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2022-08-29 20:14:13 +02:00
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; under version 2
* of the License (non-upgradable).
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Copyright (c) 2002-2008 (original work) Public Research Centre Henri Tudor & University of Luxembourg (under the project TAO & TAO2);
* 2008-2010 (update and modification) Deutsche Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung (under the project TAO-TRANSFER);
* 2009-2012 (update and modification) Public Research Centre Henri Tudor (under the project TAO-SUSTAIN & TAO-DEV);
//load the AMD config
require(['config'], function(){
require(['jquery', 'spin', 'help', 'jqueryui', 'steps'], function($, Spinner, TaoInstall){
var mandatoryCount = 0;
var optionalCount = 0;
var install = window.install;
// Binding to API.
install.onNextable = function(){
.attr('disabled', false);
install.onUnnextable = function(){
.attr('disabled', true);
// Binding to DOM.
// What happens if you click 'Reload test'.
$('#redoForm').bind('click', function(event){
// What happens if you click on 'Proceed next step'.
$('form').bind('submit', function(event){
if (install.isNextable()){
return false;
// Feed install API help store.
// Backward management.
$('#install_seq li a').each(function(){
$(this).bind('click', onBackward);
function checkConfig(){
// Launch the configuration check procedure only if we can talk JSON
// with the server side.
install.sync(function(status, data){
if (data.value.json == true){
// Save useful information.
install.addData('root_url', data.value.rootURL);
install.addData('available_drivers', data.value.availableDrivers);
install.addData('available_languages', data.value.availableLanguages);
install.addData('available_timezones', data.value.availableTimezones);
install.addData('available_timezone_labels', data.value.availableTimezoneLabels);
// Empty existing reports.
var $list = $('#forms_check_content ul');
// set a spinner up.
var $target = $('<li id="loadingCheck"><label>Checking configuration. Please wait...</label></li>');
$('#forms_check_content ul').prepend($target);
var spinner = new Spinner(getSpinnerOptions('small')).spin($target[0]);
setTimeout(function(){ // Fake a small processing time... -> 500ms
install.checkConfiguration(null, function(status, data){
if (status == 200){
var $list = $('#forms_check_content ul');
// Stop spinner.
// Append new reports.
for (report in data.value){
var r = data.value[report];
if (r.value.status != 'valid'){
var optional = r.value.optional;
var kind = (optional == true) ? 'optional' : 'mandatory';
var message;
mandatoryCount += (r.value.optional == true) ? 0 : 1;
switch (r.type){
case 'PHPExtensionReport':
var name = r.value.name;
if (optional == true){
message = "PHP Extension '" + name + "' is not loaded on your web server but is optional to run TAO.";
message = "PHP Extension '" + name + "' is not loaded on your web server but is mandatory to run TAO.";
case 'PHPINIValueReport':
var expectedValue = r.value.expectedValue;
var value = r.value.value;
var name = r.value.name;
if (optional == true){
message = "PHP INI value '" + name + "' on your web server has not the expected value but is optional. Current value is '" + value + "' but should be '" + expectedValue + "'.";
message = "PHP INI value '" + name + "' on your web server has not the expected value but is mandatory. Current value is '" + value + "' but should be '" + expectedValue + "'.";
case 'FileSystemComponentReport':
var location = r.value.location;
var recursive = r.value.recursive;
var expectedRightsMessage = install.getExpectedRightsAsString(r.value.expectedRights);
var currentRightsMessage = install.getCurrentRightsAsString(r);
var nature = (r.value.isFile == true) ? 'file' : 'directory';
var recursiveMessage = (!r.value.isFile && recursive) ? ' (and all nested files) ' : '';
message = "The " + nature + recursiveMessage + " located at '" + location + "' on your web server should be " + expectedRightsMessage + " but is currently " + currentRightsMessage + ' only.';
message = r.value.message;
addReport(r.value.id, message, kind);
if (mandatoryCount === 0){
addReport('ready', 'Your web server meets TAO requirements.', 'ok', false, true);
$('li.tao-ok label').append('<img src="images/valide.png" />');
}, 500);
else {
// We cannot exchange data with the server side.
var msg = "PHP Extension 'json' could not be found on the server-side.";
addReport('json', msg, false);
function checkTAOForgeConnection(){
// Launch the configuration check procedure only if we can talk JSON
// with the server side.
install.sync(function(status, data){
if (data.value.json == true){
// set a spinner up.
var $target = $('<li id="connectionCheck"><label>Checking connection to TAO Forge. Please wait...</label></li>');
$('#forms_content ul#').prepend($target);
var spinner = new Spinner(getSpinnerOptions('small')).spin($target[0]);
setTimeout(function(){ // Fake a small processing time... -> 500ms
install.CheckTAOForgeConnection(null, function(status, data){
if (status == 200){
var $list = $('#forms_check_content ul');
// Stop spinner.
