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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

* interact.js v1.2.6
* Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Taye Adeyemi <dev@taye.me>
* Open source under the MIT License.
* https://raw.github.com/taye/interact.js/master/LICENSE
(function (realWindow) {
'use strict';
// return early if there's no window to work with (eg. Node.js)
if (!realWindow) { return; }
var // get wrapped window if using Shadow DOM polyfill
window = (function () {
// create a TextNode
var el = realWindow.document.createTextNode('');
// check if it's wrapped by a polyfill
if (el.ownerDocument !== realWindow.document
&& typeof realWindow.wrap === 'function'
&& realWindow.wrap(el) === el) {
// return wrapped window
return realWindow.wrap(realWindow);
// no Shadow DOM polyfil or native implementation
return realWindow;
document = window.document,
DocumentFragment = window.DocumentFragment || blank,
SVGElement = window.SVGElement || blank,
SVGSVGElement = window.SVGSVGElement || blank,
SVGElementInstance = window.SVGElementInstance || blank,
HTMLElement = window.HTMLElement || window.Element,
PointerEvent = (window.PointerEvent || window.MSPointerEvent),
hypot = Math.hypot || function (x, y) { return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); },
tmpXY = {}, // reduce object creation in getXY()
documents = [], // all documents being listened to
interactables = [], // all set interactables
interactions = [], // all interactions
dynamicDrop = false,
// {
// type: {
// selectors: ['selector', ...],
// contexts : [document, ...],
// listeners: [[listener, useCapture], ...]
// }
// }
delegatedEvents = {},
defaultOptions = {
base: {
accept : null,
actionChecker : null,
styleCursor : true,
preventDefault: 'auto',
origin : { x: 0, y: 0 },
deltaSource : 'page',
allowFrom : null,
ignoreFrom : null,
_context : document,
dropChecker : null
drag: {
enabled: false,
manualStart: true,
max: Infinity,
maxPerElement: 1,
snap: null,
restrict: null,
inertia: null,
autoScroll: null,
axis: 'xy'
drop: {
enabled: false,
accept: null,
overlap: 'pointer'
resize: {
enabled: false,
manualStart: false,
max: Infinity,
maxPerElement: 1,
snap: null,
restrict: null,
inertia: null,
autoScroll: null,
square: false,
preserveAspectRatio: false,
axis: 'xy',
// use default margin
margin: NaN,
// object with props left, right, top, bottom which are
// true/false values to resize when the pointer is over that edge,
// CSS selectors to match the handles for each direction
// or the Elements for each handle
edges: null,
// a value of 'none' will limit the resize rect to a minimum of 0x0
// 'negate' will alow the rect to have negative width/height
// 'reposition' will keep the width/height positive by swapping
// the top and bottom edges and/or swapping the left and right edges
invert: 'none'
gesture: {
manualStart: false,
enabled: false,
max: Infinity,
maxPerElement: 1,
restrict: null
perAction: {
manualStart: false,
max: Infinity,
maxPerElement: 1,
snap: {
enabled : false,
endOnly : false,
range : Infinity,
targets : null,
offsets : null,
relativePoints: null
restrict: {
enabled: false,
endOnly: false
autoScroll: {
enabled : false,
container : null, // the item that is scrolled (Window or HTMLElement)
margin : 60,
speed : 300 // the scroll speed in pixels per second
inertia: {
enabled : false,
resistance : 10, // the lambda in exponential decay
minSpeed : 100, // target speed must be above this for inertia to start
endSpeed : 10, // the speed at which inertia is slow enough to stop
allowResume : true, // allow resuming an action in inertia phase
zeroResumeDelta : true, // if an action is resumed after launch, set dx/dy to 0
smoothEndDuration: 300 // animate to snap/restrict endOnly if there's no inertia
_holdDuration: 600
// Things related to autoScroll
autoScroll = {
interaction: null,
i: null, // the handle returned by window.setInterval
x: 0, y: 0, // Direction each pulse is to scroll in
// scroll the window by the values in scroll.x/y
scroll: function () {
var options = autoScroll.interaction.target.options[autoScroll.interaction.prepared.name].autoScroll,
container = options.container || getWindow(autoScroll.interaction.element),
now = new Date().getTime(),
// change in time in seconds
dtx = (now - autoScroll.prevTimeX) / 1000,
dty = (now - autoScroll.prevTimeY) / 1000,
vx, vy, sx, sy;
// displacement
if (options.velocity) {
vx = options.velocity.x;
vy = options.velocity.y;
else {
vx = vy = options.speed
sx = vx * dtx;
sy = vy * dty;
if (sx >= 1 || sy >= 1) {
if (isWindow(container)) {
container.scrollBy(autoScroll.x * sx, autoScroll.y * sy);
else if (container) {
container.scrollLeft += autoScroll.x * sx;
container.scrollTop += autoScroll.y * sy;
if (sx >=1) autoScroll.prevTimeX = now;
if (sy >= 1) autoScroll.prevTimeY = now;
if (autoScroll.isScrolling) {
autoScroll.i = reqFrame(autoScroll.scroll);
isScrolling: false,
prevTimeX: 0,
prevTimeY: 0,
start: function (interaction) {
autoScroll.isScrolling = true;
autoScroll.interaction = interaction;
autoScroll.prevTimeX = new Date().getTime();
autoScroll.prevTimeY = new Date().getTime();
autoScroll.i = reqFrame(autoScroll.scroll);
stop: function () {
autoScroll.isScrolling = false;
// Does the browser support touch input?
supportsTouch = (('ontouchstart' in window) || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof window.DocumentTouch),
// Does the browser support PointerEvents
// Avoid PointerEvent bugs introduced in Chrome 55
supportsPointerEvent = PointerEvent && !/Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent),
// Less Precision with touch input
margin = supportsTouch || supportsPointerEvent? 20: 10,
pointerMoveTolerance = 1,
// for ignoring browser's simulated mouse events
prevTouchTime = 0,
// Allow this many interactions to happen simultaneously
maxInteractions = Infinity,
// Check if is IE9 or older
actionCursors = (document.all && !window.atob) ? {
drag : 'move',
resizex : 'e-resize',
resizey : 's-resize',
resizexy: 'se-resize',
resizetop : 'n-resize',
resizeleft : 'w-resize',
resizebottom : 's-resize',
resizeright : 'e-resize',
resizetopleft : 'se-resize',
resizebottomright: 'se-resize',
resizetopright : 'ne-resize',
resizebottomleft : 'ne-resize',
gesture : ''
} : {
drag : 'move',
resizex : 'ew-resize',
resizey : 'ns-resize',
resizexy: 'nwse-resize',
resizetop : 'ns-resize',
resizeleft : 'ew-resize',
resizebottom : 'ns-resize',
resizeright : 'ew-resize',
resizetopleft : 'nwse-resize',
resizebottomright: 'nwse-resize',
resizetopright : 'nesw-resize',
resizebottomleft : 'nesw-resize',
gesture : ''
actionIsEnabled = {
drag : true,
resize : true,
gesture: true
// because Webkit and Opera still use 'mousewheel' event type
wheelEvent = 'onmousewheel' in document? 'mousewheel': 'wheel',
eventTypes = [
globalEvents = {},
// Opera Mobile must be handled differently
isOperaMobile = navigator.appName == 'Opera' &&
supportsTouch &&
// scrolling doesn't change the result of getClientRects on iOS 7
isIOS7 = (/iP(hone|od|ad)/.test(navigator.platform)
&& /OS 7[^\d]/.test(navigator.appVersion)),
// prefix matchesSelector
prefixedMatchesSelector = 'matches' in Element.prototype?
'matches': 'webkitMatchesSelector' in Element.prototype?
'webkitMatchesSelector': 'mozMatchesSelector' in Element.prototype?
'mozMatchesSelector': 'oMatchesSelector' in Element.prototype?
'oMatchesSelector': 'msMatchesSelector',
// will be polyfill function if browser is IE8
// native requestAnimationFrame or polyfill
reqFrame = realWindow.requestAnimationFrame,
cancelFrame = realWindow.cancelAnimationFrame,
// Events wrapper
events = (function () {
var useAttachEvent = ('attachEvent' in window) && !('addEventListener' in window),
addEvent = useAttachEvent? 'attachEvent': 'addEventListener',
removeEvent = useAttachEvent? 'detachEvent': 'removeEventListener',
on = useAttachEvent? 'on': '',
elements = [],
targets = [],
attachedListeners = [];
function add (element, type, listener, useCapture) {
var elementIndex = indexOf(elements, element),
target = targets[elementIndex];
if (!target) {
target = {
events: {},
typeCount: 0
elementIndex = elements.push(element) - 1;
attachedListeners.push((useAttachEvent ? {
supplied: [],
wrapped : [],
useCount: []
} : null));
if (!target.events[type]) {
target.events[type] = [];
if (!contains(target.events[type], listener)) {
var ret;
if (useAttachEvent) {
var listeners = attachedListeners[elementIndex],
listenerIndex = indexOf(listeners.supplied, listener);
var wrapped = listeners.wrapped[listenerIndex] || function (event) {
if (!event.immediatePropagationStopped) {
event.target = event.srcElement;
event.currentTarget = element;
event.preventDefault = event.preventDefault || preventDef;
event.stopPropagation = event.stopPropagation || stopProp;
event.stopImmediatePropagation = event.stopImmediatePropagation || stopImmProp;
if (/mouse|click/.test(event.type)) {
event.pageX = event.clientX + getWindow(element).document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
event.pageY = event.clientY + getWindow(element).document.documentElement.scrollTop;
ret = element[addEvent](on + type, wrapped, Boolean(useCapture));
if (listenerIndex === -1) {
else {
else {
ret = element[addEvent](type, listener, useCapture || false);
return ret;
function remove (element, type, listener, useCapture) {
var i,
elementIndex = indexOf(elements, element),
target = targets[elementIndex],
wrapped = listener;
if (!target || !target.events) {
if (useAttachEvent) {
listeners = attachedListeners[elementIndex];
listenerIndex = indexOf(listeners.supplied, listener);
wrapped = listeners.wrapped[listenerIndex];
if (type === 'all') {
for (type in target.events) {
if (target.events.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
remove(element, type, 'all');
if (target.events[type]) {
var len = target.events[type].length;
if (listener === 'all') {
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
remove(element, type, target.events[type][i], Boolean(useCapture));
} else {
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (target.events[type][i] === listener) {
element[removeEvent](on + type, wrapped, useCapture || false);
target.events[type].splice(i, 1);
if (useAttachEvent && listeners) {
if (listeners.useCount[listenerIndex] === 0) {
listeners.supplied.splice(listenerIndex, 1);
listeners.wrapped.splice(listenerIndex, 1);
listeners.useCount.splice(listenerIndex, 1);
if (target.events[type] && target.events[type].length === 0) {
target.events[type] = null;
if (!target.typeCount) {
targets.splice(elementIndex, 1);
elements.splice(elementIndex, 1);
attachedListeners.splice(elementIndex, 1);
function preventDef () {
this.returnValue = false;
function stopProp () {
this.cancelBubble = true;
function stopImmProp () {
this.cancelBubble = true;
this.immediatePropagationStopped = true;
return {
add: add,
remove: remove,
useAttachEvent: useAttachEvent,
_elements: elements,
_targets: targets,
_attachedListeners: attachedListeners
function blank () {}
function isElement (o) {
if (!o || (typeof o !== 'object')) { return false; }
var _window = getWindow(o) || window;
return (/object|function/.test(typeof _window.Element)
? o instanceof _window.Element //DOM2
: o.nodeType === 1 && typeof o.nodeName === "string");
function isWindow (thing) { return thing === window || !!(thing && thing.Window) && (thing instanceof thing.Window); }
function isDocFrag (thing) { return !!thing && thing instanceof DocumentFragment; }
function isArray (thing) {
return isObject(thing)
&& (typeof thing.length !== undefined)
&& isFunction(thing.splice);
function isObject (thing) { return !!thing && (typeof thing === 'object'); }
function isFunction (thing) { return typeof thing === 'function'; }
function isNumber (thing) { return typeof thing === 'number' ; }
function isBool (thing) { return typeof thing === 'boolean' ; }
function isString (thing) { return typeof thing === 'string' ; }
function trySelector (value) {
if (!isString(value)) { return false; }
// an exception will be raised if it is invalid
return true;
function extend (dest, source) {
for (var prop in source) {
dest[prop] = source[prop];
return dest;
var prefixedPropREs = {
webkit: /(Movement[XY]|Radius[XY]|RotationAngle|Force)$/
function pointerExtend (dest, source) {
for (var prop in source) {
var deprecated = false;
// skip deprecated prefixed properties
for (var vendor in prefixedPropREs) {
if (prop.indexOf(vendor) === 0 && prefixedPropREs[vendor].test(prop)) {
deprecated = true;
if (!deprecated) {
dest[prop] = source[prop];
return dest;
function copyCoords (dest, src) {
dest.page = dest.page || {};
dest.page.x = src.page.x;
dest.page.y = src.page.y;
dest.client = dest.client || {};
dest.client.x = src.client.x;
dest.client.y = src.client.y;
dest.timeStamp = src.timeStamp;
function setEventXY (targetObj, pointers, interaction) {
var pointer = (pointers.length > 1
? pointerAverage(pointers)
: pointers[0]);
getPageXY(pointer, tmpXY, interaction);
targetObj.page.x = tmpXY.x;
targetObj.page.y = tmpXY.y;
getClientXY(pointer, tmpXY, interaction);
targetObj.client.x = tmpXY.x;
targetObj.client.y = tmpXY.y;
targetObj.timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
function setEventDeltas (targetObj, prev, cur) {
targetObj.page.x = cur.page.x - prev.page.x;
targetObj.page.y = cur.page.y - prev.page.y;
targetObj.client.x = cur.client.x - prev.client.x;
targetObj.client.y = cur.client.y - prev.client.y;
targetObj.timeStamp = new Date().getTime() - prev.timeStamp;
// set pointer velocity
var dt = Math.max(targetObj.timeStamp / 1000, 0.001);
targetObj.page.speed = hypot(targetObj.page.x, targetObj.page.y) / dt;
targetObj.page.vx = targetObj.page.x / dt;
targetObj.page.vy = targetObj.page.y / dt;
targetObj.client.speed = hypot(targetObj.client.x, targetObj.page.y) / dt;
targetObj.client.vx = targetObj.client.x / dt;
targetObj.client.vy = targetObj.client.y / dt;
function isNativePointer (pointer) {
return (pointer instanceof window.Event
|| (supportsTouch && window.Touch && pointer instanceof window.Touch));
// Get specified X/Y coords for mouse or event.touches[0]
function getXY (type, pointer, xy) {
xy = xy || {};
type = type || 'page';
xy.x = pointer[type + 'X'];
xy.y = pointer[type + 'Y'];
return xy;
function getPageXY (pointer, page) {
page = page || {};
// Opera Mobile handles the viewport and scrolling oddly
if (isOperaMobile && isNativePointer(pointer)) {
getXY('screen', pointer, page);
page.x += window.scrollX;
page.y += window.scrollY;
else {
getXY('page', pointer, page);
return page;
function getClientXY (pointer, client) {
client = client || {};
if (isOperaMobile && isNativePointer(pointer)) {
// Opera Mobile handles the viewport and scrolling oddly
getXY('screen', pointer, client);
else {
getXY('client', pointer, client);
return client;
function getScrollXY (win) {
win = win || window;
return {
x: win.scrollX || win.document.documentElement.scrollLeft,
y: win.scrollY || win.document.documentElement.scrollTop
function getPointerId (pointer) {
return isNumber(pointer.pointerId)? pointer.pointerId : pointer.identifier;
function getActualElement (element) {
return (element instanceof SVGElementInstance
? element.correspondingUseElement
: element);
function getWindow (node) {
if (isWindow(node)) {
return node;
var rootNode = (node.ownerDocument || node);
return rootNode.defaultView || rootNode.parentWindow || window;
function getElementClientRect (element) {
var clientRect = (element instanceof SVGElement
? element.getBoundingClientRect()
: element.getClientRects()[0]);
return clientRect && {
left : clientRect.left,
right : clientRect.right,
top : clientRect.top,
bottom: clientRect.bottom,
width : clientRect.width || clientRect.right - clientRect.left,
height: clientRect.height || clientRect.bottom - clientRect.top
function getElementRect (element) {
var clientRect = getElementClientRect(element);
if (!isIOS7 && clientRect) {
var scroll = getScrollXY(getWindow(element));
clientRect.left += scroll.x;
clientRect.right += scroll.x;
clientRect.top += scroll.y;
clientRect.bottom += scroll.y;
return clientRect;
function getTouchPair (event) {
var touches = [];
// array of touches is supplied
if (isArray(event)) {
touches[0] = event[0];
touches[1] = event[1];
// an event
else {
if (event.type === 'touchend') {
if (event.touches.length === 1) {
touches[0] = event.touches[0];
touches[1] = event.changedTouches[0];
else if (event.touches.length === 0) {
touches[0] = event.changedTouches[0];
touches[1] = event.changedTouches[1];
else {
touches[0] = event.touches[0];
touches[1] = event.touches[1];
return touches;
function pointerAverage (pointers) {
var average = {
pageX : 0,
pageY : 0,
clientX: 0,
clientY: 0,
screenX: 0,
screenY: 0
var prop;
for (var i = 0; i < pointers.length; i++) {
for (prop in average) {
average[prop] += pointers[i][prop];
for (prop in average) {
average[prop] /= pointers.length;
return average;
function touchBBox (event) {
if (!event.length && !(event.touches && event.touches.length > 1)) {
var touches = getTouchPair(event),
minX = Math.min(touches[0].pageX, touches[1].pageX),
minY = Math.min(touches[0].pageY, touches[1].pageY),
maxX = Math.max(touches[0].pageX, touches[1].pageX),
maxY = Math.max(touches[0].pageY, touches[1].pageY);
return {
x: minX,
y: minY,
left: minX,
top: minY,
width: maxX - minX,
height: maxY - minY
function touchDistance (event, deltaSource) {
deltaSource = deltaSource || defaultOptions.deltaSource;
var sourceX = deltaSource + 'X',
sourceY = deltaSource + 'Y',
touches = getTouchPair(event);
var dx = touches[0][sourceX] - touches[1][sourceX],
dy = touches[0][sourceY] - touches[1][sourceY];
return hypot(dx, dy);
function touchAngle (event, prevAngle, deltaSource) {
deltaSource = deltaSource || defaultOptions.deltaSource;
var sourceX = deltaSource + 'X',
sourceY = deltaSource + 'Y',
touches = getTouchPair(event),
dx = touches[0][sourceX] - touches[1][sourceX],
dy = touches[0][sourceY] - touches[1][sourceY],
angle = 180 * Math.atan(dy / dx) / Math.PI;
if (isNumber(prevAngle)) {
var dr = angle - prevAngle,
drClamped = dr % 360;
if (drClamped > 315) {
angle -= 360 + (angle / 360)|0 * 360;
else if (drClamped > 135) {
angle -= 180 + (angle / 360)|0 * 360;
else if (drClamped < -315) {
angle += 360 + (angle / 360)|0 * 360;
else if (drClamped < -135) {
angle += 180 + (angle / 360)|0 * 360;
return angle;
function getOriginXY (interactable, element) {
var origin = interactable
? interactable.options.origin
: defaultOptions.origin;
if (origin === 'parent') {
origin = parentElement(element);
else if (origin === 'self') {
origin = interactable.getRect(element);
else if (trySelector(origin)) {
origin = closest(element, origin) || { x: 0, y: 0 };
if (isFunction(origin)) {
origin = origin(interactable && element);
if (isElement(origin)) {
origin = getElementRect(origin);
origin.x = ('x' in origin)? origin.x : origin.left;
origin.y = ('y' in origin)? origin.y : origin.top;
return origin;
// http://stackoverflow.com/a/5634528/2280888
function _getQBezierValue(t, p1, p2, p3) {
var iT = 1 - t;
return iT * iT * p1 + 2 * iT * t * p2 + t * t * p3;
function getQuadraticCurvePoint(startX, startY, cpX, cpY, endX, endY, position) {
return {
x: _getQBezierValue(position, startX, cpX, endX),
y: _getQBezierValue(position, startY, cpY, endY)
// http://gizma.com/easing/
function easeOutQuad (t, b, c, d) {
t /= d;
return -c * t*(t-2) + b;
function nodeContains (parent, child) {
while (child) {
if (child === parent) {
return true;
child = child.parentNode;
return false;
function closest (child, selector) {
var parent = parentElement(child);
