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* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; under version 2
* of the License (non-upgradable).
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Copyright (c) 2013 (original work) Open Assessment Technologies SA (under the project TAO-PRODUCT);
* This helper aims at providing utility methods to render
* reports into HTML.
* @author Jérôme Bogaerts <jerome@taotesting.com>
class tao_helpers_report_Rendering
* Render a common_report_Report object into an HTML string output.
* @param common_report_Report $report A report to be rendered
* @return string The HTML rendering.
public static function render(common_report_Report $report)
$stack = new SplStack();
$renderingStack = new SplStack();
$traversed = [];
$nesting = 0;
while ($stack->count() > 0) {
$current = $stack->pop();
if (in_array($current, $traversed, true) === false && $current->hasChildren() === true) {
// -- Hierarchical report, 1st pass (descending).
// Repush report for a 2ndpass.
// Tag as already traversed.
$traversed[] = $current;
// Push the children for a 1st pass.
foreach ($current as $child) {
} elseif (in_array($current, $traversed, true) === true && $current->hasChildren() === true) {
// -- Hierachical report, 2nd pass (ascending).
// Get the nested renderings of the current report.
$children = [];
foreach ($current as $child) {
$children[] = $renderingStack->pop();
$renderingStack->push(self::renderReport($current, $children, $nesting));
} else {
// -- Leaf report, 1st & single pass.
$renderingStack->push(self::renderReport($current, [], $nesting, true));
return $renderingStack->pop();
* Contains the logic to render a report and its children.
* @param common_report_Report $report A report to be rendered.
* @param array $childRenderedReports An array of strings containing the separate rendering of $report's child reports.
* @param integer $nesting The current nesting level (root = 0).
* @return string The HTML output of $report.
private static function renderReport(common_report_Report $report, array $childRenderedReports = [], $nesting = 0, $leaf = false)
switch ($report->getType()) {
case common_report_Report::TYPE_SUCCESS:
$typeClass = 'success';
case common_report_Report::TYPE_WARNING:
$typeClass = 'warning';
case common_report_Report::TYPE_ERROR:
$typeClass = 'error';
$typeClass = 'info';
$openingTag = '<div class="feedback-' . $typeClass . ' feedback-nesting-' . $nesting . ' ' . (($leaf === true) ? 'leaf' : 'hierarchical') . ' tao-scope">';
$leafIcon = ($leaf === true) ? ' leaf-icon' : ' hierarchical-icon';
$icon = '<span class="icon-' . $typeClass . $leafIcon . '"></span>';
$message = nl2br(_dh($report->__toString()));
$endingTag = '</div>';
$okButton = '<p><button id="import-continue" class="btn-info"><span class="icon-right"></span>' . __("Continue") . '</button></p>';
// Put all the children renderings together.
$content = implode('', $childRenderedReports);
return $openingTag . $icon . $message . $content . (($nesting != 0) ? '' : $okButton) . $endingTag;
* Contains the logic to render a report and its children to the command line
* @deprecated
* @param common_report_Report $report A report to be rendered.
* @param integer $intend the intend of the message.
* @return string The command line output of $report.
public static function renderToCommandline(common_report_Report $report, $intend = 0)
return helpers_Report::renderToCommandLine($report, helpers_Report::AUTOSENSE, $intend);