559 lines
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559 lines
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namespace React\Tests\ChildProcess;
use PHPUnit\Framework\ExpectationFailedException;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use React\ChildProcess\Process;
use SebastianBergmann\Environment\Runtime;
abstract class AbstractProcessTest extends TestCase
abstract public function createLoop();
public function testGetEnhanceSigchildCompatibility()
$process = new Process('echo foo');
$this->assertSame($process, $process->setEnhanceSigchildCompatibility(true));
$this->assertSame($process, $process->setEnhanceSigchildCompatibility(false));
* @expectedException RuntimeException
public function testSetEnhanceSigchildCompatibilityCannotBeCalledIfProcessIsRunning()
$process = new Process('sleep 1');
public function testGetCommand()
$process = new Process('echo foo');
$this->assertSame('echo foo', $process->getCommand());
public function testIsRunning()
$process = new Process('sleep 1');
return $process;
* @depends testIsRunning
public function testGetExitCodeWhenRunning($process)
* @depends testIsRunning
public function testGetTermSignalWhenRunning($process)
public function testReceivesProcessStdoutFromEcho()
$cmd = 'echo test';
$loop = $this->createLoop();
$process = new Process($cmd);
$buffer = '';
$process->stdout->on('data', function ($data) use (&$buffer) {
$buffer .= $data;
$this->assertEquals('test', rtrim($buffer));
public function testReceivesProcessStdoutFromDd()
if (!file_exists('/dev/zero')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('Unable to read from /dev/zero, Windows?');
$cmd = 'dd if=/dev/zero bs=12345 count=1234';
$loop = $this->createLoop();
$process = new Process($cmd);
$bytes = 0;
$process->stdout->on('data', function ($data) use (&$bytes) {
$bytes += strlen($data);
$this->assertEquals(12345 * 1234, $bytes);
public function testProcessPidNotSameDueToShellWrapper()
$cmd = $this->getPhpBinary() . ' -r ' . escapeshellarg('echo getmypid();');
$loop = $this->createLoop();
$process = new Process($cmd, '/');
$output = '';
$process->stdout->on('data', function ($data) use (&$output) {
$output .= $data;
$this->assertNotEquals('', $output);
$this->assertNotEquals($process->getPid(), $output);
public function testProcessPidSameWithExec()
$cmd = 'exec ' . $this->getPhpBinary() . ' -r ' . escapeshellarg('echo getmypid();');
$loop = $this->createLoop();
$process = new Process($cmd, '/');
$output = '';
$process->stdout->on('data', function ($data) use (&$output) {
$output .= $data;
$this->assertEquals($process->getPid(), $output);
public function testProcessWithDefaultCwdAndEnv()
$cmd = $this->getPhpBinary() . ' -r ' . escapeshellarg('echo getcwd(), PHP_EOL, count($_SERVER), PHP_EOL;');
$loop = $this->createLoop();
$process = new Process($cmd);
$output = '';
$process->stdout->on('data', function () use (&$output) {
$output .= func_get_arg(0);
list($cwd, $envCount) = explode(PHP_EOL, $output);
/* Child process should inherit the same current working directory and
* existing environment variables; however, it may be missing a "_"
* environment variable (i.e. current shell/script) on some platforms.
$this->assertSame(getcwd(), $cwd);
$this->assertLessThanOrEqual(1, (count($_SERVER) - (integer) $envCount));
public function testProcessWithCwd()
$cmd = $this->getPhpBinary() . ' -r ' . escapeshellarg('echo getcwd(), PHP_EOL;');
$loop = $this->createLoop();
$process = new Process($cmd, '/');
$output = '';
$process->stdout->on('data', function () use (&$output) {
$output .= func_get_arg(0);
$this->assertSame('/' . PHP_EOL, $output);
public function testProcessWithEnv()
if (getenv('TRAVIS')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('Cannot execute PHP processes with custom environments on Travis CI.');
$cmd = $this->getPhpBinary() . ' -r ' . escapeshellarg('echo getenv("foo"), PHP_EOL;');
$loop = $this->createLoop();
$process = new Process($cmd, null, array('foo' => 'bar'));
$output = '';
$process->stdout->on('data', function () use (&$output) {
$output .= func_get_arg(0);
$this->assertSame('bar' . PHP_EOL, $output);
public function testStartAndAllowProcessToExitSuccessfullyUsingEventLoop()
$loop = $this->createLoop();
$process = new Process('exit 0');
$called = false;
$exitCode = 'initial';
$termSignal = 'initial';
$process->on('exit', function () use (&$called, &$exitCode, &$termSignal) {
$called = true;
$exitCode = func_get_arg(0);
$termSignal = func_get_arg(1);
$this->assertSame(0, $exitCode);
$this->assertSame(0, $process->getExitCode());
public function testProcessWillExitFasterThanExitInterval()
$loop = $this->createLoop();
$process = new Process('echo hi');
$process->start($loop, 2);
$time = microtime(true);
$time = microtime(true) - $time;
$this->assertLessThan(0.1, $time);
public function testDetectsClosingStdoutWithoutHavingToWaitForExit()