while (isElement(parent)) {
if (matchesSelector(parent, selector)) { return parent; }
parent = parentElement(parent);
return null;
function parentElement (node) {
var parent = node.parentNode;
if (isDocFrag(parent)) {
// skip past #shado-root fragments
while ((parent = parent.host) && isDocFrag(parent)) {}
return parent;
return parent;
function inContext (interactable, element) {
return interactable._context === element.ownerDocument
|| nodeContains(interactable._context, element);
function testIgnore (interactable, interactableElement, element) {
var ignoreFrom = interactable.options.ignoreFrom;
if (!ignoreFrom || !isElement(element)) { return false; }
if (isString(ignoreFrom)) {
return matchesUpTo(element, ignoreFrom, interactableElement);
else if (isElement(ignoreFrom)) {
return nodeContains(ignoreFrom, element);
return false;
function testAllow (interactable, interactableElement, element) {
var allowFrom = interactable.options.allowFrom;
if (!allowFrom) { return true; }
if (!isElement(element)) { return false; }
if (isString(allowFrom)) {
return matchesUpTo(element, allowFrom, interactableElement);
else if (isElement(allowFrom)) {
return nodeContains(allowFrom, element);
return false;
function checkAxis (axis, interactable) {
if (!interactable) { return false; }
var thisAxis = interactable.options.drag.axis;
return (axis === 'xy' || thisAxis === 'xy' || thisAxis === axis);
function checkSnap (interactable, action) {
var options = interactable.options;
if (/^resize/.test(action)) {
action = 'resize';
return options[action].snap && options[action].snap.enabled;
function checkRestrict (interactable, action) {
var options = interactable.options;
if (/^resize/.test(action)) {
action = 'resize';
return options[action].restrict && options[action].restrict.enabled;
function checkAutoScroll (interactable, action) {
var options = interactable.options;
if (/^resize/.test(action)) {
action = 'resize';
return options[action].autoScroll && options[action].autoScroll.enabled;
function withinInteractionLimit (interactable, element, action) {
var options = interactable.options,
maxActions = options[action.name].max,
maxPerElement = options[action.name].maxPerElement,
activeInteractions = 0,
targetCount = 0,
targetElementCount = 0;
for (var i = 0, len = interactions.length; i < len; i++) {
var interaction = interactions[i],
otherAction = interaction.prepared.name,
active = interaction.interacting();
if (!active) { continue; }
if (activeInteractions >= maxInteractions) {
return false;
if (interaction.target !== interactable) { continue; }
targetCount += (otherAction === action.name)|0;
if (targetCount >= maxActions) {
return false;
if (interaction.element === element) {
if (otherAction !== action.name || targetElementCount >= maxPerElement) {
return false;
return maxInteractions > 0;
// Test for the element that's "above" all other qualifiers
function indexOfDeepestElement (elements) {
var dropzone,
deepestZone = elements[0],
index = deepestZone? 0: -1,
deepestZoneParents = [],
dropzoneParents = [],
for (i = 1; i < elements.length; i++) {
dropzone = elements[i];
// an element might belong to multiple selector dropzones
if (!dropzone || dropzone === deepestZone) {
if (!deepestZone) {
deepestZone = dropzone;
index = i;
// check if the deepest or current are document.documentElement or document.rootElement
// - if the current dropzone is, do nothing and continue
if (dropzone.parentNode === dropzone.ownerDocument) {
// - if deepest is, update with the current dropzone and continue to next
else if (deepestZone.parentNode === dropzone.ownerDocument) {
deepestZone = dropzone;
index = i;
if (!deepestZoneParents.length) {
parent = deepestZone;
while (parent.parentNode && parent.parentNode !== parent.ownerDocument) {
parent = parent.parentNode;
// if this element is an svg element and the current deepest is
// an HTMLElement
if (deepestZone instanceof HTMLElement
&& dropzone instanceof SVGElement
&& !(dropzone instanceof SVGSVGElement)) {
if (dropzone === deepestZone.parentNode) {
parent = dropzone.ownerSVGElement;
else {
parent = dropzone;
dropzoneParents = [];
while (parent.parentNode !== parent.ownerDocument) {
parent = parent.parentNode;
n = 0;
// get (position of last common ancestor) + 1
while (dropzoneParents[n] && dropzoneParents[n] === deepestZoneParents[n]) {
var parents = [
dropzoneParents[n - 1],
child = parents[0].lastChild;
while (child) {
if (child === parents[1]) {
deepestZone = dropzone;
index = i;
deepestZoneParents = [];
else if (child === parents[2]) {
child = child.previousSibling;
return index;
function Interaction () {
this.target = null; // current interactable being interacted with
this.element = null; // the target element of the interactable
this.dropTarget = null; // the dropzone a drag target might be dropped into
this.dropElement = null; // the element at the time of checking
this.prevDropTarget = null; // the dropzone that was recently dragged away from
this.prevDropElement = null; // the element at the time of checking
this.prepared = { // action that's ready to be fired on next move event
name : null,
axis : null,
edges: null
this.matches = []; // all selectors that are matched by target element
this.matchElements = []; // corresponding elements
this.inertiaStatus = {
active : false,
smoothEnd : false,
ending : false,
startEvent: null,
upCoords: {},
xe: 0, ye: 0,
sx: 0, sy: 0,
t0: 0,
vx0: 0, vys: 0,
duration: 0,
resumeDx: 0,
resumeDy: 0,
lambda_v0: 0,
one_ve_v0: 0,
i : null
if (isFunction(Function.prototype.bind)) {
this.boundInertiaFrame = this.inertiaFrame.bind(this);
this.boundSmoothEndFrame = this.smoothEndFrame.bind(this);
else {
var that = this;
this.boundInertiaFrame = function () { return that.inertiaFrame(); };
this.boundSmoothEndFrame = function () { return that.smoothEndFrame(); };
this.activeDrops = {
dropzones: [], // the dropzones that are mentioned below
elements : [], // elements of dropzones that accept the target draggable
rects : [] // the rects of the elements mentioned above
// keep track of added pointers
this.pointers = [];
this.pointerIds = [];
this.downTargets = [];
this.downTimes = [];
this.holdTimers = [];
// Previous native pointer move event coordinates
this.prevCoords = {
page : { x: 0, y: 0 },
client : { x: 0, y: 0 },
timeStamp: 0
// current native pointer move event coordinates
this.curCoords = {
page : { x: 0, y: 0 },
client : { x: 0, y: 0 },
timeStamp: 0
// Starting InteractEvent pointer coordinates
this.startCoords = {
page : { x: 0, y: 0 },
client : { x: 0, y: 0 },
timeStamp: 0
// Change in coordinates and time of the pointer
this.pointerDelta = {
page : { x: 0, y: 0, vx: 0, vy: 0, speed: 0 },
client : { x: 0, y: 0, vx: 0, vy: 0, speed: 0 },
timeStamp: 0
this.downEvent = null; // pointerdown/mousedown/touchstart event
this.downPointer = {};
this._eventTarget = null;
this._curEventTarget = null;
this.prevEvent = null; // previous action event
this.tapTime = 0; // time of the most recent tap event
this.prevTap = null;
this.startOffset = { left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 };
this.restrictOffset = { left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 };
this.snapOffsets = [];
this.gesture = {
start: { x: 0, y: 0 },
startDistance: 0, // distance between two touches of touchStart
prevDistance : 0,
distance : 0,
scale: 1, // gesture.distance / gesture.startDistance
startAngle: 0, // angle of line joining two touches
prevAngle : 0 // angle of the previous gesture event
this.snapStatus = {
x : 0, y : 0,
dx : 0, dy : 0,
realX : 0, realY : 0,
snappedX: 0, snappedY: 0,
targets : [],
locked : false,
changed : false
this.restrictStatus = {
dx : 0, dy : 0,
restrictedX: 0, restrictedY: 0,
snap : null,
restricted : false,
changed : false
this.restrictStatus.snap = this.snapStatus;
this.pointerIsDown = false;
this.pointerWasMoved = false;
this.gesturing = false;
this.dragging = false;
this.resizing = false;
this.resizeAxes = 'xy';
this.mouse = false;
Interaction.prototype = {
getPageXY : function (pointer, xy) { return getPageXY(pointer, xy, this); },
getClientXY: function (pointer, xy) { return getClientXY(pointer, xy, this); },
setEventXY : function (target, ptr) { return setEventXY(target, ptr, this); },
pointerOver: function (pointer, event, eventTarget) {
if (this.prepared.name || !this.mouse) { return; }
var curMatches = [],
curMatchElements = [],
prevTargetElement = this.element;
if (this.target
&& (testIgnore(this.target, this.element, eventTarget)
|| !testAllow(this.target, this.element, eventTarget))) {
// if the eventTarget should be ignored or shouldn't be allowed
// clear the previous target
this.target = null;
this.element = null;
this.matches = [];
this.matchElements = [];
var elementInteractable = interactables.get(eventTarget),
elementAction = (elementInteractable
&& !testIgnore(elementInteractable, eventTarget, eventTarget)
&& testAllow(elementInteractable, eventTarget, eventTarget)
&& validateAction(
elementInteractable.getAction(pointer, event, this, eventTarget),
if (elementAction && !withinInteractionLimit(elementInteractable, eventTarget, elementAction)) {
elementAction = null;
function pushCurMatches (interactable, selector) {
if (interactable
&& inContext(interactable, eventTarget)
&& !testIgnore(interactable, eventTarget, eventTarget)
&& testAllow(interactable, eventTarget, eventTarget)
&& matchesSelector(eventTarget, selector)) {
if (elementAction) {
this.target = elementInteractable;
this.element = eventTarget;
this.matches = [];
this.matchElements = [];
else {
if (this.validateSelector(pointer, event, curMatches, curMatchElements)) {
this.matches = curMatches;
this.matchElements = curMatchElements;
this.pointerHover(pointer, event, this.matches, this.matchElements);
supportsPointerEvent? pEventTypes.move : 'mousemove',
else if (this.target) {
if (nodeContains(prevTargetElement, eventTarget)) {
this.pointerHover(pointer, event, this.matches, this.matchElements);
supportsPointerEvent? pEventTypes.move : 'mousemove',
else {
this.target = null;
this.element = null;
this.matches = [];
this.matchElements = [];
// Check what action would be performed on pointerMove target if a mouse
// button were pressed and change the cursor accordingly
pointerHover: function (pointer, event, eventTarget, curEventTarget, matches, matchElements) {
var target = this.target;
if (!this.prepared.name && this.mouse) {
var action;
// update pointer coords for defaultActionChecker to use
this.setEventXY(this.curCoords, [pointer]);
if (matches) {
action = this.validateSelector(pointer, event, matches, matchElements);
else if (target) {
action = validateAction(target.getAction(this.pointers[0], event, this, this.element), this.target);
if (target && target.options.styleCursor) {
if (action) {
target._doc.documentElement.style.cursor = getActionCursor(action);
else {
target._doc.documentElement.style.cursor = '';
else if (this.prepared.name) {
this.checkAndPreventDefault(event, target, this.element);
pointerOut: function (pointer, event, eventTarget) {
if (this.prepared.name) { return; }
// Remove temporary event listeners for selector Interactables
if (!interactables.get(eventTarget)) {
supportsPointerEvent? pEventTypes.move : 'mousemove',
if (this.target && this.target.options.styleCursor && !this.interacting()) {
this.target._doc.documentElement.style.cursor = '';
selectorDown: function (pointer, event, eventTarget, curEventTarget) {
var that = this,
// copy event to be used in timeout for IE8
eventCopy = events.useAttachEvent? extend({}, event) : event,
element = eventTarget,
pointerIndex = this.addPointer(pointer),
this.holdTimers[pointerIndex] = setTimeout(function () {
that.pointerHold(events.useAttachEvent? eventCopy : pointer, eventCopy, eventTarget, curEventTarget);
}, defaultOptions._holdDuration);
this.pointerIsDown = true;
// Check if the down event hits the current inertia target
if (this.inertiaStatus.active && this.target.selector) {
// climb up the DOM tree from the event target
while (isElement(element)) {
// if this element is the current inertia target element
if (element === this.element
// and the prospective action is the same as the ongoing one
&& validateAction(this.target.getAction(pointer, event, this, this.element), this.target).name === this.prepared.name) {
// stop inertia so that the next move will be a normal one
this.inertiaStatus.active = false;
this.collectEventTargets(pointer, event, eventTarget, 'down');
element = parentElement(element);
// do nothing if interacting
if (this.interacting()) {
this.collectEventTargets(pointer, event, eventTarget, 'down');
function pushMatches (interactable, selector, context) {
var elements = ie8MatchesSelector
? context.querySelectorAll(selector)
: undefined;
if (inContext(interactable, element)
&& !testIgnore(interactable, element, eventTarget)
&& testAllow(interactable, element, eventTarget)
&& matchesSelector(element, selector, elements)) {
// update pointer coords for defaultActionChecker to use
this.setEventXY(this.curCoords, [pointer]);
this.downEvent = event;
while (isElement(element) && !action) {
this.matches = [];
this.matchElements = [];
action = this.validateSelector(pointer, event, this.matches, this.matchElements);
element = parentElement(element);
if (action) {
this.prepared.name = action.name;
this.prepared.axis = action.axis;
this.prepared.edges = action.edges;
this.collectEventTargets(pointer, event, eventTarget, 'down');
return this.pointerDown(pointer, event, eventTarget, curEventTarget, action);
else {
// do these now since pointerDown isn't being called from here
this.downTimes[pointerIndex] = new Date().getTime();
this.downTargets[pointerIndex] = eventTarget;
pointerExtend(this.downPointer, pointer);
copyCoords(this.prevCoords, this.curCoords);
this.pointerWasMoved = false;
this.collectEventTargets(pointer, event, eventTarget, 'down');
// Determine action to be performed on next pointerMove and add appropriate
// style and event Listeners
pointerDown: function (pointer, event, eventTarget, curEventTarget, forceAction) {
if (!forceAction && !this.inertiaStatus.active && this.pointerWasMoved && this.prepared.name) {
this.checkAndPreventDefault(event, this.target, this.element);
this.pointerIsDown = true;
this.downEvent = event;
var pointerIndex = this.addPointer(pointer),
// If it is the second touch of a multi-touch gesture, keep the
// target the same and get a new action if a target was set by the
// first touch
if (this.pointerIds.length > 1 && this.target._element === this.element) {
var newAction = validateAction(forceAction || this.target.getAction(pointer, event, this, this.element), this.target);
if (withinInteractionLimit(this.target, this.element, newAction)) {
action = newAction;
this.prepared.name = null;
// Otherwise, set the target if there is no action prepared
else if (!this.prepared.name) {
var interactable = interactables.get(curEventTarget);
if (interactable
&& !testIgnore(interactable, curEventTarget, eventTarget)
&& testAllow(interactable, curEventTarget, eventTarget)
&& (action = validateAction(forceAction || interactable.getAction(pointer, event, this, curEventTarget), interactable, eventTarget))
&& withinInteractionLimit(interactable, curEventTarget, action)) {
this.target = interactable;
this.element = curEventTarget;
var target = this.target,
options = target && target.options;
if (target && (forceAction || !this.prepared.name)) {
action = action || validateAction(forceAction || target.getAction(pointer, event, this, curEventTarget), target, this.element);
this.setEventXY(this.startCoords, this.pointers);
if (!action) { return; }
if (options.styleCursor) {
target._doc.documentElement.style.cursor = getActionCursor(action);
this.resizeAxes = action.name === 'resize'? action.axis : null;
if (action === 'gesture' && this.pointerIds.length < 2) {
action = null;
this.prepared.name = action.name;
this.prepared.axis = action.axis;
this.prepared.edges = action.edges;
this.snapStatus.snappedX = this.snapStatus.snappedY =
this.restrictStatus.restrictedX = this.restrictStatus.restrictedY = NaN;
this.downTimes[pointerIndex] = new Date().getTime();
this.downTargets[pointerIndex] = eventTarget;
pointerExtend(this.downPointer, pointer);
copyCoords(this.prevCoords, this.startCoords);
this.pointerWasMoved = false;
this.checkAndPreventDefault(event, target, this.element);
// if inertia is active try to resume action
else if (this.inertiaStatus.active
&& curEventTarget === this.element
&& validateAction(target.getAction(pointer, event, this, this.element), target).name === this.prepared.name) {
this.inertiaStatus.active = false;
this.checkAndPreventDefault(event, target, this.element);
setModifications: function (coords, preEnd) {
var target = this.target,
shouldMove = true,
shouldSnap = checkSnap(target, this.prepared.name) && (!target.options[this.prepared.name].snap.endOnly || preEnd),
shouldRestrict = checkRestrict(target, this.prepared.name) && (!target.options[this.prepared.name].restrict.endOnly || preEnd);
if (shouldSnap ) { this.setSnapping (coords); } else { this.snapStatus .locked = false; }
if (shouldRestrict) { this.setRestriction(coords); } else { this.restrictStatus.restricted = false; }
if (shouldSnap && this.snapStatus.locked && !this.snapStatus.changed) {
shouldMove = shouldRestrict && this.restrictStatus.restricted && this.restrictStatus.changed;
else if (shouldRestrict && this.restrictStatus.restricted && !this.restrictStatus.changed) {
shouldMove = false;
return shouldMove;
setStartOffsets: function (action, interactable, element) {
var rect = interactable.getRect(element),
origin = getOriginXY(interactable, element),
snap = interactable.options[this.prepared.name].snap,
restrict = interactable.options[this.prepared.name].restrict,
width, height;
if (rect) {
this.startOffset.left = this.startCoords.page.x - rect.left;
this.startOffset.top = this.startCoords.page.y - rect.top;
this.startOffset.right = rect.right - this.startCoords.page.x;
this.startOffset.bottom = rect.bottom - this.startCoords.page.y;
if ('width' in rect) { width = rect.width; }
else { width = rect.right - rect.left; }
if ('height' in rect) { height = rect.height; }
else { height = rect.bottom - rect.top; }
else {
this.startOffset.left = this.startOffset.top = this.startOffset.right = this.startOffset.bottom = 0;
var snapOffset = snap && snap.offset === 'startCoords'
? {
x: this.startCoords.page.x - origin.x,
y: this.startCoords.page.y - origin.y
: snap && snap.offset || { x: 0, y: 0 };
if (rect && snap && snap.relativePoints && snap.relativePoints.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < snap.relativePoints.length; i++) {
x: this.startOffset.left - (width * snap.relativePoints[i].x) + snapOffset.x,
y: this.startOffset.top - (height * snap.relativePoints[i].y) + snapOffset.y
else {
if (rect && restrict.elementRect) {
this.restrictOffset.left = this.startOffset.left - (width * restrict.elementRect.left);
this.restrictOffset.top = this.startOffset.top - (height * restrict.elementRect.top);
this.restrictOffset.right = this.startOffset.right - (width * (1 - restrict.elementRect.right));
this.restrictOffset.bottom = this.startOffset.bottom - (height * (1 - restrict.elementRect.bottom));
else {
this.restrictOffset.left = this.restrictOffset.top = this.restrictOffset.right = this.restrictOffset.bottom = 0;
* Interaction.start
[ method ]
* Start an action with the given Interactable and Element as tartgets. The
* action must be enabled for the target Interactable and an appropriate number
* of pointers must be held down 1 for drag/resize, 2 for gesture.
