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2022-08-29 20:14:13 +02:00
* This is an extension of http://refreshless.com/nouislider/ which means all documentation
* on $.noUiSlider applies to this one too.
* On top of that it adds responsive markers with or without labels to the slider.
* Arguments for the extension can either be added to the configuration object of $.noUiSlider
* or be passed with data attributes.
* options.stepPosition || slider.data('step-position')
* where to place the markers, valid values are
* - before (above or left depending on orientation)
* - after (below or right depending on orientation)
* -when using the data - attribute no value is also accepted
* stepPosition defaults to 'after'
* Essentially it adds a homonymous CSS class to the marker container.
* options.labels || slider.data('step-labels')
* whether you want text on the markers or not, valid values are
* - true
* - '%smm', a super primitive sprintf() that results in '10mm' or whatever text you use
* - in the case of data-attribute no value is also accepted
* Examples:
* <div class="slider" data-step-position="before" data-step-labels></div>
* <div class="slider" data-step-labels></div>
* <div class="slider" data-step-labels="%s%"></div>
* @requires $.noUiSlider
define(['jquery', 'lodash', 'nouislider'], function($, _) {
$.fn.labeledSlider = function(options) {
options = options || {};
this.each(function() {
var slider = $(this);
if (!options.step || !options.range) {
return false;
var stepPosition = options.stepPosition || slider.data('step-position') || '';
var labels = options.labels || slider.data('step-labels');
// does it have labels?
var hasLabels = (function() {
return _.isString(labels)
// continue if no markers are required
if(!hasLabels) {
return true;
// where should the the markers be placed?
var markerPosition = (function(stepPosition, labels) {
// 1. position not set but indicated by labels
// default to after
if (!stepPosition && _.isString(labels)) {
stepPosition = 'after';
// 2. position given but no value
// default to after
if (stepPosition === '') {
stepPosition = 'after';
// test validity of value, must be either before|after
if (_.contains(['before', 'after'], stepPosition)) {
return stepPosition;
throw ('Invalid value ' + stepPosition + ' for options.stepPosition');
}(stepPosition, labels));
if (!markerPosition) {
return false;
var sizeFn = (function() {
var fn = {
horizontal: {
key: 'width',
outer: 'outerWidth'
vertical: {
key: 'height',
outer: 'outerHeight'
return fn[(options.orientation || 'horizontal')];
var excessSize = 0;
var wrapper, spans;
var markers = (function(format) {
format = format || '%s';
var max = options.range.max + options.step,
markerSize = 100 / (((options.range.max - options.range.min) / options.step) + 1).toString() + '%',
unitProps = {},
boxProps = {};
boxProps['class'] = 'step-marker clearfix ' + markerPosition;
// horizontal
if (sizeFn['key'] === 'width') {
excessSize = ((slider[sizeFn['outer']]() * 100 / slider[sizeFn['key']]()) + (options.step * 100 / (options.range.max - options.range.min)) - 100);
boxProps.width = (100 + excessSize).toString() + '%';
// vertical
else {
excessSize = (slider[sizeFn['outer']]() / options.step) * 2;
boxProps.height = slider.outerHeight() + excessSize + 'px';
var markers = $('<div/>', boxProps);
for (i = options.range.min; i < max; i += options.step) {
unitProps.html = (hasLabels ? format.replace('%s', i.toString()) : '');
unitProps[sizeFn['key']] = markerSize;
markers.append($('<span>', unitProps));
return markers;
// horizontal
if (sizeFn['key'] === 'width') {
left: (excessSize / -2).toString() + '%'
// vertical
else {
wrapper = (function(){
slider.wrap('<div class="noUi-vertical-wrapper">');
return slider.parent();
spans = markers.find('span');
top: (excessSize / -2)
spans.css('line-height', spans.height() + 'px');
return this;