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* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; under version 2
* of the License (non-upgradable).
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Copyright (c) 2002-2008 (original work) Public Research Centre Henri Tudor & University of Luxembourg (under the project TAO & TAO2);
* 2008-2010 (update and modification) Deutsche Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung (under the project TAO-TRANSFER);
* 2009-2012 (update and modification) Public Research Centre Henri Tudor (under the project TAO-SUSTAIN & TAO-DEV);
* This file contains the TAO Install REST API.
* It provides services aiming at checking the current configuration
* of the web serser hosting the API. The following services are implemented.
* The service to be called is indicated by the top-level 'type' attribute of the
* sent JSON data structure. It must contain the name of one of the services
* described below.
* If a server-side error occurs, a 500 like HTTP status code will be returned with
* an approriate message in the response body.
* If the service cannot be chosen from the top-level 'type' attribute, a 404 HTTP
* status code will be returned with an approriate message in the response body.
* CheckPHPConfig (POST)
* ---------------------
* Inspects the request body to find JSON encoded data that represents
* a collection of PHP configuration checks.
* It takes as input a collection of JSON data structures used in the following
* web services of this API: CheckPHPRuntime, CheckPHPINIValue, CheckPHPExtension,
* CheckFileSystemComponent. It returns a JSON data structure containing a type
* equals to 'ReportCollection' with a value attribute containing a collection
* of reports that are usually used in the list of services seen above.
* Example of call:
* {"type": "CheckPHPConfig",
* "value": [{"type": "CheckPHPExtension", "value": {"name": "gd", "optional": false}},
* {"type": "CheckPHPExtension", "value": {"name": "curle", "optional": false}}]}
* will return:
* {"type": "ReportCollection",
* "value": {"type": "PHPExtensionReport", "value": {"status": "valid", "message": "PHP Extension 'gd' is loaded.", "optional": false, "name": "gd"}},
* {"type": "PHPExtensionReport", "value": {"status": "unknown", "message": "PHP Extension 'curle' could not be found.", "optional": false, "name": "curle"}}}
* CheckPHPExtension (POST)
* ------------------------
* Inspects the resquest body to find a JSON encoded data that represents
* a PHP extension check. With this service, you can know if a PHP Extension is
* installed or not on the server-side.
* Example of call:
* {"type": "CheckPHPExtension", value": {"name": "gd","optional":false}}
* will return:
* {"type":"PHPExtensionReport",
* "value":{"status":"valid","message":"PHP Extension 'gd' is loaded.","optional":false,"name":"gd"}}
* + The value->status attribute contains 'valid' if the extension is loaded or 'unknown' if the extension is
* not loaded.
* CheckPHPDatabaseDriver (POST)
* ------------------------
* Inspects the resquest body to find a JSON encoded data that represents
* a PHP Database Driver check. With this service, you can know if a PHP Database Driver is
* installed or not on the server-side.
* Example of call:
* {"type": "CheckPHPDatabaseDriver", value": {"name": "mysqli","optional":true}}
* will return:
* {"type":"PHPDatabaseDriverReport",
* "value":{"status":"valid","message":"Database Driver 'mysql' is available.","optional":true,"name":"mysql"}}
* + The value->status attribute contains 'valid' if the db driver is loaded or 'unknown' if the dbdriver is
* not loaded.
* CheckPHPINIValue (POST)
* -----------------------
* Inspects the request body to find a JSON encoded data structure that represents
* a PHP INI value check. By calling this service, you are able to known if a PHP INI value
* as the execpted value on the server-side.
* Example of call:
* {"type": "CheckPHPINIValue",
* "value": {"name": "short_open_tag", "value": "0", "optional":false}}
* will return:
* {"type":"PHPINIValueReport",
* "value":{"status":"invalid",
* "message":"PHP Configuration Option 'short_open_tag' = '1' has an unexpected value.",
* "expectedValue":"0",
* "value":"1",
* "name":"short_open_tag",
* "optional":false}}
* + The value->value attribute must be a string.
* + The value->status attribute contains 'valid' if the expected PHP INI value is found, 'invalid' if it is not found
* and 'unknown' if no value can be retrieved for requested PHP INI Variable.
* CheckPHPRuntime (POST)
* ----------------------
* Takes a JSON encoded data structure as input and use it to check
* if the PHP runtime exists and is between a min and max PHP standardized version number.
* Example of call:
* {"type": "CheckPHPRuntime",
* "value": {"min": "5.3.2", "max": "5.3.9", "optional":false}}
* will return:
* {"type":"PHPRuntimeReport",
* "value":{"status":"valid",
* "message":"PHP Version (5.3.9) is between 5.3.2 and 5.3.9.",
* "min":"5.3.2","value":"5.3.9",
* "max":"5.3.9"}}
* + The value->status will be 'valid' if the PHP Runtime version is between value->min and value->max, 'invalid' in any
* other case.
* + The value->min attribute is not mandatory if the value->max attribute is set. In this case, there is no minimal version.
* + The value->max attribute is not mandatory if the value->min attribute is set. In this case, theire is no maximal version.
* CheckFileSystemComponent (POST)
* -------------------------------
* Will look for a JSON encoded data structure as input in the request body. It will
* use this information to check if a TAO file system component (file or directory) exists
* and has the correct system rights (read|write|execute).
* Example of call:
* {"type": "CheckFileSystemComponent",
* "value": {"location": "tao/install", "rights": "rw", "optional": true, "name": "tao_install_directory"}}
* + The value->rights attribute contains a string were 'r' states that the file/directory must be readable,
* 'w' states that the file/directory must writable and 'x' states that the file/directory must be
* executable.