* Use it with `interactable.<action>able({ manualStart: false })` to always
* [start actions manually](https://github.com/taye/interact.js/issues/114)
- action (object) The action to be performed - drag, resize, etc.
- interactable (Interactable) The Interactable to target
- element (Element) The DOM Element to target
= (object) interact
| interact(target)
| .draggable({
| // disable the default drag start by down->move
| manualStart: true
| })
| // start dragging after the user holds the pointer down
| .on('hold', function (event) {
| var interaction = event.interaction;
| if (!interaction.interacting()) {
| interaction.start({ name: 'drag' },
| event.interactable,
| event.currentTarget);
| }
| });
start: function (action, interactable, element) {
if (this.interacting()
|| !this.pointerIsDown
|| this.pointerIds.length < (action.name === 'gesture'? 2 : 1)) {
// if this interaction had been removed after stopping
// add it back
if (indexOf(interactions, this) === -1) {
// set the startCoords if there was no prepared action
if (!this.prepared.name) {
this.setEventXY(this.startCoords, this.pointers);
this.prepared.name = action.name;
this.prepared.axis = action.axis;
this.prepared.edges = action.edges;
this.target = interactable;
this.element = element;
this.setStartOffsets(action.name, interactable, element);
this.prevEvent = this[this.prepared.name + 'Start'](this.downEvent);
pointerMove: function (pointer, event, eventTarget, curEventTarget, preEnd) {
if (this.inertiaStatus.active) {
var pageUp = this.inertiaStatus.upCoords.page;
var clientUp = this.inertiaStatus.upCoords.client;
var inertiaPosition = {
pageX : pageUp.x + this.inertiaStatus.sx,
pageY : pageUp.y + this.inertiaStatus.sy,
clientX: clientUp.x + this.inertiaStatus.sx,
clientY: clientUp.y + this.inertiaStatus.sy
this.setEventXY(this.curCoords, [inertiaPosition]);
else {
this.setEventXY(this.curCoords, this.pointers);
var duplicateMove = (this.curCoords.page.x === this.prevCoords.page.x
&& this.curCoords.page.y === this.prevCoords.page.y
&& this.curCoords.client.x === this.prevCoords.client.x
&& this.curCoords.client.y === this.prevCoords.client.y);
var dx, dy,
pointerIndex = this.mouse? 0 : indexOf(this.pointerIds, getPointerId(pointer));
// register movement greater than pointerMoveTolerance
if (this.pointerIsDown && !this.pointerWasMoved) {
dx = this.curCoords.client.x - this.startCoords.client.x;
dy = this.curCoords.client.y - this.startCoords.client.y;
this.pointerWasMoved = hypot(dx, dy) > pointerMoveTolerance;
if (!duplicateMove && (!this.pointerIsDown || this.pointerWasMoved)) {
if (this.pointerIsDown) {
this.collectEventTargets(pointer, event, eventTarget, 'move');
if (!this.pointerIsDown) { return; }
if (duplicateMove && this.pointerWasMoved && !preEnd) {
this.checkAndPreventDefault(event, this.target, this.element);
// set pointer coordinate, time changes and speeds
setEventDeltas(this.pointerDelta, this.prevCoords, this.curCoords);
if (!this.prepared.name) { return; }
if (this.pointerWasMoved
// ignore movement while inertia is active
&& (!this.inertiaStatus.active || (pointer instanceof InteractEvent && /inertiastart/.test(pointer.type)))) {
// if just starting an action, calculate the pointer speed now
if (!this.interacting()) {
setEventDeltas(this.pointerDelta, this.prevCoords, this.curCoords);
// check if a drag is in the correct axis
if (this.prepared.name === 'drag') {
var absX = Math.abs(dx),
absY = Math.abs(dy),
targetAxis = this.target.options.drag.axis,
axis = (absX > absY ? 'x' : absX < absY ? 'y' : 'xy');
// if the movement isn't in the axis of the interactable
if (axis !== 'xy' && targetAxis !== 'xy' && targetAxis !== axis) {
// cancel the prepared action
this.prepared.name = null;
// then try to get a drag from another ineractable
var element = eventTarget;
// check element interactables
while (isElement(element)) {
var elementInteractable = interactables.get(element);
if (elementInteractable
&& elementInteractable !== this.target
&& !elementInteractable.options.drag.manualStart
&& elementInteractable.getAction(this.downPointer, this.downEvent, this, element).name === 'drag'
&& checkAxis(axis, elementInteractable)) {
this.prepared.name = 'drag';
this.target = elementInteractable;
this.element = element;
element = parentElement(element);
// if there's no drag from element interactables,
// check the selector interactables
if (!this.prepared.name) {
var thisInteraction = this;
var getDraggable = function (interactable, selector, context) {
var elements = ie8MatchesSelector
? context.querySelectorAll(selector)
: undefined;
if (interactable === thisInteraction.target) { return; }
if (inContext(interactable, eventTarget)
&& !interactable.options.drag.manualStart
&& !testIgnore(interactable, element, eventTarget)
&& testAllow(interactable, element, eventTarget)
&& matchesSelector(element, selector, elements)
&& interactable.getAction(thisInteraction.downPointer, thisInteraction.downEvent, thisInteraction, element).name === 'drag'
&& checkAxis(axis, interactable)
&& withinInteractionLimit(interactable, element, 'drag')) {
return interactable;
element = eventTarget;
while (isElement(element)) {
var selectorInteractable = interactables.forEachSelector(getDraggable);
if (selectorInteractable) {
this.prepared.name = 'drag';
this.target = selectorInteractable;
this.element = element;
element = parentElement(element);
var starting = !!this.prepared.name && !this.interacting();
if (starting
&& (this.target.options[this.prepared.name].manualStart
|| !withinInteractionLimit(this.target, this.element, this.prepared))) {
if (this.prepared.name && this.target) {
if (starting) {
this.start(this.prepared, this.target, this.element);
var shouldMove = this.setModifications(this.curCoords.page, preEnd);
// move if snapping or restriction doesn't prevent it
if (shouldMove || starting) {
this.prevEvent = this[this.prepared.name + 'Move'](event);
this.checkAndPreventDefault(event, this.target, this.element);
copyCoords(this.prevCoords, this.curCoords);
if (this.dragging || this.resizing) {
dragStart: function (event) {
var dragEvent = new InteractEvent(this, event, 'drag', 'start', this.element);
this.dragging = true;
// reset active dropzones
this.activeDrops.dropzones = [];
this.activeDrops.elements = [];
this.activeDrops.rects = [];
if (!this.dynamicDrop) {
var dropEvents = this.getDropEvents(event, dragEvent);
if (dropEvents.activate) {
return dragEvent;
dragMove: function (event) {
var target = this.target,
dragEvent = new InteractEvent(this, event, 'drag', 'move', this.element),
draggableElement = this.element,
drop = this.getDrop(dragEvent, event, draggableElement);
this.dropTarget = drop.dropzone;
this.dropElement = drop.element;
var dropEvents = this.getDropEvents(event, dragEvent);
if (dropEvents.leave) { this.prevDropTarget.fire(dropEvents.leave); }
if (dropEvents.enter) { this.dropTarget.fire(dropEvents.enter); }
if (dropEvents.move ) { this.dropTarget.fire(dropEvents.move ); }
this.prevDropTarget = this.dropTarget;
this.prevDropElement = this.dropElement;
return dragEvent;
resizeStart: function (event) {
var resizeEvent = new InteractEvent(this, event, 'resize', 'start', this.element);
if (this.prepared.edges) {
var startRect = this.target.getRect(this.element);
* When using the `resizable.square` or `resizable.preserveAspectRatio` options, resizing from one edge
* will affect another. E.g. with `resizable.square`, resizing to make the right edge larger will make
* the bottom edge larger by the same amount. We call these 'linked' edges. Any linked edges will depend
* on the active edges and the edge being interacted with.
if (this.target.options.resize.square || this.target.options.resize.preserveAspectRatio) {
var linkedEdges = extend({}, this.prepared.edges);
linkedEdges.top = linkedEdges.top || (linkedEdges.left && !linkedEdges.bottom);
linkedEdges.left = linkedEdges.left || (linkedEdges.top && !linkedEdges.right );
linkedEdges.bottom = linkedEdges.bottom || (linkedEdges.right && !linkedEdges.top );
linkedEdges.right = linkedEdges.right || (linkedEdges.bottom && !linkedEdges.left );
this.prepared._linkedEdges = linkedEdges;
else {
this.prepared._linkedEdges = null;
// if using `resizable.preserveAspectRatio` option, record aspect ratio at the start of the resize
if (this.target.options.resize.preserveAspectRatio) {
this.resizeStartAspectRatio = startRect.width / startRect.height;
this.resizeRects = {
start : startRect,
current : extend({}, startRect),
restricted: extend({}, startRect),
previous : extend({}, startRect),
delta : {
left: 0, right : 0, width : 0,
top : 0, bottom: 0, height: 0
resizeEvent.rect = this.resizeRects.restricted;
resizeEvent.deltaRect = this.resizeRects.delta;
this.resizing = true;
return resizeEvent;
resizeMove: function (event) {
var resizeEvent = new InteractEvent(this, event, 'resize', 'move', this.element);
var edges = this.prepared.edges,
invert = this.target.options.resize.invert,
invertible = invert === 'reposition' || invert === 'negate';
if (edges) {
var dx = resizeEvent.dx,
dy = resizeEvent.dy,
start = this.resizeRects.start,
current = this.resizeRects.current,
restricted = this.resizeRects.restricted,
delta = this.resizeRects.delta,
previous = extend(this.resizeRects.previous, restricted),
originalEdges = edges;
// `resize.preserveAspectRatio` takes precedence over `resize.square`
if (this.target.options.resize.preserveAspectRatio) {
var resizeStartAspectRatio = this.resizeStartAspectRatio;
edges = this.prepared._linkedEdges;
if ((originalEdges.left && originalEdges.bottom)
|| (originalEdges.right && originalEdges.top)) {
dy = -dx / resizeStartAspectRatio;
else if (originalEdges.left || originalEdges.right) { dy = dx / resizeStartAspectRatio; }
else if (originalEdges.top || originalEdges.bottom) { dx = dy * resizeStartAspectRatio; }
else if (this.target.options.resize.square) {
edges = this.prepared._linkedEdges;
if ((originalEdges.left && originalEdges.bottom)
|| (originalEdges.right && originalEdges.top)) {
dy = -dx;
else if (originalEdges.left || originalEdges.right) { dy = dx; }
else if (originalEdges.top || originalEdges.bottom) { dx = dy; }
// update the 'current' rect without modifications
if (edges.top ) { current.top += dy; }
if (edges.bottom) { current.bottom += dy; }
if (edges.left ) { current.left += dx; }
if (edges.right ) { current.right += dx; }
if (invertible) {
// if invertible, copy the current rect
extend(restricted, current);
if (invert === 'reposition') {
// swap edge values if necessary to keep width/height positive
var swap;
if (restricted.top > restricted.bottom) {
swap = restricted.top;
restricted.top = restricted.bottom;
restricted.bottom = swap;
if (restricted.left > restricted.right) {
swap = restricted.left;
restricted.left = restricted.right;
restricted.right = swap;
else {
// if not invertible, restrict to minimum of 0x0 rect
restricted.top = Math.min(current.top, start.bottom);
restricted.bottom = Math.max(current.bottom, start.top);
restricted.left = Math.min(current.left, start.right);
restricted.right = Math.max(current.right, start.left);
restricted.width = restricted.right - restricted.left;
restricted.height = restricted.bottom - restricted.top ;
for (var edge in restricted) {
delta[edge] = restricted[edge] - previous[edge];
resizeEvent.edges = this.prepared.edges;
resizeEvent.rect = restricted;
resizeEvent.deltaRect = delta;
return resizeEvent;
gestureStart: function (event) {
var gestureEvent = new InteractEvent(this, event, 'gesture', 'start', this.element);
gestureEvent.ds = 0;
this.gesture.startDistance = this.gesture.prevDistance = gestureEvent.distance;
this.gesture.startAngle = this.gesture.prevAngle = gestureEvent.angle;
this.gesture.scale = 1;
this.gesturing = true;
return gestureEvent;
gestureMove: function (event) {
if (!this.pointerIds.length) {
return this.prevEvent;
var gestureEvent;
gestureEvent = new InteractEvent(this, event, 'gesture', 'move', this.element);
gestureEvent.ds = gestureEvent.scale - this.gesture.scale;
this.gesture.prevAngle = gestureEvent.angle;
this.gesture.prevDistance = gestureEvent.distance;
if (gestureEvent.scale !== Infinity &&
gestureEvent.scale !== null &&
gestureEvent.scale !== undefined &&
!isNaN(gestureEvent.scale)) {
this.gesture.scale = gestureEvent.scale;
return gestureEvent;
pointerHold: function (pointer, event, eventTarget) {
this.collectEventTargets(pointer, event, eventTarget, 'hold');
pointerUp: function (pointer, event, eventTarget, curEventTarget) {
var pointerIndex = this.mouse? 0 : indexOf(this.pointerIds, getPointerId(pointer));
this.collectEventTargets(pointer, event, eventTarget, 'up' );
this.collectEventTargets(pointer, event, eventTarget, 'tap');
this.pointerEnd(pointer, event, eventTarget, curEventTarget);
pointerCancel: function (pointer, event, eventTarget, curEventTarget) {
var pointerIndex = this.mouse? 0 : indexOf(this.pointerIds, getPointerId(pointer));
this.collectEventTargets(pointer, event, eventTarget, 'cancel');
this.pointerEnd(pointer, event, eventTarget, curEventTarget);
// http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/events/click.html
// >Events leading to dblclick
// IE8 doesn't fire down event before dblclick.
