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2022-08-29 20:14:13 +02:00
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; under version 2
* of the License (non-upgradable).
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Copyright (c) 2014 (original work) Open Assessment Technologies SA (under the project TAO-PRODUCT);
namespace oat\taoQtiTest\models;
use oat\generis\Helper\SystemHelper;
use oat\taoQtiItem\model\qti\Resource;
use qtism\data\storage\xml\XmlDocument;
use oat\oatbox\filesystem\FileSystemService;
use oat\oatbox\filesystem\Directory;
use qtism\data\AssessmentTest;
use oat\oatbox\service\ConfigurableService;
* Miscellaneous utility methods for the QtiTest extension.
* Service created from \taoQtiTest_helpers_Utils static helper class
* @author Jérôme Bogaerts <jerome@taotesting.com>
class QtiTestUtils extends ConfigurableService
const SERVICE_ID = 'taoQtiTest/QtiTestUtils';
* Store a file referenced by $qtiResource into the final $testContent folder. If the path provided
* by $qtiResource contains sub-directories, they will be created before copying the file (even
* if $copy = false).
* @param Directory $testContent The pointer to the TAO Test Content folder.
* @param \oat\taoQtiItem\model\qti\Resource|string $qtiResource The QTI resource to be copied into $testContent. If given as a string, it must be the relative (to the IMS QTI Package) path to the resource file.
* @param string $origin The path to the directory (root folder of extracted IMS QTI package) containing the QTI resource to be copied.
* @param boolean $copy If set to false, the file will not be actually copied.
* @param string $rename A new filename e.g. 'file.css' to be used at storage time.
* @return string The path were the file was copied/has to be copied (depending on the $copy argument).
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If one of the above arguments is invalid.
* @throws \common_Exception
public function storeQtiResource(Directory $testContent, $qtiResource, $origin, $copy = true, $rename = '')
$fss = $this->getServiceLocator()->get(FileSystemService::SERVICE_ID);
$fs = $fss->getFileSystem($testContent->getFileSystem()->getId());
$contentPath = $testContent->getPrefix();
$contentPath = rtrim($contentPath, $ds);
if ($qtiResource instanceof Resource) {
$filePath = $qtiResource->getFile();
} elseif (is_string($qtiResource) === true) {
$filePath = $qtiResource;
} else {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The 'qtiResource' argument must be a string or a taoQTI_models_classes_QTI_Resource object.");
$resourcePathinfo = pathinfo($filePath);
if (empty($resourcePathinfo['dirname']) === false && $resourcePathinfo['dirname'] !== '.') {
// The resource file is not at the root of the archive but in a sub-folder.
// Let's copy it in the same way into the Test Content folder.
$breadCrumb = $contentPath . $ds . str_replace('/', $ds, $resourcePathinfo['dirname']);
$breadCrumb = rtrim($breadCrumb, $ds);
$finalName = (empty($rename) === true) ? ($resourcePathinfo['filename'] . '.' . $resourcePathinfo['extension']) : $rename;
$finalPath = $breadCrumb . $ds . $finalName;
} else {
// The resource file is at the root of the archive.
// Overwrite template test.xml (created by self::createContent() method above) file with the new one.
$finalName = (empty($rename) === true) ? ($resourcePathinfo['filename'] . '.' . $resourcePathinfo['extension']) : $rename;
$finalPath = $contentPath . $ds . $finalName;
if ($copy === true) {
$origin = str_replace('/', $ds, $origin);
$origin = rtrim($origin, $ds);
$sourcePath = $origin . $ds . str_replace('/', $ds, $filePath);
if (is_readable($sourcePath) === false) {
throw new \common_Exception("An error occured while copying the QTI resource from '${sourcePath}' to '${finalPath}'.");
$fh = fopen($sourcePath, 'r');
$success = $fs->writeStream($finalPath, $fh);
if (!$success) {
throw new \common_Exception("An error occured while copying the QTI resource from '${sourcePath}' to '${finalPath}'.");
return $finalPath;
* Returns an empty IMS Manifest file as a DOMDocument, ready to be fill with
* new information about IMS QTI Items and Tests.
* @param $version string The requested QTI version. Can be "2.1" or "2.2". Default is "2.1".
* @return \DOMDocument
public function emptyImsManifest($version = '2.1')
$manifestFileName = ($version === '2.1') ? 'imsmanifest' : 'imsmanifestQti22';
$templateRenderer = new \taoItems_models_classes_TemplateRenderer(ROOT_PATH . 'taoQtiItem/model/qti/templates/' . $manifestFileName . '.tpl.php', [
'qtiItems' => [],
'manifestIdentifier' => 'QTI-TEST-MANIFEST-' . \tao_helpers_Display::textCleaner(uniqid('tao', true), '-')
$manifest = new \DOMDocument('1.0', TAO_DEFAULT_ENCODING);
return $manifest;
* It is sometimes necessary to identify the link between assessmentItemRefs described in a QTI Test definition and the resources
* describing items in IMS Manifest file. This utility method helps you to achieve this.