// Append new reports.
for (var report in data.value){
var r = data.value[report];
if (r.value.status != 'valid'){
var optional = r.value.optional;
var kind = (optional == true) ? 'optional' : 'mandatory';
var message;
mandatoryCount += (r.value.optional == true) ? 0 : 1;
switch (r.type){
case 'PHPExtensionReport':
var name = r.value.name;
if (optional == true){
message = "PHP Extension '" + name + "' is not loaded on your web server but is optional to run TAO.";
message = "PHP Extension '" + name + "' is not loaded on your web server but is mandatory to run TAO.";
case 'PHPINIValueReport':
var expectedValue = r.value.expectedValue;
var value = r.value.value;
var name = r.value.name;
if (optional == true){
message = "PHP INI value '" + name + "' on your web server has not the expected value but is optional. Current value is '" + value + "' but should be '" + expectedValue + "'.";
message = "PHP INI value '" + name + "' on your web server has not the expected value but is mandatory. Current value is '" + value + "' but should be '" + expectedValue + "'.";
case 'FileSystemComponentReport':
var location = r.value.location;
var expectedRightsMessage = install.getExpectedRightsAsString(r.value.expectedRights);
var currentRightsMessage = install.getCurrentRightsAsString(r);
var nature = (r.value.isFile == true) ? 'file' : 'directory';
message = "The " + nature + " located at '" + location + "' on your web server should be " + expectedRightsMessage + " but is currently " + currentRightsMessage + ' only.';
message = r.value.message;
addReport(r.value.id, message, kind);
if (mandatoryCount == 0){
addReport('ready', 'Your web server meets TAO requirements.', 'ok', false, true);
$('li.tao-ok label').append('<img src="images/valide.png" />');
}, 500);
else {
// We cannot exchange data with the server side.
var msg = "PHP Extension 'json' could not be found on the server-side.";
addReport('json', msg, false);
function addReport(name, message, kind, prepend, noHelp){
prepend = (typeof(prepend) != 'undefined') ? prepend : false;
noHelp = (typeof(noHelp) != 'undefined') ? noHelp : false;
var $list = $('#forms_check_content ul');
var $input = $('<li/>').addClass('tao-input');
$input.attr('id', 'input_' + name);
$input.addClass('tao-' + kind);
$label = $('<label/>').text(message);
$input[0].isValid = function(){ return $(this).hasClass('tao-optional') || $(this).hasClass('tao-ok'); };
if (!noHelp){
$help = $('<div title="learn more on this topic" class="icons ui-state-default ui-corner-all"></div>');
$icon = $('<a id="hlp_' + name + '" class="ui-icon ui-icon-help"></a>');
$icon.bind('click', function(event){
if (prepend == false){
function displayLegend(){
if (mandatoryCount > 0) {
$('#formComment').append('<p id="explMandatory">Mandatory component</p>');
if (optionalCount > 0) {
$('#formComment').append('<p id="explOptional">Optional component</p>');
function initHelp(){
install.addHelp('hlp_tao_php_runtime', 'Please install a suitable version of PHP on your web server to run TAO properly.');
install.addHelp('hlp_tao_extension_curl', 'PHP supports libcurl, a library created by Daniel Stenberg, that allows you to connect and communicate to many different types of servers with many different types of protocols. It is used by TAO to request resource files on the World Wide Web.');
install.addHelp('hlp_tao_extension_zip', 'This extension enables you to transparently read or write ZIP compressed archives and the files inside them. TAO uses this extension to read/write import/export packages');
install.addHelp('hlp_tao_extension_json', 'This PHP extension implements the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data-interchange format. It is used by various TAO extensions to enable web browsers to exchange data with the web server.');
install.addHelp('hlp_tao_extension_spl', 'SPL is a collection of interfaces and classes that are meant to solve standard problems. TAO require these standard classes to run correctly.');
install.addHelp('hlp_tao_extension_dom', 'The DOM extension allows you to operate on XML documents through the DOM API with PHP 5. TAO heavily uses XML to describe contents.');
install.addHelp('hlp_tao_extension_mbstring', 'mbstring provides multibyte specific string functions that help you deal with multibyte encodings in PHP. As a cross-cultural application, TAO uses multibyte string to provide various symbols.');
install.addHelp('hlp_tao_extension_svn', 'This extension implements PHP bindings for Subversion (SVN), a version control system, allowing PHP scripts to communicate with SVN repositories and working copies without direct command line calls to the svn executable. TAO uses SVN to version files. This feature is optional and for advanced users.');