// This workaround tries to fire a tap and doubletap after dblclick
ie8Dblclick: function (pointer, event, eventTarget) {
if (this.prevTap
&& event.clientX === this.prevTap.clientX
&& event.clientY === this.prevTap.clientY
&& eventTarget === this.prevTap.target) {
this.downTargets[0] = eventTarget;
this.downTimes[0] = new Date().getTime();
this.collectEventTargets(pointer, event, eventTarget, 'tap');
// End interact move events and stop auto-scroll unless inertia is enabled
pointerEnd: function (pointer, event, eventTarget, curEventTarget) {
var endEvent,
target = this.target,
options = target && target.options,
inertiaOptions = options && this.prepared.name && options[this.prepared.name].inertia,
inertiaStatus = this.inertiaStatus;
if (this.interacting()) {
if (inertiaStatus.active && !inertiaStatus.ending) { return; }
var pointerSpeed,
now = new Date().getTime(),
inertiaPossible = false,
inertia = false,
smoothEnd = false,
endSnap = checkSnap(target, this.prepared.name) && options[this.prepared.name].snap.endOnly,
endRestrict = checkRestrict(target, this.prepared.name) && options[this.prepared.name].restrict.endOnly,
dx = 0,
dy = 0,
if (this.dragging) {
if (options.drag.axis === 'x' ) { pointerSpeed = Math.abs(this.pointerDelta.client.vx); }
else if (options.drag.axis === 'y' ) { pointerSpeed = Math.abs(this.pointerDelta.client.vy); }
else /*options.drag.axis === 'xy'*/{ pointerSpeed = this.pointerDelta.client.speed; }
else {
pointerSpeed = this.pointerDelta.client.speed;
// check if inertia should be started
inertiaPossible = (inertiaOptions && inertiaOptions.enabled
&& this.prepared.name !== 'gesture'
&& event !== inertiaStatus.startEvent);
inertia = (inertiaPossible
&& (now - this.curCoords.timeStamp) < 50
&& pointerSpeed > inertiaOptions.minSpeed
&& pointerSpeed > inertiaOptions.endSpeed);
if (inertiaPossible && !inertia && (endSnap || endRestrict)) {
var snapRestrict = {};
snapRestrict.snap = snapRestrict.restrict = snapRestrict;
if (endSnap) {
this.setSnapping(this.curCoords.page, snapRestrict);
if (snapRestrict.locked) {
dx += snapRestrict.dx;
dy += snapRestrict.dy;
if (endRestrict) {
this.setRestriction(this.curCoords.page, snapRestrict);
if (snapRestrict.restricted) {
dx += snapRestrict.dx;
dy += snapRestrict.dy;
if (dx || dy) {
smoothEnd = true;
if (inertia || smoothEnd) {
copyCoords(inertiaStatus.upCoords, this.curCoords);
this.pointers[0] = inertiaStatus.startEvent = startEvent =
new InteractEvent(this, event, this.prepared.name, 'inertiastart', this.element);
inertiaStatus.t0 = now;
if (inertia) {
inertiaStatus.vx0 = this.pointerDelta.client.vx;
inertiaStatus.vy0 = this.pointerDelta.client.vy;
inertiaStatus.v0 = pointerSpeed;
var page = extend({}, this.curCoords.page),
origin = getOriginXY(target, this.element),
page.x = page.x + inertiaStatus.xe - origin.x;
page.y = page.y + inertiaStatus.ye - origin.y;
statusObject = {
useStatusXY: true,
x: page.x,
y: page.y,
dx: 0,
dy: 0,
snap: null
statusObject.snap = statusObject;
dx = dy = 0;
if (endSnap) {
var snap = this.setSnapping(this.curCoords.page, statusObject);
if (snap.locked) {
dx += snap.dx;
dy += snap.dy;
if (endRestrict) {
var restrict = this.setRestriction(this.curCoords.page, statusObject);
if (restrict.restricted) {
dx += restrict.dx;
dy += restrict.dy;
inertiaStatus.modifiedXe += dx;
inertiaStatus.modifiedYe += dy;
inertiaStatus.i = reqFrame(this.boundInertiaFrame);
else {
inertiaStatus.smoothEnd = true;
inertiaStatus.xe = dx;
inertiaStatus.ye = dy;
inertiaStatus.sx = inertiaStatus.sy = 0;
inertiaStatus.i = reqFrame(this.boundSmoothEndFrame);
inertiaStatus.active = true;
if (endSnap || endRestrict) {
// fire a move event at the snapped coordinates
this.pointerMove(pointer, event, eventTarget, curEventTarget, true);
if (this.dragging) {
endEvent = new InteractEvent(this, event, 'drag', 'end', this.element);
var draggableElement = this.element,
drop = this.getDrop(endEvent, event, draggableElement);
this.dropTarget = drop.dropzone;
this.dropElement = drop.element;
var dropEvents = this.getDropEvents(event, endEvent);
if (dropEvents.leave) { this.prevDropTarget.fire(dropEvents.leave); }
if (dropEvents.enter) { this.dropTarget.fire(dropEvents.enter); }
if (dropEvents.drop ) { this.dropTarget.fire(dropEvents.drop ); }
if (dropEvents.deactivate) {
else if (this.resizing) {
endEvent = new InteractEvent(this, event, 'resize', 'end', this.element);
else if (this.gesturing) {
endEvent = new InteractEvent(this, event, 'gesture', 'end', this.element);
collectDrops: function (element) {
var drops = [],
elements = [],
element = element || this.element;
// collect all dropzones and their elements which qualify for a drop
for (i = 0; i < interactables.length; i++) {
if (!interactables[i].options.drop.enabled) { continue; }
var current = interactables[i],
accept = current.options.drop.accept;
// test the draggable element against the dropzone's accept setting
if ((isElement(accept) && accept !== element)
|| (isString(accept)
&& !matchesSelector(element, accept))) {
// query for new elements if necessary
var dropElements = current.selector? current._context.querySelectorAll(current.selector) : [current._element];
for (var j = 0, len = dropElements.length; j < len; j++) {
var currentElement = dropElements[j];
if (currentElement === element) {
return {
dropzones: drops,
elements: elements
fireActiveDrops: function (event) {
var i,
// loop through all active dropzones and trigger event
for (i = 0; i < this.activeDrops.dropzones.length; i++) {
current = this.activeDrops.dropzones[i];
currentElement = this.activeDrops.elements [i];
// prevent trigger of duplicate events on same element
if (currentElement !== prevElement) {
// set current element as event target
event.target = currentElement;
prevElement = currentElement;
// Collect a new set of possible drops and save them in activeDrops.
// setActiveDrops should always be called when a drag has just started or a
// drag event happens while dynamicDrop is true
setActiveDrops: function (dragElement) {
// get dropzones and their elements that could receive the draggable
var possibleDrops = this.collectDrops(dragElement, true);
this.activeDrops.dropzones = possibleDrops.dropzones;
this.activeDrops.elements = possibleDrops.elements;
this.activeDrops.rects = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.activeDrops.dropzones.length; i++) {
this.activeDrops.rects[i] = this.activeDrops.dropzones[i].getRect(this.activeDrops.elements[i]);
getDrop: function (dragEvent, event, dragElement) {
var validDrops = [];
if (dynamicDrop) {
// collect all dropzones and their elements which qualify for a drop
for (var j = 0; j < this.activeDrops.dropzones.length; j++) {
var current = this.activeDrops.dropzones[j],
currentElement = this.activeDrops.elements [j],
rect = this.activeDrops.rects [j];
validDrops.push(current.dropCheck(dragEvent, event, this.target, dragElement, currentElement, rect)
? currentElement
: null);
// get the most appropriate dropzone based on DOM depth and order
var dropIndex = indexOfDeepestElement(validDrops),
dropzone = this.activeDrops.dropzones[dropIndex] || null,
element = this.activeDrops.elements [dropIndex] || null;
return {
dropzone: dropzone,
element: element
getDropEvents: function (pointerEvent, dragEvent) {
var dropEvents = {
enter : null,
leave : null,
activate : null,
deactivate: null,
move : null,
drop : null
if (this.dropElement !== this.prevDropElement) {
// if there was a prevDropTarget, create a dragleave event
if (this.prevDropTarget) {
dropEvents.leave = {
target : this.prevDropElement,
dropzone : this.prevDropTarget,
relatedTarget: dragEvent.target,
draggable : dragEvent.interactable,
dragEvent : dragEvent,
interaction : this,
timeStamp : dragEvent.timeStamp,
type : 'dragleave'
dragEvent.dragLeave = this.prevDropElement;
dragEvent.prevDropzone = this.prevDropTarget;
// if the dropTarget is not null, create a dragenter event
if (this.dropTarget) {
dropEvents.enter = {
target : this.dropElement,
dropzone : this.dropTarget,
relatedTarget: dragEvent.target,
draggable : dragEvent.interactable,
dragEvent : dragEvent,
interaction : this,
timeStamp : dragEvent.timeStamp,
type : 'dragenter'
dragEvent.dragEnter = this.dropElement;
dragEvent.dropzone = this.dropTarget;
if (dragEvent.type === 'dragend' && this.dropTarget) {
dropEvents.drop = {
target : this.dropElement,
dropzone : this.dropTarget,
relatedTarget: dragEvent.target,
draggable : dragEvent.interactable,
dragEvent : dragEvent,
interaction : this,
timeStamp : dragEvent.timeStamp,
type : 'drop'
dragEvent.dropzone = this.dropTarget;
if (dragEvent.type === 'dragstart') {
dropEvents.activate = {
target : null,
dropzone : null,
relatedTarget: dragEvent.target,
draggable : dragEvent.interactable,
dragEvent : dragEvent,
interaction : this,
timeStamp : dragEvent.timeStamp,
type : 'dropactivate'
if (dragEvent.type === 'dragend') {
dropEvents.deactivate = {
target : null,
dropzone : null,
relatedTarget: dragEvent.target,
draggable : dragEvent.interactable,
dragEvent : dragEvent,
interaction : this,
timeStamp : dragEvent.timeStamp,
type : 'dropdeactivate'
if (dragEvent.type === 'dragmove' && this.dropTarget) {
dropEvents.move = {
target : this.dropElement,
dropzone : this.dropTarget,
relatedTarget: dragEvent.target,
draggable : dragEvent.interactable,
dragEvent : dragEvent,
interaction : this,
dragmove : dragEvent,
timeStamp : dragEvent.timeStamp,
type : 'dropmove'
dragEvent.dropzone = this.dropTarget;
return dropEvents;
currentAction: function () {
return (this.dragging && 'drag') || (this.resizing && 'resize') || (this.gesturing && 'gesture') || null;
interacting: function () {
return this.dragging || this.resizing || this.gesturing;
clearTargets: function () {
this.target = this.element = null;
this.dropTarget = this.dropElement = this.prevDropTarget = this.prevDropElement = null;
stop: function (event) {
if (this.interacting()) {
this.matches = [];
this.matchElements = [];
var target = this.target;
if (target.options.styleCursor) {
target._doc.documentElement.style.cursor = '';
// prevent Default only if were previously interacting
if (event && isFunction(event.preventDefault)) {
this.checkAndPreventDefault(event, target, this.element);
if (this.dragging) {
this.activeDrops.dropzones = this.activeDrops.elements = this.activeDrops.rects = null;
this.pointerIsDown = this.snapStatus.locked = this.dragging = this.resizing = this.gesturing = false;
this.prepared.name = this.prevEvent = null;
this.inertiaStatus.resumeDx = this.inertiaStatus.resumeDy = 0;
// remove pointers if their ID isn't in this.pointerIds
for (var i = 0; i < this.pointers.length; i++) {
if (indexOf(this.pointerIds, getPointerId(this.pointers[i])) === -1) {
this.pointers.splice(i, 1);
inertiaFrame: function () {
var inertiaStatus = this.inertiaStatus,
options = this.target.options[this.prepared.name].inertia,
lambda = options.resistance,
t = new Date().getTime() / 1000 - inertiaStatus.t0;
if (t < inertiaStatus.te) {
var progress = 1 - (Math.exp(-lambda * t) - inertiaStatus.lambda_v0) / inertiaStatus.one_ve_v0;
if (inertiaStatus.modifiedXe === inertiaStatus.xe && inertiaStatus.modifiedYe === inertiaStatus.ye) {
inertiaStatus.sx = inertiaStatus.xe * progress;
inertiaStatus.sy = inertiaStatus.ye * progress;
else {
var quadPoint = getQuadraticCurvePoint(
0, 0,
inertiaStatus.xe, inertiaStatus.ye,
inertiaStatus.modifiedXe, inertiaStatus.modifiedYe,
inertiaStatus.sx = quadPoint.x;
inertiaStatus.sy = quadPoint.y;
this.pointerMove(inertiaStatus.startEvent, inertiaStatus.startEvent);
inertiaStatus.i = reqFrame(this.boundInertiaFrame);
else {
inertiaStatus.ending = true;
inertiaStatus.sx = inertiaStatus.modifiedXe;
inertiaStatus.sy = inertiaStatus.modifiedYe;
this.pointerMove(inertiaStatus.startEvent, inertiaStatus.startEvent);
this.pointerEnd(inertiaStatus.startEvent, inertiaStatus.startEvent);
inertiaStatus.active = inertiaStatus.ending = false;
smoothEndFrame: function () {
var inertiaStatus = this.inertiaStatus,
t = new Date().getTime() - inertiaStatus.t0,
duration = this.target.options[this.prepared.name].inertia.smoothEndDuration;
if (t < duration) {
inertiaStatus.sx = easeOutQuad(t, 0, inertiaStatus.xe, duration);
inertiaStatus.sy = easeOutQuad(t, 0, inertiaStatus.ye, duration);
this.pointerMove(inertiaStatus.startEvent, inertiaStatus.startEvent);
inertiaStatus.i = reqFrame(this.boundSmoothEndFrame);
else {
inertiaStatus.ending = true;
inertiaStatus.sx = inertiaStatus.xe;
inertiaStatus.sy = inertiaStatus.ye;
this.pointerMove(inertiaStatus.startEvent, inertiaStatus.startEvent);
this.pointerEnd(inertiaStatus.startEvent, inertiaStatus.startEvent);
inertiaStatus.smoothEnd =
inertiaStatus.active = inertiaStatus.ending = false;
addPointer: function (pointer) {
var id = getPointerId(pointer),
index = this.mouse? 0 : indexOf(this.pointerIds, id);
if (index === -1) {
index = this.pointerIds.length;
this.pointerIds[index] = id;
this.pointers[index] = pointer;
return index;
removePointer: function (pointer) {
var id = getPointerId(pointer),
index = this.mouse? 0 : indexOf(this.pointerIds, id);
if (index === -1) { return; }
this.pointers .splice(index, 1);
this.pointerIds .splice(index, 1);
this.downTargets.splice(index, 1);
this.downTimes .splice(index, 1);
this.holdTimers .splice(index, 1);
recordPointer: function (pointer) {
var index = this.mouse? 0: indexOf(this.pointerIds, getPointerId(pointer));
if (index === -1) { return; }
this.pointers[index] = pointer;
collectEventTargets: function (pointer, event, eventTarget, eventType) {
var pointerIndex = this.mouse? 0 : indexOf(this.pointerIds, getPointerId(pointer));
// do not fire a tap event if the pointer was moved before being lifted
if (eventType === 'tap' && (this.pointerWasMoved
// or if the pointerup target is different to the pointerdown target
|| !(this.downTargets[pointerIndex] && this.downTargets[pointerIndex] === eventTarget))) {
var targets = [],
elements = [],
element = eventTarget;
function collectSelectors (interactable, selector, context) {
var els = ie8MatchesSelector
? context.querySelectorAll(selector)
: undefined;
if (interactable._iEvents[eventType]
&& isElement(element)
&& inContext(interactable, element)
&& !testIgnore(interactable, element, eventTarget)
&& testAllow(interactable, element, eventTarget)
&& matchesSelector(element, selector, els)) {
while (element) {
if (interact.isSet(element) && interact(element)._iEvents[eventType]) {
element = parentElement(element);
// create the tap event even if there are no listeners so that
// doubletap can still be created and fired
if (targets.length || eventType === 'tap') {
this.firePointers(pointer, event, eventTarget, targets, elements, eventType);
firePointers: function (pointer, event, eventTarget, targets, elements, eventType) {
var pointerIndex = this.mouse? 0 : indexOf(this.pointerIds, getPointerId(pointer)),
pointerEvent = {},
// for tap events
interval, createNewDoubleTap;
// if it's a doubletap then the event properties would have been
// copied from the tap event and provided as the pointer argument
if (eventType === 'doubletap') {
pointerEvent = pointer;
else {
pointerExtend(pointerEvent, event);
if (event !== pointer) {
pointerExtend(pointerEvent, pointer);
pointerEvent.preventDefault = preventOriginalDefault;
pointerEvent.stopPropagation = InteractEvent.prototype.stopPropagation;
pointerEvent.stopImmediatePropagation = InteractEvent.prototype.stopImmediatePropagation;
pointerEvent.interaction = this;
pointerEvent.timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
pointerEvent.originalEvent = event;
pointerEvent.originalPointer = pointer;
pointerEvent.type = eventType;
pointerEvent.pointerId = getPointerId(pointer);
pointerEvent.pointerType = this.mouse? 'mouse' : !supportsPointerEvent? 'touch'
: isString(pointer.pointerType)
? pointer.pointerType
: [,,'touch', 'pen', 'mouse'][pointer.pointerType];
if (eventType === 'tap') {
pointerEvent.dt = pointerEvent.timeStamp - this.downTimes[pointerIndex];
interval = pointerEvent.timeStamp - this.tapTime;
createNewDoubleTap = !!(this.prevTap && this.prevTap.type !== 'doubletap'
&& this.prevTap.target === pointerEvent.target
&& interval < 500);
pointerEvent.double = createNewDoubleTap;
this.tapTime = pointerEvent.timeStamp;
for (i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {
pointerEvent.currentTarget = elements[i];
pointerEvent.interactable = targets[i];
if (pointerEvent.immediatePropagationStopped
||(pointerEvent.propagationStopped && elements[i + 1] !== pointerEvent.currentTarget)) {
if (createNewDoubleTap) {
var doubleTap = {};
extend(doubleTap, pointerEvent);
doubleTap.dt = interval;
doubleTap.type = 'doubletap';
this.collectEventTargets(doubleTap, event, eventTarget, 'doubletap');
this.prevTap = doubleTap;
else if (eventType === 'tap') {
this.prevTap = pointerEvent;
validateSelector: function (pointer, event, matches, matchElements) {
for (var i = 0, len = matches.length; i < len; i++) {
var match = matches[i],
matchElement = matchElements[i],
action = validateAction(match.getAction(pointer, event, this, matchElement), match);
if (action && withinInteractionLimit(match, matchElement, action)) {
this.target = match;
this.element = matchElement;
return action;
setSnapping: function (pageCoords, status) {
var snap = this.target.options[this.prepared.name].snap,
targets = [],
status = status || this.snapStatus;
if (status.useStatusXY) {
page = { x: status.x, y: status.y };
else {
var origin = getOriginXY(this.target, this.element);
page = extend({}, pageCoords);
page.x -= origin.x;
page.y -= origin.y;
status.realX = page.x;
status.realY = page.y;
page.x = page.x - this.inertiaStatus.resumeDx;
page.y = page.y - this.inertiaStatus.resumeDy;
var len = snap.targets? snap.targets.length : 0;
for (var relIndex = 0; relIndex < this.snapOffsets.length; relIndex++) {
var relative = {
x: page.x - this.snapOffsets[relIndex].x,
y: page.y - this.snapOffsets[relIndex].y
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (isFunction(snap.targets[i])) {
target = snap.targets[i](relative.x, relative.y, this);
else {
target = snap.targets[i];
if (!target) { continue; }
x: isNumber(target.x) ? (target.x + this.snapOffsets[relIndex].x) : relative.x,
y: isNumber(target.y) ? (target.y + this.snapOffsets[relIndex].y) : relative.y,
range: isNumber(target.range)? target.range: snap.range
var closest = {
target: null,
inRange: false,
distance: 0,
range: 0,
dx: 0,
dy: 0
for (i = 0, len = targets.length; i < len; i++) {
target = targets[i];
var range = target.range,
dx = target.x - page.x,
dy = target.y - page.y,
distance = hypot(dx, dy),
inRange = distance <= range;
// Infinite targets count as being out of range
// compared to non infinite ones that are in range
if (range === Infinity && closest.inRange && closest.range !== Infinity) {
inRange = false;
if (!closest.target || (inRange
// is the closest target in range?