* The method will return an array describing the IMS Manifest resources that were found in an IMS Manifest file on basis of
* the assessmentItemRefs found in an AssessmentTest definition. The keys of the arrays are assessmentItemRef identifiers and
* values are IMS Manifest Resources.
* If an IMS Manifest Resource cannot be found for a given assessmentItemRef, the value in the returned array will be false.
* @param XmlDocument $test A QTI Test Definition.
* @param \taoQtiTest_models_classes_ManifestParser $manifestParser A Manifest Parser.
* @param string $basePath The base path of the folder the IMS archive is exposed as a file system component.
* @return array An array containing two arrays (items and dependencies) where keys are identifiers and values are oat\taoQtiItem\model\qti\Resource objects or false.
public function buildAssessmentItemRefsTestMap(XmlDocument $test, \taoQtiTest_models_classes_ManifestParser $manifestParser, $basePath)
$assessmentItemRefs = $test->getDocumentComponent()->getComponentsByClassName('assessmentItemRef');
$map = ['items' => [], 'dependencies' => []];
$itemResources = $manifestParser->getResources(Resource::getItemTypes(), \taoQtiTest_models_classes_ManifestParser::FILTER_RESOURCE_TYPE);
$allResources = $manifestParser->getResources();
// cleanup $basePath.
$basePath = rtrim($basePath, "/\\");
$basePath = \helpers_File::truePath($basePath);
$documentURI = preg_replace("/^file:\/{1,3}/", '', $test->getDomDocument()->documentURI);
$testPathInfo = pathinfo($documentURI);
$testBasePath = \tao_helpers_File::truePath($testPathInfo['dirname']) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
foreach ($assessmentItemRefs as $itemRef) {
// Find the QTI Resource (in IMS Manifest) related to the item ref.
// To achieve this, we compare their path.
$itemRefRelativeHref = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $itemRef->getHref());
$itemRefRelativeHref = ltrim($itemRefRelativeHref, "/\\");
$itemRefCanonicalHref = \helpers_File::truePath($testBasePath . $itemRefRelativeHref);
$map['items'][$itemRef->getIdentifier()] = false;
// Compare with items referenced in the manifest.
foreach ($itemResources as $itemResource) {
$itemResourceRelativeHref = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $itemResource->getFile());
$itemResourceRelativeHref = ltrim($itemResourceRelativeHref, "/\\");
$itemResourceCanonicalHref = \helpers_File::truePath($basePath . $itemResourceRelativeHref);
// With some Windows flavours (Win7, Win8), the $itemRefCanonicalHref comes out with
// a leading 'file:\' component. Let's clean this. (str_replace is binary-safe \0/)
$os = SystemHelper::getOperatingSystem();
if ($os === 'WINNT' || $os === 'WIN32' || $os === 'Windows') {
$itemRefCanonicalHref = str_replace('file:\\', '', $itemRefCanonicalHref);
// And moreover, it sometimes refer the temp directory as Windows\TEMP instead of Windows\Temp.
$itemRefCanonicalHref = str_replace('\\TEMP\\', '\\Temp\\', $itemRefCanonicalHref);
$itemResourceCanonicalHref = str_replace('\\TEMP\\', '\\Temp\\', $itemResourceCanonicalHref);
// With some MacOS flavours, the $itemRefCanonicalHref comes out with
// a leading '/private' component. Clean it!
if ($os === 'Darwin') {
$itemRefCanonicalHref = str_replace('/private', '', $itemRefCanonicalHref);
if ($itemResourceCanonicalHref == $itemRefCanonicalHref && is_file($itemResourceCanonicalHref)) {
// assessmentItemRef <-> IMS Manifest resource successful binding!
$map['items'][$itemRef->getIdentifier()] = $itemResource;
//get dependencies for each item
foreach ($itemResource->getDependencies() as $dependencyIdentifier) {
/** @var \taoQtiTest_models_classes_QtiResource $resource */
foreach ($allResources as $resource) {
if ($dependencyIdentifier == $resource->getIdentifier()) {
$map['dependencies'][$dependencyIdentifier] = $resource;
return $map;
* Retrieve the Test Definition the test session is built from as an AssessmentTest object.
* @param string $qtiTestCompilation (e.g. <i>'http://sample/first.rdf#i14363448108243883-|http://sample/first.rdf#i14363448109065884+'</i>)
* @return AssessmentTest The AssessmentTest object the current test session is built from.
* @throws QtiTestExtractionFailedException
public function getTestDefinition($qtiTestCompilation)
try {
$directoryIds = explode('|', $qtiTestCompilation);
$directory = \tao_models_classes_service_FileStorage::singleton()->getDirectoryById($directoryIds[0]);
$compilationDataService = $this->getServiceLocator()->get(CompilationDataService::SERVICE_ID);
return $compilationDataService->readCompilationData(
} catch (\common_exception_FileReadFailedException $e) {
throw new QtiTestExtractionFailedException($e->getMessage());