
70 lines
2.8 KiB

(function ($) {
if(typeof $.cookie == "undefined") throw "jsTree cookie: jQuery cookie plugin not included.";
$.extend($.tree.plugins, {
"cookie" : {
defaults : {
prefix : "", // a prefix that will be used for all cookies for this tree
options : {
expires: false,
path: false,
domain: false,
secure: false
types : {
selected : true, // should we set the selected cookie
open : true // should we set the open cookie
keep_selected : false, // should we merge with the selected option or overwrite it
keep_opened : false // should we merge with the opened option or overwrite it
set_cookie : function (type) {
var opts = $.extend(true, {}, $.tree.plugins.cookie.defaults, this.settings.plugins.cookie);
if(opts.types[type] !== true) return false;
switch(type) {
case "selected":
if(this.settings.rules.multiple != false && this.selected_arr.length > 1) {
var val = Array();
$.each(this.selected_arr, function () {
if(this.attr("id")) { val.push(this.attr("id")); }
val = val.join(",");
else var val = this.selected ? this.selected.attr("id") : false;
$.cookie(opts.prefix + 'selected', val, opts.options);
case "open":
var str = "";
this.container.find("li.open").each(function (i) { if(this.id) { str += this.id + ","; } });
$.cookie(opts.prefix + 'open', str.replace(/,$/ig,""), opts.options);
callbacks : {
oninit : function (t) {
var opts = $.extend(true, {}, $.tree.plugins.cookie.defaults, this.settings.plugins.cookie);
var tmp = false;
tmp = $.cookie(opts.prefix + 'open');
if(tmp) {
tmp = tmp.split(",");
if(opts.keep_opened) this.settings.opened = $.unique($.merge(tmp, this.settings.opened));
else this.settings.opened = tmp;
tmp = $.cookie(opts.prefix + 'selected');
if(tmp) {
tmp = tmp.split(",");
if(opts.keep_selected) this.settings.selected = $.unique($.merge(tmp, this.settings.opened));
else this.settings.selected = tmp;
onchange : function() { $.tree.plugins.cookie.set_cookie.apply(this, ["selected"]); },
onopen : function() { $.tree.plugins.cookie.set_cookie.apply(this, ["open"]); },
onclose : function() { $.tree.plugins.cookie.set_cookie.apply(this, ["open"]); },
ondelete : function() { $.tree.plugins.cookie.set_cookie.apply(this, ["open"]); },
oncopy : function() { $.tree.plugins.cookie.set_cookie.apply(this, ["open"]); },
oncreate : function() { $.tree.plugins.cookie.set_cookie.apply(this, ["open"]); },
onmoved : function() { $.tree.plugins.cookie.set_cookie.apply(this, ["open"]); }