorie"
#: components/core/component.php:69
msgid "Parent Category:"
msgstr "Eltern-Kategorie:"
#: components/core/component.php:70
msgid "Edit Category"
msgstr "Kategorie bearbeiten"
#: components/core/component.php:71
msgid "Update Category"
msgstr "Kategorie speichern"
#: components/core/component.php:72
msgid "Add New Category"
msgstr "Neue Kategorie hinzuf&uuml;gen"
#: components/core/component.php:73
msgid "New Category"
msgstr "Neue Kategorie"
#: components/core/component.php:89 components/core/shortcodes.php:47
msgid "Survey"
msgstr "Umfrage"
#: components/core/component.php:90
msgid "All Surveys"
msgstr "Alle Umfragen"
#: components/core/component.php:91 components/core/component.php:93
msgid "Add new Survey"
msgstr "Umfrage hinzuf&uuml;gen"
#: components/core/component.php:94
msgid "View Survey"
msgstr "Umfrage ansehen"
#: components/core/component.php:95
msgid "Search Survey"
msgstr "Umfrage suchen"
#: components/core/component.php:96 components/core/component.php:97
msgid "No Survey available"
msgstr "Keine Umfrage vorhanden"
#: components/core/export.php:57
msgid "No answers, no exports!"
msgstr "Keine Antworten, keine Exporte!"
#: components/core/export.php:59
#, php-format
msgid "<a href=\"%s\">Export Results</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"%s\">Ergebnisse Exportieren</a>"
#: components/core/form-process.php:95
msgid "There are open answers"
msgstr "Es gibt offene Antworten"
#: components/core/form-process.php:179
#, php-format
msgid "Step <span class=\"questions-highlight-number\">%d</span> of <span class=\"questions-highlight-number\">%s</span>"
msgstr "Schritt <span class=\"surveyval-highlight-number\">%d</span> von <span class=\"surveyval-highlight-number\">%s</span>"
#: components/core/form-process.php:202
msgid "Previous Step"
msgstr "Zur&uuml;ck"
#: components/core/form-process.php:208
msgid "Finish Survey"
msgstr "Umfrage abschlie&szlig;en"
#: components/core/form-process.php:212
msgid "Next Step"
msgstr "Weiter"
#: components/core/form-process.php:782
msgid "Thank you for participating this survey!"
msgstr "Danke f&uuml;r die Teilnahme an der Umfrage!"
#: components/core/form-process.php:808
msgid "You already have participated in this poll."
msgstr "Sie haben bereits an der Umfrage teilgenommen."
#: components/core/form-process.php:827
msgid "You have to be logged in to participate this survey."
msgstr "Sie m&uuml;ssen eigeloggt sein um an der Umfrage teilzunehmen."
#: components/core/form-process.php:842
msgid "You can't participate this survey."
msgstr "Du kannst an dieser Umfrage nicht teilnehmen."
#: components/core/form-process.php:857
msgid "This are the actual results:"
msgstr "Das sind die aktuellen Ergebnisse:"
#: components/core/responses.php:116
msgid "User ID"
msgstr "Nutzer ID"
#: components/core/responses.php:147
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Benutzername"
#: components/core/responses.php:180
msgid "Date/Time"
msgstr "Datum / Uhrzeit"
#: components/core/shortcodes.php:52
msgid "Please enter an id in the survey shortcode!"
msgstr "Bitte geb eine id im Umfragen-Shortcode an!"
#: components/core/shortcodes.php:57
msgid "Survey not found. Please enter another ID in your shortcode."
msgstr "Umfrage nicht gefunden. Bitte geben Sie eine andere ID im Sportcode an."
#: components/core/shortcodes.php:66
msgid "Survey Shortcode:"
msgstr "Umfrage-Shortcode:"
#: components/elements/base-elements/description.php:21 components/elements/base-elements/dropdown.php:63 components/elements/base-elements/multiplechoice.php:58 components/elements/base-elements/onechoice.php:56
#: components/elements/base-elements/text.php:39 components/elements/base-elements/textarea.php:40
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beschreibung"
#: components/elements/base-elements/description.php:22
msgid "Adds a text to the form."
msgstr "F&uuml;gt einen Text hinzu."
#: components/elements/base-elements/description.php:37
msgid "Text to show"
msgstr "Angezeigter Text"
#: components/elements/base-elements/description.php:39
msgid "The text which will be shown in the form."
msgstr "Dieser Text wird im Formular angezeigt."
#: components/elements/base-elements/dropdown.php:21
msgid "Dropdown"
msgstr "Dropdown"
#: components/elements/base-elements/dropdown.php:22
msgid "Add a question which can be answered within a dropdown field."
msgstr "Eine Frage hinzufügen, die mittels eines Dropdown Feldes beantwortet wird."
#: components/elements/base-elements/dropdown.php:42
msgid "Please select"
msgstr "Bitte w&auml;hlen"
#: components/elements/base-elements/dropdown.php:65 components/elements/base-elements/multiplechoice.php:60 components/elements/base-elements/onechoice.php:58 components/elements/base-elements/text.php:41
#: components/elements/base-elements/textarea.php:42
msgid "The description will be shown after the question."
msgstr "Die Beschreibung wird unter der Frage angezeigt."
