584 lines
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584 lines
18 KiB
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; under version 2
* of the License (non-upgradable).
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Copyright (c) 2016 (original work) Open Assessment Technologies SA;
namespace oat\taoQtiItem\model\portableElement\storage;
use oat\oatbox\AbstractRegistry;
use oat\oatbox\filesystem\FileSystemService;
use oat\taoQtiItem\model\portableElement\exception\PortableElementFileStorageException;
use oat\taoQtiItem\model\portableElement\exception\PortableElementInconsistencyModelException;
use oat\taoQtiItem\model\portableElement\exception\PortableElementNotFoundException;
use oat\taoQtiItem\model\portableElement\exception\PortableElementVersionIncompatibilityException;
use oat\taoQtiItem\model\portableElement\model\PortableElementModelTrait;
use oat\taoQtiItem\model\portableElement\element\PortableElementObject;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareTrait;
use Naneau\SemVer\Parser as SemVerParser;
* CreatorRegistry stores reference to
* @package taoQtiItem
abstract class PortableElementRegistry implements ServiceLocatorAwareInterface
use ServiceLocatorAwareTrait;
use PortableElementModelTrait;
/** @var PortableElementFileStorage */
protected $storage;
protected $fileSystemId = 'taoQtiItem';
* @var array
private static $registries = [];
* @author Lionel Lecaque, lionel@taotesting.com
* @return PortableElementRegistry
public static function getRegistry()
$class = get_called_class();
if (! isset(self::$registries[$class])) {
self::$registries[$class] = new $class();
return self::$registries[$class];
* Fetch a portable element with identifier & version
* @param $identifier
* @param null $version
* @return PortableElementObject
* @throws PortableElementNotFoundException
public function fetch($identifier, $version = null)
$portableElements = $this->getAllVersions($identifier);
// No version, return latest version
if (is_null($version)) {
return $this->getModel()->createDataObject(reset($portableElements));
// Version is set, return associated record
if (isset($portableElements[$version])) {
return $this->getModel()->createDataObject($portableElements[$version]);
// Version is set, no record found
throw new PortableElementNotFoundException(
$this->getModel()->getId() . ' with identifier ' . $identifier . ' found, '
. 'but version "' . $version . '" does not exist.'
* Get all record versions regarding $model->getTypeIdentifier()
* @param string $identifier
* @return array
* @throws PortableElementNotFoundException
* @throws PortableElementInconsistencyModelException
protected function getAllVersions($identifier)
$portableElements = $this->get($identifier);
// No portable element found
if ($portableElements == '') {
throw new PortableElementNotFoundException(
$this->getModel()->getId() . ' with identifier "' . $identifier . '" not found.'
return $portableElements;
* Retrieve the given element from list of portable element
* @param string $identifier
* @return string
private function get($identifier)
$fileSystem = $this->getConfigFileSystem();
if ($fileSystem->has($identifier)) {
return json_decode($fileSystem->read($identifier), true);
return false;
private function getAll()
$elements = [];
$contents = $this->getConfigFileSystem()->listContents();
foreach ($contents as $file) {
if ($file['type'] === 'file') {
$identifier = $file['filename'];
$elements[$identifier] = $this->get($identifier);
return $elements;
* Add a value to the list with given id
* @param string $identifier
* @param string $value
private function set($identifier, $value)
$this->getConfigFileSystem()->put($identifier, json_encode($value));
* @return \oat\oatbox\filesystem\FileSystem
private function getConfigFileSystem()
/** @var FileSystemService $fs */
$fs = $this->getServiceLocator()->get(FileSystemService::SERVICE_ID);
return $fs->getFileSystem($this->fileSystemId);
* Remove a element from the array
* @param string $identifier
private function remove(PortableElementObject $object)
* @param $identifier
* @param null $version
* @return bool
public function has($identifier, $version = null)
try {
return (bool) $this->fetch($identifier, $version);
} catch (PortableElementNotFoundException $e) {
return false;
* @param PortableElementObject $object
public function update(PortableElementObject $object)
$mapByIdentifier = $this->get($object->getTypeIdentifier());
if (! is_array($mapByIdentifier)) {
$mapByIdentifier = [];
$mapByIdentifier[$object->getVersion()] = $object->toArray();
$this->set($object->getTypeIdentifier(), $mapByIdentifier);
* @param PortableElementObject $object
* @throws PortableElementNotFoundException
* @throws PortableElementVersionIncompatibilityException
* @throws PortableElementInconsistencyModelException
public function delete(PortableElementObject $object)
$portableElements = $this->getAllVersions($object->getTypeIdentifier());
if (! isset($portableElements[$object->getVersion()])) {
throw new PortableElementVersionIncompatibilityException(
$this->getModel()->getId() . ' with identifier ' . $object->getTypeIdentifier() . ' found, '
. 'but version ' . $object->getVersion() . ' does not exist. Deletion impossible.'
