284 lines
9.1 KiB
284 lines
9.1 KiB
require_once 'OAuth.php';
// Replace this with some real function that pulls from the LMS.
function getLMSDummyData()
$parms = [
"resource_link_id" => "120988f929-274612",
"resource_link_title" => "Weekly Blog",
"resource_link_description" => "Each student needs to reflect on the weekly reading. These should be one paragraph long.",
"user_id" => "292832126",
"roles" => "Instructor", // or Learner
"lis_person_name_full" => 'Jane Q. Public',
"lis_person_contact_email_primary" => "user@school.edu",
"lis_person_sourcedid" => "school.edu:user",
"context_id" => "456434513",
"context_title" => "Design of Personal Environments",
"context_label" => "SI182",
return $parms;
function validateDescriptor($descriptor)
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmldata);
if (! $xml) {
echo("Error parsing Descriptor XML\n");
$launch_url = $xml->secure_launch_url[0];
if (! $launch_url) {
$launch_url = $xml->launch_url[0];
if ($launch_url) {
$launch_url = (string) $launch_url;
return $launch_url;
// Parse a descriptor
function launchInfo($xmldata)
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmldata);
if (! $xml) {
echo("Error parsing Descriptor XML\n");
$launch_url = $xml->secure_launch_url[0];
if (! $launch_url) {
$launch_url = $xml->launch_url[0];
if ($launch_url) {
$launch_url = (string) $launch_url;
$custom = [];
if ($xml->custom[0]->parameter) {
foreach ($xml->custom[0]->parameter as $resource) {
$key = (string) $resource['key'];
$key = strtolower($key);
$nk = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($key); $i++) {
$ch = substr($key, $i, 1);
if ($ch >= "a" && $ch <= "z") {
$nk .= $ch;
} elseif ($ch >= "0" && $ch <= "9") {
$nk .= $ch;
} else {
$nk .= "_";
$value = (string) $resource;
$custom["custom_" . $nk] = $value;
return ["launch_url" => $launch_url, "custom" => $custom ] ;
function split_custom_parameters($customstr)
$lines = preg_split("/[\n;]/", $customstr);
$retval = [];
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$pos = strpos($line, "=");
if ($pos === false || $pos < 1) {
$key = trim(substr($line, 0, $pos));
$val = trim(substr($line, $pos + 1));
$key = map_keyname($key);
$retval['custom_' . $key] = $val;
return $retval;
function map_keyname($key)
$newkey = "";
$key = strtolower(trim($key));
foreach (str_split($key) as $ch) {
if (($ch >= 'a' && $ch <= 'z') || ($ch >= '0' && $ch <= '9')) {
$newkey .= $ch;
} else {
$newkey .= '_';
return $newkey;
function signParameters(
$submit_text = false,
$org_id = false,
$org_desc = false
) {
global $last_base_string;
$parms = $oldparms;
if (! isset($parms["lti_version"])) {
$parms["lti_version"] = "LTI-1p0";
if (! isset($parms["lti_message_type"])) {
$parms["lti_message_type"] = "basic-lti-launch-request";
if (! isset($parms["oauth_callback"])) {
$parms["oauth_callback"] = "about:blank";
if ($org_id) {
$parms["tool_consumer_instance_guid"] = $org_id;
if ($org_desc) {
$parms["tool_consumer_instance_description"] = $org_desc;
if ($submit_text) {
$parms["ext_submit"] = $submit_text;
$test_token = '';
$hmac_method = new OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1();
$test_consumer = new OAuthConsumer($oauth_consumer_key, $oauth_consumer_secret, null);
$acc_req = OAuthRequest::from_consumer_and_token($test_consumer, $test_token, $method, $endpoint, $parms);
$acc_req->sign_request($hmac_method, $test_consumer, $test_token);
// Pass this back up "out of band" for debugging
$last_base_string = $acc_req->get_signature_base_string();
$newparms = $acc_req->get_parameters();
return $newparms;
function signOnly($oldparms, $endpoint, $method, $oauth_consumer_key, $oauth_consumer_secret)
global $last_base_string;
$parms = $oldparms;
$test_token = '';
$hmac_method = new OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1();
$test_consumer = new OAuthConsumer($oauth_consumer_key, $oauth_consumer_secret, null);