#: components/elements/base-elements/dropdown.php:76 components/elements/base-elements/onechoice.php:69
msgid "Please select a value."
msgstr "Bitte w&auml;hlen Sie einen Wert"
#: components/elements/base-elements/multiplechoice.php:21
msgid "Multiple Choice"
msgstr "Mehrfach-Auswahl"
#: components/elements/base-elements/multiplechoice.php:23
msgid "Add a question which can be answered by selecting one ore more given answers."
msgstr "Eine Frage hinzuf&uuml;gen, die mit einer oder mehreren Werten beantwortet werden kann."
#: components/elements/base-elements/multiplechoice.php:64
msgid "Minimum Answers"
msgstr "Minimale Anzahl an Antworten"
#: components/elements/base-elements/multiplechoice.php:67
msgid "The minimum number of answers which have to be choosed."
msgstr "Die minimale Anzahl an Antworten, welche gew&auml;hlt werden kann."
#: components/elements/base-elements/multiplechoice.php:72
msgid "Maximum Answers"
msgstr "Maximale Anzahl an Antworten"
#: components/elements/base-elements/multiplechoice.php:75
msgid "The maximum number of answers which can be choosed."
msgstr "Die maximale Anzahl an Antworten, welche eingegeben werden kann."
#: components/elements/base-elements/multiplechoice.php:91
msgid "Too less choices."
msgstr "Zu wenig Angaben."
#: components/elements/base-elements/multiplechoice.php:92 components/elements/base-elements/multiplechoice.php:102
#, php-format
msgid "You have to choose between %d and %d answers."
msgstr "Sie m&uuml;ssen zwischen %d und %d Antworten ausw&auml;hlen."
#: components/elements/base-elements/multiplechoice.php:101
msgid "Too many choices."
msgstr "Zu viele Angaben."
#: components/elements/base-elements/onechoice.php:21
msgid "One Choice"
msgstr "Einfach-Anwort"
#: components/elements/base-elements/onechoice.php:23
msgid "Add a question which can be answered by selecting one of the given answers."
msgstr "Eine Frage hinzuf&uuml;gen, die mit einer oder mehreren Antworten beantwortet werden kann."
#: components/elements/base-elements/separator.php:21
msgid "Separator"
msgstr "Separator"
#: components/elements/base-elements/separator.php:22
msgid "Adds a optical separator (<hr>) between questions."
msgstr "F&uuml;gt einen optischen Trennet (<hr>) zwischen die Fragen ein."
#: components/elements/base-elements/separator.php:47
msgid "Headline"
msgstr "&Uuml;berschrift"
#: components/elements/base-elements/separator.php:49
msgid "Text which will be shown above the separator"
msgstr "Text der &uuml;her dem Separator angezeigt werden soll"
#: components/elements/base-elements/splitter.php:21
msgid "Split Form"
msgstr "Formular teilen"
#: components/elements/base-elements/splitter.php:22
msgid "Splits a form into several steps"
msgstr "Teilt eine Umfrage in mehrere Schritte"
#: components/elements/base-elements/text.php:21
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Text"
#: components/elements/base-elements/text.php:23
msgid "Add a question which can be answered within a text field."
msgstr "Eine Frage hinzufügen, die mittels eines Textfeldes beantwortet wird."
#: components/elements/base-elements/text.php:45 components/elements/base-elements/textarea.php:46
msgid "Minimum length"
msgstr "Minimale l&auml;nge"
#: components/elements/base-elements/text.php:47 components/elements/base-elements/textarea.php:48
msgid "The minimum number of chars which can be typed in."
msgstr "Die minimale Anzahl an Zeichen, welche eingegeben werden kann."
#: components/elements/base-elements/text.php:51 components/elements/base-elements/textarea.php:52
msgid "Maximum length"
msgstr "Maximale L&auml;nge"
#: components/elements/base-elements/text.php:53 components/elements/base-elements/textarea.php:54
msgid "The maximum number of chars which can be typed in."
msgstr "Die maximale Anzahl an Zeichen, welche eingegeben werden kann."
#: components/elements/base-elements/text.php:57
msgid "String Validation"
msgstr "Zeichen Validierung"
#: components/elements/base-elements/text.php:60
msgid "No validation"
msgstr "Keine Validierung"
#: components/elements/base-elements/text.php:61
msgid "Numbers"
msgstr "Ganze Zahlen"
#: components/elements/base-elements/text.php:62
msgid "Decimal Numbers"
msgstr "Dezimalzahlen"
#: components/elements/base-elements/text.php:63
msgid "Email-Address"
msgstr "Email-Adresse"
#: components/elements/base-elements/text.php:65
msgid "The will do a validation for the input."
msgstr "F&uuml;rt eine Validierung f&uuml;r die Eingabe durch."
#: components/elements/base-elements/text.php:82 components/elements/base-elements/textarea.php:86
msgid "The input ist too short."
msgstr "Der eingegebene Wert ist zu kurz."