if (empty($portableElements)) {
} else {
$this->set($object->getTypeIdentifier(), $portableElements);
* @param string $identifier
* @throws PortableElementNotFoundException
public function removeAllVersions($identifier)
if (! $this->has($identifier)) {
throw new PortableElementNotFoundException(
'Unable to find portable element (' . $identifier . ') into registry. Deletion impossible.'
foreach ($this->getAllVersions($identifier) as $version) {
* Unregister all previously registered pci, in all version
* Remove all assets
public function removeAll()
$portableElements = $this->getAll();
foreach ($portableElements as $identifier => $versions) {
* Unregister portable element by removing the given version data & asset files
* If $model doesn't have version, all versions will be removed
* @param PortableElementObject $object
* @throws PortableElementNotFoundException
* @throws PortableElementVersionIncompatibilityException
* @throws \common_Exception
public function unregister(PortableElementObject $object)
$object = $this->fetch($object->getTypeIdentifier(), $object->getVersion());
if (! $object->hasVersion()) {
} else {
* @param string $identifier
* @return PortableElementObject
* @throws PortableElementNotFoundException
public function getLatestVersion($identifier)
$portableElements = $this->getAllVersions($identifier);
if (empty($portableElements)) {
throw new PortableElementNotFoundException('Unable to find any version of protable element "' . $identifier . '"');
return $this->getModel()->createDataObject(reset($portableElements));
* @param PortableElementObject $object
* @param string $source Temporary directory path
* @throws PortableElementFileStorageException
* @throws PortableElementVersionIncompatibilityException
public function register(PortableElementObject $object, $source)
try {
$latestVersion = $this->getLatestVersion($object->getTypeIdentifier());
if (version_compare($object->getVersion(), $latestVersion->getVersion(), '<')) {
throw new PortableElementVersionIncompatibilityException(
'A newer version of the code already exists ' . $latestVersion->getVersion() . ' > ' . $object->getVersion()
} catch (PortableElementNotFoundException $e) {
if (! $object->hasVersion()) {
// The portable element to register does not exist, continue
$files = $this->getFilesFromPortableElement($object);
$this->getFileSystem()->registerFiles($object, $files, $source);
//register alias with the exact same files
$aliasObject = clone $object;
$this->getFileSystem()->registerFiles($aliasObject, $files, $source);
* Get list of files following Pci Model
* @param PortableElementObject $object
* @return array
* @throws \common_Exception
protected function getFilesFromPortableElement(PortableElementObject $object)
$validator = $object->getModel()->getValidator();
return $validator->getAssets($object);
* Return the runtime of a portable element
* @param PortableElementObject $object
* @return PortableElementObject
* @throws PortableElementNotFoundException
protected function getRuntime(PortableElementObject $object)
$object = $this->fetch($object->getTypeIdentifier(), $object->getVersion());
$runtime = $object->toArray();
$runtime['model'] = $object->getModelId();
$runtime['xmlns'] = $object->getNamespace();
$runtime['runtime'] = $object->getRuntimeAliases();
$runtime['creator'] = $object->getCreatorAliases();
$runtime['baseUrl'] = $this->getBaseUrl($object);
return $runtime;
* Get the alias version for a given version number, e.g. 2.1.5 becomes 2.1.*
* @param $versionString
* @return mixed
private function getAliasVersion($versionString)
if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.\*$/', $versionString)) {
//already an alias version string
return $versionString;
} else {
$version = SemVerParser::parse($versionString);
return $version->getMajor() . '.' . $version->getMinor() . '.*';
* Get the latest registered portable element data object
* @param bool $useVersionAlias
* @return PortableElementObject[]
public function getLatest($useVersionAlias = false)
$all = [];
foreach ($this->getAll() as $typeIdentifier => $versions) {
if (empty($versions)) {
$object = $this->getModel()->createDataObject(reset($versions));