? (closest.inRange && range !== Infinity
// the pointer is relatively deeper in this target
? distance / range < closest.distance / closest.range
// this target has Infinite range and the closest doesn't
: (range === Infinity && closest.range !== Infinity)
// OR this target is closer that the previous closest
|| distance < closest.distance)
// The other is not in range and the pointer is closer to this target
: (!closest.inRange && distance < closest.distance))) {
if (range === Infinity) {
inRange = true;
closest.target = target;
closest.distance = distance;
closest.range = range;
closest.inRange = inRange;
closest.dx = dx;
closest.dy = dy;
status.range = range;
var snapChanged;
if (closest.target) {
snapChanged = (status.snappedX !== closest.target.x || status.snappedY !== closest.target.y);
status.snappedX = closest.target.x;
status.snappedY = closest.target.y;
else {
snapChanged = true;
status.snappedX = NaN;
status.snappedY = NaN;
status.dx = closest.dx;
status.dy = closest.dy;
status.changed = (snapChanged || (closest.inRange && !status.locked));
status.locked = closest.inRange;
return status;
setRestriction: function (pageCoords, status) {
var target = this.target,
restrict = target && target.options[this.prepared.name].restrict,
restriction = restrict && restrict.restriction,
if (!restriction) {
return status;
status = status || this.restrictStatus;
page = status.useStatusXY
? page = { x: status.x, y: status.y }
: page = extend({}, pageCoords);
if (status.snap && status.snap.locked) {
page.x += status.snap.dx || 0;
page.y += status.snap.dy || 0;
page.x -= this.inertiaStatus.resumeDx;
page.y -= this.inertiaStatus.resumeDy;
status.dx = 0;
status.dy = 0;
status.restricted = false;
var rect, restrictedX, restrictedY;
if (isString(restriction)) {
if (restriction === 'parent') {
restriction = parentElement(this.element);
else if (restriction === 'self') {
restriction = target.getRect(this.element);
else {
restriction = closest(this.element, restriction);
if (!restriction) { return status; }
if (isFunction(restriction)) {
restriction = restriction(page.x, page.y, this.element);
if (isElement(restriction)) {
restriction = getElementRect(restriction);
rect = restriction;
if (!restriction) {
restrictedX = page.x;
restrictedY = page.y;
// object is assumed to have
// x, y, width, height or
// left, top, right, bottom
else if ('x' in restriction && 'y' in restriction) {
restrictedX = Math.max(Math.min(rect.x + rect.width - this.restrictOffset.right , page.x), rect.x + this.restrictOffset.left);
restrictedY = Math.max(Math.min(rect.y + rect.height - this.restrictOffset.bottom, page.y), rect.y + this.restrictOffset.top );
else {
restrictedX = Math.max(Math.min(rect.right - this.restrictOffset.right , page.x), rect.left + this.restrictOffset.left);
restrictedY = Math.max(Math.min(rect.bottom - this.restrictOffset.bottom, page.y), rect.top + this.restrictOffset.top );
status.dx = restrictedX - page.x;
status.dy = restrictedY - page.y;
status.changed = status.restrictedX !== restrictedX || status.restrictedY !== restrictedY;
status.restricted = !!(status.dx || status.dy);
status.restrictedX = restrictedX;
status.restrictedY = restrictedY;
return status;
checkAndPreventDefault: function (event, interactable, element) {
if (!(interactable = interactable || this.target)) { return; }
var options = interactable.options,
prevent = options.preventDefault;
if (prevent === 'auto' && element && !/^(input|select|textarea)$/i.test(event.target.nodeName)) {
// do not preventDefault on pointerdown if the prepared action is a drag
// and dragging can only start from a certain direction - this allows
// a touch to pan the viewport if a drag isn't in the right direction
if (/down|start/i.test(event.type)
&& this.prepared.name === 'drag' && options.drag.axis !== 'xy') {
// with manualStart, only preventDefault while interacting
if (options[this.prepared.name] && options[this.prepared.name].manualStart
&& !this.interacting()) {
if (prevent === 'always') {
calcInertia: function (status) {
var inertiaOptions = this.target.options[this.prepared.name].inertia,
lambda = inertiaOptions.resistance,
inertiaDur = -Math.log(inertiaOptions.endSpeed / status.v0) / lambda;
status.x0 = this.prevEvent.pageX;
status.y0 = this.prevEvent.pageY;
status.t0 = status.startEvent.timeStamp / 1000;
status.sx = status.sy = 0;
status.modifiedXe = status.xe = (status.vx0 - inertiaDur) / lambda;
status.modifiedYe = status.ye = (status.vy0 - inertiaDur) / lambda;
status.te = inertiaDur;
status.lambda_v0 = lambda / status.v0;
status.one_ve_v0 = 1 - inertiaOptions.endSpeed / status.v0;
autoScrollMove: function (pointer) {
if (!(this.interacting()
&& checkAutoScroll(this.target, this.prepared.name))) {
if (this.inertiaStatus.active) {
autoScroll.x = autoScroll.y = 0;
var top,
options = this.target.options[this.prepared.name].autoScroll,
container = options.container || getWindow(this.element);
if (isWindow(container)) {
left = pointer.clientX < autoScroll.margin;
top = pointer.clientY < autoScroll.margin;
right = pointer.clientX > container.innerWidth - autoScroll.margin;
bottom = pointer.clientY > container.innerHeight - autoScroll.margin;
else {
var rect = getElementClientRect(container);
left = pointer.clientX < rect.left + autoScroll.margin;
top = pointer.clientY < rect.top + autoScroll.margin;
right = pointer.clientX > rect.right - autoScroll.margin;
bottom = pointer.clientY > rect.bottom - autoScroll.margin;
autoScroll.x = (right ? 1: left? -1: 0);
autoScroll.y = (bottom? 1: top? -1: 0);
if (!autoScroll.isScrolling) {
// set the autoScroll properties to those of the target
autoScroll.margin = options.margin;
autoScroll.speed = options.speed;
_updateEventTargets: function (target, currentTarget) {
this._eventTarget = target;
this._curEventTarget = currentTarget;
function getInteractionFromPointer (pointer, eventType, eventTarget) {
var i = 0, len = interactions.length,
mouseEvent = (/mouse/i.test(pointer.pointerType || eventType)
|| pointer.pointerType === 4),
var id = getPointerId(pointer);
// try to resume inertia with a new pointer
if (/down|start/i.test(eventType)) {
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
interaction = interactions[i];
var element = eventTarget;
if (interaction.inertiaStatus.active && interaction.target.options[interaction.prepared.name].inertia.allowResume
&& (interaction.mouse === mouseEvent)) {
while (element) {
// if the element is the interaction element
if (element === interaction.element) {
return interaction;
element = parentElement(element);
// if it's a mouse interaction
if (mouseEvent || !(supportsTouch || supportsPointerEvent)) {
// find a mouse interaction that's not in inertia phase
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (interactions[i].mouse && !interactions[i].inertiaStatus.active) {
return interactions[i];
// find any interaction specifically for mouse.
// if the eventType is a mousedown, and inertia is active
// ignore the interaction
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (interactions[i].mouse && !(/down/.test(eventType) && interactions[i].inertiaStatus.active)) {
return interaction;
// create a new interaction for mouse
interaction = new Interaction();
interaction.mouse = true;
return interaction;
// get interaction that has this pointer
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (contains(interactions[i].pointerIds, id)) {
return interactions[i];
// at this stage, a pointerUp should not return an interaction
if (/up|end|out/i.test(eventType)) {
return null;
// get first idle interaction
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
interaction = interactions[i];
if ((!interaction.prepared.name || (interaction.target.options.gesture.enabled))
&& !interaction.interacting()
&& !(!mouseEvent && interaction.mouse)) {
return interaction;
return new Interaction();
function doOnInteractions (method) {
return (function (event) {
var interaction,
eventTarget = getActualElement(event.path
? event.path[0]
: event.target),
curEventTarget = getActualElement(event.currentTarget),
if (supportsTouch && /touch/.test(event.type)) {
prevTouchTime = new Date().getTime();
for (i = 0; i < event.changedTouches.length; i++) {
var pointer = event.changedTouches[i];
interaction = getInteractionFromPointer(pointer, event.type, eventTarget);
if (!interaction) { continue; }
interaction._updateEventTargets(eventTarget, curEventTarget);
interaction[method](pointer, event, eventTarget, curEventTarget);
else {
if (!supportsPointerEvent && /mouse/.test(event.type)) {
// ignore mouse events while touch interactions are active
for (i = 0; i < interactions.length; i++) {
if (!interactions[i].mouse && interactions[i].pointerIsDown) {
// try to ignore mouse events that are simulated by the browser
// after a touch event
if (new Date().getTime() - prevTouchTime < 500) {
interaction = getInteractionFromPointer(event, event.type, eventTarget);
if (!interaction) { return; }
interaction._updateEventTargets(eventTarget, curEventTarget);
interaction[method](event, event, eventTarget, curEventTarget);
function InteractEvent (interaction, event, action, phase, element, related) {
var client,
target = interaction.target,
snapStatus = interaction.snapStatus,
restrictStatus = interaction.restrictStatus,
pointers = interaction.pointers,
deltaSource = (target && target.options || defaultOptions).deltaSource,
sourceX = deltaSource + 'X',
sourceY = deltaSource + 'Y',
options = target? target.options: defaultOptions,
origin = getOriginXY(target, element),
starting = phase === 'start',
ending = phase === 'end',
coords = starting? interaction.startCoords : interaction.curCoords;
element = element || interaction.element;
page = extend({}, coords.page);
client = extend({}, coords.client);
page.x -= origin.x;
page.y -= origin.y;
client.x -= origin.x;
client.y -= origin.y;
var relativePoints = options[action].snap && options[action].snap.relativePoints ;
if (checkSnap(target, action) && !(starting && relativePoints && relativePoints.length)) {
this.snap = {
range : snapStatus.range,
locked : snapStatus.locked,
x : snapStatus.snappedX,
y : snapStatus.snappedY,
realX : snapStatus.realX,
realY : snapStatus.realY,
dx : snapStatus.dx,
dy : snapStatus.dy
if (snapStatus.locked) {
page.x += snapStatus.dx;
page.y += snapStatus.dy;
client.x += snapStatus.dx;
client.y += snapStatus.dy;
if (checkRestrict(target, action) && !(starting && options[action].restrict.elementRect) && restrictStatus.restricted) {
page.x += restrictStatus.dx;
page.y += restrictStatus.dy;
client.x += restrictStatus.dx;
client.y += restrictStatus.dy;
this.restrict = {
dx: restrictStatus.dx,
dy: restrictStatus.dy
this.pageX = page.x;
this.pageY = page.y;
this.clientX = client.x;
this.clientY = client.y;
this.x0 = interaction.startCoords.page.x - origin.x;
this.y0 = interaction.startCoords.page.y - origin.y;
this.clientX0 = interaction.startCoords.client.x - origin.x;
this.clientY0 = interaction.startCoords.client.y - origin.y;
this.ctrlKey = event.ctrlKey;
this.altKey = event.altKey;
this.shiftKey = event.shiftKey;
this.metaKey = event.metaKey;
this.button = event.button;
this.buttons = event.buttons;
this.target = element;
this.t0 = interaction.downTimes[0];
this.type = action + (phase || '');
this.interaction = interaction;
this.interactable = target;
var inertiaStatus = interaction.inertiaStatus;
if (inertiaStatus.active) {
this.detail = 'inertia';
if (related) {
this.relatedTarget = related;
// end event dx, dy is difference between start and end points
if (ending) {
if (deltaSource === 'client') {
this.dx = client.x - interaction.startCoords.client.x;
this.dy = client.y - interaction.startCoords.client.y;
else {
this.dx = page.x - interaction.startCoords.page.x;
this.dy = page.y - interaction.startCoords.page.y;
else if (starting) {
this.dx = 0;
this.dy = 0;
// copy properties from previousmove if starting inertia
else if (phase === 'inertiastart') {
this.dx = interaction.prevEvent.dx;
this.dy = interaction.prevEvent.dy;
else {
if (deltaSource === 'client') {
this.dx = client.x - interaction.prevEvent.clientX;
this.dy = client.y - interaction.prevEvent.clientY;
else {
this.dx = page.x - interaction.prevEvent.pageX;
this.dy = page.y - interaction.prevEvent.pageY;
if (interaction.prevEvent && interaction.prevEvent.detail === 'inertia'
&& !inertiaStatus.active
&& options[action].inertia && options[action].inertia.zeroResumeDelta) {
inertiaStatus.resumeDx += this.dx;
inertiaStatus.resumeDy += this.dy;
this.dx = this.dy = 0;
if (action === 'resize' && interaction.resizeAxes) {
if (options.resize.square) {
if (interaction.resizeAxes === 'y') {
this.dx = this.dy;
else {
this.dy = this.dx;
this.axes = 'xy';
else {
this.axes = interaction.resizeAxes;
if (interaction.resizeAxes === 'x') {
this.dy = 0;
else if (interaction.resizeAxes === 'y') {
this.dx = 0;
else if (action === 'gesture') {
this.touches = [pointers[0], pointers[1]];
if (starting) {
this.distance = touchDistance(pointers, deltaSource);
this.box = touchBBox(pointers);
this.scale = 1;
this.ds = 0;
this.angle = touchAngle(pointers, undefined, deltaSource);
this.da = 0;
else if (ending || event instanceof InteractEvent) {
this.distance = interaction.prevEvent.distance;
this.box = interaction.prevEvent.box;
this.scale = interaction.prevEvent.scale;
this.ds = this.scale - 1;
this.angle = interaction.prevEvent.angle;
this.da = this.angle - interaction.gesture.startAngle;
else {
this.distance = touchDistance(pointers, deltaSource);
this.box = touchBBox(pointers);
this.scale = this.distance / interaction.gesture.startDistance;
this.angle = touchAngle(pointers, interaction.gesture.prevAngle, deltaSource);
this.ds = this.scale - interaction.gesture.prevScale;
this.da = this.angle - interaction.gesture.prevAngle;
if (starting) {
this.timeStamp = interaction.downTimes[0];
this.dt = 0;
this.duration = 0;
this.speed = 0;
this.velocityX = 0;
this.velocityY = 0;
else if (phase === 'inertiastart') {
this.timeStamp = interaction.prevEvent.timeStamp;
this.dt = interaction.prevEvent.dt;
this.duration = interaction.prevEvent.duration;
this.speed = interaction.prevEvent.speed;
this.velocityX = interaction.prevEvent.velocityX;
this.velocityY = interaction.prevEvent.velocityY;
else {
this.timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
this.dt = this.timeStamp - interaction.prevEvent.timeStamp;
this.duration = this.timeStamp - interaction.downTimes[0];
if (event instanceof InteractEvent) {
var dx = this[sourceX] - interaction.prevEvent[sourceX],
dy = this[sourceY] - interaction.prevEvent[sourceY],
dt = this.dt / 1000;
this.speed = hypot(dx, dy) / dt;
this.velocityX = dx / dt;
this.velocityY = dy / dt;
// if normal move or end event, use previous user event coords
else {
// speed and velocity in pixels per second
this.speed = interaction.pointerDelta[deltaSource].speed;
this.velocityX = interaction.pointerDelta[deltaSource].vx;
this.velocityY = interaction.pointerDelta[deltaSource].vy;
if ((ending || phase === 'inertiastart')
&& interaction.prevEvent.speed > 600 && this.timeStamp - interaction.prevEvent.timeStamp < 150) {
var angle = 180 * Math.atan2(interaction.prevEvent.velocityY, interaction.prevEvent.velocityX) / Math.PI,
overlap = 22.5;
if (angle < 0) {
angle += 360;
var left = 135 - overlap <= angle && angle < 225 + overlap,
up = 225 - overlap <= angle && angle < 315 + overlap,
right = !left && (315 - overlap <= angle || angle < 45 + overlap),
down = !up && 45 - overlap <= angle && angle < 135 + overlap;
this.swipe = {
up : up,
down : down,
left : left,
right: right,
angle: angle,
speed: interaction.prevEvent.speed,
velocity: {
x: interaction.prevEvent.velocityX,
y: interaction.prevEvent.velocityY
InteractEvent.prototype = {
preventDefault: blank,
stopImmediatePropagation: function () {
this.immediatePropagationStopped = this.propagationStopped = true;
stopPropagation: function () {
this.propagationStopped = true;
function preventOriginalDefault () {
function getActionCursor (action) {
var cursor = '';
if (action.name === 'drag') {
cursor = actionCursors.drag;
if (action.name === 'resize') {
if (action.axis) {
cursor = actionCursors[action.name + action.axis];
else if (action.edges) {
var cursorKey = 'resize',
edgeNames = ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'];
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (action.edges[edgeNames[i]]) {
cursorKey += edgeNames[i];
cursor = actionCursors[cursorKey];
return cursor;
function checkResizeEdge (name, value, page, element, interactableElement, rect, margin) {
// false, '', undefined, null
if (!value) { return false; }
// true value, use pointer coords and element rect
if (value === true) {
// if dimensions are negative, "switch" edges
var width = isNumber(rect.width)? rect.width : rect.right - rect.left,
height = isNumber(rect.height)? rect.height : rect.bottom - rect.top;
if (width < 0) {
if (name === 'left' ) { name = 'right'; }
else if (name === 'right') { name = 'left' ; }
if (height < 0) {
if (name === 'top' ) { name = 'bottom'; }
else if (name === 'bottom') { name = 'top' ; }
if (name === 'left' ) { return page.x < ((width >= 0? rect.left: rect.right ) + margin); }
if (name === 'top' ) { return page.y < ((height >= 0? rect.top : rect.bottom) + margin); }
if (name === 'right' ) { return page.x > ((width >= 0? rect.right : rect.left) - margin); }
if (name === 'bottom') { return page.y > ((height >= 0? rect.bottom: rect.top ) - margin); }
// the remaining checks require an element
if (!isElement(element)) { return false; }
return isElement(value)
// the value is an element to use as a resize handle
? value === element
// otherwise check if element matches value as selector
: matchesUpTo(element, value, interactableElement);
function defaultActionChecker (pointer, interaction, element) {
var rect = this.getRect(element),
shouldResize = false,
action = null,
resizeAxes = null,
page = extend({}, interaction.curCoords.page),
options = this.options;
if (!rect) { return null; }
if (actionIsEnabled.resize && options.resize.enabled) {
var resizeOptions = options.resize;
resizeEdges = {
left: false, right: false, top: false, bottom: false
// if using resize.edges
if (isObject(resizeOptions.edges)) {
for (var edge in resizeEdges) {
resizeEdges[edge] = checkResizeEdge(edge,
resizeOptions.margin || margin);
resizeEdges.left = resizeEdges.left && !resizeEdges.right;
resizeEdges.top = resizeEdges.top && !resizeEdges.bottom;