$acc_req = OAuthRequest::from_consumer_and_token($test_consumer, $test_token, $method, $endpoint, $parms);
$acc_req->sign_request($hmac_method, $test_consumer, $test_token);
// Pass this back up "out of band" for debugging
$last_base_string = $acc_req->get_signature_base_string();
$newparms = $acc_req->get_parameters();
return $newparms;
function postLaunchHTML($newparms, $endpoint, $debug = false, $iframeattr = false)
global $last_base_string;
$r = "<div id=\"ltiLaunchFormSubmitArea\">\n";
if ($iframeattr) {
$r = "<form action=\"" . $endpoint . "\" name=\"ltiLaunchForm\" id=\"ltiLaunchForm\" method=\"post\" target=\"basicltiLaunchFrame\" encType=\"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\">\n" ;
} else {
$r = "<form action=\"" . $endpoint . "\" name=\"ltiLaunchForm\" id=\"ltiLaunchForm\" method=\"post\" encType=\"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\">\n" ;
$submit_text = $newparms['ext_submit'];
foreach ($newparms as $key => $value) {
$key = htmlspecialchars($key);
$value = htmlspecialchars($value);
if ($key == "ext_submit") {
$r .= "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"";
} else {
$r .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"";
$r .= $key;
$r .= "\" value=\"";
$r .= $value;
$r .= "\"/>\n";
if ($debug) {
$r .= "<script language=\"javascript\"> \n";
$r .= " //<![CDATA[ \n" ;
$r .= "function basicltiDebugToggle() {\n";
$r .= " var ele = document.getElementById(\"basicltiDebug\");\n";
$r .= " if(ele.style.display == \"block\") {\n";
$r .= " ele.style.display = \"none\";\n";
$r .= " }\n";
$r .= " else {\n";
$r .= " ele.style.display = \"block\";\n";
$r .= " }\n";
$r .= "} \n";
$r .= " //]]> \n" ;
$r .= "</script>\n";
$r .= "<a id=\"displayText\" href=\"javascript:basicltiDebugToggle();\">";
$r .= get_string("toggle_debug_data", "basiclti") . "</a>\n";
$r .= "<div id=\"basicltiDebug\" style=\"display:none\">\n";
$r .= "<b>" . get_string("basiclti_endpoint", "basiclti") . "</b><br/>\n";
$r .= $endpoint . "<br/>\n <br/>\n";
$r .= "<b>" . get_string("basiclti_parameters", "basiclti") . "</b><br/>\n";
foreach ($newparms as $key => $value) {
$key = htmlspecialchars($key);
$value = htmlspecialchars($value);
$r .= "$key = $value<br/>\n";
$r .= " <br/>\n";
$r .= "<p><b>" . get_string("basiclti_base_string", "basiclti") . "</b><br/>\n" . $last_base_string . "</p>\n";
$r .= "</div>\n";
$r .= "</form>\n";
if ($iframeattr) {
$r .= "<iframe name=\"basicltiLaunchFrame\" id=\"basicltiLaunchFrame\" src=\"\"\n";
$r .= $iframeattr . ">\n<p>" . get_string("frames_required", "basiclti") . "</p>\n</iframe>\n";
if (! $debug) {
$ext_submit = "ext_submit";
$ext_submit_text = $submit_text;
$r .= " <script type=\"text/javascript\"> \n" .
" //<![CDATA[ \n" .
" document.getElementById(\"ltiLaunchForm\").style.display = \"none\";\n" .
" nei = document.createElement('input');\n" .
" nei.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');\n" .
" nei.setAttribute('name', '" . $ext_submit . "');\n" .
" nei.setAttribute('value', '" . $ext_submit_text . "');\n" .
" document.getElementById(\"ltiLaunchForm\").appendChild(nei);\n" .
" document.ltiLaunchForm.submit(); \n" .
" //]]> \n" .
" </script> \n";
$r .= "</div>\n";
return $r;
/* This is a bit of homage to Moodle's pattern of internationalisation */
function get_string($key, $bundle)
return $key;
function do_post_request($url, $data, $optional_headers = null)
$params = ['http' => [
'method' => 'POST',
'content' => $data
if ($optional_headers !== null) {
$header = $optional_headers . "\r\n";
// $header = $header . "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
$params['http']['header'] = $header;
$ctx = stream_context_create($params);
$fp = @fopen($url, 'rb', false, $ctx);
if (!$fp) {
throw new Exception("Problem with $url, $php_errormsg");
$response = @stream_get_contents($fp);
if ($response === false) {
throw new Exception("Problem reading data from $url, $php_errormsg");
return $response;