install.addHelp('hlp_tao_extension_suhosin', 'Suhosin is an advanced protection system for PHP installations. It was designed to protect servers and users from known and unknown flaws in PHP applications and the PHP core. The TAO team recommends the use of this extension for a safer PHP experience. Be sure that INI values for <em>suhosin.post.max_name_length</em> and <em>suhosin.request.max_varname_length</em> are set to <em>128.</em>');
install.addHelp('hlp_taoItems_extension_tidy', 'Tidy is a binding for the Tidy HTML clean and repair utility which allows you to not only clean and otherwise manipulate HTML documents, but also traverse the document tree.');
install.addHelp('hlp_filemanager_extension_gd', 'PHP is not limited to creating just HTML output. It can also be used to create and manipulate image files in a variety of different image formats, including GIF, PNG, JPEG, WBMP, and XPM. Even more convenient, PHP can output image streams directly to a browser.');
install.addHelp('hlp_tao_ini_magic_quotes_gpc', 'Magic Quotes is a process that automagically escapes incoming data to the PHP script. The value expected by TAO for this INI parameter is <em>Off</em>. If you are running PHP 5.3 make sure this php directive has been set to Off explicitely');
install.addHelp('hlp_tao_ini_register_globals', 'When on, register_globals will inject your scripts with all sorts of variables, like request variables from HTML forms. This coupled with the fact that PHP doesn\'t require variable initialization means writing insecure code is that much easier. For obvious security reasons, TAO requires this parameter to be set to <em>Off</em>.');
install.addHelp('hlp_tao_ini_short_open_tag', 'Tells PHP whether the short form (<? ?>) of PHP\'s open tag should be allowed. The value of the <em>short_open_tag</em> INI parameter must be set to <em>On</em>.');
install.addHelp('hlp_tao_ini_safe_mode', 'The safe_mode parameter value in your php.ini file should be Off. The safe_mode is deprecated in PHP since version 5.3.');
install.addHelp('hlp_tao_ini_suhosin_post_max_name_length', 'Make sure that your php.ini file contains an entry for suhosin.post.max_name_length and that its value is equal to 128.');
install.addHelp('hlp_tao_ini_suhosin_request_max_varname_length', 'Make sure that your php.ini file contains an entry for suhosin.request.max_varname_length and that its value is equal to 128.');
install.addHelp('hlp_tao_custom_mod_rewrite', 'The mod_rewrite module uses a rule-based rewriting engine, based on a PCRE regular-expression parser, to rewrite requested URLs on the fly. It must be enabled to make TAO running properly.');
install.addHelp('hlp_tao_custom_not_nginx', 'Since Nginx does not come with support for per directory rewrite rules, the rewrite rules will have to be specified in the server config. Please see http://forge.taotesting.com/projects/tao/wiki/Nginx for further help.');
install.addHelp('hlp_tao_custom_allowoverride', 'Not having the AllowOverride directive properly set will prevent TAO from running after the installation is complete.<br/><br/>You may ignore such warning if TAO is installed in a subdirectory of your server name (e.g. http://myservername/tao/) with this directive set to \'All\'.');
install.addHelp('hlp_tao_extension_opcache', 'OPcache improves PHP performance by storing precompiled script bytecode in shared memory, thereby removing the need for PHP to load and parse scripts on each request <br/> http://php.net/manual/en/book.opcache.php');
install.addHelp('hlp_tao_ini_opcache_load_comments', 'If disabled, documentation comments won\'t be loaded from the opcode cache even if they exist.');
install.addHelp('hlp_tao_ini_opcache_save_comments', 'If disabled, all documentation comments will be discarded from the opcode cache to reduce the size of the optimised code. Disabling this configuration directive will break application');
install.addHelp('hlp_tao_custom_database_drivers', 'Database drivers supported by the TAO platform are MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server and Oracle.');
install.addHelp('hlp_tao_fs_root', 'The root directory of your installation must be readable and writable by the user running your web server.');
install.addHelp('hlp_fs_generis_data_cache', "The '/generis/data/cache' directory of your installation must be readable and writable by the user running your web server.");
install.addHelp('hlp_fs_generis_data_servicePublic', "The '/generis/data/servicePublic' directory of your installation must be readable and writable by the user running your web server.");
