
130 lines
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* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\Console\Tests\Helper;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\FormatterHelper;
class FormatterHelperTest extends TestCase
public function testFormatSection()
$formatter = new FormatterHelper();
'<info>[cli]</info> Some text to display',
$formatter->formatSection('cli', 'Some text to display'),
'::formatSection() formats a message in a section'
public function testFormatBlock()
$formatter = new FormatterHelper();
'<error> Some text to display </error>',
$formatter->formatBlock('Some text to display', 'error'),
'::formatBlock() formats a message in a block'
'<error> Some text to display </error>'."\n".
'<error> foo bar </error>',
$formatter->formatBlock(['Some text to display', 'foo bar'], 'error'),
'::formatBlock() formats a message in a block'
'<error> </error>'."\n".
'<error> Some text to display </error>'."\n".
'<error> </error>',
$formatter->formatBlock('Some text to display', 'error', true),
'::formatBlock() formats a message in a block'
public function testFormatBlockWithDiacriticLetters()
$formatter = new FormatterHelper();
'<error> </error>'."\n".
'<error> Du texte à afficher </error>'."\n".
'<error> </error>',
$formatter->formatBlock('Du texte à afficher', 'error', true),
'::formatBlock() formats a message in a block'
public function testFormatBlockWithDoubleWidthDiacriticLetters()
$formatter = new FormatterHelper();
'<error> </error>'."\n".
'<error> 表示するテキスト </error>'."\n".
'<error> </error>',
$formatter->formatBlock('表示するテキスト', 'error', true),
'::formatBlock() formats a message in a block'
public function testFormatBlockLGEscaping()
$formatter = new FormatterHelper();
'<error> </error>'."\n".
'<error> \<info>some info\</info> </error>'."\n".
'<error> </error>',
$formatter->formatBlock('<info>some info</info>', 'error', true),
'::formatBlock() escapes \'<\' chars'
public function testTruncatingWithShorterLengthThanMessageWithSuffix()
$formatter = new FormatterHelper();
$message = 'testing truncate';
$this->assertSame('test...', $formatter->truncate($message, 4));
$this->assertSame('testing truncat...', $formatter->truncate($message, 15));
$this->assertSame('testing truncate...', $formatter->truncate($message, 16));
$this->assertSame('zażółć gęślą...', $formatter->truncate('zażółć gęślą jaźń', 12));
public function testTruncatingMessageWithCustomSuffix()
$formatter = new FormatterHelper();
$message = 'testing truncate';
$this->assertSame('test!', $formatter->truncate($message, 4, '!'));
public function testTruncatingWithLongerLengthThanMessageWithSuffix()
$formatter = new FormatterHelper();
$message = 'test';
$this->assertSame($message, $formatter->truncate($message, 10));
public function testTruncatingWithNegativeLength()
$formatter = new FormatterHelper();
$message = 'testing truncate';
$this->assertSame('testing tru...', $formatter->truncate($message, -5));
$this->assertSame('...', $formatter->truncate($message, -100));