#: components/elements/base-elements/text.php:84 components/elements/base-elements/text.php:95 components/elements/base-elements/textarea.php:88 components/elements/base-elements/textarea.php:99
#, php-format
msgid "It have to be at minimum %d and maximum %d chars."
msgstr "Bitte geben Sie zwischen %d und %d Zeichen ein."
#: components/elements/base-elements/text.php:94 components/elements/base-elements/textarea.php:98
msgid "The input is too long."
msgstr "Der eingegebene Wert ist zu lang."
#: components/elements/base-elements/text.php:108
msgid "Please input a number."
msgstr "Bitte geben Sie eine ganze Zahl ein."
#: components/elements/base-elements/text.php:120
msgid "Please input a decimal number."
msgstr "Bitte geben Sie eine Dezimalzahl ein."
#: components/elements/base-elements/text.php:128
msgid "Please input a valid Email-Address."
msgstr "Bitte geben Sie eine g&uuml;ltige Email-Adresse an."
#: components/elements/base-elements/textarea.php:21
msgid "Textarea"
msgstr "Textfeld"
#: components/elements/base-elements/textarea.php:23
msgid "Add a question which can be answered within a text area."
msgstr "Eine Frage hinzufügen, die mittels eines mehrzeiligen Textfeldes beantwortet wird."
#: components/elements/base-elements/textarea.php:58
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "Reihen"
#: components/elements/base-elements/textarea.php:61
msgid "Number of rows for typing in (can be overwritten by CSS)."
msgstr "Anzahl der Zeilen zur Eingabe (kann von CSS &uuml;berschrieben werden)."
#: components/elements/base-elements/textarea.php:66
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Spalten"
#: components/elements/base-elements/textarea.php:69
msgid "Number of columns for typing in (can be overwritten by CSS)."
msgstr "Anzahl der Spalten zur Eingabe (kann von CSS &uuml;berschrieben werden)."
#: components/elements/class-element.php:380
msgid "You don´t entered any answers. Please add some to display answers here."
msgstr "Es wurden keine Antwort vorgegeben. Bitte geben Sie Antworten an, welche hier ausgegeben werden."
#: components/elements/class-element.php:408
msgid "No HTML for Element given. Please check element sourcecode."
msgstr "Kein HTML f&uuml;r das Element angegeben. Bitte &uuml;berpr&uuml;fen Sie den Quellcode."
#: components/elements/class-element.php:485
msgid "Question"
msgstr "Frage"
#: components/elements/class-element.php:566
msgid "Answer/s:"
msgstr "Antwort/en:"
#: components/elements/class-element.php:686
msgid "Add Answer"
msgstr "Antwort hinzuf&uuml;gen"
#: components/elements/class-element.php:795
msgid "Delete element"
msgstr "Element l&ouml;schen"
#: components/elements/component.php:45
msgid "Base Elements to put into surveys"
msgstr "Basis Elemente, welche in einer Umfrage verwendet werden können"
#: functions.php:73
msgid ""
"Dear %username%,\n"
"thank you for participating on the survey \"%survey_title%\". Your survey data was saved successfully.\n"
"Best regards,\n"
msgstr ""
"Hallo %username%,\n"
"danke für die Teilnahme an der Umfrage \"%survey_title%\". Ihre eingegebenen Daten wurden erfolgreich gespeichert.\n"
"Viele Grüße,\n"
#: functions.php:89
msgid ""
"Dear %username%,\n"
"you have been invited to participate to the survey \"%survey_title%\". Participate here:\n"
"Best regards,\n"
msgstr ""
"Hallo %username%,\n"
"Sie wurden eingeladen, an der Umfrage \"%survey_title%\" teilzunehmen. Teilnehmen:\n"
"Viele Grüße,\n"
#: functions.php:107
msgid ""
"Dear %username%,\n"
"the survey \"%survey_title%\" is not finished yet. Please fill out and finish the survey. Participate here:\n"
"Best regards,\n"
msgstr ""
"Hallo %username%,\n"
"die Umfrage \"%survey_title%\" ist noch offen. Bitte füllen Sie die Umfrage aus. Teilnehmen:\n"
"Viele Grüße,\n"
#: functions.php:138
msgid "Thank you for participating!"
msgstr "Danke f&uuml;r die Teilnahme an der Umfrage!"
#: functions.php:146
msgid "You are invited to answer a survey"
msgstr "Sie sind eingeladen an der Umbrage teilzunehmen"
#: functions.php:154
msgid "Don´t forget to answer the Survey"
msgstr "Vergessen Sie nicht, die Umfrage zu beantworten"
#. Plugin Name of the plugin/theme
msgid "Questions"
msgstr "Questions"
#. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme
#. Author URI of the plugin/theme
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. Description of the plugin/theme
msgid "Drag & drop your survey/poll with the WordPress Questions plugin."
msgstr "Umfragen einfach per Drag&Drop mit dem Questions Plguin erstellen."
#. Author of the plugin/theme
msgid ""
msgstr ""