281 lines
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281 lines
7.7 KiB
* This file is part of the Jig package.
* Copyright (c) 04-Mar-2013 Dieter Raber <me@dieterraber.net>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Jig\Utils;
* StringUtils
class StringUtils
* Figures out whether a string is binary or not
* @param string $string
* @return bool
public static function isBinary($string)
$string = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t"), '', $string);
return !ctype_print($string);
* Remove the byte order mark from a string if applicable
* @param string $string
* @return string
public static function removeBom($string)
if (substr($string, 0, 3) == pack('CCC', 0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf)) {
$string = substr($string, 3);
return $string;
* In French orthography some marks are preceded by a space which can lead to unwanted line breaks
* @param string $string
* @param string $replacement
* @return string
public static function avoidFrenchLineBreak($string, $replacement = ' ')
// first character in expression is thin space U+2009
return preg_replace('~(\x{2009}| )([:!?;…€])~u', $replacement . '$2', $string);
* This function removes all special characters from a string. They are replaced by $replacement,
* multiple $replacement are replaced by just one, $replacement is also trimmed from the beginning
* and the end of the string.
* @param string $string the original text
* @param string $replacement the replacement, - by default
* @param bool $lower return string in lower case, true by default
* @return string $string the modified string
public static function removeSpecChars($string, $replacement = '-', $lower = true)
$specChars = array(
'Á' => 'A',
'Â' => 'A',
'Ã' => 'A',
'Ä' => 'Ae',
'Å' => 'A',
'Æ' => 'A',
'Ç' => 'C',
'È' => 'E',
'É' => 'E',
'Ê' => 'E',
'Ë' => 'E',
'Ì' => 'I',
'Í' => 'I',
'Î' => 'I',
'Ï' => 'I',
'Ð' => 'E',
'Ñ' => 'N',
'Ò' => 'O',
'Ó' => 'O',
'Ô' => 'O',
'Õ' => 'O',
'Ö' => 'Oe',
'Ø' => 'O',
'Ù' => 'U',
'Ú' => 'U',
'Û' => 'U',
'Ü' => 'Ue',
'Ý' => 'Y',
'Þ' => 'T',
'ß' => 'ss',
'à' => 'a',
'á' => 'a',
'â' => 'a',
'ã' => 'a',
'ä' => 'ae',
'å' => 'a',
'æ' => 'ae',
'ç' => 'c',
'è' => 'e',
'é' => 'e',
'ê' => 'e',
'ë' => 'e',
'ì' => 'i',
'í' => 'i',
'î' => 'i',
'ï' => 'i',
'ð' => 'e',
'ñ' => 'n',
'ò' => 'o',
'ó' => 'o',
'ô' => 'o',
'õ' => 'o',
'ö' => 'oe',
'ø' => 'o',
'ù' => 'u',
'ú' => 'u',
'û' => 'u',
'ü' => 'ue',
'ý' => 'y',
'þ' => 't',
'ÿ' => 'y',
'_' => $replacement
$string = strtr($string, $specChars);
$string = trim(preg_replace('~\W+~u', $replacement, $string), $replacement);
return $lower ? strtolower($string) : $string;
* Convert a string with spaces or underscores to camelCase
* @param string $string
* @param bool $firstToUpper
* @return string
public static function camelize($string, $firstToUpper = false)
$string = 'x' . strtolower(trim($string));
$string = ucwords(preg_replace('/[\s_-]+/', ' ', $string));
$string = substr(str_replace(' ', '', $string), 1);
return $firstToUpper ? ucfirst($string) : $string;
* Returns the given camelCasedWord as an underscored_word.
* This is borrowed from the CakePHP framework
* @param string $camelCasedWord Camel-cased word to be "underscorized"
* @return string Underscore-syntaxed version of the $camelCasedWord
public static function underscorize($camelCasedWord)
return strtolower(preg_replace('/(?<=\\w)([A-Z])/', '_\\1', $camelCasedWord));
* Quote a value (mainly for usage in CSV)
* @param string $value
* @param array $options
* @return string
public static function csvQuote($value, array $options = array())
$options = array_merge(
'enclosure' => '"',
'escape' => '\\'
if (!is_numeric($value) && !is_bool($value) && !is_null($value) && !in_array(
array( 'true', 'false', 'null' )
) {
$value = str_replace($options['enclosure'], $options['escape'] . $options['enclosure'], $value);
return $options['enclosure'] . $value . $options['enclosure'];
switch (true) {
case is_null($value):
return 'null';
case false === $value:
return 'false';
case true === $value:
return 'true';
return $value;
* Encodes text randomly to html entities of different styles
* This code comes from Symfony 1.4
* @param string $text
* @return string
public static function encodeText($text)
$encoded_text = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($text); $i++) {
$char = $text{$i};
$r = rand(0, 100);
# roughly 10% raw, 45% hex, 45% dec
# '@' *must* be encoded. I insist.
if ($r > 90 && $char != '@') {
$encoded_text .= $char;
} else if ($r < 45) {
$encoded_text .= '&#x' . dechex(ord($char)) . ';';
} else {
$encoded_text .= '&#' . ord($char) . ';';
return $encoded_text;
* Split long parts of the string to equal length chunks, multibyte safe
* @param $input string to be processed
* @param string $threshold
* @param string $glue
* @return string
static public function wrapLongWords( $input, $threshold = '20', $glue = ' ' )
$tokens = explode( $glue, $input );
$result = array();
foreach ($tokens as $str) {
$mblen = mb_strlen( $str );
if ($mblen < $threshold) {
$result[] = $str;
$array = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $mblen; $i ++) {
$array[] = mb_substr( $str, $i, 1 );
$n = 0;
$new = '';
foreach ($array as $char) {
if ($n <= $threshold) {
$new .= $char;
} else {
$result[] = $new;
$new = $char;
$n = 0;
$n ++;
if (end( $result ) !== $new) {
$result[] = $new;
return implode( $glue, $result );