shouldResize = resizeEdges.left || resizeEdges.right || resizeEdges.top || resizeEdges.bottom;
else {
var right = options.resize.axis !== 'y' && page.x > (rect.right - margin),
bottom = options.resize.axis !== 'x' && page.y > (rect.bottom - margin);
shouldResize = right || bottom;
resizeAxes = (right? 'x' : '') + (bottom? 'y' : '');
action = shouldResize
? 'resize'
: actionIsEnabled.drag && options.drag.enabled
? 'drag'
: null;
if (actionIsEnabled.gesture
&& interaction.pointerIds.length >=2
&& !(interaction.dragging || interaction.resizing)) {
action = 'gesture';
if (action) {
return {
name: action,
axis: resizeAxes,
edges: resizeEdges
return null;
// Check if action is enabled globally and the current target supports it
// If so, return the validated action. Otherwise, return null
function validateAction (action, interactable) {
if (!isObject(action)) { return null; }
var actionName = action.name,
options = interactable.options;
if (( (actionName === 'resize' && options.resize.enabled )
|| (actionName === 'drag' && options.drag.enabled )
|| (actionName === 'gesture' && options.gesture.enabled))
&& actionIsEnabled[actionName]) {
if (actionName === 'resize' || actionName === 'resizeyx') {
actionName = 'resizexy';
return action;
return null;
var listeners = {},
interactionListeners = [
'dragStart', 'dragMove', 'resizeStart', 'resizeMove', 'gestureStart', 'gestureMove',
'pointerOver', 'pointerOut', 'pointerHover', 'selectorDown',
'pointerDown', 'pointerMove', 'pointerUp', 'pointerCancel', 'pointerEnd',
'addPointer', 'removePointer', 'recordPointer', 'autoScrollMove'
for (var i = 0, len = interactionListeners.length; i < len; i++) {
var name = interactionListeners[i];
listeners[name] = doOnInteractions(name);
// bound to the interactable context when a DOM event
// listener is added to a selector interactable
function delegateListener (event, useCapture) {
var fakeEvent = {},
delegated = delegatedEvents[event.type],
eventTarget = getActualElement(event.path
? event.path[0]
: event.target),
element = eventTarget;
useCapture = useCapture? true: false;
// duplicate the event so that currentTarget can be changed
for (var prop in event) {
fakeEvent[prop] = event[prop];
fakeEvent.originalEvent = event;
fakeEvent.preventDefault = preventOriginalDefault;
// climb up document tree looking for selector matches
while (isElement(element)) {
for (var i = 0; i < delegated.selectors.length; i++) {
var selector = delegated.selectors[i],
context = delegated.contexts[i];
if (matchesSelector(element, selector)
&& nodeContains(context, eventTarget)
&& nodeContains(context, element)) {
var listeners = delegated.listeners[i];
fakeEvent.currentTarget = element;
for (var j = 0; j < listeners.length; j++) {
if (listeners[j][1] === useCapture) {
element = parentElement(element);
function delegateUseCapture (event) {
return delegateListener.call(this, event, true);
interactables.indexOfElement = function indexOfElement (element, context) {
context = context || document;
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
var interactable = this[i];
if ((interactable.selector === element
&& (interactable._context === context))
|| (!interactable.selector && interactable._element === element)) {
return i;
return -1;
interactables.get = function interactableGet (element, options) {
return this[this.indexOfElement(element, options && options.context)];
interactables.forEachSelector = function (callback) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
var interactable = this[i];
if (!interactable.selector) {
var ret = callback(interactable, interactable.selector, interactable._context, i, this);
if (ret !== undefined) {
return ret;
* interact
[ method ]
* The methods of this variable can be used to set elements as
* interactables and also to change various default settings.
* Calling it as a function and passing an element or a valid CSS selector
* string returns an Interactable object which has various methods to
* configure it.
- element (Element | string) The HTML or SVG Element to interact with or CSS selector
= (object) An @Interactable
> Usage
| interact(document.getElementById('draggable')).draggable(true);
| var rectables = interact('rect');
| rectables
| .gesturable(true)
| .on('gesturemove', function (event) {
| // something cool...
| })
| .autoScroll(true);
function interact (element, options) {
return interactables.get(element, options) || new Interactable(element, options);
* Interactable
[ property ]
* Object type returned by @interact
function Interactable (element, options) {
this._element = element;
this._iEvents = this._iEvents || {};
var _window;
if (trySelector(element)) {
this.selector = element;
var context = options && options.context;
_window = context? getWindow(context) : window;
if (context && (_window.Node
? context instanceof _window.Node
: (isElement(context) || context === _window.document))) {
this._context = context;
else {
_window = getWindow(element);
if (isElement(element, _window)) {
if (supportsPointerEvent) {
events.add(this._element, pEventTypes.down, listeners.pointerDown );
events.add(this._element, pEventTypes.move, listeners.pointerHover);
else {
events.add(this._element, 'mousedown' , listeners.pointerDown );
events.add(this._element, 'mousemove' , listeners.pointerHover);
events.add(this._element, 'touchstart', listeners.pointerDown );
events.add(this._element, 'touchmove' , listeners.pointerHover);
this._doc = _window.document;
if (!contains(documents, this._doc)) {
Interactable.prototype = {
setOnEvents: function (action, phases) {
if (action === 'drop') {
if (isFunction(phases.ondrop) ) { this.ondrop = phases.ondrop ; }
if (isFunction(phases.ondropactivate) ) { this.ondropactivate = phases.ondropactivate ; }
if (isFunction(phases.ondropdeactivate)) { this.ondropdeactivate = phases.ondropdeactivate; }
if (isFunction(phases.ondragenter) ) { this.ondragenter = phases.ondragenter ; }
if (isFunction(phases.ondragleave) ) { this.ondragleave = phases.ondragleave ; }
if (isFunction(phases.ondropmove) ) { this.ondropmove = phases.ondropmove ; }
else {
action = 'on' + action;
if (isFunction(phases.onstart) ) { this[action + 'start' ] = phases.onstart ; }
if (isFunction(phases.onmove) ) { this[action + 'move' ] = phases.onmove ; }
if (isFunction(phases.onend) ) { this[action + 'end' ] = phases.onend ; }
if (isFunction(phases.oninertiastart)) { this[action + 'inertiastart' ] = phases.oninertiastart ; }
return this;
* Interactable.draggable
[ method ]
* Gets or sets whether drag actions can be performed on the
* Interactable
= (boolean) Indicates if this can be the target of drag events
| var isDraggable = interact('ul li').draggable();
* or
- options (boolean | object) #optional true/false or An object with event listeners to be fired on drag events (object makes the Interactable draggable)
= (object) This Interactable
| interact(element).draggable({
| onstart: function (event) {},
| onmove : function (event) {},
| onend : function (event) {},
| // the axis in which the first movement must be
| // for the drag sequence to start
| // 'xy' by default - any direction
| axis: 'x' || 'y' || 'xy',
| // max number of drags that can happen concurrently
| // with elements of this Interactable. Infinity by default
| max: Infinity,
| // max number of drags that can target the same element+Interactable
| // 1 by default
| maxPerElement: 2
| });
draggable: function (options) {
if (isObject(options)) {
this.options.drag.enabled = options.enabled === false? false: true;
this.setPerAction('drag', options);
this.setOnEvents('drag', options);
if (/^x$|^y$|^xy$/.test(options.axis)) {
this.options.drag.axis = options.axis;
else if (options.axis === null) {
delete this.options.drag.axis;
return this;
if (isBool(options)) {
this.options.drag.enabled = options;
return this;
return this.options.drag;
setPerAction: function (action, options) {
// for all the default per-action options
for (var option in options) {
// if this option exists for this action
if (option in defaultOptions[action]) {
// if the option in the options arg is an object value
if (isObject(options[option])) {
// duplicate the object
this.options[action][option] = extend(this.options[action][option] || {}, options[option]);
if (isObject(defaultOptions.perAction[option]) && 'enabled' in defaultOptions.perAction[option]) {
this.options[action][option].enabled = options[option].enabled === false? false : true;
else if (isBool(options[option]) && isObject(defaultOptions.perAction[option])) {
this.options[action][option].enabled = options[option];
else if (options[option] !== undefined) {
// or if it's not undefined, do a plain assignment
this.options[action][option] = options[option];
* Interactable.dropzone
[ method ]
* Returns or sets whether elements can be dropped onto this
* Interactable to trigger drop events
* Dropzones can receive the following events:
* - `dropactivate` and `dropdeactivate` when an acceptable drag starts and ends
* - `dragenter` and `dragleave` when a draggable enters and leaves the dropzone
* - `dragmove` when a draggable that has entered the dropzone is moved
* - `drop` when a draggable is dropped into this dropzone
* Use the `accept` option to allow only elements that match the given CSS selector or element.
* Use the `overlap` option to set how drops are checked for. The allowed values are:
* - `'pointer'`, the pointer must be over the dropzone (default)
* - `'center'`, the draggable element's center must be over the dropzone
* - a number from 0-1 which is the `(intersection area) / (draggable area)`.
* e.g. `0.5` for drop to happen when half of the area of the
* draggable is over the dropzone
- options (boolean | object | null) #optional The new value to be set.
| interact('.drop').dropzone({
| accept: '.can-drop' || document.getElementById('single-drop'),
| overlap: 'pointer' || 'center' || zeroToOne
| }
= (boolean | object) The current setting or this Interactable
dropzone: function (options) {
if (isObject(options)) {
this.options.drop.enabled = options.enabled === false? false: true;
this.setOnEvents('drop', options);
if (/^(pointer|center)$/.test(options.overlap)) {
this.options.drop.overlap = options.overlap;
else if (isNumber(options.overlap)) {
this.options.drop.overlap = Math.max(Math.min(1, options.overlap), 0);
if ('accept' in options) {
this.options.drop.accept = options.accept;
if ('checker' in options) {
this.options.drop.checker = options.checker;
return this;
if (isBool(options)) {
this.options.drop.enabled = options;
return this;
return this.options.drop;
dropCheck: function (dragEvent, event, draggable, draggableElement, dropElement, rect) {
var dropped = false;
// if the dropzone has no rect (eg. display: none)
// call the custom dropChecker or just return false
if (!(rect = rect || this.getRect(dropElement))) {
return (this.options.drop.checker
? this.options.drop.checker(dragEvent, event, dropped, this, dropElement, draggable, draggableElement)
: false);
var dropOverlap = this.options.drop.overlap;
if (dropOverlap === 'pointer') {
var page = getPageXY(dragEvent),
origin = getOriginXY(draggable, draggableElement),
page.x += origin.x;
page.y += origin.y;
horizontal = (page.x > rect.left) && (page.x < rect.right);
vertical = (page.y > rect.top ) && (page.y < rect.bottom);
dropped = horizontal && vertical;
var dragRect = draggable.getRect(draggableElement);
if (dropOverlap === 'center') {
var cx = dragRect.left + dragRect.width / 2,
cy = dragRect.top + dragRect.height / 2;
dropped = cx >= rect.left && cx <= rect.right && cy >= rect.top && cy <= rect.bottom;
if (isNumber(dropOverlap)) {
var overlapArea = (Math.max(0, Math.min(rect.right , dragRect.right ) - Math.max(rect.left, dragRect.left))
* Math.max(0, Math.min(rect.bottom, dragRect.bottom) - Math.max(rect.top , dragRect.top ))),
overlapRatio = overlapArea / (dragRect.width * dragRect.height);
dropped = overlapRatio >= dropOverlap;
if (this.options.drop.checker) {
dropped = this.options.drop.checker(dragEvent, event, dropped, this, dropElement, draggable, draggableElement);
return dropped;
* Interactable.dropChecker
[ method ]
* DEPRECATED. Use interactable.dropzone({ checker: function... }) instead.
* Gets or sets the function used to check if a dragged element is
* over this Interactable.
- checker (function) #optional The function that will be called when checking for a drop
= (Function | Interactable) The checker function or this Interactable
* The checker function takes the following arguments:
- dragEvent (InteractEvent) The related dragmove or dragend event
- event (TouchEvent | PointerEvent | MouseEvent) The user move/up/end Event related to the dragEvent
- dropped (boolean) The value from the default drop checker
- dropzone (Interactable) The dropzone interactable
- dropElement (Element) The dropzone element
- draggable (Interactable) The Interactable being dragged
- draggableElement (Element) The actual element that's being dragged
> Usage:
| interact(target)
| .dropChecker(function(dragEvent, // related dragmove or dragend event
| event, // TouchEvent/PointerEvent/MouseEvent
| dropped, // bool result of the default checker
| dropzone, // dropzone Interactable
| dropElement, // dropzone elemnt
| draggable, // draggable Interactable
| draggableElement) {// draggable element
| return dropped && event.target.hasAttribute('allow-drop');
| }
dropChecker: function (checker) {
if (isFunction(checker)) {
this.options.drop.checker = checker;
return this;
if (checker === null) {
delete this.options.getRect;
return this;
return this.options.drop.checker;
* Interactable.accept
[ method ]
* Deprecated. add an `accept` property to the options object passed to
* @Interactable.dropzone instead.
* Gets or sets the Element or CSS selector match that this
* Interactable accepts if it is a dropzone.
- newValue (Element | string | null) #optional
* If it is an Element, then only that element can be dropped into this dropzone.
* If it is a string, the element being dragged must match it as a selector.
* If it is null, the accept options is cleared - it accepts any element.
= (string | Element | null | Interactable) The current accept option if given `undefined` or this Interactable
accept: function (newValue) {
if (isElement(newValue)) {
this.options.drop.accept = newValue;
return this;
// test if it is a valid CSS selector
if (trySelector(newValue)) {
this.options.drop.accept = newValue;
return this;
if (newValue === null) {
delete this.options.drop.accept;
return this;
return this.options.drop.accept;
* Interactable.resizable
[ method ]
* Gets or sets whether resize actions can be performed on the
* Interactable
= (boolean) Indicates if this can be the target of resize elements
| var isResizeable = interact('input[type=text]').resizable();
* or
- options (boolean | object) #optional true/false or An object with event listeners to be fired on resize events (object makes the Interactable resizable)
= (object) This Interactable
| interact(element).resizable({
| onstart: function (event) {},
| onmove : function (event) {},
| onend : function (event) {},
| edges: {
| top : true, // Use pointer coords to check for resize.
| left : false, // Disable resizing from left edge.
| bottom: '.resize-s',// Resize if pointer target matches selector
| right : handleEl // Resize if pointer target is the given Element
| },
| // Width and height can be adjusted independently. When `true`, width and
| // height are adjusted at a 1:1 ratio.
| square: false,
| // Width and height can be adjusted independently. When `true`, width and
| // height maintain the aspect ratio they had when resizing started.
| preserveAspectRatio: false,
| // a value of 'none' will limit the resize rect to a minimum of 0x0
| // 'negate' will allow the rect to have negative width/height
| // 'reposition' will keep the width/height positive by swapping
| // the top and bottom edges and/or swapping the left and right edges
| invert: 'none' || 'negate' || 'reposition'
| // limit multiple resizes.
| // See the explanation in the @Interactable.draggable example
| max: Infinity,
| maxPerElement: 1,
| });
resizable: function (options) {
if (isObject(options)) {
this.options.resize.enabled = options.enabled === false? false: true;
this.setPerAction('resize', options);
this.setOnEvents('resize', options);
if (/^x$|^y$|^xy$/.test(options.axis)) {
this.options.resize.axis = options.axis;
else if (options.axis === null) {
this.options.resize.axis = defaultOptions.resize.axis;
if (isBool(options.preserveAspectRatio)) {
this.options.resize.preserveAspectRatio = options.preserveAspectRatio;
else if (isBool(options.square)) {
this.options.resize.square = options.square;
return this;
if (isBool(options)) {
this.options.resize.enabled = options;
return this;
return this.options.resize;
* Interactable.squareResize
[ method ]
* Deprecated. Add a `square: true || false` property to @Interactable.resizable instead
* Gets or sets whether resizing is forced 1:1 aspect
= (boolean) Current setting
* or
- newValue (boolean) #optional
= (object) this Interactable
squareResize: function (newValue) {
if (isBool(newValue)) {
this.options.resize.square = newValue;
return this;
if (newValue === null) {
delete this.options.resize.square;
return this;
return this.options.resize.square;
* Interactable.gesturable
[ method ]
* Gets or sets whether multitouch gestures can be performed on the
* Interactable's element
= (boolean) Indicates if this can be the target of gesture events
| var isGestureable = interact(element).gesturable();
* or
- options (boolean | object) #optional true/false or An object with event listeners to be fired on gesture events (makes the Interactable gesturable)
= (object) this Interactable
| interact(element).gesturable({
| onstart: function (event) {},
| onmove : function (event) {},
| onend : function (event) {},
| // limit multiple gestures.
| // See the explanation in @Interactable.draggable example
| max: Infinity,
| maxPerElement: 1,
| });
gesturable: function (options) {
if (isObject(options)) {
this.options.gesture.enabled = options.enabled === false? false: true;
this.setPerAction('gesture', options);
this.setOnEvents('gesture', options);
return this;
if (isBool(options)) {
this.options.gesture.enabled = options;
return this;
return this.options.gesture;
* Interactable.autoScroll
[ method ]
* Deprecated. Add an `autoscroll` property to the options object
* passed to @Interactable.draggable or @Interactable.resizable instead.