* + The value->location attribute is a relative path from the TAO root directory on your web server to
* the file you want to test existence and rights.
* + The value->name attribute is just there for client convenience to distinguish about which file/directory
* is the result.
* will return:
* {"type":"FileSystemComponentReport",
* "value":["status": "valid",
* "message": "File system component 'tao_install_directory' is compliant with expected rights (rw).'",
* "name": "tao_install_directory",
* "optional": true,
* "isReadable": true,
* "isWritable": true,
* "isExecutable": false]}
* + The value->status attribute will be 'valid' if the file/directory exists and the expected rights are correct.
* + The value->status attribute will be 'invalid' if the file/directory exists but the expected rights are incorrect.
* + The value->status attribute will be 'unknown' if the file/directory does not exist or is not accessible with the rights
* of the hosts has.
* CheckCustom (POST)
* ----------------------
* Takes a JSON encoded data structure as input and use it to run a custom
* check for a particular extension.
* Example of call:
* {"type": "CheckCustom","value": {"name": "ModRewrite", "extension" : "tao", "optional": true}}
* will return:
* {"type": "CheckCustomReport",
* "value":{"status": "valid",
* "message":"Apache mod_rewrite is enabled.",
* "name":"ModRewrite",
* "extension":"tao",
* "optional":true}}
* + The value->status value depends on the implementation of the requested check.
* CheckDatabaseConnection (POST)
* ----------------------------------
* Takes a JSON data structure as input and use it to run a Database Connection Check
* against a particular host, driver, user, password.
* Example of call:
* {"type": "CheckDatabaseConnection",
* "value": {"driver": "mysql",
* "user": "root",
* "password": "",
* "host": "localhost",
* "optional": false,
* "overwrite": true,
* "database": "db1",
* "name": "db_connection"}}
* will return:
* {"type": "DatabaseConnectionReport",
* "value": {"status": "valid",
* "message": "Database connection successfully established with driver 'mysql'.",
* "optional": false,
* "name": "db_connection"}}
use oat\tao\install\api\NotAllowedAPICallException;
// use unicode.
header('Content-Type:text/html; charset=UTF-8');
// clear sessions.
// initialize what we need.
* @param string $rawInput
* @param string $serviceName
* @return tao_install_services_Service
* @throws Exception
function getService($rawInput, $serviceName)
$data = new tao_install_services_Data($rawInput);
$className = "tao_install_services_{$serviceName}Service";
if (!class_exists($className)) {
throw new Exception("Service does not exist.");
return new $className($data);
try {
// Deal with the 'CheckProtocol' service first.
if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET' && $_GET['type'] == 'Sync') {
$data = new tao_install_services_Data(['type' => 'Sync']);
$service = new tao_install_services_SyncService($data);
// Execute service.
$result = $service->getResult();
$contentType = $result->getMimeType();
$charset = $result->getEncoding();
header("Content-Type:${contentType}; charset=${charset}", 200);
echo $result->getContent();
$service = null;
$data = null;
$input = $_GET;
} else {
$rawInput = file_get_contents('php://input');
$input = @json_decode($rawInput, true);
if ($input == null) {
throw new tao_install_api_MalformedRequestBodyException("Unable to parse request body as valid JSON.");
} elseif (!isset($input['type']) || empty($input['type'])) {
throw new tao_install_api_InvalidAPICallException("No 'type' attribute found in request body.");
} else {
switch ($input['type']) {
case 'CheckPHPConfig':
$service = getService(json_encode($input), $input['type']);
// Unknown service.
throw new tao_install_services_UnknownServiceException($input['type']);
} else {
switch ($input['type']) {
case 'Install':
if (tao_install_utils_System::isTAOInstalled() && !tao_install_utils_System::isTAOInDebugMode()) {
throw new NotAllowedAPICallException('The requested service is forbidden.');
$service = getService($rawInput, $input['type']);
case 'CheckPHPConfig':
case 'CheckPHPRuntime':
case 'CheckPHPINIValue':
case 'CheckPHPExtension':
case 'CheckPHPDatabaseDriver':
case 'CheckFileSystemComponent':
case 'CheckDatabaseConnection':
case 'CheckTAOForgeConnection':
case 'CheckCustom':
$service = getService($rawInput, $input['type']);
// Unknown service.
throw new tao_install_services_UnknownServiceException($input['type']);
// Execute service.
$result = $service->getResult();
$contentType = $result->getMimeType();
$charset = $result->getEncoding();
header("Content-Type:${contentType}; charset=${charset}", 200);
echo $result->getContent();
} catch (tao_install_services_UnknownServiceException $e) {
$serviceName = $e->getServiceName();
header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
header('Content-Type:text; charset=UTF-8');
echo "The requested service '${serviceName}' does not exist.";
} catch (tao_install_api_MalformedRequestBodyException $e) {
header("HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request");
header("Content-Type:text; charset=UTF-8");
echo "Request body could not be parsed as valid JSON.\n";
echo "Is your JSON data correctly formatted? You can check it on http://www.jslint.com, the JavaScript Quality Tool.\n";
echo "Make also sure your request body is UTF-8 encoded.";
} catch (tao_install_api_InvalidAPICallException $e) {
header("HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request");
header("Content-Type:text; charset=UTF-8");
echo $e->getMessage();
} catch (NotAllowedAPICallException $e) {
header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden');
header('Content-Type:text; charset=UTF-8');
echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();
} catch (Exception $e) {
header('HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error');
header('Content-Type:text; charset=UTF-8');
echo "Fatal error: " . $e->getMessage();
$_SESSION = [];