
100 lines
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* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; under version 2
* of the License (non-upgradable).
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Copyright (c) 2017 (original work) Open Assessment Technologies SA;
* This script aims at generating client-side translation bundles while
* TAO is not installed yet. It creates a translation bundle per locale
* found accross the code base.
* An optional argument 'p' can be given to the script in order to indicate
* the path to the root of your TAO platform. In case of 'p' is not given,
* the current directory is used.
* An optional argument 'v' enables verbose mode.
* Example usage #1 (current directory is the root of the TAO platform):
* cd /path/to/tao
* sudo -u www-data php tao/scripts/tools/GenerateTranslationBundles.php -v
* Example usage #2 (current directory is NOT the root of the TAO platform):
* sudo -u www-data php tao/scripts/tools/GenerateTranslationBundles.php -v -p /path/to/tao
require(__DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php');
$options = getopt('p:v');
$path = (!isset($options['p'])) ? realpath(getcwd()) : realpath($options['p']);
$verbose = isset($options['v']);
$extensions = [];
$locales = [];
// Check final destination is readable.
if (!is_writable("${path}/tao/views/locales") || !is_dir("${path}/tao/views/locales")) {
fwrite(STDERR, "Final destination path 'tao/views/locales' is not writable.\n");
// Scan extensions to find out all locales.
foreach (array_filter(glob("${path}/*"), 'is_dir') as $dir) {
if (is_readable("${dir}/manifest.php")) {
// This is an extension.
$extensionId = basename($dir);
$extensions[] = $extensionId;
if (is_readable("${dir}/locales") && is_dir("${dir}/locales")) {
// We have a locales directory. Let's retrieve locales we don't know yet.
foreach (array_filter(glob("${dir}/locales/*"), 'is_dir') as $localeDir) {
$locale = basename($localeDir);
$newLocale = !in_array($locale, $locales);
if ($newLocale) {
$locales[] = $locale;
if ($verbose) {
fwrite(STDOUT, "Locale '${locale}' found.\n");
} elseif ($verbose) {
fwrite(STDOUT, "Extension '${extensionId}' has no locales.\n");
// Generate Translation Bundles.
$count = 0;
foreach ($locales as $locale) {
$translationBundle = new oat\tao\helpers\translation\TranslationBundle($locale, $extensions, $path);
$bundleFile = $translationBundle->generateTo("${path}/tao/views/locales");
if ($bundleFile !== false) {
if ($verbose) {
fwrite(STDOUT, "Translation Bundle for locale '${locale}' written to '${bundleFile}'.\n");
} else {
fwrite(STDERR, "Translation Bundle for locale '${locale}' could not be created.\n");
if ($verbose) {
fwrite(STDOUT, "${count} Translation Bundles created.\n");