* Returns or sets whether dragging and resizing near the edges of the
* window/container trigger autoScroll for this Interactable
= (object) Object with autoScroll properties
* or
- options (object | boolean) #optional
* options can be:
* - an object with margin, distance and interval properties,
* - true or false to enable or disable autoScroll or
= (Interactable) this Interactable
autoScroll: function (options) {
if (isObject(options)) {
options = extend({ actions: ['drag', 'resize']}, options);
else if (isBool(options)) {
options = { actions: ['drag', 'resize'], enabled: options };
return this.setOptions('autoScroll', options);
* Interactable.snap
[ method ]
* Deprecated. Add a `snap` property to the options object passed
* to @Interactable.draggable or @Interactable.resizable instead.
* Returns or sets if and how action coordinates are snapped. By
* default, snapping is relative to the pointer coordinates. You can
* change this by setting the
* [`elementOrigin`](https://github.com/taye/interact.js/pull/72).
= (boolean | object) `false` if snap is disabled; object with snap properties if snap is enabled
* or
- options (object | boolean | null) #optional
= (Interactable) this Interactable
> Usage
| interact(document.querySelector('#thing')).snap({
| targets: [
| // snap to this specific point
| {
| x: 100,
| y: 100,
| range: 25
| },
| // give this function the x and y page coords and snap to the object returned
| function (x, y) {
| return {
| x: x,
| y: (75 + 50 * Math.sin(x * 0.04)),
| range: 40
| };
| },
| // create a function that snaps to a grid
| interact.createSnapGrid({
| x: 50,
| y: 50,
| range: 10, // optional
| offset: { x: 5, y: 10 } // optional
| })
| ],
| // do not snap during normal movement.
| // Instead, trigger only one snapped move event
| // immediately before the end event.
| endOnly: true,
| relativePoints: [
| { x: 0, y: 0 }, // snap relative to the top left of the element
| { x: 1, y: 1 }, // and also to the bottom right
| ],
| // offset the snap target coordinates
| // can be an object with x/y or 'startCoords'
| offset: { x: 50, y: 50 }
| }
| });
snap: function (options) {
var ret = this.setOptions('snap', options);
if (ret === this) { return this; }
return ret.drag;
setOptions: function (option, options) {
var actions = options && isArray(options.actions)
? options.actions
: ['drag'];
var i;
if (isObject(options) || isBool(options)) {
for (i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) {
var action = /resize/.test(actions[i])? 'resize' : actions[i];
if (!isObject(this.options[action])) { continue; }
var thisOption = this.options[action][option];
if (isObject(options)) {
extend(thisOption, options);
thisOption.enabled = options.enabled === false? false: true;
if (option === 'snap') {
if (thisOption.mode === 'grid') {
thisOption.targets = [
offset: thisOption.gridOffset || { x: 0, y: 0 }
}, thisOption.grid || {}))
else if (thisOption.mode === 'anchor') {
thisOption.targets = thisOption.anchors;
else if (thisOption.mode === 'path') {
thisOption.targets = thisOption.paths;
if ('elementOrigin' in options) {
thisOption.relativePoints = [options.elementOrigin];
else if (isBool(options)) {
thisOption.enabled = options;
return this;
var ret = {},
allActions = ['drag', 'resize', 'gesture'];
for (i = 0; i < allActions.length; i++) {
if (option in defaultOptions[allActions[i]]) {
ret[allActions[i]] = this.options[allActions[i]][option];
return ret;
* Interactable.inertia
[ method ]
* Deprecated. Add an `inertia` property to the options object passed
* to @Interactable.draggable or @Interactable.resizable instead.
* Returns or sets if and how events continue to run after the pointer is released
= (boolean | object) `false` if inertia is disabled; `object` with inertia properties if inertia is enabled
* or
- options (object | boolean | null) #optional
= (Interactable) this Interactable
> Usage
| // enable and use default settings
| interact(element).inertia(true);
| // enable and use custom settings
| interact(element).inertia({
| // value greater than 0
| // high values slow the object down more quickly
| resistance : 16,
| // the minimum launch speed (pixels per second) that results in inertia start
| minSpeed : 200,
| // inertia will stop when the object slows down to this speed
| endSpeed : 20,
| // boolean; should actions be resumed when the pointer goes down during inertia
| allowResume : true,
| // boolean; should the jump when resuming from inertia be ignored in event.dx/dy
| zeroResumeDelta: false,
| // if snap/restrict are set to be endOnly and inertia is enabled, releasing
| // the pointer without triggering inertia will animate from the release
| // point to the snaped/restricted point in the given amount of time (ms)
| smoothEndDuration: 300,
| // an array of action types that can have inertia (no gesture)
| actions : ['drag', 'resize']
| });
| // reset custom settings and use all defaults
| interact(element).inertia(null);
inertia: function (options) {
var ret = this.setOptions('inertia', options);
if (ret === this) { return this; }
return ret.drag;
getAction: function (pointer, event, interaction, element) {
var action = this.defaultActionChecker(pointer, interaction, element);
if (this.options.actionChecker) {
return this.options.actionChecker(pointer, event, action, this, element, interaction);
return action;
defaultActionChecker: defaultActionChecker,
* Interactable.actionChecker
[ method ]
* Gets or sets the function used to check action to be performed on
* pointerDown
- checker (function | null) #optional A function which takes a pointer event, defaultAction string, interactable, element and interaction as parameters and returns an object with name property 'drag' 'resize' or 'gesture' and optionally an `edges` object with boolean 'top', 'left', 'bottom' and right props.
= (Function | Interactable) The checker function or this Interactable
| interact('.resize-drag')
| .resizable(true)
| .draggable(true)
| .actionChecker(function (pointer, event, action, interactable, element, interaction) {
| if (interact.matchesSelector(event.target, '.drag-handle') {
| // force drag with handle target
| action.name = drag;
| }
| else {
| // resize from the top and right edges
| action.name = 'resize';
| action.edges = { top: true, right: true };
| }
| return action;
| });
actionChecker: function (checker) {
if (isFunction(checker)) {
this.options.actionChecker = checker;
return this;
if (checker === null) {
delete this.options.actionChecker;
return this;
return this.options.actionChecker;
* Interactable.getRect
[ method ]
* The default function to get an Interactables bounding rect. Can be
* overridden using @Interactable.rectChecker.
- element (Element) #optional The element to measure.
= (object) The object's bounding rectangle.
o {
o top : 0,
o left : 0,
o bottom: 0,
o right : 0,
o width : 0,
o height: 0
o }
getRect: function rectCheck (element) {
element = element || this._element;
if (this.selector && !(isElement(element))) {
element = this._context.querySelector(this.selector);
return getElementRect(element);
* Interactable.rectChecker
[ method ]
* Returns or sets the function used to calculate the interactable's
* element's rectangle
- checker (function) #optional A function which returns this Interactable's bounding rectangle. See @Interactable.getRect
= (function | object) The checker function or this Interactable
rectChecker: function (checker) {
if (isFunction(checker)) {
this.getRect = checker;
return this;
if (checker === null) {
delete this.options.getRect;
return this;
return this.getRect;
* Interactable.styleCursor
[ method ]
* Returns or sets whether the action that would be performed when the
* mouse on the element are checked on `mousemove` so that the cursor
* may be styled appropriately
- newValue (boolean) #optional
= (boolean | Interactable) The current setting or this Interactable
styleCursor: function (newValue) {
if (isBool(newValue)) {
this.options.styleCursor = newValue;
return this;
if (newValue === null) {
delete this.options.styleCursor;
return this;
return this.options.styleCursor;
* Interactable.preventDefault
[ method ]
* Returns or sets whether to prevent the browser's default behaviour
* in response to pointer events. Can be set to:
* - `'always'` to always prevent
* - `'never'` to never prevent
* - `'auto'` to let interact.js try to determine what would be best
- newValue (string) #optional `true`, `false` or `'auto'`
= (string | Interactable) The current setting or this Interactable
preventDefault: function (newValue) {
if (/^(always|never|auto)$/.test(newValue)) {
this.options.preventDefault = newValue;
return this;
if (isBool(newValue)) {
this.options.preventDefault = newValue? 'always' : 'never';
return this;
return this.options.preventDefault;
* Interactable.origin
[ method ]
* Gets or sets the origin of the Interactable's element. The x and y
* of the origin will be subtracted from action event coordinates.
- origin (object | string) #optional An object eg. { x: 0, y: 0 } or string 'parent', 'self' or any CSS selector
* OR
- origin (Element) #optional An HTML or SVG Element whose rect will be used
= (object) The current origin or this Interactable
origin: function (newValue) {
if (trySelector(newValue)) {
this.options.origin = newValue;
return this;
else if (isObject(newValue)) {
this.options.origin = newValue;
return this;
return this.options.origin;
* Interactable.deltaSource
[ method ]
* Returns or sets the mouse coordinate types used to calculate the
* movement of the pointer.
- newValue (string) #optional Use 'client' if you will be scrolling while interacting; Use 'page' if you want autoScroll to work
= (string | object) The current deltaSource or this Interactable
deltaSource: function (newValue) {
if (newValue === 'page' || newValue === 'client') {
this.options.deltaSource = newValue;
return this;
return this.options.deltaSource;
* Interactable.restrict
[ method ]
* Deprecated. Add a `restrict` property to the options object passed to
* @Interactable.draggable, @Interactable.resizable or @Interactable.gesturable instead.
* Returns or sets the rectangles within which actions on this
* interactable (after snap calculations) are restricted. By default,
* restricting is relative to the pointer coordinates. You can change
* this by setting the
* [`elementRect`](https://github.com/taye/interact.js/pull/72).
- options (object) #optional an object with keys drag, resize, and/or gesture whose values are rects, Elements, CSS selectors, or 'parent' or 'self'
= (object) The current restrictions object or this Interactable
| interact(element).restrict({
| // the rect will be `interact.getElementRect(element.parentNode)`
| drag: element.parentNode,
| // x and y are relative to the the interactable's origin
| resize: { x: 100, y: 100, width: 200, height: 200 }
| })
| interact('.draggable').restrict({
| // the rect will be the selected element's parent
| drag: 'parent',
| // do not restrict during normal movement.
| // Instead, trigger only one restricted move event
| // immediately before the end event.
| endOnly: true,
| // https://github.com/taye/interact.js/pull/72#issue-41813493
| elementRect: { top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 1, right: 1 }
| });
restrict: function (options) {
if (!isObject(options)) {
return this.setOptions('restrict', options);
var actions = ['drag', 'resize', 'gesture'],
for (var i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) {
var action = actions[i];
if (action in options) {
var perAction = extend({
actions: [action],
restriction: options[action]
}, options);
ret = this.setOptions('restrict', perAction);
return ret;
* Interactable.context
[ method ]
* Gets the selector context Node of the Interactable. The default is `window.document`.
= (Node) The context Node of this Interactable
context: function () {
return this._context;
_context: document,
* Interactable.ignoreFrom
[ method ]
* If the target of the `mousedown`, `pointerdown` or `touchstart`
* event or any of it's parents match the given CSS selector or
* Element, no drag/resize/gesture is started.
- newValue (string | Element | null) #optional a CSS selector string, an Element or `null` to not ignore any elements
= (string | Element | object) The current ignoreFrom value or this Interactable
| interact(element, { ignoreFrom: document.getElementById('no-action') });
| // or
| interact(element).ignoreFrom('input, textarea, a');
ignoreFrom: function (newValue) {
if (trySelector(newValue)) { // CSS selector to match event.target
this.options.ignoreFrom = newValue;
return this;
if (isElement(newValue)) { // specific element
this.options.ignoreFrom = newValue;
return this;
return this.options.ignoreFrom;
* Interactable.allowFrom
[ method ]
* A drag/resize/gesture is started only If the target of the
* `mousedown`, `pointerdown` or `touchstart` event or any of it's
* parents match the given CSS selector or Element.
- newValue (string | Element | null) #optional a CSS selector string, an Element or `null` to allow from any element
= (string | Element | object) The current allowFrom value or this Interactable
| interact(element, { allowFrom: document.getElementById('drag-handle') });
| // or
| interact(element).allowFrom('.handle');
allowFrom: function (newValue) {
if (trySelector(newValue)) { // CSS selector to match event.target
this.options.allowFrom = newValue;
return this;
if (isElement(newValue)) { // specific element
this.options.allowFrom = newValue;
return this;
return this.options.allowFrom;
* Interactable.element
[ method ]
* If this is not a selector Interactable, it returns the element this
* interactable represents
= (Element) HTML / SVG Element
element: function () {
return this._element;
* Interactable.fire
[ method ]
* Calls listeners for the given InteractEvent type bound globally
* and directly to this Interactable
- iEvent (InteractEvent) The InteractEvent object to be fired on this Interactable
= (Interactable) this Interactable
fire: function (iEvent) {
if (!(iEvent && iEvent.type) || !contains(eventTypes, iEvent.type)) {
return this;
var listeners,
onEvent = 'on' + iEvent.type,
funcName = '';
// Interactable#on() listeners
if (iEvent.type in this._iEvents) {
listeners = this._iEvents[iEvent.type];
for (i = 0, len = listeners.length; i < len && !iEvent.immediatePropagationStopped; i++) {
funcName = listeners[i].name;
// interactable.onevent listener
if (isFunction(this[onEvent])) {
funcName = this[onEvent].name;
// interact.on() listeners
if (iEvent.type in globalEvents && (listeners = globalEvents[iEvent.type])) {
for (i = 0, len = listeners.length; i < len && !iEvent.immediatePropagationStopped; i++) {
funcName = listeners[i].name;
return this;
* Interactable.on
[ method ]
* Binds a listener for an InteractEvent or DOM event.