install.addHelp('hlp_fs_generis_data_servicePrivate', "The '/generis/data/servicePrivate' directory of your installation must be readable and writable by the user running your web server.");
install.addHelp('hlp_fs_generis_data_serviceState', "The '/generis/data/serviceState' directory of your installation must be readable and writable by the user running your web server.");
install.addHelp('hlp_fs_generis_common', "The '/generis/common' directory of your installation must be readable and writable by the user running your web server.");
install.addHelp('hlp_fs_generis_common_conf', "The '/config' directory of your installation must be readable and writable by the user running your web server.");
install.addHelp('hlp_fs_filemanager_views_data', "The 'filemanager/views/data' directory of your installation must be readable and writable by the user running your web server.");
install.addHelp('hlp_fs_filemanager_includes', "The 'filemanager/includes/' directory of your installation must be readable by the user running your web server.");
install.addHelp('hlp_fs_tao', "The '/tao' directory of your installation must be readable and writable by the user running your web server.");
install.addHelp('hlp_fs_tao_views_export', "The '/tao/views/export' directory of your installation must be readable and writable by the user running your web server.");
install.addHelp('hlp_fs_tao_data_cache', "The 'tao/data/cache' directory of your installation must be readable and writable by the user running your web server.");
install.addHelp('hlp_fs_tao_update_patches', "The 'tao/update/patches' directory of your installation must be readable and writable by the user running your web server.");
install.addHelp('hlp_fs_tao_locales', "The 'tao/locales' directory of your installation must be readable by the user running your web server.");
install.addHelp('hlp_fs_tao_data_cache', "The 'tao/data/cache' directory of your installation must be readable and writable by the user running your web server.");
install.addHelp('hlp_fs_tao_data_upload', "The 'tao/data/upload' directory of your installation must be readable and writable by the user running your web server.");
install.addHelp('hlp_fs_taoItems_data', "The 'taoItems/data/itemdata' directory of your installation must be readable and writable by the user running your web server.");
install.addHelp('hlp_fs_taoQtiTest_data_testdata', "The 'taoQtiTest/data/testdata' directory of your installation must be readable and writable by the user running your web server.");
install.addHelp('hlp_fs_taoItems_includes', "The 'taoItems/includes' directory of your installation must be readable by the user running your web server.");
install.addHelp('hlp_fs_taoItems_views_export', "The 'taoItems/views/export' directory of your installation must be readable and writable by the user running your web server.");
install.addHelp('hlp_fs_taoDelivery_includes', "The 'taoDelivery/includes' directory of your installation must be readable by the user running your web server.");
install.addHelp('hlp_fs_taoGroups_includes', "The 'taoGroups/includes' directory of your installation must be readable by the user running your web server.");
install.addHelp('hlp_fs_taoTestTaker_includes', "The 'taoTestTaker/includes' directory of your installation must be readable by the user running your web server.");
install.addHelp('hlp_fs_taoTests_includes', "The 'taoTests/includes' directory of your installation must be readable by the user running your web server.");
install.addHelp('hlp_fs_taoResults_includes', "The 'taoResults/includes' directory of your installation must be readable by the user running your web server.");
install.addHelp('hlp_fs_taoResults_views_genpics', "The 'taoResults/views/genpics' directory of your installation must be readable and writable by the user running your web server.");
install.addHelp('hlp_fs_wfEngine_includes', "The 'wfEngine/includes' directory of your installation must be readable by the user running your web server.");
install.addHelp('hlp_taoQtiItem_custom_mathjax', 'The procedure to install MathJax on your TAO Platform can be found on the <a href="http://forge.taotesting.com/projects/tao/wiki/Enable_math" target="_blank">TAO Wiki</a>.');
install.addHelp('hlp_taoForge_connection', 'The installer could not reach TAO Forge, and registration or link to your support account won\'t be possible');
install.addHelp('hlp_tao_extension_php_finfo', 'The functions in this module try to guess the content type and encoding of a file by looking for certain magic byte sequences at specific positions within the file.<br>http://php.net/manual/en/book.fileinfo.php');