$cmd = 'exec ' . $this->getPhpBinary() . ' -r ' . escapeshellarg('fclose(STDOUT); sleep(1);');
$loop = $this->createLoop();
$process = new Process($cmd);
$closed = false;
$process->stdout->on('close', function () use (&$closed) {
$closed = true;
// run loop for 0.1s only
$loop->addTimer(0.1, function () use ($loop) {
public function testKeepsRunningEvenWhenAllStdioPipesHaveBeenClosed()
$cmd = 'exec ' . $this->getPhpBinary() . ' -r ' . escapeshellarg('fclose(STDIN);fclose(STDOUT);fclose(STDERR);sleep(1);');
$loop = $this->createLoop();
$process = new Process($cmd);
$closed = 0;
$process->stdout->on('close', function () use (&$closed) {
$process->stderr->on('close', function () use (&$closed) {
// run loop for 0.1s only
$loop->addTimer(0.1, function () use ($loop) {
$this->assertEquals(2, $closed);
public function testDetectsClosingProcessEvenWhenAllStdioPipesHaveBeenClosed()
$cmd = 'exec ' . $this->getPhpBinary() . ' -r ' . escapeshellarg('fclose(STDIN);fclose(STDOUT);fclose(STDERR);usleep(10000);');
$loop = $this->createLoop();
$process = new Process($cmd);
$process->start($loop, 0.001);
$time = microtime(true);
$time = microtime(true) - $time;
$this->assertLessThan(0.1, $time);
public function testStartInvalidProcess()
$cmd = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'react');
$loop = $this->createLoop();
$process = new Process($cmd);
$output = '';
$process->stderr->on('data', function () use (&$output) {
$output .= func_get_arg(0);
* @expectedException RuntimeException
public function testStartAlreadyRunningProcess()
$process = new Process('sleep 1');
public function testTerminateProcesWithoutStartingReturnsFalse()
$process = new Process('sleep 1');
public function testTerminateWillExit()
$loop = $this->createloop();
$process = new Process('sleep 10');
$called = false;
$process->on('exit', function () use (&$called) {
$called = true;
public function testTerminateWithDefaultTermSignalUsingEventLoop()
$this->markTestSkipped('Windows does not report signals via proc_get_status()');
if (!defined('SIGTERM')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('SIGTERM is not defined');
$loop = $this->createloop();
$process = new Process('sleep 1; exit 0');
$called = false;
$exitCode = 'initial';
$termSignal = 'initial';
$process->on('exit', function () use (&$called, &$exitCode, &$termSignal) {
$called = true;
$exitCode = func_get_arg(0);
$termSignal = func_get_arg(1);
$this->assertEquals(SIGTERM, $termSignal);
$this->assertEquals(SIGTERM, $process->getTermSignal());
public function testTerminateWithStopAndContinueSignalsUsingEventLoop()
$this->markTestSkipped('Windows does not report signals via proc_get_status()');
if (!defined('SIGSTOP') && !defined('SIGCONT')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('SIGSTOP and/or SIGCONT is not defined');
$loop = $this->createloop();
$process = new Process('sleep 1; exit 0');
$called = false;
$exitCode = 'initial';
$termSignal = 'initial';
$process->on('exit', function () use (&$called, &$exitCode, &$termSignal) {
$called = true;
$exitCode = func_get_arg(0);
$termSignal = func_get_arg(1);
$that = $this;
$that->assertSoon(function () use ($process, $that) {
$that->assertEquals(SIGSTOP, $process->getStopSignal());
$that->assertSoon(function () use ($process, $that) {
$that->assertEquals(SIGSTOP, $process->getStopSignal());
$this->assertSame(0, $exitCode);
$this->assertSame(0, $process->getExitCode());
public function testIssue18() {
$loop = $this->createLoop();
$testString = 'x';
$process = new Process($this->getPhpBinary() . " -r 'echo \"$testString\";'");
$stdOut = '';
$stdErr = '';
$that = $this;
function ($exitCode) use (&$stdOut, &$stdErr, $testString, $that) {
$that->assertEquals(0, $exitCode, "Exit code is 0");
$that->assertEquals($testString, $stdOut);
function ($output) use (&$stdOut) {
$stdOut .= $output;
function ($output) use (&$stdErr) {
$stdErr .= $output;
// tick loop once
$loop->addTimer(0, function () use ($loop) {
sleep(1); // comment this line out and it works fine
* Execute a callback at regular intervals until it returns successfully or
* a timeout is reached.
* @param Closure $callback Callback with one or more assertions
* @param integer $timeout Time limit for callback to succeed (milliseconds)
* @param integer $interval Interval for retrying the callback (milliseconds)
* @throws PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException Last exception raised by the callback
public function assertSoon(\Closure $callback, $timeout = 20000, $interval = 200)
$start = microtime(true);
$timeout /= 1000; // convert to seconds
$interval *= 1000; // convert to microseconds
while (1) {
try {
} catch (ExpectationFailedException $e) {
// namespaced PHPUnit exception
} catch (\PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException $e) {
// legacy PHPUnit exception
if ((microtime(true) - $start) > $timeout) {
throw $e;
private function getPhpBinary()
$runtime = new Runtime();
return $runtime->getBinary();