- eventType (string | array | object) The types of events to listen for
- listener (function) The function to be called on the given event(s)
- useCapture (boolean) #optional useCapture flag for addEventListener
= (object) This Interactable
on: function (eventType, listener, useCapture) {
var i;
if (isString(eventType) && eventType.search(' ') !== -1) {
eventType = eventType.trim().split(/ +/);
if (isArray(eventType)) {
for (i = 0; i < eventType.length; i++) {
this.on(eventType[i], listener, useCapture);
return this;
if (isObject(eventType)) {
for (var prop in eventType) {
this.on(prop, eventType[prop], listener);
return this;
if (eventType === 'wheel') {
eventType = wheelEvent;
// convert to boolean
useCapture = useCapture? true: false;
if (contains(eventTypes, eventType)) {
// if this type of event was never bound to this Interactable
if (!(eventType in this._iEvents)) {
this._iEvents[eventType] = [listener];
else {
// delegated event for selector
else if (this.selector) {
if (!delegatedEvents[eventType]) {
delegatedEvents[eventType] = {
selectors: [],
contexts : [],
listeners: []
// add delegate listener functions
for (i = 0; i < documents.length; i++) {
events.add(documents[i], eventType, delegateListener);
events.add(documents[i], eventType, delegateUseCapture, true);
var delegated = delegatedEvents[eventType],
for (index = delegated.selectors.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
if (delegated.selectors[index] === this.selector
&& delegated.contexts[index] === this._context) {
if (index === -1) {
index = delegated.selectors.length;
delegated.contexts .push(this._context);
// keep listener and useCapture flag
delegated.listeners[index].push([listener, useCapture]);
else {
events.add(this._element, eventType, listener, useCapture);
return this;
* Interactable.off
[ method ]
* Removes an InteractEvent or DOM event listener
- eventType (string | array | object) The types of events that were listened for
- listener (function) The listener function to be removed
- useCapture (boolean) #optional useCapture flag for removeEventListener
= (object) This Interactable
off: function (eventType, listener, useCapture) {
var i;
if (isString(eventType) && eventType.search(' ') !== -1) {
eventType = eventType.trim().split(/ +/);
if (isArray(eventType)) {
for (i = 0; i < eventType.length; i++) {
this.off(eventType[i], listener, useCapture);
return this;
if (isObject(eventType)) {
for (var prop in eventType) {
this.off(prop, eventType[prop], listener);
return this;
var eventList,
index = -1;
// convert to boolean
useCapture = useCapture? true: false;
if (eventType === 'wheel') {
eventType = wheelEvent;
// if it is an action event type
if (contains(eventTypes, eventType)) {
eventList = this._iEvents[eventType];
if (eventList && (index = indexOf(eventList, listener)) !== -1) {
this._iEvents[eventType].splice(index, 1);
// delegated event
else if (this.selector) {
var delegated = delegatedEvents[eventType],
matchFound = false;
if (!delegated) { return this; }
// count from last index of delegated to 0
for (index = delegated.selectors.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
// look for matching selector and context Node
if (delegated.selectors[index] === this.selector
&& delegated.contexts[index] === this._context) {
var listeners = delegated.listeners[index];
// each item of the listeners array is an array: [function, useCaptureFlag]
for (i = listeners.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var fn = listeners[i][0],
useCap = listeners[i][1];
// check if the listener functions and useCapture flags match
if (fn === listener && useCap === useCapture) {
// remove the listener from the array of listeners
listeners.splice(i, 1);
// if all listeners for this interactable have been removed
// remove the interactable from the delegated arrays
if (!listeners.length) {
delegated.selectors.splice(index, 1);
delegated.contexts .splice(index, 1);
delegated.listeners.splice(index, 1);
// remove delegate function from context
events.remove(this._context, eventType, delegateListener);
events.remove(this._context, eventType, delegateUseCapture, true);
// remove the arrays if they are empty
if (!delegated.selectors.length) {
delegatedEvents[eventType] = null;
// only remove one listener
matchFound = true;
if (matchFound) { break; }
// remove listener from this Interatable's element
else {
events.remove(this._element, eventType, listener, useCapture);
return this;
* Interactable.set
[ method ]
* Reset the options of this Interactable
- options (object) The new settings to apply
= (object) This Interactable
set: function (options) {
if (!isObject(options)) {
options = {};
this.options = extend({}, defaultOptions.base);
var i,
actions = ['drag', 'drop', 'resize', 'gesture'],
methods = ['draggable', 'dropzone', 'resizable', 'gesturable'],
perActions = extend(extend({}, defaultOptions.perAction), options[action] || {});
for (i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) {
var action = actions[i];
this.options[action] = extend({}, defaultOptions[action]);
this.setPerAction(action, perActions);
var settings = [
'accept', 'actionChecker', 'allowFrom', 'deltaSource',
'dropChecker', 'ignoreFrom', 'origin', 'preventDefault',
'rectChecker', 'styleCursor'
for (i = 0, len = settings.length; i < len; i++) {
var setting = settings[i];
this.options[setting] = defaultOptions.base[setting];
if (setting in options) {
return this;
* Interactable.unset
[ method ]
* Remove this interactable from the list of interactables and remove
* it's drag, drop, resize and gesture capabilities
= (object) @interact
unset: function () {
events.remove(this._element, 'all');
if (!isString(this.selector)) {
events.remove(this, 'all');
if (this.options.styleCursor) {
this._element.style.cursor = '';
else {
// remove delegated events
for (var type in delegatedEvents) {
var delegated = delegatedEvents[type];
for (var i = 0; i < delegated.selectors.length; i++) {
if (delegated.selectors[i] === this.selector
&& delegated.contexts[i] === this._context) {
delegated.selectors.splice(i, 1);
delegated.contexts .splice(i, 1);
delegated.listeners.splice(i, 1);
// remove the arrays if they are empty
if (!delegated.selectors.length) {
delegatedEvents[type] = null;
events.remove(this._context, type, delegateListener);
events.remove(this._context, type, delegateUseCapture, true);
interactables.splice(indexOf(interactables, this), 1);
return interact;
function warnOnce (method, message) {
var warned = false;
return function () {
if (!warned) {
warned = true;
return method.apply(this, arguments);
Interactable.prototype.snap = warnOnce(Interactable.prototype.snap,
'Interactable#snap is deprecated. See the new documentation for snapping at http://interactjs.io/docs/snapping');
Interactable.prototype.restrict = warnOnce(Interactable.prototype.restrict,
'Interactable#restrict is deprecated. See the new documentation for resticting at http://interactjs.io/docs/restriction');
Interactable.prototype.inertia = warnOnce(Interactable.prototype.inertia,
'Interactable#inertia is deprecated. See the new documentation for inertia at http://interactjs.io/docs/inertia');
Interactable.prototype.autoScroll = warnOnce(Interactable.prototype.autoScroll,
'Interactable#autoScroll is deprecated. See the new documentation for autoScroll at http://interactjs.io/docs/#autoscroll');
Interactable.prototype.squareResize = warnOnce(Interactable.prototype.squareResize,
'Interactable#squareResize is deprecated. See http://interactjs.io/docs/#resize-square');
Interactable.prototype.accept = warnOnce(Interactable.prototype.accept,
'Interactable#accept is deprecated. use Interactable#dropzone({ accept: target }) instead');
Interactable.prototype.dropChecker = warnOnce(Interactable.prototype.dropChecker,
'Interactable#dropChecker is deprecated. use Interactable#dropzone({ dropChecker: checkerFunction }) instead');
Interactable.prototype.context = warnOnce(Interactable.prototype.context,
'Interactable#context as a method is deprecated. It will soon be a DOM Node instead');
* interact.isSet
[ method ]
* Check if an element has been set
- element (Element) The Element being searched for
= (boolean) Indicates if the element or CSS selector was previously passed to interact
interact.isSet = function(element, options) {
return interactables.indexOfElement(element, options && options.context) !== -1;
* interact.on
[ method ]
* Adds a global listener for an InteractEvent or adds a DOM event to
* `document`
- type (string | array | object) The types of events to listen for
- listener (function) The function to be called on the given event(s)
- useCapture (boolean) #optional useCapture flag for addEventListener
= (object) interact
interact.on = function (type, listener, useCapture) {
if (isString(type) && type.search(' ') !== -1) {
type = type.trim().split(/ +/);
if (isArray(type)) {
for (var i = 0; i < type.length; i++) {
interact.on(type[i], listener, useCapture);
return interact;
if (isObject(type)) {
for (var prop in type) {
interact.on(prop, type[prop], listener);
return interact;
// if it is an InteractEvent type, add listener to globalEvents
if (contains(eventTypes, type)) {
// if this type of event was never bound
if (!globalEvents[type]) {
globalEvents[type] = [listener];
else {
// If non InteractEvent type, addEventListener to document
else {
events.add(document, type, listener, useCapture);
return interact;
* interact.off
[ method ]
* Removes a global InteractEvent listener or DOM event from `document`
- type (string | array | object) The types of events that were listened for
- listener (function) The listener function to be removed
- useCapture (boolean) #optional useCapture flag for removeEventListener
= (object) interact
interact.off = function (type, listener, useCapture) {
if (isString(type) && type.search(' ') !== -1) {
type = type.trim().split(/ +/);
if (isArray(type)) {
for (var i = 0; i < type.length; i++) {
interact.off(type[i], listener, useCapture);
return interact;
if (isObject(type)) {
for (var prop in type) {
interact.off(prop, type[prop], listener);
return interact;
if (!contains(eventTypes, type)) {
events.remove(document, type, listener, useCapture);
else {
var index;
if (type in globalEvents
&& (index = indexOf(globalEvents[type], listener)) !== -1) {
globalEvents[type].splice(index, 1);
return interact;
* interact.enableDragging
[ method ]
* Deprecated.
* Returns or sets whether dragging is enabled for any Interactables
- newValue (boolean) #optional `true` to allow the action; `false` to disable action for all Interactables
= (boolean | object) The current setting or interact
interact.enableDragging = warnOnce(function (newValue) {
if (newValue !== null && newValue !== undefined) {
actionIsEnabled.drag = newValue;
return interact;
return actionIsEnabled.drag;
}, 'interact.enableDragging is deprecated and will soon be removed.');
* interact.enableResizing
[ method ]
* Deprecated.
* Returns or sets whether resizing is enabled for any Interactables
- newValue (boolean) #optional `true` to allow the action; `false` to disable action for all Interactables
= (boolean | object) The current setting or interact
interact.enableResizing = warnOnce(function (newValue) {
if (newValue !== null && newValue !== undefined) {
actionIsEnabled.resize = newValue;
return interact;
return actionIsEnabled.resize;
}, 'interact.enableResizing is deprecated and will soon be removed.');
* interact.enableGesturing
[ method ]
* Deprecated.
* Returns or sets whether gesturing is enabled for any Interactables
- newValue (boolean) #optional `true` to allow the action; `false` to disable action for all Interactables
= (boolean | object) The current setting or interact
interact.enableGesturing = warnOnce(function (newValue) {
if (newValue !== null && newValue !== undefined) {
actionIsEnabled.gesture = newValue;
return interact;
return actionIsEnabled.gesture;
}, 'interact.enableGesturing is deprecated and will soon be removed.');
interact.eventTypes = eventTypes;
* interact.debug
[ method ]
* Returns debugging data
= (object) An object with properties that outline the current state and expose internal functions and variables
interact.debug = function () {
var interaction = interactions[0] || new Interaction();
return {
interactions : interactions,
target : interaction.target,
dragging : interaction.dragging,
resizing : interaction.resizing,
gesturing : interaction.gesturing,
prepared : interaction.prepared,
matches : interaction.matches,
matchElements : interaction.matchElements,
prevCoords : interaction.prevCoords,
startCoords : interaction.startCoords,
pointerIds : interaction.pointerIds,
pointers : interaction.pointers,
addPointer : listeners.addPointer,
removePointer : listeners.removePointer,
recordPointer : listeners.recordPointer,
snap : interaction.snapStatus,
restrict : interaction.restrictStatus,
inertia : interaction.inertiaStatus,
downTime : interaction.downTimes[0],
downEvent : interaction.downEvent,
downPointer : interaction.downPointer,
prevEvent : interaction.prevEvent,
Interactable : Interactable,
interactables : interactables,
pointerIsDown : interaction.pointerIsDown,
defaultOptions : defaultOptions,
defaultActionChecker : defaultActionChecker,
actionCursors : actionCursors,
dragMove : listeners.dragMove,
resizeMove : listeners.resizeMove,
gestureMove : listeners.gestureMove,
pointerUp : listeners.pointerUp,
pointerDown : listeners.pointerDown,
pointerMove : listeners.pointerMove,
pointerHover : listeners.pointerHover,
eventTypes : eventTypes,
events : events,
globalEvents : globalEvents,
delegatedEvents : delegatedEvents,
prefixedPropREs : prefixedPropREs
// expose the functions used to calculate multi-touch properties
interact.getPointerAverage = pointerAverage;
interact.getTouchBBox = touchBBox;
interact.getTouchDistance = touchDistance;
interact.getTouchAngle = touchAngle;
interact.getElementRect = getElementRect;
interact.getElementClientRect = getElementClientRect;
interact.matchesSelector = matchesSelector;
interact.closest = closest;
* interact.margin
[ method ]
* Deprecated. Use `interact(target).resizable({ margin: number });` instead.
* Returns or sets the margin for autocheck resizing used in
* @Interactable.getAction. That is the distance from the bottom and right
* edges of an element clicking in which will start resizing
- newValue (number) #optional
= (number | interact) The current margin value or interact
interact.margin = warnOnce(function (newvalue) {
if (isNumber(newvalue)) {
margin = newvalue;
return interact;
return margin;
'interact.margin is deprecated. Use interact(target).resizable({ margin: number }); instead.') ;
* interact.supportsTouch
[ method ]
= (boolean) Whether or not the browser supports touch input
interact.supportsTouch = function () {
return supportsTouch;
* interact.supportsPointerEvent
[ method ]
= (boolean) Whether or not the browser supports PointerEvents
interact.supportsPointerEvent = function () {
return supportsPointerEvent;
* interact.stop
[ method ]
* Cancels all interactions (end events are not fired)
- event (Event) An event on which to call preventDefault()
= (object) interact
interact.stop = function (event) {
for (var i = interactions.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
return interact;
* interact.dynamicDrop
[ method ]
* Returns or sets whether the dimensions of dropzone elements are
* calculated on every dragmove or only on dragstart for the default
* dropChecker
- newValue (boolean) #optional True to check on each move. False to check only before start
= (boolean | interact) The current setting or interact
interact.dynamicDrop = function (newValue) {
if (isBool(newValue)) {
//if (dragging && dynamicDrop !== newValue && !newValue) {
dynamicDrop = newValue;
return interact;
return dynamicDrop;
* interact.pointerMoveTolerance
[ method ]
* Returns or sets the distance the pointer must be moved before an action
* sequence occurs. This also affects tolerance for tap events.
- newValue (number) #optional The movement from the start position must be greater than this value
= (number | Interactable) The current setting or interact
interact.pointerMoveTolerance = function (newValue) {
if (isNumber(newValue)) {
pointerMoveTolerance = newValue;
return this;
return pointerMoveTolerance;
* interact.maxInteractions
[ method ]
* Returns or sets the maximum number of concurrent interactions allowed.
* By default only 1 interaction is allowed at a time (for backwards
* compatibility). To allow multiple interactions on the same Interactables
* and elements, you need to enable it in the draggable, resizable and
* gesturable `'max'` and `'maxPerElement'` options.
- newValue (number) #optional Any number. newValue <= 0 means no interactions.
interact.maxInteractions = function (newValue) {
if (isNumber(newValue)) {
maxInteractions = newValue;
return this;
return maxInteractions;
interact.createSnapGrid = function (grid) {
return function (x, y) {
var offsetX = 0,
offsetY = 0;
if (isObject(grid.offset)) {
offsetX = grid.offset.x;
offsetY = grid.offset.y;
var gridx = Math.round((x - offsetX) / grid.x),
gridy = Math.round((y - offsetY) / grid.y),
newX = gridx * grid.x + offsetX,
newY = gridy * grid.y + offsetY;
return {
x: newX,
y: newY,
range: grid.range
function endAllInteractions (event) {
for (var i = 0; i < interactions.length; i++) {
interactions[i].pointerEnd(event, event);
function listenToDocument (doc) {
if (contains(documents, doc)) { return; }
var win = doc.defaultView || doc.parentWindow;
// add delegate event listener
for (var eventType in delegatedEvents) {
events.add(doc, eventType, delegateListener);
events.add(doc, eventType, delegateUseCapture, true);
if (supportsPointerEvent) {
if (PointerEvent === win.MSPointerEvent) {
pEventTypes = {
up: 'MSPointerUp', down: 'MSPointerDown', over: 'mouseover',
out: 'mouseout', move: 'MSPointerMove', cancel: 'MSPointerCancel' };
else {
pEventTypes = {
up: 'pointerup', down: 'pointerdown', over: 'pointerover',
out: 'pointerout', move: 'pointermove', cancel: 'pointercancel' };
events.add(doc, pEventTypes.down , listeners.selectorDown );
events.add(doc, pEventTypes.move , listeners.pointerMove );
events.add(doc, pEventTypes.over , listeners.pointerOver );
events.add(doc, pEventTypes.out , listeners.pointerOut );
events.add(doc, pEventTypes.up , listeners.pointerUp );
events.add(doc, pEventTypes.cancel, listeners.pointerCancel);
// autoscroll
events.add(doc, pEventTypes.move, listeners.autoScrollMove);
else {
events.add(doc, 'mousedown', listeners.selectorDown);
events.add(doc, 'mousemove', listeners.pointerMove );
events.add(doc, 'mouseup' , listeners.pointerUp );
events.add(doc, 'mouseover', listeners.pointerOver );
events.add(doc, 'mouseout' , listeners.pointerOut );
events.add(doc, 'touchstart' , listeners.selectorDown );
events.add(doc, 'touchmove' , listeners.pointerMove );
events.add(doc, 'touchend' , listeners.pointerUp );
events.add(doc, 'touchcancel', listeners.pointerCancel);
// autoscroll
events.add(doc, 'mousemove', listeners.autoScrollMove);
events.add(doc, 'touchmove', listeners.autoScrollMove);
events.add(win, 'blur', endAllInteractions);
try {
if (win.frameElement) {
var parentDoc = win.frameElement.ownerDocument,
parentWindow = parentDoc.defaultView;
events.add(parentDoc , 'mouseup' , listeners.pointerEnd);
events.add(parentDoc , 'touchend' , listeners.pointerEnd);
events.add(parentDoc , 'touchcancel' , listeners.pointerEnd);
events.add(parentDoc , 'pointerup' , listeners.pointerEnd);
events.add(parentDoc , 'MSPointerUp' , listeners.pointerEnd);
events.add(parentWindow, 'blur' , endAllInteractions );
catch (error) {
interact.windowParentError = error;
// prevent native HTML5 drag on interact.js target elements
events.add(doc, 'dragstart', function (event) {
for (var i = 0; i < interactions.length; i++) {
var interaction = interactions[i];
if (interaction.element
&& (interaction.element === event.target
|| nodeContains(interaction.element, event.target))) {
interaction.checkAndPreventDefault(event, interaction.target, interaction.element);
if (events.useAttachEvent) {
// For IE's lack of Event#preventDefault
events.add(doc, 'selectstart', function (event) {
var interaction = interactions[0];
if (interaction.currentAction()) {
// For IE's bad dblclick event sequence
events.add(doc, 'dblclick', doOnInteractions('ie8Dblclick'));
function indexOf (array, target) {
for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) {
if (array[i] === target) {
return i;
return -1;
function contains (array, target) {
return indexOf(array, target) !== -1;
function matchesSelector (element, selector, nodeList) {
if (ie8MatchesSelector) {
return ie8MatchesSelector(element, selector, nodeList);
// remove /deep/ from selectors if shadowDOM polyfill is used
if (window !== realWindow) {
selector = selector.replace(/\/deep\//g, ' ');
return element[prefixedMatchesSelector](selector);
function matchesUpTo (element, selector, limit) {
while (isElement(element)) {
if (matchesSelector(element, selector)) {
return true;
element = parentElement(element);
if (element === limit) {
return matchesSelector(element, selector);
return false;
// For IE8's lack of an Element#matchesSelector
// taken from http://tanalin.com/en/blog/2012/12/matches-selector-ie8/ and modified
if (!(prefixedMatchesSelector in Element.prototype) || !isFunction(Element.prototype[prefixedMatchesSelector])) {
ie8MatchesSelector = function (element, selector, elems) {
elems = elems || element.parentNode.querySelectorAll(selector);
for (var i = 0, len = elems.length; i < len; i++) {
if (elems[i] === element) {
return true;
return false;
// requestAnimationFrame polyfill
(function() {
var lastTime = 0,
vendors = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o'];
for(var x = 0; x < vendors.length && !realWindow.requestAnimationFrame; ++x) {
reqFrame = realWindow[vendors[x]+'RequestAnimationFrame'];
cancelFrame = realWindow[vendors[x]+'CancelAnimationFrame'] || realWindow[vendors[x]+'CancelRequestAnimationFrame'];
if (!reqFrame) {
reqFrame = function(callback) {
var currTime = new Date().getTime(),
timeToCall = Math.max(0, 16 - (currTime - lastTime)),
id = setTimeout(function() { callback(currTime + timeToCall); },
lastTime = currTime + timeToCall;
return id;
if (!cancelFrame) {
cancelFrame = function(id) {
/* global exports: true, module, define */
// http://documentcloud.github.io/underscore/docs/underscore.html#section-11
if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
exports = module.exports = interact;
exports.interact = interact;
// AMD
else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define('interact', function() {
return interact;
else {
realWindow.interact = interact;
} (typeof window === 'undefined'? undefined : window));