if ($useVersionAlias) {
$all[$typeIdentifier] = $object;
return $all;
* Get the last version of portable element runtimes
* @return array
* @throws PortableElementInconsistencyModelException
public function getLatestRuntimes($useVersionAlias = false)
return array_map(function ($portableElementDataObject) {
return [$this->getRuntime($portableElementDataObject)];
}, $this->getLatest($useVersionAlias));
* Get the last version of portable element creators
* @return PortableElementObject[]
* @throws PortableElementInconsistencyModelException
public function getLatestCreators($useVersionAlias = false)
return array_filter($this->getLatest($useVersionAlias), function ($portableElementDataObject) {
return !empty($portableElementDataObject->getCreator());
* Remove all registered files for a PCI identifier from FileSystem
* If $targetedVersion is given, remove only assets for this version
* @param PortableElementObject $object
* @return bool
* @throws \common_Exception
protected function removeAssets(PortableElementObject $object)
if (! $object->hasVersion()) {
throw new PortableElementVersionIncompatibilityException('Unable to delete asset files whitout model version.');
$object = $this->fetch($object->getTypeIdentifier(), $object->getVersion());
$files[] = array_merge($object->getRuntime(), $object->getCreator());
$filesToRemove = [];
foreach ($files as $key => $file) {
if (is_array($file)) {
array_merge($filesToRemove, $file);
} else {
$filesToRemove[] = $file;
if (empty($filesToRemove)) {
return true;
if (! $this->getFileSystem()->unregisterFiles($object, $filesToRemove)) {
throw new PortableElementFileStorageException(
'Unable to delete asset files for PCI "' . $object->getTypeIdentifier()
. '" at version "' . $object->getVersion() . '"'
return true;
* Create an temp export tree and return path
* @param PortableElementObject $object
* @return string
protected function getZipLocation(PortableElementObject $object)
return \tao_helpers_Export::getExportPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pciPackage_' . $object->getTypeIdentifier() . '.zip';
* Get manifest representation of Pci Model
* @param PortableElementObject $object
* @return string
public function getManifest(PortableElementObject $object)
return json_encode($object->toArray(), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
* Export a portable element to a zip package
* @param PortableElementObject $object
* @return string
* @throws \common_Exception
public function export(PortableElementObject $object)
$zip = new \ZipArchive();
$path = $this->getZipLocation($object);
if ($zip->open($path, \ZipArchive::CREATE) !== true) {
throw new \common_Exception('Unable to create zipfile ' . $path);
$manifest = $this->getManifest($object);
$zip->addFromString($this->getModel()->getManifestName(), $manifest);
$files = $this->getFilesFromPortableElement($object);
$filesystem = $this->getFileSystem();
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (strpos($file, './') === 0) {
//only export the files that are in the portable element package (exclude the shared libraries)
$zip->addFromString($file, $filesystem->getFileContentFromModelStorage($object, $file));
return $path;
* Get the fly filesystem based on OPTION_FS configuration
* @return PortableElementFileStorage
public function getFileSystem()
if (! $this->storage) {
$this->storage = $this->getServiceLocator()->get(PortableElementFileStorage::SERVICE_ID);
return $this->storage;
* Return the absolute url of PCI storage
* @param PortableElementObject $object
* @return string
* @throws PortableElementNotFoundException
public function getBaseUrl(PortableElementObject $object)
$object = $this->fetch($object->getTypeIdentifier(), $object->getVersion());
return $this->getFileSystem()->getFileUrl($object);
* @param PortableElementObject $object
* @param $file
* @return bool|false|resource
* @throws \common_Exception
public function getFileStream(PortableElementObject $object, $file)
return $this->getFileSystem()->getFileStream($object, $file);
* Sort array keys by version (DESC)
* @param array $array
protected function krsortByVersion(array &$array)
uksort($array, function ($a, $b) {
return -version_compare($a, $b);